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File: 9e8a58edc18a4c1⋯.png (997.2 KB,1280x854,640:427,Save_the_Light.png)

9f5af3 No.560981 [View All]

I can say that when Steven Universe is finally off the air no one will miss it other than the mentally ill and deranged people who make Lily Peet look sane in comparison.

It is time to bash this show's godawful fandom, godawful TV show, godawful crew members, and godawful writing.

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b0eef5 No.563243

Best to worst IMO


>>561025 E;R

>>562568 Robobuddies


>>561045 Elijah the Auraman


>>561024 EZPZ

>>561475 Jerry Peet

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b679cb No.563286


The crew grew up loving anime filler (and not knowing that it was unnecessary to the plot) and plotless slice-of-life

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ab78b5 No.563787

File: 0536ba019b8e7d5⋯.png (116.87 KB,479x458,479:458,steven cryverse.png)

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8f8cf5 No.563810


>loving anime filler

I'm no anime connoisseur but going by the vibes the people behind this show give me they seem more to be superficial hipster faggots who just look at "top ten anime fights" videos and call it a day. Their understanding of nearly everything period is above surface level to the point it makes you wonder if they care about anything at all.

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e13144 No.565942

OP is a faggot

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b0eef5 No.572392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is why modern animation on CN and Disney is fucked

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8f8cf5 No.572396


At this point being blacklisted should be seen as a badge of honor.

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baa090 No.572692


Is this legitimately you?

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626312 No.572878


fuck off back to ED, kike

nice vid btw

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9f5af3 No.572885



I'm surprised that cartoonsgate isn't a thing yet or was the first gate before gamergate since even the normalfags can scream about how Disney and Viacom ruined their childhoods by dumbing down all their cartoon networks. If the cartoon companies had an approval rating as if these were some kind of political entity, the rating of these fags would be lower than Congress. The cartoon companies were shit even before SJWs took over these companies and transformed them into a political tool for their shit activism. Many cartoon forums were often filled with tons of people bitching and moaning about the decline of quality of children's cartoons in the 2000s.

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9f5af3 No.572892


In my honest opinion, the cartoon industry is the most corrupt industry out of all entertainment and I can even make the statement that they are even more evil than Hollywood since unlike Hollywood their current main goal is to mind control children by turning fruits into vegetables.

But what is really the tip of the iceberg is that these cartoon companies do not care about the kids or even put kids first which was also Nickelodeon's main priority before SpongeBob transformed their company into a corporate entity. The big three cartoon networks are all evil in there own way, especially Disney who is the worst of them since they are the trendsetter and the standard for the industry and if Disney isn't doing good for the cartoon industry than that means the industry is irredeemable. While you can bitch and moan about how unprofessional Cartoon Network is, at least Cartoon Network is not the trendsetter When people think of Walt Disney, the children see a man with dreams and a vision who is often depicted as being a good role model for kids. But the real story of Walt Disney, tells a story of an Aryan man who sold the white race out just for some Zionist shekels. In the true story about Walt Disney, he ends up being a bigger jew than his arch competitor, Max Fleischer, who was an actual jew by out jewing the jew.

Walt Disney stole everything from this man and ruined his life by forcing him into bankruptcy through, public manipulation of the press, public and corporate blackmail, and taking credit for the advancements in animation that Disney himself had no part of. Walt Disney stole everything from Max Fleischer and everyone else that the Disney company saw as competition and this was only the beginning of the Walt Disney Company's history of heinous and deviant crimes that have for a long been the part of a greater poison that is the same poison that is killing western civilization as we know it.

Walt Disney is a fucking kike and his company only exists today as a part of some ponzi scheme all while the NORPs who like Disney try to convince people that his fame comes from his success or the quality of his cartoons which is bullshit. Disney is evil incarnate and it needs to burn.

TL;DR Version: Walt Disney was the poison that killed the cartoon industry eventually creating the monstrosity that we see today

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8f8cf5 No.572931


Even as a kid I lost interest in cartoons by around 2004 or so and only ever bothered to watch if Tom and Jerry was on. I can't imagine how kids today see modern cartoons.

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474370 No.573108


I stopped paying attention to television in general, mostly because there's just nothing on that can interest me.

Seeing all the fandoms it develops, thank god I dodged a bullet.

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864230 No.573122

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9f5af3 No.573126


From what I've seen the children prefer anime over cartoons, but still like some of the CalArts cartoons.

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9f5af3 No.573128


There were actually plenty of good cartoons made in the early 2010's or Pre CURRENT YEAR but any success from these genuinely good cartoons that had actual effort put in to them were destroyed by corporate executives that favored toy sales over good ratings. These scummy executives wanted to make their networks as cheap as possible. In the cartoon industry, quality does not exist and can't exist. Art isn't a real thought that can be processed by the like of these corporate NPCs. Plus you had the first batch of CalArts cartoons get good time slots so these gems that the networks screwed over fell into obscurity at the hands of NORPs and NPCs.

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b679cb No.573268


Mainly because they view anime as more mature than cartoons

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864230 No.573347


Because it fucking is.

Most cartoons are mind numbingly stupid.

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9f5af3 No.575119


Cartoons are what you get when you hire Jews and soyboys to animate.

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63e1f9 No.575459


Whoa lad, I'm not trying to watch a movie.

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864230 No.575539


What are you even doing here if you don't have autism?

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8255bd No.577464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If that didn't kill the last of your faith, then this will.

