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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: 0998103178dd993⋯.gif (1.14 MB,500x500,1:1,smolboi.gif)

 No.4203 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we discuss all things Sonic!

/sthg/ #5 - Low Poly Sonic Edition

>Sonic News<

Sonic Mania Plus is now available on PS4, XBOX One, Nintendo Switch & Steam.

Silver, Blaze & Vector announced for Team Sonic Racing


Sonic Mania Dev Diary #2


SAGE 2018 Trailer


Team Sonic Racing Gameplay Spotlight


>General Interest Links<

General Link Compilation


Sonic Film News


/sthg/'s Refurbished Drawfag Booru


Event/Video Streaming Site (There's currently a /sthg/ Cartoon Marathon running everyday from 5 PM EST with a replay at 8 PM EST)


/sthg/ Bumper Engine Latest Release


Previous Zone: >>3816

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File: 819887bc63b4cb8⋯.jpg (202.51 KB,1920x1200,8:5,db1.jpg)


Bread has been made.

Now, what are some Sonic games you find to be underrated?

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File: f4c7a89928aa748⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,540x432,5:4,tumblr_obr389V8xg1st27xbo6….jpg)


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Sonic a slow! A SLOW!

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My go to answer has been Unleashed, but it seems to have really started to see opinions turn more positive on that game the past couple years.

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Unleashed on PS2/Wii.

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File: 3d441dabd1b9d25⋯.png (24.06 KB,911x412,911:412,e3f2195e1ae6829a3283f65399….png)

File: 5f96e4f4b76f07e⋯.png (139.68 KB,503x340,503:340,1495388556898.png)


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File: 381e4fc9b7ba3e4⋯.jpg (229.34 KB,1484x1918,106:137,1462855515315.jpg)

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Does Sonic still have those books he went on adventures in?

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File: d745d3259ea4104⋯.jpg (68.97 KB,1090x905,218:181,Cp1ERJLVIAAiOMd.jpg)

/sthg/ I'm about to hit the bed to read Sonic comics before sleeping and you can't stop me!

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Oh yeah? Well which comics in particular?

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I'm going through IDW at the moment, going to read #3 right now. I mostly do it to stay current in Sonic things and to be able to take part in our storytimes, but if I get used to it I might do Archie afterwards.

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Well then, enjoy yourself!

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When you're going to start reading comics on a given day, do you start by briefly going over the last issue you read or do you start with the new issue you're supposed to read?


Surprised they just started namedropping things like they did on this issue, with no precious introduction (Hooligans, Angel Island, etc).


I am, thank you

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I mostly go back from the start, so I can fully catch up. Took me forever to catch up to post-SGW Archie, but it was kinda worth it.

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File: 5d31246216fc960⋯.jpg (286.83 KB,1710x2048,855:1024,IMG_20180322_222357.jpg)

I haven't been on half chan's general in 3 days.

I just prefer how slower we are.

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File: ec2d9460c90ebb3⋯.gif (307.76 KB,500x400,5:4,tumblr_p2jm0old1Z1w4gf3xo1….gif)


It's pretty comfy here, yeah.

Speaking of comfy, I gotta get some rest for real this time. Night all.

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I don't know what the consensus is on Spinball, but as someone who had it as a kid, is used to its jank, and always loved the first tables music, I think its a game worth a play that many people just skip.

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Good morning /sthg/!


Oh wow, that's pretty cool.

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Morning all


Best thing I remember about Spinball is how irritating the options music was & some levels being okay.

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File: d3ff8a9a29a19ca⋯.jpg (40.46 KB,564x564,1:1,eff110ec5.jpg)


It's so comfy here. I love it.


Good morning anon

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What a nice Shadow

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File: c062dbc1843dcc5⋯.jpg (113.67 KB,1200x600,2:1,Dl2JmYaVsAABL1F.jpg)

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I don't know if it's because of Heroes nostalgia, or the late Archie comics or what, but I've really grown to love Team Dark over the last year or so.

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That's an awesome picture. Would Shadow be a good Poker player?

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He'd be the Ultimate Gambler.

Sonic would suck at it, tho.

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Sonic's too impatient.

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What other characters would be invited to Poker nights? How much money would they lose?

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Don't you mean rings?

There's probably a "No robots" ban. I bet Tails gets invited once, but gets accused of counting cards. Eggman tries to cheat using special glasses/goggles.

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I missed posts like these

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I imagine Rouge, Mighty & the Chaotix could play some poker.



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File: a66995dd1332fe1⋯.png (279.24 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1521422153968.png)


I like them, but I sorta wish we saw Shadow do more solo missions.

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Would Shadow feel remorse for taking the little money they have every single time they play?

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Only for Espio, Vector would try to cheat.

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I feel like Shadow and Espio would get along

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File: 337e5b36c643870⋯.jpg (155.69 KB,756x756,1:1,Dl2amV5U8AAxr2s.jpg)

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Cute pic, I really like Sonic as Fox

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File: 0343a2534efdac8⋯.gif (1.02 MB,358x224,179:112,6615cf73592e8cfc8ed8cc8422….gif)

Chao, yes or no?

