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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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File: f34db72d14c517a⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 192x255, 64:85, abeebb211b9ca1c1b3575bf125….jpg)

ff5601  No.93255[Last 50 Posts]

If you are smaller than 5 inches it's permanent pamps for you baby boy.

If you are less than 9 you can wear pullups I guess.

I'm gonna giggle at you teeny little weeny.

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6715da  No.93257

I was told to report here…he's only 3" and I've had some premature "incidents" but I'm getting better I promise, the girl who told me to report in just won't listen :(

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b2bd79  No.93273

File: a56a19d5ec846b7⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1013x1796, 1013:1796, unknown_1_.png)

>no more school due to the virus going around

>yesterday school administration sent out an email regarding PID

>says I have to send in a picture that day for evaluation so it could be added to the record

>decide I could do it later, go back to playing video games

>several hours later

>realise it's 2am and I lost track of time

>snap a hasty picture in a panic and send it

>wake up this morning to a box of diapers on the doorstep and a letter to my parents saying I defaulted to a 1 inch measurement for non-attendance

I've hidden the box and the letter under my bed before anyone else woke up, but the letter says they are going to request verification pics at random intervals over the next week to "ensure compliance". Guys what do I do, I know i'm big enough and I don't wanna tell my parents I need diapers. I'm freaking out right now.

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ff5601  No.93283

File: 00905382eaac34c⋯.gif (756.7 KB, 475x475, 1:1, giphy_9_.gif)


> Guys what do I do

Well first you better wrap your cute little tushy in your new soft and crinkly Huggie wuggies like a good baby boy should. Since you were so shy about them I went ahead and told you mommy and daddy about you needing to be babied from now on. You could keep wait till they confront you to get your bottom diapered, but that might get you a spanking. Best to get them on double quick little one. Also the school knows about you trying to slip away from toddlerhood and has made some changes. The next packages of diapers they send are gonna be a lot cuter and pinker.

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188744  No.93324

File: 81fe6c8727a6752⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Yuuko_smug.jpg)


Should've just done what I did

>Google "big peepee"

>save first image result

>submit it to the school's new online PID portal

My plan is flawless. Have fun in your pampers, I'll be spending next year with the big kids!

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62d7d8  No.93326

File: a09024f616206b3⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20200328_005736529.jpg)

>Be me send in picture for inspection

>PID results come in.

>My penis is considered such a failure that I am recommend for gender reassignment as well as ordered to no longer be a boy anymore.

>Freaks out on what should i do.

Should I end it guys or should I try to become a girl like they want me to.

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ee4f2e  No.93328

>be me

>passed PID, no problem

>have to do a report for civics class

>We've been learning about the national debt and budget, so we're supposed to do a report on how we'd reduce spending

>700 billion on the military, so cut that. Discretionary spending 1.4 trillion, sort that out.

>wait. hold the fuck up

>75 trillion on the nubaby program?!

>do a report on cutting nubaby funding, due how much money is just dumped into that

>end up questioning the very foundation of the nubaby program. Sure we don't want little dick people passing on their little dicks

>but why make them live like babies, when they could be working and contributing to society

>might have been a step to far

>receive notice from school

>immediate transfer to nubaby class

>told I'll be receiving "audio/visual instructional videos" to catch me up with the rest of the class

whelp, nice knowing you guys. Looks like I'm gonna get my brain melted.

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5b63cd  No.93331

File: 1a516bac78a6688⋯.gif (661.74 KB, 498x280, 249:140, ClassicRealisticHyena_max_….gif)


Your little plan is far from flawless. The online system is tied onto a reverse image search. No big kid school for you I'm afraid. You'll be surrounded by your little baby peers in the local adult nursery school. I can't wait to see what a cute little babby you make.

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c580c4  No.93335

>tfw big pp and virgin without cute pp

Life is really unfair

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5b63cd  No.93341


Why even live.

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f396ee  No.93342


Just embrace it and pleasure will come to you! ;)

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62d7d8  No.93345


But I don't wanna become a Fudgebutt or a Sissy girl.

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188744  No.93349

File: 9eda4499ddbad70⋯.png (820.42 KB, 655x815, 131:163, Taiga_salute.png)


Thanks for standing up for us nubabies, anon. Some day society will come to accept us and our small pee pees.

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f396ee  No.93352


Not sure you get to choose. ;)

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0cf1af  No.93353


hope not. i like being known and forced to be the small cock loser nubaby

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f396ee  No.93354


Think there is an acceptance, just not the one you want…

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ee4f2e  No.93356


not really standing up for you. Just wondering why there's so much money dumped into this thing.

Either way, probably not going to be able to talk down from my big pp high horse for long. I've just been prescribed some "prep medicine" that my parents are supposed to make me take so once classes resume after the quarantine I'm "all set to go"

I've gone from 8 inches down to just above 7 in one day. after a few more doses the excuse behind my transfer being a case of me being "misfiled" will probably have some more weight to it

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f396ee  No.93369


You will see life become so much less stressful, no need to perform anymore just relaxing!

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7b9558  No.93384

File: b3de2d49c9f9a1a⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, 1585527596712.png)

I wish this were me so badly…

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0cf1af  No.93385


dont we all. i just want the typically nubaby experience but turned up to eleven.

A disappointed family that is forced to treat me ike the baby they know i am. Forced incontinence training against my will and hair removal so that i look like a newborn. Forced chastity and anal stretching so that i am fully incontinent and cant get any pleasure like a true baby. My crush comes over every day to babysit me and cuck me while i shit myself in my crib tied down as usual

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188744  No.93499

File: 5bb242e99527bba⋯.png (843.09 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Penis_Inspection_Letter.png)



>Just intercepted this letter for my parents

What do? Has anyone found a way to cheat the online penis inspection yet?

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0cf1af  No.93502


ohh no mommy probably already has mine which means she'll probably submit the super small photos she has of mine. She says that i need the most punishment for how small it is. OHH no here come the super small cages and extra large sissy diapers

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7b9558  No.93506

File: f56eb8ef6c9f477⋯.png (660.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, _hakurei_reimu_and_sukuna_….png)



I think you two need a nice, good spanking for trying to cheat your tests! You'll be crying for your diapers once she's done with you two.

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0cf1af  No.93507


please mommy stop it hurts i promise i won't fight it anymore. you can put me in thick diapers and un potty train me1 PLEAS MOMMY JUST STOP

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7b9558  No.93509

File: 83b4936345311a0⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 214x241, 214:241, raymuu.jpg)



absolutely not! You are going to take your spanking like a good boy! Maybe some special punishment is in order, if you're going to misbehave and talk back to me.

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0cf1af  No.93510


Stop mommy its hurts. please your knees are crush my pp and y bottom is numb

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7b9558  No.93511

File: ee17b78793d82d7⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2952x2988, 82:83, a8e58ffa94389e0ae7be477b2d….jpg)


I don't think I can trust you after your little stint. First thing tomorrow morning I'm taking you to this hypnotherapist that your friend's mom told me about? Remember Chad, that troublemaker who I always said was a terrible influence? Well Christine took him to see the hypnotherapist, and now he's such an obedient little boy! She showed my this flyer, and I was hooked, so I've booked an appointment in advance.

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0cf1af  No.93515


oh no mommy are you gonna put me through unpotty training to? like mike's mommy did to him after she found him rubbing his clitty. can i at least keep my big boy hair ?

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7b9558  No.93517


Nope, no big boy hair or potty training for anon! It makes it easier for Mommy to clean up after you.

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0cf1af  No.93518


please mommy ill be the biggest baby out there and all the girls will know just how small and pathetic my pp is

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7b9558  No.93520


I don't wanna hear any more whining! You're going to the hypnotherapy clinic tomorrow whether you like it or not, now go to bed!

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7b2423  No.93563

File: e7147abb9406260⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 2664x1999, 2664:1999, 20200403_142947.jpg)

Okay this was fun but can we take this off now please? I'm not a baby…

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f396ee  No.93564


No diaper, so no…

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7b2423  No.93567


But….I wanna be able to touch it like the big boys do :*(

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f396ee  No.93568

Be a good boy or the closest you get to your little toy is a big boy, big toy..m

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01d4f3  No.93569

I'm 4 inches but you WON'T put me in diapers because I don't need them!

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04dc37  No.93571


C'mon! We NEED these! It's so that we don't make spurties in big people undies, and so that we can depend on REAL men and nice ladies

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fa7df8  No.93635

File: a13c56aa9372c29⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 2156x2880, 539:720, 20200407_074039.jpg)



I AM a big boy! See? I don't even need diap-…..oh…

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aacd86  No.93751

but..but im almost 5 inches when im hard, i dont need diapers!

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25a7db  No.93874

File: fd7de022a7095c8⋯.jpeg (337.2 KB, 820x1069, 820:1069, E5CBDB86_6EA6_444B_84A3_C….jpeg)


Oh no baby, I think you’re confused. Anyone less than 5 inches has to be diapered! Don’t worry sweetie, you’re going to love your new life of adorable pink diapers and dresses - and if you need a little convincing, we have ways of helping you appreciate it.

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4bcfde  No.93878

Awwww poor babies being forced back into wearing their diapees cause their pee pees are so tiny XD maybe if your pee pee could get all the way up to 3" like mine you would be able to wear big boy undies

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188744  No.93885

File: db6cfa2bbc34447⋯.jpg (48.67 KB, 800x599, 800:599, 1482037453711.jpg)


About the level of reading comprehension I'd expect from a nubaby.

5 inches is the cutoff for having to wear diapers. You can say goodbye to your big boy undies come your next penis inspection.

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aa77ae  No.93904


nggghh bu..butt…i dont wanna be a diaper baby *pouts*

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d8bd99  No.93914

>Be home from school because shelter-in-home

>Not sure how PID will work this year.

>Emails and news alerts go out about the national PID database and remote measuring.

>One parent or guardian has to be present, three pictures at 3 different times, ruler is suggested to be in the shot.

>Submissions will be checked against the database to ensure no false copies.

>Mom catches me after lunch.

Ready for your picture? We can get some porn on, I know it might be difficult to be hard with your mom around, but it's nothing I haven't seen.

>The entire ordeal is embarrassing, and her helpful attitude isn't, well, helpful.

>She gets some softcore lesbian smut on the TV, and a ruler on the coffee table. Along with a sheet of paper towel.

>Kneeling at the table, I shakily open my fly, and rest my dick on the paper towel.

Well that can't be all of it, your father is so big. I know it's weird because I'm your mommy but if you want a good picture you need to get harder. Want mommy's help?

>N…no mom, the porn is fine…

>Stroke my worm, it rises to attention under my mom's watchful gaze.

>She has her phone out, getting a nice shot, her eyes betray her disappointment.

Well this is why we take three, since a professional isn't here. Put that small thing away. Do you prefer pink, purple or yellow?

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5b63cd  No.93916

File: f2ae6a2b7bd66bf⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 650x365, 130:73, 64d5025eb6ae8f80eec6169f88….jpg)


Sorry little honey, but it's diapered babyhood for you. You'll make such a cute little toddler. I can't wait to tie a cute bib on you and get you in a highchair.

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f6e864  No.93963


>Virus means we have to send them in

>get an idea

>figure they have some sort of cross reference so I go and find a bum

>pay him and pay to get him showered at a truckstop

>snap pic with phone

>load up to the service

>we got the letter saying I'm a big boy

Later babies.

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aa77ae  No.93967


bu..butt…butt at least not super humiliating thick pink diapers and girly clothes?

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588dee  No.93970

File: f7b7aecb564a262⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


The fact that you are an avatarfag disgusts me greatly. You bring great shame to the clan and all its members.

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5b63cd  No.93977

File: 1eab0da4bc94f74⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, baby_dummy_clips_bows_coll….jpg)


Of course not little honey…

Then again some cutesy poo little ruffles and bows might go just fine on your little baby bottom. Maybe some cute pink dresses that are super short too. Go ahead and pick out a cute strap for your new paci little sissy and we can get you some matching items.

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5b63cd  No.93978


Maybe for a little bit but I doubt you can find the same bum next year for PID. When you can't they are gonna know what a teeny peeny little fibber you are. You are gonna get most babyish treatment possible.

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162a2e  No.93979


N-next year? PID is a one time thing what do you mean next year?

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5b63cd  No.93980


Silly baby. The photos are only a temporary thing. Next school year everyone has to do the PID in person like regular to be sure it matches. So are you gonna be able to sneak in the the same hobo to take your place or are you gonna show your own thingy and end up in Pampers? I bet you already know which it is. Maybe tell your parents early so they can get your nursery set up.

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162a2e  No.93983


You think I might get some leniency if I come clean now? Take an interest in my baby fashion and be good I might not get spanked or sent to one of those training daycares?

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3af3f0  No.93984

Having a normal sized pp is a curse when you're into this stuff, what do I do, anons? Is there a nubaby correctional course for people like me? It seems like I should cage up ASAP and let go of all delusions about being a big boy

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5b63cd  No.94000


You probably won't get any leniency, but you should just come clean so you can get used to your new life. You are most likely alrrady doomed to be the prettiest of little baby princesses ever.

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42f82c  No.94018


I ripped the bandaid off and came clean. Mom was steamed and gave me the spanking of a lifetime for lying and got me into diapers as soon as she could. She was however proud of me owning up to it a day later instead of waiting a year and getting found out then. She also said she was happy I was a nubabby and planned on trying to talk me into taking shrinking meds anyways. So I guess I was doomed to start with.

To top it off for lying I'm gonna spend a month in one of those training daycares for incontinence training and to use her exact words "other fun stuff" she read the brochure while we cuddled after nubaby shopping to me and it's a pretty old school place no hypno really just drilled into you with corporal punishment of various kinds. Due to school being closed and me lying about it she said it would be a good place for me to spend a month getting used to it quick as possible. They also have parental training she can come in during her off hours and learn the ropes. I'm fucked.

Could be worse, yeah wearing a dress is embarasing but at least she's not so much into the frills like I was worried about and these knitted high socks are kind of comfortable. Also at least she's happy about it.

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3333b5  No.94037


>PID comes

>barely make it to 5.1''

>send the pic and the measurements

>parents get back a letter with a box of diapers

>apparently they weren't sure by the looks of the pic I made it to 5'', so my parents have to make the measurement

>if I don't pass they have to apply immediate measures and a punishment for lying in the form

>dad is working at the time, so mom is the one in charge of doing it

>she really wants me to be a baby again, so intentionally measures my dick slightly above the base

>make it to 4.8''

>"Nonny! I'm so disappointed. I didn't raised a liar"

>try to respond but before I can say anything she grabs my arm and puts me over her knee

>get the spanking of my life and an extra thick diaper with boosting pads

>"since you can't be trusted to tell the truth I will put you in forced silence treatment for a time"

>puts a giant pacifier over my mouth

>tells me that if I remove it she will make the prior spanking look like a joke

>spend the last two weeks like this

>today I automatically went into my diaper and only realized what I did when I was half way through


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49946e  No.94045


At least your paci isn't strapped on like mine is she doesn't trust me nor to take it out after my lie. I kinda like it though it's nice not needing to worry about talking.

Shame about being robbed your chance at pullups I wouldn't have even gotten that before my lie.

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d8bd99  No.94171

Reading all these stories actually makes me grateful my mommy and daddy are a bit hippy dippy and believe in not forcing the masculine identity on a boy until PID proves they're ready for it.

No untraining, no spanking, no wardrobe change. I just wasn't potty trained and kept off solid foods. My tights are the closest I've ever gotten to wearing pants so I just don't see what the big deal is.


You can do what my parents did to get around the potty training requirements for school and submit an Assurance of Incontinence form to the Nanny board, its step one if you want to unemancipate yourself and switch to nubaby.

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b2bd79  No.94173

>hide diaper delivery from parents and intercept all mail relating to PID

>keep box hidden under bed, only putting them on briefly to send in the daily verification pictures

>only have to keep it up for a couple of weeks before they stop checking

>day 3

>forget to lock bedroom door, big sis walks in on me diapering myself

>agrees not to snitch on me, but then lays out a bunch of conditions

>basically become her bitch for the next couple weeks

>confiscates all the diapers and hides them in her room, so i'm forced to go to her for diaper changes and photo verification

>have to keep wearing diapers for the ~9 hours a day when our parents aren't home

>makes me walk around the house in nothing but a diaper and a t-shirt

>after a few days she starts locking the bathroom

>by day 7 i'm now wearing diapers to bed too, because "why would I take it off when i'm just gonna put you in a new one tomorrow morning?"

>can't argue or she'll tell everyone

>one night she even made me wear a diaper at the dinner table

>at least she let me wear jeans

>final day is almost here

>sis sends me to bed in one last diaper so she can get the next morning's verification picture and then i'm in the clear for now

>crawl into bed and imagine putting on real underwear again

>suddenly the lights turn on

>see both my parents stood in the doorway

>sister steps in and whips the covers off, revealing me in nothing but a wet diaper

>that bitch ratted me out anyway

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04dc37  No.94193


i knew a kid who was raised like that and passed PID.

turns out, he couldn't handle solid food and got horrible constipation. doctor had to recommend he get put back into diapers anyway.

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d8bd99  No.94209


Well you don't just put a slab of steak down and call it done. The transition from nubby formula to solid food would be the for a teenage boy as it is for a toddler girl. You include mashes and purees to get the tum tum ready. It is not recommended to introduce potty training at the same time, as the extra stress and changes in waste are not helpful. But my cousin was big but "not raised" like me. Two years later he's able to nubby sit me.

His parents say it's part of why he's so respectful and obedient. The "Boys can wait" movement is getting really popular and I heard diaper companies are trying to lobby for policy changes to make it standard.

