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File: da98e1620ba0e54⋯.webm (630.7 KB,202x360,101:180,Dakimakura.webm)

File: 0c38d58acfc10e2⋯.webm (4.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Autism condensed.webm)

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File: bcc206f89fb7931⋯.png (587.55 KB,776x781,776:781,Satellite view.png)

File: 9061b15f0f3d801⋯.png (58.83 KB,626x715,626:715,Map view.png)

a7da46 No.538091 [View All]

Old thread is eight bump limit, so here goes. It gets bombarded by Eddie Long autist anyway

Serife thread Six: Serife is a kauffir edition

Serife is a Known lulzy turkroach sperg who argues with 12 years olds over fictional characters. It Got banned from DeviantArt before for shitspewing with children than

This turkroach sucks at video, cries hacker when it is losing. Actually dumb enough to get PSN account hacked twice

This moustache sporting Turkroach is 28 years old in 24 septemper

<It's interests includes







This sperg is the definition of autistic kid revs a bleyblade in distance and product of Turkroach incest.

Social crap for cocks mining

DeviantArt: https://kari5.deviantart.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNk3KbYHTl7mS5VLnTLAWA

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/serifemeryemisik

KH13 Account: http://kh13.com/forum/user/58976-serife-isik/

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serifeisik/videos/all

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serifemeryemisik/

dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/powerichigo

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/square-enix-petitons-to-square-enix-make-me-and-sora-as-a-canon-couple



>Serife is so retarded that parents don't want her to breed

>Is muslim and listens to haram, anime and video games

>Bathes three times a week

>Is a certified pedo

>Is /cow/'s personal mascot

>Coined the term GARGE BARGE

>Severe Autism

>Lied about epilepsy



307 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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355b6a No.560976


>or whatever other shitspeak that is her mother tongue

I don't think cockroaches have a language.

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3d713f No.561547


Kek, Shu is a total gay slut and Serife still can't get him to fuck her.

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4f2560 No.561559

Shut up you shit troll site and you shit racist and me and shu kurenai had kiss in my dream

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32209f No.561562


Yeah, in a dream. Dreams arent real. When you woke up youre still a fat retard who sucks at drawing.

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f81ad2 No.561564

File: 26ec058e21be76b⋯.png (78.14 KB,590x340,59:34,jmzfpa8a_19g4inp_rejeex.png)

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355b6a No.561566


Why don't you call the cyber police if you don't like us? Just use your phone to call your local police and tell them all about the evil troll site that makes fun of you for being an ugly, fat, smelly pedophile that fantasizes about cartoon children.

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3d713f No.561567

File: cf93fc1f0169402⋯.gif (911.57 KB,477x359,477:359,cf93fc1f0169402c4e20e457db….gif)


Her mom won't let her use the phone

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2c449b No.561888

File: 72fd25d0407d9bf⋯.gif (526.13 KB,500x300,5:3,B25lSvF.gif)

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be525d No.562369

We should try to set Serife up with that Brice Cherry (sp?) mega-tard. Serife already fits the bill of being fat all she would have to do is wear a bumpbow and it would be enough to give him a stiffie.

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355b6a No.562571


Depends on how old he is? Serife doesn't like it when they're old enough to get an erection. Or when they're real.

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be525d No.562582


I don't think it would matter. We have triggered the roach pretty hard for photoshopping her with Chris or her with the pajeet.

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891e7d No.564403

File: 72efb689ab7240b⋯.jpg (88.57 KB,1024x579,1024:579,shu_kurenai_showing_middle….jpg)

File: 45dd53bc1275f8a⋯.jpg (62.47 KB,1440x815,288:163,43201759_10216869681964470….jpg)

Turkroach has started a Jihad against Donald Trump on her DA. I'm not quite sure what the other pic is supposed to be though.

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e97b0c No.564415

File: 9216ecfb2ac1776⋯.png (36.03 KB,499x338,499:338,9216ecfb2ac17768cdf7e60a4a….png)


The seeds of doubt have been sewed. Somewhere in that subhuman retarded brain of here's there's a part that actually believes that Trump is stealing her underage cartoon husbando away from her. This is getting interesting.

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355b6a No.564664


>I'm not quite sure what the other pic is supposed to be though.

I think she's trying to rape Shoe and he's fighting her off with QTE prompt?

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a7da46 No.566067


You did not answer the question. Are you educated or a turkroach basement dwelling shrek?


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45991c No.566459


Most likely the Turkish version of Special Ed. She rode the short bus.

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4f2560 No.566503

File: 928fc147ac0c591⋯.png (229.13 KB,1920x1086,320:181,Untitled184.png)

Take that you shit racist and shut up

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7fdbb3 No.566629


What the fuck? Why did she draw herself crying? I loled.