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File: d8e6da87275a297⋯.png (12.22 KB,118x111,118:111,Life is nothing but an end….PNG)


What kind of question is this? Yes!

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Only if I can bully them.

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File: f4b3196bc6e8ce6⋯.jpg (2.97 KB,125x119,125:119,chao suffocates.jpg)


Only if they take their implementation seriously and it's not a half assed mess like most of the games they make.

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File: a14b2f31304fd8e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,352.04 KB,640x480,4:3,alone.png)

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Shut up rodent. You're alone too.

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Rude rodent


Chao aren't for bullying

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File: 52858fdf0dc53e9⋯.png (245.45 KB,640x480,4:3,1518224696874.png)

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File: 90bf66ef5783b69⋯.png (Spoiler Image,774.81 KB,1078x1180,539:590,Shadow_channel.png)


I'll bully all the chao I please. Especially Shadow's chao.

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But y tho?

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I wanna see how mad Shadow gets.

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>he wants to die

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>that awful jagging

Jesus Christ anon.

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File: e1d72f561ed1f99⋯.png (187.56 KB,568x617,568:617,1453491306775.png)

File: 35b9579417a59ab⋯.gif (2.72 MB,576x324,16:9,1508258875939.gif)

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>98.1% NSFW

Well those bumps are fairly lewd

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File: f029cabe364abc6⋯.png (441.35 KB,1311x1089,437:363,1491716259735.png)

File: 16b0df747d95327⋯.png (2.74 MB,2800x5776,175:361,1434685652867.png)

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File: 36e56f45ccd78c7⋯.jpg (407.32 KB,700x490,10:7,1535771713405.jpg)

I know a lot of people didn't like SaTBK, but I fucking love the aesthetic & feel of the game.

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And the soundtrack. Don't forget the soundtrack.

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Oh yeah, the OST is honestly one of my favorites in the series. Story's pretty fun too.

Just wish the gameplay was better.

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I never actually played it. I should one day.

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Black Knight's Sonic is my favorite characterization of him

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I tried but for some reason I only played the first level before stopping. After all the trouble of getting the game and configuring the damn controls I should have made an effort to go a bit further before stopping.

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It's okay, but gameplay-wise I wouldn't say it's for everyone. Your mileage may vary on it.


Definitely one of my favorite incarnations of Sonic, tbh. Nearly everything about his personality in the game was well-done, even the little interaction with Amy at the end was enjoyable.

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File: d681104c50f8da3⋯.png (60.86 KB,407x531,407:531,1432831120573.png)

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Does Sonic really need to do exercises with all the running he already does?

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File: b9d09b170952d54⋯.jpg (40.77 KB,480x854,240:427,BydwaLACMAAXgQW.jpg)


If he were a smart rat he would train to improve his skills like his fighting and flying.

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Or finally learn to swim.

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File: 02769b56a95c03e⋯.jpg (723.29 KB,1920x1200,8:5,027.jpg)


>Sonic learning to swim

Nah, he'll just use floaties & a lifejacket whenever he's near water

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He can't have them on him forever. He's gonna sink one day.

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Thankfully there's air bubbles to save him.

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Not if Tails keeps stealing them.

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That just reminded me of a moment in Mania that pissed me off greatly.

Fuck you Tails

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File: ae974a61cdf1aaf⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,339x304,339:304,9eec00dc0b52c46a1218afd8cf….jpg)

So like…what do we do here?

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File: 3e63d1caf9df71b⋯.jpg (396.25 KB,1280x800,8:5,201112-sonic-the-hedgehog.jpg)


Talk Sonic & chill

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Talk about Sonic and Sonic accessories

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Talk about how much we HATE Sonic!

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Talk about Mario.

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How hyped are you for the Sonic movie, /sthg/?

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Is a negative amount of hype a thing?

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Will Sonic say swear words in the movie?

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The film is PG-13, so who knows?


Come on anon, don't be like that. Jim Carrey as Dr. Eggman could be more than enough to give this film some redeeming qualities.

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>The film is PG-13,

Not since it was handed to Paramount. It's now "family-friendly".

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>implying Eggman being a fucking human could ever be okay

I hate all of you Carrey fans.

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We go fast, of course.

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>God I fucking hate that Eggman.

Can you imagine Sonic saying this?

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The idea of Sonic saying something like that is pretty hilarious, but I can totally see Shadow saying it.

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Yes, and I imagine it with his early Jason Griffith voice.

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File: 0beda4fd8e3ad5c⋯.jpg (175.68 KB,1807x1668,13:12,DeQa3_UWsAYOzWK.jpg)


Tails will.

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Shadow's a terrible influence on children

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File: 90e95e55b248f1e⋯.png (525.64 KB,800x960,5:6,DlM1p5bUYAE_Htx.png)


I don't see a problem.