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dd6a62  No.94455


Sounds like diaper companies trying to make a quick buck to me.

The retraining is fine traditional even. Besides I've kinda been liking all the punishment and such.

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efa5e7  No.94887

>school set up website for students to register and send in pictures for PID

>want to register to send my pic

>"Account already registered"

>I log in and check

>picture already submitted and checked

>figure I must have submitted and forgot

>2 days later

>package arrives for me

>2 packs of nubaby diapers

>letter inside says I got evaluated as nubaby, my picture attached

>picture shows a penis much smaller than mine

>sister laughs her ass off

>sister googled pictures of tiny dicks and submitted one for me

>me now registered as nubaby, first classes start soon

Help! How do I get out of this?

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f0a068  No.94956

File: c34f989656a9d13⋯.jpeg (48.64 KB, 425x458, 425:458, 6100FC2D_C7D6_41FC_84C1_D….jpeg)

>fail pid

>diapers come in mail as expected

>open box

>pic related

What the fuck?

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efa5e7  No.94957


Oh my, looks like someone's going to a school in the nusissy program~

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6beca1  No.94959

holy fuck my dick is diamonds reading this thread, are there any websites/ large collection of stories like this

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5b63cd  No.94963

File: 32d801bf48a0cbe⋯.gif (822.42 KB, 480x270, 16:9, tumblr_inline_ow4u7pIhWJ1u….gif)


I bet it's about the size of most diamonds too huh little baby? Come here and let me tickle your tummy. Coocie coo!

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5b63cd  No.94968


Oh there is also a whole over thread of over 300 posts that I made before that you can read.


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7d6887  No.94980


It's hard to count the number of times this thread has caused my little peepee to squirt in my diapers

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d04f66  No.94989


at least you get to squirt still, mine is locked and kept denied from cumming

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5b63cd  No.94991

File: b5b4c6a0a45fa5f⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, the_rolling_girls_05_banko….jpg)


How very naughty of you little mister. If you can't control your tuggies I'm gonna put you back in huggies little silly baby. Don't worry though. I'm sure you'll love never ever ever ever being a big boy again. You'll get a big fluffy didee to replace those big kid undees and a pair of thick soft baby mittens so make sure nothing naughty can go on. You'll have have a very early beddy time in your crib where you won't be able to play with yourself at all.

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3de588  No.94993


I…. I'm sorry.

I was just pretennnnnnding to be a big boy. My wittle toy is locked up too

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8573ef  No.95018


You should thank your sister for taking responsibility and sending those pictures when her lazy nubaby brother couldn't do it by himself.

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f0a068  No.95061

It’s my f-first time wearing diapers and I really wanna cum. I know it’s shameful but I never expected it to be like this.

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d8bd99  No.95112


I think this is a LARP, the reverse image database already screens out the nubby's using big penis pictures, it also screens little penis pictures, because it's all based on not having duplications. I will agree with >>95018 that you dropped the ball. But as part of remote measure, when an examination is able to be carried out by a qualified measurer, it will supersede what the remote submissions status is. It's just on you to not untrain, if you're family is old fashioned, and if your house is more new age, you'll have been padded for 16 years, what's another couple months to year before you can start potty training, if you measure up.

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168cfb  No.95193


>send pic, should be fine since I'm a big boy

>pass by a small margin

>receive a box of pull-ups from the school

>small capacity



>boring designs

>somewhat rough on the inside

this isn't what I expected at all, I'm scared I'll leak if I have an accident, it's not better in the slightest!

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fd921b  No.95194


I'd trade with you in a heartbeat. Somehow my form was edited, and now I get sent a biweekly box of the biggest diapers with STUFFERS. I wear these waddlers all day and night, only getting changed after I wake up every morning.

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bdbd1a  No.95235


Damn bro that’s rough, how do you even get around wearing those?

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5b63cd  No.95297

File: 4de8d5154262301⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, roma_annie_dolls_pram_1_10….jpg)


He dosen't get around at all in those thick nappies. He has his mummy to push him around in a pretty pink pram instead. He's the prettiest little baby in town. Are you jealous baby? Do you wanna be in Pampers and prams too?

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d06a74  No.95479

File: ecb237b7b76db19⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1591518554878.png)

Where have all the nubabies gone? Hopefully they're being treated properly. I wouldn't want to have to use my special method.

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e577ae  No.95480


What special method?

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d06a74  No.95481


A special hypnosis session for struggling nubabies. It'll help them take their mind off of any fears nubabies will have in their new lives.

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e577ae  No.95482


Good thing I'm not a nubaby then. I'm 5.5 inches, I just kinda… like wearing diapers for the fun of it, but that's where it stops for me. Just wearing. No cages, too, I like making creamies.

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d06a74  No.95483


Does someone change all your creamy diapers, or can you do it yourself like a big kid?

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e577ae  No.95484


I do it myself like a big kid of course! I'd be way too embarrassed to have someone else do it for me…

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d06a74  No.95485


So you're just a little pervert who gets off to touching his boy bits?

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e577ae  No.95486


I guess you can put it that way yeah, but it just sounds so negative when you word it like that. It's not my fault that I like this kind of stuff, but I'm not harming anyone, am I? So what's the big deal?

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d06a74  No.95487


There's no harm, but wouldn't it be better if you were a nubaby instead? You could have a mommy do everything you ever wanted, amd all you need to do is listen and use your diapees like a good boy.

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e577ae  No.95488


B-But I passed the PID… and I like being an adult and stuff. I only really do this in my free time and while nobody is looking. If I was a nubaby everyone would just laugh at me for having a small pp, even though I really don't. I think I'm fine like that.

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d06a74  No.95489


Oh really? What if someone found out about your dirty little secret? They could blackmail you and ruin you witg that info. Wouldn't it be better to come out as a nubaby? We can "correct" your PID records too, if you wish.

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e577ae  No.95490


Blackmail me? That wouldn't be nice, I'd be really embarrassed about that kind of stuff getting out, but if I come out as a nubaby then everyone would know anyway, wouldn't they? I'll just be very careful and make sure that nobody finds out.

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d06a74  No.95491


How careful will you be? You're bound to slip up at some point, you big baby.

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e577ae  No.95492


Nuh-uh I know how to handle stuff like this. Besides, as a nubaby I wouldn't get to make creamies as often, which I wouldn't really like either. It's just not for me.

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d06a74  No.95493


Are you sure? I heard nubabies get nursing hand jobs if they've been good little boys.

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e577ae  No.95494


But that's only when they've been good little boys, I'm not sure if I could be one, I'm so used to my adult life after all. Also I don't wanna wear a cage all the time. They're probably all too small for me, and it'd hurt wearing one…

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d06a74  No.95495


Very well, fake nubaby. You win for now. The other adults who know your secret might not be persuaded as easily.

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e577ae  No.95496


Good thing there's only nubabies around here then. What's the worst thing they can do? Poo poo their diapers? It's not like they can prove anything. If they can even talk to an adult with those pacis in their mouths~

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d8bd99  No.95497


Being raised as an assumed nubaby, I can say I relate to this. Growing up it was frustrating since everyone else was getting potty trained, trying solid foods, learned to talk without a pacifier gag.

But I am 6 inches, so eventually I managed through potty training and learning to behave as a Big. But I have a small stash of my nubby stuff for special occasions I like to dip into.

I think having been treated so infantilized during my sexual maturity really crossed some wires.

My girlfriend does tease me a bit about my nubby slip-ups. Trying to undo a 2 decade forced lisp is tough, get a glass a wine in me and it's almost babble. The rubber bedsheets for just in case. (Been dry overnight for 2 months.) Plus if I get mad or embarrassed I still tear up, like crying is some sort magical "fix it" button.

But yeah, you're not the only "Big" guy that likes the nubby stuff but doesn't make it a lifestyle.

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ba03fd  No.95503

I have been having a weird experience with this whole nubaby thing. So real talk, I barely failed with having like a 4.4 dick, but yeah, back into pampers I go. When I got home from school, and this was after a day of nubaby classes mind you, my family was unsurprisingly against the school's decision.

The joys of having liberal parents, I guess, my mom (well, step-mom) thinks this PID stuff is a bunch of nonsense. However, they can't exactly do anything about it, so they are telling me that when I'm home, I don't have to act like a nubaby (although I'm kind of shit out of luck for school) and I can take online classes to maintain my pre-PID education.

So this has been going on for a couple of weeks now, but here's the thing about it, I'm sort of enjoying the babying at school, and I'm debating if I should tell my step-mom that I want the same treatment at home. Not sure if this some mental conditioning on the school's part, but it's been on my mind for a while.

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d04f66  No.95513

*giggles at all the silly nubabies and smirks at getting to wear panties and watch big girl shows*

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d06a74  No.95514


Not so fast, anon. What's your penis size?

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d04f66  No.95548


*meeps* i..its less than 4 inches when hard…bu..but..but i can do potty training and wear panties and stuff!

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d06a74  No.95551


Sorry Anon, you know the rules. It's back to diapers for you! Since you tried to get away with wearing big girl clothes, I think a punishmemt is in order, little nubaby.

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d04f66  No.95553


buh..buh, i dont wanna be a nubabu and wear diapers! I dont wanna get punished

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d06a74  No.95570


How should I punish you? Should I spike all your meals with laxatives? Should I enroll you into a baby training course to rehabilitate you? Should I take pics of you in big poofy diapers and post them online? Hmmmm, so many choices…

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d04f66  No.95581


buh im a big girl! pl.pl.please dont do all those choices!

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3de588  No.95671

File: 4f91747b1c15033⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 2464x2464, 1:1, 20200612_130424.jpg)

I can't think of a good enough caption

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d8bd99  No.95848

Which system is better?

>Option A

All boys develop the same as in our society. Potty trained, put on solid food, encouraged to be the "masculine ideal", all that stuff. Then PID happens and a portion of them are humiliatingly regressed, with personal rights and privileges revoked through mental conditioning and bdsm elements

>Option B

Boys are diapered and babied until PID. They still go to school and socialize, but the toilet is never presented as an option until they are 16. Their diets do not go beyond formula and purees to make dealing with their diapers easier. Growing up diapered their skin is more acclimated and resistant to rashes, their behavior is more docile as they grow up asking for changes and being exposed/vulnerable to authoritative figures. Then on PID they either keep living the life they are accustomed to, or start reaching what we would call toddler milestones and learn about privacy and agency.

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ff6f46  No.95851


This stuff was made to be humiliation oriented in the first place, so easy A for me

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526603  No.95855


Definitely A. B would be unfair on real Men and anway , the whole joy of the process is in helping the nuboys and little transgirls come to term with their real place in society.

The act of humiliation and shame, the collapse of their place in the world, the medical procedures and their gradual acceptance that this is where they belong.. None of that really works if it's inbuilt from the start imo

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d04f66  No.95879


definitely A, tho still say ditz (me) shouldnt be on PID humph

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01152b  No.95887


>measured myself last night to psych myself up

>4 inches

You guys have found a way to beat the system right? Like some stretches or something right?

I can't go back into diapers!

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8d1714  No.95888

Be me, 11 inch thundercock Gigachad, star QB of my school (even got a scholarship to play collegeball at a top ivy league college) straight As, most popular kid in my school, can bang any girl i want. Future's looking pretty cash money for me

>PID happens

All the stacies and beckies at school are no longer interested, they're too busy caring for and bullying all the nubabies

What the fuck bros i thought PID was supposed to make girls more into us chads. Is this how the gf feels when im too busy playing COD with the fellas to hang out with her

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ee4f2e  No.95907


Be me, 3 inch pindick, chess nerd, As and Bs, literal nobody, can't get a girl. Know it's pretty much over for me

>PID happens

Two girls I had a crush on but never spoke to start spending a fuckload of time taking care of and teasing me.

Fuck man for what it's worth I'm just as confused as you

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526603  No.95913


Be me, closeted transgirl, too chickenshit to come out. Shrimpy loser to boot, been in love with this girl, Christine, for years but she never even looks at me


Can't even just become a dumb nubaby after PID and end it all because I'm cursed with this hunk of 8 1/2 inch manmeat

> Unless….. AnonHasAPlan.bat

Commence operation Self-Sissify : anyone below 3 inches erect on PID becomes a sissy in my district. I Start using silk road to buy shit-tonnes of that dick-shrinking cream they have in those darksite nubaby facilities in Ohio.

>PID Happens


Nurse doesn't even need the ruler. My trouser monster is reduced to 1 and half inch clitty.

>Dicklette.exe not responding

It can't even get hard!!!

"Sorry Anon, looks like it's a new low record for the school and the sissy diapers for you. I'll go and see if there's a cage small enough in the back in a cute colour. When While I'm afraid it's a round of body hair removal and puberty blockers first though"


Returned home in a pair of ADORABLE pastel shortalls with thick pin cloth diaper (turns out, super comfortable!!) bulging underneath. Expect parents to be heartbroken their son is a failure …. they're fucking delighted. Turns out they always wanted a little girl to spoil

I guess I'm pretty lucky we live in a city where it's super progressive though, not like one of those southern backwaters where they treat us like newborns or even vegetables - I can walk and read and stuff, I just haff to hold a grownups hand and mind my language.I still get real food, even if it is cut up nuggies and sippy cup juice. And the carseat they have for me is actually really comfy (and rubbing it is uhhh pretty nice but don't tell mommy or daddy i said that).

The diapers are still really embarrassing but I've always had a weak bladder and it's great not having to hold it. Still can't get over public changes though. Or Messing.Messing is the grossest and then I don't go and I have to have a suppository or an enema and that's even worse. I guess we get treated a bit older than a lot of other places in MegaZone 1? Rn Weeb stuff is really trendy so all the sissy fashions are just extra childish Lolita fashion stuff so it's pretty great actually

And the best bit? Christine, that tomboy lesbian I was in love with - she started offering to babysit soon after. Confessed she's one of those grownups with this weird kinda like fetish thing where partners up with other grownups who act out being nuboys or sissies but like, part time? Kinda weird huh, but who cares because now it means she's actually head over heels with ME!!!. As a boy she never even noticed me, but now as a sissy I'm basically her dream girl! She says she doesn't mind me having a clitty so long as it stays in it's cage. She even started teaching me how to FRENCH KISS yesterday!!


Anyway I can't write much more. I'm only allowed 1 hour per week on the big girl computer or else I'll get a spanking.

P.S Miss Christine (mommy says if I don't call grownup girls Miss then i get a mouth-soaping , but Miss Christine won't tell on me) is coming over in a bit and she's bringing some super-cute new dresses for me to go spinny in and white tights (theyre sooooo cute) for me.

She says if I'm really good she'll put my princess plug in before we make out and I watch the special sissy cartoon we have to watch, it's called Alice and Mr Purr. It's weird cuz she says it's just a black screen for her. I see these reaaaaaly pretty lights and spinny patterns and everything feels soooo good and then I feel sleepy and when I wake up I'm messy which I NEVER do on accident.

PID is the best Y'all!!

P.P.S. ( hehe pee pees) I left the computer open when Alice and Mr Purr made me all sleepy and Miss Christine saw my post. She says that she's very proud of me for knowing I belong as her little girl, but I used naughty big girl rude words and that I gotta 'pologise to everyone here. Also she says I'm gonna have something called a "figging" after she changes me ? It sounds kind of scary. What is that??

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f66cbb  No.95918


>I'm gonna have something called a "figging" after she changes me ? It sounds kind of scary. What is that??

Dont worry princess. If youre like the rest of the trannies I know (self included) you'll learn to like it.

gotta ask tho. You actually found dick-shrinking cream? Im having a hard time just getting skin bleach in this rural backwater place.

Im not sure id call it a

>southern backwater where they treat nubabies like newborns or even vegetables

They all get treated fairly well here, family's important to us ya know. you dont mess with someone else's famly and specialy not their young. I suppose being a queer can get you some teasin but thats the worst of it, ya get a thick shin quick that way. Besides I got my brothers and my pa to back me up if anything really happens.

I was already out, and on puberty blockers by PID. But even after weeks of trying to shrink my clitty with a chastity cage I made the cutoff to keep my "manhood" whatever that is lol. I think I might have been the only one to both enter and leave those booths in a skirt that day without at-least a pullup. Tbh kinda pissed off, I should be pissing my diapers instead. Hell, I had to get my own body hair removal and hormones.

I definitely know what these two weirdos are talking about aswell.



A couple of my girlfriends are absolutely fawning over one of their nubaby brothers. Probably that mythical "maternal instinct" I never got thanks to this useless massive honking dick.

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526603  No.95950



> Dont worry princess. If youre like the rest of the trannies I know (self included) you'll learn to like it.

Welp… that was the most bestest and most embarrassing of my life. So mumm- Miss Christine I mean, she took me in front of Mommy and Daddy, plops my paci out, and made me confess everything and even though they said they were really proud that I realized I wasn’t gonna ever be a real man or a big girl, they said I still needed to be punished for lying and using naughty words and stuff, and that they thought that it was time Christine started disciplining me herself. When I started dripping pee onto the little pad on her lap during my diapy-down spanking, I thought that was the worst but that was NUTHIN .

