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/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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File: fc62c883630e26e⋯.jpg (60.58 KB,614x921,2:3,497208709 (Eleonora Dobrin….jpg)

File: 0b2316e8b3e9291⋯.jpg (123.37 KB,1080x1191,360:397,373878355 (Natalia Ejsmont….jpg)

File: 1d6a1d48b2689c8⋯.jpg (120.7 KB,1080x1350,4:5,z1ou1Y8 (Karla (swole barb….jpg)

File: 240ce5d736a37c7⋯.jpg (133.92 KB,1080x1350,4:5,492441472 (Anastasia Akhty….jpg)

File: 1e7524e56841b65⋯.jpg (136.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,745880296 (Lauren Howe).jpg)

553101 No.139215 [Last50 Posts]

What do you think of muscular women? Do you find them sexually attractive?

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52d3a2 No.139219

Gross. Might look good at 20% bf

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d4c8d6 No.139222

Yes. A healthy mind and a healthy body are not inseparable, but health draws health, unhealth draws unhealth. My woman should be able to do what I delegate without a big fuss, and it's hot as fuck. No roids or test boosting though, and there's a point where the ahnald threshold is crossed, but fitties are still the best.

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4d5977 No.139223

I'm a vote in the no column. When you have man-hands, that's a no go. Admit, I wish I looked as ripped as that.

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32451d No.139226

File: beb0edc3d485a93⋯.png (708.96 KB,640x629,640:629,1527966191706.png)


I wouldn't say that I find women who are fucking jacked attractive, but if it is more of a healthy, fit and toned body that is more attractive.

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1fe6ff No.139228

File: cefa36ea2ba7a32⋯.jpg (149.24 KB,564x1270,282:635,0Nh4WMq.jpg)

File: 2eadcc6a9bbe22a⋯.jpg (41.23 KB,400x400,1:1,1446760775365-0.jpg)

File: 0fbd74e6237a6b2⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,640x640,1:1,1434317847944-0.jpg)

File: f5816689c984e31⋯.jpg (133.48 KB,800x1200,2:3,2f4d60e9076e9b745125f17afe….jpg)

File: 5ceeb3913cd02c2⋯.jpg (44.28 KB,640x494,320:247,hHsKuSZ.jpg)

How much muscle is best, /fit/?

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0222b0 No.139229


I like /fit/ girls with subtle abs and toned legs/ass/everything, but the girls you posted have excessively low BMI. Women are supposed to have more body fat than men. That being said, they're definitely hotter than fat girls, and it's admirable how much work they've put in to achieve their physique.

I do like the big, strong butt cheeks on a muscular fit girl, however, like in pics 2 and 5.

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553101 No.139231

File: c11503daed61342⋯.jpg (199.15 KB,1080x1350,4:5,922170 (Anna Kislyak).jpg)

File: d2243c6abd56283⋯.jpg (112.28 KB,1080x1350,4:5,404965969 (Yulia Shenkaren….jpg)

File: 87590e9d718cd45⋯.jpg (141.02 KB,720x999,80:111,970379 (Valentina Mishina).jpg)

File: 79a9a57a50891ca⋯.jpg (34.69 KB,405x720,9:16,751933 (Ekaterina Kuznetso….jpg)

File: 49922f0c0c9d1bf⋯.png (247.59 KB,602x602,1:1,main-qimg-08c604c77d4e5181….png)

I am OP, this is my personal answer to the questions I posed.

Personally I like ordinary girls, moderately muscular girls (as in >>139215) and highly muscular girls (images of this post), but I highly dislike girls who are just “““fit””” like 1-3 of >>139228 . Those are the worst because they have neither the appeal of a soft and comfy body nor of a hard and powerful body. They come to me as women who want to be seen as special but are completely unwilling to put real effort into it and that they do it for what other people will think, not for themselves.

I do like very muscular women, as long as they do not have:

*Masculinized facial features. I like cute faces like image 4 of >>139215 . Sadly, girls who are cute and muscular are rare.

*Fake breasts. They look ridiculously out of place and ruin the aesthetics of developed pectorals.

*Extremely low body fat (to the point you can see not only muscles but individual fascicles). This is very unhealthy and bodybuilders of either sex usually only look like that in the competition day.

*Tanned. White skin is beautiful. I do not understand why bodybuilders tan for competition.

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222f41 No.139236


hell yeah as long a it isn't a cross fit thot

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1fe6ff No.139239


Tanning + oil makes the shape more apparent because of the contrast between the highlight where it glistens and the dark creases where the tanned skin folds together.

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553101 No.139248



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9d79fb No.139250

If it has a feminine face and roid clit penis is not bigger than my penis then yes, Mr dataminer sir.

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2756ff No.139252

Not if it's bulky hulk-like muscles. That's homo

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8738c9 No.139254



>Also, I’m a MTF tranny so I aim for a feminine face and such. I plan to start MTF HRT soon and 2 years thereafter add a SARM to develop muscle avoiding masculinization.

This thread is just bait for him to jerk off.

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e9b160 No.139256


I doubt that OP and him are one and the same, but trannies must be boolied.

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8738c9 No.139258


The post dates & times are too close for comfort. Pretty sure they're the same fag.

