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További magyar táblák: cicachan, kocsog, turul, tutturu, voros

File: 665794f9795b480⋯.png (898.99 KB,1000x600,5:3,63f470071831efe3769c2e7f5c….png)

 No.4181 [View All]

Random animu furry kemono fonák. v6

424 posts and 542 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: a4dcc349da9b777⋯.png (2.09 MB,1024x1536,2:3,112233707_p0.png)

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File: c8076e2891f0c98⋯.jpg (155.79 KB,557x695,557:695,1696430846_silverfox5213_m….jpg)

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File: d70313984cc1bea⋯.jpg (525.63 KB,3ae5779add1e63342103eb35d5….jpg)

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File: f3f3128e2d4abb0⋯.jpg (659.19 KB,1920x1920,1:1,1698091787_fox_pop_f8_w3b8….jpg)

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File: c6df768b6b6a538⋯.jpg (347.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1698174721_sixthleafclover….jpg)

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File: 4a98719bf74fd09⋯.jpg (672.19 KB,1273x1800,1273:1800,1699384534_alanscampos_kry….jpg)

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File: 81c4f39a8b9a51d⋯.png (5.01 MB,1523x2420,1523:2420,1697483751_suelix_hwych.png)

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File: 4d2f1c34e12cff3⋯.jpg (513.13 KB,700x1050,2:3,1701100150_miles_df_pusi.jpg)

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File: 0f595e70b78c3d0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1250x750,5:3,1701979404_iskra_shakra_pi….png)

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File: 8025e261f1fe2aa⋯.png (3.92 MB,2184x1687,312:241,1702801973_evomanaphy_7776….png)

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File: 6759b04ab346f50⋯.png (2 MB,931x1280,931:1280,1703480104_whisperfoot_mer….png)

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File: eaa1ae354270916⋯.png (710.21 KB,593x1116,593:1116,1704052554_stealthnachos_g….png)

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File: d81287892b3fa07⋯.png (2.04 MB,1280x931,1280:931,1704689698_whisperfoot_isa….png)

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File: 8f100985d74671b⋯.jpg (531.61 KB,800x1244,200:311,1704989901_personalami_110….jpg)

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Nothing I love more than sweet pirate canine puss puss awoo~

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File: 774d48ad98a7e89⋯.jpg (528.81 KB,800x1244,200:311,1706454530_personalami_c8f….jpg)

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File: cfc277259d1b4c5⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,1538x1600,769:800,1706815532_relevancy_img_0….jpg)

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This is dead. Please all use /furry/ now so we are all in the same place and have a nice central board of images instead of being spread out on this empty website.

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File: a7e5f97430c6ad4⋯.jpg (491.39 KB,700x1050,2:3,1706732659_miles_df_doom_l….jpg)


The thing is, 8kun is broken all over the place with missing images and whatnot.

i am just keeping this up here, because of sentimental reasons.

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File: 4a266ef9052abdc⋯.png (559.79 KB,660x1000,33:50,1708251067_ziffir_2023_131….png)

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File: f7444597239955a⋯.jpg (555.62 KB,800x1244,200:311,116410583_p0.jpg)

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File: d181cb869052092⋯.png (567.82 KB,623x800,623:800,1694008720_terrygrimm_arct….png)

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File: 6ae3cf95291987f⋯.jpg (430.45 KB,666x1000,333:500,1708964794_miles_df_take_i….jpg)

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File: b1d2c895abb77c6⋯.jpg (136.94 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1710719638_fox_pop_1000040….jpg)

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File: cf49cdf6cc2d3a8⋯.jpg (499.31 KB,700x1050,2:3,1711044141_miles_df_swat_k….jpg)

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File: 51b62adcd4338c2⋯.jpg (83.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,1711496189_fox_pop_1000041….jpg)

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File: 92de061e6e5eefd⋯.png (1.06 MB,2350x2717,2350:2717,d74ae3540ede330be50efff201….png)


>i am just keeping this up here, because of sentimental reasons

Don't let me get in the way of that, but if 8kun were to shit the bed again, you might need a bunker. Places like 8chan.moe or endchan allow user board creation, but you could also talk to the admins of some other places like zzzchan or trashchan when something happens. Good luck to your board.

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File: 574be536ee545d4⋯.jpg (4.49 MB,3200x2115,640:423,1712012863_oselotti_duncan….jpg)


Thanks! :3

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File: 52260c024f4a484⋯.jpg (969.63 KB,1320x963,440:321,1713029640_fluff_kevlar_is….jpg)

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File: 88681dcc47f2c24⋯.png (5.03 MB,2560x1440,16:9,1713724849_fox_pop_dustrid….png)

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File: f789ff3b7ef54eb⋯.jpg (711.11 KB,849x1200,283:400,1714160181_multyashka_swee….jpg)

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File: 092c7ff1421face⋯.png (1.3 MB,660x1172,165:293,1714853391_iskra_backdraft….png)

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File: 8d069f05d0aec2c⋯.jpg (349.75 KB,1766x2087,1766:2087,1715552180_jesterwing_zasd….jpg)

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File: 37144efda6efef3⋯.jpg (127.77 KB,1536x1824,16:19,26aac5e7ac82b5d80ff5a82449….jpg)

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File: 3ffe09061c5fc74⋯.jpg (559.54 KB,832x870,416:435,1716264670_silverfox5213_p….jpg)

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File: a98b06fc3c5a477⋯.png (3.4 MB,2413x1527,2413:1527,1717049758_einshelm_1035e4….png)

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File: d46dc895b83fdf9⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x808,160:101,1717696020_whisperfoot_sam….png)

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File: 59cde270c09fbbf⋯.jpg (315.73 KB,1099x1500,1099:1500,1718473442_bonifasko_gummi….jpg)

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File: 3f156423c9ee280⋯.jpg (348.12 KB,633x950,633:950,1719161221_miles_df_wolfan….jpg)

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File: 172d9585b3d8d86⋯.jpg (277.39 KB,735x1000,147:200,1719592189_terrygrimm_uo48….jpg)

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File: 1884a1101f6d7fa⋯.png (1.42 MB,963x1400,963:1400,1720096435_f_r95_artfight2….png)

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File: 0c55eb6bad8a586⋯.png (1.9 MB,920x1280,23:32,1721015693_whisperfoot_jud….png)

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File: 076981a03f60e51⋯.jpg (474.36 KB,633x950,633:950,1721686112_miles_df_foxyfi….jpg)

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File: f25455889860522⋯.jpg (837.33 KB,1071x1500,357:500,1722012082_bonifasko_atwor….jpg)

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File: df47078bb80d6ed⋯.jpg (386.24 KB,666x1000,333:500,1722809409_miles_df_img_67….jpg)

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File: ccc6d8b99919f25⋯.jpg (268.45 KB,800x1244,200:311,1723131476_personalami_080….jpg)

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File: 436aeffbd2e0080⋯.jpg (619.4 KB,1614x2283,538:761,1723918607_woadedfox_overn….jpg)

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File: 34f05cd3d34ed4a⋯.jpg (1013.85 KB,859x1280,859:1280,1724360600_alsaresnolynx_r….jpg)

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File: 49bdf9cdc0e7f26⋯.png (2.09 MB,938x1280,469:640,1724903668_whisperfoot_sam….png)

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File: 78215835c7ef5a6⋯.png (1.35 MB,1000x1415,200:283,1725637050_coffeechicken_e….png)

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