She pressed this yellow bulb thing to my bottom hole and I thought it was some kind of bigger punishment plug (I’m um, still really uh “tight” down there) but then it started to BURN WITH THE POWER OF A THOUSAND SUNS. Anyway fast-forward 5 minutes and my no-no is still being incinerated but it also starts to feel really um…. Like really…good. Another five minutes and everyone agrees that wailing, sobbing,sniffling, hyper-horny me has learned her lesson

Usually after my spankings an (admitablly pretty awesome) mommy-daddy-daughter aftercare session ensues with cuddles and soothing and knee-bouncing and stuff but instead Miss Alice smiles this devilish smile and tells my parents she thinks i deserve a reward for being so little, and starts pushing her index and ring finger into my bottom as my hecking parents smile in approval?! In what was a blessedly, mortifyling short thirty seconds i made my first ever cummies and my clitty cage was encased in my ultra-thick nightimes for my 7’o clock bedtime. It was SO NICE but SO EMBRASSING and not sure if i’m dreading or anticipating the “next time” that she’s already promised…

I’m typing this super-quick (Don’t tell no-one or i’ll be in trubble) while my backup babysitter Lucy is at the big-girl potty - she’s really nice, I just introduced her to my entire family of stuffies, she tells me I’m the little sister she never got. Aaaaaanyway the reason I got her tonight's Mommy and Daddy are meeting Christines family and they won’t tell me why but that it’s gonna be super-special “surprise”.

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526603  No.95951



>gotta ask tho. You actually found dick-shrinking cream? I'm having a hard time just getting skin bleach in this rural backwater place.

So uhh since it’s probably against the law I couldn’t possibly recommend that you load up TOR and look for Government Formula K43 that might have fallen of the back of some trucks and ended up on certain websites, because it would be very naughty to buy a box of it and take 2 pills a day for a couple of weeks…. Hehe. It’s pretty expensive tho and I think I might know a better solution . I’ll get back to that later

>I'm not sure i'd call it a southern backwater

That’s fair. To be honest I’ve never actually gone outside Nu-Nu-York so all I know is those really-over the top films and stuff where the souther-baby-belles never leave their strollers or hillbilly sissies who have their teeth removed and get left in bouncers all day. *Shudder*. Hmph, even if I can’t always tell when i’m going wee anymore in comparison THEM i’m practically a big girl

> Tbh kinda pissed off, I should be pissing my diapers instead. Hell, I had to get my own body hair removal and hormones.

When I told Mumm- Miss Christine about you she had a better idea from something she read on these forums about nubaby and sissy lovers. Obviously normally the government doesn’t like to go back on PID results cuz it would make them look pallib..fallibul…flawed.

But there are a couple exceptions, obviously there's the Prison-To-Pampers pipeline for violent offenders but you’d have to do something really horrid and anyway from what she said you really don’t wanna go to one of those facilities.Removing teeth is just the start of it there…. BUT there's this program at the Ministry for Masculine Failures. They’re the ones who produce a load of those nubaby and sissy commercials and do demonstrations for other countries. Apparently they accept a hundred or so of actual Post-PID volunteers every year to show how failed men (an secret girls like us ;-) ) are so much better off this.

But the best part? They have a diversity quota! If you apply as transgender, I’ll bet you get in! And then they’ll shrink your clitty and manage your hormones for you . All you have to do is spend 2 years peeing your diapies for some foreign diplomats and getting filmed breastfeeding for some lactation pill commercials or whatever and they your caregiver gets a huge payout and you can go the top of any of the best adoption lists in the country if u don’t wanna stay with your real family or a prearranged caregiver aftwards. If I didn’t have my “girlfriend” i’d be jealous of you!! Of course it would be permanent, just like failing PID, but honestly every day I reckon we’ve actually got the better half of the system- who wants to grow up get a nasty job when you can do this? Even the super humiliating bits stop being so bad once you accept that you need them….

Sorry for the long message, it's just super-special to see someone like me here!

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d8bd99  No.95953


As a guy you probably didn't get much information about nubaby behavioral conditioning, the shame and embarrassment from a nubby's peers is one of the most effective parts of the program, and girls are incentivized to really lay it on a nubby to get them adjusted quicker. Girls can get credits or build up their college applications, or even get paid for program assistance. My older sister was able to skip some child development courses because of the number of nubby's she's conditioned.

We weren't all that close or affectionate until I was nubbed. Now its smother central at my house. I was upset at first, but being a nubaby is awesome once you accept your place. I miss reuben sandwiches and loaded potatoes, the formula isn't great when it's all of my meals, but having everything done for me is not the worst trade off. And now that I'm really good at sitting still for my make up I do get allowed an orgasm every other month.

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f66cbb  No.95955


Well Im glad that worked out for you. Though you say you aren't sure if you're dreading or anticipating the next time, given you''re already back here (thanks btw) talking about your "cummy clitty" I think we know you can hardly wait ;P

Here's to hoping you like your "surprise" just as much.


>load up TOR and look for Government Formula K43

Thanks for totally recommending I do just that! its not more fuel for your next "punishment" at all I'm certain? And an even bigger THANKYOU for the tip on that Ministry for Masculine Failures Post-PID volunteers Program! I am 100% looking into that as we speak. If this is all as good as it sounds I am definitely going to be bringing this up with my little polycule. tbh I'm starting to get a little nervous about it but I guess it shouldn't really come as a shock given we've experimented with some light little play before, heck the girls already get me to call our men "Daddy" in bed. I don't know why I'm getting all jittery about this. With that grant it would definitely qualify as one of the best jobs any of us ever had. You are quite right btw I don't know anyone who really wants a shitty job like I have to go to every morning.

That's another thing, those horror films they show you newbies. I got to talking with my girlfriends baby brother while we were playing the other day and he said they were showing how bad the city life is. Trapped in bouncers all day or worse stuck in a crib they call daycare while all the adults work, constantly getting diaper rash while never getting the proper love, care, or attention (and especially not getting cummies) a good baby needs! Putting 2 and 2 together makes a fish, but it also makes me think they just want you to appreciate what you have that tiny bit more. And you should, it sounds like you are doing alright and im honestly surprised that more people don't actively want that life.

Ps. don't worry about the long posts, Im enjoying hearing from you, and am a little sorry that I don't have more to add to our little chat. lots of love till next time!

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82e779  No.95968

File: b3c45f743088db3⋯.jpg (178.2 KB, 1550x1203, 1550:1203, 1570950427098.jpg)

>raised by very PID-progressive mother

>don't have to wear diapers like some other less fortunate kids, but put in chastity frequently to control muh evil masculine tendancies

>PID only a day away, been on my best behaviour all week

>mum comes into my room right before bed time and says i've been playing too much nintendo

>only turned it on five minutes ago

>she won't hear any of it, puts me over her knee and spanks me before putting the cage back on

>get measured next day at 1.25 inches because the school isn't allowed to remove cages

>mommy has to come pick me up from school because I can't walk home with an Xtra Thick Sissy Supreme diaper and 2 stuffers taped to my crotch

It's not fair bros ;-;

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526603  No.95971


>given you're already back here (thanks btw) talking about your "cummy clitty" I think we know you can hardly wait

Nuh uhh..cuz that would make me an absolute baby and i’m definitely NOT a baby. Ok maybeee I’m starting to look forward to all the spanking and figgings and suppositories and maaayybee I spent last night fruitlessly humping one of my stuffies in the crib thinking about how those fingers felt in my bottom. MAYBE. But that doesn’t mean I like being punished, nope , it’s super just embarrassing an makes me feel all tingly and hmphhhh…. next question

> heck the girls already get me to call our men "Daddy" in bed

OMGEE that is so cute have any of them asked you to wear a diaper before you ..you know..”do it”? Mommy let me read a bit of a big girl magazine yesterday and apparently that’s a super-popular “hidden fantasy” for a lot of guys out there, even the ones who arn’t interested in us proper nubabies. I bet they’d love it if you like…leaked in your big girl knickers bit and let them daddy you a little bit. Not like a whole wetting, but just a dribble and then look up at him with misty eyes and tell him you had an accident…unfhh you’ve made me go and make myself horny again an rubbing through my cage and diaper arghhh isn't enough to "finish" arghhh…

Good luck and tell me if you manage any progress sneaking into the Sissylife! I hope your polycule are nice to you ! I didn't even know whatta polycule meant and I thought all I’d ever want was mummy but now I’m kinda wondering what it would be like being adopted by a mumm AND a daddy.hmmmm…. Or maybe even two mummies?

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526603  No.95972

File: 56d4960859f42cc⋯.jpg (345.71 KB, 1016x1920, 127:240, tumblr_mwuaggMwMs1rk65x8o1….jpg)


Is ur pic related cuz um…gosh.. If so you’re pretty cute even if the chastity cage is a yucky red when it could be pink…and is the big girls….y’know…..are they really as big as that purple one??

> It's not fair bros ;-;

Sorry you didn’t get the PID result you wanted anon, but seriously, you might end up really enjoying your new life. Even my fellow sissies who hated it first ended liking some of the stuff after a couple of weeks.You get used to the diapies quick, I barely noticed until after I’ve wet. Most of our families are really nice to us now and the sissy school uniform, at least here *? Soooooo cute!!! Trust me there are great bits, especially if you have a loving caregiver and your mummy sounds nice, even if she is very strict. In fact, sounds to me like maybe you were always going into chastity and she just found a handy excuse so you might as well stop worrying about what might have been and accept this are inevit- invitabu- … normal.

>> get measured next day at 1.25 inches because the school isn't allowed to remove cages

Speaking of which….hmm I know our cages “squash” things down a bit , and of course it’s flaccid so you could be a big grower, but if you could fit into a 1.25’er it sounds to me like you might not have fared very well on PID anyway. Are you sure you hadn’t been “generous” with your own self-measurements before? It’s ok , loads of nubabies have that happen to them. Maybe your mummy just did what she did so you wouldn’t blame yourself ! A lot of the time grownups just know better than us little girls and all we nee t o do is trust them an focus on being cute.

*Pic related but the school had a big girl pose for it in the school brochure here, dunno why. Looks totally weird without the cloth diaper under the skirt.

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c8470e  No.96792

File: 1713b139f21ecef⋯.png (52.84 KB, 604x329, 604:329, unknown_1_.png)

>get sick in early march

>have a rough few weeks in the hospital, but eventually recover

>doctor comes in with a couple of nurses on the day i'm going to be sent home

>asks my parents if she could have a "confidential talk" with me

>one of the nurses leads them out of the room and closes the curtain

>doctor checks my chart while the other nurse put on gloves

>"Good news Anon, the virus has passed through your system, and it looks like your lung function and oxygen levels are doing fine, so we're happy to let you out of here and go back home"

>"However, there is just one quick little test we need to do"

>nurse begins undoing my belt and reaching into my pants

>"We've heard some concerning reports that people in your age demographic have experienced some… "side effects" after recovery, so we want to perform a quick measurement and document the results"

>nurse gives my dick a few strokes and pulls out a tape measure

>only half chub

>nurse starts stroking it more to get it harder

>have to tell her to stop before I explode

>she measures again, and goes back to compare with the results on my records

>nurses confer with the doctor for what feels like forever, before one of them leaves the room

>"Well, this outcome will certainly be of use to our research, it appears you only measured at 4 and a half inches"


>Impossible, I was measured last year, I have 6.7!

>nurse comes back into the room with a box of supplies

>"Unfortunately, that does mean you're now classified as a nubaby, and we'll have to make the appropriate adjustments"

>watch in horror as one of the nurses spreads my legs and the other pulls out a diaper

>"Don't worry about a thing Anon, we'll get some high bars for your bed and have you transferred to pediatrics for a few weeks so you can get adjusted"

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5b63cd  No.96989

File: c28f07da03cf1d2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 310aa7dd3241fe54e3cc8bffec….png)

Seems some of you little teeny peeny diaper soakers have not been giving any pictures lately. First little diaper boy to see this post is required to show his tiny little baby winkle.

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c08c76  No.97120


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188744  No.97233

File: e762743a2c8cf60⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, Sizing_Ruler.png)

Where do you fall /abdl/? Are you big enough to escape pampers? Should the scale be tweaked at all?

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d8bd99  No.97235

File: 6fd95c3a2f4ba58⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, 20200525_183308.jpg)


One thing I like about the 7+ is that it doesn't restrict the option to wear any of the other options. So I can still wear those wonderfully bulky and adorably pink diapers that just feel so much better compared to the other options.

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8d1714  No.97247


make it harder to pass, some guys still have an SPH fetish even though they have a big dick

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c619e6  No.97249

File: 37690b7cc9fc9e7⋯.jpg (184.72 KB, 1004x684, 251:171, heh.jpg)


>Penis Inspection Day

Anyway, I'm glad to be able to choose my own underwear. Of-course I'll pick a nappy for me, but I can make a nice tent on it.

Enjoy your smooth diaper groin, dicklets.

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c98cd0  No.97348

File: 6cf35859e9c091e⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 3648x2736, 4:3, 20200217_155329.jpg)

My mommy told me I have a "special procedure" tomorrow at the hospital? What does that mean? Will they let me take my stuffies with me? I'm a bit scared…

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50a8e5  No.97349


There is such a variety of operations that can be done, hard to say unless you can get some details. Obviously a vasectomy is going to happen, maybe some Achilles alteration, modifications to your sphincters, some stomach surgeries to either make sure you have that baby fat some women like to hug or something to limit you to liquid diets, follicle obliteration, Adam's apple removal, vocal cord alterations, small breast implants, neuro therapies to either make punishment easier or solidify certain hypnotherapies. Could be all sorts of things.

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c98cd0  No.97353

File: 3f74166a7463ec0⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2829x2139, 41:31, 20200819_001036.jpg)



Hmm, mommy doesn't wanna tell me. She says "the procedure" is actually my birthday present and she doesn't wanna spoil it for me. The only thing I know is that I don't have to wear my clitty cage tonight?

I'm so nervous…

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c98cd0  No.97356


What's a vasectomy?

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64cf5e  No.97358


these are things all good babies should have done.

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c98cd0  No.97360

File: d6f60d2abc47f7f⋯.png (392.25 KB, 491x365, 491:365, d9445167c9d.png)


Be careful! Mine has gotten considerably smaller due to diapers. Maybe they dope the diapers with a drug?!

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c98cd0  No.97361


But I don't wanna eat liquid food. It's yucky!

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64cf5e  No.97362


ohh well as a baby you have no say.

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d8bd99  No.97364


This would be child abuse and a rights violation for a baby. These are for Nubaby.


Wow. That might mean you're getting smoothed. It's not like you were going to use that lump of flesh that generously gets referred to as a penis anyway.


Why are Nubbies treated different? For not being real men. How do we stop these inferior men from contaminating our society and wasting the time of women that could be having better children with real men? By performing a vasectomy and rendering their ability to produce sperm nonexistent.

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c98cd0  No.97365


Smoothed? Does that mean they'll make a girl?!

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d8bd99  No.97366


Heavens no. More like a smooth base with a little urethra, no balls, no penis, not anything that can accommodate a real man. Calling a Nubby a girl is insulting to women.

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c98cd0  No.97367



Actually, if I think about it I'm glad to get rid of it. That stupid thing got me into trouble in the first place.

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c98cd0  No.97368


Do you think I can still use the potty afterwards?

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d8bd99  No.97370


Potty? A smoothed nubby? Oh sweet summer child absolutely not. Any muscle that is supposed to hold back is severed. Just constantly letting out those dribbles into your thick thirsty diapers. You'll have to let us know if you're capable of walking after this doctor's visit.

Personally, nubbies seem a tad big and heavy to me to have them reduced to crawling, but I know some households use pet crates instead of cribs, so it's not like they have to be picked up.

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c98cd0  No.97371

File: c60c71145701063⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 20200217_155203.jpg)


Mommy has me already restrained at night, but I don't like metal cages. That's super scary. I hope they don't mess with my prostate in surgery…

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d8bd99  No.97372


Your little reward button will stay intact.

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d8bd99  No.97373


What kind of conspiracy boards do you post on? Nubbies get diapers because they are small. I've worn for years and have had no change.

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c98cd0  No.97374


Well I'm glad your diapies weren't drugged then.

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c98cd0  No.97375

File: 10fe348d8ec9bd6⋯.jpg (618.01 KB, 1080x979, 1080:979, Screenshot_20200819_012915….jpg)


I'm just a little sad that tonight was my last milking and I didn't even know it. :(

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8b1eab  No.97396


Where is this nubaby? Did she have the FULL procedure done??

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f5651d  No.97438



Feeling pretty grateful that at least the state I live in made smoothing and pretty much everything similar up to and including orchi's illegal a decade back.

Logic was our little peanies were proof of our status as not being big boys, and keeping them intact would help us remember that we belong as babies. *blushes*

It's not all good though, since the same laws mandate basically permanent chastity for anyone in diapers or pullups,and PID is a super big event where you have get your diapies taken down and be publicly re-measured in front of the whole school every year

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d8bd99  No.97452

My Godhas been wanting to introduce some roleplaying to our bedroom, and that's fine, but she wants to have me pretend to be a nubby. Anything I should do besides awkwardly lie about cock size?

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188744  No.97463


Have her measure your cock to try to prove that you're too big for diapers and then throw a tantrum when you fail. Classic nubaby behavior.

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c23b83  No.97484

I wish I could shrink my genitals to baby size, so I could get a stiffy and not disturb my diaper position.