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8738c9 No.139259

File: 4504d7d5e573cbb⋯.png (4.39 KB,418x96,209:48,fit girl thread.png)

File: 1add4d1d42acbd0⋯.png (29.25 KB,1799x298,1799:298,tranny thread.png)



Yeah, multiple posts are within an hour of each other. I doubt we have many Mexican anons coincidentally posting about being a fit MTF tranny and also posting an "are /fit/ grills hot" thread.

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583668 No.139260

File: 777ebcbe592b628⋯.jpg (61.2 KB,600x600,1:1,12376365_1021614347913276_….jpg)

File: 42704f096d2770e⋯.jpg (54.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,28750772_154542168553565_1….jpg)


>but are completely unwilling to put real effort into it

I think you meant to say completely unwilling to go on steroids just to be a pale imitation of a man. 99.99999999% of women with huge arms and shoulders are on juice ESPECIALLY if they're extremely shredded like the ones in your pictures.

Pic related is about the limit for a natty girl who "puts in the effort" both in terms of muscular development and healthy leanness.

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e68ad8 No.139265

Used to think it's ok, but no. It's a shit existence for women.

women = ego

women devoted to muscles = egox2

You don't want that shit in your life. Besides skinnyfat is better for making babies than muscle mode.

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4664e1 No.139268


I agree with the Bulgar; women are supposed to be nice and soft.

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589501 No.139271




Kys tranny. Fucking gross dude cut the shit you lunatic you're a man

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553101 No.139273


These women look fine and you can see they are serious about it, as opposed to the physique I criticized of the first 3 images of >>139228.





No. I posted this because I want to see the opinion of people with similar taste. And moreover, I am not attracted to men.

>This thread is just bait for him to jerk off.

No. Again non sequitur.

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d4c8d6 No.139274


If that's the limit, I'm satisfied with it.


All evidence points to OP being a tranny. OP, you will never, ever,


pass as a woman, especially not as a muscular one. Are you /fit/ or did you come here for advice on how to become a hideous juiced-up neutered transtestical?


Even somewhat /fit/ women have a natural softness due to differences in skin composition. Women have thicker skin, like Manny Pardo, and unlike a fucking beaner tranny who thinks hormone replacement and a thumb-sized guillotine to the cock and balls are going to turn him into a magic girl.

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553101 No.139276


>All evidence points to OP being a tranny.

You did not discover me, mock of a detective. I am completely open of the fact that I am transsexual. So what?

>OP, you will never, ever, EVER pass as a woman, especially not as a muscular one.

First, this thread is not about me. Second, you have no way to know whether I will pass for you do not know me.

>Are you /fit/ or did you come here for advice on how to become a hideous juiced-up neutered transtestical?

I lift and watch my weight but my physique is unremarkable. Also, I never asked for advice on AAS.

>thumb-sized guillotine to the cock and balls

I am keeping my male genitals because I am into women exclusively so it is more useful that way. FWIW, genital surgery (for those who have it) is not at all how you think it is.

Mr. Ameriburger, you are “““reading””” what you want to see, which is entirely different from what I wrote. Moreover, if you are going to criticize, first make sure you are not a complete ignorant of the topic, lest you come as an idiot.

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d4c8d6 No.139278

File: 998f247f8800ca1⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2728x2128,341:266,soylent.jpg)


>You did not discover me, mock of a detective

Correct, >>139254 discovered you, I hadn't cared to look through that thread until he pointed it out.

>So what?

You are not merely a beaner but a mentally disabled man.

>First, this thread is not about me.

It is now.

>Second, you have no way to know whether I will pass for you do not know me.

I do, because a passing tranny is as rare as it is fleeting: a genuine tranny not just following trends is a one in a million, a tranny that actually passes as a woman is a millionth of that one in a million, and that one in a billion will soon not pass. As the ravages of time reveal its true nature, the tranny will become part of the suicide statistic that ever approaches 50%.

>I am keeping my male genitals because I am into women exclusively so it is more useful that way

Well I'm going to give you credit for that one, though I have my doubts on it functioning properly after you thoroughly abuse your body.

>genital surgery (for those who have it) is not at all how you think it is.

The guillotine was an expression of how absurd I think the surgery is, if that's what you're on about. I know what the surgery is perfectly well, but perhaps you could educate me on how inverting your penis into a cauldron of pus and hair is somehow desirable and a perfectly natural self expression?

>Moreover, if you are going to criticize, first make sure you are not a complete ignorant of the topic, lest you come as an idiot.

I am far more versed in trannies like you than I ever wanted to be.

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63eed1 No.139279


>you have no way to know whether I will pass

Shoulders too wide, hands too big, hips too small. You're just setting yourself up for a suicide.

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c561f8 No.139280

File: ac761d964cc430c⋯.png (606.01 KB,995x684,995:684,hola.png)


top kek

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d4c8d6 No.139281


>one in a billion

Whoops, fucked up my math. (1/1000000)^2 is one in a trillion.

