>>466it's annoying as shit. woo, you're spamming everything from /pol/ to /k/ to /cyber/ and now even tiny boards that never bump so you can attract users.
nigerian princes spam email accounts as a perfect way to attract money. sure, it works, but it's still annoying.
>greyfacedoh shit, you can use discordian memes to make an ad hom! I'm scared as shit now, there's nothing in my discordian meme-o-dex to shoot this shit down. Imma have to consult my pineal gland (oh shit topkek) to find something for this one, oh god!
well, if we're going to carry the flag of ancient memes into battle in order to make insults, here's a counter-ancient-meme about carrying ancient memes:
>A person belonging to one of more Orderis just as likely to carry a flag of the
counter-establishment as the flag of the
establishment–just as long as it is
a flag.
anyway, my position is that all of this spam from "freedom" boards is getting irritating. that's it. I don't care how legit it is as a method for gaining users…it's just irritating. I'd have visited your board when I saw it being spammed on any other board I visit were that my inclination.