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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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abd720 No.11288

The most legendary gelding (a man forced into writing by a small man's social rejection), in American history, was Chuck Norris.

He spent decades (and still does so, promoting), the film "Delta Force", where a Delta Force member is featured riding a motorcycle.

It's impossible for Delta Force to ride a motorcycle, the machine turns you homosexual as you drive it, so you won't pull right until after your turn is complete on a right hand turn.

Now dozens of men and women fly off the freeway as ragdolls, for wanting to serve their country proud; just like Chuck Norris.

I've offered you, the people, Mark Salib's American munitions ownership, by Japanese prostitutes, out of Berkshire-Hathaway and a secondary holding of account through lawsuits incurred on behalf of DC Comics.

Sad Dylan, was sperm stolen from his father as a child, by African psychologists, attempting to experiment on the Romalian genome, the witch hunter; the famous psychic ability, that hunts witches (those wishing to claim someone's life or job, lured by the witch hunter by a notable precognitive ability that scouts with their clairvoyants, their homosexuals; those not practicing lotus, at age 8 to 12).

Sad Dylan, made "Sad Rap", then wiped out the entire congregation of the doctor treating him, the famous "Dylan Roof" shootings.

I've brought you the death of Alice O'Neill, the basis of Resident Evil's "Alice", resulting in the gunshot suicide of Mary Kay Bergman (Disney's Snow White, and South Park's Liane Cartman). I rigged it up through a slot machine playing itself, a legendary prank from the community, on her gambling problems during her time with the Mossad as an author (of such classics as Superman 2, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory). She'd made love to my father, in his sleep, making me a bastard; a rape coitus.

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