Important note:
Due to griping from a lot of corners about how I'm pushing legitimate traffic off the board, or being off-topic in general, or the fact that I'm not in this to annoy people – or to take personal abuse from assholes – I will no longer be sending invitations to any boards unless at least one film is directly relevant to that board.
This message is going to all the boards I have been notifying, and only some of them have had objections. Some of those objections were polite and well-reasoned. Some weren't. A quick search of the thread to which this is posted will reveal which category you likely fall into.
If you want to keep up on the movie nights that I run, you'll have to add >>>/nacht/ to your browsing list and check it once in a while. Weekly would be sufficient, most likely.
The next event likely will be relevant to /ebola/, but after that, I'll use the same guidelines as with all other boards.