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553101 No.139284

File: 08831035893a0e1⋯.jpg (140.46 KB,1080x1350,4:5,1522231089618-1 (cassiane ….jpg)

File: 929e1b0cc8693dd⋯.jpg (101.43 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Rt5fIpg (Cat Dupuis).jpg)

File: c59ff8a2c169da0⋯.jpg (136.77 KB,600x900,2:3,681452284 (Brittni Kent).jpg)

File: b8fbadc38064a74⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,566x750,283:375,6c634f381380534 (Piia Paju….jpg)

File: 694425a4d1cd2f9⋯.jpg (92.92 KB,854x1066,427:533,970191 (Ksenia Maksimenko).jpg)



You can not “discover” something that is not hidden at all. And I am not hiding anything. I was and am open that I am transsexual. If you do not like that, it is your problem, not mine.

>I am far more versed in trannies like you than I ever wanted to be.

And in the same post you wrote a figure for for the fraction of trannies that is off by several orders of magnitude. Thanks for showing this patent evidence of Dunning-Kruger so that I do not waste my time discussing with you. So much for being “far more versed in trannies”.


>not knowing the origin of that meme

Trolls aside, I am back to the topic of the thread.

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d4c8d6 No.139290

File: 3982e071cf79eac⋯.webm (1.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,OHPLZ.webm)


>And in the same post you wrote a figure for for the fraction of trannies that is off by several orders of magnitude.

>he keeps taking my blatant exaggerations as argument points

Are you retarded or do you just not have a grasp of English? Besides that:

>trusting the complete bullshit statistics (((they))) put out

Genuine trannies are not common by any stretch of the word. Passable trannies are such a tiny minority of a minority, and it still falls apart as soon as you notice the finer details or get them out of the carefully chosen dress that hides their proportions.

>You can not “discover” something that is not hidden at all. And I am not hiding anything.

You didn't put it in the OP; someone had to make the connection; it was discovered that OP is a tranny.

>If you do not like that, it is your problem, not mine.

I'm doing this partly because I lost a friend to the memetic virus you caught, and he was nothing but a soulless husk the last time I saw him. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even a beaner like you. It's not merely a dislike for your disgusting life choices, I am writing out of pity for you.

>I am back to the topic of the thread.

We already have a /fit/ girls thread >>109863 that isn't run by a failed man seeking validation for his long game of make believe.

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553101 No.139291


<We already have a /fit/ girls thread

Fit ≠ muscular. Compare the photos in that thread to this one. There are some I would call muscular there, but most are just skinny weaklings.

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63eed1 No.139292


Get the fuck out of the fitness board, you mentally ill spic.


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ae3a29 No.139525


I hope you die along with Lopez Obrador, maricón.

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efc3d8 No.139566

Cardiobunnies is the way to go.

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efc3d8 No.139567


>El terror travesti.

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cc7bcf No.139593


Those are some long lived Spaniards

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c86293 No.139633

File: 43d568b3f54b212⋯.png (1.39 MB,1280x1280,1:1,43d568b3f54b212ec323ee5c77….png)

File: 028fc0115809a89⋯.jpg (55.07 KB,640x640,1:1,028fc0115809a89e9a850236f4….jpg)

File: 217b220aeb0d31f⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,620x774,310:387,217b220aeb0d31f7f63fab6664….mp4)

File: 9d44aa3629ed28b⋯.jpg (101.39 KB,1008x650,504:325,9d44aa3629ed28bc3d2c0500e8….jpg)

shut the FUCK up and post fit girls

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6d958b No.139643

Muscle is fine. It's useful, so muscle is a good thing.

Visible muscle is not. At sub-10% bf, women lose their period and are unable to conceive.

Ideal range is 10-20.

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aae920 No.139644


isn't the ideal 10-15 for men and 20-25 for women? under 20 I think is too low for women

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9cb9d5 No.139864

File: c5d7f6f10907dc4⋯.jpg (37.56 KB,640x960,2:3,584912478 (Angelica Enberg….jpg)

File: 6ca526f5b995383⋯.jpg (100.85 KB,612x612,1:1,xClXyZD (Angelica Enberg).jpg)

File: 07e29a6d1cf9e8c⋯.jpg (182.39 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,3EiL45O.jpg)

File: be19277952e0fb2⋯.jpg (143.96 KB,1080x1350,4:5,ztAYfmg (Lauren Drain).jpg)

File: 2560de7204f0c42⋯.jpg (90.99 KB,640x640,1:1,5n87ZKK.jpg)

New board >>>/girlmuscle/

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9cb9d5 No.139907

File: 3432e3e26551305⋯.jpg (666.81 KB,800x1200,2:3,13.jpg)


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068c2a No.139921

File: d19917f83a556c9⋯.jpg (116.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1016325.jpg)

File: 7016f42b88e7537⋯.jpg (131.62 KB,1080x1233,120:137,1012974 (1).jpg)

File: 2bcc41fcb8d27be⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1242x1240,621:620,1004895.jpg)

File: ca6a60315c2fdc5⋯.jpg (173.74 KB,1080x1133,1080:1133,1003407.jpg)

File: cc55d2fca1ac6c5⋯.jpg (193.18 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1005987.jpg)

I love muscular girls (especially the ones with freaky low bf) because I'm attracted to a girl that puts so much effort into her appearance. Including the roidbeast look, as long as she doesn't look like a man…

>but anon they all those pics look like men!

