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File: 1411288283420.jpg (2.38 MB,2212x3718,1106:1859,onedayfilms.jpg)

 No.240 [View All]

I'll be dumping stuff from old archives, feel free to join.
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whats dis

whats corehigh ¿
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They're "levels", like "low level" or "entry level". Pay no attention to them, and just watch whatever you want.
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How can anybody find a woman giving birth to themself (in male form for some reason) erotic?
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Speaking of which, there are a lot of cult movies and newer arty stuff that would fit in a list of erotic films.
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already watched so re roll :^)

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File: 808070a8979962f⋯.png (3.1 MB,1700x2670,170:267,cyber film.png)

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Also some stupid Turkish faggot I knew made this.

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What is /asghar/? The director?

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Asghar is the guy's name.

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Anyone have one for soundtracks?

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No but that's a good idea

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Is it maybe time for some oc guys? To help revive the board after the recent invasion. Maybe a new art-house guide or something?

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I felt very skeptical in another thread but lately i think it cannot be denied

How about some abridged guides for certain directors with big catalogues? That might incentivize watching some stuff

Where did all the newfriends come from

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Sure let's make something. Top 250 might be interesting, if we could make a list that long.

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File: eeee0013776f46e⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1500x1000,3:2,mucore soundtrack.jpg)

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not bad, I'm tempted to make one

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Why do only half the threads in the catalog work? any thread on page 14+ is 404'd but you can see the OP. This is important to me because I've been planning for months on binge-reading all the threads and putting together a list of films to pirate. Please fix if possible.

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File: 11065d2ef2522a5⋯.png (513.38 KB,720x544,45:34,Home Movie.png)


That is a technical problem with 8chan. Pages go 404 when some indexing process crashes. It's never been this bad before.

I have fixed 3 pages of threads in the past day. It will take more time -- fixing requires manually opening each thread -- but I'll have everything back eventually.

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Is this from 8chan or 4chan?

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Gummo had a pretty good soundtrack if soundtracks count. Twin Peaks' score was also good.

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In answer to your first question, what director/s would you want to focus on?

And your second question, I don't know.


Where would we even begin, I like the idea though.

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>Where would we even begin

I was thinking it could be a list of board favorites, not really a ranking of The Best Films of All Time because

1) imdb and reddit already try to do that

2) their lists are boring

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25 categories with top 10 for each? Or a freeform decided by a poll?

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I thought it could be a freeform thread with open submissions. If you like or don't like a suggestion, speak up. Avoid popular movies and try to cover a wide range of films and directors. No poll until we got a big list, then perhaps vote to determine the order of the top spots.

Hopefully the list would be used for people to get quality recommendations of *new* things to watch.

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Categories might be too restrictive, some films are hard to categorize.


Does this deserve a new thread?

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Good idea to make a toplist for this board. We talked about making one last year but nothing came of it. So let's do it this time.


>Does this deserve a new thread?

I will start a thread later today if I have time. And I'll set up a page to keep track of the list as well.


>How about some abridged guides for certain directors with big catalogues?

That could be part of it. Choose a few films from important directors.


>Top 250 might be interesting, if we could make a list that long.

Yes, as usual there are not many people posting here. So it may take a while but we should be able to list 250 titles.

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>No The Loved Ones



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File: 7801e1713819f5e⋯.jpg (1.72 MB,1430x3350,143:335,leftists_films.jpg)

Okay, which one of you filthy commies made this?

Not bad really. My minor complaint is that some of these are not leftist films -- The Lives of Others?

Also Guy DeBord is the most tedious thing I've ever seen.

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How is Koyaanisqatsi a leftist movie when it heavily references traditionalism? Army of Shadows and Battle of Algiers?

I suppose this is the "humanist" left brand that began in the 19th century but some of those contradict each other, especially when we add The Human Condition and All Quiet on the Western Front.

The Exterminating Angel, Los Olvidados, They Live and Life of Brian are even subjective if anything.

I need to check myself thoroughly.

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What is leftism anyway? Trockists hate commies, commies hate anarchists etc.

Some films like Nuit et brouillard are outright NOT leftists in any way.

I think the one who made it was one of the leftists who find politics when there aren't any

Buñuel has not made no political neither leftists films, his films has some themes in common with, hmm, leftists, but that's it. Almost every 'art' movie or whatever deals with struggles of modern human in inhuman world and has social themes. Not to say that he was fuckin dumb and ugly and only his first two films were actually good. Surrealist my ass. Breton was surrealist, but not Buñuel, who should have been publicily denounced just like Dalí.

