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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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9c6703 No.11283

A saboteur, is a spy, bred to be an informant for the police.

They remove their father's origin of training, through being raised "Jewish"; veterans are therefore blamed.

A terrorist, is an informant, bred to be a spy.

They print a culpable news essay, on their unit, being therefore corrupt, through being converted "Islamic", a bitch under the common review of criminals.

The Jew, and the Bitch, don't exist.

They are a result of the cultures of the Pharaoh, prior to Thoth, the embezzling law.

An embezzling law, states that all monetary income, has to be justified by an output and a division of labor, any kind.

Otherwise, it is against women, and is therefore, homosexual.

Both Jews and Islamists are gay, however in reducing a status rank to a familiar face, or elevating a law enforcement official to lawyer.

In both cases, this is surrogate to pedophilia, the seeking of younger men or women.

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9c6703 No.11284

I qualified as Pre-Law History, during the War on Terror; the opposition to Islamics, Rabbincals, and USMC, their equivalents in the Muhijideen and the Canadian Army Intelligence.

My base qualifier was Resource Economics as a US President, and a Roman Catholic, against the Jews of Massachusetts, and those falsely placed, through Holocaust pornography, the targeting of British spies as "Jewish" through common print, the famous "Jewish gold coins" photograph.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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