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You're still here? The show's over....

File: c1d651c60efbbeb⋯.mp4 (11.21 MB,1280x532,320:133,Disney's Mulan _ Final Tra….mp4)


Maybe it is just wishful thinking but I really hope this lame chinese pandering explodes in their faces.

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>mulan actress openly supports china's government against hong kong

>this causes backlash & who knows how many reshoots

>coronavirus means most cities are locked down meaning public places like theaters are now closed

>americans have a disdain for the chinese right now amid fears of infection & theorizing the virus was man made

>disney has made money back on their previous attempts but garnered no good public press around their live action remakes

>disney has also turned many away for ruining star wars

All this factors lead me to believe the strong possibility this movie will fail badly. Even if it makes money in america, it's international releases won't matter without chinabux. Disney needs to be taken down a peg or a dozen.

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Me pre Superbowl spot:

>oh nice, actual Chinese people in this movie!

>oh nice, actual war in this movie!

>weird… a witch, but I guess that's accurate to the original story… but Disney's Mulan was kiiiinda down to earth. A witch might ruin it.

>no CGI cricket, no singing, no dragon. Nice. I can work with that.

>yet still strange to make it more realistic, but add a witch.

>probably no ghost ancestors because Chinese market, that sucks.

Me after Superbowl spot:

>Mulan stopping when she was supposed to shout "Truth" was clever.

>man, it kinda looks generic though - generic and brown.

>oh look there's that nice, kind king of Chin- "KILL EVERYONE BLARGH!". Great, now I don't like the government she fights for.

If she doesn't at least gain his respect at the end, this movie is lost.

>witch character feels like she'd join up with Mulan at the end against the Mongols, inspired by her actions.

>any message of the original will be downplayed to adapt to muh communism.

>at first I was in for a serious version of Mulan, but holy crap, noone is smiling and everyone is angry all the time.

It seems like trash. So it will fail in the west, but be a success in China.

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Oh I just had a thought… wouldn't it be hilarious if Mulan and the witch would combine forces and like… Mulan takes the throne of China by force?

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Serious question:

Will McDonald's be bringing back s echuan sauce for this or was that just a Reddit and Memey thing now. I've had this conspiracy that Disney or McDonalds paid off Justin Royland to reinsert the sauce into everyone's collective memory so they'd re-re-release it for this film.

Also what does Shan-Yu look like? He was the best part of the movie, and after they fumbled with Jafar my hopes which were already resentful and ludicrously low just dropped even more.

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They didn't realize the Chinese are more politically divided than they thought


If they were just trying to appeal to the Western market, I'd say yes

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You see him in the Super Bowl trailer. He's just some generic looking dude.

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It's like I'm given two slices of bread to eat: They took away Mushu and the singing, which was the ham and cheese to the original.

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> I've had this conspiracy that Disney or McDonalds paid off Justin Royland to reinsert the sauce into everyone's collective memory so they'd re-re-release it for this film.

That's fucking stupid.

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>Will McDonald's be bringing back s echuan sauce for this or was that just a Reddit and Memey thing now.

Mixed youself manchild.


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>>1071888 (Checked.)

Are you saying greater acts of corporate dealings hasn't happened before?

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Don't use your capcode unless discussing board matters. What are you, a newfag?

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I occasionally like to post with it on just to show anons, that the new management gives a shit about the board; especially during this slow period.


No, I'm calling it fucking stupid.

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I hope it bombs but that is what I thought of the other live action adaptations of Aladdin and Lion King from last year. I was sure people were getting tired of this kind of crap but I guess I underestimated the stupidity of people and nostalgia. Also, Disney has ways of cooking the books to make movies seem more successful than they already do. They'll let a few bombs slip by so it doesn't look too suspicious.

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Please don't.

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