My definition is different than yours, they all embrace the female, despite their physiques. IDGAF if you disagree, I even fucked a girl like these from my gym… we fucked for hours and had to tap out from exhaustion, she wouldn't stop no matter how many times we came.

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65cbd7 No.139952


You are as close to being a homo as you can get. It's also not surprising in the least that she lasted long given how testosterone boosts libido in both sexes.

There is a very low likelihood a woman who puts herself through this kind of thing is mentally stable and a good homemaker. Also, why are you having sex outside of marriage? Do you people ever learn?

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9cb9d5 No.139963

File: 63588318a0ce0af⋯.jpg (95.05 KB,541x751,541:751,Yulia Shenkarenko 3.jpg)

File: bba5b3209901f74⋯.jpg (89.85 KB,526x751,526:751,Yulia Shenkarenko 1.jpg)

File: 47aa4a9df045c05⋯.jpg (85 KB,546x751,546:751,Yulia Shenkarenko 2.jpg)

File: 499b0847b023083⋯.jpg (124.85 KB,1080x1350,4:5,783389.jpg)

File: f7bd3dd273abcbe⋯.jpg (64.7 KB,537x807,179:269,967552.jpg)


Patrician taste. Do not listen to the cuck weaklings like >>139952 ; a strong man can handle a strong woman that can give good action and go on and go on!

I also appreciate the aesthetics of low bodyfat, but personally I prefer a slightly more fat, THICK look like this Ukrainian woman. I love seeing her thick legs stretching her clothes like that, the volume of her arms, the breadth and hardness of her torso, everything!

P.S.: Take a visit to >>>/girlmuscle/

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65cbd7 No.139965


>A strong bear can handle a strong twink. :^)

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2d1ab6 No.139986


If bodies determine your sexuality, I bet you get rock-hard for traps.

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1fe6ff No.140024

File: 276763d6a4daf02⋯.jpg (53.94 KB,500x705,100:141,2Ey40QU.jpg)

File: 11172a3088df614⋯.jpg (171.54 KB,1080x1350,4:5,7CEOsMf.jpg)

File: d2aa2a328999a2a⋯.gif (2.77 MB,640x360,16:9,1356910232741.gif)

File: e9e2a9983295c0c⋯.jpg (33.69 KB,533x800,533:800,1371758690136.jpg)

File: ab03596b9c030e7⋯.jpg (221.11 KB,422x698,211:349,1389625142442.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140025

File: 1f5e1619145b4a2⋯.jpg (45.78 KB,610x817,610:817,1413520806100-2.jpg)

File: a5b25585f8d706c⋯.jpg (73.03 KB,450x557,450:557,1419962765987-2.jpg)

File: adfc40c5e4d0c1c⋯.jpg (208.49 KB,520x757,520:757,1424327464257-0.jpg)

File: 9c36362ebf13413⋯.jpg (63.89 KB,614x353,614:353,1429966019025.jpg)

File: 6859129df61388e⋯.jpg (32.04 KB,500x750,2:3,1431190195259-4.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140026

File: 6671250134ab9dd⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,640x640,1:1,1431201756928-3.jpg)

File: 1f6039c3639f692⋯.jpg (92.49 KB,640x640,1:1,1434318615793-3.jpg)

File: 59cd6cbba7ecff5⋯.jpg (125.36 KB,640x640,1:1,1436715691010.jpg)

File: f0cb720bcd69022⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,567x1200,189:400,1443227662113-3.jpg)

File: 26382c45480c3b2⋯.jpg (48.19 KB,892x1024,223:256,1445918052068-2.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140027

File: f48e828117890c1⋯.jpg (25.99 KB,377x720,377:720,1446692147440-1.jpg)

File: 83c5ede403634b4⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,400x587,400:587,1446694968284-1.jpg)

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File: 39e98ee586664b7⋯.jpg (154.72 KB,640x638,320:319,1446782079482-2.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140028

File: f0cb720bcd69022⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,567x1200,189:400,1446782461414-0.jpg)

File: 1b7db33ff286ea5⋯.jpg (55.21 KB,444x720,37:60,1446787090275-4.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140029

File: 27d42ebe3cfdab1⋯.jpg (103.35 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,1447196153330-4.jpg)

File: 1dfb84313bf8e8c⋯.jpg (124.38 KB,1030x659,1030:659,1447282736253-1.jpg)

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File: f4f05b42121beaa⋯.gif (850.37 KB,200x202,100:101,1447518334374-4.gif)

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1fe6ff No.140030

File: e1cf5adbd0e6646⋯.webm (2.3 MB,359x202,359:202,1447723444672-0.webm)

File: 01735d0fad3ab46⋯.jpg (2.85 MB,3000x4000,3:4,1447723444672-1.jpg)

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File: 05da498576bb9a8⋯.webm (3.78 MB,640x640,1:1,1447766271567.webm)

File: 25b30a850aada2f⋯.jpg (71.16 KB,500x500,1:1,1447801114431.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140031

File: 760f0fa6e1a5fbc⋯.webm (232.97 KB,430x640,43:64,1447802988454-1.webm)

File: bdffd0a15491a18⋯.webm (1.09 MB,336x600,14:25,1447901146102-1.webm)

File: 15132ce12cf7c90⋯.gif (1.82 MB,462x248,231:124,1447938005043-0.gif)

