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/christianity/ - Christian Theology & Philosophy

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. - 1 Peter 4:14
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0279a3 No.5237 [View All]

Guys let's try our hardest to overtake /christian/ as the #1 Christian board on this site. Let's set some goals here.

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ce1c32 No.7548



No, you're not getting it. As >>7500 points out, they are full on anti-trinitarian. This board has to have some standards. Even the board owner agrees that a denomination has to at least be trinitarian: >>7214 . We all know that a denomination flag at least implicitly, if not explicitly, endorses and/or at least creates an image of legitimization of a denomination on a board.

If SDA's get their own flag, why not JW's or Mormons? Why not Gnostics or Esoteric Christians? Why not Christian Identity or the Creativity Movement, or Christian Communists? In other words, by your logic, if one blatant anti-trinitarian/heretical/cult group is allowed a flag, why not the rest, and get it over with?

Whether you like it or not, such lukewarm standards played a major role in /christ/'s quality and reputation. Even when the mods where starting to get out of control over at /christian/, they wouldn't touch /christ/ with a ten foot pole due to it's image of being a haven for Gnostics and fringe types.

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9c00a2 No.7549

File: 639efe3df0bf758⋯.jpg (451.94 KB,1076x1970,538:985,Screenshot_20190630-142749….jpg)


>they are full on anti-trinitarian.

Not the denomination we're talking about


JWs and Mormons are not trinitarian, but the SDAs are.

Esoterics, Christian identity, creativity movement, Christian communists aren't organized denominations with churches.

The line is trinitarianism.

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ce1c32 No.7552


Then why does the Clear Word Bible literally contradict everything in you pic? Mormon's and Jehovah's Witnesses also adopt the tactic of trying to come off as legitimate garden variety Christians, and only reveal the truth when they've ensnared their mark deep enough, so that said mark is so emotional invested, that they are hesitant to turn away, and may even begin to rationalize to themselves the crazier stuff they're exposed to in order to avoid the discomfort of confrontation and separation.

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9c00a2 No.7555


I dunno, and I don't have to. I'm not a seventh day Adventist. They say they're trinitarian, and that was the question we wanted answered. I'm skeptical that they would say one thing in public then contradict it in systematic theology.

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ce1c32 No.7556


>I'm skeptical that they would say one thing in public then contradict it in systematic theology.

And yet that's precisely what they do: >>7500 . That is literally the M.O. of a cult.

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9c00a2 No.7557


I'm not really seeing a contradiction with trinitarianism in your post, just deficient christology.

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ed8bc9 No.7606


>I'm skeptical that they would say one thing in public then contradict it in systematic theology.

Mormons do the same thing. These are all secretive cults founded during or after the 1830's and they try to appear as conventional as they can to the outside world for recruiting purposes but they are insular cults that worship false gods and they do this inside their cult-societies by corrupting and adding to scripture.

The Mormons for instance add writings of Joseph Smith as additional "canon" on the same ground as the Old Testament and New Testament. The seventh-day Adventists add the writings of Ellen White as additional "canon" on the same ground as the Old Testament and New Testament.

They're all non-trinitarians who demote Jesus Christ from the position of Lord in their texts as the Clear Word does and add their founding false prophets as new books in the Bible. In the SDA's case, it's Ellen G. White.

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124c02 No.7612


>Mormons do the same thing.

Good point, but we've all seen mormon videos or documents that teach those secretive doctrines, that you don't get to know until you progress in their cult.

Do we have the same for the SDAs?

>The seventh-day Adventists add the writings of Ellen White as additional "canon" on the same ground as the Old Testament and New Testament.

What's the difference between this and infallible papal declarations in the RCC? We're still considering Roman Catholics Christian for the purposes of having flags here.

I agree that they're a cult, but I'm not persuaded that they're non trinitarian and that's the rule for getting a flag here (so far). I think the RCC is a cult too but I don't mind them having a flag and posting here.