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File: b10b23a25a329da⋯.jpg (235.98 KB,1088x1540,272:385,1508375502727.jpg)


He's actually just another victim of that good for nothing Sonic.

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You do know you can embed links don't you? Because I'm having a bullying itch today.

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File: 850af6fa4ff53b5⋯.jpg (120.38 KB,402x517,402:517,1535377403311-vg.jpg)


Sorry I'm mobile fagging on an app, I'll make sure to go to the website when I post vids.

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File: e16fe395b4c4a27⋯.png (34.72 KB,1190x1278,595:639,1501984166176.png)

File: 922b6ddd2d1d718⋯.jpg (79.9 KB,640x479,640:479,1426909192103.jpg)


Oh… I never actually tried to embed from mobile… carry on.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not him, but thanks for reminding me that we can embed here.

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File: 765c06866828e58⋯.webm (10.94 MB,960x540,16:9,bp.webm)


We can also upload webms with sound. I need to make some more later.

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Sonic is the true bad influence. The most evil character in the franchise!

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File: 650efcceef74f3d⋯.jpg (72.57 KB,848x942,424:471,1529107756138.jpg)

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Would be appreciated, m8


A lot of things was happening, Sonic didn't mean it!

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File: 235f9516f712140⋯.png (939.05 KB,950x1350,19:27,1482792267339.png)

File: 288470bceb2df57⋯.png (1.24 MB,922x772,461:386,1482657120712.png)

File: 3aff247ff3b3e6a⋯.jpg (55.01 KB,487x469,487:469,1505064509029.jpg)

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Blaze, you have fire powers. You don’t need a gun.

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Hey sometimes she may not feel like using her fire powers.

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But does she really need to pack heat?

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File: 485fa0247f28c24⋯.png (Spoiler Image,40.68 KB,106x153,106:153,finger gunz.png)


She's always packing heat

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File: c8aa5217cd19db5⋯.jpg (30.21 KB,346x295,346:295,sleeping rats.jpg)

Night /sthg/

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File: 7e7f854c82eb474⋯.jpg (134.85 KB,1200x1189,1200:1189,DVe_oXPW4AA1YBi.jpg)


Sleep tight, anon.

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File: e0c3c58dd2568cd⋯.jpg (77.91 KB,645x595,129:119,C2S3oGXUkAETyAr.jpg)


Night anon.

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File: ca82f324bfe32b9⋯.jpg (472.72 KB,1250x1150,25:23,1509490809937.jpg)

File: a0ea72feb7d7554⋯.jpg (126.49 KB,692x944,173:236,bashful deer.jpg)

File: 5ecf0ea9438bea6⋯.jpg (359.8 KB,1124x1190,562:595,bump3.jpg)

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First one's neat and scary

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File: e592123729291ca⋯.png (918.24 KB,1024x1531,1024:1531,all_i_wanted_by_knockabill….png)

Is Sticks dead forever just like Marine?

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Difficult to say. We have no idea if Sonic Team plans to keep her around or use her outside of the Olympics stuff. Ian maintained for awhile that she is usable in the comics, but I don't know if that answer is current or not.

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I wouldn't mind if she was. I couldn't stand her in the Boom cartoon

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File: 48070a5ff3cc640⋯.webm (7.56 MB,600x522,100:87,Sonic-KingOfTheRing.webm)

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File: e2d0dfd9e862147⋯.png (27.59 KB,234x297,26:33,qt.png)

File: 8179a6a032a63dc⋯.png (1.2 KB,151x106,151:106,pixel bump.png)

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She grew on me a bit but I don't miss her too much. Marine > Sticks

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She's designed by Sonic Team so she does have a chance of coming back, but who knows? She can probably show up in IDW.

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He's said she can, but we'll see. SEGA could change their minds like they did Mighty and Ray.

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File: 36aebab0c1f9950⋯.jpg (384.15 KB,1691x1596,89:84,1440223760043.jpg)

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Blessed image


I suppose they could, but Sticks has been used in some Modern stuff in recent years like M&S 2016, Sonic Channel comics etc.

Chances are, they could see her as a Modern Sonic character, especially since Boom is dead.

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File: 3b1c859d53514eb⋯.jpg (84.17 KB,1200x675,16:9,Dl4kY7IXoAAJ2Cf.jpg)

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File: db71cb25f856d7f⋯.png (801.21 KB,1366x768,683:384,1535854019796.png)


Reminder that Amy is controlling the Maniaverse

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File: 9705fe15618b32f⋯.png (798.06 KB,549x1231,549:1231,pink hedgehog.png)


Amy is cute.

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Poor Sonic.

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It's not all bad, it's not like Amy would do anything nefarious. Yet.