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45991c No.566785


Probably because shes taking it up the ass.

Serife those are only drawings. Donald Trump just released a sex tape of Shoe. Just admit it, Shu is with Donald Trump now. The only way you could win him back is making a video on youtube telling Donald Trump why you deserve Shu.

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355b6a No.567312

File: 68d8fb527041225⋯.png (274.22 KB,1920x1086,320:181,928fc147ac0c591b7386b7bf2e….png)


I fixed that image for you. I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot :^)

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4f2560 No.567323


Hey stop edit my picture you shit racist 😡

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355b6a No.567335

File: 3596e4dd759c2b6⋯.jpg (46.97 KB,1024x579,1024:579,shu_hear_my_4_babies_heart….jpg)

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45991c No.567513


Why do you like being pissed on so much, Serife?

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1b78f8 No.568656

As far as I know, Shu doesnt pee on Donald Trump. I don't think Shu likes you veery much Serife.

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fd4388 No.568700

File: e1ea5707eae6f5d⋯.png (536 KB,1920x1100,96:55,leak of the next yaoi Dōji….png)

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1b78f8 No.568736



Dirty Crapped Panties!

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2c449b No.569448

File: 24679d94831afbd⋯.png (250.27 KB,1920x1086,320:181,Shu transparent.png)

Made a transparent image if anyone want's to make their own shit and dialogue.

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260fae No.569723

You trick me with fake deviantart account with verifiedshukurenai his is not from usa his from japan 😤🖕 stop ask me to have sex with my pillow and dont touch my hole

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0cab0a No.569743


Oh imma do more than touch your hole. Im going to take my entire hand and greet it with full force of a kaleidoscope rotating around.

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a7da46 No.569756


Which school did you go to, retard?

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355b6a No.570173


>his is not from usa his from japan

But you keep saying you're married to Shoe. Are you saying you don't even live in the same country as the child you claim to be married to?

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c3243d No.570794

File: 5067d80e2a9ba0c⋯.png (266.22 KB,1562x968,71:44,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't know serife, it looks pretty real to me.

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355b6a No.573526

File: 562744249a7bc1d⋯.jpg (37.22 KB,1024x579,1024:579,shu_kurenai_holds_his_hand….jpg)

Serife's latest autistic endeavor.

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e60446 No.573734


Kek, I don't even need to look at her DA to know that the tears were on the original. Turkroach has a weird pregnancy/fat/crying fetish,

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ee8c2d No.574416

Serife hasn't posted in a while.

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355b6a No.574627


Maybe her parents finally found out about her haram hobbies and honor killed her.

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25b108 No.575605

File: 532c1d4fad0a9d9⋯.png (133.3 KB,980x566,490:283,ClipboardImage.png)

Serife may have not posted in a while but she still lurks around, don't you Serife?

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355b6a No.576041


>infinity glovers

She called it the wrong thing, managed to misspell it and made it plural for some reason. Her retardation is progressing pretty quickly.

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967cfa No.576090



my fucking sides

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baffca No.577135


infinity donland glovers

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a7da46 No.577312


So she aborted the triplets by fisting her own womb, interesting

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ba0051 No.581654

Hey Serife, youre a fat retarded pedophile. Shu doesn't love you hes not real.

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9a816a No.581708


She makes appearances in the Timbox threads calling calling everyone racists (which is ironic knowing Timbox is a racist that probably hates people like Serfie and browner people).

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0cab0a No.586828


If she wasnt retarded I would of called that fucking cute.

>Infinity glovers

God damn you are my favorite cow, only being beaten out by Tamers. Keep on being awesome you Cow Queen.

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73234e No.599183

File: 074eed9bdce259d⋯.jpg (155.72 KB,1024x384,8:3,selfi_with_beyblade_and_be….jpg)

Yall niggers forget about this fat turkroach and her mustache?

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355b6a No.599839


It's hard to forget an eldritch abomination who haunts the dreams of children and adults alike slowly driving them insane by it's shear disgusting, unnatural appearance. Just saying anything about her is kinda beating a dead, ugly, fat, horse at the moment.

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8b2c2d No.613377

File: 8fff4727314de1e⋯.jpg (14.96 KB,264x101,264:101,1530951644140.jpg)

The only Request I have to serife is that she stays out of my goddamn Country, we have enough of her kind here.

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cad8f3 No.925226


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f3eae1 No.925259



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0ae985 No.929392


No. She might be a retarded turkroach but she hasn't brought a hamster to orgasm, hasn't burned her house with a coffee maker, is not trying to defraud the IRS, didn't involved her whole family in her hentai fetish and hasn't molested anyone while smearing shit on the wall.

It would be a very boring article.

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