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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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File: cd19b6f8c806ba6⋯.jpg (131.91 KB, 822x1280, 411:640, 1471725897.chuckybb_tthsdg.jpg)

File: 623fff409ee11c5⋯.png (427.52 KB, 965x692, 965:692, lmndrp3d.png)

File: 64f9ee4ad55eeed⋯.png (2.72 MB, 911x3961, 911:3961, lmndrpgravity.png)

File: adf3036fe143780⋯.png (280.48 KB, 1200x560, 15:7, 1470517903.indigoanonymous….png)

File: 38e6e16267695e0⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 778x1280, 389:640, jhop2.jpg)

8b549d  No.58117[Last 50 Posts]



Please label your sissies and traps

Panties are fine too

Lmndrp is best artist and if you can't appreciate leaky pullups you're a cunt

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ccc030  No.58211


bump, I want sheep furries.

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4d6297  No.58215

File: f3c8f71069ce8cc⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 600x800, 3:4, stinky_padding_by_pampered….jpg)

File: b9653654cc78baa⋯.jpg (34.63 KB, 360x480, 3:4, sheepnosis_by_pampered_she….jpg)

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b8296f  No.58218

Christ can you imagine trying to clean shit out of fur?

Anyway, there's at least 2 furry threads right now, kindly fuck off.

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6ec25e  No.58221


This. Furries scalies and avians can all share a thread. Monstergirls can be separate though

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1c4d37  No.58227


That sounds horrible, not like it's exactly centered around realism anyways. Also this thread was up a day before the other one, and I think was still on the first page when the second went up. That one seems to be more active, but with all male furs. Maybe if the BM doesn't delete one of em, this one can be female only?


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1c4d37  No.58228

File: bd0b07208933f8c⋯.jpg (102.45 KB, 1280x742, 640:371, 1494007532.maneuveringsnak….jpg)

File: 134e6a3e21e68d7⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 1280x703, 1280:703, 1490887017.maneuveringsnak….jpg)

File: ea023c7f567fc43⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, 2276961_ChocolateKitsune_b….jpg)

File: 71cc86b180db325⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 1131x708, 377:236, 2146547_ChocolateKitsune_b….jpg)

File: adf3036fe143780⋯.png (280.48 KB, 1200x560, 15:7, 1470517903.indigoanonymous….png)


Ask and you shall receive

Sorry if you have these already

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1c4d37  No.58230

File: 8469099e5698497⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 899x1280, 899:1280, 1437246205.tato_gamemaster….jpg)

File: dfb17a92e457671⋯.png (512.86 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, 1476024783.merufur_june_s.png)

File: b9acfab0f5828d3⋯.png (652.46 KB, 689x649, 689:649, 1496013088.pottyprincess_j….png)

File: a6e211072a275c3⋯.jpg (172.45 KB, 1280x989, 1280:989, 1503445790.leonandrenei_qu….jpg)

File: d1c52277d49bbdc⋯.jpg (203.44 KB, 1280x989, 1280:989, 1503973582.leonandrenei_la….jpg)

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ccc030  No.58239


3rd and 4th image source? These are all really good!


thank you, these are great too! source on last pic?

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ccc030  No.58240


source on middle?

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10129f  No.58263


3rd and 4th on the first are ChocolateKitsune


Forgot where the others came from, I'll try and find them

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a4c377  No.58266

File: a97faa04e9dc5d8⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2695x675, 539:135, 1458638483.lmndrp_baecom.png)

File: 6001a7ea8cfe18b⋯.jpg (149.88 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, 1458863580858.jpg)

File: 767444a0509289c⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2998x964, 1499:482, 1449529031.png)

File: 88690931cf28453⋯.png (1.03 MB, 964x971, 964:971, 1434311334.lmndrp_pp3.png)


Finally a person whomst "gets it"

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acf213  No.58267


There's something enjoyable this art.

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a4c377  No.58268

File: af735fb4b29c37a⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 377x400, 377:400, 12835043@400-1393372469.jpg)

File: 6c16481cba500fa⋯.png (1.63 MB, 674x1280, 337:640, 1434217316.png)


Only the finest for thee Anon.

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acf213  No.58277


Thank you anon.

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c7d380  No.58291

File: 79be452c3beafbc⋯.png (977.29 KB, 1037x675, 1037:675, lmndrpslide.png)

File: 575b8300affdaa8⋯.png (392.2 KB, 622x675, 622:675, lmndrpcool.png)

File: 0a9224d49c24e92⋯.png (1.14 MB, 964x717, 964:717, lmndrpbed.png)

File: db8d7d362702c6a⋯.png (710.71 KB, 860x675, 172:135, lmndrpcouch.png)

File: 1ff08eaa3d2c88c⋯.png (572.48 KB, 636x877, 636:877, lmndrpmonster.png)



Lmndrp is one of those artists that disappears for a month and then boom, it's fucking Christmas morning

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acf213  No.58294


Oh! They're totally the ones who did those Lammy drawings. I love those!

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332c2e  No.58310


This is such a refreshing break from the endless copy/paste pseudo anime furry garbage everyone else is producing right now.

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0fcc17  No.58313


I like how shameless it is, it feels like lmndrp just draws whatever he/she feels like drawing. Its nice to have something more unique than the usual few artstyles everyone uses

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196396  No.58333


I like this guy's work but I'm not really into pull-ups, it would be better if he drew real diapers imo

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8bec9a  No.58349

File: 71ad04ac9a4ca5f⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1800x4020, 30:67, lmndrptod2.png)

File: 8f12cc63803ab8a⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1800x3447, 200:383, lmndrptod1.png)



Being unique, different, and doing art your own way in this fetish usually leads to Deviantart-tier MS Paint garbage. But lmndrp is something else entirely. Who knew something so scribbly could wind up being so coherent, and so appealing? Not to mention some of the stuff is actually really funny.


I fuckin love pullups, but there was a couple commissions where actual diapers were drawn. I'm sure there's more, but here's what I got.

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8bec9a  No.58353

File: 2b931eb1a3eafbe⋯.png (738.48 KB, 965x1269, 965:1269, lmndrpapp.png)

File: 32c9b94bd34d7d4⋯.png (3.78 MB, 1879x2658, 1879:2658, lmndrpdolls.png)

File: 4d2115e646327bd⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1446x3246, 241:541, lmndrpporch.png)

File: 0832ead178b63a3⋯.jpg (241.93 KB, 674x1280, 337:640, lmndrppoty.jpg)

File: 658c858321a3575⋯.png (1.95 MB, 954x2746, 477:1373, lmndrpretooled1.png)

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8bec9a  No.58354

File: a273d65245298df⋯.png (1.94 MB, 954x2746, 477:1373, lmndrpretooled2.png)

File: f92046971656f5b⋯.png (1.77 MB, 954x2746, 477:1373, lmndrpretooled3.png)

File: 8cd22b0b462464e⋯.png (1.67 MB, 954x2481, 318:827, lmndrpretooled4.png)

File: 67203ed2cc140d1⋯.png (1.92 MB, 954x2481, 318:827, lmndrpretooled5.png)

File: 15f97b2290114fb⋯.png (1.98 MB, 954x2481, 318:827, lmndrpretooled6.png)

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4b81c9  No.58356


scribbly, but with a grungy twist.

plus, the details make this stuff so good


like in the third comic here

>potty style baby pants for adult piss nerds

>official blink 182 enemas

>piss potion

it's damn funny and nobody else does that shit.

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8bec9a  No.58357


Couldn't have said it better myself. This stuff is why lmndrp is by far my favorite diaperfur artist, with the constant struggle between rebellious apathetic punk bitch and pathetic diaper-dependent perverted pissbaby. It really is the stuff of dreams, and when the bag of chips is literally labeled "the chips" you can't help but chuckle.

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8bec9a  No.58360

File: 50755e7a9e1c8cc⋯.png (1.87 MB, 911x2763, 911:2763, lmndrpbath.png)

File: aa1213e58ad6cdc⋯.png (198.45 KB, 874x1280, 437:640, lmndrpgaming.png)

File: d41faebec370f65⋯.png (149.31 KB, 544x1280, 17:40, lmndrpdoor2door.png)

File: ed3ca068749a3c4⋯.png (6.62 MB, 963x5266, 963:5266, lmndrpdemons.png)

File: 8166810fac39cab⋯.png (448.27 KB, 964x769, 964:769, lmndrplenorebench.png)


Forgot you already posted the second one, some more to make up for it just because this art gives me a reason to live

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21bc41  No.58372

Not sure if you are all aware of it, but lmndrp is actually just the secondary/fetish account of an Cate Wurtz.

She makes a lot of cool shit, most of which gets posted on http://lamezone.tumblr.com/ .

Not meaning to derail or anything but figured it might be of interest.

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57a17b  No.58406

File: 5d64ba0ec2cd320⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1200x1758, 200:293, 1424950092.lmndrp_kalcom.png)










These are fucking amazing!

This scratches some kind of weird fetish itch that I didn't know I had.

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482a20  No.58412


>tfw regressing after work?

That's actually pretty relatable. And cute.

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57a17b  No.58439

File: 9db34cdb878ad58⋯.png (786.15 KB, 1900x693, 1900:693, 1401927217.lmndrp_cimcom.png)



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57a17b  No.58440

File: 2290a10f4913454⋯.png (705.63 KB, 680x927, 680:927, tumblr_p4ve87BEhq1qfd9wso1….png)



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3aabcd  No.58447


If you're hetero don't read this because ignorance is bliss

Reading through this I discovered that Lenore is a tranny. My life is a lie. I've been trapped. Fuck you for not letting me jack off in blissful ignorance, cunt. Guess instead of being fried by Pence for being a degenerate it'll be for being a faggot degenerate. Goddammit.

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3aabcd  No.58448

File: 8ce0f4792140812⋯.jpg (452.09 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, eiv_glac5.jpg)

File: f56f77dbd8283db⋯.jpg (481.28 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, eiv_glac6.jpg)

File: 6673aee82d3c9ef⋯.jpg (537.46 KB, 1029x1200, 343:400, eiv_glac7.jpg)

File: 2de28273da41d97⋯.jpg (462.18 KB, 1200x920, 30:23, eiv_show3.jpg)

File: f6aff3f9f642f11⋯.jpg (476.36 KB, 994x1200, 497:600, eiv_leaf.jpg)

Now if you'll excuse me I have to piece my fragile heterosexuality back together with the most fucked up degenerate female diaper/omorashi Pokemon furry art I can find and share it with the rest of you wonderful sick fucks

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482a20  No.58449

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3aabcd  No.58451


I would argue but looking back I shouldn't have been naive enough to write the panty bulge off as a particularly fat pussy

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57a17b  No.58480

File: 6109a21aa9fbd3e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 964x837, 964:837, 1517249350.lmndrp_lenorete….png)



Ha! You're right. I didn't notice the bulge before but there's a tumblr post that confirmed it.

I can dig it.

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21bc41  No.58518


I knew a real female couldnt be this creative

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57a17b  No.58547

File: ab41c3f9bcde10b⋯.gif (116.46 KB, 500x534, 250:267, ab41c3f9bcde10b0518be2372e….gif)

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dc7620  No.58914


artist for 1st and 2nd? they are lovely.

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5ce166  No.58920

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57a17b  No.59057

File: a1f21e31be3cfe9⋯.png (1.23 MB, 911x3657, 911:3657, 1373407073.lmndrp_3dlemond….png)


Does Cate do premium stuff outside of that game she made?

3D Lemondrop 64


Is the closest I've found to a premium portal.

I think I've seen some screencaps of this somewhere, but idk if I saved them.

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57a17b  No.59596

File: 0ab77f2bbf1a114⋯.png (8.51 KB, 914x216, 457:108, DamnItCate.PNG)

Fucks sake…

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117dea  No.59606

File: eb3a2470dffdb9c⋯.png (465.2 KB, 765x931, 765:931, 1521054324.teca_joeycommis….png)

File: cacf60f8dc77f9e⋯.jpg (148.5 KB, 1280x751, 1280:751, 1523565000.teca_vaultlab.jpg)

File: bbbe8688ba2ac03⋯.png (317.3 KB, 685x869, 685:869, 1524155223.teca_change.png)

File: 6fba94b52b6401b⋯.jpg (153.14 KB, 1280x712, 160:89, 1524172473.teca_doggo2.jpg)

File: 07756a68db24e56⋯.png (284.63 KB, 620x992, 5:8, 1524261336.teca_bunny.png)

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117dea  No.59607

File: f4de2cdbdd13d0f⋯.png (723.87 KB, 1010x951, 1010:951, 1524422475.teca_diaptent2.png)

File: 2a20776c875f02d⋯.png (312.56 KB, 588x978, 98:163, 1524612812.teca_sog.png)

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a4b626  No.59638


This any good? I kinda wanna buy it

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2fc425  No.59719



Here is the game I bought it it's a pretty ok way to kill some time there's like secrets and shit all over mega link: #!CAUxmAQB

Key: !zZqguyZfH7Wpza556RUmrdP1kFPwnKIhm1OaQUOMElE

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6270d6  No.59746


Didn't she do a comic?