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I don't know, Buñuel was a notable transgressor who liked to play with people all the time he made them pay to see his weekend movies but to say he made non-good films after his first experiments is a little harsh, when he tried to simply tell a story i think he was very decent. He did lack a lot in cinematography often, so i might not call him a complete filmmaker but i can say he was surrealist in the sense he never made anything seriously, he was a vagrant.

But i do think he played politics, just in such a level only he, his friends and some dudes who were in the joke could understand, he was expelled twice from the country, thrice if you count Spain, due to his machinations and got some of his actors killed after all.

>What is leftism anyway?

It's a mystery for sure, i also agree with you it was made by somebody who overly projected himself in the context, and who also thought of himself a bit too much. Or maybe it was a suggestion thread and merely nobody thought it would be contradictory that Army of Shadows and Battle of Algiers have both sides talk about swift and immediate execution of undesirables in an affirmative way, and then along with these movies they list Z and Come & See, and maybe Punishment Park if we think the participants were criminals.

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Not so much at all. He didn't like travelling and was making money, before and after war, dubbing films into spanish, if I'm not mistaken. Other than that he was some time sponsored by french family of aristocrats, Noilles, and after that sponsored by some american museum etc and constatly asked his mommy for money. I wouldn't call him vagrant, just good-for-nothing who met bunch of intelligent people at university, that held him above waters of shit for some time.

>he never made anything seriously

I think he was only afraid of being challenged, if it's true.

>But i do think he played politics, just in such a level only he, his friends and some dudes who were in the joke could understand.

not really

the whole surrealist movement coquetted with commies and earlier with anarchists, maybe they condisdered them tools, but his memories say otherwise, the movement as a whole sucked soviet dick until maybe 50s when sartre said it's all bullshit

for example there was russian ballet in paris? he didn't fuck one of them only because he, for some retarded reason, started to talk about politics and she was clearly anti-soviet

despite being surrealist, lacking the irrationial in everyday life and hoping for fundemantal thrill and change of life at least state-wide, despite his hoping for war, violence, revolution for revolution, the absolute nothingness, he didn't participate in the spanish civil war and was terrified by the horrendous killings by falangists and anarchy anarchists did

he once said he can't understand politics-fueled killings and was scared by them, but did understand and wasn't scared of people just killing people for joy, for nothing and said it's the absolute surrealistic act; you decide

>due to his machinations

He was spy? and propagandist for the republic when in paris 35-39 if I'm not mistaken and was banned for Las Hurdes, that was his only political film sponsored by anarchist Acin who won a lottery. He was banned only under Franco, eh?


About that, I think, have something to say: have you seen Los Olividados? Commies rejected it for some time just because there's scene when pederast tries to persuade some young man to fuck with him, then policeman comes and the pederast runs away.

It was rejected for one other scene too, director of juvenile detention center have let kid go buy himself cigarretes.

Leftism is mystery for sure, considering that stalinist countries were esentially police states.

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File: e12b91b5aa6ed61⋯.png (252.6 KB,792x495,8:5,meatwad.png)


>But, what is leftism anyway?

Generally the agreement of eventually reaching a society lacking hierarchy, or the process of removing one hierarchy. Even those who no longer believe in reaching said society follow systems made to create said society.


>Michael Moore.

If someone here actually made this list I highly recommend to the mods that they try getting their ip and leaking it so we can hunt them down. On the topic though liberals are generally not leftist in the same group that those above are as they do not want removal of a or/and all hierarchies, only to preserve it and fix certain problems within the hierarchy.

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>tfw not understanding Guy DeBord.


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File: e38aad919b92d34⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,1417x2126,1417:2126,org-arsenal-edition.jpg)

File: 09a14a00d992c35⋯.jpg (87.22 KB,540x290,54:29,org.jpg)


>Org (1979)

I was hoping to have a better version of that by now. I remember a trailer posted here for the stellar new restoration. The old version looked like crap - did it even have subtitles?

And what do people see in Muriel. It's my lowest ranked Resnais so far. I wasn't feeling it.

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Dice rollRolled 81 (1d100)


Dice roll doesn't work with the email field.

Instead there's a bulky dice interface. But it is hidden by default.

To unhide go to Options > Theme > Yotsuba B

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>he tried to simply tell a story

He lost when he took away the absurdity, the lack of reason, the internal life. Also, I think, his later works can be reduced, parts can be cut, it's not wholesome, something can miss and it's still the same.

