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/brains/ - Neurophilia

Neurophilia, brainplay, and direct brain stimulation. IQ, personality, whatever you're into.

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File: cf1e32ade7d39bf⋯.jpeg (690.33 KB,2304x3072,3:4,Commission.jpeg)

File: 1b95300c242cb73⋯.jpeg (166.43 KB,1022x594,511:297,IMG_1382.jpeg)

File: 35c2872aec5ab59⋯.jpeg (548.48 KB,858x1182,143:197,billy.jpeg)

File: 72dea5ddc538606⋯.jpeg (173.09 KB,1080x933,360:311,IMG_5162.jpeg)

File: 573401a7e7ee914⋯.jpeg (650.7 KB,800x1131,800:1131,IMG_3796.jpeg)



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File: 5f63b2bbd8b06a8⋯.jpeg (17.47 KB,320x200,8:5,IMG_0690.jpeg)

File: ec1383dcd8e8b3d⋯.jpeg (991.98 KB,2400x3120,10:13,926157_Commission_Billy10….jpeg)

File: 99e8e8dd782000d⋯.png (4.21 MB,1588x2186,794:1093,skmb_full_26109097_50.png)

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File: c92fc33cbab2334⋯.jpeg (197.63 KB,568x800,71:100,IMG_5302.jpeg)

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File: 33004bd659fcd71⋯.jpeg (119.5 KB,1140x760,3:2,IMG_5409.jpeg)

File: ceddc81abf27b06⋯.png (1.21 MB,1556x3038,778:1519,IMG_4592.png)

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File: 0728f4f3004ab8d⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB,3000x6500,6:13,IMG_4195.jpeg)

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File: 754d44c46665d13⋯.mp4 (3 MB,Kim_brainwash_animation.mp4)

File: a8dd26cc911045f⋯.png (6.21 MB,2560x1440,16:9,IMG_1380.png)

File: 37ed504c8ba7962⋯.jpeg (878.53 KB,2082x1928,1041:964,Nottie_Night_10.jpeg)

File: 254c99f27fc3049⋯.jpeg (12.34 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_3881.jpeg)

File: 20c46919303857c⋯.jpeg (261.43 KB,1414x1000,707:500,export1640874183487.jpeg)

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