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File: 3637848dc2cba8a⋯.jpg (304.07 KB,424x600,53:75,55873838_p4.jpg)

File: eeefd9bdf9e3f4b⋯.png (345.02 KB,754x750,377:375,1415295775942.png)

File: 586e672d33f9e8e⋯.png (192.21 KB,472x1258,236:629,1510021340751.png)

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Amy is slow

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She may be slow, but she's trying her hardest

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Amy is stronk.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I looked for the artist and what not and I could only find this

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Huh. That's interesting

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File: fdca944f2d508d9⋯.jpg (75.95 KB,900x720,5:4,DmFFByLU8AAq4QQ.jpg)

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File: f2ade9f43dba91e⋯.jpg (230.73 KB,1271x993,1271:993,tumblr_ns7sfptUxL1uowihdo1….jpg)


Sounds extremely sweet.

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Are there any Sonic games you haven’t played, /fast/?

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Quite a lot, actually. I've never played through Colors, Forces, Lost World, the storybook games, 06 & not counting demos HDUnleashed & Generations.

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Any reason why? Just not a fan of the recent games?

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File: 1f3194d42f205a5⋯.png (211.2 KB,437x437,1:1,1434847512149f.png)


Actually a ton of them. I mostly stuck with the main games, most of the side ones I haven't played.

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Mostly because I just never got around to buying them & I never got a Wii U. I do plan on getting some of them at some point, tho.

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I haven’t touched a lot of the non-main Classic games. Never played Black Knight, nor the Wii version of Unleashed despite owning both at one point.

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A good amount of those are on PC for cheap too. Or emulatable.

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Sonic Eraser, blast, battle, advance 2 & 3, shadow, lost world, rush adventure, riders (both), storybooks, the rivals games, chronicles, 4, colors, boom series, R, pinball party, shuffle, and last but not least sonic crackers

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What if we got a master system/game gear port of both 3 & k

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>Never played Black Knight, nor the Wii version of Unleashed despite owning both at one point


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I know & Gens seems to have a really good modding scene. I'll most likely get it as soon as possible.

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You've pretty much not played a Sonic game in over a decade not counting Mania. Were you a fan throughout that time or are you a new fan?

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I had kept up with what was going on with Sonic at the time (seeing stuff about 06-LW, reading preboot Archie on & off, etc.), but I was mostly into other franchises after Shadow's game came out & didn't play much of the newer titles, outside of UnWiished. It wouldn't be until 2014-2015 that I started getting back into Sonic heavily with things like the Archie reboot, Sonic Boom, discovering /sthg/ & Sonic Mania's announcement.

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File: 90bdbc37fcc1b15⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,445.13 KB,1200x1000,6:5,bf3bded943d8ed4153f9a39054….jpg)



>I couldn't stand her in the Boom cartoon

I don't see a problem here.

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Sonic Mania's announcement in 2016* I meant to say.

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Seeing as you were a late newcomer, how did you find /sthg/?

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Not sure. It'd be pretty different judging by the 8-bit versions of 1 & 2.


I recommend it. Gens runs for about $5 most of the time and there's a definitely decent chunk of time to get out of modding.


I miss Korps.

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I wouldn't really join /sthg/ until early-mid 2016 (Can't remember a specific thread, but I know it was only a month or so before the Anniversary Party), where someone mentioned 4chan having a Sonic general on another site. I got curious so I checked it out & never really looked back.

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Do you remember what site? I'm curious to know who talked about /sthg/ back in the day.

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It was the old SEGA Forums site. I was looking around a lot of Sonic sites after I got back into the franchise, but that was the first place I saw /sthg/ mentioned.

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You missed the better times of the general, how didn't you just run away when you saw how it was like then?

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Kinda strange to find it mentioned there, but interesting nonetheless.

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When I heard about a Sonic general on 4chan, I honestly expected it to be worse.

Truth be told, I was surprised by how chill it was compared to what I thought it would be.

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Y'know I made an account for those in 2017 because I never visited it much, a month goes by and I try finding it and the websites gone

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Yeah the site died a while ago. Supposedly Aaron was trying to move the site to a new forum & there's a discord set up in the meantime, but I'm not sure if anything came of it.

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They out of the blue came out and said the forum was closing the next day or something like that. That wasn't very cool but given the kind of mess the forum was I'm surprised it lasted that long.

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The site was spammed constantly with Japanese/Chinese spam for awhile. Didn't surprise me they chose to just shut it down with no replacement.

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File: d40fae32ac52357⋯.png (3.92 MB,2000x1434,1000:717,1473211036868.png)

File: f8f21f3201a90e4⋯.png (38.23 KB,440x600,11:15,1474596273026.png)

File: d07c3e7476257ec⋯.jpg (233.91 KB,574x600,287:300,1474751272874.jpg)

File: a76c8e1146cc81a⋯.png (724.94 KB,1280x1195,256:239,1477788030681.png)

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File: ba0f0799a37fb7d⋯.jpg (226.18 KB,1080x699,360:233,1477630460979.jpg)


>last pic

fuggg, meant to upload this one instead.

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File: 1b9113fa1427c36⋯.webm (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,rm1f.webm)

File: 82124a67a194b64⋯.webm (2.58 MB,1280x720,16:9,sp1.webm)

Goat chick is best Boom character.

