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File: e4287a4f43aa223⋯.png (144.14 KB,743x353,743:353,u7.png)

4ef033 No.433244 [View All]

Previous thread - https://archive.is/1TOQx

140 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7eecb7 No.443134

File: cbbc7841d0f69b1⋯.png (727.51 KB,856x724,214:181,37e6c1ccbefb267e0093f96dbe….png)


Nothing wrong about being gay, being gay is the real redpill.

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94669e No.443139

File: 6443313d127f5ce⋯.png (27.94 KB,600x600,1:1,ignore.png)

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c209e9 No.443148

File: e079acffc78c675⋯.jpg (78.17 KB,900x675,4:3,ec9ec34c0aea6c765444f19480….jpg)

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05c48f No.443188


the only place you're a mod is over at gayassporn.com, Bryan

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8e45e0 No.443202


>Not a pussy

>White knighted himself on foxdick until he made it painfully obvious it was him

Suuuuure he isn't. He sure did take that heat well!

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0cc241 No.443340

bryan is a faggot lol

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b46720 No.443510

File: abe2fef96140692⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,805.71 KB,1500x2124,125:177,russia.jpg)


I love that image, but please spoil it next time. Like this.

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8c0162 No.443556

Anyone has that song of inspector faggot singing about Danny's peenie going kaboom ?

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4d7b94 No.443560


Who's you? A fag dm me the same image a few days ago

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4d7b94 No.444590

Why Bryan is taking tests to show he's gay now? He posted it on discord.

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2faa39 No.446949


He's lurking here, he deleted all those stuff.

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2faa39 No.446993

File: c48b8f475e81cb9⋯.png (71.79 KB,817x473,19:11,he fit lads.png)

In summary, we did several idiot online tests other night, including a test about sexuality. Bryan, probably drunk, was the only one who posted a totally gay result, but looks like he really lurks here and deleted all before anyone screenshot.

But check he trying to fit on "Anime Mafia".

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072ea9 No.449619

File: 5c54b04c0d6d03d⋯.png (209.44 KB,677x632,677:632,yeet.png)

The fag is trying to slide his thread while talk about being gay on discord and call others "faggot".

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e47690 No.449858


Homosexuality is a mind-rot honestly, I'm not saying this to be le principled christian.

I used to be ok-with-gays even after I was aware of the JQ, race, etc. Honestly I'd highly recommend the Institute for Advanced Homophobia thread on MyPostingCareer. It redpilled me on fags.

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13cc9a No.449877

File: 90686f9b2b6f057⋯.png (189.49 KB,1112x2893,1112:2893,faggot statistics.png)

File: ac6e82f38886bf1⋯.jpg (292.5 KB,1200x1600,3:4,fags and food.jpg)

File: 4f581693d9ac190⋯.jpg (316.64 KB,835x704,835:704,faggot facts.jpg)

File: 1a0c945564e9dfc⋯.jpg (190.64 KB,906x1024,453:512,faggot facts2.jpg)

File: 51b4662a9e9d4e7⋯.jpg (783.4 KB,3099x1854,1033:618,faggot facts3.jpg)


You don't need to be a Christian to be disgusted by faggots anon, or even remotely non-secular.

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072ea9 No.449994


Bryan is the "right" kind of gay. Not a faggot ;^)

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fa4e6c No.451754

Sup Bryan, Anime Mafia here.

Stop cock riding and trying to use Aqua as a lever. That is pathetic.

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fc805f No.452336



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e22e90 No.452340

How do you get a cease and desist from a website?

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ea5b88 No.452722


Imagine the worst faggot in the entire world. That's kop. I just wonder how many other sites and people have sent bryan a cease and desist.

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583632 No.454593


His virtual fame is all what matters, he's not just stupid, he actually has some mental illness (besides being gay). He can not turn off the computer, he will get more obsessed with the fucking site/server.

That's why he's trying so desperatel to become a mod here, look like the chill lolcow and be friend with Aqua and others.

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729460 No.454636


One kinda have to be a really special person for that to happen. But my guess he is an exceptional person kinda like Jahans with his degeneracy.

There has to me more lore with Brian not just some few bits of information, but for now his degeneracy is within Jahans levels.