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5d458f  No.97724

>be me

>tomboy femanon

>teasing all the boys about upcoming PID and how they're all gonna fail

>say I probably have a bigger clit than any of their pathetic little dicks

>one of them jokingly dares me to line up for PID and prove it

>agree to do it

>the look on the nurse's face when I flash my pussy will be priceless

>flash forward to PID

>put on my baggiest outfit and line up with the other boys

>they're all too chicken to go first so I take the lead and head behind the curtain

>nurse doesn't even glance over as I walk in, tells me to take off my underwear and sit up on the table

>try hold back laughter as I spread-eagle on the table and wait for her to turn around

>tfw she doesn't even flinch

>she just puts on some gloves and starts measuring

>"0.2 inches, that's another nubaby for the sissy program…"

>starts rubbing baby powder into my crotch

>"b-but i'm a gi-"

>"Look sweetie it's ok, it's [current year], boys with female genitals can still be nubabies"

>keep trying to explain myself but have to stop myself

>almost let out an embarrasing moan as more powder gets rubbed into my private parts

>try once more to tell her it was a joke but get silenced by a pacifier

>realise my fate is sealed as a thick pink diaper is brought out and taped over my freshly powdered tomboy pussy

>nurse pats my diaper teasingly as the teaching assistant comes in with an oversized stroller to escort me to my new hell

>they drop me into the seat and begin strapping my legs in before I can decide if it's worth running away

>finally my shirt is confiscated and replaced with a tiny bib to complete the transformation

>try in vain to cover my face and my chest as the stroller is wheeled out past all the waiting boys and into the nubabby nursery class

guys what the fuck do I do, I keep trying to tell them i'm a girl but they just congratulate me and say i'm "adjusting quickly", nobody will listen!

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f64e32  No.97725


tits + timestamp or GTFO

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784cff  No.97803


Get used to your new life? How did your parents react?

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9f3538  No.97815

Wait, is thsi for erect or soft pee pees?

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55b30a  No.97821

File: ccce2b50f8f2076⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20200831_222654_1_.jpg)

Here's the real problem: She told me I can't get out of this cage until they get a better number, and the high school hasn't shown any sign of nutting up. If I have to wear this thing until actual PID rolls around, what are my chances of passing? If poor, what can I do? Is there a loophole? If all else fails, what can I get away with as a nubaby at a 4-year?

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55b30a  No.97822


Sorry, fucked up the post because I started peeing without noticing (I really need to get out of these things). TLDR is, I'm in freshman year and the clinic isn't accepting my old school's PID scores because of filing errors. They've defaulted me to 3" as a "probationary measure," but I'm only 5.1 rock hard. I need this damn thing off, anons. Can I get out of here as a man?

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784cff  No.97829



There should be some forms you can fill out that would let you take normal classes instead of the nubaby ones until the next PID. Not all schools have them though and you'll still have to wear diapers and a cage. I say just learn to enjoy them until the next PID

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55b30a  No.97835

File: 759f14891539d4f⋯.png (126.03 KB, 399x388, 399:388, 0122_5doGrDG.png)


Thanks. I went to look for those on the college website, but it said "This page is inaccessible with your privileges." I need to see if IT can get me through.



In update news, I'm shitting myself bros (not literally).

> be done with classes today

> be about to jerk off but remember cage

> start Overwatch instead

> hear knock at the door, quit matchmaker to answer

> it's a Student Life officer, gay nametag and everything, but she's got this bubbly smile

> she says it's a "compliance check." Given COVID shitting I understand

> pull the waistband of my sweats up and let her in

> she starts flagging all sorts of shit, like the height of my bed, my diapers "not being sufficiently accessible" (they're under the bed), and something about lack of bed rails???

> try to explain to her that I'm not a nubaby, and just waiting for PID to get my number confirmed

> bitch pulls out her fucking phone and checks the college database, says "Well, we have you down as 3," so it's all procedure

> tells me I have "3 nubaby compliace strikes," and I'll be hearing from SL about disciplinary measures

> also asks me if I have a "Big Buddy"

> tell her I don't know what that gay shit is

> apparently nubabies need to have a Big Buddy to supervise them out of dorms, and I never heard about this because 5.1" is in-between

> she talks about an infant dorm

> we are in the South, but thank Christ I'm not that small

> tells me I'll be getting one assigned from the floor

> please god, kill me now

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d8bd99  No.97851


That was you? Awesome! Well obviously not awesome for you, but I'm assigned the seat one over and ahead of you in class now! Everything about adjust has been terrible, but getting to look over my shoulder and see titties on someone that isn't "out of my league" has really helped me keep it together.

If we both get good behavior reports, it's possible we could have a "playdate" at my place. Naptime is a guaranteed hour of no monitoring, we could get some out of diaper time, you aren't caged, my tongue works. It's not a solution to your problem, but maybe a good break would help you keep your spirits up while we adjust?

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883898  No.97852

>be me

>average 7in anon

>almost 8in on good days

>not nearly big enough for big boy panties

>pid comes

>I'm… I'm sure I'm big enough for big boy panties, right miss?


>barely touches me, already at my max size

>you're going to be in pullups anon, aren't you happy


>come on don't be like that, you'll enjoy it


>two weeks in pullups, these things suck



>don't hold enough

>still babyish

>still have to get up to pee some times

>stay positive anon, it's just a pullup

>almost score with a girl

>yeah I'm a big boy

>making out

>touches my crotch

>yeah no it's just thick underwear I swear

>not used to this much stimulation


>oh my god anon did you just come?

>feels me more

>wait anon

>unzips pants


>sorry anon, I don't go out with babies

>leaves me with my pants down, my sticky pullup in full display

>can't wake up.jpg

>this won't stand

>request new penis inspection

>we make no exceptions anon

>yeah no sorry I think there's been a mixup or something, also I was on some meds the other day

>somehow talk them into re-checking me

>go to the local pharmacy

>buy numbing cream

>24h to second PID

>hyped, can't wait

>10h to second PID

>have to sleep in three pull-ups not to leak

>1h to second PID

>apply numbing cream to pull up padding

>put numbing pull-up on

>is this even working

>0.1h to second PID

>fucking hell I hope this works

>wet myself from the excitement

>didn't even feel it

>fuck the hell yes

>numbing cream works

>go and change into a new, clean pullup

>alright anon, come inside

>but guess who won't be coming? this boy right here

>touch the front of my pullup just to be sure

>can't feel anything

>don't worry anon, there's no need to touch yourself now, I'll help you all the way

>get inside, lay on the mat

>unzips pants

>nam flashback

>still don't get hard

>nurse lowers my pullup

>stares at my """manhood"""


>well that's certainly a grower of I' ve ever seen one, right anon?

>play dumb, to hell with this bitch

>huhh… I… I don't know…

>well anon let me just see

>lubed glove on my dick

>feel nothing

>I get excited just from watching but only grow an inch

>nurse is doing her worst, still won't get hard

>well anon it looks like you are actually this small


>yeah fuck you too, cunt

>writes down my measurements on my folder

>eyes wide

>oh heavens anon, how in the world did you manage to get to 7in last time!?

>play dumb, play dumb

>well I… I don't know, but I'm… I'm usually this small so… maybe it was the diapers?

>face lighting up just as she was finally proven right

>that's so nice anon, you must have really liked your pull-ups then

>nervous laughter

>but don't worry, full on diapers are going to be even better

>removes my pullups

>oh god finally

>places a printed diaper under me

>powders me

>still tries to get me hard for a moment

>no chance, cunt

>oh anon, you just look so cute

>next time we see each other maybe you'll be so small I'll be putting a cage on you


>wraps me in the diaper

>tapes it up and pats it

>finally free from pullups

>no more bitchy girls making me cum right away

>no more waking at night to change

>no more leaks

>no more boring work at school

>cute printed diapers




>100% protected

>pic related

>me in the middle of the night after one week of real diapers





>well rested

>don't get very hard anymore

>why would I even

>dick constantly shrinks a bit

>wouldn't want to leak because of an erection

>start to wonder about the chastity cage the bitch nurse was talking about

>I suppose she was cute in her own way

don't fall for the pull-ups meme guys, real diapers are the best

I'm also gonna start with the nubaby program at school tomorrow, what can I expect?

I'm sure it will be just fine though, what's the worst that can happen

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883898  No.97853

File: 8a8cee7fa5a0868⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 3000x3013, 3000:3013, IMG_dp6.jpg)

this was supposed to be pic related

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784cff  No.97854


My college had a system like that. Generally guys and girls who just want to help people. I'm sure you'll get someone nice who'll listen to your story and understand.

Of course, my college wasn't in the South and even then there were rumours of a couple of 'buddys' that got off on the power they had over the nubabies. Fingers crossed you don't get one of them

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55b30a  No.97865



I don't like this one bit, bros, and it's getting worse.

>have one class M/W

>boring as fuck freshman seminar, shitpost through most of it

>Quit Zoom and hear a knock at my door

>it's this 6'2" lacrosse player from the pod across the floor, was helping people move in last week

>bulging gym bag hanging from his shoulder, probably holding his cleats and magnum condom collection

>be 5'8" but damn, those six inches sting

<"Hey Anon, I'm your Big Buddy, Chris. I figured we should go to lunch and get to know each-other."

>cringe at his smile. it's this patronizing shit you'd do to a toddler

>explain that I don't like this at all and am waiting to get it all cleared up

>Chris puts a hand on my shoulder. No homo

<"Don't worry Anon, it's nothing to be ashamed of. My little brother is a nubaby just like you."

>barely suppress the urge to jump up and strangle this guy, but stay silent

<"So why don't we get you dressed and head to the grill?"

>motion to my jersey and sweats, for obvious reasons

<"Sorry Anon, since you're new to this I should've told you we Big Buddies have special tools for little guys like you."

>unzips the gym bag and pulls out a pair of salmon cargo shorts with an elastic belt, would rather be caught dead naked

>also a pastel blue leather harness with d-rings, a wide crotch strap, and a fucking leash?

>step back and invoke Christ to banish this n-th degree faggotry

<"C'mon sport, let's do this easy now."

>firmly pulls me over to my bed and pulls my sweats down, ignoring my protests

<"Hey, those diapers are really cute. My brother used to wear those boyish ones before his last PID 'infanted' him. When I learned by Little Buddy had deferred, I was worried I wouldn't get to have one of you. But then you came along, eh?"

>wrestles me into the salmon shorts, pulls the leather crotch strap between my legs, and does up the harness

>feel the click of a lock on the back. Just great. Also test my legs and realize the harness abducts them at least as far as a fully loaded diaper would. Even greater.

>quickly grab my phone and mask before we leave, so I can preserve maybe a shred of dignity

>be led by the reins to the canteen, Chris pointing out things I already knew about along the way.

>also tells me about his volunteering last year at the Infant Dorm, where they don't even get to walk

>get cooed at by a group of senior girls, try to ignore it

quietly pass my ID card to the cashier and pick up a tray, which is pulled out of my hands

<"Er, not so fast Anon. You might spill your food, so let me carry it. I'll get mine later."

>since I'm currently experiencing it, notice one or two other nubabies in the lunch line getting similar treatment. one is wearing a harness pacifier gag with a special mask to cover his nose. How is he not cringing to death?

>watch Chris shovel mac & cheese and dinosaur chicken nuggets onto my tray, and then pick up a bottle from a cooler at the end of the line

>leads me to a table where a I see all those other nubabies eating with guys & girls like Chris

>can't tell whether I'd prefer to be one of the ones getting fed by a girl his age or stay like this

>notice the chair Chris is pointing me to has some straps and a plateau between the legs

>get pushed down into it when I hesitate, while Chris affixes some unseen straps to my harness

<"I trust you won't get up and hurt yourself Anon, so just wait a moment while I get mine."

>realize he didn't get me any utensils

I don't know when he's gonna get back, but I need suicide methods, fast. If /a/ has taught me anything, it's that death is preferable to this shit.

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784cff  No.97869


At least he thinks you're cute

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85e3c1  No.97871

File: 8de282ad53e426e⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 620x840, 31:42, Me.jpg)

File: 98643c995e0a99d⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 363x344, 363:344, noweewee.jpg)

File: dd97a11a92c1f48⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 383x568, 383:568, gone.jpg)

Nice and smooth like me no wee wee here!

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9f3538  No.97873

File: cbd75891dc6e79b⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20200903_174300.jpg)

File: da6032236e053d0⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20200903_175150.jpg)

Didn't know if I needed soft or hard so here's both.

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4fd54f  No.97874

File: 073f9aca0d7cd8b⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 600x460, 30:23, 022.jpg)


Next time spoiler your pics.

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3d43d8  No.97875


>tomboy femanon

>freshly powdered tomboy pussy

look at this baby who thinks she's special because she doesn't have a peepee

well guest what, it's not like the rest of us really have peepee anymore, not worthwhile ones anyway, so maybe get used to being in diapers 24/7 and stop acting like you're hot shit, you big tomboy baby

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f5651d  No.97881


Yeah at last, someone with smaller princess parts than me ahahahahaha

Normally I feel sorry for fellow nubabies who hate it, but femanon sounds like she would have been the worst type of Big Girl so it sounds like just deserts to me

It's enemas and suppositories from here Femanon…

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55b30a  No.97890


Yeah, well I didn't go to college to be cute. If I'm lucky I'll be able to find a girl on campus who hasn't seen me after PID clears it all up.


>see gigachad Chris chatting it up with a group of girls from our hall, definitely taking his time to get my spoon & fork

>realize I need to pee

>figure nobody will know, and I'm still (semi)-anonymous

>let go

>piss splashes against my diaper and the leather harness panel, causing the padding to swell and push against the cage

>be pleasantly surprised that it doesn't leak

>of course Chris makes his way back with his food immediately after

>places my utensils by his tray, takes my mask off

>be about to ask for them when he dips the spoon in my mac & cheese

<"Here comes the train, Anon. Open up for your Big Buddy."


>open mouth to protest, he shoves it in instead

>grimace and hesitantly swallow, it tastes gooey and a little nice

>snap out of it, demand my spoon and get another mouthful of it

>see Chris still has that insufferable "big brother" smile on his face, suffer through a good 10 minutes of forced feeding, while he eats his food in-between bites

>feel fattened and tired, but then Chris picks up the bottle

>see that big cow nipple flying right at me

>realize I can't escape, rivet mouth shut instead

<"C'mon Anon. Don't be difficult. What'll the big boys and girls think of a nubaby who won't even eat? That's not mature at all…"

>say nothing, just glare with the fury of God

<"Well, I don't know how you plan to stay aware in your classes if you're not properly hydrated. This stuff is good for you after all."

>begin smartass remark about how my classes are over for the day, get nipple shoved in my mouth instead

<"There you go. Now just suck like a good nubaby."

>try to gurgle and scream, just get more creamy milk down throat

>restrain tears of embarrassment and just suckle

>minutes later it's done, have bottle taken from mouth covered in spittle

>Chris wipes bits of food from my jersey and harness

<"Sorry I forgot to bring your bib, Anon. I was just too excited to get to meet you."

>bet he fucking was, asshole

>get firmly patted on the back several times, wonder what's going on until I let out a big, involuntary belch

>oh, that's what it was

>15 minutes later getting led by leash back to dorm by Chris

>be twiddling with straps on harness to see how I can slip out of them

>get asked to stop by Chris, says he wants to check something

>comply, more out of convenience since I don't want to fight

>fucker pulls at the elastic waistband of my pants and checks my diaper

<"Wow, Anon. Is that all from before lunch? If you wet like that we'll have to move you to thicker diapers tomorrow."

>had been sneaking to dorm bathroom and pulling down diapers to piss & shit since move-in, so no idea if that last wetting was normal

<"Also Anon, can you put out your hands in fists for a moment. Close your eyes too."

>skeptical, but figure he might be trying some gay social distancing shit. comply.

>hear the gym bag being unzipped again, feel something big and fleecy envelop my hands one at a time, followed by a click

>open eyes, see huge cloth mittens tied over hands, can't even unball fists

<"Now you won't be fooling with your restraints as much. It's standard for nubabies who aren't busy at play, but we're given some leeway on it. I just wanted to see how fussy you were before."

>want to strangle him, realize I now literally can't

>get leashed along to dorm

I just can't take it anymore. Chris let me out of the mittens for homework so I can type this, but now I've pissed in these diapers four times, and my stomach is churning like a fucking hurricane. Did they spike the milk? And is the food drugged or something, because my dick is really not comfortable in the cage right now.

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d8bd99  No.97892


You didn't know about our food and formula? It's not worth it to fight since it's just going to be a lot of stress and strain you can't avoid. Yes the nubaby menu prides itself on being gentle to digest and promote regularity. So a low dose laxative is in the formula. The thinking goes: if a nubby gets a bottle on a regular schedule, generally 6 a day spaced 2 hours apart, you'll be able to schedule and anticipate messy changes.

Despite the published materials. Our total incontinence is not just because of our undersized equipment, though I'm sure that doesn't help, but from condioning training, reinforcement, and partly helped by the zero expectations that we could even manage getting to a potty in time, let alone awareness of when to go.

My family believe in Prove Your Big, so I've been diapered my whole life and PID just confirmed my status. I can barely imagine what you fully trained nubbies go through, since not much changed for me other than my classwork getting easier. Besides, all that potty stuff, personal responsibility, adult accountability, sounds so difficult, so I don't see why you want that. Sure my sexual prospects are very limited, but that just means on the rare occasion I can cum is just that much more special.

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784cff  No.97893


No offence, but that kinda sounds like bullshit. 'Oh no, we would be able to keep our pants clean if it wasn't for the drugs'. Nubabies have worse bladder and bowel control, that's just a fact, so of course we don't expect you to make it to the potty. Also the 'conditioning' and 'reinforcement' is just to get you used to the idea of using your diapers as is natural instead of stressing you out with unnecessary thoughts of toilets and what-not. There's no conspiracy here.

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7b512e  No.97899


Smaller peepees are less controllable and hold less pee because pee is stored in the balls and having smaller balls means less storage

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55b30a  No.97900

File: 367a9cdee5f226c⋯.jpg (3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20200903_224028_1_.jpg)


I really don't know if this is comforting or terrifying. The effects are all short-term, right? Like, once I get out of these I'll go back to normal?


I never had these problems, though.. I wore trainers through most of High School (since my HS was really lax on enforcement I could get out of pull-ups for the most part) and only used them like twice a year. They were just like real underwear, I swear.