Now, if I compare him to Max Ernst, whose works are true surrealism, who consciously unconsciously were escaping explanations, displaying pure and wholesome, unreducible humanity, compared to him his only true surrealistic act is only the first and partly the second one.

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How can Americans make war films? They've never been in a war.

They only ever picked on tiny countries or joined World Wars when they were already over.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


War of 1812?

And you shouldn't forget Saint Mel in The Patriot

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Americans love war. And those tiny countries (aside from Granada they're the size of a US state) know how to fight, conventional militaries especially the US Military hates guerilla warfare, Apocalypse Now is a good movie. And despite being only being in WW1 for a year it was still WW1, the most brutal war of all time, Johnny Got His Gun is one of the greatest war movies ever made. And Americans are sensitive to trauma and get mentally scarred from it on top of getting no support back home so it makes good drama.

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There's no better thread for it, so here's a list of films he liked:

Paths of Glory, Roma, Battleship Potyomkin, La grande abbuffata, Goupi Mains Rouges, Jeux interdits, early films of Fritz Lang, Buster Keaton and Marx Brothers, Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie, pre-war Renoir's films, Persona, La strada, Le notti di Cabiria, La dolce vita, Sciuscià, Ladri di biciclette, Umberto D. (daily reminder that de Sica is retarded american, literal retard), von Stroheim's, Sternberg's(Underworld) and Wajda's films, Manon, L'Atalante, Dead of Night, White Shadows in the South Seas, Portrait of Jennie, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, La caza and La prima Angélica (he likes Saura overall, aragonian as well)

and disliked:

Il Casanova di Federico Fellini, From Here to Eternity, Roma città aperta and Romance sentimentale (the second one is worse than the first, seems impossible, I know)

He actually hates Dos Passos, Hemingway and Steinbeck too, for which I like him very much, overrated rubbish, rubbish. But, in the end, he himself is overrated as fuck, put on piedestal by brainlets and retards like Gustavo Alatriste who saw Viridiana six times and then shout "I finally get it!". All clueless, brainless demystifiers and explainers should be shot dead. And tbh, saw Tristana recently, really, he's no surrealist(at least his second french period totally isn't), just like in Viridiana, blunt, stupid symbolism, beating the shit out of my eyes, that would be nothing but his films are that, should be that, should've been that, when you take that away, you get lacking, boring camera, like the mexanon already said, cheap props, hasty, or, rather, no production, way better done herzog-esque bullshit, self-injection of his (based) opinions into each and every character (I don't know why he didn't like Borges honestly, saying he's complacent and arrogant, like, I don't like him too, but for other reasons) and "ohmagd sodep shtyrslf" feeling, but that one he sure has done on purpose to hide himself and get cheap laughs, and good stories, sometimes. That said, I like him very much, he's very comfy to watch (Tristana with its brownish pallete is as comfy as it gets honestly and I'm glad he cast Deneuve instead of Stefania Sandrelli), knowing nothing will ever suprise you, yet you finish it, funny, sometimes bit kitschy, but no Fellini or Russel, with "overdone" "vivid" imagery, with "imagination", them being kinda art deco of film, but worse. And I like Galdós. Wish there was blu-ray of Nazarín, best film from his best post-surrealistic period. My favourite film from my favourite director is Belle de Jour though, the only one I'm sincerely fond of. Buñuel strikes me as the guy who hates printing press, neoclassicism, Strauss and superficial, but chose to be cynical instead of fighting against, for the return of the Golden Age of Art, ie Life. And, again, completely being in drag of his friends, not imitating them, but plagiarizing, parroting. Weak, too much of nothing.

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>Bicycle Theives

I never understood why they translated the title thus. The original translates directly to "Bicycle Thief", and that's really the focus of the film. not Bicycle Theives. Sure there may be two bicycle theives in Bicycle Theif, but the first one is mainly a premiss, while the second one is actually explored in depth. Also, the using the only makes sense when we see the second theft occurring, so it leaves those members of the audience confused (those who actually paid attention to the title) for a long time, and spoils the film for others (those who thought through what's happening and derived what seems likely). Then, of course, there's the fact that the film is only about the second bicycle theif, never about the first bicycle theif, but i already mentioned that.

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I wish this board, /tech/ and the 2015 /x/ were still around. I hate the death of places like this, cuckchan is the worst shit. Anyway, rolling.

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File: ca2114d8708465c⋯.png (711.21 KB,768x560,48:35,6f275f.png)


>I was hoping to have a better version of that by now.

Check the sites there's a newer rip

>Uploading image failed, Please try again.

>Sorry for inconvenience

Why is this site always broken

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