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File: 2e0325c48fa5eee⋯.gif (33.37 KB,1160x720,29:18,random.gif)

25dde0 No.446016 [View All]

Read the title you stupid faggot

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4b87b9 No.632966


Yes, you Americans really are stupid!

(Barely dodges acid)

I mean, you're so barbaric and fat!

(Gets knifed)

You wish you lived in a civilized country such as England!

(Police show up to arrest you for watching TV without a license)

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4b87b9 No.632982


Is that all you got, Limey cuck?

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a22880 No.633019


This is an example of Americans being bad at banter. Instead of telling a joke that's mostly truth pushed to the extreme you decided to roleplay in the thread. There is no form of roleplaying that doesn't make you look more retarded than any target you pick. It's like you shit in your own hand, threw it at someone then went "Ha! You're covered in shit!"


Another example of being unable to banter. Calling people a cuck with food medical advice isn't banter.

Maybe you should ask some of your Mexican neighbours how to banter? Since you can't cook either maybe you should ask them when you go to Taco bell later tonight?

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4b87b9 No.633085


See, Neo-Pakistan, this is why we hate you Euros. You act like your way is the only goddamn way do anything and anyone who does it different is inferior. We didn't start our own country so we could listen to you assholes tell us what to do. So go fuck yourself, and enjoy having to buy a license to look at porn.

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8b59e2 No.633151


You're not on /intl/.

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24ba07 No.633435


>Eurotrash pretending to be superior and pure while sucking muzzie cock and licking EU boots

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63499b No.634138


Not even a yank but you britcucks cant take any banter at all. Burgers are always making "lol we suck dick" jokes and shit about real stuff that happens there but if I make ONE joke about the britcaliphate being reverse-colonized, the nhs being broke af, paki rape squads, etc, you bitches chimpout at me.

Fuck, I fully expect that right in this thread.

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63499b No.634344


While murricans started this diversity shit the yuropeens are taking it to absurd levels and you dont see a pushback like trump over there

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4b87b9 No.634386


All of your replies since being told that you need to buy a license to look at porn have been that forced 56% face meme. That comment must've hit real close to home. Or was it your country being referred to as Neo-Pakistan? Either way you suck at banter, Britfag. Probably can't say anything more severe because you're afraid the cops will find you and arrest you for it.

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0243d1 No.645263


>You're not allowed to make racist jokes

>But fapping to horses and bunnies is awwwwright

I wish I could find the image, but the person who exposed them on twitter got shoa'd.

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3741e9 No.645304


Yea, you started your own country so you could be a Jewish puppet state. We know Amerimutts, we know.

You are inferior. How have you not noticed this?


>I make 1 joke

I see 3 things you listed there. So are you making 1 joke or 3? Could you tell me what level of maths you were taught as a kid to be this backwards please?

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7db4cb No.645539


>You're just a cry baby who can't take a joke.

Yeah, but insulting Britain, at this point, is always going to be punching down.

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45268d No.645607


German here, that event was a total failure because the police didn't let anyone even near the house so it was basically a bunch crowd of idiots running around trying to find a way through and failing, then going home.

That being said Drachenlord is a somewhat unique cow considering how hard the harrassment has escalated into real life stuff. People literally destroyed all his windows with stones and then laugh online about how he's going to freeze to death in the winter. They harassed him on his birthday too. But in the end, like a true cow, he keeps encouraging all of it.

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d4d605 No.713321


I thought it was YMS for second there.

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178142 No.713598

Does Janoy count?

He's at least entertaining.

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371cce No.718713

File: 5b1b586d8359042⋯.jpg (433.46 KB,1056x1340,264:335,KateCrop.jpg)

Zephanorion (Zeph)'s ex-gf Jessica Combies, better known as Tranime Girl. There's a whole thread dedicated to her but got no interest.

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371cce No.718714


forgot to link that thread.

>>>694726 there it is

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371cce No.718715


dammit >>694726

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aa0607 No.722308

File: b2fe0fbe9c600aa⋯.gif (42.66 KB,300x395,60:79,ryangos.gif)


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d94c3d No.724409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d4d605 No.725421


Someone needs to make a thread about this guy because this is fascinating.

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fa8752 No.732185


When does it start? I'm to lazy to scroll through to find it.

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d4d605 No.777492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Apparently, Pentagone came back and made an apology video with all the half-assedness of a regular apology video. She then fell back into the dark crevasse from whence she came.

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aa1d7e No.777591

File: a6fdd437ee8ea93⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,640x640,1:1,4e3d8a21-6a1d-48a4-98c7-30….mp4)

File: 8be18d1ff589318⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,480x480,1:1,a298ce16-18f3-447e-93b7-85….mp4)

File: 4dc70cf8868a44c⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,240x240,1:1,d2fc5354-9dea-44e9-b0af-fd….mp4)

Timmy thick.

He's literally a fat faggot who has very weak ego.

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ecf28e No.777853

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cb242a No.814794

File: 7223f0c3acfeb8a⋯.png (451.41 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99ab95782824735⋯.png (2.22 MB,1043x3764,1043:3764,turbosperg_006.png)

File: 4539cfdc61f354c⋯.jpg (298.43 KB,1511x2048,1511:2048,Black Free Art Collage p3.jpg)

File: ecffc6bfc6e719e⋯.png (1.57 MB,1609x1603,1609:1603,Newly revealed bits.png)

File: ed8ff537da5ea46⋯.jpg (377.5 KB,1591x2048,1591:2048,Mark Millar Steals Turkey ….jpg)


Michael Bennett, an abortion of a cocks creator who falsely claims that Mark Millar stole his creations for use in several films mostly capeshit (but for some "convenient" reason not Fox capeshit) and a few TV shows from 2008 on to the point that a lawsuit was filed a few years ago (guess what is that lawsuit's outcome). Also poor in both OPSEC and research skills. He's still also apparently a poorfag, judging by the way he made his "Free Art Word Documents," the quality of his art and YT videos, and their overall subject matter.