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9f5af3 No.578147


That video is a total hit piece despite there being tons of evidence of people who control the cartoon industry being major cunts. Some things can be verifiable such as the fact that CalArts acts like a clique of faggots and that Alex Hirsch is a general scumbag who is possibly a pedophile and a rapist that also gets a high off of seeing children suffer. I bet there is tons of damaging evidence alone that can put Alex Hirsch in prison where he belongs if people start speaking out against him.

EZ PZ doesn't even tell who his source is or why he kept the source anonymous. Even if EZ PZ exaggerated things just to make a hit peice, I wouldn't really care since the cartoon industry has already proven themselves to be controlled by complete double nigger faggots even before EZ PZ and the person who was blacklisted released the information in that video.

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6cd90c No.578157


Just wondering before I check this out, has that EDiot learned not to use that ear rape static sound yet?

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5d0a48 No.578436

File: 9f35fcacc638482⋯.jpg (181.63 KB,1440x960,3:2,97de6832c15fa8a0a6c8febbe2….jpg)


<"It's just a hit piece!"

<Defending modern cartoons for any reason

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864230 No.578467

File: b9c8f7ac2124f93⋯.mp4 (162.57 KB,480x270,16:9,Are_you_retarded.mp4)

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9f5af3 No.578480



EZ PZ's video is poorly structured, poorly sourced, and he does not separate his opinion with the interviewer's opinion.

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9f5af3 No.578481


Attacking EZ PZ for being a shit channel does not mean that I am defending the cartoon industry.

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9f5af3 No.578482


EZ PZ is a poor man's E;R

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864230 No.578496


EZ PZ is fine.

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9f5af3 No.580293

File: 09e3ec4e97ad242⋯.jpg (13.98 KB,180x278,90:139,bikinicowboycover.jpg)



The source has been found and the video wasn't a hit piece after all. It turns out what EZ PZ is saying in that video is legit. All of it is real and the video is not exaggerating things for comedic effect or for satire.

The source comes from Luke Weber, creator of Bikini Cowboy and former storyboard artist for Gravity Falls. Alex Hirsch, the most evil man in the cartoon industry, has apparently ruined this man's life beyond repair and blacklisted him. Alex Hirsch has raped women, tortured innocent people, and kidnapped children. He should be put in prison or executed.

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aa2a6c No.580302


>5 hours for a fucking sketch

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aa2a6c No.580307



>having writers

no, no it isn't anon

polite sage for double post

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8f8cf5 No.580309


Why isn't there a thread about that guy somewhere then?

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9f5af3 No.580586


Alex Hirsch does have a thread here but it was inactive and buried.

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d622e7 No.580615

File: 948e3f295832fc2⋯.jpg (139.89 KB,1440x1080,4:3,I don't think so, Tim.jpg)


>Luke Weber, blacklisted from animation

>Has several credits, including most episodes of the second season of Gravity Falls, and is still storyboarding stuff to this day

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9aeaca No.581203

>godawful TV show with awful writing

it's a fucking kids cartoon lmao, that's why it's a little weird that adults like me like the show, and why there are so many turboautists that like it. I haven't actually met any, but I'm sure they're out there.

I'm sure OP is of the opinion that there are cartoons out there with masterful writing rivaling Citizen Kane or something.

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12c7f6 No.581542

SU had shit ratings, so of course it'll be cancelled

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9f5af3 No.582385


Avatar: the Last Airbender has good writing and so does some anime. Avatar also was not that too long ago depending on what you think is old school. What makes Avatar work is that unlike Steven Unverise, it is able to balance mature elements and more cartoon like aspects of the show. Something that these CalArts cartoons are incapable of doing.

Of course you do not need to be Citizen Kane, but if a show is going to try to appeal to an older audience by using more mature themes like in Steven Universe or Korra then it might as at least try to be like Citizen Kane by having the mature themes written a lot better.

What makes shows like Steven Universe and Korra such trainwrecks is that they fail to make the show appealing for kids yet at the same time they fail to reel in actual mature audiences as well in their attempts to make the show for older people. This is why Steven Universe has poor ratings yet at the same time Teen Titans Go! has good ratings. Kids do not care about the mature themes in the show, but the adults do. Since Steven Universe is incapable of feeling mature but at the same time incapable of feeling like a cartoon, the show misses both audiences that it is trying to pander to proving to the world that cartoons just can't be made or adults or even older teens unless it is anime.

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8f8cf5 No.582405


Nice joke. They'll run this shit until someone finally snaps and suicide bombs their offices.

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d0f9b6 No.583335


> It took a tenth of that time.

That's still thirty whole minutes, which is still way too long for anyone who isn't totally artistically handicapped to draw the back of a foot.

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8c67bb No.675455


The entire episode, or just the legs…?

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e59e71 No.675639


Cartoon fans are even more retarded than video niggers, is that surprising?

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ad5815 No.676188


Well then, if you take a closer look you'll notice lots of fine details. Rebecca is a great artist and I thank her for giving me a big step up in the industry.


Not quite, show will conclude on its own!

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70670c No.677719



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9eb3a3 No.681227


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83c086 No.681233

Awful lesbian propaganda.

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9b029c No.681243


nobody is actually watching cartoons

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ccfba9 No.970333

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5aaa5f No.970353


>Gravity Fags Alex Hirsch got his cock sucked by talentless dykes just to get their shitty fanfictions greenlighted by the major leagues.

So he's just a Canadian Weinstein?

>Dislike ratio

Really makes you think.

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