What other scenes could I turn into webms?

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What happened to >>4366?


Some moments from the Buddy-Buddy Temple episode would be nice

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When in doubt, check board admin log

>User deleted his own post #4366


What was the post?

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Anon correcting that he made an account early 2018.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That was me, I was correcting myself like >>4375 said but I realized that I was correct the first time because the forums were taken down in February

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File: 0be4adc4b48fa79⋯.jpg (44.56 KB,583x700,583:700,Cp072zIUAAIiCYW.jpg)

File: baf0838f2cf51b6⋯.png (185.77 KB,399x345,133:115,1408913048830.png)


What the fuck did I just watch

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File: 52b6f0d5a25d58c⋯.jpg (702.05 KB,930x1200,31:40,1474805050124.jpg)



His art was meh most of the time but he had some great ideas sometimes.

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File: ec6bd389e067b45⋯.jpg (64.62 KB,345x338,345:338,1503402766781.jpg)



I didn't need these feels right now

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File: f0c662219abc593⋯.jpg (704.25 KB,2360x1328,295:166,9bf82a82b1583f7a9bacdce70c….jpg)


Majority of it was silly shit and he pretty did all the requests he'd get so he was fine in my book. I was sad when he pretty much disappeared.

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File: 83db51c3a9642a8⋯.png (116.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1467641617846.png)

File: 377a05406a5c629⋯.jpg (738.87 KB,1800x1800,1:1,1468882241428.jpg)

File: 823708720ee2850⋯.jpg (483.58 KB,1300x1300,1:1,1468881994779.jpg)

File: 0b082ec44eca58c⋯.jpg (294.12 KB,800x800,1:1,1471029555296.jpg)


Yeah, he did a lot of requests. We never found out why he disappeared, did we? Though I think he came and went a few times. I also think I remember one time he got shitposted on hard, but that was after he was gone if I remember correctly.

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File: 4f5cd7413cb05d9⋯.jpg (629.48 KB,1200x1200,1:1,67415904_p0_master1200.jpg)


I remember some anon constantly saying he was like Hotred and killing the general or something. Never made any sense to me.

He disappeared for like a year or so. Last thing he posted was this in February on his Pixiv.

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File: 18386d3f535e022⋯.png (140.42 KB,750x750,1:1,1344320_PistolStar_sanc.png)


Awesome, I don't think I had seen that Bump before!

Seems he showed up yet again since the last time I saw him active then. Last I have saved of him is early 2017 it seems.

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I wish I had watched more of Boom when it was still a thing.

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We didn't you? Thing ran for two years and we always had links to download or watch the episodes online throughout that time.

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afternoon bump

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Well hey, no time like the present.

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You lazy fuck

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File: 39b597056d1c5f4⋯.gif (2.02 MB,500x281,500:281,1425049125643.gif)

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Post the censored version.

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File: 8a7cd08da0283dc⋯.gif (1.86 MB,500x281,500:281,1415492312743.gif)


This one?

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File: ac637f5923a5130⋯.jpg (106.14 KB,992x1200,62:75,Dl4NxI7X4AEM7ru.jpg)

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Cool looking Sonics

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Yeah, that one.


Dumb cute rodent. I want to break his goggles

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File: 2e590ed68afdf93⋯.png (44.53 KB,500x225,20:9,tumblr_lprrudQjLV1qdtw9eo1….png)

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That's not nice. You better hope you can outrun or race him.

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Kinda sucks we never got to see an actual game with Sonic, Tails & Amy as a team.

Also, why are Amy's fingers pink?

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He wouldn't get very far without his goggles.

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Not sure why they’re pink. Maybe they aren’t fingerless gloves and it fits in with the design

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File: 432534fa5fe7d91⋯.png (146.86 KB,460x499,460:499,hmmm.png)


Hmm. I suppose that's fair enough

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What would you change about Sonic?

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File: 1e062fe2afb6022⋯.png (Spoiler Image,315.36 KB,477x304,477:304,VULNERABLE.PNG)


I'd make him more vulnerable

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The franchise or the character? Sonic (character) is perfect just the way he is.

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I was aiming for character

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make him a combination of his SA2, Unleashed, and Black Knight characterizations

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Make him an asshole, green fur, and give him sunglasses and a leather jacket.

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File: b94303b1c980f92⋯.jpg (13.59 KB,121x184,121:184,1436455435094.jpg)

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File: 3ee1bae25ed7a1b⋯.jpg (292 KB,600x849,200:283,tumblr_nrwrrzGENf1u39wybo1….jpg)

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Pfft, could you imagine if any Sonic character ever looked like that?

He'd probably look like the biggest douche in the series.

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File: 3076c45dace1789⋯.jpg (36.56 KB,254x293,254:293,RCO025.jpg)

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What an ugly little creature, I could just bully him

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If you bully him, you'll be just as bad as the bully!