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57a17b  No.59788

File: 50be50b49704d2c⋯.png (528.64 KB, 690x690, 1:1, 7.png)


You are great for sharing this. Thank you.

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563c54  No.59829


>wearing a tie around a hoodie

fuckin wat?

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f5f076  No.62171

File: ab7831c3600f5cb⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2000x1600, 5:4, 1534124823.smallcircles_le….png)

I really wanna commission diaper porn :c

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9a8f35  No.62326


this was really great. Very straight to the point which a lot of people just don't do properly

Not a huge fan of the secrets being hidden, but I just opened the files directly.

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34a974  No.62328

What happened to Lemon Drop?

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ad7e83  No.62336


I'm getting a shmorky vibe from this.

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c31aa0  No.62425


Not sure of the exact details but she was accused of being Shmorky by some of the more annoying posers on kiwifarms.

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906e2c  No.62446



Instantly what I thought as well, it's been about the time it takes for him to keep his head down.

This looks like what he would try to "reinvent" a style, but it has all the obvious traits.

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ad7e83  No.62453




I was talking specifically about the gif I replied to. It looks very Shmorky to me with the color choices, the way the hair is drawn, and the smooth animation. It's basically his characteristic style except with normal human proportions being used.

I wasn't saying anything about the rest of these and I wasn't even aware of any rumors of this Cate Wurtz person being Shmorky.

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87ccee  No.64838

File: 9357dbd1c862292⋯.png (6.91 MB, 4090x1472, 2045:736, 1472005629_naivintage_niva….png)

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2960f5  No.68966


Can we get a repost? Game looks pretty great.

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57a17b  No.69070

File: 214d4513b74530d⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 750x666, 125:111, 6JwA4VI.jpg)

File: eee5c5859d9b238⋯.jpg (84.6 KB, 750x587, 750:587, syLR2O9.jpg)

File: cc81c7728fc4905⋯.jpg (47.11 KB, 750x381, 250:127, UJNz8C2.jpg)

File: 8ba882d93637842⋯.jpg (173.1 KB, 1242x1056, 207:176, Vu8efsP.jpg)

File: 95fb3a0d6cb15d7⋯.jpg (101.84 KB, 750x661, 750:661, YmxGu28.jpg)





Yeah, people were briefly trying to connect her with Shmorky. I think the vitriol around that situation caused her to disable the lmndrp account. She tweeted the attached pics around that time.

While Cate and Shmorky are obviously different people (as the kiwifarms people figured out relatively quickly, to their credit) I would guess that it was sort of a wake-up call to Cate that people can easily link her to her fetish account because of her unique style but also that the way Shmorky was witch-hunted and hated off the internet (some of that might have been deserved - not having to do with her art), but more to the point that people looked at Shmorky's diaper art and thought that was repugnant enough to call her a pedophile and pull all support from her, to turn on her and all that. She'll forever be linked to that content and a handful of screenshots, and that may keep her from ever having consistent work as an artist.

Cate, being relatively easily linked to age-regression piss porn, along the capacity for internet people to track artists (the way they found Shmorky's obscure alt account on that Japanese site almost instantly in the kiwifarms thread illustrates that fact pretty well) was probably what ultimately prompted the disabling of the lmndrp account - which is tragic because the content on it, like Cate's normal comics, really resonated with some people (myself included). It's unlike anything else out there. It has a style, an undercurrent narrative, an internal pain and a soul that simply cannot be copied. I do hope that she comes back to it at some point in the future, or creates a patreon for this kind of content or something, (though I think her life situation has improved since she was creating most of the lmndrp content - like she's got a gf, lives with friends I think, recently finally got started on HRT, etc. she might not feel as compelled to create fetish art while her life in the general sense is improving) but until something changes or the internet becomes devoid of assholes we'll all just have to settle for Crow Cillers fanfiction.

Maybe we'll finally get the SUPERLEMON game/comic instead, which oddly enough also incorporates age regression…

Fingers crossed.

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6ec25e  No.69080

File: ac07abaeaf9b522⋯.jpg (301.85 KB, 788x1014, 394:507, d8490494cdfffed40575597a0c….jpg)

File: 9414ec3161607ba⋯.jpg (132.27 KB, 766x1042, 383:521, anthrosaurs___fem_dilophos….jpg)

File: b5516c1d46303d0⋯.jpg (361.63 KB, 1030x775, 206:155, 8f41c7648a3cde5ebb6598f003….jpg)

File: 7ed3f6a66a77ce7⋯.jpg (208.21 KB, 743x1075, 743:1075, df99b181636f2436388a695bd9….jpg)

File: febf3e4936a44df⋯.jpg (417.03 KB, 2324x1394, 1162:697, deinonychusgf.jpg)


I wish there was some diaper anthro for dinos. The more feathers the better, I want my raptor gf to be soft

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aa337f  No.69087


Top kek

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57a17b  No.69887

File: 258fde7f0a550f6⋯.png (660.4 KB, 723x659, 723:659, 1528602775.lmndrp_fencelen….png)

Bumping because Lenore is life.

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f0e944  No.72419



This, link is dead

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840a1d  No.72465

/r/ing the purple raccoon girl playing nintendo DS in a messy diaper in a bean bag chair

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67fe70  No.72651

File: eece7281cbb4e9a⋯.png (125.75 KB, 687x299, 687:299, tumblr_pekljoTEwl1ribtlyo1….png)


She did actually, it's called Night of the Sitter, and you can download it for free off of here if you want


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57a17b  No.72896

File: d144493adc463c8⋯.png (323.89 KB, 965x703, 965:703, a27b.png)


Thank you so much for posting this! I didn't even know it existed - getting more Lmndrp for Christmas was very unexpected and very awesome.

Thank you!

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3ee5ea  No.79712

File: ebf82d597ad4472⋯.gif (351.97 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, 1aa48b258a9c70dac551474c7d….gif)

File: 9e63bcc3d8aefb1⋯.jpg (273.87 KB, 1284x2261, 1284:2261, 1c.jpg)

File: 9f2a34c5e99adda⋯.jpg (216.22 KB, 1115x1432, 1115:1432, 1d.jpg)

File: 3481942808fef42⋯.png (681.25 KB, 960x880, 12:11, 2c59891d2fd29e2144220ef945….png)

File: e4243b2b27f66f7⋯.png (447.66 KB, 972x1000, 243:250, 4c21e9ef609fa32a3744948cce….png)

Actually surprised this thread is so dead

will post some

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3ee5ea  No.79713

File: 65f5aa1e17dc22e⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2720x1865, 544:373, 4db5e7dd0d6ab44c0c714133c3….jpg)

File: 918d0f7bb370f2b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1260x1215, 28:27, 6eeb9f0fd6a32b0ffd70b733d3….png)

File: aaee5edc759807e⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 621x1000, 621:1000, 7e02ea49ae2f4f35a8f5aaee10….gif)

File: fcb75a391066b1d⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 1280x969, 1280:969, 7f9d1d671b7517251dff7482af….jpg)

File: 7b9199636a973f6⋯.png (654.15 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 09b30bac848a2e69585a336c54….png)

There may be some duplicates or even not explicitly furry, so sorry if that happens

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3ee5ea  No.79714

File: e24ed5ea139c39f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1117x1280, 1117:1280, 9c940d3aa56bb5fab9384fddc6….png)

File: cbc0db49103c97f⋯.gif (247.98 KB, 450x343, 450:343, 15a9f8dc3cfe3e5e2fb2ae556b….gif)

File: d93de8e383c884b⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2125x2750, 17:22, 21b8ea63ba73e718154f7a9732….jpg)

File: 92de383970f5d46⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1760x1497, 1760:1497, 30e48659b7ef57951408dfd281….png)

File: 26ce074895dadef⋯.jpg (211.68 KB, 901x851, 901:851, 37a.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79715

File: d0b395a50fd8e3d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1280x1560, 32:39, 47ed261338f471260d752f2557….png)

File: fae9b27dbcec37d⋯.jpg (129.79 KB, 1188x1280, 297:320, 48febf1d32c426612d79935b5a….jpg)

File: 3e01b492e2e915f⋯.png (479.52 KB, 1200x871, 1200:871, 051afe3f20211ca9aba8325cc3….png)

File: aa958a05137e9f3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1250x1419, 1250:1419, 70a9188c789e4f4318aef7ec3b….png)

File: a204d4305906735⋯.png (313.37 KB, 728x900, 182:225, 95b281bf325d7067cc5aca9919….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79716

File: c6e78caaca75c61⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1707x1319, 1707:1319, 807ec5760e18fa6af65ec92161….png)

File: 64bfa8a4bf36486⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 815a29d0bb97a403d89e5c9c3b….gif)

File: f582e1d62d45a4f⋯.jpg (841.06 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 922ebf0670c298ef6d1e1fc5f5….jpg)

File: dcabe0e1b2b1e08⋯.jpg (423.71 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 923fde5a086c4ae1fe86cdc89a….jpg)

File: d203479168a0fb1⋯.jpeg (210 KB, 670x1024, 335:512, 2011 07 - mifmaf0001.jpeg)

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3ee5ea  No.79717

File: 2aa7212a7d12ae1⋯.jpg (223.71 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 2011 12 - carottemifmafsad….jpg)

File: c20af131fb049d1⋯.jpeg (317.32 KB, 1432x1400, 179:175, 2012 02 - Murdockinthepar….jpeg)

File: de954bc4ea41d39⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1500x1352, 375:338, 35459b01b74131d3a538004109….png)

File: dce5a31a6d94b9d⋯.jpg (191.72 KB, 772x1280, 193:320, 43854cc9d49b74d1f538e1f73b….jpg)

File: 507d4420c9ea2cf⋯.jpg (329.27 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 48193cf2d2ea30ad10b983e06e….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79718

File: b91ba6d8dfeb095⋯.jpg (222.69 KB, 1280x931, 1280:931, 56545ecfdd5383789dbe94a834….jpg)

File: bfbd2a110e8ad49⋯.png (574.63 KB, 720x1262, 360:631, 69407e422d60ec6ec06d811355….png)

File: 0dc65acde175a5c⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 178638_Biscuits_biscuitemb….jpg)

File: 2d6335a9f1bd7f0⋯.png (766.77 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 579426_Fillyscoots42_diamo….png)

File: 4b97b6eb2708915⋯.png (702.74 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 720270ba90da7b63a3e90af84c….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79719

File: f4124b4384fd390⋯.png (379.81 KB, 920x991, 920:991, 852404_DorablePonies_rosel….png)

File: 74d2f6ac8c30afb⋯.png (4.1 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, 1076641_YuniWusky_got_caug….png)

File: d4271cd68f5f400⋯.png (890.98 KB, 960x1235, 192:247, 1083004_YuniWusky_zan_wolf….png)

File: abb3cebb46ddaef⋯.png (2.67 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1279619_nh63879_danny_34.png)

File: 3bc20615eaa3187⋯.png (574.67 KB, 720x1262, 360:631, 1424183_YuniWusky_axiom_we….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79720

File: d6f4e84ccc52e17⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1502x1928, 751:964, 27698087e3d8d40949cf3d002e….png)

File: a9fbae439dcd826⋯.jpg (105.59 KB, 365x700, 73:140, 1204011591.remmylyne_anubi….jpg)

File: 282798f03dad4c0⋯.png (594.8 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 1254227671_kalida_commissi….png)

File: 7fdde10c3e11a2a⋯.png (587.61 KB, 800x942, 400:471, 1291309621.ethan86_commiss….png)

File: 32a3799ef892d06⋯.jpg (454.45 KB, 1230x1202, 615:601, 1306906730.carotte666_kahn….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79721

File: 153b727dde84444⋯.jpg (136.33 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, 1319040114.skuma_bj-tauren….jpg)

File: 945562690e5d356⋯.png (87.84 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 1322123788.tailbiter_burds….png)

File: fd92bc72c1873e2⋯.png (743.47 KB, 1000x845, 200:169, 1329949426.taillone_draugr….png)

File: 54fbca47f8e88ec⋯.png (183.98 KB, 1280x958, 640:479, 1351470848.kajidawg_kajian….png)