>be awaiting my vengeance all through the afternoon, Supper, and back at the dorm

>somewhere along the way get my pants taken away so "Big Buddy can check your diapers better"


>still got stomach cramps, just waiting for gigachad Chris to leave me be before sneaking to the shitter

>meet Chris's "girl," Clara in the common room

>Clara just happens to be a TA in my Intro Engineering course

<"Wow, Anon, I didn't know you were a nubaby."

>explain to her my situation, she raises an eyebrow with skepticism

<"Well, even if that's true, you look so adorable in these, so I hope you stay in them."

>starts cupping my diapered ass, which squishes against me

>almost erupt out of my cage

>they start talking, feel some more urgency from my bowels

>no way am I shitting my pants

>try to excuse myself and escape, get foiled when Chris pulls on the leash again

>let out a tiny fart from the shock, nobody hears

<"Yeah, they are so cute, aren't they, girl?"

>wait by and be ignored while they make plans for Saturday, fidgeting

>try slipping out of the harness again, but Mittens ensure I'm just pawing at my clothes

>realize I'm not gonna make it at the pace they're babbling, start asking to be excused, Clara interrupts

<"Anon, it's rude to interrupt adults."

<"Don't worry, babe, I'll fix him up."

>gigachad produces a pacifier gag from his bag

>big long dong as the nipple, baby blue shield


>struggle vainly as he pulls me in with the leash and forces it into my mouth, strapping it behind head

<"Now just sit down and relax while we finish up, then you can go beddy-byes in your room. Or do you need some hobbling pants too?"

>vigorously shake head, and slump down defeated

<"Good baby, Anon."

>fuckers start talking again

>pressure doesn't subside though, keep squirming

>eventually realize it's a lost cause, get up clumsily and squat, nature taking over

<"Chris, is your little buddy…?"

>farts and shit erupt from me, coating my diaper and caged cock in strangely liquid muck

>diaper doesn't sag because of the harness strap, just cakes shit into me more

>smell isn't good either

>bladder releases involuntarily

>also involuntarily start tearing up, can't take it anymore

<"Aw, the poor baby. Why don't I change him, Chris?"

>Chris agrees, warning her of the stench

>God hates me

>get led along to my room, where Clara gets me up on the bed, caking the shit all over my skin

>get cooed at as she uses Chris's key to open the crotch strap and starts poking at my soiled diaper

<"Baby loves his diapers, don't you, Anon? It's a good thing you have such a nice guy like Chris to mentor you. I'm sure college classes are so stressful for a little guy like you."

>tfw can't prove her wrong because of someone else's oversight

>suffer through her wiping the shit off my ass and polishing my cage with a wet-wipe

>get another, thicker diaper slipped underneath

<"Now this should hold you through the night, but Chris told me you're a big wetter. If you have trouble with these, there are plenty thicker ones you can get."

>see Chris poke his head through the door

<"I was just thinking of those, babe. He might need waddlers if he keeps wetting like he did today, and he's way too fussy to use those hands, or he might take them off."

>Clara agrees, groan internally more

>wait as Chris comes and pulls the shield button off my pacifier, revealing a hole

<"Let's give him his nighttime bottle and go back to my room."

>hear Clara re-affix my restraints and chain the leash to my bedpost, no escape

>get a bottle shoved and screwed into the pacifier gag

>no choice but to suck

>suck suck suck

>realize all of this will be in the diaper by morning at this rate

>watch pathetically as Clara and Chris walk out the door, turning the light off

<"Nighty, night, Anon. It was nice to meet you, and we can't wait for tomorrow."

>pic related

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784cff  No.97918


Damn man, that's why I said you should try to enjoy them. Now you can't even play Overwatch with your hands in those mittens

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d8bd99  No.97926


Not sure what to tell you, I've been a lifer nubaby, never even thought not nubby food was an option. So I really don't know.

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f5651d  No.98228

Does this keep jumping to the front of the catalog without any new visible posts for anyone else?

Worried that I might not be seeing updates on my favorite thread..

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d8f7c7  No.98719


lmao why don't dicklets just bribe the nurses ahahahaa

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188744  No.98728

File: bb50ec0e574c600⋯.png (748.04 KB, 649x847, 59:77, _Chijoku_An_Hinato_sensei_….PNG)


>If you are less than 9 you can wear pullups I guess

I'm pretty sure peepees don't even come in sizes that big, right? Isn't the upper limit like 6 inches? I mean 9 inches would be over twice the size of mine. That doesn't seem possible…


That's not a bad idea, I could try that on my next inspection. How much do you think it would take to successfully bribe them?

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d8f7c7  No.98731


couple hundred bucks prolly it's not that much really

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963ba0  No.98752


All a bribe did for me was move my full operation up a week. Tomorrow is the day, pray for me bro’s.

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04dc37  No.98830


how did it go, pwincess?

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fd8af6  No.98854


> be anon’s gf

> anon took my advice to get out of PID, even if it cost him everything he owns

> notasplanned.org

> anon just got back from ‘the operation’

> anon is clearly tg now

> a bit thinner in the waste but not hips

> puffy chest, but not like real boobs

> penis is gone

> no teeth, can’t walk, barely talks

> can’t feed, clothe, or bathe self

> diaper dependent, obviously

> still there in the head, despite it all

> PID hooked the family up with a lifetime supply to care for anon

> now I’m officially anon’s sitter, we spend a lot more time together at least

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f5651d  No.98876


Big oof, F's in chat all around

I'm a voluntary tg nubaby ( we exist, honest!) and even I get creeped the h-e-c-k out by the radical surgery programs… Why is it always the teeth ? I'm so glad they're banned in my state…

The boobies arn't a result of the operations, as far as I know, we all get em, including the "boy" nubabies, they're a result of the permanent body hair removal cream, probably got some feminine hormones in it i guess - the plus side ( i mean, it's all plusses for me but hey) is it leaves our skin soooo soft it's amazing

> now I’m officially anon’s sitter, we spend a lot more time together at least

Still, you might as well make the best of it - you never know, you might end up wanting to be a mommy.

>> penis is gone

well, if she knew she was gonna fail PID anyway she never really had one to begin with , just a cute lil' peanie and I bet there's other things you could try that'll give you more satisfaction than "he" could with a clitty ( it's the butt, i'm talking about the butt) If you're still interested in her that way.

Anyway, best of luck, you probably didn't expect your "bf" ( or should i say gf, or babysitting charge.. ) to end up piddling in her pampers but I hope you can make the best of it and get something out of it, have to go now, i've stayed on too long and am due a spanking


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963ba0  No.98904

How do you guys get any homework done? Whenever I start, I just get more and more distracted by how nice my diaper feels. Or I realize that I wet it. Or I start panicking because I don't have my pacifier. Or my mom is checking me. Or I need my bottle. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day at the park, too. I'm totally going to be punished at school on Monday…

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f5651d  No.98915


You're looking at things the wrong way anon : you're not gonna be able to avoid being punished because being punished is part of the plan for you life now ;spankings, enemas, mouth soapings,figging, supposetories, loss of cummy priviliges, public humiliations - you're not gonna get out all of them and then even if you did the grownup will just think of new things to punish you for

Instead you gotta be smart about it- find out what punishments generally correspond to what action and work on avoiding those, or even try and convert it to a another punishment. For example, spankings? honestly? they're kinda enjoyable for me so i don't care about bratting about and getting one, but i'll be d*mned* if i'm gonna get my daily sticky taken away. Pick your battles my fellow nubaby

*Swears get an enema which uh…. nope…not doing that please and thank you

>How do you guys get any homework done?

As for this specifically you can always play play up the helpness Nubaby act " I'm sowwy mrs ___ i was so busy pwayinng i forgot …. " wet your diapie in front the class for good measure, a little humiliation always helps, and you can generally get a very lenient punishment if any.

Even better just drop a load of classes, it's not like you're ever gonna need algebra to tell when your next bottle is or physics to know how tiny your princess parts are. Nubabies at my high school have a graduation rate of like 2% so I just dropped all the subjects I didn't like an told the school they made my head hurt hehe

The trick is to stop fighting the system and game it instead

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5f8eb5  No.98918


You are going to wind up in the infant dorm when you get to college.

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f5651d  No.99000


Lmao given I'm set to be Adopted the moment I turn 18 I doubt it.Going from being my bio-parents NuSissy to my gf/babysitter/new-mommy’s NuSissy. Only reason I'm bothering with uni is that hers has lower acceptance standards for Nubabies and the courses seem pretty interesting; pretty sure I won't bother trying to graduate ; it's not like she expects me to get a job afterwards lol

Honestly there's nothing more depressing than watching a Nubaby who refuses to accept what they are and tries to be a “ professional” : they think if they just get themselves a degree( most of us fail anyway ) and they just get themselves a job they'll be able to to have an adult life

Then, for the “lucky” few that do find themselves an employer that complies with government Nubaby Employment Care and Disclosure 2018 Act, you’re immediately outed a diaper-piddling, stuffy-humping, chastity-caged Failed Male in a public announcent. Your cocklettes exact size posted in your contact details, your bulging extra thick work mandated cloth diapers ( leaks in the office would be a health and safety violation) checked every hour in public by your manager, and all changes done by the in-building nurse, since everyone knows Nubabies can’t be trusted with their own diapers.

There’s a reason why 30% of Nubabies in their early 20’s say they want to be independent professionals and by the time they hit 30 that number drops to 1%, with the rest desperately looking to get adopted past their prime. Honestly the government clearly doesn't want us to work, it would be less cruel if they just banned employing NuBabies at all…

Anway uh…super long tangent aside (sorry for the wall of text I can’t do brevity) what are the infant dorms like, out of curiosity? Once, when I was really naughty Mommy and Daddy threatened to send me to one instead of letting me be adopted but I don’t think they meant it. Are they really that bad?

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22e0e3  No.99134

File: 6f329a1c902bc66⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2592x1944, 4:3, 20200213_201821.jpg)

Guys, I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed. I think there is something up with those bottles…

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f5651d  No.99157


>Guys, I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed

Noticed what , that you're the cutest little nubbaby piddling away in their pampers like a good boy?

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22e0e3  No.99158


huh, must be be just in my head. It's been a bit wuzzy. Has this diaper always been this squishy?

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f5651d  No.99160


Has this diaper always been this squishy?

Aww kiddo that just means you're doing a really good job. At this rate i'm sure you'll prove you're a big boy and be back in undies in no time.

Don't worry about your diaper, a grown-up will be along shortly to check you, just start suckling on another bottle and focus on how good your squishy diapie makes your babyparts feel

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22e0e3  No.99161


O, thank goodness. This is a mistake btw. It was cold and she had cold hands. This is bottle is waaaaaaaay better. What's that smell? We will all be laughing about this later huh!

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f5651d  No.99164


Oh wow , Formula K1 sure is doing a number on you huh…. I always heard the time it took to work was heavily affected by physiology but wow, you really must be built like a little kid for it to affect you this fast, I guess they don’t call nubabies failed males for nothing.

But don’t you worry about any of that complicated stuff, not that you probably could if you tried, all those long words. I reckon we should probably get you upgraded to some of those extra-thick pampers though, I bet you’ll love those. Would you like a paci to go with them, anon?

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22e0e3  No.99167

File: eaf029b8fd649d7⋯.jpg (416.51 KB, 1463x1728, 1463:1728, 20200213_191838.jpg)


Nubaby? no, I'm a big boy. I have a huge pee-pee, um, big boy parts. just got tricked!

I do want a paci though, big kids like pacis too right. I'm still big!

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f5651d  No.99168

Has anyone seen all this stuff about this new Nubaby-predicting algorithm “N.U.B”?

It’s been all over the news here. Some politicians are heralding it as an end to the whole social debate of raising boys masculine vs raising them diapered prior to PID;

it continually scans physiological, mental and personal traits of your children, calculates their probability of passing or failing masculinity and suggests how they should be treated accordingly as a spectrum as opposed to a fixed binary.

Final results were within 0.5% margin of error in it’s ultimate predictions….


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2d0f3e  No.99179

File: 8b0fdf8c9274289⋯.jpeg (71.54 KB, 1077x807, 359:269, 261AC61A_A5F2_4385_9299_0….jpeg)

Looks like some of you should have watched the Super Mario Brothers Super Show!

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4fd54f  No.99203

File: 79b0296efe79b49⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 500x666, 250:333, tumblr_orx3dt5sVT1w9yziho3….jpg)

Has anyone else had some awful babysitters since covid started? Mommy and Daddy both work full time and I'm not trusted to be by myself. They hired Jessica last month, but she treats me like more of a baby than my parents. I've tried talking to her about it but she just ignores me or makes me suck on my paci until I stop bringing it up. I failed PID, and I may be stuck in diapers for a long time, but the way she talks to me and the things she makes me do is so humiliating. Any ideas on how I can make her see reason?

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22e0e3  No.99207


My parents decided to get our neighbor Sarah to watch me.

Due to an embarrassing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" incident, she knew I was going to fail the PID. No surprise that I did

She's pretty cool still. We don't do big kid stuff any more but she watches cartoons with me. Puts some chocolate in my baba. Her BF is cool too. He's usually there after my nap. They must work out because they are always so sweaty when I wake up.

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f5651d  No.99216


This whining tone of voice is coming very close to petulance young man. Maybe Mr Piddlepants would be more respectful of his betters as a Miss Piddlepants with a demotion to SissyBaby, huh? Is that it? Are you just acting out so you can dress in pretty frills and play with pwincess dolls?

Alternatively we could get you a trip to a clinic for an overnight stay and a whole host of fun little procedures to keep you from forgetting what a helpless little baby you are.

Orchiotomy to make your teeny peeny look even more silly, absolute incontiences stents, muscle relaxents which'll make crawling replace you cute little diaper waddle as your new mode of transport. There are lots of things we can do to naught boys who don't know their place.

Or are you ready to apologize to your Babysitter,who donates so much of her time caring for an incapable little pantywaist like you, and thank her for changing all those soggy diapers you nubabies love to make.

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ccb4c5  No.99219

File: 78aacde80ad6411⋯.jpg (312.14 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, bdsmlr_18719_L8nQokFUeJ.jpg)

My girlfriend left me after I failed PID and ever since then she's been training me to be gay. She started by making me practice sucking on her strap on, and then she started to fuck me with it during diaper changes… I don't like it, but she says it's necessary so that I can please her new boyfriend when she can't…

I tried to resist at first, but after half a year in this chastity cage… I got really desperate and agreed to suck his cock in exchange for the chance to be unlocked. It was really crazy to suck off his HUGE cock while mine was limp and locked in a soaked diaper…

The worst part was that my ex decided not to unlock me afterward! Then I had to sit there and watch him fuck her a few minutes afterward! I was so frustrated!

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5b63cd  No.99233

File: 77fdc2e2aaaf6cb⋯.png (414.4 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tenor.png)


I usually done gush but you are just so adorable. That little smooth tummy and those pretty pale legs are so nice. I bet your have teeniest cutest little peepee. Your babysitter definitely needs to be babying you little cutie pie. Maybe I need to see if I can get your mommy and daddy to let me babysit. I'd love to give you a big cuddle and dress you up in cute baby clothes and nappies. 😊

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f5651d  No.99234


>They must work out because they are always so sweaty when I wake up.

Sounds like they must be really going at it…that new gym equipment I mean heheh

>Her BF is cool too.

Aww they sound really sweet, it’s hard to find a successful male round here who isn’t a real meanie to us nubabies, always teasing us ,an lifting up my skirt in public to show everyone my diapies hmmph… you should ask if they'd be interested in adopting an innocent lil nubaby like you, lots of young couples do these days.


>The worst part was that my ex decided not to unlock me afterward!

Chances are you're not missing out on much.

Between the perma-chastity, the hormones in all the bottles and the fact that most us wern't particularly "manly" to begin with, most nubabies lose the ability to get proper "stiffies" after a few months.

Still, when life gives you lemons, as they say, make lemonade. Way I see it you can kiss big-boy sex goodbye, and almost certainly anything close.

If your ex is determined to make you gay, why not let her? Volenteer for the beta-faggot-boi hypnotherapy program and you’ll start dripping from just thinking about cock.

If that option is an absolute no, you could always try begging your ex to peg you. It doesn’t sound like the two of you are on good terms but who knews, maybe she’ll relish the chance to show your clitty what a real cock feels like

Feeling pretty grateful my state requires nubabies be given the chance to earn a cummy a day for good behaviour

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4fd54f  No.99251

File: 77dd9ac3ad7df0b⋯.jpg (182.33 KB, 1280x1811, 1280:1811, boxing_for_the_diaper_pt_2….jpg)


I'd much rather have you be my babysitter, I'll take gushing over what Jessy does, which is basically ignoring me. Sometimes she's fun, she colors with me or we build Lego stuff sometimes. Most of the time though, she's strict like >>99216 or she just ignores me.


Jessy wrestles her girlfriend alot when she comes over, I was being kinda naughty one day and she wanted to keep an eye on me. She made me put on a blindfold but I heard her get her butt kicked, she was screaming and moaning so much. I kicked the hornet's nest by making fun of her though, I sat in full diapers all day. That sucked.

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22e0e3  No.99261

File: 59be08a73b0f6a2⋯.jpg (8 KB, 300x300, 1:1, e361a8b9_e1cf_42fd_8fa8_e3….jpg)


">you should ask if they'd be interested in adopting an innocent lil nubaby like you, lots of young couples do these days."

You think they will? I guess I'd rather have someone I know be my… um.. "mommy" instead of going to a state nursery after my parents get bored of me…

I heard the nannies there are rough…

Yeah… I guess that would be for the best… I think I used to play baseball with him when we were kids, He can still play t-ball with me now… He would be a good Daddy

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ccb4c5  No.99269

File: c2025e5a2f62e51⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 2009070792.jpg)


>Between the perma-chastity, the hormones in all the bottles and the fact that most us wern't particularly "manly" to begin with, most nubabies lose the ability to get proper "stiffies" after a few months.