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f8edfe No.7627


This board has already become /christ/ 2.0

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ed8bc9 No.7635


>What's the difference between this and infallible papal declarations in the RCC?

It's their modus operandi for defining their false god that isn't Father, Son and Holy Ghost. That's how these people get around. They use their founding leaders false prophecies just to redefine a god in their imagination, and so for that reason you can't believe their doublespeak that is meant as a cover to their real inner doctrines that they teach and believe but don't tell people upfront. Why would either of you work for them, when they worship a false god so blatantly? You saw how they changed it. Do I need to link the post with the altered verses again?

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9c00a2 No.7637


Tell us what the problem is with /christ/ and how you figure we have it also

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8b70e2 No.7647


Would need more Gnostic posting for that to happen

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66e6c7 No.7692


If it needs explaining to you, then it doesn't need to be explained.

>and how you figure we have it also

Look up the term "Dead Sea effect"


Seventh-Day Adventists are the gateway drug to heretical cults and gnosticism. Don't worry, they will come because the mods here are a bunch of wimps that refuse to stand for the Truth.

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7f904c No.7702


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c37a5a No.7703


What an inane reply.

Here's a maxim that actually makes sense:

If a critic can't articulate the issue, ignore the criticism.

I'm suspecting that all the SDA flag are just /papistmod/ loyalists trying to contrive some issue with our board.

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e0e3ba No.7789

I'm new here so can someone give me a quick rundown as to why this board is so different from /christian/. I've been lurking on both, and it seems that /christian/ should be called /catholic/ as there is a clear bias in most of the posts and threads there. This is supposed to be a general Christian discussion and fellowship (such as there can be on an anonymous user site) board right?

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124c02 No.7795






quick rundown:

/christian/ has become a catholic echo chamber from the top-down by arbitrary censorship from BO and mods, and in their own admission it's really ancillary to their discord. Said discord is only an even worse echo chamber where nu-trad Roman catholics spend all day trying to out trad each other, join and see for yourself.

/christianity/ is different by not censoring anyone. It's how /christian/ used to be before roman catholics found control of the board. It is for christian discussion. I personally would hesitate to say fellowship for fear of undervaluing local church participation.

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3f6160 No.7798

Haven't been to /christian/ in well over a year, heres hoping you guys succeed.

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9d8cf4 No.7799

File: bf69775be40e866⋯.jpg (229.48 KB,621x628,621:628,liaewfh.jpg)

>tfw we're not even on 8chan's list of the top boards anymore

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864dec No.7800


>If a critic can't articulate the issue, ignore the criticism.

Good rule in general.

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e0e3ba No.7811


Thank you very much for this answer it has been very helpful. I am curious about this new trad-Catholic phenomenon so I might check out the discord. In some ways I respect it, but the hostility they sometimes have towards other denominations saddens me.

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53ba47 No.7816


I'm not a huge fan of /christian/ either, but this board is turning into /christ/ 2.0

/christ/ was a notorious board because of the gnosticism and general heresy that was rampant on that board. That board is practically dead and non-existent.

Part of the reason I say this board is becoming /christ/ 2.0 is because the mods recently granted Seventh-Day Adventists (SDA) their own flag. That's like giving Jehovah Witnesses or Freemasons their own flag as well. SDAs are a gateway drug to other heretical cults, it doesn't matter if they "believe" in the Trinity when there are so many obvious faults with their religion. I've raised this point with the mods, but they're too ignorant and are people-pleasers instead of standing up for the Truth. Then they have the gall to accuse me of being a papist troll when I'm banned from /christian/. Too bad their foolish decision is backfiring on them and it seems this board is headed for the dustbin as well.

Good riddance.

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c37a5a No.7819


Go present your case where it's being asked for >>7801

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7202f5 No.7823


Thanks, I just made my case.

