Let's make a new Vola:
I think we had an old one in another thread, but the DDOS attack took it
Searching Bubble Content
What are some good sites for finding /bubblegum/-related content?
I'll start:
Facebook (photo/video search)
Pintrest (visual image search)
Tik Tok
And if you want to spend days fapping eternally: Reverse image search visually similar content with Yandex
New here. I'm really looking foward to Angie videos, I've read and there was a link but now it's gone, anyone wanna do their part? I've made mine here:
Dunno if you are into popping bubbles with ds
Sasha Sanchez
Backup of over 700 of her pics:
Bubblegum Communites / Discord
I've had a bubblegum fetish (and bubble encasement fetish) for as long as I can remember having sexual urges. For the longest time, the only things I could find were clips4sale videos and deviantart posts. Every bubblegum fetish community I stumble upon is long dead by the time I find it. I discovered this site only a few minutes ago and it's the most active bubblegum fetish community I can find besides the weird shit I find on deviantart. Anyways, it sounds like there's more active communities out there? And a discord group? Could anyone help me find these sites and this discord group? Thanks
Fucking hell I hate Stormbubble
I'm so fucking sick of him. For those that don't know, he's the head of Bubble Pop and about half a dozen other bubblegum boards.
First, how fucking hard is it to keep one forum? He's gone through five or so boards in the last five years. I know fetish boards that have been around for 20 years, so I don't know what this dumbass' problem is. He'll probably drop the Bubble Pop board in a year due to spam or some shit.
Second, he's the most thin-skinned little bitch out there. I remember criticizing him on a couple of the old boards and got insta-banned. He also posts all of his moderator edits in red, so you know he's stroking his tiny little dick at the power he has.
Third, dude doesn't know how to run an adult forum worth shit. It's a fetish board, you post adult shit. You don't have to hide it behind filters like you're fucking Google or something. Again, other fetish boards don't seem to have this problem, but this dumbass can't grasp it.
Fourth, you can't even talk about trading videos. How the fuck are you supposed to find someone to trade with if you can't ask about specific content ("Does anyone have X clips?") Fuck I hate this asshole.
Anyway, thanks for listening to me bitch. It sucks that he's the guy in charge, because I fucking hate him and the rest of the retards on that fucking board.
ITT Sandi content
>Her Imgur: https://imgur.com/user/bubblegumdreams122137
sierra vid
I really want this vid, but it seems a bit pricey (and i already have a lot of vids from sierra). I created a paypal account, you can send me whichever amount you want, so i buy it and then post it here (i suggest min 1 usd). i don't know how many of us there are here, but i can cover up to 50% of the price. If this works, i will upload here a bonus video too from my collection (+240GB)
how to download this
how can i do it? https://upstore.net/F9mjZ8N
Dielorelie bubblegum
Since her videos are gone now.
Does anyone have any vids of Genie (Genie20/Helluvalay on Ifriends)? I know that Angie posted two of Genie's old videos on Clips4Sale, but took them down before I could buy them.
I can also trade for Genie videos, preferably those with messy pops. Email me at freestratos2@gmail.com.
Here's an old vid of her:
Super Model
They are pretty much her older ones.