Speaking of which, my ex likes to taunt me saying that even if she unlocked me I probably wouldn't be able to get a stiffy for her, or any girl, anymore. She says all my fag training will make sure of that…

>Way I see it you can kiss big-boy sex goodbye, and almost certainly anything close.

B-but… I want to be able to have sex! I heard it feels great!

>If your ex is determined to make you gay, why not let her? Volenteer for the beta-faggot-boi hypnotherapy program and you’ll start dripping from just thinking about cock.

It's funny you say that, because the other day I saw my ex's thong sticking out of her jeans and I didn't even feel anything in my cage… Normally her panties would drive me wild, and I had been getting so desperate for any kind of stimulation that even a peek of her undies would drive me wild… but this time I didn't feel anything. But, later that day, I saw a really cute femboy trap online and I saw how his bulge was so much bigger than mine… and the cute panties he had on… and then I was throbbing in my cage… I don't know how to feel about that…

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f5651d  No.99278


This and the video threats are honestly the best bits of the board and it's always a shame when the thread goes silent for weeks

If you lurk in the thread and enjoy, fire up the creative juices and try a post. It's honestly way easier than it can seem

Okay normal service will resume shortly

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22e0e3  No.99284

How do we feel about mandatory PID before participation in contact sports as part of the physical?

Should potential nubabies be outed because they want to play a sport? Shouldn't they get to play until PID tests?

Alternatively is this a welcomed measure to make sure nubabies don't get hurt and make sure teams don't suffer a loss of a member during later PID testings?

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ca77ea  No.99286


This thread gave me a SPH fetish on top of my usual adult-baby humiliation fixation. I remember someone considered that having a small dick really helped with the baby immersion. But for me, it's more that it feeds into the role-play of a woman dominating me because "baby dick means baby diapers."

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f5651d  No.99306


Honestly the idea of babies PLAYING a grown-up sport let alone competing with Real Men is just ludicrous

Can you imagine then playing football or something? They’d probably burst into tears every time the fumbled and fill their diapers when they got tackled.

Ahahaha can you imagine the sight of a nubaby quarterback waddle-running down the field as if there was a plastic potty at the end of it for him to get to. No doubt they’d have to be fed their little bottles at half-time.

Where I live Babies aren't even allowed to go swimming unless it’s a kiddie-pool, and even then with proper armbands and swim diapers.

Most nubaby exercise is either swimming, “parent-nubaby fitness classes” , the occasional gymnastics class ( with very low bars and heavy padding) and ballet classes and the like for NuSissies

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f5651d  No.99311

File: 60da6f955730aa6⋯.jpg (249.31 KB, 1266x1280, 633:640, 1595300989_sakiashikaga_pe….jpg)


Oof I forgot to attach pic related, hate that you can’t edit posts here. Pic was meant to be part of the previous post.


Yeah while i'm really into sph ( especially a focus on being limp) unfortunately my very specific niche version of the fetish is pretty much nonexistent outside of like, a few posts by random twitter accounts or whatever

Basically i find the “cruelty” in lot sissy stuff a turnoff, and a lot of the sissy aesthetic like bimbo and high heel stuff is also a turn off, whereas my thing is gentle,loving forcefem combined with sweet but really humiliating regression/abdl stuff. Also chastity, pink chastity cages are hnngg

“You’re too tiny to ever be a real man but we’re gonna turn you into the adorable lil diapergirl you always belonged as and peg you into oblivion and then cuddle you” ect ect ect

I occasionally do a little self-indulgent sub-posting (if it’s badly-lined wall of text it’s prob me) but i mostly do “Dom”-toned replies ect (above post is mine , eg) since it’s almost certain threads like this will have a dom-shortage.

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4fd54f  No.99341


(OOC) I wish there were more threads like this one, where there's an encouragement to world build and roleplay. The only other thread like this was the 'reverse world' thread where diapered people were making fun of toilet fetishists.

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2ef07e  No.99342

File: f1141089f6b5009⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 640x853, 640:853, w5w0umruz9651.jpg)

big enough for normal diapers of better to get girly diapers?

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22e0e3  No.99343

File: c88d64d05280e29⋯.gif (995.84 KB, 500x606, 250:303, tumblr_n9uss1nQZ11rv6c48o1….gif)


Hmm, let me bring up the analyzer overlay we use for remote PIs

If that is what your submitting for "hard", and that's being generous, I am putting you down as Sissy Nubaby.

A shipment of pink diapers and instructions to your parents will be shipped immediately. As well as a form for your new Sissy name to be mailed in as soon as possible.

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2ef07e  No.99344

Yes nurse, this is what I submit for hard. not the biggest unfortunately.

I don't think my parents are going to be happy about this, but it is the best for me..

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2ef07e  No.99345


Yes nurse, this is what I submit for hard. not the biggest unfortunately.

I don't think my parents are going to be happy about this, but it is the best for me..

I still have to think about my sissy name. Do you already have my email address?

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22e0e3  No.99346


The Sissy Nubaby status stands.

We should have everything in your record to contact your household. If you want to provide a new email or to verify we can accept others.

That shouldn't matter too much because most email providers have nubaby terms and conditions preventing them from using their services. Your accounts will close in 48 hours.

You can, however, have your mommy or daddy or nanny merge your email account to theirs which they then would gain full access to your emails. It's pretty standard…

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2ef07e  No.99347


Unfortunately I have to hand over my email, but that is also very understandable. It is better if it is removed. I will miss my old life, but it is the best for everyone!

I have checked my file and everything is correct. Since I still have to pass on a new name, I choose the name Fleur.

If you need anything else from me or if I have to do something, I would like to hear from you

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f8b11b  No.99348

7 inches ;)

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22e0e3  No.99350

File: 44beac48566f929⋯.jpg (11.85 KB, 236x333, 236:333, c5c7638f3a5434221b19f9bf35….jpg)


That's what most nubabies say until their PID…

I would suggest not being too boastful, it just makes it more… pathetic… if you fail.

I recommend our app to help you see where you measure by uploading a photo to it. It automatically send your profile to dating sites if you match up.

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4fd54f  No.99351


Is there a day I could redo my measuring? I got a measly 3 inches but I swear I'm at 5" hard!

I hate everyone treating me like a baby! I'm at least pullups sized!

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f5651d  No.99352


Too right, you wouldn’t believe the number of boys who cracked jokes in the line and swaggered into the nurses office, only to come out bawling their eyes out and sucking on a paci.

Ours goes on a public record ( there was even an LED display on the school hall lol) and theres always some surprises ; the beefy jock packing an acorn beneath his football cup , even funnier was the 5ft femboy who came to school in a skirt one time, and everyone had pegged ( no pun intended) as a shoe-in for SissyBaby, demurely mincing out into the hall as the scoreboard read 10.5 fucking inches…..

It’s always the quiet ones, eh!

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22e0e3  No.99353

File: b524f55de2362ca⋯.png (387.92 KB, 750x1600, 15:32, bdeb5c9b32992c714f52a3ed5a….png)


I'm sorry, if you are a recent Sissy Nubaby and are upset with your diagnosis please don't get upset.

I can safely assure you that your nupediatrician will be measuring you in many ways. Weight, height, and, of course, penis.

Have you talked to your mommy about going to the nubaby doctor?

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f5651d  No.99354


Pullups? For a 3inch nuber?Oh honey I'd be very surprised if your mommy and daddy arn't getting a delivery of thick *Pink* diapers very soon!

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f8b11b  No.99355


Weeeeeeeeell, I in fact did pass the PID unlike majority of the sissy babies here. You might've heard of this thing called Jelqing. It worked wonderfully. How accurate is your app?

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22e0e3  No.99357

File: fb0f359ba0a504e⋯.png (197.06 KB, 417x368, 417:368, 4758_1002701971.png)


Our top of the line app is over 99% accurate if used correctly.

Please remember that in person testing will resume as our country re-opens.

For international PIDs the app will work, just make sure you select the correct region as regions do vary on PI requirements.

If you submit via app you agree to accept the rulings regardless if your current status.

If you submit in person, then you do not need the app.

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4fd54f  No.99367


Mommy won't even let me speak! She makes me suck on my paci most of the day! Is there any way I could schedule an appointment for an in home visit? I'm not a baby but this is child abuse!


They already have, and Mommy had the nubaby dresses ready when the diapers arrived. I've been fed nothing but blended food and spiked milk bottles for over a month now, and I'm sick of it! Ive been crying almost every day since this stupid test was done, and I feel like crying now just typing this…

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2ef07e  No.99383


ooh wow. I'm pretty sure babies have even bigger ones. Good that you become a Sissy Nubaby

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22e0e3  No.99386

File: 5c8a34dafd1eaa9⋯.jpg (68 KB, 605x920, 121:184, 49e5c85bb8c2d9b3fc419e3558….jpg)


I'm sorry, Nubabies are unable to schedule appointments. You must have a guardian make an appointment for you.

The USDN (United States Department of Nubabies) and the WNPA (World Nubaby pediatric association) recommend parents and guardians of Nubabies have a minimum of 4 appointments per year in the first 3 years of being a nubaby.

We hope that your Mommy will follow proper guidelines and not take a more "holistic" approach.

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32acf5  No.99387

Hello, is this where I can get tested for Penis Inspection Day?

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22e0e3  No.99389


Why yes! Please present your penis to the nurse over there. Don't mind the spectators they are just there for the show!

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0c1237  No.99391

File: 59ff3558ea7462c⋯.jpeg (4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6922CE7F_BC48_4183_AC40_D….jpeg)


H-here you go. D-did I pass? Please, I don’t want to be a baby!

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22e0e3  No.99392


I'm sorry sweety, but those "big boy hairs" are going to have to go. Girls! We got a nubaby here!

Lucky for you your not in the sissy baby range but off you go to the nubaby orientation room!

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32acf5  No.99393


W-wait, I'm an adult! Y-you can't make me wear d-diapers! I'm not a baby!

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32acf5  No.99395


Umm…Mrs. Nurse? C-can I make a request?

I know I'm a b-bit too big to be a s-sissy b-baby, but, umm…c-can I p-pretty p-please…umm…

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f5651d  No.99397

File: 806040d5dee2bc5⋯.png (408.21 KB, 493x367, 493:367, Screen_Shot_2019_01_06_at_….png)

File: 897d3f758abe042⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 564x376, 3:2, 8e425c4bf1293135039bd33415….jpg)

File: 23fbe3c7740e253⋯.jpg (265.77 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_b2f05d9d25df4d97fa5….jpg)


Awww don't be shy, you're a fellow gurly-gurl huh! I bet if you ask in your best pwincess voice and give her a cute little twirl on the video call your nurse will let you be a sissy and you'll be soaking your Extra-Thick SissySoakers and twirling in ruffly skirts in no time.

And if they don't let you be the super-duper cutie i bet you are ….. message me…..I'm the girl who shrank her clitty wayy up the thread. I still have a hidden stockpile of princess-part shrinking cream and some other stuff. It'll probably ending up costing me some punishments (fingers crossed for a spanking an a figging) but'll I'll see if i can get it mailed to you… we sissies gotta stick together!

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32acf5  No.99398


U-um…T-thanks, but I'll wait for the N-nurse

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22e0e3  No.99399

File: e584298c8bfc782⋯.png (103.53 KB, 500x446, 250:223, tumblr_inline_pthemnvlLb1t….png)


Well, normally we don't… but.. look if you promise to shrink your parts with the good sissy babies extra supplies… I'm willing to look the other way.

I'm almost done for the day and what harm is another sissy. Just get your "princess parts" down before your first exam in 3 months.

I will put this down in your record as 3" today. That way if your still too big later they can think its just being camera shy.

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32acf5  No.99400


T-thank you very much Mrs. N-nurse. I'll my future m-mommy to buy me a cage for my tiny peepee.

Umm…what do I do n-next? S-sorry, I'm new around h-here

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2d19f2  No.99401

I have a question whether the PID is also valid in Europe? I will be in the United States, soon more specifically in Colorado, do I have to undertake PID?

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04dc37  No.99411


It depends (no pun intended) on how old you are and where you are from.

If you're under 25 and from one of the countries that signed the Bilateral Regression of Age Treaty, or BRAT (like the UK or Italy or Japan) you have to undergo PID if you haven't done so already in your home country. However, if you're from a country that hasn't signed it (like Germany or South Korea or any of the Nordic countries) you are not subject to it

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2d19f2  No.99421

I am 20 years old, I come from the UK. I'm on my way to my aunt in Colorado, she has lived there since she was born. So my question is do I need to PID pass US or UK?

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9f3538  No.99438

So im a bit slow, is this based on soft or hard?

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f5651d  No.99439


Look at this weirdo, they don't even know how PID works!

It's hard anon, but as you'll see in places higher in the thread, if you got sent to the nurses office in chastity without a key, or couldn't get hard after the your mandated handjob (since only the nurse is allowed to stimulate you), you get counted your soft size.

Of course with covid a lot of places are doing it entirely remotely with an app now, but as with most PID stuff theres huge amount of regional verations due to federalism States, even varies at municipal level sometimes, which explains the differing experiences of most of the people in the thread.

And of course each of the many European countries that have a localised PID, some wildly unique, others basically copied word for word from PID laws in the US

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d4357b  No.99448

File: ef5e9670d33cd77⋯.gif (964.94 KB, 300x297, 100:99, 95865411fa1221b7f4afb4a03d….gif)


If you have to ask something like that you might as well just skip the measure and put on your pretty pink princess pampers.

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32acf5  No.99450


>If you have to ask something like that you might as well just skip the measure and put on your pretty pink princess pampers.

Make me.

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f5651d  No.99451

File: d02266add324356⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, tumblr_pqnex1BgCK1wws2emo1….jpg)

File: 9ec144a511a0f49⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 474x474, 1:1, f70cb99b301596b71dc202786b….jpg)


Not the previous poster, but keep it up and to my mind you'll be spending your days in ultra-thick night-time cloth diapers strapped into your bouncer with nothing to do but fill wetsies for your state-approved mommy and daddy

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32acf5  No.99452


>but keep it up and to my mind you'll be spending your days in ultra-thick night-time cloth diapers strapped into your bouncer with nothing to do but fill wetsies for your state-approved mommy and daddy

>Don't see a downside to this

Make. Me.

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dbccce  No.99453

File: 1200678a73b58c2⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2944x2208, 4:3, 20201008_230354.jpg)

Why do the measuring rules allow for so many flase measurements?

I mean sure I was a sissy baby all along with my 2 inches (now 1" after 2 years perma chastity and orchy), but I've seen big chads get the sissy treatment.

Isn't this going to far?

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dbccce  No.99454

File: 5659557a7d12b8c⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2585x3183, 2585:3183, 20201017_012655_Copy.jpg)


God, I hated orchiectomy in the beginning. Took me months to learn to get off. Did you receive the chastity piercing too? I was about to go mad, when mommy got the my play plug.

I'm not 100% sure why there are so many false positives. I guess they just wanna make sure no sissy gets to walk free, so they're okay with having a few big boys in pamps.

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f5651d  No.99455


>God, I hated orchiectomy in the beginning. Took me months to learn to get off.

Kinda jealous of the orchi, i've seen pictures of sissygurls with them and they look rly cute. Unfortunately my state mandates traditional plastic chastity cages (worn permanently ) only, so orchi's are impossible. I'm 1 years post-PID

and my little balls have already shrunk to the size of raisins tho…. Mummy says I mad need another new cage fitting soon…..

>I'm not 100% sure why there are so many false positives.

This might be surprising, but I think the truth is that there a very unusual number of NuSissies actually volunteered , or even manipulated events to get a lower rating. As bizarre as the idea of people who actually WANT to be thick diapers and a pink onesie ,watching cartoons with a princess plug lodged in their bottom, it's actually a (bizarre to be sure) fetish! Not that I would know anything about that, I'm just a dumb sissy who failed PID afterall *wink*

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5b63cd  No.99456

File: 0cd6c8c8e0151f0⋯.png (312.6 KB, 840x986, 420:493, 292_2925728_so_it_is_smug_….png)


Sure. Little nubaby princesses like you are push overs. You'll be over my knee for a fussing like a little crybaby and getting a rosy little tushy. I bet it won't take 10 spanks before you are screaming for a diaper to protect your poor little bottom. You will only end up proving how weak and unmanly you are and that you deserve the life of a pretty little helpless baby girl.

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32acf5  No.99460


>you will only end up proving how weak and unmanly you are and that you deserve the life of a pretty little helpless baby girl.

pffft, whatever. You think you're scary? Please, I've seen kittens more frightening than PID nurses like you

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d4357b  No.99462

File: ed7a2b83f5b088b⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 638x892, 319:446, 0e9ae14c5fec69aad9691b14c4….jpg)

File: 9740ad793a1555e⋯.jpg (90.73 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 008f6068c618f370727b23935a….jpg)


Oh a little mister tough guy huh? Well Mister Paddle will fix you. I can't wait to have you bawling like a newborn and dressed in your new baby girl attire. I'm gonna show you off all over town as an explained to any other little tough guys. Paddle, pampers, and princess dresses. That's how little fussy nubabies get treated. I bet you'll have soaked your pants before spank number one.

What's your name little nubaby princess?

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2d0f3e  No.99463

File: 74bc4111d6f8bf8⋯.jpeg (4.18 KB, 259x194, 259:194, B57CF7CA_A7D6_45DD_BF31_3….jpeg)

Looks like somebody should of watched the Super Mario Brother Super Show! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CnC6CcKcK4Q

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32acf5  No.99464


> Well Mister Paddle will fix you

Oh no, a /stick/. What ever will I do?