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Impossible, just look at Scourge. I wanna yank those glasses off his head & break 'em.

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He was already erased from the universe, you want to bully him in limbo too!?

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File: 07a4e7585dc3c7f⋯.jpg (74.64 KB,277x256,277:256,1515112320771.jpg)


Without a single thought

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File: 3272368567cb8b6⋯.png (951.1 KB,998x628,499:314,tumblr_ns3nbm7wDa1u39wybo1….png)


You monster!

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File: ef664f40fc1ef54⋯.png (70.82 KB,600x500,6:5,1489953431561.png)

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File: 6d8e8865da7d0d8⋯.png (241.5 KB,1541x842,1541:842,1501533005439.png)

File: f3c45b8963d4021⋯.jpg (598.61 KB,997x5784,997:5784,1501796061930.jpg)

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See? Sonic has the right idea.

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Blaze should do cremation services. Would offer a bit of side money.

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File: 36cbb25a4d8f6e5⋯.png (667.43 KB,792x948,66:79,36cbb25a4d8f6e58c680f310ae….png)


If only she wasn't royalty and needed the money.

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Where's the queen of the Sol Dimension anyway?

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Probably off-screen, ruling with the king.

But SEGA doesn't care enough to show a whole lot of the Sol Dimension or show much of Blaze, so it's unlikely we'll ever see them.

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She died when Blaze threw a fit and engulfed the whole castle in flames.

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Why must SEGA not explore the worlds they have properly?



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File: dea2f062dfa7195⋯.webm (3.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,bbt1.webm)

File: be1d32f11687004⋯.webm (2.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,diddly.webm)

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File: abd72082fb44d43⋯.png (597.69 KB,1024x1229,1024:1229,10c0fa8d96a8122148b75fa810….png)

File: 6e4bcc5f93de762⋯.jpg (163.72 KB,404x632,101:158,Blaze_Woman_Profile.jpg)

File: 8e93c1b405d44fe⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,595x690,119:138,085a6ef48398f775936ec6facc….jpg)

File: 4815ae826a9579d⋯.jpg (190.93 KB,800x800,1:1,38545561_p1.jpg)

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File: 45e07b120e034f6⋯.jpg (44.35 KB,515x560,103:112,UNSEASONED.jpg)


Because we can't have nice things.

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I like that Eggman has a Hedgehog harness with him.

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File: 3f60b508504b530⋯.jpg (115.29 KB,460x621,20:27,1408517750638.jpg)

File: 9383484f9e5f32b⋯.gif (461.27 KB,486x500,243:250,1408780041480.gif)

File: 1434b99138a950a⋯.png (475.29 KB,800x700,8:7,1408785148992.png)

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Boom Sonic looks really weird sometimes. He has too big a forehead.

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File: 3aba3a590ecb81e⋯.png (278.27 KB,800x998,400:499,1483395451399.png)


I still don't like him. Modern a best. A BEST!

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File: 4be545dcc5519db⋯.png (153.67 KB,300x250,6:5,4be.png)


I like Modern a lot.

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Nice quads, my phone thinks that your post is mine

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File: 22576e6669db8ae⋯.jpeg (243.53 KB,1200x960,5:4,DmMdlWHVAAUCKbB.jpeg)

File: a919184327698b0⋯.jpeg (115.2 KB,600x773,600:773,DmLm9oKUUAAgjFM.jpeg)

File: a0dea212f534604⋯.png (487.65 KB,1000x1000,1:1,DmNnl0wVAAAn_Fm.png)

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File: a27d7f4517dfb24⋯.png (385.19 KB,599x642,599:642,tumblr_nl1cxo4sZb1shtpeoo1….png)

File: 516f34bea56ed4c⋯.jpg (55.24 KB,480x387,160:129,tumblr_nlusmlait41u3qpj9o4….jpg)


But what about Classic?

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SEGA doesn't see much point in world-building sadly & they probably think a lot of people still hate "Sonic's shitty friends."

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Will SEGA ever learn?

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Do you think Mania could have changed their minds a little bit and made them realize that the only issue is how they (SEGA) do things and not the characters themselves?

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File: 6c9d8f007d2cca0⋯.jpg (443.34 KB,1050x900,7:6,my echidna.jpg)

File: 2767ed8589daba5⋯.jpg (617.87 KB,1261x1547,97:119,1454017972254.jpg)


Then you're my hedgehog.


Classic is okay.

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File: 210790a6a1444fb⋯.jpg (155.46 KB,600x1500,2:5,08f80d485fe7f1ac590b6ab4d0….jpg)


Not him, but I love Classic Sonic. He's smol & cool

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I'm sure SEGA knows, but either Sonic Team isn't confident enough to tackle that or SEGA doesn't give them the budget to do it.

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Do you like how cute they made him in Forces and Generations? Or do you like him with more attitude?

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>first pic

How mad would Sonic be if you surprised pushed him into a pool?

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Not him but while I like him a little cute they just went full retard.

