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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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File: 2d19971a5ce445c⋯.jpg (433.67 KB,1600x752,100:47,1494449204040.jpg)

e4024a No.267926 [View All]

15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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96aecb No.268040


Are those rick and morty eyes?

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217dcd No.268041

File: 3d5d8def6ff3210⋯.png (147.52 KB,451x787,451:787,Ellie.png)

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e4024a No.268045

File: fd5fe6e49495244⋯.png (613.9 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20170511-005705.png)


The more times you read it the worse it seems

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65b45e No.268046


Is she humping the bike?

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65b45e No.268048

File: 4807e6d852f9ef5⋯.jpg (36.21 KB,400x356,100:89,$_1.jpg)

File: 54767fa8be9cbee⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,500x445,100:89,51VUq-pIGlL._SY443_BO1,204….jpg)

How deep does this rabbit hole go? Also how old is Ellie supposed to be?

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e4024a No.268049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c9a51 No.268061

File: 7dc7a256e803b5c⋯.jpg (54.96 KB,136x232,17:29,54767fa8be9cbee76f8c2d8f75….jpg)

This shit looks like it was drawn by MrEnter

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e4024a No.268063

File: b504681e0ceaac9⋯.png (1.04 MB,1033x918,1033:918,1494487083956.png)

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e4024a No.268064

File: cd41712b77b1c35⋯.png (151.72 KB,1038x921,346:307,1494487101263.png)

File: 51baaaef7c18acd⋯.png (425.51 KB,1039x920,1039:920,1494487118407.png)

File: a3fddd3d3802519⋯.png (136.2 KB,1040x919,1040:919,1494487135426.png)

File: 85b18685b9311ff⋯.png (360.24 KB,1033x923,1033:923,1494487295640.png)

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e4024a No.268065

File: 6b0def22624c217⋯.png (205.74 KB,1035x918,115:102,1494487641391.png)

File: 609fd4e8e222dca⋯.png (98.03 KB,1038x923,1038:923,1494487854096.png)

File: 7c267e3c5274812⋯.png (260.58 KB,1032x926,516:463,1494487969458.png)

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ab2819 No.268066

File: 7782f3e86426a4d⋯.png (32.76 KB,1241x632,1241:632,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4024a No.268079

File: 1914877fb834ae8⋯.png (524.96 KB,1037x918,61:54,1494489469252.png)

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e4024a No.268081


The filter. Anyway it was the wrong link.

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9b465d No.268226

File: bd83c4e55ee9e40⋯.jpg (31.04 KB,148x342,74:171,ellie.jpg)

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e4024a No.268227

File: 2cd34f53646a9e2⋯.png (179.77 KB,1035x923,1035:923,1494488018124.png)

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3cdde3 No.268351

I remember reading this brony cringe story about a guy who had a younger cousin who was pretty autistic. He said his cousin shocked him as the kid would fap once an hour (in the living room no less).

He had to tell him to slow down as its not healthy to just bang your dick as soon as it springs back up again. Autistic kid had been trying anyway said something like;

"Yeah or otherwise it comes out watery".

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83ca54 No.268485


>"Yeah or otherwise it comes out watery".

WTF does that even mean?

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e4024a No.268486


Well if you ejaculate enough times in a row the sperm to liquid ratio get pretty low. That's why male porn stars don't do it for s couple days before a shoot. It's also why they ask when you donate sperm that you not masturbate for a couple days beforehand.

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83ca54 No.268491


OK, I thought the kid meant it comes out watery if he doesn't fap every hour.

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f0f3c8 No.269857


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03c482 No.269875


sauce plz

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ff7d16 No.269876

File: f57842ccb0ac2b8⋯.gif (1.73 MB,209x213,209:213,C'mon man... No.gif)


Of fucking coarse.

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6b9435 No.269878


Masturbating and squirtin'

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4f6540 No.269885




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03c482 No.269897

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8f4abe No.269918




I really wonder if the author isn't some deviantard writing this to fulfill his disability fetish. Maybe not, but you never know

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e4024a No.269973

File: b046cc68ce12345⋯.jpg (59.15 KB,716x612,179:153,1495311782462.jpg)


That's actually not a terrible idea.

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7838aa No.270599

File: 374fce4a693c416⋯.jpg (157.52 KB,736x1136,46:71,5d883c3d979b0ace875e6ed0e6….jpg)

what the fuck is this shit

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c6f30c No.270608

File: 983dd975cd95dd8⋯.png (206.74 KB,382x320,191:160,1463442266966.png)

This is amazing, I don't care what any of you faggots say

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4a32f4 No.277452

Just show them Dev-catscratchs page

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b9d8c3 No.340505

File: 29b291fe3d8016b⋯.png (589.96 KB,542x650,271:325,Mein Gott.PNG)


MFW I thought this was an adolescent boy who accidentally stumbled onto a call with a cam-whore

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08b6cc No.340671


the sauce is NON FUNCTIONING

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700c38 No.341888

File: 269b1d9d781230a⋯.jpg (15.28 KB,136x313,136:313,b475db53c49f323b882a4216b1….jpg)

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3f6d6e No.342698


I actually did it once when I was back in high school. I really hope that nobody noticed.

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f316d4 No.342748

File: 512fe96fbc1a2c9⋯.jpg (59.06 KB,1152x648,16:9,autism you made me die.jpg)


>tfw I bred with a normal when I could have been adding my unique autism to the gene pool with a spergette

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fa29a9 No.344839

Reminds me of Highschool. A few of the sped kids would beat off in the restroom using the liquid soap as lube. They'd also jack it in the lunch line then touch all the food when they got up to the counter. They weren't autists though, these guys were full on window-licking retarded.

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eea99d No.346388

File: 9c27f115740a377⋯.png (393.61 KB,968x863,968:863,ellie1.png)

File: 3282310b208a3fc⋯.png (722.14 KB,972x867,324:289,ellie2.png)



The digits command it.

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44195f No.348209

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b9d8c3 No.348685

File: d678351b868b4a7⋯.jpg (48.47 KB,480x640,3:4,17103321_1855595911355552_….jpg)


Does she have a YouTube Channel? Where does the video on the left come from?

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9c605d No.348762

File: e55c0006ce6ddb6⋯.jpg (27.89 KB,600x499,600:499,1342New.jpg)


She's gonna end up all roasted out if she keeps using that gargantuan fucking thing. Fucking speds always zapping taking things to the extreme. Still hot tho

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e02da9 No.348815

File: baad8d094f81d92⋯.jpg (32.92 KB,288x356,72:89,1454810950196.jpg)

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ca911f No.380957


>That means she wipes her Front First

Why doesn't she just use a separate sheet holy shit

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f1db0a No.517177


story behind pic?

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4ec3d7 No.517184

File: 4ea1481750bf670⋯.jpg (60.98 KB,600x600,1:1,33027220_3_l.jpg)

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f0f692 No.517186

File: f31fcb20484a8b4⋯.jpg (16.59 KB,639x475,639:475,worried homer.jpg)



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7ae92c No.518881





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12ba46 No.518986


She can still get fecal matter to the vagina by accident. If she wipes from the back of the vagina forward the sheet can get into contact with the butthole, picking germs up along the way. At least that would be my guess.

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042e3e No.923569

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3e3f40 No.925728


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f58ad4 No.969144


Why would anyone release this to be 'educational' to autistic children? Was the person who wrote this autistic?

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