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File: a7d1a20234f47c7⋯.jpg (121.34 KB,1080x1350,4:5,aeqgQED.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140032

File: d83b7f9d2a4fa3c⋯.jpg (71.21 KB,599x914,599:914,Bo2gJH6IcAABES2.jpg)

File: a76e9b06367915d⋯.jpg (94.41 KB,540x540,1:1,caMqZVR.jpg)

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File: 17db5e5b86582e9⋯.jpg (89.06 KB,830x960,83:96,irbij8qyxh2z.jpg)

File: 4a9b3fd7ad3b91d⋯.jpg (414.18 KB,1333x2000,1333:2000,j3dE3.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140033

File: af04666c9fde6c5⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,597x960,199:320,jWmAwSo.jpg)

File: 55209e0ffb742e3⋯.jpg (140.04 KB,900x560,45:28,jwur5wpwM08yl.jpg)

File: 66faee0a6161893⋯.png (405 KB,720x701,720:701,kZGXCjw.png)

File: f582b6571eb6f4e⋯.jpg (75.51 KB,736x996,184:249,mUFDzUy.jpg)

File: b34a1109a178cb9⋯.jpg (116.11 KB,750x750,1:1,n780uAh.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140034

File: 8891c1866f02e12⋯.jpg (608.36 KB,1080x1528,135:191,NpoMhDV.jpg)

File: a422f6b7249a616⋯.jpg (47.71 KB,640x640,1:1,rZjvHEu.jpg)

File: e171b32b5c7db4d⋯.jpg (91.51 KB,592x863,592:863,tumblr_m435e4BGxl1qb36p9o1….jpg)

File: 8173ffa5a62660f⋯.jpg (110.36 KB,1080x1351,1080:1351,TZHDSYq.jpg)

File: 45c19145498a285⋯.jpg (181.32 KB,829x1187,829:1187,wkw0N.jpg)

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1fe6ff No.140035

File: a3d4e22d5f110ff⋯.jpg (150.05 KB,640x640,1:1,xtYiBjJ.jpg)

File: e2532fc225c9a4d⋯.jpg (83.31 KB,400x801,400:801,ZkI3ztC.jpg)

File: 09bf78dcaa36da3⋯.jpg (36.94 KB,778x584,389:292,zTlra.jpg)



Stuck to the bigger gals for OP.

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65fab4 No.140086


It's always these king skinnyfats that say this since they're smaller than a fit girl. Any respectable gym rat can be much larger than any girl posted in this thread.

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0ba3f5 No.140131


gross photos

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e55da9 No.140215


Pretty much this, except I draw the line when I have doubts the girl could bear children. So she needs at least some bodyfat and shouldn't look like she's on steroids. That kind of thing is just unhealthy and unnatural.


>Those are the worst because they have neither the appeal of a soft and comfy body nor of a hard and powerful body. They come to me as women who want to be seen as special but are completely unwilling to put real effort into it and that they do it for what other people will think, not for themselves.

Did you consider that having a developed sixpack or eightpack already takes a ton of work, and that you may not want to look bulky in some sports? Martial artists are almost never as defined as bodybuilders or even powerlifters, not because they are unwilling or not dedicated enough, but because that would interfere with their performance, either directly, or because there's only so many hours a day has and you can't excel at everything.

Sorry, but you're full of shit on that front.

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5c9ac0 No.141135


Why would I find someone who will absolutely cheat on me hot?

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f23d6c No.141137

>What do you think of muscular women? Do you find them sexually attractive?

In that specific category I think they're just fine up to a point. Most of OP's pics are good, first three of >>139228 are fine, fourth is pushing it, fifth is a bit much but I can 'mire the cut aesthetically. All of these >>139231 / >>140035 are too much for me. Just my prefs, though.

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a19210 No.141143

File: a0530efb14f87ce⋯.jpg (9.88 KB,183x168,61:56,feelsbadman.jpg)

>a muscle girl will never milk your cock dry with her superhuman kegels, literally squeezing every last drop of cum out like when you push up from the bottom of an ice pop

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6f4afd No.141145

>Man shoulders.

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5dc0db No.141209


The shoulders of a weak man, maybe. You should be at least twice as large.

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6f4afd No.141211


Yes but women should ideally be twice as large in the thighs and hips before their shoulders.

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bb3f44 No.141340


>3rd pic

>Be guy lifting for 7+ years

>Able to DL 20lbs more than that for reps

>Look nowhere near as bulky

I'm just going to get some tren because fuck being natty.

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1a7d17 No.141365

I like muscle but not weightlifting level, I like tennis and swimming level which I consider better than just walking level and carrying a purse level.

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1e2209 No.141373

File: 8993b07516d12d2⋯.jpg (96.46 KB,640x640,1:1,1461556722041-0.jpg)

I wonder at which point it starts fucking with their fertility.

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6bf9f0 No.141383


She's tiny though, even by mantlet standards, so she looks bulky with from only that much muscle.

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2500b2 No.141402

File: d5cffeca415d343⋯.jpg (80.82 KB,750x623,750:623,14726291_197890637331545_2….jpg)

File: 89ad227fca4ee72⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1080x1080,1:1,32080020_1691386437642859_….jpg)

File: b1ffa87457f5ebc⋯.jpg (614.51 KB,1536x2049,512:683,vsco_080517.jpg)


Hooray internet

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63eed1 No.141424


Yes, and? The shoulders are normal. Perfectly good for rolling dough.

