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File: 331abde75df0c4a⋯.jpg (5.12 KB,180x199,180:199,276464_232635270106550_725….jpg)

205106 No.424641 [View All]

Was he a real cow or was he playing it up for the audience? Or a mixture of the two?

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7177eb No.510266

File: a32a69d246f6847⋯.webm (15.5 MB,640x360,16:9,TCR - 03_27_18 - Da Squir….webm)


He pretty much is like Alex Jones now, shilling his show and trying to get money out of it. TCR took a big dip when Ghost started hosting TCR on his ghost.report website.


Around late March of this year, Ghost told on air on his last show on BTR about a guy in his semi-public discord that showed animated mlp porn of underaged characters and defended it by saying that it wasn't actual kids. Ghost would be shocked and wonder if he was a pedo to which he said no. "the squirts" part came from some porn the caller liked watching of regular porn of women (from what I can get from Ghost's vocabulary) shitting. It disgusted Ghost that he made a phone call to the squirts guy's dad. He then went on a rant over autism. This incident would be reminded in the later episodes on his ghost.report website. Vid related goes on about it.

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aba1e4 No.520773


Discord is cancer

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7177eb No.521595


Of course, Ghost using that crap chat service with his asskissing zealots, he fits right in.

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36367a No.525357

I miss when Ghost was a lolcow, now he's just a grumpy old man

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36367a No.525358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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49742b No.525359


If Trump wins midterms, he will bring back radio graffiti. JOIN GOP NOW!!!

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49742b No.525360


Discord is still better than Kikebook. At least you can be anonymous on Discord unlike that jew site.

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d40f20 No.525362


>anonymous on discord

>a service and goes through a central server and logs everything

Read the TOS faggot. You bought into the meme didn't you?

>at least it hides my ip!!!

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c50fdf No.525665

I've heard that Ghost's real power word is Jason DeLeon. Is that true?

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776ddc No.695133


Someone said this during his new years eve stream through streamlabs. Wasn't much of a reaction from him.

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6e9098 No.744732

If you don't realize when he's acting you need to be euthanized unironically.

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347516 No.745006

File: 3ebcb852251479d⋯.jpeg (50.15 KB,480x360,4:3,32A95BD1-18DF-4569-AC46-5….jpeg)


>(((alt-right))) is the same as national socialism.

Considering the Holocaust didn’t happen and Hitler killed more whites than Jews when invading white nations. He isn’t wrong.

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24bc59 No.746286

File: 7b530a0a02ff8f0⋯.jpg (11.57 KB,261x343,261:343,cuca.jpg)


Hiya White Sharia dumbass how does it feel being one of the reasons this board is dying

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f18463 No.757499


>ghost deleted his shit


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a39a50 No.757782


No he didn't?

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5f3b1a No.761527

He was fake as fuck and the only faggots that believed him were underage b&s that were also retarded enough to believe Jace was real

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46a88c No.762370


Even if he was faking it, to keep this up for 11 years says enough.

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0c0bb0 No.841471

Good thread

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a39a50 No.852456

File: 41bb69152f883b4⋯.png (283.4 KB,436x438,218:219,ghost trolling discord 5Dp….png)

Join the outer circle https://ghettogaggers.com/5DpRKG

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3e5ca5 No.852771


Why do you keep posting ghettogaggers? This is a cumbang board.

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6d0c8e No.852806


kill yourself underage newfag

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3e5ca5 No.852807


Fuck off degenerate and eat shit on your way out.

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c90a79 No.852886

Metokur mentioned him on the eu stream. Hinted at knowing his identity.

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d1fff6 No.853161

I miss when Ghost had substance instead of boring lolcow crap. When he was triggering all the nazi-larping zoomers late last year was epicly lit.

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7177eb No.853510


The problem is that he just ended up shilling to the point where now his new show is mostly TTS donations filling up his show. Which ends up becoming something like Buddhism Hotline. Trolls paying to piss him off.

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5ee027 No.853816


It's horrible radio, real shame because i feel ghost was a good character at one point and had good shows

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7177eb No.860209


Well so far Ghost has been missing again since the 5th of April. Who knows where he went.

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552e3e No.860228


Again? Kek.

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315eac No.861808


This dude's vanished like 3 times it feels like. I blame all the weirdos trying to dox him. He doesn't need to be doxed to be a fun show.

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096cfd No.861890


Damn, kind of want to see what he has to say about Assange. If this were pre-youtube though I'd be a lot more disappointed.

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c64c90 No.862872


He probably retreated back into his discord. If not, then he's taking yet another "break".

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5ee027 No.864313


he made enough off of donations to not have to work as an e-whore for another couple of months

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81a502 No.866515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He's back!

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922d01 No.874329

Isn't he using sound effects? I noticed that him hitting shit & even the pouring of alcohol are from a soundboard. Anyone else?

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9cfb67 No.877544

so what, this guy is what would happen if r/donald and alex jones had a baby? am I missing anything?