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f1df5a No.459441

no no no

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92b3bf No.459456

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e811f9 No.459458

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92b3bf No.459951

File: a9e8ad876cb1efc⋯.jpg (43.91 KB,736x519,736:519,Identifying Faggotry.jpg)


Bryan cocksucker

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e6cf15 No.464633

File: ad823a075547370⋯.png (140.38 KB,675x795,45:53,1.PNG)

File: 24c5c2922cb6757⋯.png (626.19 KB,675x796,675:796,2.PNG)

File: d97744277d4be33⋯.png (292.7 KB,676x798,338:399,3.PNG)

File: 8588b4069f95f50⋯.png (78.84 KB,678x796,339:398,4.PNG)

File: 2bd4936083a638d⋯.png (66.17 KB,675x795,45:53,5.PNG)


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e6cf15 No.464634

File: d259c1d41fd43d6⋯.png (67.79 KB,676x800,169:200,6.PNG)

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5601c1 No.464646



Fucking Jesus… He manages to be more cringe and pathetic than Scrub…

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369dd5 No.467116

File: 8a9061bc69f70b0⋯.png (157.69 KB,639x758,639:758,TonkasPC.png)

looks like he is trying to weasel his way back into the DSP hating clique. They're mocking him and he doesn't even realise

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b8c2ba No.491133

One month ago, Bryan dm on discord about help him become a /cow/ mod, I see more people saying the same,

I have no idea how he thought I would be able to do this or why I would do it. I was only one of many in the animefags server.

Has anyone here been dm by him on discord or Twitter?

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1b9f75 No.492673


Yes, back in high school I used to have a friend who I initially thought was straight but later on turned out to be "bi" and then later on came out as a full on fudge packer and started acting like an overall generally nasty, rude, self unaware, backstabbing cunt who had no sense of self reflection and would always just casually talk about the most inappropriate and degenerate shit in public in front of large sums of people and became a massive attention seeker faggot. He also always acted extremely passive aggressively and promiscuously and flamboyantly and predatorily to the point where I basically had to avoid him and while doing so he would talk shit about me behind my back and would often try to psycho-analyse me despite him being a massive narcissistic sod.

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4aa5bb No.561890

Why won't he leave us alone, /cow/?

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3f0f94 No.561930

File: d39d8a31790f03a⋯.jpg (118.94 KB,900x675,4:3,1530704528530.jpg)


never use a catholic meme ever again or ill stomp on you

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c463bf No.561959


Of course stealing shit is all you prots are good at.

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313a8c No.589905

File: 2e8b7e27b9dbb65⋯.gif (3.19 MB,338x207,338:207,wasted.gif)


I love this shit, always makes me laugh

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f1beb3 No.589908


Zoe's law

Any one who runs around calling people narcissists are narcissistic themselves.

It's what all the idiots on Reddit do.

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8042aa No.836232

Tranks God this faggot now is back into foxdickfarms together with is kind (faggots and reddit)

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699f32 No.836477


How soon until /pol/cucks start sperging out like they are on /k/ and /tv/? ( yes. If you shitpost on /tv/ long enough you can tell the differences from what’s real Butt hurt from /leftypol/ and /pol/, and what’s just shitposting)

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250a0f No.837806


i'd go out with him tbh. though i'm lost as to why people hate him and not bothered to read the image tldr of what is posted.

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9dc3d6 No.837849


Homor and jews are both worthless lying faggots, they'll sticky the thread if KOP came in and called them faggots because they are social retards who grabbed /cow/ before anyone else, stop respecting admin abusers bruh

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250a0f No.845029

File: b40acc5293febf5⋯.jpg (652.47 KB,1600x1287,1600:1287,1.jpg)


also on this note where can i find more pics of bryan qt

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4372d8 No.845278


Heteros are the real homos.

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47a6fb No.955865

KoP is now illegally hosting a City of Heroes private server that uses stolen code. No one plays his server now though. He goes by Dr. Brain in discord. This is a reddit account he owns


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47a6fb No.955867


Also these are the stats for his server, completely dead, even though people paid him thousands of dollars for it


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699f32 No.956635


He looks like mark

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36990c No.956993

File: 86b5e23297578a0⋯.png (175.25 KB,449x466,449:466,Mama_Robotnik_is_mad.png)

>Already on page 2

Not today Brian.

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290b8e No.969545


he's pretty transitioning in fact of course. i'd give him the s u c c. uwu

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61bc1e No.969569




>why is it that mexicans forcefully try to have their names associated with /pol/ when the board openly despises their race and states such on a regular basis?

From what I seen in /pol/ meetups. Hispanics and Arab are half the meetups. The leaders of /pol/ meetups tend to be Jews or Hapa.

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755adf No.969582

File: 5169dd0777364e2⋯.png (148.45 KB,265x293,265:293,laugh_bing.png)


>Outing this degenerate faggot may be Jim's finest achievement.

All due respect to Jim and everything, but he was just the venue. QoP's greatest enemy was, is, and always shall be QoP. Jim didn't slip him a mickey and lie in wait with a micropone: Mr. Outline did that all by himself.

>mfw the first time I listened to QoP drunkenly demand and then BEG for Danny's dick pic.

>>mfw the twentieth time I listened to QoP drunkenly demand and then BEG for Danny's dick pic.

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