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8ed54d No.7827


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cbc9cf No.7828


SDAs are allowed on /christian/ too you twonk

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50994b No.7832


SDAs aren't allowed into Heaven

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cbc9cf No.7835

File: 10d00330eaf4f8e⋯.png (207.36 KB,598x369,598:369,come on now.png)


Speaking for God now are we?

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534dc4 No.7837

File: 87346e43788fde9⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB,209x241,209:241,download.jpeg)


You're right, the sinful Messiah and Seventh-Day Adventist David Koresh awaits you in paradise

What a great Christian Theology board

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cbc9cf No.7843


He might. I can't judge his heart or his fate.

You need to learn some humility. You are full of boldness and conceit.

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ce1c32 No.7846


It's 4th of July weekend. Even /christian/'s traffic has cratered more than usual.

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88d29f No.7850


Most of /christian/ are america-hating tradcaths or europeans, I doubt that's why the UIDs are freefalling.

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b71143 No.7860


He's a fascinating character and I think this board should get a Branch Davidian flag, don't you?

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ce1c32 No.7868


C'mon, both of our boards dramatically cratering in traffic this much, and the boards in general slowing down? Even so-called "He-Man American Haters" are going to go visit relatives and/or go on vacation over the July 4th weekend (Though I am not a stranger to the fact that /christian/'s UID's and traffic have been slowly declining over the past few months, independent of this phenomenon, for obvious reasons.)

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cbc9cf No.7881


I don't care

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9d8cf4 No.7884


>months of decline

I remember seeing /christian/ at 400 a month ago.

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ce1c32 No.7899


I don't know, maybe my sense of time is off. The earliest thing I remember is seeing /christian/ start to drop into the lower 300s. Then they were hanging at the upper 200s for awhile, Only recently, have I started seeing them drop into the lower 200s, and their position drop from the top 10 or 11, into the top 15, and only just this weekend, has it dropped into the top 20, with the UIDs officially in the upper 100s.

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a6c843 No.7932

File: e7f5e8b51a7f3a0⋯.jpg (76.31 KB,928x261,32:9,so_far_so_good.jpg)


Doing better and better actually, we've got almost a third of /christian/ users, and more posts per hour than them. Before the "schism" /christian/ used to be the 9th most popular board on 8chan, now it's the 19th.

God will punish the Papists for their banning.

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689b1e No.9437

File: 4fec889ac123eb6⋯.png (12.75 KB,614x233,614:233,rankings.png)

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45c18e No.9438


/christian/ mods banned so many people that nobody is able to report gay porn plastered all over their page 1 which is further driving away users from the board. The irony.

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8b70e2 No.9470


Considering the revelations about gay groups in RC seminaries gay porn being on page 1 make sense

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0279a3 No.9484

File: 0e75a43011954cb⋯.png (86.18 KB,938x655,938:655,2019-07-24.png)

We are so close!

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a32c1c No.9488

File: 66fbbe3c7586e8d⋯.jpg (19.17 KB,500x500,1:1,mystery.jpg)


I'm not the one to accuse, but it is really suspect that any slightest Roman Catholic banter or "news spam" gets taken down and permabanned instantly but gay porn is allowed to fester on their page 1 for hours on end, even to the point that you've got anons over there making threads complaining about it. It really does make you wonder…

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b08ee9 No.9551

This is entirely doable but as another poster said, it aint a race.

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1e14e3 No.9669


Tutor is at it again, that board is being flooded with gay sex porn and the mods aren't doing anything…

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3d5a03 No.9789

I had a hard time finding this board because it was so far up the list. Good job guys, keep it up.

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1b4044 No.9791

/christian/ is terrible you can't have actual discussions there all you can do is ask catholic based questions and tell people to pray the rosary, it's really insane that it's busier than here

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e12f16 No.9836


>and tell people to pray the rosary, it's really insane that it's busier than here

lol, fucking this

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065165 No.9838


no bad words

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5da73f No.9859


There's no such thing as a bad word.

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