File: 5253516c6c35e8a⋯.jpg (280.11 KB, 1024x982, 512:491, 1352596676.sweetmanda_1352….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79722

File: a04daa9dc7eedd8⋯.jpg (330.37 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1353461872.sharkypaddedbot….jpg)

File: e6c6324fdd1ccdd⋯.jpg (162.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1359113954.colt3n_yakeowol….jpg)

File: bcde9c7536eedf8⋯.jpg (615.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1359838236.wen_swing_fa.jpg)

File: 0ece7b6bbd3a2d0⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1280x1180, 64:59, 1360369111.diezelraccoon_d….jpg)

File: b9c795a14ad67ca⋯.jpg (690.75 KB, 1200x1173, 400:391, 1360883837.wen_faomg_.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79723

File: ff99abbe799bead⋯.jpg (243.47 KB, 670x900, 67:90, 1363109703.kanthara_dubcub.jpg)

File: 4765db3ea7026b5⋯.jpg (71.51 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1363398126.burningwreck_31….jpg)

File: 8ce2f8201df785f⋯.jpg (509.53 KB, 1114x1184, 557:592, 1364413770.wen_faskirtuhoh.jpg)

File: 1a0949d3d6100c2⋯.png (154.76 KB, 1280x898, 640:449, 1364895371.carnival-tricks….png)

File: c49aafb015ff7a0⋯.png (466.68 KB, 739x837, 739:837, 1364942688.nycket_operatio….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79724

File: 8b2512bf9de6a1e⋯.jpg (149.43 KB, 1280x910, 128:91, 1365138002.hokkigai_eliza,….jpg)

File: 8e9154744bcdfdc⋯.jpg (683.68 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1366128732.wen_famaxxie_an….jpg)

File: e03de4b8c73a63f⋯.jpg (882.06 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 1367804287.thedipshop_core….jpg)

File: a5435eef976235a⋯.png (328.52 KB, 783x801, 87:89, 1368584868.tailbiter_yurik….png)

File: abb98dff76db3a1⋯.png (114.36 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1368769935.operationfluff_….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79725

File: ea487a4f8479b2e⋯.jpg (93.67 KB, 1280x574, 640:287, 1370574144.addickted_padst….jpg)

File: ee4caab50a23ff9⋯.jpg (507.18 KB, 1093x724, 1093:724, 1371787461.zuago_winterbro….jpg)

File: d57eb5821e0f3a7⋯.png (124 KB, 1280x936, 160:117, 1372103147.operationfluff_….png)

File: 2b5d3339c033932⋯.jpg (913.54 KB, 1280x901, 1280:901, 1372732714.cargoweasel_137….jpg)

File: 20fc3bf0a1e1866⋯.png (196.15 KB, 621x762, 207:254, 1373406329.charliekit_go_p….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79726

File: 3338d98a45af242⋯.jpg (855.27 KB, 1245x938, 1245:938, 1374020120.wen_fadaces.jpg)

File: 98e2a810855053f⋯.png (706.3 KB, 1200x777, 400:259, 1374137722.paddercat_artie….png)

File: 369945f567ff770⋯.jpg (666.6 KB, 1250x656, 625:328, 1374720021.wen_fanew_playm….jpg)

File: 367d1ca243a0cc3⋯.png (425.19 KB, 1400x823, 1400:823, 1375242473.operationfluff_….png)

File: afd240e954a2934⋯.png (300.67 KB, 888x717, 296:239, 1375378211.coren_nycket_mw….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79727

File: 46424afd30260bc⋯.png (114.62 KB, 1280x665, 256:133, 1375418669.nycket_1.png)

File: eece8bcc719096a⋯.jpg (531.8 KB, 619x1048, 619:1048, 1375626635.zuago_falco_-_b….jpg)

File: c6602e9302674c3⋯.jpg (959.16 KB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1377030744.wen_fagoodnight….jpg)

File: d3cbf0455d1abe4⋯.jpg (130.33 KB, 1280x975, 256:195, 1378967029.tato_klondike.jpg)

File: 29a025e311b4059⋯.png (525.45 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1380218180.fetish-art_kaji….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79728

File: f3e189abaeaab4f⋯.png (748.3 KB, 935x1259, 935:1259, 1380343531.wen_fato_late.png)

File: c894264f91f0cb6⋯.png (636.42 KB, 1035x1260, 23:28, 1381971106.wen_faevil_mage….png)

File: 553bd193bee25fb⋯.png (509.88 KB, 593x1100, 593:1100, 1382064208.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 5bf7022f3aab03b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1255x958, 1255:958, 1382244641.wen_fabedtime.png)

File: afbe63f10c9dce3⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1255x986, 1255:986, 1383499866.wen_fabaking_is….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79729

File: 0297ef7bd2e385b⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 630x1280, 63:128, 1384336479.nycket_aydry_sm….jpg)

File: 2a4ce06edfcc31f⋯.png (357.54 KB, 692x1000, 173:250, 1385787972.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 355491edd387180⋯.png (488.36 KB, 900x814, 450:407, 1385792809.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 6e6f09a98c8c3fe⋯.png (147.44 KB, 565x1280, 113:256, 1385794876.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 589e9d2a541e7dd⋯.png (1018.61 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, 1385796813.dirtypaddercat_….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79730

File: 7c67991d33033ba⋯.png (492.66 KB, 725x1000, 29:40, 1385797504.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: c3ae1259c2aee9e⋯.png (519.58 KB, 1000x918, 500:459, 1385797843.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 2731b449ab38368⋯.png (871 KB, 1016x1269, 1016:1269, 1387298577.wen_fabut_daddy.png)

File: 411dd7a64b274de⋯.png (471.12 KB, 1100x1030, 110:103, 1389347903.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 9b21043a470a61d⋯.jpg (94.14 KB, 1004x1280, 251:320, 1389443842.colt3n_full__2_.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79732

File: 7a19ac65e861b2c⋯.jpg (135.54 KB, 902x1280, 451:640, 1389445650.colt3n_dogss.jpg)

File: d0ea6762de8d207⋯.png (969.16 KB, 1021x1217, 1021:1217, 1389588588.wen_fawet_aucti….png)

File: 17a9035d340fbdc⋯.png (930.18 KB, 1260x1055, 252:211, 1390607011.wen_farough.png)

File: 1b616bd6d7fb520⋯.png (365.92 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, 1392113586.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: adcab86bdd06b66⋯.png (588.99 KB, 1097x1000, 1097:1000, 1392206731.thunderequus_li….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79733

File: df8b79a0f3dbbbc⋯.png (845.93 KB, 1240x1111, 1240:1111, 1392928881.wen_fanewauctio….png)

File: 541db61c86c083d⋯.jpg (268.15 KB, 700x989, 700:989, 1394158246.sharkypaddedbot….jpg)

File: 09a24710078c22a⋯.png (594.85 KB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1395016227.wen_fapizza_tim….png)

File: f13849fa071157b⋯.png (825.14 KB, 1155x914, 1155:914, 1395845114.thunderequus_ma….png)

File: b182c15e80b93e3⋯.jpg (565.36 KB, 900x873, 100:97, 1396363344.sharkypaddedbot….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79734

File: 4091114ba9d43ac⋯.png (966.35 KB, 1260x947, 1260:947, 1396824079.wen_faeasterfun.png)

File: 260006656535081⋯.png (482.3 KB, 907x1172, 907:1172, 1397260793.wen_famallshow.png)

File: e4c358890b193e0⋯.png (444.16 KB, 759x1147, 759:1147, 1399112569.wen_facome_to_d….png)

File: 7cfae9a7a80dd09⋯.png (449.52 KB, 702x1100, 351:550, 1399884534.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: e1dc5245425763e⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 1280x687, 1280:687, 1401173218.colt3n_idkk1.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79735

File: 0235d2349d229a3⋯.png (265.74 KB, 1183x1280, 1183:1280, 1407061870.maridiamarius_e….png)

File: cea80fef319daf4⋯.png (464.4 KB, 1000x993, 1000:993, 1407125347.kayote_oh_nooos….png)

File: ee61c9a4980719b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1407488792.wen_fasleepy.png)

File: 6b5780b65142274⋯.png (667.38 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1407900233.redneckfur_1407….png)

File: c725b8ad7c69715⋯.png (448.32 KB, 727x1260, 727:1260, 1408671555.wen_faonlysleep….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79736

File: af84d7a9f82274e⋯.png (996.76 KB, 1211x1260, 173:180, 1409102243.wen_ohmy.png)

File: dc2265d52e3583b⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 1411351035.jimmyrumshot_sk….jpg)

File: 6046884afa11899⋯.jpeg (284.14 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1412283111.wen_abdl.png.jpeg)

File: dbe8c3a5002cf8f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1109x1144, 1109:1144, 1413652932.wen_fababygirls.png)

File: f7a6d771b466f2f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1413761045.wen_fabazelbaby.png)

I like wen's art a lot

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3ee5ea  No.79737

File: 194dbffce2fd2cb⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1244x1172, 311:293, 1415049628.wen_fawen_s_new….png)

File: e195ee2c655cabe⋯.png (95.87 KB, 783x1280, 783:1280, 1415342696.carnival-tricks….png)

File: 69becc577615699⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1415574800.jimmyrumshot_ka….jpg)

File: 3b7025ee0b62b47⋯.png (113.24 KB, 1170x1280, 117:128, 1415860487.carnival-tricks….png)

File: 00d9b749f903900⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1063x1260, 1063:1260, 1415996253.wen_fakaz.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79738

File: bc3d15c1188bbcc⋯.png (894.09 KB, 1055x1260, 211:252, 1416518435.wen_fawetboy.png)

File: a92e05d8ca64ae4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 997x1260, 997:1260, 1418163247.wen_fawetboy.png)

File: 6b4840e77210786⋯.png (584.97 KB, 1129x1260, 1129:1260, 1418853888.wen_fa1santa_sb….png)

File: 055d4acc4f4bc54⋯.png (969.33 KB, 1134x1260, 9:10, 1419014708.wen_fababyboy.png)

File: c65a1689dab3fc5⋯.png (155.34 KB, 1109x1280, 1109:1280, 1419041038.carnival-tricks….png)

Gonna take a break, might dump more later

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5504cd  No.79739

why the hell is furry art overall so much better than regular

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c41a7e  No.79740


Damn good question

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3ee5ea  No.79742

File: eb7123dc60dbaed⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1420045575.wen_fawinning.png)

File: 73b6c21916d9c3a⋯.png (789.88 KB, 870x1200, 29:40, 1420147183.craymin_deadlyd….png)

File: 16fbab21bedf894⋯.png (824.25 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1421218484.crinklebutt-yun….png)

File: af6fd345080a599⋯.png (146.94 KB, 1280x1096, 160:137, 1421448649.carnival-tricks….png)

File: 27e24b39561896a⋯.png (407.98 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1422037393.kay_pottytimewe….png)

we commence again

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3ee5ea  No.79743

File: 4c61aca2f7958f0⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1270x1050, 127:105, 1422070362.wen_fanew_canva….png)

File: 2a297611d5dba0a⋯.png (137.38 KB, 1280x1136, 80:71, 1422415637.zulupup_hypnomu….png)

File: c4e2f4040f1a72f⋯.png (130.68 KB, 1280x1109, 1280:1109, 1422420303.carnival-tricks….png)

File: 27a5985d580ce20⋯.png (557.27 KB, 1300x1427, 1300:1427, 1422999283.carnival-tricks….png)

File: f08b461152c9c0f⋯.png (430.1 KB, 1260x692, 315:173, 1423682628.wen_facutiebun.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79744

File: e72be099793cc2c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1424196665.wen_fawetboy.png)

File: 0a117b4679d283c⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1068x1187, 1068:1187, 1424818973.wen_fastreaming….png)

File: 6258cad2d163061⋯.png (121.79 KB, 1222x1280, 611:640, 1426004263.wolf119_1425935….png)

File: a5e151afd850876⋯.png (140.91 KB, 1280x1109, 1280:1109, 1426893613.carnival-tricks….png)

File: cc58c460e445866⋯.jpg (268.36 KB, 1280x1231, 1280:1231, 1427563023.wen_serenity.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79745

File: 9fa98d1aa3abb14⋯.png (236.93 KB, 1077x1280, 1077:1280, 1428096701.wen_bazelwet.png)

File: 72773be7db77a5d⋯.png (147.6 KB, 1098x1280, 549:640, 1429992733.wen_schgool.png)

File: 417590502350a1a⋯.png (671.16 KB, 1200x1080, 10:9, 1431480831.jimmyrumshot_po….png)

