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 No.3230 [View All]

ITT: Post your absolute least favorite directors.

I want to punch these motherfuckers right in the face.
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I like Rushmore, it's a good movie. In Rushmore, Wes Anderson made a film with a well constructed major character that is really interesting. But nowadays... his last movie, Isle of Dogs is terrible, boring story, boring characters and has even more formalism. I gave up, I don't want to watch any new movies from him.

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Andrei Tarkovsky: his films have the depth of a puddle and his grammar is even smaller. It's a farce how he acclaimed he is in contemporary Western film culture. I'll grant that he's strong visually but that doesn't make his films "good." He liked to cry about how the Russian censors treated him but they never gave him the Stroheim treatment which he was fully deserving of in his bloated self-indulgence.

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Holy shit. Are there any directors you guys do like?

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For me? I like D.W. Griffith.

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I don't hate a lot of the directors mentioned here. I remember someone tried to combat the negativity with a favorite director thread >>9910

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I sicnerely hate retards making big deal of them. Most of those hated here are either 1) babies first directors like scorsese or tarkovsky 2) oblivious retards like van trier or herzog 3) directors undeserving any praise like anderson.

It's much more a reaction on current critics and was shit/is shit/will be shit festivals as many feel to call them out for bullshit. Many of them being contemporary(70s onwards) and 'muricans just prove my point.

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>>14592 I agree. I don't really think Wes Anderson is completely shit, for example, but I won't agree with people telling me he is a genius.

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He's not the worst director to ever live or the biggest asshat around, but he will always be the one that I, and the 6 year old me watching star wars for the first time, will always hate the most

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So why don't you?

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>believing his lying roastie wife

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13 Hours was actually a solid action flick.

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Kill yourself immediately, there is no time to waste!

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>still believing Trashkovsky is any good

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>denying his goat status

Outing yourself as a pseud.

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You're a lost cause.

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That's as contrarian as you can get. Care to provide any arguments?

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File: 36b0966b603404d⋯.jpeg (17.73 KB,200x326,100:163,C_Cinema-2-Limage-temps_9….jpeg)

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If you browse reddit then yes.


Here are links for retards not speaking french so that you can offer me replies faster

https://monoskop.org/images/8/80/Deleuze_Gilles_Cinema_1_Movement-Image.pdf (unsearchable)


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I asked you about what you have to say about Tarkovsky; not what Deleuze had to say.

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What we have to say about Tarkovsky is very well explained by Deleuze, if you don't take it, I just don't care, tbh. I have already educated you more than enough with a path to follow and make you think.

Probably the other anon (who linked the "Navajo" versions of his essay) is more willing to discuss, so just wait for his reply; this is a friendly community after all.

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I think if you can't explain your position on something than you may be just parroting someone else's without having a real grasp on it

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>why should I tell you anything when you can dig through two 300 page PDFs yourself?

If you're too lazy to articulate it yourselves, why should we care what you think? Fuck off.

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bergman and this chap >>14182


can't blame him though, have you seen him without sunglasses?

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Apparently, you care enough to be seething.

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>willing to discuss

Not at all.


It's kinda like "recommended" reading. You don't go on /lit/ when you haven't read any literary theory too. Or do you?


Why don't you like Bergman?

For me it's Herzog, Rossellini, Fellini, Russell and Kiarostami.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Actually I love Lars Von Trier's Zentropa.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Woody Allen is a creepy little jew but there's nothing that says creepy little jews can't make excellent movies. Zelig, at least the first 20 minutes is genuinely funny and a pioneering effort in digital compositing that's worth seeing even now after all these years. I also recommend Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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Andrei Rubelyev is excellent.

Even Dwarves Started Small and Aguirre Wrath of God is excellent too.

Tarakovsky and Herzog are among the greats.

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I hadn't noticed that 2018 was the first year since 1981 without a Woody Allen movie

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Have you seen Francesco guillare di dio (1950) by Rossellini?

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File: ad917147b2c267d⋯.jpg (300.95 KB,990x560,99:56,WermullerMain.jpg)


>the biggest Fellini wannabe in cinema

God, that's Lina Wertmuller and she's terrible. Pure garbage.

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Yes, the only film I had some hope for, given the setting. Realists, oh, the realists, Vous vous vantez de ne peindre que des sujets dénués de poésie!


I wish I didn't look her up.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think she started out as a film critic, which just goes to show the value of film critics.

Seven Beauties was her film that the left pushed the hardest and it's so bad...watch the opening speech...the "Oh Yeah" speech.


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The Last Picture Show you said is "really good" is made by critic. And look, three of my seven favorite film directors were critics as well, Rohmer (who has strange talent to make ugly things beatiful, I think he's poetic realist tbh, really weird films, kinda like Rivette, like Balzac, vulgar, but God, he is colors, Heaven and Hell, outer space and the Core of the Earth, all in the same time, all the same place), Rivette and arguably Pasolini (I can't do anything but to like him, artist first in his own way, exceptional director, I can't help myself but love him).

