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8df524 No.6905

With the current state of the economy, I’ve been really trying to tighten up my budget and be smarter with how I manage my money. I’m curious about what strategies others are using to save, invest, or just get by during these challenging times. Are there any tools or apps you recommend for budgeting or managing expenses? I’d love to hear any tips or advice on how to stay financially secure in uncertain times.

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8df524 No.6906

I completely understand where you’re coming from. One thing that’s helped me a lot is working with a credit union instead of a traditional bank. Empower Federal Credit Union has been great for me, especially when it comes to managing my accounts and getting advice on savings strategies. Their customer service here https://www.pissedconsumer.com/company/empower-federal-credit-union/customer-service.html is excellent—they're always ready to help and explain everything clearly, which made a big difference when I was setting up my savings plan. Definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a financial institution that really has your back!

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