File: de2a9d6616e4157⋯.png (267.2 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1431481941.jimmyrumshot_za….png)

File: f1f30c2aaa66c6a⋯.png (356.95 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1431482513.jimmyrumshot_ve….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79746

File: 67a244abf385810⋯.png (624.24 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, 1431825099.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: f328bb192492c26⋯.png (487.93 KB, 1000x786, 500:393, 1431825370.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: b1b3cd471091d75⋯.png (591.07 KB, 1100x884, 275:221, 1431826555.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 971b064546b00f4⋯.png (192.95 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1431826855.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 8b57d3dfa4b2364⋯.png (385 KB, 600x1200, 1:2, 1431827350.dirtypaddercat_….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79747

File: f6f52af58bf2d17⋯.png (512.87 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, 1431828988.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: de3fc13a24fa272⋯.png (411.75 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1431884671.wen_argiwords.png)

File: dcfdb9a0132594a⋯.png (404.02 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1433391222.wen_wwws.png)

File: 204720c61c54ed8⋯.png (769.47 KB, 1168x1080, 146:135, 1434235200.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: d852a1f5f6b9ce4⋯.png (181.88 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1434237927.jimmyrumshot_te….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79749

File: dbd64a34c1fc994⋯.png (578.91 KB, 749x1080, 749:1080, 1434261941.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: de206cce06e4ee4⋯.png (359.92 KB, 1280x1260, 64:63, 1434730879.wen_faychmessy.png)

File: 1c4042e2ea78e14⋯.png (105.02 KB, 641x1280, 641:1280, 1435633397.carnival-tricks….png)

File: b192b7e81ecce31⋯.png (436.46 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1435783263.wen_slumberpart….png)

File: 4dab72c80b2b192⋯.png (264.43 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1437320024.wen_cargosleepe….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79750

File: c0da1d38c60bf47⋯.png (354.2 KB, 1280x1255, 256:251, 1439493268.wen_wolfhoundbo….png)

File: 071df2dce626a02⋯.png (210.65 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1439760893.jimmyrumshot_an….png)

File: 22ebcbcf029f855⋯.png (654.88 KB, 990x919, 990:919, 1440623698.dracky_tika_and….png)

File: 3d78e9fba83b514⋯.png (467.97 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1440790154.wen_diaperboys1….png)

File: 507d4420c9ea2cf⋯.png (329.27 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1441819736.wen_septemberyc….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79751

File: 52d0808496c53bc⋯.png (168.29 KB, 1280x1190, 128:119, 1442181134.carnival-tricks….png)

File: 93c9634b7bc2654⋯.png (3.04 MB, 3300x3300, 1:1, 1442362631.wen_jenny1.png)

File: 858ae01a093a422⋯.png (228 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, 1442799973.jimmyrumshot_pa….png)

File: 9229dfa9aa98188⋯.png (154.74 KB, 1201x1280, 1201:1280, 1442951644.wen_diaperplay.png)

File: 5fce2b4f077a2d8⋯.png (174.21 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1443642461.wen_radixbutt_w….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79752

File: c527dc42cb355c6⋯.png (106.88 KB, 682x1280, 341:640, 1443728204.carnival-tricks….png)

File: ab8215fb9aa16ac⋯.png (196.16 KB, 1280x1090, 128:109, 1443816969.wen_sleeping_it….png)

File: e4cd2877d02cb66⋯.png (209.57 KB, 1199x1280, 1199:1280, 1443943141.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: 7bb3ef65461d1d7⋯.png (203.79 KB, 1280x1029, 1280:1029, 1443943294.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: f28f169a5c278d5⋯.png (235.07 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, 1445143575.jimmyrumshot_so….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79753

File: 88b7c46db53ff47⋯.png (222.06 KB, 1280x896, 10:7, 1445825182.dirtypaddercat_….png)

File: ce3dae7109d2b59⋯.png (177.28 KB, 1037x1280, 1037:1280, 1446598087.carnival-tricks….png)

File: e28db7d17134efd⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 1280x828, 320:207, 1465448588.sharkypaddedbot….jpg)

File: b3e50de1efd6422⋯.jpg (358.11 KB, 1112x1280, 139:160, 1474599223.wen_smallerych2.jpg)

File: 7d1ae2a9e72d38e⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1662x1908, 277:318, 1475265936.disparitybit_dr….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79755

File: b50f051afc51543⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1223x1250, 1223:1250, 1478003774.addickted_hallo….png)

File: 406629522aedb9d⋯.jpg (97.47 KB, 741x1280, 741:1280, 136732299962.jpg)

File: e8768b7f75d24b0⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1902x1195, 1902:1195, 1287311087540.jpg)

File: d1c6135493f0e3e⋯.png (786.36 KB, 2250x1500, 3:2, 1385447486782.png)

File: 6492cec2d34029b⋯.png (229.16 KB, 1144x1122, 52:51, 1402415290165.png)

More pony stuff, which counts IMO, I might be out of furry I gotta look through this horribly unorganized folder

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3ee5ea  No.79756

File: ec06e13548d8994⋯.png (486.47 KB, 1567x876, 1567:876, 1416183718092.png)

File: cecb32c853fad6a⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 1280x1011, 1280:1011, 1418604639254.jpg)

File: 46d7776d36ab8a9⋯.jpg (138.78 KB, 1280x879, 1280:879, 1418607456626.jpg)

File: ea38137cfa0b304⋯.jpg (157.89 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1420869468708.jpg)

File: 1ecafdd977a37cd⋯.jpg (446.63 KB, 774x1100, 387:550, 1420902817581-1.jpg)

I was wrong

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3ee5ea  No.79757

File: 276c511c044fb10⋯.png (763.44 KB, 1234x1260, 617:630, 1420902817581-2.png)

File: 564434a640f2a87⋯.jpg (96.76 KB, 684x1280, 171:320, 1420902817581-3.jpg)

File: fd45053e4b58159⋯.jpg (128.81 KB, 1089x1280, 1089:1280, 1420903775848.jpg)

File: 718ac0d6892bc82⋯.png (577.11 KB, 1067x1237, 1067:1237, 1420968318662-0.png)

File: 4b3396b6bc00afe⋯.png (419.21 KB, 664x1000, 83:125, 1421233842674-0.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79758

File: 9505c59c8a25868⋯.jpg (863.27 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, 1421960836861-1.jpg)

File: 5604b664be6bd89⋯.jpg (576.69 KB, 1100x897, 1100:897, 1421960836861-2.jpg)

File: e05805fb079187c⋯.jpg (148.2 KB, 1226x1280, 613:640, 1422403964291-2.jpg)

File: 2206d7f2cbfd042⋯.jpg (248.7 KB, 792x1200, 33:50, 1422906697215.jpg)

File: a93447cd7eb9706⋯.jpg (779.18 KB, 918x1200, 153:200, 1423755093990-1.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79759

File: fce7c27ae203f57⋯.jpg (157.11 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1423755093990-2.jpg)

File: ed1b71bb6528fed⋯.png (951.64 KB, 1258x1020, 37:30, 1439143601013.png)

File: ba7fe58a2c339a6⋯.png (123.68 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 1439144304264-1.png)

File: b7dc9339a795a8f⋯.png (510.03 KB, 1150x800, 23:16, 1439168489361.png)

File: b2f77fd2b81d068⋯.png (92.68 KB, 850x1280, 85:128, 1439171619083-2.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79760

File: 1c4dc40bc59b9eb⋯.jpg (452.11 KB, 1200x568, 150:71, 1439192100518-0.jpg)

File: 25662bdc83949ba⋯.jpg (683.12 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, 1439192100518-1.jpg)

File: 90092fee3a02345⋯.jpg (823.77 KB, 776x1200, 97:150, 1439192100519-3.jpg)

File: 64861b3b9fed380⋯.png (427.69 KB, 1000x1186, 500:593, 1439192985416-3.png)

File: fcbe16ae5d66f16⋯.jpg (123.4 KB, 1033x1280, 1033:1280, 1439226151583.jpg)

The world needs more diaper sex pics

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3ee5ea  No.79761

File: 5de5564fc5fb547⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2525x2777, 2525:2777, 1439226658061-0.png)

File: 7426a3e2eea0feb⋯.png (420.42 KB, 794x732, 397:366, 1439328769865.png)

File: 43d4f5b8f3e1451⋯.png (356.9 KB, 763x1144, 763:1144, 1439329747115-1.png)

File: 0720341772f569f⋯.png (688.82 KB, 839x1200, 839:1200, 1439329747116-3.png)

File: b1b1c49efe24956⋯.png (203.6 KB, 907x1055, 907:1055, 1439377164623.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79762

File: 92f3b443cd6b00d⋯.png (205.05 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, 1439444382310-1.png)

File: 00633e6ffd16993⋯.png (218.55 KB, 800x1117, 800:1117, 1439653297573-2.png)

File: f4ea48044929d51⋯.png (728.89 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, 1439667718204-1.png)

File: ab2cb0c0ac1bef6⋯.png (761.73 KB, 1350x1315, 270:263, 1440079044345-3.png)

File: 4258471a0963177⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1440240383570-1.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79763

File: 7d11ed0416dc9bb⋯.jpg (128.92 KB, 1241x1280, 1241:1280, 1440322924485.jpg)

File: dd5b08da795819e⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 615x778, 615:778, 1440401688691.jpg)

File: 99bd55eeb22c478⋯.png (180.87 KB, 1208x1151, 1208:1151, 1440622494020.png)

File: 31157bc24728c9c⋯.png (107.71 KB, 1280x886, 640:443, 1440747880599-0.png)

File: 0cf125f77700bdf⋯.jpg (119.95 KB, 1280x1013, 1280:1013, 1440839403318-1.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79764

File: 43b5d08c6378005⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1899x1425, 633:475, 1440839403319-3.png)

File: 64f3d34152df782⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 1440843142451-0.png)

File: 2f9fa42ad6d1ed1⋯.png (366.09 KB, 800x762, 400:381, 1440847040753.png)

File: f3a39e8be68eaf2⋯.png (285.88 KB, 633x960, 211:320, 1441152120176.png)

File: 4843f6ddbfc23ea⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 2783x3995, 2783:3995, 1441256701386.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79765

File: d6c443bbe926a2a⋯.png (496.46 KB, 1184x1157, 1184:1157, 1442376925665-2.png)

File: 5b23a7a0363145d⋯.jpg (595.3 KB, 1790x992, 895:496, 1442407122406-2.jpg)

File: 5e4a540dd870609⋯.jpg (124.04 KB, 753x1280, 753:1280, 1442518977481-0.jpg)

File: e72be099793cc2c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1442518977525-1.png)

File: 8d99cc6be468dbf⋯.jpg (302.97 KB, 1280x1244, 320:311, 1442518977526-2.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79766

File: ffe22d23d66ecd8⋯.jpg (320.29 KB, 1267x1024, 1267:1024, 1442631831988-2.jpg)

File: f2adb4cf96f1667⋯.png (307.37 KB, 1200x729, 400:243, 1442658503836.png)

File: 87e400316f446c4⋯.jpg (285.23 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1442717172029-3.jpg)

File: 35dfe99aff2340a⋯.jpg (660.06 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, 1443079107084-3.jpg)

File: 25ec96cfe8db7fd⋯.jpg (902.2 KB, 949x1200, 949:1200, 1443122162572-1.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79767

File: 541db61c86c083d⋯.jpg (268.15 KB, 700x989, 700:989, 1443122162574-3.jpg)

File: 6f171fec6feffa9⋯.png (589.9 KB, 1940x1436, 485:359, 1443623890251-4.png)

File: 79c52e8f38f58b4⋯.png (517.61 KB, 1020x1273, 1020:1273, 1443779123604-1.png)

File: 3303246d4709a6e⋯.png (161.38 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1444035660306.png)

File: 7389890fcce10cd⋯.png (553.84 KB, 1006x1176, 503:588, 1444912662201.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79768

File: dfe82b4cdc7b772⋯.png (617.66 KB, 778x1150, 389:575, 1446007205919-0.png)

File: 5d2000fd26ec86c⋯.png (935.58 KB, 939x1280, 939:1280, 1446327200903.png)

File: 3e21016e54e003b⋯.jpg (393.31 KB, 1072x1024, 67:64, 1446509041722-1.jpg)

File: 4a954e477d132e1⋯.png (502.61 KB, 1456x1599, 112:123, 1446513697719-1.png)

File: d8b06ab6cfa42ee⋯.png (900.5 KB, 1280x1032, 160:129, 1471840606027-3.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79769

