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778ed5 No.237695 [View All]

And you think hitting the bump limit gives you the right to end my thread? It's rapeing time white man!

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72c856 No.526455

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72c856 No.526524

My theory is that while Tamers does purposely create most of his cocks to be laughed at, he generally does care about his characters, and in turn, we do too after watching them after a while. He pulls us in with jokes about race and sex, to the point to where we're actually invested in their daily lives and make us want to know more about them. They're sort of like the family guy characters in that way.

We have joke characters like Uncle Chuck, who is eventually revealed to be abusive because he was abused himself as a child. We have Bartleby who is so rich he can buy anything, but we later find out he's actually depressed deep down, and longing for the love of his parents that he never got.

Then there is genuine, good looking fanart of knuckles x sonia, queen aleena, and rather nice animated fight scenes from his latest couple videos. They're not even comedic/over-the-top fight scenes like in say, the spongebob anime openings. This is something that gives off the vibe that he did it solely for his own enjoyment and not for laughs.

It really makes you wonder where the trolling even begins or if it's even trolling at all.

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a148d8 No.526627


Is this fucking better than calarts?

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72c856 No.526655

File: 48238ad9bcf4322⋯.png (1.75 MB,1028x1116,257:279,5d3a616d3744df82b3604498cd….png)


I often wonder if Tamers is even a single person or if he's multiple people. Maybe brothers since they could share the account that way and one always has to be behind the camera. It would also explain why he can make so much art in such little time.

If you look at his two latest videos that were put up around the same time, there are very clear art differences. For starters Sleet and Dingo look vastly different way more cartoony and shapish in the opening. Sonia also has a different color scheme in both videos, which happens quite often if you look over his past animations. Sometimes she's be all pink and sometimes she'll have different fur and hair color.

Knuckles and Queen Aleena are also different, but they also have slight differences. The guy who drew the opening gives them noticeably smaller noses than the guy who drew the ending.

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9e6d9e No.526791


As bad as it is, it's way above calarts.

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a148d8 No.526817


I've never seen jollyjack get thoroughly ripped into, which makes Tamers the first one i've seen to really do so.

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a148d8 No.526821


>He utilizes everything to it's fullest potential.

Wait, how so? Sure he doesn't get more stock images to use?

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fa0a8c No.526969


I never really understood why some of his videos seemed off to me, but now that you mention it, there's definitively something weird going on with the art style.

Still love the various sailor moon transformation sequences he uploaded tho

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754bba No.533899

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This is amazing.

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980609 No.541756

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72c856 No.542138


>I want to fuck that tiddlytubby in the ass

>I want him to fuck ME in the ass

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970374 No.542454

File: b11a7599f252fc7⋯.png (976.35 KB,968x555,968:555,what did he mean.PNG)

What did he mean by this?

hmmm… maybe a new cast member?

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72c856 No.542497


That's just them at kfc. Of course there are going to be black people in the parking lot. Also I hate that I'm saying this but he draws sleet kinda hot.

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2666fa No.542535

think he'll have something for Halloween this year?

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29bbd2 No.543485


Dr. Layman is a cucked researcher for the German government. There is no way they're the same people.

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72c856 No.543524

File: 824fb00dd960906⋯.png (258.99 KB,584x754,292:377,1ad58hf021fh0ajs097.png)


Tamers made a twitter page and I've never seen such top tier shitposting


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72c856 No.554126

File: ff6f543f792675d⋯.png (398.44 KB,983x553,983:553,afajhl387873ngfh3847.png)

Knuckles The (Cool) Echidna is thicc

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72c856 No.554226

File: c946b87f9277912⋯.png (377.53 KB,983x553,983:553,4faskna873u8.png)

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72c856 No.554227

First I saw people talking about the guy on reddit, then 4chan, now here. I swear I can't seem to get away from Tmers12345 today

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c9af65 No.554381

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Are you ready for the video? That hot ass fucking tamers video?

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72c856 No.554405


Why did he split this one into two parts? This is only 11 minutes long, so if part 2 is just as long, that would equal up to just above 20 minutes. He's had longer videos on his channel before.

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c9af65 No.554417


Dunno. Perhaps he wants this to be an episodic kinda thing. Let him have his creative liberties. Its entertaining to say the least. He is creating hype i will say that.

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72c856 No.620174

File: fcb125cb8224cee⋯.jpg (90.83 KB,983x553,983:553,6925867`652.jpg)

File: 331248d0e158955⋯.png (428.81 KB,760x430,76:43,1xMK38CN91MSA4.png)

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c9af65 No.623532

Thanksgiving episode is godly.

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f5a62d No.626024

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Oh boy. He just posted a Stan Lee tribute featuring the whole Sonic Underground team (of course), but also Superman, Batman and Robin… none of which had anything to do with Stan Lee. At the end, Tamers1234 misspell the writer's catchphrase "excelsior!" for good measure. Brilliant.

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e2716a No.646799

What are your favorite videos of this guy so far?

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754bba No.646837


All of them. Its impossible to choose one.

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e2716a No.648425

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d2a902 No.649798


It was amazing, it's interesting to see him including Robotnik and company. I loved Mark Latour's monologue, and it was interesting to see what happened with Sonia and her mother.


Basically any of the animated videos, the basketball one is a great introductory video though. The 2017 Halloween video was, I believe, 40 minutes long and rather remarkable. I hope we get another animated Christmas special this year.

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fc448d No.658210

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His latest is getting to a whole new level.

>God! Oh my (bleep) God! I just broke my (bleep) leg, it hurts so (bleep) bad! Bartleby, you have to do something. Maybe if you poop on me, your icing might be sticky enough to reattach my leg.

<I'm way ahead of you bitch. I hope you like strawberry.


The ending card also misspells Tamers12345.

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abfd75 No.660220


Saving this one till Christmas. Did you see the Red Manic video? That one had me in stitches. Tamers is the perfect blend of intentional and unintentional comedy.

>"No, Red Manic's gonna rape my ass!"

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e2716a No.681742


Who would have thought that Tamers would make a better DC Movie script.

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abfd75 No.682055


This is the real Snyder cut.

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e2716a No.685061

Christmas Special is out.

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57dc36 No.696926

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Video coming in 20 minutes. Get your bitchass in here.

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279ad7 No.697025


Well, I guess that there's always the beach episode..

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c9af65 No.697072



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57dc36 No.697221

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Two videos in one night.

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970374 No.697334



You're a fucking legend, m8

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57dc36 No.705756

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I want Tamers to tackle more animu. Preferably something with a lot of man-ass.

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47da00 No.706211

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This guy has a weird obsession with asses of men

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72c856 No.708345


I'm willing to bet that Tamers is actually somebody famous or at least has a somwhat big following, and his (secret) tamers12345 persona is actually a character he plays for kicks

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72c856 No.708358


If it was all for kicks and he did have a following somewhere else, how and why would he use all his time making these feature length animations?

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57dc36 No.720368

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6d3c56 No.866434

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a moment of silence

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12beb5 No.968975

Hogwarts will always be one of the best episodes.

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7302ba No.970575

File: cb748811370ece6⋯.png (571.03 KB,865x510,173:102,1616391030689.png)

>No posts in over a year

New Tamers kino dropped yesterday


More New Boys plot development in the post-credits scene. According to Tamers it's all leading into a 2nd Movie

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a36e49 No.971376

File: 7edfda007b1298b⋯.png (501.75 KB,910x445,182:89,image_10_.png)

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5d4846 No.971382


holy fuck, there's still people here in 2022? Thought this place was literally dead.

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a3fd83 No.971847


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