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Would Cream be good at wining theme park prices?

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Do you like how he was in Mania/Mania Adventures?

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File: 3f1003446998f7e⋯.png (55.67 KB,171x227,171:227,oops.png)



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Maybe, how much money does Vanilla give her to play the games?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not too angry, modern sonic is more layed back (ex. Listen to his adventure theme) so I think he'd just start freaking out, realize he's fine, and then have a laugh.

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What if I push down and keep his head underwater as a joke?

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File: 28f75a418ba1d1b⋯.gif (364.43 KB,396x296,99:74,halp.gif)

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Too far shadow

that probably would push it too far, I doubt he'd wanna see you for a while

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He has a life jacket on in the picture, that's why I said

>realize he's fine

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"It's just a prank, hog."

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She uses Cheese to cheat.

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That doesn't look like a life jacket, just like a shirt. Eggman pls.

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File: c3c4a8c695b8caa⋯.jpg (186.71 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DmHpbj4XgAASBl3.jpg)

File: 8ad236b17194e04⋯.jpg (189.75 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DmHpb5cXoAE1T7A.jpg)

File: 1e9ecf4ecc0bb5a⋯.jpg (184.63 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DmHpclsXgAEkdY2.jpg)

Look at these cute pics.

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File: ea2b57720da75c0⋯.png (253.41 KB,386x419,386:419,1454307039718.png)



My heart, motherfucker.

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File: ea358f2295b6604⋯.png (170.8 KB,600x800,3:4,1432608808113.png)

Nicole is Archie's Rosalina.

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Is this /sthg/'s oldest meme?

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I personally think Classic is moreso at his best when he has a nice mix of cute/coolness & while I found him cute in the aforementioned games, I feel like they went a bit too heavy in the cute direction in Forces/Generations in my opinion. Mania & Mania Adventures also plays up his cuteness, but he also has his moments where he maintains some of Sonic's signature coolness.

Not to say I hate cute Sonic or anything of the sort, I just prefer a bit more coolness to him.

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I get ya. He needs to have some of that attitude really shine sometimes.

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File: 969a3203d602cd5⋯.png (66.54 KB,198x193,198:193,12.png)


I actually haven't played Mania.

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File: b34834aae47b7ff⋯.png (167.24 KB,380x418,10:11,SONIC A FAT.PNG)


Yeah, it's something I really like about Sonic. He can go from being cute to being cool without really staying one way all the time.

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Why not?

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I'm actually not sure, but it's pretty old alright. I'm sad to say I can't quite recall the others at the moment.

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File: bf87c323d36d3e2⋯.png (79.98 KB,659x535,659:535,stealth (2).png)


Because the way everything was handled pissed me off royally to the point where I did not want to give Sega my money, and I would not have had a problem pirating the game in any other circumstance but the dev team deserves better, so I don't want to pirate it either. I'm in an impasse.

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File: d88b3357b4feb96⋯.png (824.48 KB,1920x1200,8:5,wallpaper_137_amy_11_pc.png)

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Oof. Yeah, I can see how SEGA bungled the PC release can piss someone off.

Have you considered getting the console versions, at least?

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I don't have consoles. I wouldn't support them support them either. I guess I'll eventually let it go and play it either way.

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File: 8fb1138e359993d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1475504218111.jpg)

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Spooky Generations.

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That's a tough situation. I don't really have a solution for ya. It's a good game, but I can respect why you don't want to support SEGA due to that.

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File: 91df3532b571973⋯.jpg (325.53 KB,752x1317,752:1317,bbfa3.jpg)

What the fuck happened with this after all?

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Either delayed, or quietly cancelled.

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File: 9d0265126788880⋯.jpg (46.78 KB,362x400,181:200,1412148175080.jpg)

Night /sthg/, see ya tomorrow.

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Night anon!

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Sleep tight, anon. It was a fast day.

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Maybe Aaron realized that releasing a game that mocks the franchise while it's in such a bad state isn't the best thing right now

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Was Aaron apart of the actual efforts of the fan game? I know he memed the "trial version" but I don't remember if he was actual apart of the full project.

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I'm assuming he was since he announced it at the Sonic panel for SXSW 2016 and mentioned it on Twitter a several times

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I figured he was in on the "trial version," but the full thing was something fans wanted to take further. I would think he'd be too busy with SEGA stuff to really do much for it, but would support it on the twitters should it ever come out.

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I doubt he would view the game in such a negative light, specially since it seemed well received by the fanbase.


It looked like he was involved in some respect. Honestly, the whole thing always looked awkward or suspicious to me, even though it was a recurring joke of his that started (if I'm not mistaken) it seemed weird he would push it so much on official channels when he can't actually endorse fangames.


He also talked about it at the Anniversary Party.

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File: 2846dee23b81792⋯.png (523.82 KB,920x1105,184:221,1427343528932.png)

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Bear you're not a human put the cup down.


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Let him drink his hot cocoa, it's cold outside.