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958e10 No.141431


Varg made a video about that, Women shouldn't lift heavy weights it's called, I think.

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61d861 No.141448


That's not supposed to be counting shoulder articulation.

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a19210 No.141478

File: 1948401a0059065⋯.jpeg (53.49 KB,640x474,320:237,shattered pelvis.jpeg)

I want to have violent sex with a musclegirl, the kind of sex that puts holes in the drywall and splinters furniture underneath us. I want our lovemaking to cost us a new mattress every month. I want to fuck her against the hood of my car so hard that I have to bang out the dent later. I want her to be able to lift me off the floor by my dick with her kegels. I only pull out of she physically allows me to. I want our child to be conceived because she leg-locked me so hard she bruised my fucking kidneys. She'd come to the gym with me at 2am when nobody else is there, straddle me while I bench, and encourage me by giving me one thrust for every rep. I'd grope her tits and kiss her neck while she does overhead press, rubbing my diamond boner against her titanium ass cheeks. She'd lay on the ground with her head between my legs as I'm squatting, and give my dick a quick suck every time I come down, to make sure I go ass to grass and get the full range of motion. When both of our routines are done, I'd fuck her against the 2nd story window to show the sleeping city what's mine. The gym's normal sweaty smell would be completely overridden by the pheromone-laden odor of our lust. The weight rack would be 20 feet from its normal location and covered in cum. Then we'd make it halfway home before destroying the porcelain in a truck stop bathroom with another round.

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1e2209 No.141515

File: 430d142aefeff66⋯.gif (449.06 KB,500x351,500:351,050a285b98f42e58d0fb09b6ad….gif)

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8a3093 No.141633


I laughed hard

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2500b2 No.141640

File: 79f553670c0b246⋯.jpg (85.05 KB,610x1093,610:1093,1d94048509a44819b32461717e….jpg)

File: d1147f0c49ee106⋯.jpg (81.82 KB,610x1497,610:1497,04de18633f694d2facc06ff6a3….jpg)

File: b1c7818a6e68763⋯.jpg (74.25 KB,610x1122,305:561,9e47407a26094b7182387d9a1e….jpg)

File: 7f109924ee1e48c⋯.jpg (103.26 KB,610x1693,610:1693,93ffd8719fb5416eb6f6e32a61….jpg)


Valkyrie-mode all day baby

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a3f9ff No.141922


Men who get off on these are secret fags. The models are all mannish, on tons of drugs, and have to have fake, bolt-on jello-mold boobs to even slightly signal femininity.


The exception to at least one rule, still got some natty titties, although everything else applies. Also the model carrying the most body fat.



Oh, you poor dear.

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0ca2d1 No.142487


I’ve always wanted to fuck a muscular women. Do they suck dick well? I’d imagine that they would due to their massive trap muscles.

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0ca2d1 No.143035


Who’s the girl with the short, blond hair?

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24e795 No.143632

Snu snu with amazonians pls give

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cd4b21 No.143650

File: fb13ce3d5d6a3db⋯.png (97.42 KB,500x442,250:221,always-do-opposite-of-what….png)

>All these beta males frothing out the mouth

LMAO, she'll never fuck you, you need to be a gay man to find that hot, because 'she' looks like a gay man. I swear to god there's some sort of agenda to make women masculine and men feminine


It's easier to admit your a flaming homosexual and just get fucked by a bunch of buff faggots


most are lesbians so no

Its not like she'd fuck one of her beta male orbiters, she needs them to pay for her drugs

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6bfdfa No.143655


>finding the appreciation of aesthetics among all nature to be a homosexual act

THEY really did a number on you, didn't they?

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ac8145 No.143656


a normal, fit amount of muscle (like what women can achieve with years of training WITHOUT roids) is good but women should not have low BMI, it's not healthy. men should be like 10-15% women should be like 20-25%

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f4c511 No.143719


two things can go wrong i think

1. too low body fat and women temporarily loose their period

2. too intense of workouts and womens' bodies start producing androgens instead of estrogens

I think its easy to do the first, and more difficult to do the second, so most women shouldn't have to worry unless they're like a powerlifter or olympic athlete.

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cd4b21 No.143746

File: 552f4f40ff52bf5⋯.jpg (141.94 KB,1050x741,350:247,1542243496080.jpg)


>Man faced man bodied trannies

>Not homosexual

>muh who hurt you

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cd4b21 No.143747

Girls on steroids are unnatural, unfertile, and repulsive proto trannies that only a gay man or feminist could love.

Its easier to come out of the closet and admit you're gay instead of this disgusting shit

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cd4b21 No.143777

File: 09e7bebb7dcf17c⋯.jpg (557.69 KB,1380x1148,345:287,NuFit.JPG)

>Liking man bodied trannies on test, gear and or male hormones

What the fuck is wrong with you soyboy faggots?