File: e774d18b24a771a⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 500x727, 500:727, 1505615054633.jpg)

File: f8ac7a63b4640af⋯.jpg (496.88 KB, 826x1245, 826:1245, 1505615131226.jpg)

File: d3f568811bedfce⋯.png (581.37 KB, 938x1264, 469:632, 1505615311875.png)

File: f7f07f2de1c407b⋯.png (302.02 KB, 686x1100, 343:550, 1505615328930.png)

File: d43e7f06c60c079⋯.jpg (139.44 KB, 869x768, 869:768, 1505615428094.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79770

File: 18b824ecffe1b2f⋯.png (468.43 KB, 1280x750, 128:75, 1505615551466.png)

File: 137a6035a199486⋯.png (505.04 KB, 750x1280, 75:128, 1505615583732.png)

File: aa467be60679741⋯.jpg (244.93 KB, 1280x1180, 64:59, 1505615642753.jpg)

File: c28ad9e02eaf0cb⋯.jpg (158.36 KB, 1264x1280, 79:80, 1505615659851.jpg)

File: 37bff13678f4357⋯.jpg (98.23 KB, 720x1262, 360:631, 1505615677275.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79771

File: f7a6d771b466f2f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, 1505615894467.png)

File: ea41d164791f8e6⋯.png (734.65 KB, 820x1000, 41:50, 1505615913174.png)

File: 582ac5bc50df65c⋯.jpg (229.72 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1505615996771.jpg)

File: ed7b90cf7a7ba33⋯.jpg (476.49 KB, 1200x1145, 240:229, 1505616278346.jpg)

File: 8cdd2f967102d77⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 624x674, 312:337, 1505616592126.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79772

File: 774a6091fa5f2eb⋯.png (555.33 KB, 750x1280, 75:128, 1505616662737.png)

File: 74d3e58324a831b⋯.png (214.99 KB, 965x606, 965:606, 1505616897498.png)

File: 257d773ec9aa681⋯.jpg (211.26 KB, 1280x1138, 640:569, 1505616957175.jpg)

File: 64f896bd8a0da3e⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 880x723, 880:723, 1505617366069.jpg)

File: e1d79f16c893562⋯.jpeg (662.92 KB, 1000x884, 250:221, a2.jpeg)

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3ee5ea  No.79773

File: 2dad91d6291bf28⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, a3.jpg)

File: 7f63cf453ef3f28⋯.png (633.76 KB, 1080x916, 270:229, ace9b8de8bc9d6415a6a316528….png)

File: 175c20081415754⋯.png (303.96 KB, 800x763, 800:763, ah_1355314924696.crackajac….png)

File: 5364f7e5a1c7f6f⋯.jpg (415.35 KB, 786x900, 131:150, ah_1364176111212.sharkypad….jpg)

File: 459e3aa62ff64b0⋯.jpg (427.42 KB, 863x1200, 863:1200, ah_1366041512154.mooneston….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79774

File: 996d3fc114083fb⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ah_1402735666855.lizab_slu….png)

File: ab1d22a07eb1654⋯.jpg (162.24 KB, 934x800, 467:400, andrewneo_02.jpg)

File: d7bd8539c0b7edb⋯.jpg (161.09 KB, 750x1280, 75:128, b0c9f4c339bbde709090476e31….jpg)

File: 34826c7e41f0379⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 886x445, 886:445, Baby-Vulpix_coloured.jpg)

File: 7a1878e05afc5aa⋯.jpg (173.37 KB, 1280x1019, 1280:1019, bce8154ee81cd50f28085e9ade….jpg)

I think i misnamed the second part of the last image so it will pop up eventually

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4839a1  No.79775


It tends to be cuter. When it's just a normal adult human with a dog's head or whatever it just freaks me out though.

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3ee5ea  No.79776

File: 67ab31f221f3821⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1001x1280, 1001:1280, bd36ca72f25a4a4e2d5b06fb6d….png)

File: ed127d0e828c34f⋯.jpg (173.15 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie1.jpg)

File: c98011800114972⋯.jpg (190.78 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie2.jpg)

File: 2ef8c63a6a5630a⋯.jpg (184.85 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie3.jpg)

File: 442a10678f53492⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie4.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79777

File: 62f8dce72e9f058⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie5.jpg)

File: 97900eddf495f99⋯.jpg (250.29 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie6.jpg)

File: d448a063ff90137⋯.jpg (156.51 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Blankie7.jpg)

File: a49e71f1c5cba71⋯.jpg (952.2 KB, 2000x1321, 2000:1321, c50240c0ffedd25983ee3ccc2c….jpg)

File: ebd5925cf7a4146⋯.png (514.05 KB, 900x750, 6:5, CouchCuddles.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79778

File: 2e407ce74658bc5⋯.png (397.14 KB, 900x524, 225:131, CrinklyButtRubs.png)

File: 584a0c3c57b5062⋯.jpg (96.81 KB, 1280x1217, 1280:1217, D1jgMYUWwAArGbN.jpg)

File: ca0e67f03b28b13⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1600x1250, 32:25, d6b1cd8211c42346bf2ee46e58….png)

File: 22f522a6787740c⋯.jpg (264.27 KB, 1280x905, 256:181, d38dbde94e20b0fd82e5fe7b13….jpg)

File: d9b4305cb0f90ac⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1898x1349, 1898:1349, d642d4fb2e3259c20a2760cd4c….png)

I'd fuck the shit out of this wildberry poptart looking boy

(not literally)

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3ee5ea  No.79779

File: 5e5f4382b42870b⋯.png (731.5 KB, 1100x1107, 1100:1107, d816343945b8b027c414172907….png)

File: c1327596bca897d⋯.png (235.55 KB, 650x891, 650:891, dafce.png)

File: 50c1880c46a7468⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1613x1808, 1613:1808, ddc1d03d05265a32d15a950979….png)

File: 4fe8b46f85c3d02⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1082x1280, 541:640, dea4b2853db18d179883eb046d….png)

File: d508771ccbe9642⋯.png (399.87 KB, 920x920, 1:1, Diaperedlioness2.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79780

File: 66f56d634c8679e⋯.png (443.71 KB, 1208x1892, 302:473, diaperpokem.png)

File: 35abe2ee56b8495⋯.jpg (760.57 KB, 1280x971, 1280:971, dog.jpg)

File: 72d3350ac461da2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1615x1211, 1615:1211, dprshepfem.png)

File: 207e3d904d1d02a⋯.jpg (137.54 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Dy5H7cOXcAArmxS.jpg)

File: 0dc509ee16d12e6⋯.jpg (222.37 KB, 1553x2048, 1553:2048, Dy633g_X0AEew_a.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79781

File: 0a3240d92967fc1⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 887x1199, 887:1199, DyDItQaWkAI5mJw.jpg)

File: ba1d0032fdf6a69⋯.jpg (203.25 KB, 922x1200, 461:600, DyGvUv8WsAI7WU2.jpg)

File: 7cec9e5aaab70e5⋯.jpg (189.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DyHy5vvUcAAhvnI.jpg)

File: 99e320b776340cf⋯.jpg (185.8 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DyHyq6QVAAA3BNt.jpg)

File: 2a7a00afc3df365⋯.jpg (248.81 KB, 1898x2048, 949:1024, DyMi0ONWoAAiERD.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79782

File: e27addfee2aa4bf⋯.jpg (93.16 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, DySlthpWoAA2q6F.jpg)

File: 65e0215d706e30c⋯.jpg (92.93 KB, 1101x1200, 367:400, DyWrewWWkAc0Zhn.jpg)

File: 6fce27e0da59fab⋯.jpg (105.87 KB, 966x1200, 161:200, DyXJ2t7XQAAegdM.jpg)

File: e04e7555f388efa⋯.png (258.3 KB, 1024x852, 256:213, e04e7555f388efae0e08f6b54a….png)

File: 407b3e353f00807⋯.png (738.71 KB, 750x1280, 75:128, e10ebcbcd0d2e03da15c336498….png)

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3ee5ea  No.79783

File: bf5cc4fd9fa1f41⋯.png (890.65 KB, 756x1280, 189:320, eaf06c780e2153116f57f7d21d….png)

File: 0354b00937459d6⋯.gif (623.35 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, eb8ab138a206e1c924a641fa3d….gif)

File: aa4df9544e7d8be⋯.jpg (165.91 KB, 750x1280, 75:128, f8e724c63430807b98cb2bc1c1….jpg)

File: 4281cbcb3782eba⋯.jpg (144.52 KB, 800x800, 1:1, f22c306088c65ebfda78b1e5a1….jpg)

File: 48352b63dc32e73⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 1199x776, 1199:776, f9958c5bc402ba3d876635fade….jpg)

Would you /abdl/?

His glasses are a bit too elton john for me but I think I would

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3ee5ea  No.79784

File: 414b3e1580002ef⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1960x1297, 1960:1297, f029321.jpg)

File: 6258b4175ccd976⋯.png (962.82 KB, 1267x1024, 1267:1024, FaceGrinding.png)

File: f87133d65c734ce⋯.png (532.65 KB, 900x917, 900:917, fapfapfapfapfap.png)

File: f02beb21134bc6b⋯.jpg (245.68 KB, 761x816, 761:816, feed.jpg)

File: 4590879ab708143⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1259x1024, 1259:1024, FirstTime.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79785

File: 56402e1e7024d67⋯.png (1.38 MB, 3000x2287, 3000:2287, fox change by mommy.png)

File: 38e744a14d7f393⋯.jpg (129.28 KB, 1003x1280, 1003:1280, HB_AZ_0003.jpg)

File: aa59f91a8caa4b9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1072x1024, 67:64, HuskyPlaytime.png)

File: d7fd16b359fae30⋯.jpg (151.37 KB, 1367x2048, 1367:2048, Jasonwen.jpg)

File: ff4a600f327b44c⋯.png (301.38 KB, 1024x935, 1024:935, KalidaEnjoysBeingPoofy.png)

Get to contribute my own commission for once, how exciting

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3ee5ea  No.79786

File: 545365030d7f241⋯.png (236.32 KB, 900x563, 900:563, KalidaSilky.png)

File: 7a19871918657bb⋯.jpg (270.45 KB, 955x1280, 191:256, KbXM1.jpg)

File: dc90184f40f8b33⋯.png (210.93 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, KierraLeaks.png)

File: 956d2b8feb9faa0⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2523x2496, 841:832, koriscry.png)

File: 0fc3c73fbc18ba1⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1386x1024, 693:512, LeakyLayers.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79787

File: d664307245da13e⋯.png (547.68 KB, 778x1280, 389:640, lucario2.png)

File: 0dc65acde175a5c⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 600x900, 2:3, pc131478402870_petichan.jpg)

File: c3ae1259c2aee9e⋯.png (519.58 KB, 1000x918, 500:459, pot.png)

File: 533c8bf50b2551c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1653x1024, 1653:1024, Saturated21.png)

File: 4da8a174e3ded7a⋯.png (379.84 KB, 974x1200, 487:600, sergal.png)

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3ee5ea  No.79789

File: 8679780ac1fc3d2⋯.jpg (646.46 KB, 902x1280, 451:640, smile.jpg)

File: 26af9531c2db157⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

File: f78bcb4da405a85⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

File: f12c035f40b9a35⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

File: 8c7e824250fa352⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

Bonus blankieplush comic that i can never find anywhere else

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3ee5ea  No.79790

File: 12cc84c08432075⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

File: dc1f5b439dc7df0⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1236x1600, 309:400, TheBlankiefromYourClosetPa….jpg)

File: 7d6a7743aaaefa6⋯.jpg (233.81 KB, 1132x842, 566:421, toon_1285544914069_IMG_040….jpg)

File: a58f9eb82a61506⋯.png (328.4 KB, 1280x963, 1280:963, tumblr_md6rkiX4Zb1riul89o1….png)

File: b6ab5c6a01443a3⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 674x750, 337:375, Tundradiap.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79791

File: 0db50f17152d4eb⋯.png (920.58 KB, 1310x1024, 655:512, Wetskunk.png)

And that's it

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c41a7e  No.79792


That was one epic image dump!