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File: c5d47c5fe9fcf30⋯.png (280.04 KB,621x364,621:364,lu1j8uep29k11.png)

SEGA and Gamestop sponsored a car for the upcoming Xfinity Nascar race.

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That's a fucking cool car. Sega has sponsored a lot of racing stuff over the years.

When can we see that bad boy go fast though? Looking at the schedule I'm a bit confused.

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Looks pretty sweet

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4PM on September 8th at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

It's an Xfinity race, so it's the series right below the main Monster Energy cup series.

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I like the colors

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Is it only going to get used in that one race?

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As far as I know, yes.

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how angry will you be if Green Light Drive is just for the TSR trailer and isn't the main theme of the game and it was also the only song Crush 40 did?

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File: 260698379ae2928⋯.png (370.02 KB,528x494,264:247,sadow.png)


Not angry, just sad. I really like Crush 40's music.

I wonder how long they'll keep making music for this franchise, Johnny turns 51 this year.

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Jun's probably gonna play guitar forever until his fingers fall off.

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File: f27927512832a9c⋯.jpg (55.6 KB,640x480,4:3,059sonic.JPG)

File: 8086bbf7d009019⋯.png (483.56 KB,495x514,495:514,madger.png)


I'm not really following TSR too much and it's probably not going to be a game for me, so I'd be kind of amused that they managed to ruse people yet again.



kek. Reminds me of pic #2. Was that you?

I worry about Johnny. When singing live you can tell he has trouble singing now. It's a shame they haven't been better used during all this time.


What if he keeps playing guitar but not for Sonic?

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>What if he keeps playing guitar but not for Sonic?

then I will enjoy his other work but not without a twinge of jealousy

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I still remember his performance at the Anniversary Party, the fucking madman. I hope SEGA uses them for at least a few more songs, before Johnny gets too old to pull off the Crush 40 sound.

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I can see them doing some more, especially with them still being loved by the fans.

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File: 8b6b7d588725384⋯.png (1.25 MB,2200x2600,11:13,bunnie_as_amy_by_thedarksh….png)

File: 418f32a77cc0398⋯.png (1.07 MB,2200x2600,11:13,amy_as_cream_by_thedarksha….png)

File: 5cdc7955f561dd6⋯.png (1.06 MB,2200x2600,11:13,sally_as_the_blue_blur_by_….png)

File: 5aad0eb5fdfaceb⋯.png (1.22 MB,2200x2600,11:13,shadow_as_omega_by_thedark….png)

File: e5f9061f3f91943⋯.png (1.89 MB,2700x2000,27:20,the_hooligans__not_really_….png)

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Close to the bump limit again.


These are all so cute.

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File: cb298696795122f⋯.png (125.21 KB,294x287,42:41,yiss.png)

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File: 1b5af155c084163⋯.jpg (124.81 KB,1056x1200,22:25,DhMdKetXUAAXngs.jpg)

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Cute boi

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File: 9f639ca59b80d13⋯.jpg (210.69 KB,1213x2039,1213:2039,1395548429846.jpg)

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File: c7645a6034a7530⋯.png (205.66 KB,500x331,500:331,1475506180953.png)


Ah, yes. I remember that picture.

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File: 2e321b3da1e2868⋯.jpg (16.13 KB,360x480,3:4,1393663487051.jpg)

File: a58d6ce4853738e⋯.jpg (17.43 KB,480x360,4:3,1393664633739.jpg)

File: 87a66ecc7ce5f44⋯.jpg (14.98 KB,480x360,4:3,1393665341687.jpg)

File: 7b03d10e83ddba7⋯.jpg (14.21 KB,360x480,3:4,1393669355866.jpg)


Fun times.

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File: 6529287746afe21⋯.jpg (133.55 KB,1022x1242,511:621,1456805073244.jpg)

File: 5afb45a14a22d18⋯.jpg (79.67 KB,400x715,80:143,1501962726082.jpg)

bampu limit hit

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Under a week this go-around, sweet.

Will make a new thread in the morn. Unless someone else wants to give it a go.

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File: 3726c7bbc4773a4⋯.gif (846.76 KB,450x344,225:172,when.gif)

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What was the stage/zone/act/level that cost you the most to S rank?

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Any fucking late Knuckles/Rouge stage in SA2.

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That's not how you make Sonic characters wink!

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It is now

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No way fag.

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Topkek mate

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New bread made. And good morning, /sthg/!

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Good morning anon and thanks for the new thread.

New thread here for the lazy >>4538

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File: c99882577d061fb⋯.png (74.49 KB,725x391,725:391,1474839161492.png)

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File: de3c27ee741cfc6⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,1242x1207,1242:1207,1536020472995-co.jpg)

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File: 18ae5abad226ede⋯.png (191.54 KB,780x1010,78:101,1508282457449.png)


What the fuck is happening there.

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I don't know

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File: eee392faec04779⋯.jpg (144.62 KB,402x402,1:1,1508282065757.jpg)

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