In the end it's way harder to talk than to do.

Tbh, this is not contrarian at all, beware, I don't like Żuławski too that much, but I still like him very much. I think artificial, human creativity is always superior to what's natural, and seem much more natural as well; compare being possessed by mask to not having any, acting truthful, not acting; shallow, inaccurate, sketch, but finished, as if it were complete, as if painting doesn't exist. Same with Herzog I guess, although I like, despite what I said, Aguirre very much. Herz aus Glas too.

Anarchy, discord in art have nothing to do with anarchy, discord in real life. One is lie chiselled to seem true and the other truth. And look at it also this way; Art is perfection. Art is bigger and better in every single aspect than Life, Art is what you want Life to be, Art is Life but not. Once you take that away there's nothing but reception, overbearing shadow, throttling Death with cuddle.

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I'm aware I may seem like cheap knock-off of Wilde, but, God is my witness, I loved Rubempré before I knew Wilde exists.

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> Art is bigger and better in every single aspect than Life, Art is what you want Life to be, Art is Life but not.

There's a tendency by artists (and lovers of art), to deform the importance of the reality of art. As there is an art reality, there's also the "family reality", for example.

One must never distort the value of art, as to place it above all the other realities.

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Herzog is an odd one I'll grant you that. Some of his movies are among the greatest ever made; Aguirre, Dwarves. But Scream of Stone is terrible. Pretty much unwatchable garbage. I suggest you find a torrent and skip through it in oh 8 minutes or so. The music alone kills it for me. The worst dramatic Hollywood style crap.

Personally I have no time for Peter Greenaway movies. They're meticulously crafted with good crews, big budgets, and ambitious subjects so you can get sucked in, but the pedantic leftist, hell, marxist agenda is just too heavyhanded. Sorry I'm not paying to be indoctrinated.

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>Peter Greenaway


choose one

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>Peter Greenaway


Eh? Is it because he wasn't whining that sex is bad?

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>lovers of art

Please don't group artists together with lovers of art. Lovers are not even pathétique. Just like people who "explain" their own works. Latter so detestable it physically hurts.


Do you know any other painters>directors? I know only of him and borowczyk.





>Do you watch a lot of movies now?

<No, hardly ever. I find cinema extremely boring. The exciting, investigative things are not happening in cinema, although they continue to be happening in painting. Certainly in literature, and in still photography, too; but it's very, very rare indeed to find an exciting film.

>I've never found a lot of surrealism in your work, but here I found traces of associations, particularly with surrealistic film: dead carcasses; detached images of acts of violence; familiar objects found out of their usual context; an exaggerated, perverse eroticism. Does this reflect a new interest in surrealism?

<It's not a word I feel very happy with. If is the free association of apparently unrelated objects, to me it is too vague a notion, too ephemeral, too ambiguous. I do think that most of my cinema is very rational, highly unmystical, highly unsurreal. Why should we allow surrealism to have tyranny over the imagination? There has, after all, been an awful lot of surrealism before surrealism. It has now become a convenient tag word, which doesn't help us very much.

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>I think the whole democratic processes of art desperately have to change. We now have very post monarchical systems in the democratic Western world, but our artistical renaissance is still very much predicated on Stravinskys, and Spielbergs, and we have to break all that down and become very much associated with the social and political ideals of democracy. We should all become film directors.

Just readin' the first one. Maybe this is the >>15292 marxist agenda.

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Both artists and lovers of art fall in the mistake of deforming the importance of the artistic and aesthetic reality. That's why i group these together. Although i get where you are going and i share the same thought. Lovers of art and artists are far away from ech other.

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well, to reduce being a marxist to some declarations of a random guy who is against who actual monarchical ideas are stablished is even far away from what we could call leftism nowadays

anyway, Greenaway is just a common reactionary film director as the inmense majority of filmmakers who produce big productions in the present

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I've been called jew for saying that Heine's preface of Lutetia is more persuasive than Kapital and I've been called marxist for not being german.

In other words, I'm not sure what exactly makes him marxist and this is the closest I found for what he could be called one. These buzzwords suck. So question for you, >>15292, what's the marxist agenda?

And qestion for you too, as I'm quite new to film: why is he reactionary?

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All the popular blockbuster crap around today like Nolan and Tarantino and such.

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david lynch

ewe boll

m night shamalamadingdong

jim jarmush

wes anderson (with the exception of bottle rocket, but only barely)

mc g

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Look at this psued go

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Wes Anderson strikes me as the type of guy who should have been a cartoonist but ended up being a filmmaker instead, like Kojima but for movies.

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