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File: ec80e108a5a709f⋯.jpg (26.28 KB,415x411,415:411,jfgface.JPG)

9d2311 No.379570 [View All]

>I block people on ze twitter because zey make fun of me on ze pooblic spez

He is a butthurt faggot. You can call me a shill or what not but you know deep down inside that JF is a butthurt faggot. I don't support the Money Badger's narrative against him, I don't think he is a pedo who rapes autistic children, I just think he is a cuck.

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792730 No.486338



i keep getting shadowbanned from places for pointing out that fuentes is a sephardic last name

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d64705 No.486655



Like >>485953 I'd like to see the sources for those.

>"Doctors use the terms tumor and abscess interchangeably all the time" – JFG

I have no idea about this and won't comment on it.

>"Humans have tiny crystals in their ears that enable them to tell which way is up" – JFG

>why didn't he say otoconia instead of crystals like some fat wicca cunt?

When explaining scientific concepts to laymen, it's counter productive to use advanced terminology for it's own sake. I work a lot with pump-probe experiments, and when I explain them to laymen I do things like gesticulating with my hands and saying the laser probe by saying

>"Then we send a second laser pulse, like the flash of a camera."

It's not about being 100% precise or using the precise terminology, but rather about getting an idea across. JF is a science educator, so I'm sure he's aware of this.

>"A centrifuge is a great example of how gravity works (implying that the Earth is a large centrifuge)" – JFG

This may very well be a resonable comparison. The centripedal force that keeps the parts of a centrifuge rotating is equivalent to gravity in the case of a planet. Still, without more context I can't know for sure if he said something retarded or not.

One last thing: Everyone says stupid things. Even if JF has a giant backlog of retardation (I certainly can think of some things), that does not make him dumb. I have heard him say thigns I found intellectually engaging and unique, and I stand by what I said in >>485946 .

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ae7e38 No.488642


he didn't justify it, but his reasoning is retarded.

teen pregnancy most of the time results in either premature birth or death of the teen mother, it's more of natural selection than an evolutionary advantage.

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107416 No.498160

File: 2ace4b5fe157447⋯.mp4 (11.83 MB,640x360,16:9,Sequence 01_1.mp4)

Both Lauren Rose and Emily Youcis have departed from Ze Pooblic Spaze. After a painful episode of white knighting for Lauren, and a very passive-aggressive stream with Emily, JF now has no cohost.

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e5833e No.498198

File: 47e0a49a366e38c⋯.gif (1009.69 KB,500x248,125:62,Shaking_head_-_Breaking_Ba….gif)


Jesus, what an insufferable retard. What kind of show is he hoping to foster if he self-censors this fucking much? Might as scrap ze pooplic spayce and go back to debunking leftist videos.

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8f118b No.498247


>You can't talk about nuking Countries

>You can't say the N-Word

>You can't repeat what someone else said

The eternal Anglo-Saxon will always be their own worst enemy. They white Knight for thots and end up killing off their own allies.. Whata public space if you are creating a safe space with censorship? No wonder these people are boring.

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94fc77 No.498484


>I feel like I'm the kid in the class and you're the teacher that likes to pick on me

I don't follow bloodsports but this is the guy that wants to impregnate retards, right? Suddenly makes sense.

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c1b1d5 No.498567


Be careful there bud, you are getting close to some speech rape. What's with this 'reeducation' shit? Is this a communist stream now?

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f0bab4 No.498916

File: 03bbdf04ba772a5⋯.gif (12.28 KB,465x397,465:397,120454719724.gif)


Um, I don't think JF is Anglo-Saxon.

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c1b1d5 No.498937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's french.

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45c3c4 No.499126


Half french, but the other half is what I'm wondering about. He's misshapen and borderline retarded, so either his mother had a toxic waste dump for a womb or his genes didn't mix well at all.

On a side note, are there any photos of jf standing up straight? He looks like a hunchback in every stream or photo I've seen of him.

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7f2b70 No.499394


I mean, I agree at this point. He's a terrible white advocate as well. He wants to talk about science and facts and force racial voting patterns into a left/right dichotomy even when it serves his opponent's argument.

However, as you people have been told a billion times, that doesn't make him a lolcow.

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196cb3 No.500098

File: 92168ad4613cc15⋯.jpg (81.88 KB,540x720,3:4,Lauren Southern.jpg)

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aa9bb5 No.500129


That's a 14 year old girl from halfchan /b/

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41024f No.500154


How do you know that?

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987dd9 No.500267


Because it's been posted everywhere on halfchan /b/ and /r9k/ to get threads deleted

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700141 No.516454

File: 4058232fbb29b2d⋯.jpg (42.68 KB,631x841,631:841,631full-jean--françois-gar….jpg)


Here he is standing.