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3ee5ea  No.79793

File: 7ddb4dad6039b3f⋯.png (275.95 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, 1528571656.gibsonscratch_l….png)

File: c561a3365ec39f9⋯.jpg (143.84 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, D0xFRYMU8AAUAaa.jpg)

File: eec47bca728bd38⋯.jpg (192.05 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, D1BSrB8U4AAKCCs.jpg)

File: e91b4d05462d3a5⋯.jpg (199.58 KB, 1461x2048, 1461:2048, D10DJuZXQAALT_y.jpg)

File: 95e59c612bee8de⋯.jpg (141.2 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, Db100_hU0AAHOY3.jpg)


Glad you liked it, here's a few more (mostly blankieplush) pics i forgot to save until just now

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3ee5ea  No.79794

File: e1b013e545deb73⋯.jpg (176.01 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DfYKBWDU8AEJuGY.jpg)

File: 3b5b194e86365e3⋯.jpg (140.86 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DgL0vYLU8AIWt5S.jpg)

File: 0c906653ca27f99⋯.jpg (169.85 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DrhPTFCU0AAdGeR.jpg)

File: 284b53d5b126dce⋯.jpg (133.12 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DsFzBbPUcAA2Ei1.jpg)

File: 02e2f0e60d69511⋯.jpg (169.54 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, Dtq_IyIVAAETjC2.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79795

File: edccfe0faf1096b⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, Du0SkaEUYAACsPq.jpg)

File: 72c3bcfdee73b02⋯.jpg (117.83 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DwfCIpzU0AAXAlQ.jpg)

File: 1cea08c3fb2d042⋯.jpg (177.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DxdzFhzVAAEUdS9.jpg)

File: 3475193aa54b620⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DxESI2pUwAA_tgO.jpg)

File: ba9c85bab2e8655⋯.jpg (151.67 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DxJifrWU0AAI8ie.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.79796

File: c3d91bb7c623753⋯.jpg (123.3 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DyhF-gDUYAIF8Yq.jpg)

File: 68d367c121e40f0⋯.jpg (211.17 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DYmHEj0VwAA53vb.jpg)

File: 0e553dcab6cd887⋯.jpg (121.11 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DzOZzTbUwAAfAam.jpg)

File: 64e9ef7d69e9522⋯.jpg (157.11 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DzTEq56VAAAPHgP.jpg)

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80087d  No.79800


wasn't there others like this animated gif. I

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05cf14  No.79920


I absolutely love pictures/scenes where someone is in a car and wets/messes themselves because they cant hold it long enough to get to a rest stop.

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05cf14  No.79924


where did that second to last one come from? I didnt see it in their gallery.

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697394  No.79932

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3ee5ea  No.79984

File: 4cec07fe374af98⋯.jpg (211.15 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1548977330.chuckybb_wip156.jpg)

File: a199e12d33130b7⋯.jpg (146.38 KB, 1280x699, 1280:699, 1549123853.yukisuka-fu_q06….jpg)

File: 5982af8cbe2ed9e⋯.jpg (115.29 KB, 782x1280, 391:640, 1544915316.chuckybb_wip111.jpg)

File: 97ee0501c27c939⋯.jpg (168.74 KB, 931x1280, 931:1280, 1545480464.chuckybb_wip131.jpg)

File: bc8564b3fdfea49⋯.jpg (243.62 KB, 1280x1251, 1280:1251, 1548545680.chuckybb_wip138.jpg)


Didn't even realize there was a more explicit version, hell yea

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acfff9  No.79986





So much degeneracy… I love it.

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3ee5ea  No.80043

File: 66337578eacc2ed⋯.jpg (407.36 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1549860056.blankie_lysis_s….jpg)

File: 3c0b10e8f98f535⋯.jpg (294.46 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1549860154.blankie_lysis_s….jpg)

File: f0098ebc003b9a5⋯.jpg (339.83 KB, 900x1002, 150:167, 0d5fcb38eb9d8f9b02c6f2d4d3….jpg)

File: 7e28642b860abf6⋯.jpg (343.24 KB, 805x1200, 161:240, 1544134357.blankie_yizzeo_….jpg)

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8da212  No.80067



where was the less explicit version/the pre-wet version (with the little fuel gauge in it) found? I didn't find that on the artists page.


I love the first two. Whats going on in the second though? just groping?

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697394  No.80070



Whoops, didn't realize it was different. Here's the the cleaner version on their Twitter.


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3ee5ea  No.80910

File: 58d7d620f88e7ee⋯.jpg (147.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D3g8B2zXoAgvUpD.jpg)

Surprised how difficult it is to have an active furry thread tbh

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39f6f7  No.81463

File: a578f9214c0bf39⋯.png (997.89 KB, 949x1064, 949:1064, 1554997600.teca_smoosh.png)

File: e97b10958c24306⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1114x1174, 557:587, 1555025038.teca_tush.png)

File: 183b159b965dd1a⋯.jpg (149.47 KB, 1280x797, 1280:797, 1555116572.teca_ohdeer.png.jpg)

File: 5ae3e3dc9e9c5d4⋯.png (852.07 KB, 1174x1012, 587:506, 1555376997.teca_foxnlynx.png)

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3ee5ea  No.81464

File: 88664dbdb20c79f⋯.jpg (209.44 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, 1554924976.chuckybb_wip174.jpg)

File: 7aa5249f3185252⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 3020x5123, 3020:5123, WIP127.jpg)

File: 36e3ffeb80853ff⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 4000x5641, 4000:5641, WIP145.jpg)

File: 37b509f47d50575⋯.jpg (923.19 KB, 3000x5000, 3:5, WIP146.jpg)


Hey thanks for contributing, i got some stuff to post now as well

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3ee5ea  No.81465

File: d45546b4c24f24f⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3000x5500, 6:11, WIP150.jpg)

File: d4c8014e47f6996⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 5600x4000, 7:5, WIP152.jpg)

File: 635931a50ecf60e⋯.jpg (970.37 KB, 3500x5500, 7:11, WIP157.jpg)

File: 1353aefa6d743e2⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 3224x5447, 248:419, WIP162.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81470

File: cb40cdc1d04cde5⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 4800x5000, 24:25, WIP164.jpg)

File: 285c9fd56592635⋯.png (340.95 KB, 897x866, 897:866, Argento.png)

File: f160d197b75fd27⋯.png (338.53 KB, 897x866, 897:866, Argento2.png)

File: e7127188faed68a⋯.jpg (94.42 KB, 1200x991, 1200:991, Argento3.jpg)


and now a bunch of argento

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3ee5ea  No.81471

File: 4591f7d5a5d6a33⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 1200x991, 1200:991, Argento4.jpg)

File: c856ba70def8ac4⋯.jpg (62.29 KB, 789x1113, 263:371, Argento5.jpg)

File: fc55091296bd81b⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 789x1113, 263:371, Argento6.jpg)

File: 7b6166570438a7c⋯.jpg (41 KB, 507x831, 169:277, Argento7.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81472

File: ed43a8d98171f41⋯.jpg (50.19 KB, 804x954, 134:159, Argento8.jpg)

File: 09cdcfdf2f2a469⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 612x987, 204:329, Argento9.jpg)

File: cbd2540fc802155⋯.jpg (86.78 KB, 1107x1032, 369:344, Argento10.jpg)

File: 2c2a09d87aee9ca⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 1107x1032, 369:344, Argento11.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81473

File: ac563fe1b93af3e⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 1200x1020, 20:17, Argento12.jpg)

File: 6fa45f6ce9af202⋯.jpg (170.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Argento13.jpg)

File: 11d295d9410261f⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 1022x1200, 511:600, Argento14.jpg)

File: 5c6b629e463c363⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 1022x1200, 511:600, Argento15.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81474

File: e5b6811391e9c40⋯.jpg (129.58 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, Argento16.jpg)

File: 4991dc9c6873bd8⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, Argento17.jpg)

File: 35bf76d5d78af92⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, Argento18.jpg)

File: 2edea846f01a335⋯.jpg (139.01 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, Argento19.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81475

File: d00eda844f1b76a⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 884x1200, 221:300, Argento20.jpg)

File: d9169bfdcbf0dcf⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 884x1200, 221:300, Argento21.jpg)

File: d6679b15c885e9f⋯.jpg (66.31 KB, 1189x1200, 1189:1200, Argento22.jpg)

File: 3d64fec34d6837a⋯.jpg (98.22 KB, 998x1200, 499:600, Argento23.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81476

File: 3b2c7535ee710dc⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1093x1200, 1093:1200, Argento24.jpg)

File: 9f9621316c91dc0⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 1093x1200, 1093:1200, Argento25.jpg)

File: 26ecc5473e555c0⋯.jpg (99.45 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, Argento26.jpg)

File: 15644a303ee9237⋯.jpg (94.16 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, Argento27.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81477

File: 98589b78fa8e348⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, Argento28.jpg)

File: 3ae28a4d4a8454d⋯.jpg (108.89 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, Argento29.jpg)

File: 7f15a1279220699⋯.jpg (83.56 KB, 967x1200, 967:1200, Argento30.jpg)

File: 672ae33ddba4045⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 792x1143, 88:127, Argento31.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.81478

File: dc93f4c66c7d84d⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 792x1143, 88:127, Argento32.jpg)

File: 746020bf6a9997d⋯.jpg (72.25 KB, 792x1143, 88:127, Argento33.jpg)

File: a7b3760c33dd082⋯.jpg (72.25 KB, 1056x1200, 22:25, D3rmjFOWsAE1My_.jpg)

File: deb6ff1f8683d0e⋯.jpg (252.75 KB, 1761x2048, 1761:2048, Dm2UxIPUwAArLi1.jpg)


worth noting there is more argento, i just saved the pics and variants i liked

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5ba0bc  No.81483


where did you find all of these argento pics?

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315dde  No.81492

File: c08d9f380b7495a⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 729x918, 27:34, Dx9henJU0AA-TCJ.jpg)

File: e337f36decad88b⋯.jpg (66.84 KB, 729x918, 27:34, Dx9hgTeU8AE0LUO.jpg)

File: fade1bf1d9484e4⋯.jpg (92.79 KB, 1060x1128, 265:282, DswxZUnU4AAtABu.jpg)

File: f567b77ab754f3b⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 1060x1128, 265:282, DswxaDuVYAAjfhz.jpg)


The first google result for me for "argento diaper" is an alt twitter account (SophiePoo) for diaper art.

This is where he got the art, presumably.

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3ee5ea  No.81963

File: 41ce2d0a2bbbfef⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 1199x876, 1199:876, argento34.jpg)

File: 5ba37b4c611cef3⋯.jpg (58.8 KB, 1199x876, 1199:876, Argento35.jpg)

File: c2987f057b5be4a⋯.jpg (175.33 KB, 1140x1200, 19:20, argento36.jpg)

File: 635ddc1b4008424⋯.jpg (171.69 KB, 1140x1200, 19:20, Argento37.jpg)


Yup! And good news, he's posted more

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3ee5ea  No.81964

File: 7972e91b0293a80⋯.jpg (155.46 KB, 1140x1200, 19:20, Argento38.jpg)

File: b9ff9f6c7d0e5a4⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 766x1080, 383:540, Argento39.jpg)

File: 552c5d85044bfc8⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 766x1080, 383:540, Argento40.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.83955

File: 96e85cc3b4c9887⋯.png (757.52 KB, 875x1125, 7:9, 6eb38989231031f193ce3b5f46….png)

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3ee5ea  No.84242

File: a2df8e7dce8145c⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 967x934, 967:934, Argento41.jpg)

File: fb81726e1299d07⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 967x934, 967:934, Argento42.jpg)

File: 4450e42d1139d38⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 967x934, 967:934, Argento43.jpg)

Argento is my fetish god at this point

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3ee5ea  No.84296

File: 7132d182eaac7bb⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 1063x1016, 1063:1016, D4ovUbHU8AI1xXo.jpg)

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9615d9  No.84299


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3ee5ea  No.84908

File: 190aff428f4e205⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 705x1044, 235:348, Argento44.jpg)

File: 932df0c3a5db291⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 705x1044, 235:348, Argento45.jpg)

File: 2edd38deb9ff122⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 396x679, 396:679, Argento46.jpg)

File: 384c42564c9ee71⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 396x679, 396:679, Argento47.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.85074

File: f6899edf456de60⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 5700x3900, 19:13, WIP203.jpg)

File: b637e614a15866d⋯.jpg (999.38 KB, 3700x5900, 37:59, WIP204.jpg)

File: c16ae751129eed1⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 3900x5700, 13:19, WIP205.jpg)

File: c9bb883b6ae5b1e⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 5000x3900, 50:39, WIP210.jpg)

Something not argento for once

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3ee5ea  No.85075

File: ed92cb7ac1efe48⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 3600x5700, 12:19, WIP189.jpg)

File: 06018cfb03efdcd⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 3600x5700, 12:19, WIP190.jpg)

File: 45a110b06a34fac⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3650x5895, 730:1179, WIP193.jpg)

File: c5f266fd0c9b8a9⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3900x5700, 13:19, WIP202.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.85096

File: 7a93ad19cc6da57⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, WIP177.jpg)

File: fcba55de5b3f40b⋯.jpg (975.2 KB, 4000x6000, 2:3, WIP181.jpg)

File: 88c7ee5a341072b⋯.jpg (727.73 KB, 2176x5000, 272:625, WIP182.jpg)

File: 326b39798981497⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3000x5958, 500:993, WIP185.jpg)

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7d3cd6  No.85103

File: 4b65ffcc6615582⋯.gif (190.44 KB, 250x186, 125:93, epZKWen.gif)




>Same face detected

If this was just one it would okay (?)

