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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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File: 46f9b351226e9f5⋯.png (104.57 KB,1340x573,1340:573,haha funni.png)

File: a34e4ec70c8a770⋯.jpeg (36.46 KB,300x400,3:4,sam.jpeg)

b1a446 No.581 [View All]

The purpose of this board is to discuss Christian topics

It was started because of dissatisfaction with censorship by mods on /christian/, and that's still an issue almost 4 years later


We had a first raid today, (probably just one cross /b/ & /christian/ poster), that challenges the rule of "no censorship". Obviously spam and pornography are counter to the board purpose, but does banning and deleting provide an avenue for bias in moderation? I've concluded that it could, and in the interest of total transparency the mod practices will be as follows:

>all bans have been lifted

>anti-spam settings have been enabled (captcha to start thread, new thread limit/hour, robot9000 script)

>lewd and pornographic images will be deleted, but the post will remain

>spam threads will be locked, but not deleted so anyone can judge for themselves whether or not the post really was spam

79 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4752e2 No.4555


That >>4359 is not a post from /islam/.

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63120a No.4556


Because "No censorship at >>>/christianity/"

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8e9c34 No.4566


And thus the failings of hands off moderation.

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e00591 No.4575


Because it's not spam. Learn to use the hide feature

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2e1001 No.4675



It's absolutely spam. The whole purpose of that thread was to pollute the board. I disagree with the no-modding approach. Without some police and a garbage truck, this board will be nothing but shit that's unrelated to Christianity.

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fc6b75 No.4681


>The whole purpose of that thread was to pollute the board.

How do you know?

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2e1001 No.4690


Go back, leftypol. Your funny pictures have nothing to do with this religion, and you know that.

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fc6b75 No.4697


I didn't make that thread, I'm just asking for your reasoning. I don't know what gangweed is in the first place.

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2e1001 No.4808

File: c082d65a4460983⋯.png (667.13 KB,1075x720,215:144,hrt.png)


It's a leftist, feminist meme that's popular on places like facebook, leftypol and reddit. Completely unrelated to Christianity.

Why was the babykiller thread deleted?

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2da292 No.4811


This one?


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2e1001 No.4836

File: ec9acd3fd115041⋯.png (912.69 KB,2022x1849,2022:1849,that one.PNG)


Yeah, that one.

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379bbe No.4842


Look at the small text on top of the page. It's a site-wide problem.

>One Alacrity node crashed, but it is back online. Some threads might be 404ing as a result. As for the media server, we are looking into potential improvements.

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139a8d No.4901

File: 5b3d4211206ca9a⋯.png (9.95 KB,1090x127,1090:127,56e035b28.png)

This one might have been tongue in cheek hehe :^)

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2e1001 No.4968

File: 5c561c9704c779a⋯.jpg (320.77 KB,1000x1412,250:353,kawa.jpg)

We're back on the list on the frontpage, lads.

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49c684 No.5290

File: c4d8534fa51180c⋯.png (803 B,20x16,5:4,1024px-Flag_of_the_Greek_O….png)

Mods, can you switch the Eastern Orthodox flag for pic related? The current one doesn't look like anything.

The dimensions are the same.

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2ad3bc No.5292

File: 4e22782c9a965ed⋯.png (120.04 KB,300x300,1:1,4e22782c9a965edbe2b64de235….png)


>using flags

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b9b959 No.5534



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9c85e0 No.6505

File: 95d0ad8ad3e0198⋯.png (33.66 KB,1200x720,5:3,deutsche christen.png)

Can we have the flag of Deutsche Christen as flag?

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cfbc03 No.6507


Do you go to a deutsche christen church?

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9c85e0 No.6508


No, just one that used to be one

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cfbc03 No.6509


That's pretty cool ngl

The goal is for the flags to correspond to the affiliation of the poster's church. Is there a denominational association of your church that isn't represented here already?