Is he really only half French? Where did you hear that? I know he claims he is mostly Basque. The last name is pretty common for French-Canadians but not so much France French, which really makes him the lowest scum possible. I think he is full French but just lost the gene lottery with his asymmetrically droopy eyes.

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b354ee No.516580


He has claimed to be some degree of aborigine. What degree I don't know, assuming that is even a true claim.

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c56e06 No.528896

File: 994f0699a6ff263⋯.webm (2.83 MB,1008x512,63:32,JFs_Goblina.webm)

JewEss Gariepy

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e83d62 No.528903


He should never ever sing ever again

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3ba913 No.528929

The only thing I find funny about him is how he always needs to pretend that "everything's going according to the plan". Other than that, he's just cringey. NONETHELESS, == FUCK KAREN. ==

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ea8614 No.546385

Can you guys get JF to review shrek?

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e82e7a No.546561

JF and Nick Fuentes have taught me a lot. He's not a lolcow. He's smart and doesn't even lash out or get angry.

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ea8614 No.546798


He is smart but he's also a sperg

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6a3c9f No.546835


>CP posted on JF Thread

>JF Thread is raided by cuckchan people

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ecfd44 No.546927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>doesn't even lash out or get angry.


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ea8614 No.546998



I don't think it's CP.

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107416 No.552165

File: bf38ee2637fbe0b⋯.png (492.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,jewess.png)

picture of his current jew girlfriend

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bddc51 No.565218

Did JF and frame games have a falling out?

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c7e725 No.565278

Don't think JF is a lolcow. Or at least not easy to provoke to be a lolcow. Not saying it can't be done, but I don't think that there is much payoff in doing so.

But if you are willing to try, he is extremely fond of the ladies…. Maybe you could make his gf sperg out to make him sperg out.

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4e601f No.565843


>all capital ship bonuses

idk why that made me lol

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c76625 No.566386

The alt right has a lot of retarded people, but he's particularly pathetic and cringey. He just sucks up and giggles along like a beta bitch to anyone he's talking to, no matter how moronic what they're saying is.

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e82e7a No.696118

jf is based

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4eddf2 No.699847

File: 9e030053971ef74⋯.jpg (108.15 KB,920x613,920:613,fellow_kids.jpg)


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6fb480 No.699997

File: 3d0fa8eb678f76c⋯.png (59.16 KB,283x302,283:302,Papa JF full power.png)

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198a43 No.702310


yesh but who responds to accusations of eloping with a tard with "well she was adult age and consenting" he really PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd himself there. his current gf looks like a jew tard as well

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404f19 No.702870


you're part of the reason why he's funny. it's not every day that theres a loud internet defense force surrounding what amounts to a failed academic who's been in trouble for degenerate fetishes involving porking people with potato IQs as just the tip of the (((iceberg))).

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a8c36e No.746362


JF is talking shit about andywarski lawsuit.


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c1b1d5 No.746411


Is this kayfabe or actual real shit?

Either way, it's going to bring in the money for both of them.

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09a670 No.774296

File: 396bbf68e982783⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,763.1 KB,2730x4095,2:3,1550746870651.jpg)

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0fbb39 No.774449


Is he raising another man's children? No? Then fuck off Karen you cuntdyke.

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8f58ba No.969021

jf is weak lying autist. send him to a math-camp in siberia so that he may be useful instead of wasting everybody time with this boring public poo

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0334b1 No.969024

File: 4570b95d78242ba⋯.jpg (23.24 KB,480x270,16:9,goose spew.jpg)


Hope they burned that seat afterwards.


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9350eb No.969513

Any else noticed the only lefties are trying to attack JF for the last months, including the ones larping as part of /cow/ and right/conservatives groups or feds like Nick?

PPP and Godwinson for exemple are just larping to be righ-wing while being friends with the "skeptical society" and still trying to make Jim to make a video attacking JF.

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09ff36 No.969516

File: dd65fde85cd66e0⋯.gif (5.5 MB,960x540,16:9,piston.gif)



Tell me about it…

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4878c2 No.969579

File: c53e79eab232a2a⋯.jpg (50.48 KB,313x221,313:221,man_appalled.jpg)


This would be the girl half his age who is so badly traumatized by something that she occasionally breaks into his studio to start railing against the voices in her head while he's trying to talk about SJWs? The girl who was underaged when they met so her parents forbid him from spiriting her away to his smelly french bedroom until they no longer could?

Why in the flaming fuck is she biking around in the buff? Did her tard wrangler leave the gate open during bath time? And what kind of dread homunculus is behind her in the bike's baby-carrier?

Man, look at the size of her (((nose)))

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ee5d21 No.969631


she is jewish?

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52fae4 No.970994

He's not a lolcow but he is a pretentious fart huffing academic and I don't really like him, anyone who eats foi gras and proudly proclaims it is subhuman filth in fact of course. That shit's just demonic.

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2d24e8 No.971056

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ded745 No.971147


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