Pics related but the first are just a sample of Bennett's unfunny insanity.





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5b73e6 No.843823

Can't find the FGC thread, but GeofftheHero took down his YT shit that was almost funny. Did he drop the ball again?

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01ebe6 No.846000

File: 9db5a5917420d7f⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,645x773,645:773,1528252457206.jpg)


the thing about usa and japan in the different way is that, japan doesn't give a fuck about various "genders". clearly amerifat sjws/liberals/fragile men need to project this through everything they do including their hobbies.

i will never understand americans.

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5b73e6 No.869859

File: 7d11237a789b564⋯.jpg (68.51 KB,1024x576,16:9,OH MY GOODNESS.jpg)

File: f011b4eaef40ca0⋯.jpg (623.52 KB,2048x1939,2048:1939,Ducktales woooo.jpg)

File: 63c7adb48d361be⋯.png (91.02 KB,540x579,180:193,GET OUT OF MY SWAMP HETERO….png)

File: a62b0b307d43a57⋯.png (85.5 KB,855x935,171:187,tumblrized Mario.png)


>clearly amerifat sjws/liberals/fragile men need to project this through everything they do including their hobbies.

What the fuck are they trying to achieve by using fictional characters as puppets? What's more hilarious is that they shit on capitalism and yet they keep freely advertising IPs.

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c1d1a9 No.900996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Competitive tf2fag gets #MeToo'd. A fucking game that lost relevancy 4 years ago still got some deep dark secrets.

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c5b6c6 No.901016


It's been a thing since someone realized that they could make millions off of selling shirts with Che's image.

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97e5eb No.901576


what a faggot nigger creep

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77dc26 No.901577


>What the fuck are they trying to achieve by using fictional characters as puppets?

Stories have been used to present ideals for as long as they have existed. In fiction, the writer controls everything, so idea can be made to sound reasonable by manipulating the world around it.

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97e5eb No.901579


>>Hot naked underage bitchies

care to show evidence?

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41125e No.901629

File: 16a6d774e82392e⋯.png (319.67 KB,600x747,200:249,ClipboardImage.png)

Flicks about The Apocalyptically Correct State of Britbongstain.

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7fac7e No.901831

File: 405e3bf9c267060⋯.jpg (95.8 KB,774x1032,3:4,portrait_of_the_average_am….jpg)

File: 2b3b624d570ec9a⋯.png (41.63 KB,1553x145,1553:145,Screenshot-2019-5-16 Portr….png)

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df58f8 No.901877


What a beautiful family!

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3b8d54 No.901897

File: 8bd17ea214e6887⋯.jpg (305.31 KB,631x835,631:835,desTINY cocksnatcher.jpg)

desTINY has the potential to sperg out really hard imo

hes like a living, breathing wall of text from leddit

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86df77 No.903672

File: ab42896c28bb630⋯.jpg (46.35 KB,536x536,1:1,laughing queen.jpg)


>waifu pillow with Charles II of Spain on it

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7b3f71 No.904281

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I bet this guy has some potential as a cow

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3b89b8 No.904290


>has the potential

Is "he" ever not sperging out?

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df58f8 No.904301

File: f6dd6c3be3f4383⋯.jpg (216.06 KB,1024x1821,1024:1821,charles__charlie__and_loui….jpg)

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7b3f71 No.904306

File: b6cfc5c4ee7b7f6⋯.mp4 (5.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,desTINY advocating violenc….mp4)


He made death threats against a kid; how much of a tard do you have to be to do that?

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fbbde8 No.904523



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b79efa No.904576


<moralfagging this badly

If what DesTiny tells us, the kid was an annoying trust-fund brat that deserves a shot, also, do you think that is the worst he has ever done?:

>advocating violence against women who do not want to abort

>told a friend to kill himself, the madman did as DesTiny told him

>says he will teach his kid how to properly masturbate

>says he believes in the legality ethical CP and lolicon

>told an autistic girl that she should had been aborted and it is unethical for her to stay alive

>shared pics of a 14yo girl in swimwear

>says that theft justifies murder

>says that animal abuse can be justified using the Social Contract

>says that religious people should be not allowed to have jobs in Academia or as researchers

>calling someone a fag is somehow not ok, but calling someone a retard is somehow ok because retards should kill themselves

>believes that lack of welfare programs justify violence agaisnt libertarians and conservatives.

FTFY, if you are going to moralfag, moralfag properly and do your research my dude.

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984207 No.907098


Any forum with 'le dumb box xD :P' or any other voting system like that is an instant hugbox.

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0344e6 No.907588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If what DesTiny tells us

<implying we should take DesTiny's word on anything ever

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77dc26 No.907597

How about Jim Sterling? Who else thinks that fat faggot has julay potential?

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7fe21a No.912812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I present to you:

danleggymail, a weird balloon enthusiast everyone forgets about who has been uploading videos on and off for TWELVE YEARS, and they're all the same. He puts a balloon on a nozzle and inflates it until it bursts, laughing the exact same way every time he does this. His most recent addition is a second set of laughter from what sounds like a kid. This means that he has either abducted a small child or managed to somehow reproduce in order to pass on his YouTube legacy. If the latter then none of you fucks have any excuse.

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355de4 No.912836

File: 20b82eb64edf0e8⋯.png (90.02 KB,617x575,617:575,eggs.png)


Had a peak just now roughly a year later. More than likely just a joke.

Looks like Randy will forever be a lonely dead female ghost virgin with rage.

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