But every single face is the same shape except for the one profile face I bet this person CAD draws

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3ee5ea  No.85104

File: 157ca517b4adf80⋯.jpg (110.54 KB, 625x887, 625:887, D4-IaySU0AIaO-V.jpg)


The face isn't the point of diaper fetish art anon

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315dde  No.85124


Nah dude, same face absolutely matters, even in fetish art about diapers.

Different characters looking extremely similar is lazy, and perhaps even a little distracting if multiple characters are in one image, but sure, you can look past that. It's overall not too big a deal for any individual image.

The real shortcoming here is that the artist seems capable of only a very limited range of expressions with his faces.

Embarrassed is the same face they always draw, except the character has a closed mouth open at the side with clenched teeth and/or is blushing.

Hypnotized is the same face they always draw, except the character's tongue is sticking out and their eyes are multicolored.

Just look at these: >>79984 >>81464 >>81465 >>85074 >>85075 >>85096

In none of these images does an eyebrow move even a little.

In only a single image are the eyes anything but completely wide open.

Now I don't know about you, but the emotions of the character do a lot to enhance fetish art for me. Not being properly able to render emotion because you just draw the same face over and over hurts the art.

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3ee5ea  No.85133

File: 837cfd307aba7e1⋯.jpg (773.27 KB, 3000x2684, 750:671, D5hJsboWwAADSSo.jpg)

File: d4b1e5a8807a6f3⋯.jpg (117.39 KB, 1024x784, 64:49, D5hQ_yXXoAASRdj.jpg)

File: c29fa108279d3ef⋯.jpg (374.33 KB, 1580x2046, 790:1023, D5hq8PSX4AYtfgf.jpg)


That's a lot of tl;dr anon, i don't care about an artist being bad

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93b24c  No.85138

File: 71f84b341a5d3b7⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 447x567, 149:189, Rieva-little.JPG)


That last one is a more adult parody of this classic, I believe, from circa 2005

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315dde  No.85140


Okay dude, that really wasn't much text at all, but here's the tl;dr:

The artist's faces are so aggressively samey that they struggle to show the characters' emotions. This hurts the diaper fetish art.

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3ee5ea  No.85142


You know what would be really cool? If you posted better art to support the thread


Nice find

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315dde  No.85159


Furry art isn't my thing, though. I don't look for or collect this stuff. I have nothing to share.

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bab074  No.85161


who did the first picture? i love it

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acfff9  No.85165


Where have I seen this one? Feel like it was on the front page of a particular website or something.

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4d6297  No.85169

File: ba641d1bd062a31⋯.png (699.37 KB, 920x920, 1:1, 2419256_ludisluteo_yukisuk….png)

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3ee5ea  No.85251

File: 3bfd7a0526cdf1a⋯.jpeg (244.17 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1556923242.furrychrome_6f….jpeg)

File: ceb77152586154a⋯.jpg (304.43 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 1556850154.blankie_cody_di….jpg)

File: 50f1ec7a950007d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1434x1358, 717:679, 1556913555.disparitybit_un….png)

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3ee5ea  No.85372

File: c7c632c65b0c403⋯.jpg (113.47 KB, 1120x1196, 280:299, D5zHCo9WsAMvDfz.jpg)

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315dde  No.85376

File: c6ec6c4369dd85c⋯.png (196.01 KB, 496x1116, 4:9, amy diaper 2.png)

File: 235510e1aef9cfc⋯.png (204.62 KB, 496x1116, 4:9, amy diaper 2-2.png)

File: 5db7a1a07adbe1e⋯.png (224.68 KB, 579x945, 193:315, amy diaper 3.png)

File: 5f5db29e1d54ac1⋯.png (238.52 KB, 579x945, 193:315, amy diaper 3-2.png)


I lied. Have some art.

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67fe70  No.85402

File: 745e3061eb4029e⋯.png (311.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1556986453.artificialflavo….png)

File: 7371d7341cf92bf⋯.png (386.58 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1556540168.artificialflavo….png)

File: 3f3d140a1062fe9⋯.png (220.14 KB, 778x470, 389:235, 1557073493.artificialflavo….png)

File: b3a9d22d4f18a03⋯.png (184.66 KB, 607x483, 607:483, 1556538147.artificialflavo….png)




















Well, apparently there's this new Furry AB/DL artist called Artificial_Flavors, and I'm not sure if he/she is just doing a similar style to lmndrp or if he/she really IS lmndrp on a new account, what do you think?

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315dde  No.85408


Looks fake to me.

I'm struggling to point to any one particular quality in the art itself to cleanly demonstrate it, but the work in those quotes seems sloppy in a very intentional way from an artist capable of better.

These just seem sloppy.

The handwriting though. The handwriting is night and fucking day. Just look at it.

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d8184f  No.85411

File: eb0c264f02926ad⋯.png (121 KB, 1280x1005, 256:201, 1537494687.kurikia_houndoo….png)


They're not lmndrp, nor are they explicitly claiming to be, they've just decided to try and work the same style since lmn basically fucked out of the art community and a bunch of people are always raving about them / wanted to see the style come back and people encouraged them to do so.

I'm surprised it's taken an artist this long really, a lot of them talked about stepping up to be the new lmndrp with a style that's honestly not too hard to mimic, yet nobody had for almost a few years now

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3ee5ea  No.85439

File: e7200c638769b9a⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 1110x1000, 111:100, D56U0Q1UcAAm3DE.jpg)

File: f8fd040346985c3⋯.jpg (750.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D55dzzgWAAASpdU.jpg)

So happy to see diaper stuff coming from seth

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c8774e  No.85479


It's used on the babyfur page of wikifur

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cf5dc9  No.85494


Where can I find more pictures involving wet and/or messy diapers while in car seats?

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3ee5ea  No.85559

File: 34e25123ff77aac⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 624x936, 2:3, Argento52.jpg)

File: 63eab6d9afd8cbe⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 624x936, 2:3, Argento53.jpg)

File: a547b34319a7cdd⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2067x1426, 2067:1426, 1557006214.betabrothers_bu….png)

File: cfd93ad6340c315⋯.jpg (170.75 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, D57t61eV4AEeBlY.jpg)


No idea on something so specific, blankie plush draws car seat stuff sometimes.

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3ee5ea  No.85642

File: d1904618c3999bb⋯.jpg (105.38 KB, 1453x896, 1453:896, D58L1i2UwAAIwvF.jpg)

File: e66f79ecea4abe4⋯.jpg (140.58 KB, 1149x1001, 1149:1001, D57gDxaU8AAQM-5.jpg)

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022fe0  No.85650

File: d822fc890688447⋯.png (783.5 KB, 837x1223, 837:1223, car6.png)

File: 4323adc90a0f043⋯.png (919.05 KB, 921x753, 307:251, car7.png)

File: d211783d52b8a17⋯.jpg (640.4 KB, 903x1280, 903:1280, car8.jpg)

File: 6fe71c9f0f3ffde⋯.png (176.5 KB, 997x1280, 997:1280, car9.png)

File: 44e7493f04d6324⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2621x2717, 2621:2717, car10.png)

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022fe0  No.85651

File: ed055044c844782⋯.png (537.78 KB, 1200x875, 48:35, car1.png)

File: 0970c2bec57e54f⋯.jpg (177.63 KB, 1130x1280, 113:128, car2.jpg)

File: 89645e7cfe243d9⋯.png (308.03 KB, 861x829, 861:829, car3.png)

File: 3af28ed4487d490⋯.png (303.71 KB, 861x829, 861:829, car4.png)

File: f7a6d771b466f2f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1260x1260, 1:1, car5.png)


Here you go.

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022fe0  No.85654

File: 00fa08260401448⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 176.04 KB, 1130x1280, 113:128, car(piss).jpg)

File: 61332badc51dc3a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.93 MB, 2125x2924, 125:172, car(piss2).jpg)

File: c1a6924f37a42fc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 83.38 KB, 837x871, 837:871, car(scat).jpg)


Spoiler for leaking or scat.

Accidents in car seats is a very niche category, pretty hard to find content for.

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5d67d0  No.85739

File: 0111c38ce269d9e⋯.png (343.35 KB, 637x647, 637:647, 1376182969.lmndrp_pissquee….png)


Doesn't really look like lmndrp. Looks derivative of lmn's style for sure, but not the same.

I wonder if she'll ever try and come back to this kind of art, different name, different style than her usual comics maybe.

I hope so. Something's special about her art.

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8c9e38  No.85740




He's a fucking white male

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988f31  No.85743

File: c54e2f3852b7e5b⋯.png (166.88 KB, 607x483, 607:483, b3a9d22d4f18a035347f971107….png)

File: a5a0689c299067d⋯.png (8.25 KB, 93x67, 93:67, 20190509_221044.png)


How about the bunny's shirt?

>i miss lmndrp

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cf5dc9  No.85783


yeah, quite niche. Thanks for those though.

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1a619a  No.85785

File: a9319a87bc66c22⋯.png (1.47 MB, 513x750, 171:250, normal_1326596171_podamy_c….png)

File: ae01800a6e9698c⋯.png (1.47 MB, 513x750, 171:250, normal_1326596003_podamy_c….png)

File: 51307ac1e4a61e2⋯.jpg (403.63 KB, 568x750, 284:375, normal_1306962407_blackwol….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.85789

File: d365eecc1b7a7ab⋯.jpg (581.39 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, D2cXe4KWoAI5A-C.jpg)

File: 2ba3acd4061cc1b⋯.jpg (347.64 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, D6LDfyFWAAUbWFQ.jpg)

File: 1baf94776f3a2ec⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 1022x1289, 1022:1289, Argento55.jpg)

File: b6bac4a4ee9d79f⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 1022x1289, 1022:1289, Argento54.jpg)

Happy to see more people posting!

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1a619a  No.85790


1st and 2nd image should be swapped

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fba4f2  No.85799


I think it might be him.

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3ee5ea  No.85825

File: d365eecc1b7a7ab⋯.jpg (581.39 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, D2cXe4KWoAI5A-C (1).jpg)

File: 39edb6daada5133⋯.jpg (596.24 KB, 2730x4096, 1365:2048, D2S8YcWX4AAc--5 (1).jpg)

File: 78b2c930847d105⋯.jpg (112.76 KB, 1012x1250, 506:625, D6KMZBCW0AEjwD2.jpg)

File: cfa1d9483931a4d⋯.jpg (613.32 KB, 4096x3276, 1024:819, D6P5vywUIAA6Epk.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.85913

File: 3a12f9813a50703⋯.jpg (73.59 KB, 1102x1114, 551:557, argento56.jpg)

File: 29d99588775d361⋯.jpg (74.3 KB, 1102x1114, 551:557, Argento57.jpg)

File: a0a8a828e1700f0⋯.jpg (285.57 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 1557533128.blankie_bbf_bbd….jpg)

File: 58d7d620f88e7ee⋯.jpg (147.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D3g8B2zXoAgvUpD.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.85977

File: 5e7056c73b92543⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2329x1581, 137:93, 1db5d7efb7644c246d929672ba….png)

File: 9f12fce03be5130⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1157x818, 1157:818, a30954bf37df0ca399dfa2f9fd….png)

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3ee5ea  No.86021

File: 51102b07ee934c2⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 885x1533, 295:511, Argento58.jpg)

File: b9a256940756822⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 885x1533, 295:511, Argento59.jpg)

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f80c18  No.86026

File: 136aae945f92de6⋯.jpg (96.1 KB, 637x906, 637:906, AitoFox (27).jpg)

File: fc103427f6e19c7⋯.jpg (73.53 KB, 553x833, 79:119, D6a32NXU0AApCuR.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86077

File: ad39f46069aca02⋯.jpg (760.21 KB, 3561x3508, 3561:3508, D6fjwyVUEAEDrmQ.jpg)

File: 0f404f05a46c45c⋯.png (122.87 KB, 442x774, 221:387, D6eU0UZW0AA85wL.png)