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9c85e0 No.6511

File: 3a48e50354612ee⋯.png (225 B,36x69,12:23,36px-Evang.svg.png)

File: 09fc7bb24a5f563⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,3072x2304,4:3,Frauenkirche_DResden_80.jpg)


I don't know, all the flags here are of American Churches

The church I belong (Evangelical Church in to would use this flag

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9c85e0 No.6512


>Evangelical Church in

*Evangelical Church in Germany

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cfbc03 No.6513



That's the EKD, right? And it's made up of member churches? Why?

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9c85e0 No.6514


it's attempting to unite all the evangelic churches that were in Germany

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74b189 No.8377


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8f526e No.8396

How many of us are girls? 1 or 2 percent?

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746b4d No.8398


There are no girls on the internet

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cfbc03 No.8424

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8f526e No.8453


Really though, there are millions of them on reddit, on r/politics and r/christianity and other cancerous subreddits. Wish girls weren't so leftist.

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db6946 No.8786

Added meta link (this thread) to the announcement bar.

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2ff746 No.8815

Hello from a new /christian/ refugee. May we make this place 8chan's new lamp shining in the darkness.

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fda076 No.8824

File: 85ecc8931ed4ba3⋯.png (16.97 KB,209x275,19:25,e_white.width-300.png)


Yes, our prophetess Ellen G. White will show us the way and bring light to the world!

Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.–Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 75. by Seventh-Day Adventist founder Ellen G. White

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cfbc03 No.8825


this started in spite but I'm finding it really funny now tbh

unironically keep it up

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8f526e No.9051

File: 438dfb17b8ce2ad⋯.jpg (242.23 KB,850x1200,17:24,tomb1.jpg)

File: 4d93fb71997e0b8⋯.jpg (179.38 KB,750x1000,3:4,tomb2.jpg)

>almost at 100

We're gonna make it, lads.

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05b8b7 No.9067


Indeed, with /christian/ mods so lazy they'll let sodomite porn sit around for hours there's no way we can fail.

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cf4a65 No.9150


>Indeed, with /christian/ mods so lazy they'll let sodomite porn sit around for hours there's no way we can fail.

Dude, I thought I was the only one thinking it was strange /christian/ mods would let gay porn sit on the board for hours but any anti-Catholic post or "news spam" immediately gets cleaned up and a pema-ban. WTF!!!?

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084726 No.9206


I always thought the /christian/ mods were closet homosexuals…

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2ff746 No.9208


Well they are Catholic

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2ff746 No.9386


Done and done!

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69fa25 No.9479


Hey can we get a Pentecostal flag on here? I belong to Assemblies of God and we believe in the Trinity, one God, three persons. We believe in baptism of the Holy Spirit and thus our worship is very Spirit oriented. The gift of tongues is often associated with Spirit baptism, but there are other signs too and not everyone get tongues but many do. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the Son of God incarnate and born from the Virgin Mary. We believe through his sacrifice at the cross,and resurrection from the dead three days later, we might attain salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and following the commands the Father in heaven has revealed to us. .

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7be43d No.9499


What's the appropriate emblem for the assemblies of God?

Could you also link your confession of faith?

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2ff746 No.9708


Up to 122 now; at this rate we really will pass /christian/. The butthurt will be hilarious.

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940691 No.9718

To be heresy free go to >>>/christian/

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05b8b7 No.9831


Yes let the butthurt flow through you.

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7be43d No.9845


it was added

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c9555f No.10233

File: cdaea76b48a650b⋯.png (2.34 KB,309x111,103:37,filters.png)

Added two word filters

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1ecb57 No.10235


>The gift of tongues is often associated with Spirit baptism, but there are other signs too and not everyone get tongues but many do.

None do. You just jibber incomprehensibly like idiots because you have no understanding of what it is you are supposed to be faking.

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c5a8d0 No.10399


you should do the same with God and the Holy Spirit

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684d23 No.10403


god -> God would confuse discussions related to false gods

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