You betas are why 4chan is splitting and /fit/ is a shithole

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cd4b21 No.143798

File: 581014c0565ed74⋯.png (298.97 KB,500x375,4:3,1304376955947.png)


Cardio bunnies are cool but only a dick sucking faggot who gets fucked by big dildos on the regular could find these disgusting cheating anvar trannies hot. At least gay men aren't as big of faggots like the trannyposters.

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cd4b21 No.143799

File: ea4202a3d94baae⋯.gif (2.58 MB,416x307,416:307,1542073182643.gif)

File: 315fdc4c6a75d22⋯.png (342.66 KB,813x850,813:850,1522441763141.png)







>Just date a man you fucking queer. Holy shit, actual faggots at least dont come up with all this bullshit cope about being in love with masculine traits, fucking hell, you'll never find a buff gf that isn't on roids/gay for women and that's why you spam these tranny threads on halfchan

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cd4b21 No.143800

File: 724690c63731bc1⋯.jpg (49.15 KB,428x469,428:469,MAGA.jpg)

>INB4 dyel beta males cope with their faggotory

Maybe I don't get enough soy in my diet to find masculine 'women' attractive. Oh well.

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52d3a2 No.148001

a bump for these lovely girls

there's just something about a fit woman…

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a75a7f No.148023


Lean and just ripped enough to see musculature but she's still feminine-soft. Otter-mode but not as lean, more-or-less. OP's pics? Pig disgusting.

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73d4b0 No.148039

File: 9e96d1bc964e9c7⋯.jpg (66.52 KB,896x896,1:1,20190505.jpg)


>Sadly, girls who are cute and muscular are rare.

Oriential bodybuilders, fam.

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c1851f No.148050


She should work on her thighs.

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a75a7f No.148054

File: 2874c6331818bca⋯.jpg (447.73 KB,1920x1200,8:5,011.jpg)

File: 5617366e023d524⋯.jpg (631.28 KB,1920x1200,8:5,073.jpg)

File: 266cf1028fe8e78⋯.jpg (513.91 KB,1920x1200,8:5,106.jpg)

File: e64dbc5370eb9d7⋯.jpg (646.4 KB,1920x1200,8:5,141.jpg)

File: 5b032dddfc423ee⋯.jpg (732.36 KB,2560x1600,8:5,151686.jpg)


Typical fucking curlmonkey. Pics semi-related: something nice to look at ITT instead of these shitdeous fagateways.

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79e3c3 No.148138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's cos it's Lun Chi, Chun Li's evil clone.

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bfc4bd No.148190



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892db7 No.148216

File: 2144884e65f7ba9⋯.jpg (352.6 KB,1751x1918,1751:1918,20190512.jpg)


Toned body, cute face

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cf1c4c No.148220


>Reverse search

>No source

Nice try lady but you know the rules, post your breasts directly without your hand covering them or gtfo.

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e2ae1e No.148238


You don't honestly think anon is the lady in an obvious professional/studio photo shoot, do you?

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2e2bbb No.148272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Amanda Lee?

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f8286b No.148285


>bare tits on youtube

The fuck is this degeneracy. Well I guess technically they are not human tits so it doesn't count.

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5d46b2 No.148302

Slight toned muscles is nice but girls really just have to worry about their ass and tits to look attractive. Big muscular woman look like men and you do you if you like that but you have to admit there's a little gay in you.

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a63512 No.148345

File: 768ef4c9422f657⋯.jpg (44.83 KB,696x650,348:325,2D5rENTRVUAA4jyz.jpg)

A little muscle is ok…

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20ad84 No.148471

File: 8d7c8ba70fee33f⋯.jpg (79.59 KB,470x800,47:80,20190602.jpg)

File: 1ad23f87b40d6ec⋯.jpg (79.2 KB,800x800,1:1,20190609.jpg)

<3 yoga pants

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20ad84 No.148472

File: 186ad0d15eaec17⋯.jpg (120.54 KB,720x1080,2:3,20190602.jpg)

File: 13796c5eea39451⋯.jpg (93.98 KB,800x800,1:1,20190609.jpg)

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52d3a2 No.148524

Dice rollRolled 12, 17, 16, 9, 3 = 57 (5d20)

thread repair bump

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82ec66 No.148535

Like with Like. If both partners are muscular - without roids, I think they'd be very happy.

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0c27b8 No.148614

File: ede18a5b05c3186⋯.jpg (138.51 KB,934x1158,467:579,20190616.jpg)


How do you do the dice roll thing?


Cute while being muscular is for me!

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66e704 No.148615

File: 60a30a12a4c7db1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.3 KB,320x240,4:3,1187914.jpg)

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6d7bef No.148664

File: 8e534bc6601a5cb⋯.jpg (113.87 KB,1200x801,400:267,Du0HoKiWsAA-2zB.jpg)

muscle definition on women is homosexual or worse, not natty.

women need subcutaneous fat.

Strong women is good but they should be soft.

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eb56d6 No.148667

Kill them all and grind them into fertilizer. They'll serve a better prupose that way.

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166c4f No.148669


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52d3a2 No.148697


> How do you do the dice roll thing?

Lurk moar.

Try clicking on "Show post options & limits" and see what pops up.

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9da6d3 No.148817

File: b3de0d329c4ed92⋯.jpg (139.16 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20190609.jpg)



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efb727 No.148973

File: 74b7a1b9b04e3d9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.96 KB,580x747,580:747,20190616.jpg)

Ooooo… muscle is never bad

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ce04c9 No.148992


I'm aroused and disgusted at the same time.