Please, your attempts at intimidation are pathetic. I don't need to take the PID test, I'm clearly not some dumb sissy, and I'm not telling you my name.

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c63188  No.99481


My nubabysitter has been hell

>mommy drops me off at her nursery to go on an overnight business conference in the town over

>immediately the babysitter takes me to the changing room for a diaper check

>not even wet yet

>straps me down on one of the changing tables and strips me down

<"Anon! Why aren't you wearing your cage?"

>"I..I was only 4.8, I'm not-"

<"Anyone under 6 inches is a sissy in this house"

>she pulls out a razor and quickly shaves off what little hair I have on my ass and crotch

>afterwards i'm fitted with a cage, mittens, onesie dress, pacifier gag and a thicker diaper

>drops me off in a play pen in the corner and goes to answer another knock on the door

>watch as she drags back another poor sap, strips him down and dolls him up in pink

>after about an hour there's four of us sitting in this play pen, trying not to make eye contact with one another

>eventually she comes back in with an armfull of supplies

<"Alright girls time to get ready, you've got a long night ahead"

>pulls one kid out and leads him to the bathroom

>he comes back ten minutes later clutching his stomach, before he's put on one of the changing tables

>looks like he's had some makeup put on, and his long har has been parted into ponytails

>what the fuck is going on

>looks like his paci is gone too, but his mouth is still held open

>babysitter finishes strapping him down, then another boy gets dragged off and comes back in a similar state

>then it's my turn

>inside the bathroom there's a high chair, a few hot water bottles and a few other things scattered around

>she drops me in the chair and straps the table on, then reaches around and places a tube into my ass

>feel cold water start flowing in as she attaches one of the water bottles and puts it on a hangar

<"Don't worry anon, it'll only hurt for a bit. Sit still or i'll give you another"

>removes the paci and starts applying lipstick, eye shadow and god knows what else

>red face is turned even redder as she adds the finishing touhes to the blush

<"There, now you look just like a perfect sissy."

<"Oh, and one last thing"

<"Don't tell your mommy, or you won't see this ever again"

>dangles the cage key in front of me

>gulp and nod in agreement before she opens my mouth and puts in the new gag

>taken back to the changing room and strapped into my table

>look over at the others, first kid is crying now and second one looks like he's trying his hardest not to shit himself

>eventually the babysitter comes back with the last kid and straps him down, before going back to the first kid and changing him out of his now soiled nappy

>at this point I stop holding it and just let out all the water, thankful to know we're getting changed

>the babysitter moves down the line, methodically changing diapers, then gets to me

>cleans me up, rubs some cream on my hole and then runs a generous finger of baby oil around it, before slipping her finger in a few times for good measure

>finally she wraps up the last diaper and leaves us all on the tables to wallow

>silence for a while, only broken by the occasional rustling of plastic or dribble of one kid on the table next to me who decided to relieve himself

>shortly after hear another knock on the door

>babysitter answers it, hear her talking to someone before leading them inside

<"…just through here, you can take your pick"

>large man enters the nursery with the babysitter, looks at us all and then points out the kid with the ponytails

>babysitter unstraps him and he gets lead off to another room with the man

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c63188  No.99482


>after half an hour they come back

>kid looks tired out for some reason

>gets strapped back on the table as the man counts out a stack of cash and hands it over

>quietly leaves as the sitter puts the kid in a new diaper and reapplies cream and oil

>next a woman arrives and talks with the sitter

>"So these are all PID failures? 3 inches and under?"

<"Oh yes, only the finest sissies here"

>what kind of racket is she running here

>woman picks me out and i'm carried off to a bedroom

>not sure what to expect, but the woman takes her shirt off and starts cooing me like a sissy baby

>"Such a poor widdle baby, if only your clitty was a bit bigger then you could fuck me like a real man"

>she laughs as I go red and starts rubbing herself as she puts my mouth to her chest

>just go along with it and try to suck as she continues

>she sticks a hand down the back of my diaper and starts feeling around my ass

>her fingers go right in easy and it feels weird as she rubs inside

>start gyrating on her hand and holding her tighter and she laughs again

>she finishes rubbing herself and pulls out as I start grinding faster

>"Sorry kiddo, maybe the next one will let you release"

>get brought back out to the changing room and put back on the table

>more men and women arrive over the next several hours

>a few women pick me out again to do similar things

>then the first man takes me

>doesn't say anything, just drops me face down on the bed and rips the tapes on the diaper

>look over and see a dick twice the size of mine before it vanishes between my cheeks

>go to yell instinctively but the ring in my mouth translates it into an inhcoherent moan

>brace for the pain as my hole is torn up but surprisingly feel none

>just that weird sensation as last time

>try gyrating back into it as the guy picks up pace

>eventually met with a familiar sensation that travels through my balls and shaft before dripping out of the cage and onto my diaper below

>everything goes a little hazy and next I know i'm back in the changing room getting a fresh diaper

>more men and women come throughout the night before we're eventually allowed to sleep

>next day i'm presented back to my mommy in full sissy gear

>she fawns over it and thinks it's great

>babysitter waves goodbye as i'm strapped into my car seat, before briefly dangling the ring of keys and dropping it back in her pocket

i'm already due to go back next weekend and I don't know what to do

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bbbc20  No.99492

Ugh, I'm having trouble getting used too these hollow plugs. :(

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9f3538  No.99544



Oh. Well I didn't know which ones I needed, so I set a picture of both. >>97873 What do I get?

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f5651d  No.99611

File: 0a6dc35157f952f⋯.jpg (160.84 KB, 960x841, 960:841, urvi87xy10i51.jpg)

>Be me, nubaby anon

>Daddy's out for the evening so babysitter comes round (next door neighbour)

>Stacy of a babysitter (at least she's nice to me) invites her Chad of a bf ( he's pretty sweet too tbh)

>They start making out whilst we're watching cartoons

>See Chads' clitty bulge through his big-boy underwear and pants

>…..It's 3x the size of mine

>Start bawling my eyes out

> "Oh honey it's not like you to be cranky, you must need some extra sleep"

> put in my crib at 6pm

> it's boring as shit, can't even sleep because it's light outside

> Start thinking about stacy's tits in her tank top

> Start thinking about chads alpha-cock

>Maybe he'll let me sit on his lap next time


> Can't take of diapie, got a spanking for that last time

> Only thing in the crib is Mr Bear, my stuffie, so start humping him at maximum warp speed

>Almost there


> The light turns on

> Daddy's back and He, Chad, and Stacey are all standing in the doorway

> They can't decide whether to look stern or burst out laughing

> "Sorry anon, but if you can't keep you wandering hands at bay i think it's gonna be chastity full-time from now on"


Am I ever gonna get to make cummies again?????

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d4357b  No.99612


Well at least they let you keep wearing boy clothes. You look so cute in them cuddling Mr. Bear. Your Pooh bear overalls are adorable. Just stop worrying about big boy thing like cumming and focus on keeping you little Pampers soggy for you daddy.

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cb60d5  No.99616


>mfw I'll always be some fat slob and never a cute babyanon with a mommy to hold me and tell me it will be ok

PID fantasies aside, why live?

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2cbc24  No.99620


Lose the weight. What is your height and weight anyway?

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cb60d5  No.99621


>Lose the weight

Working on it. My univesity's gym still closed though.

I'm 5 foot 10, probably around 180 now. Excuses excuses, but quarantine really fucked my eating habits.

(>>99391 is my peepee, btw)

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2cbc24  No.99625


>dick pick

Okay first off eww. I done care much for this cuck subset of diaperfaggotry but the science behind weight loss is something I can help with.

Second of all at 5'10" and 180 your bmi is 25.82 putting you borderline overweight. If you shave off 10-15 lbs you'll be in a healthy range.

Either do calorie counting or buy some dumbbells and focus on upper arm strengthening. At rest muscle have an increased calorie demand.

So either decrease consumption or increase utilization of calories. I would also reccomend a recumbant bike good cardio especially if you implement HIITs you can lose a lot of weight with minimal time spend exercising (like 3 mins a day).

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cb60d5  No.99626


>Either do calorie counting or buy some dumbbells and focus on upper arm strengthening. At rest muscle have an increased calorie demand.

>Thanks, but I know how to lose weight. I was doing a lot of lifting before the coof hit

>So either decrease consumption or increase utilization of calories.

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cb60d5  No.99627


Ah hell, stupid keyboard

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f5651d  No.99629

Not to be "off topic much" but uhhh…. off topic much?

Can we get back to alternate reality collaborative wank-fiction of diapers and sph pleae?

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cb60d5  No.99631


>Can we get back to alternate reality collaborative wank-fiction of diapers and sph pleae?

Still waiting for Nurse-anon to tell me what to do next now that I've been deemed a Sissy Nubaby

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55b30a  No.99632


>Okay first off eww

If you don't want to see dick pics on a thread about tiny fucking dicks, then use the little "Hide Post" button on the drop-down and fuck off. Nobody's forcing you to look at it.

Secondly, this is the freshman anon from maybe 50 posts ago (>>97835). My PID scores finally got in, but the college apparently wants to keep me "on probation" until next PID. The fuck? Can they legally do this? Chris has been an annoyance to deal with but manageable. Is there any way I can at least get back into training pants before Winter?

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bf0642  No.99633



the state of the modern coomer

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f5651d  No.99655


>what to do next now

Oh kiddo now that we all know what a little sissy-baby nobody expects you to be capable of doing much, it's all taken care of for you. Now that you've registered it’s only a matter of hours before the app does it’s work.

It all depends on where you are, I suppose, but generally a letter arrives first, explaining that you failed to achieve Manhood and have been given a place suited to your abilities in society. It generally comes documents explaining the kind of care that you should receive, that your bio parents should either care for you, or find someone to adopt you, or give you up to the care of the state (which uhhh…i don’t recommend…like seriously avoid it if you can)

Sometimes the letter comes with vouchers for necessary purchases (cribs, playpens, disciplinary implements, chastity cages and clothes, in your case Sissy, of course a wardrobe full of pretty dresses, white tights,onesies, rompers and so much more) but it’s all regional ; the only thing you can be sure of sweetie is a big box contains 2 months supply or more of diapers - pink for you, obviously, SissyGurl, and divided into thick daytimes and ultra-thick nighttimes , though some more environmentalist places like mine have made the switch to all cloth for sissies

In most places there’s generally a follow-up visit by a visit from an agent of the federal Department for Masculine Failures (DMI) who takes your carers through nubaby changing techniques (obviously the size creates some differences from ordinary babies), discipline demonstrations (expect to come out of that day with a sore bottom and more, regardless of your behaviour) and answer any questions.

Generally less than a week after the DMI visit most nubabies get sent to the clinic for their basic treatment plan : permanent hair removal is a given for nuboys and nugirls alike, as well as a proprietary not only leaves the skin amazingly smooth and soft, but also amplifies the nerve endings, making even a mild hand spanking so painful that you’ll be sobbing in seconds/

Of course as a NuSissy you’ll also be administered a course of Formula B3, which as far as I can tell is a cocktail of puberty blockers to stunt any growing you had left to do, micro-doses of estrogen that leaves the nipples puffy and sensitive and alter your temperament somewhat to be more effeminate but little more than that ( the tall tales of sissies leaving official government clinics with F-cup implants are an urban myth as far as I know) and at least 4 entirely secret other chemicals which I know nothing about. There are a whole load of local and “optional” (not that you get a say in it ahhaha) procedures such as forced incontinence, weakened muscle control and orchiectomies but in most parts of the country these are the exception rather than the norm.

After that you’ll soon be settled into your new life, with public diapie changes, regular sissy fashion shows and hourly formula feedings galore.

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08f60f  No.99657

I failed PID, but I got assigned a super cute daddy this year! He promises to take care of me and watch over me so I can grow up to be as big and strong as he is. Maybe this whole thing isn’t all that bad…?

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4fd54f  No.99658

File: 8065d0461cb8f4b⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 1024x1240, 128:155, up_skirt_shot_by_shyselkie….jpg)

Is anyone else getting fed up with diaper checks? I'm okay when Mommy does it, but when random strangers check me it's so embarrassing. Mommy doesn't defend me either.

Like today this lady snuck up behind me, bent me over, and opened up the back of my diaper. She said she smelled something stinky and thought it was me. I was dry so she just patted my butt and called me a good boy and just walked away. I looked at Mommy, she just smiled at me and didn't say anything.

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f5651d  No.99661


Aww I'm so happy you found a good caretaker, it's good to see the state-allocation system working well for once!

Maybe if you're a super good baby for him (I don't know if you're a diaper-piddling boy or nappy-soaking girl but either way I bet you're just adorable) and make extra cute poses for your daddy-and-baby photos and make sure to always put your toys back in their box when you're told to help clear up your playpen, maybe he'll consider fostering you long-term or evena adopting!

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cb60d5  No.99663


>It all depends on where you are, I suppose, but generally a letter arrives first, explaining that you failed to achieve Manhood and have been given a place suited to your abilities in society.

It's been two days and I haven't gotten my letter yet, do I need to tell my mommy?

>Sometimes the letter comes with vouchers for necessary purchases (cribs, playpens, disciplinary implements, chastity cages and clothes

Do the letters often include a voucher for a changing table? I always wanted mommy to change me on a special pink sissy table :3

>N-not that I'm happy to be a sissy or anything!

>in your case Sissy, of course a wardrobe full of pretty dresses, white tights, onesies, rompers

I hope I get a locking pair of mitten! N-not that I want to be a sissy! You're lying!

>and divided into thick daytimes and ultra-thick nighttimes

I should wear the Ultra Think Sissy Soakers during the day too! Sissy gurls need to make sure their tiny clitties are protected :3

>no, I Dont want to be a sissy!


> nubaby changing techniques (obviously the size creates some differences from ordinary babies), discipline demonstrations (expect to come out of that day with a sore bottom and more, regardless of your behaviour) and answer any questions.

I'll be a good Sissy girl, so Mommy won't have to spank me as hard

> There are a whole load of local and “optional” (not that you get a say in it ahhaha) procedures such as forced incontinence, weakened muscle control and orchiectomies but in most parts of the country these are the exception rather than the norm.

I Hope mommy doesn't make me get any. I may be a sissy girl, but any orchiectomy will make my peepee look funny!

>After that you’ll soon be settled into your new life, with public diapie changes, regular sissy fashion shows and hourly formula feedings galore

I cant wait!!!

N-not that I'm excited about being some sissy nubaby cuck or anything!

I hope my new mommy wil give me booby milk instead formula though. I've hear nubaby formula is yucky and I always wanted to know what mama's boobies taste like!

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cb60d5  No.99694

Ded thred?

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f5651d  No.99722


It went a month without an update in the summer. It usually revives itself once someone starts posting prompts again

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ee0379  No.99745



>It usually revives itself once someone starts posting prompts again

In that case…Has anyone here ever tried breastmilk or been breastfed?

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f5651d  No.99768

File: 6f45e82e74be180⋯.jpg (69.95 KB, 540x810, 2:3, bdsmlr_742819_NbKXWqkv9H.jpg)

File: 142e2fc6abc8947⋯.png (7.37 MB, 4090x2296, 2045:1148, Holliday5.png)

File: 01eabadee61cb64⋯.jpg (140.08 KB, 720x405, 16:9, previewlg_20513905.jpg)

File: 21db5ee73b72e1d⋯.png (898.74 KB, 781x1024, 781:1024, RestaurantFeeding.png)

(OOC, I assume you mean in the fiction and not irl experiences here goes. My kinks tend to push my pieces into a pretty specific niche so sorry if this misses the mark, it’s also the length of War and Peace because i can’t do short-form)

I’m the trans sissy from halfway up the thread. Long story short my gay gf/babysitter adopted me, so she’s my legal mummy now and we both went to uni together (nubaby-approved children's literature studies for me, pre-law for her).

Used to be I got a bottle for my hourly feedings and a sippy cup the rest of the time, like most nubabies.

Then one day last month she said she had a surprise for me

(1 Month ago)

We were going to one of those Uni-sponsored coffee morning meet-up things for carers and nubabies

>Mummy wakes me up in me crib, carries me to the changing table a changes me out of my cloth-night time

>She presses something up my butt with her finger and my clitty starts dripping in its cage

>Pulls up the front of my daytime sissy-soaker up before we can have any fun ( no fair!), pats me on the bottom and leads outside to my car seat

>We get to the cafe

>Sitting on her lap (embarrassing but it’s that or the embarrassing cheap nasty cafe high chairs and tbh mummys’ lap makes me feel super safe, she’s like a foot taller than me*) whilst she talks to the other mummies and daddies.

>Most of us nubabies too shy to go off to the play area so just sit there looking dumb

>Waitress comes over with trays of coffees for the grownups, juice, warmed milks in bottles and sippy cups for us littles

>Everyone else has theirs

>Where’s mine?? They’ve forgotten mine!! (Whatever it is, mummies make decisions , nubabies look cute)

>”I told you that you were getting a surprise anon”

>Mummy pulls her cami top aside.

> Her boobs have always been big compared to my little bumps but they’re huge now, heavy,even

> “Come on anon, you always loved to suckle during cummies, now you can have the real thing”

>All the other nubabies are watching, at last someone they can feel superior to.

> “In public?” i get out, halfway between a whisper in a whine “but theyre all watchingggggg”. >I’ve perfected my whiney, pouty disney-eye face to a 70% success rate

>”Keep it up anon, and you can suckle on a bar of soap instead.”