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7177eb No.878290


That's why many who have listened to Ghost call it cans.wav


That pretty much is what Ghost is nowadays.

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7177eb No.890568

How long until Ghost gets treated like DSP and gets barely any donations and views?

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9cd373 No.947602

File: 493c4baa1e2fda8⋯.png (29.76 KB,1275x317,1275:317,ClipboardImage.png)


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7177eb No.949590


Yeah, Ghost got kicked off youtube and is now streaming on Vaughnlive spewing his typical neocuck garbage. Watch if you want https://vaughn.live/ghostpolitics1

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7177eb No.949610

I'm surprised that no one really talks about Ghost much on /cow/. I guess its because he is kind of going dry.

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7305f4 No.959256


Kek why did he get kicked off? I listened to some of his recent videos a few weeks back and it was just basic cuckservative shit. Don't tell me the shekeltube is so bad it doesn't even allow mild cuckservativism anymore.

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7177eb No.959645


He got suspended for a week for supposedly saying faggot three times on one of his Ghost Show streams. Which caused him to leave jewtube and go to vaughnlive. Despite being over a week later after the suspension has been lifted.

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d63b1f No.960329

Is anybody following all of this gay ops shit? Last show there was a large group of people accusing Jackler and his Outer Circle of attention whores of running a grooming Discord. People were sending clips of one member, Dova Dude, saying he only talked to Kekker (underage) about LGBT shit and they were trying to disprove it in real time through the donos. I kind of wish everyone involved would just fuck off.

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7177eb No.960339


It's the usual shit that Ghost pull in order to agitate the community. This shit has happened before such as when Ghost was picking a fight with Elfoxoloco which ended up causing Ghost to lose his gumroad account.


That damn site really does destroy communities whenever a community uses it.

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d63b1f No.960345


>in order to agitate the community

Why would he want to do that though? Seems like he should be trying to keep everyone happy so they keep paypigging, especially now that his audience has completely stagnated.

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7177eb No.960366


Well from my many observations, Ghost tends to smear accusations or causing a ruckus on many people he tends to hate. Jackler, who is a recent example. Was labelled a pedo despite no actual proof of him grooming a kid. Which came from some kid who was trolling Ghost yet Ghost was thinking that Jackler was brainwashing the kid to troll Ghost (hypocritical since Ghost's Inner Circle is made up of people who have no free thought and only express the same views Ghost has). Which is how the whole grooming accusations from Ghost came from. This caused Jackler to have the OC have an age restriction in his group due to Ghost throwing these allegations.

>Seems like he should be trying to keep everyone happy so they keep paypigging

He usually is e-begging on his stream along with resorting to being a generic reaction stream that comes out late at night. With this recent drama he either enjoys causing drama while taking off with his money from his paypigs or he stupidly fucks himself over.

>especially now that his audience has completely stagnated

Well the reason for a very tiny audience now is due to Ghost's stream attracting the same cancerous crowd that comes from other communities (Buddhism Hotline, other reaction streamers, etc.) which Ghost banked off of with e-begging on these newfags. Which take up a good chunk of the show with many of the trolls from the TCR days (specifically from when Ghost returned back in 2016) to dwindle in numbers due to Radio Graffiti being either very short or not even in the episode at all.

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b1f781 No.960467


I guess that all makes sense. I don't know enough about Jackler or the Discord shit to make a determination either way to be honest. I just hope Ghost turns it around. I like the guy but greed has gotten the better of him and retards with fat wallets keep egging him on. People will get bored of this format pretty soon. You can only pay someone to react to bullshit videos so many times and he's not going to gain new viewers if he stays on Vaughn.

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b37eef No.963451


He was on youtube until the banned him for 90 days.

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d0d363 No.963470


>kind of

He's been dry for 2 years now. Had this jewish hambone stuck to youtube he might have gotten overnight success and revived the show, but as it stands he's on a downward spiral to irrelevancy with all the newfaggots being fail trolls and attention queers. His show is nothing more than entertainment for paypigs who flood him with 15 $ to watch boring shit and occasionally give a cans.wav to keep the interest flowing.

>>960366 (Checked)


He's running on empty fuel, trying to make it to the 20 elections so he can ride the waves and make bank. After his 100th episode he's going to go on another hiatus and is probably not going to come back. He could've returned on youtube after his second strike died down and continued the show and made a new twitter, but he instead chose some buttfuck, 3rd grade site to slowly dwindle into obscurity. All the newfags can't see that he's playing them like a damn fiddle.

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7177eb No.963904


>he's trying to make it to the 2020 elections so he can ride the waves and make bank

This. Ghost is just julaying more paypigs and continuing to shill for Trump.

>After his 100th episode he's going to go on another hiatus and is probably not going to come back


>He could've returned on youtube after his second strike died down and continued the show and made a new twitter

He could of, although I personally think he should just go back to BTR and go back to his old format of airing around the afternoon. Ghost pretty much is fading to irrelevancy, he might even end up like DSP and have no more paypigs. Even his outdated ED article shows how irrelevant he is.

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