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f8a9e1 No.148993

File: ca1f006297557df⋯.jpg (205.38 KB,1080x1060,54:53,1560631642183787876.jpg)


>muscle is never bad

On its own - may be. But roided chicks even smell and act like males which is no wonder considering they literally inject testosterone. If you kiss roided chick, your brain analyzes her testosterone-filled saliva for compatibility and tells you this is A-ok, you should start questioning own sexuality.

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c816bc No.149017


>fake tits


Anon, I…

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5a86fb No.149111

File: 55faecc3c8dd3ea⋯.jpg (168.27 KB,1208x1360,151:170,20190623.jpg)


Is that Stephanie Marie?

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dd5819 No.149113


If you think of men while kissing women, it is you who should start questioning your sexuality.

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5ad9cd No.149125


You probably know better what I'm thinking about m8.

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1c10ff No.149130

>>149111 (Checked.)

Yo, EU Anon, you seem to be autistic about muscle girls, have any pics of them where their hips are wider than their shoulders?

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3b4228 No.149159

File: 7da11d103aae4d5⋯.jpg (31.83 KB,512x640,4:5,20190630.jpg)


What a cheeky.

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4302d0 No.149161

"muscular women"

ambiguous, remember the golden rule "if you want to fuck something you can't impregnate, you're a degenerate", wanting to fuck a shredded girl is mental illness.

A girl with visible unflexed abs looks boyish. Fit girls hot, muscular women ehhh.

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9f8896 No.149178


>muscle girls are infertile

Did the heatwave fry your brain?

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d39f21 No.149196

thats gay.

fit girls yes, muscular ones, no!

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e8920b No.149268

File: ae4c601f874b6d5⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20190630.jpg)


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101eea No.149297

muscular women are great.

Money was a hack and all research and theories that draw from his inhumane immoral and unscientific experiments is both invalid and intellectually bankrupt having no factual basis for their extrapolation.

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cb7544 No.149298

I'm a big fan of muscle women. Though I do see why others aren't - if you're fat and weak these women will make you look 100x more fat and weak.

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5a8d6f No.149306


Just admit you like penis, it's ok

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783be5 No.149310

File: 1f362b7bc31e35d⋯.jpg (41.54 KB,700x473,700:473,1e8c8ef11407fe18a55271e4c7….jpg)


Who's that semen demon?


>checking her IG

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c415d8 No.149313


This and also, back in the old days, muscular men would develop their bodies by doing hard work out in the sun, so maybe it's also a primal subconscious thing where muscles and a good tan are a complimentary pairing

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46636f No.149315


Foda-se, viadinho mamador de traveco.

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d9eff7 No.149316

lmao… it's like when you fuck one of these bitches it's like you're getting to practice with something that's sort of like fucking a man but it's not gay, it's just practice before you become gay.

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85f325 No.149318

File: d8aa1bfec6de331⋯.jpg (408.42 KB,861x1777,861:1777,6NMO4HT.jpg)


Why do you want a girl with high t?

Fit/toned is plenty.

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23682b No.149330

I like de big clity and ramped up sex drive. Nohomo.

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d024db No.149331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is way hotter and more feminine than any of the beefcake wookies ITT

When I think of a muscular woman I think of embed related

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c816bc No.149354

File: cfb59bb26c736e1⋯.jpg (8.48 KB,300x303,100:101,1433385043271.jpg)


>"He was MORE than willing to comment on record."

>cuts to a guy who's clearly seen some shit

>"Here's the thing."

>goes into explicit detail about licking face, dicks and pussies, him having to dodge a gigantic cock while the chub in the dress looks extremely uncomfortable while trying to remain composed to be polite

>"Thank you, ma'am.", awkwardly leaves

>"Big dick, though!"

Jesus fuck, my sides. This video is a reaction goldmine.

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604fd2 No.149355


That's Vet TV in a nutshell anon

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995590 No.149367

Women should not be muscular. She has no boobs and looks like a tranny. I figure that the only ones who find them attractive are faggots who seek the manliest form of woman they find. What i like about women is their feminity, not their manliness. And what reason is there to turn women into men that are infertile? And you want to call that healthy? Are you nuts? Women should not do bodybuilding and the only exercise they need is work and taking long walks, running.

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ce6ac3 No.149379

File: 6c2d4083e15dad9⋯.jpg (82.92 KB,597x800,597:800,222452.jpg)

File: 577c1d6d81612eb⋯.jpg (37.37 KB,472x645,472:645,ddb.jpg)

File: 941728126b45d34⋯.mp4 (669 KB,640x640,1:1,1200520.mp4)

File: 7746ffbd1cbb837⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,480x480,1:1,1201411.mp4)

File: 4cbc78c97477b29⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,480x480,1:1,61355771_825334537841927_4….mp4)

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118d35 No.149807

File: 8adf891c3c5069e⋯.jpg (98.39 KB,500x618,250:309,_chop.jpg)

File: 1f0f025e002b63d⋯.jpg (22.29 KB,402x604,201:302,_DD.jpg)

Aspen Rae & friend

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