>Flip. The 30% failure rate is not something I’m about to risk with a bar of soap ( yuck it’s the worst IhateitIhateitIhateitIhateit!!!) on the line

>Pick your battles fellow nubabies

>Hmph….fine… # # >.< # #

> I latch

>It’s….not bad?

>It’s…..not bad.

>It’s …….not bad!

>It’s good it’s so good oh my god it’s sweet; how is it so sweet?

> It feels kinda like i’m floating, I’m not thinking in words anymore

> The other nubabies are still there, some are shocked I think, other sound like they’re giggling but it’s like they’re not really important anymore

>All that matters is me, mommy and the milk that rhythmically pulses as I keep suckling

>Everything gets hazy but I don’t really care, if anything important happened a grown-up would take of it and little babies like me can’t be expected to do anything

> When I fully realize where I am, I’m buckled tight into my carseat, still kinda tingly, and mummy is driving us home

>I’m messy

>How am i messy??

>I never mess without realizing it

>It must be the milk!!!

> Honestly…kinda maybe worth it?

>I wonder when my next feeding session is?

So yeah it’s been 1 month since it started and while the obvious answer was the suppository, but I’ve had a lot ( and I mean a LOT) of suppositories by now and they never make me feel that way…and to be honest I would never make it that long without messing with one of those in my bottom.

One of my friends is studying nubaby-approved chemistry course (it’s all supervised by grownups ofc and there’s no dangerous labs allowed) and he says that it’s almost certainly that the pills mummy takes to make her milk taste that way have no effect (since she’s not going around pooping herself like a nubaby) on her, until they react with the suppositories she gives me! Mystery solved! We could be on scooby doo! We’re totally geniuses! I bet we’re smarter than grown-ups too!!

Anyway basically all my feedings are breastfeedings now, and they always make me feel really floaty and small ( the messing happens sometimes…okay…a lot…. but not every time) and she even uses a pump so my babysitter ( mummy and her have started dating so I guess I might have 2 mummies soon??) gives me bottles of her milk….

Have any other nubabies been moved to mummy-milk? You don’t have to write 1000 words, just want to hear other experiences!

*Also, has anyone else been feeling like they’ve been getting slightly shorter since they failed PID??? I can’t remember how tall I was before, and it must only be a few inches at most, but all the adults look bigger than I remember them…..

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f5651d  No.99792

File: b450e773c38d22b⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 704x728, 88:91, download.jpg)

Yup, threads dead….

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af52b2  No.99818

File: e16b8da8c9826c9⋯.jpg (191.03 KB, 1000x1559, 1000:1559, 1509148429552.jpg)


I got rewarded for good behaviour and got to spend the day as a nursing dummy for the female home economics class.

>whole class giggles as i'm led in by the teacher and sat down on a stool in the corner

>"Now class, we've been studying nursing techniques this last week, so I thought it would be fun to let you all practice"

>laughter turns to moans and cries of protest

>teacher tells them it's a practical exam worth a good part of their grade so they have to do it

>a few girls flat out refused to do it and walked out, but the rest started opening their tops and waiting for their turn

>get to spend a few minutes sat on each of their laps, sucking at their breasts

>some just sat there in silence waiting for it to be over, others cood at me and played with my hair

>probably just trying to score extra credit but I don't care, it felt nice

>spend about 4 hours doing this as multiple classes come in to be graded on their technique and manner

>cum in my diaper multiple times as I get up close and personal with every set of milkers i've ever crushed on

only good thing that's happened to me since failing PID

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703a76  No.99821

File: 99b78f16ce3f20a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 47.64 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_20201024_183806.jpg)

> I am sending a photo via the PID application.

My aunt has been putting me in diapers for a while, she made me send this photo.

In erection my dick is the same

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f5651d  No.99822


Lol, looking at your pic I think your auntie could see the writing on the wall.

I bet everyone around you could too, future nubabies absolutely radiate small-pee-pee energy it's so I reckon you can always tell.

Pics like this remind me why PID is so vital.

Can you imagine how absurd it would be for a grown man to be walking around with a tiny little pee-pee like that?

Imagine the poor woman who brought someone like you home after a date, expecting to do all kinds of grownup stuff and then you pull down your boxers ( boxers ! ha! as if your little peanie belongs anywhere but safely swaddled in your snuggly diapies) and show that little nub!!

No it's better for everyone that we keep little babies like you were they belong.

Of course, new babies sometimes whine and have their little tantrums, but deep down I'm certain they're glad they don't have to pretend to be the masculine grownups they never were.

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703a76  No.99824


No, I'm a big boy.

Stupid PID is wrong, aunt says something about the doctor and the procedure, what kind of procedure could it be and why see the doctor ?!>>99822


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f5651d  No.99831

File: e762743a2c8cf60⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, e762743a2c8cf6062d6fddcc0a….png)


>No, I'm a big boy Stupid PID is wrong

Oh sweetie I’m afraid you’re not. I’m guessing you’ve never measured ; some nubabies convince themselves of an extra .5, maybe even an extra inch to get across a border-line, but I think if you had measured you would have a hard time even lying to yourself about this.

Tell me kiddo, if PID is “wrong” where do you think you deserve to be?

Training pants, with that reassuring padding at the front so they can catch any childish little dribbles you have, but at least then you could pull them off an of, just like a big boy eh?

Or maybe you think you’re worthy of real big boy underoos, childish to be sure, but still absolute proof that your penis is big enough for you to be taken seriously enough for you to be called a man

Maybe even those aren't good enough for you, and you think your clitty is comparable to a real man’s fully-grown cock and belongs in boxer shorts!!!

Ahahaahha I’m sorry I can’t keep this up, the thought of that little thing anywhere but piddling away in your thick pampers is just too funny!

Why, even in those thickly padded training pants my cousin wears I bet you wouldn’t be able to to get through a single class before having to be escorted, sniffling, to the nurse for a real diaper and a janitor called to mop up the puddle you’d have leaked at your desk!

Why, that little piddler of a cocklette is so small I reckon the government will have to come up with an even smaller size category, just for you! Maybe something involving lots of layers of cloth diapers? Anyways, things being what they are I’d bet dollars to donuts that you’ll end up in some lovely thick pink Pampers, won’t that be nice?

>Aunt says something about the doctor and the procedure, what kind of procedure could it be and why see the doctor

Honestly if that’s all you have to go on it could be pretty much anything. There are countless nubaby procedures that happen these days, do you have any other information : what kind of clinic you’re going to, how your auntie thinks a nubaby should be treated or anything else?

Orchiectomies ( that’s when we say goodbye to your little marbles, though marbles are probably bigger than yours) are currently pretty trendy, but they make ordinary chastity devices impossible so they’re a mixed bag. Then there’s fairly common but entirely optional nubaby stuff : muscle weakeners so even your current puny body would be strong in comparison, or ones that make you crawl instead of walk, voice box alterations that make your voice squeekier and mouth alterations to give permanent lisps.

Speaking of lisps there’s always the far more interesting route of behavioral modifications, to make your more obedient, more effeminate, more babyish, or even to make you respond with set involuntary actions to trigger words, but those are almost always done by psychologists, nubaby therapists and hypnotherapists so a doctor's visit seem unlikely.

Of course there’s always extreme surgeries : teeth removal, total permanent baldness, complete neurological rewiring and of course the dreaded Nullification ( sometimes referred to by it’s euphemism “Smoothing”) : total removal of the penis and testicles to leave a small, urethral hole. Most of the time they’re only used on repeat violent criminal offenders by the state as a punishment, but some people advocate for them all nubabies….

Nullification in particular is is straight up illegal in a lot of places, and even where it IS legal it’ really controversial , but if you’ve managed to really upset your aunt, or she’s a fervent believer, you might be about to lose what ( very, very little) you’ve got “down there”

If I were you I’d try to find out more, pray it’s not the Smoothing for you( though I suppose there really wouldn’t be that much difference in your case) and keep on your aunts’ good side!

(OOC, big thanks to whoever originally made the pic, I nicked it from earlier in thread for my post and it's awesome)

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37651e  No.99833

File: 85efd7e6dba19ed⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3512x2634, 4:3, 20201024_234428.jpg)


I can tell you here in Europe smoothing is legal now. Some states refused to allow them, but the ECJ has ruled that smoothing must be performed at the request of the nubaby guardian.

It's pretty bad over here. Orchiectomies are super encouraged. The country I live in cover all nubaby parents the cost of orchy…

More than 70% of highschool nubabys are neutered now.

If would be super scared if mommy didn't make mine away long ago…

I miss making cummies…

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64cf5e  No.99834


I hope when I finally am measured that Mommy doesn't make me get any of those procedures. They sound awful.. who would want to be made to crawl and lose control permanently. *a little tent forms in my pants*

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f5651d  No.99835

File: e37a2adc39c49dc⋯.png (860.18 KB, 1669x1079, 1669:1079, AnInvitationPage12_2_.png)


(Pic is from when my MummmyGf had her cousins stay over and they got to help changing me….. it was….*hides face in hands* really 'embarrassing)

>More than 70% of highschool nubabys are neutered now.

Oof. The only time I see my clitty without it's cage on is during bathtime for cleanings and I still can't imagine ever losing it. It's not even sexual for me (more on that much,much later) It's just a part of me and tbh it looks really cute in it's cage and while I don't want to hurt your feelings ( you seem really cute) I saw a nullified boy once and it looks super creepy

Luckily in New York Nubaby Alteration and Modification Laws protect me from nullification and even orchi’s have to be “earned” by continued resistance to babyhood.

>>I miss making cummies…

Even more luckily, we have the radically progressive ; Newbaby Release and Contentment laws ( officially, in media they’re frequently known as “The Cummy Laws) - basically a movement of hard-left progressives campaigned that instead of the traditional, conservative practice banning or at least severely restricting orgasms, they could be used, frequently, as positive reinforcement.

The good news (for those of us living here, sorry you) is nubabies living in New York City get the potential of earning 1 cummy a day, or 7 a week!

The downside is…..basically everything else.

First, it’s only the potential, not a guarantee so they can be removed for bad behaviour-when it was introduced this was kind of seen as a sneaky loophole compromise to appease conservatives dead set against it- carers opposed to the policy can just come up with an excuse to withdraw the privilege each day.

Second, and worst of all, is that us Nubabies can’t be trusted to give ourselves our Stickies, and we can’t even choose who administers them , instead it’s left to carers (obviously), nurses, doctors, babysitter and even teachers! Nubabies are actually allowed to refuse the opportunity, and this is one of the very few examples of nubaby consent in law (my adopted Mummy is studying in Nubaby law so I learn quite a bit from her revising) and I refused the opportunity for the first couple of weeks because it was my bio-parents offering and it was waaaaay too embarrassing! These days….I kinda just…say yes no matter who offers….. It’s not my fault it just feels SO GOOD *blushes*

Thirdly Nubabies get no control of the way they make Cummies ; instead it’s mandated into categories by their classification. In short, Boys in training undies got handjobs, nubaby boys get either a vibrator stimulating the penis, a hand-stroking through their diapers, external massaging of the prostate ( basically a vibe between your legs), or finally supervised humping (generally of a stuffy, such as the one in your adorable picture). Speaking of prostates, rather predictably, us Sissies don’t get any of that but instead are expected to make No.3 by anal penetration alone ( theres a roaring trade in NYC of pink plugs, dildos and vibes branded for Sissies, but my mummy generally just prefers to use fingers).

It’s…..pretty difficult adjusting (no pun intended) to this for a lot of sissies and they refuse for a long , long time until the frustration becomes too much. Being a trans sissy ( I posted the breastfeeding cafe story ) I never resisted like that - erections had always grossed me out and I had never even made a sticky until I failed PID and my mummyGf gave me my first with her fingers - and trust me it’s so,so, SO worth it, it feels really good!

>would be super scared if mommy didn't make mine away long ago… …I miss making cummies

Anway, huge tangent aside, I was thinking that you might not be quite so doomed as you think….I may have the answer to your frustration - after all, even if they snipped off your little wee-wee and pebbles, you still have a prostate right? Do you have any sympathetic carers ( or, if not, maybe a sympathetic babysitter you could try a beg, if you’re willing to risk getting in trouble ) who might be willing to peg your and help you make cummies that way?

Maybe if you send them some of the literature of Incentivised Nubaby Compliance Campaign Group that shows how under the cummy laws, nubaby resistance rates after six months of failing PID dropped by 18%, while nubaby happiness surveys marked a 30% rise in general contentment! One of the members was on the news yesterdaying, saying how success in NYC meant that several other entire US states were considering launching pilot schemes to try it out…..that was before Mummy switched it to the Disney channel for me and went to go make my dinner…

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5a092e  No.99854

File: 3061a20d58b573a⋯.jpeg (664.09 KB, 1280x1919, 1280:1919, tumblr_oq82oyUM361twf5gbo….jpeg)

> My aunt is just putting on a chastity belt after the surgery.

> Auntie comes out giving me a kiss on the head

I just came back from treatments, it was strange the doctor put a mask on my face and told me to breathe.

Today I woke up and I feel that I have no teeth, I'm salivating a lot, my hands move strangely, I have difficulty even writing to us. I have of my balls, I have to finish, Aunt goes, bay! *Scary*

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f5651d  No.99870


> They sound awful.. who would want to be made to crawl and lose control permanently. *a little tent forms in my pants*

Well, unluckily ( or in your case, luckily i guess) for you, she's going to know just excited your princess parts get at the thought of being medically molded into the perfect little baby so you’ll never be able to resist ( though I think we all know yo’ll be too busy loving every second of it)

I mean, you don’t think the government would let all these boards full of nubabies stay up unless they had something to gain from it, right? Department of Masculine Failure agents constantly trawl these boards ( and most of the other places on the internet) both generally, to build up their understanding of nubaby demographics and behaviours ect, but also to build specific profiles up on boys their algorithm predicts to fail PID.

Since internet use is so prolific these days, most PID failures carers get sent a dossier full of useful information on their nubaby (wants, fears, susceptibility to various rewards schemes, susceptibility to various punishments, you name it), trawled from internet history and forum posts, along with the classic official “Failed PID” letter.

I've even heard that there are some DMF agents employed in the more "active", who pose as happy nubabies online to assuage future-nubabies fears and encourage compliance….But I reckon that's just an urban legend…

Safe to say, you’re mommies all about your fantasies of being her adorable, helpless little dependant!

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64cf5e  No.99872


no way! you're lying! …..I don't want that stuff anyway. Those little nubabies that are forced to crawl and have their continence taken away are pathetic. I'm not like those pathetic nubabies. Mommy will have me measured and ill be a big boy!

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f5651d  No.99909

Nubabies of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your pampers.

Is a grown man not entitled to choose his underwear? “No!” says the Nurse on PID “You’re pee pee is too small!” “No!” say your new babysitter “you’re so much cuter this way” “No!” says your mommy and daddy “Everyone knows PID failures are happier this way”

Reject those answers! Choose freedom!

What proof is there that the less endowed are any less capable of success, any less capable of pleasing their partner?

Give us liberty or give us underoos!

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5b63cd  No.99921

File: 54c764d0537f555⋯.png (246.89 KB, 840x801, 280:267, 158_1580142_smugrin_discor….png)


Nothing cuter than a nubaby rebellion. Usually they last about 3 hours before they are all spanked and dragged back to their nursery bawling like the weakest little cry babies. I wonder if you'll make it a whole day before it's back to babyhood, didees and babas for you.

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8f147d  No.99922


Too bad so many are either fattened, caged, or on estrogen that they are too weak to rebel.

Also I wrote a story about a nubaby-esque rebellion about a year ago, never finished it. I'll go back and look at what I wrote, maybe I'll post it.

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64cf5e  No.99938


you do know what they did to the last rebellion right? They strapped them down and fitted them with nanocages for their little clittes. Then injected them with permanent muscle relaxers so that they could walk, talk, or even control their little bowels. Unless that's what you desire little one I would crawl back to mommy and ask for forgiveness or else

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f5651d  No.99939


>Unless that's what you desire little one I would crawl back to mommy and ask for forgiveness or else

Ummm so … that all sounded really scary. I …. I even went pee a bit, when I read it. You don't need to do any of that to me, I'm a good boy, honest!

So I went and talked to Mommy. She said that the Department of Masculine Failures already alerted her to my internet behaviour, but she's happy I admitted to being a bad boy and will take it into consideration when disciplining me.

She's already bought me a Nub cage (never been caged before) and apparently it’s not coming off! She says I’ll be lucky to ever cummies again and that she’s considering pulling some stwings and getting me demoted to sissy …..

Still, Mommy promised that she won’t let the government do all those….things… to me on the condition that I never disobey her again and also I publicly apologise to the media and stuff.

Speaking of which… ummm…. I also have to leave this here on the thread..

“Im vewwy vewyy sowwy for every disobeying my Mommy and Daddy and letting silly people fill my head with nonsense about being a grown-up. I’m just a nubaby and I need sensible, mature, properly-dewewwoped grownups to make my decisions for me since I cant be trusted with anything more complicated than filling my-deserved diapers.

My silly little clitty was never gonna be big enough to make woman happy ..uhmm…my mommy says I have to tell everyone the longest I’ve lasted before cummies, which is 35 seconds..

My baby-peanie is much more suited to being swaddled up in my thick,soggy babypants and I wanna say big thank you with lots of kisses to all the nice nurses and babysitters who helped put it there . So if you are a Nubaby in this thread, you should be extra-gwateful to your carers today and give them a big thank you for putting you in diapers, where you belong! “

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f5651d  No.99940

(OOC, I think the post may have reached the update limit)

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64cf5e  No.99941


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f5651d  No.99943


Yeah it reached the limit

Anyone wanna make a new thread? Hopefully we can keep a lot of momentum next time

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