File: dcd4d9b07b3a24a⋯.jpg (75.02 KB, 600x725, 24:29, D6dYsU4W4AE7hRu.jpg)

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4b9351  No.86126

File: 79d9dde896f838a⋯.jpg (146.29 KB, 1087x1031, 1087:1031, IMG_20190424_132716_771.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86170

File: 5aeca81ffb9d126⋯.jpg (51.27 KB, 1292x1256, 323:314, Argento60.jpg)

File: 61c06a1e52d48fd⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 1292x1256, 323:314, Argento61.jpg)

File: 442eb4abdaa831b⋯.jpg (282.16 KB, 1500x1146, 250:191, D6lGM3uUIAEbKHV.jpg)

File: 03b78cfaaf72857⋯.jpg (441.58 KB, 3400x2200, 17:11, D6kKLgxWAAArdgH.jpg)

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315dde  No.86185

File: c32812ad197930d⋯.png (326.07 KB, 894x1275, 298:425, Amy sketch edit D 3-1.png)

File: 25db27d155c39b5⋯.png (294.74 KB, 894x1275, 298:425, Amy sketch edit D 3-2.png)

File: 7f3862bae4a8796⋯.png (373.67 KB, 1348x956, 337:239, donuts D edits 1-1.png)

File: efd160e14c00c9e⋯.png (384.23 KB, 1348x956, 337:239, donuts D edits 1-2.png)

File: 9a55f79348b87d9⋯.png (377.58 KB, 1348x956, 337:239, donuts D edits 1-3.png)

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315dde  No.86186

File: 451f2040fc0c176⋯.png (294.9 KB, 792x1128, 33:47, Sophie stream sketchies D ….png)

File: 918382690113099⋯.png (310.37 KB, 792x1128, 33:47, Sophie stream sketchies D ….png)

File: c90d6e79043356e⋯.png (421.17 KB, 1028x1068, 257:267, rouge sketches D edits 2-1.png)

File: a250575805218dd⋯.png (431.35 KB, 1028x1068, 257:267, rouge sketches D edits 2-2.png)

File: a01982410ec0162⋯.png (443.69 KB, 1028x1068, 257:267, rouge sketches D edits 2-3.png)

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315dde  No.86187

File: 33b4fd88f5db47e⋯.png (462.24 KB, 1272x1388, 318:347, rouge sketches D edits 1-1.png)

File: f3f2d36cc6ec413⋯.png (476.41 KB, 1272x1388, 318:347, rouge sketches D edits 1-2.png)

File: 24c6ade8e436d43⋯.png (569.09 KB, 1272x1388, 318:347, rouge sketches D edits 1-3.png)

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3ee5ea  No.86188




Nice, are these from his patreon?

Thanks to these I'm up to like 73 argento pics now

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331d14  No.86192



This nigga and all his posts are the hero we want, but not the one we deserve

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315dde  No.86201


>Nice, are these from his patreon?



Well, I'm one of those quoted posts, but I'm not the guy that uploaded roughly a billion things in this thread.

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3ee5ea  No.86213

File: 329d15bb83633cc⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 1986x2410, 993:1205, D6n7qo4WsAAqDNb.jpg)

File: b6f1831afc7771e⋯.jpg (457.39 KB, 3511x2578, 3511:2578, D6qFQh1X4AYvWSl.jpg)

File: 174718de755ae7d⋯.jpg (84.24 KB, 836x1200, 209:300, D6p2gNcX4AA_Rnp.jpg)


Hey thanks

At this point im just posting anything i see on twitter

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3ee5ea  No.86262

File: 3c59504d614f100⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 788x1076, 197:269, Argento76.jpg)

File: 6f8989b69542fd7⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 788x1076, 197:269, Argento75.jpg)

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f80c18  No.86274

File: 3af79d134dd1682⋯.jpg (143.9 KB, 1024x1820, 256:455, HappyTheHusky (8).jpg)

File: 4406065202b4fac⋯.jpg (261.37 KB, 577x1024, 577:1024, HappyTheHusky (1).jpg)

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a8e4ad  No.86278


Do those suits have cock sleeves

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f80c18  No.86280


no but there are some who do

here just scroll down and you'll find them enjoy ^W^


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3ee5ea  No.86312

File: 2305af846e97dd9⋯.jpg (385.77 KB, 4096x2948, 1024:737, D6uYVe8UIAAfblE.jpg)

File: c97f1093edc552d⋯.jpg (346.02 KB, 2904x4096, 363:512, D6uYRuXU0AA7Ir_.jpg)

File: 4294c9dc6bf013b⋯.jpg (292.36 KB, 2904x4096, 363:512, D6uYOxrUYAE53En.jpg)

File: 684a94b38b74cb1⋯.jpg (271.46 KB, 2904x4096, 363:512, D6uYMDmU8AEjijc.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86355

File: 3fa0a3812dc6349⋯.jpg (416.55 KB, 3276x4096, 819:1024, D6uYxWMUYAAu1Y5.jpg)

File: 4e6698950db6807⋯.jpg (334.52 KB, 4096x3276, 1024:819, D6uYtxSUcAAwMVq.jpg)

File: 57050e98c559764⋯.jpg (317.68 KB, 4096x3276, 1024:819, D6uYqVFU8AAop1H.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86432

File: 9edd359ab8fb3ec⋯.jpg (752.92 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, D64GE79WkAEGpIH.jpg)

File: e23406f543957eb⋯.png (191.79 KB, 790x796, 395:398, D63XnEuUIAATXKi.png)

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3ee5ea  No.86444

File: abf2ccdb13011ae⋯.jpg (141.57 KB, 1370x1901, 1370:1901, D65V_GtW0AEkHFF.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86491

File: c9d1fd9a3fd0a84⋯.png (534.34 KB, 848x863, 848:863, D64rHZ0V4AAhyzv.png)

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3ee5ea  No.86539

File: c432a171b6665c1⋯.jpg (360.1 KB, 2077x2193, 2077:2193, D6-p1MDUYAA_EUA.jpg)

File: 7299247b59600b5⋯.jpg (278.73 KB, 2524x1630, 1262:815, D6-srJIU0AAh1aU.jpg)

File: 31e18b2360ffe62⋯.png (156.61 KB, 817x443, 817:443, D6-IvaxUIAEZ0Uu.png)


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f80c18  No.86585

File: 5b79b070d2260a7⋯.jpg (203.76 KB, 948x1221, 316:407, TanneriteHusky (1).jpg)

File: 70d14f651643ee6⋯.jpg (157.39 KB, 734x1182, 367:591, TanneriteHusky (2).jpg)

File: 5a6a5d1e44ac783⋯.jpg (784.71 KB, 2274x2940, 379:490, TanneriteHusky (7).jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86636

File: c17d95dbdc8fa10⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 887x992, 887:992, D7CvXLdUEAAbHMj.jpg)

File: f245e54b487b9a6⋯.jpg (222.45 KB, 1553x2048, 1553:2048, D7GkiPjUcAAai3t.jpg)

File: 2fe286317b2cc0b⋯.jpg (177.11 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, D7F_Gx9XkAAXR7O.jpg)

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f26217  No.86639


Damn I love / hate how they can make stuff like what pic 2 is wearing look so damn cute. I just know though that if I went through the trouble of acquiring that same outfit it would look cringe as fuck and I'd never wear it.

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f80c18  No.86650

File: fb8fb24f89b101c⋯.jpg (384.32 KB, 2048x1448, 256:181, D7H_T0YWkAAj-Ct.jpg)

File: 1607f6f9c3e121a⋯.jpg (170.81 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 1540064189.sharkypaddedbot….jpg)

File: 959b325d859120c⋯.jpg (94.94 KB, 1000x787, 1000:787, 537715_Nox_change_or_fun.jpg)

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e8d92a  No.86651

File: ca48eb175d3ca62⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 320x180, 16:9, giphy.gif)


I guess that's what he gets for…….Ridin Dirty

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f80c18  No.86665


more like ridin soggy i would say

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3ee5ea  No.86721

File: 649070a2cbc206a⋯.png (174.94 KB, 1280x1048, 160:131, 1558545713.babysp00ks_puff….png)

File: 680c93db32a2c61⋯.jpg (549.94 KB, 4096x4096, 1:1, D7M6O_9U0AEPonv.jpg)

File: 1ecdb706e90fafa⋯.jpg (554.55 KB, 4096x4096, 1:1, D7M6LeFU8AAq0Nz.jpg)

File: 6a9f8ff2842f987⋯.jpg (254.28 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, D7Ms57WW4AAYHAz.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86759

File: 3c26b9459a4d364⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 1000x1419, 1000:1419, D7QeSLIU8AEeoab.jpg)

File: 9cf846fe552f3f5⋯.jpg (314.01 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, 1558297330.blankie_cerim_s….jpg)

File: 219b031618d12d8⋯.jpg (251.63 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 1558302960.blankie_kaar_ca….jpg)

File: 284288bac29b2df⋯.png (129.16 KB, 1014x1280, 507:640, 1558446594.babysp00ks_omin….png)

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3ee5ea  No.86809

File: 0f8436200d13803⋯.jpg (345.38 KB, 2437x3000, 2437:3000, D7SnHdQWwAAdo9K.jpg)

File: c4901f8f54c8a2d⋯.jpg (81.59 KB, 1125x1512, 125:168, D7TCWkAUwAEWmG6.jpg)

File: 5bc0ef7ac01eb2b⋯.jpg (182.98 KB, 806x1280, 403:640, 1558648367.chuckybb_wip217.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.86962

File: 8be2d48d4a25df7⋯.jpg (664.9 KB, 3400x2560, 85:64, D7YTKk1WsAEz72E.jpg)

File: 1243f93bcf24ce6⋯.jpg (244.93 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 1558738250.blankie_masika_….jpg)

File: 392a7fbae34168f⋯.jpg (133.06 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, D7XayiWV4AAWbzp.jpg)

File: 2305267507ab430⋯.jpg (317.59 KB, 2830x3492, 1415:1746, D6u2FFpUwAACS9C.jpg)

if anyone has this person's patreon stuff i'd greatly appreciate it

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3ee5ea  No.86990

File: 7c392462edf0475⋯.jpg (182.81 KB, 1600x1475, 64:59, D7ZOsBvXYAAmMPZ.jpg)

File: 2840e3aa28b8869⋯.jpg (286.98 KB, 2048x1812, 512:453, D6oWn7CXsAAbTUE.jpg)

File: 41e57cad497b1cc⋯.jpg (188.69 KB, 2602x1732, 1301:866, D7WDbDBU0AAtngx.jpg)

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f80c18  No.86991

File: 87fa53d18a3e071⋯.jpg (208.52 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, TsunamiWolf (1).jpg)

File: 04ca3b70b35c9c5⋯.jpg (199.77 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, TsunamiWolf (2).jpg)

File: 67ffe543c27b951⋯.jpg (265.21 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, TsunamiWolf (4).jpg)

File: cb3770c24a37c50⋯.jpg (239.89 KB, 1280x954, 640:477, TsunamiWolf (5).jpg)

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3a5786  No.87022

You posted this in the wrong thread, the cringe thread is right here: >>47375

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3ee5ea  No.87077

File: e3b93ae941edda2⋯.jpg (205.3 KB, 869x768, 869:768, 13439321aabc8f2d9e8888619b….jpg)

File: d33fbde0f1acd4a⋯.jpg (179.33 KB, 1583x2048, 1583:2048, 914b45830c6687a1c81a607ae5….jpg)

File: ff0428ea0d50365⋯.png (402.26 KB, 624x674, 312:337, 89415e660fc227e4c4b485e98f….png)

File: b0e41489d6dc542⋯.jpg (394.74 KB, 639x800, 639:800, 5a824a0d39f47f8de55549c9af….jpg)

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f23425  No.87078


4th pic is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen

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3ee5ea  No.87169

File: 194b5024461e8eb⋯.jpg (258.77 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, D7cC8HzW0AIDn7W.jpg)

File: 8adc5aa7427e318⋯.jpg (230.21 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D7hgG_wXYAAncwe.jpg)

File: 41c9693a83adc0d⋯.png (496.22 KB, 1215x1280, 243:256, 1558827922.rileykit_c94e84….png)

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3ee5ea  No.87295

File: b80e0307ad9d5af⋯.jpg (342.05 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, D7l35ReX4AADC0c.jpg)

File: 4f4e6e61855df80⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1083x1320, 361:440, f3d814f7c8888fc611e07bfc90….png)

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3ee5ea  No.87322

File: ab347bf3f8f97c0⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 1250x975, 50:39, D7hGcD8WsAEUNKg.jpg)

File: bb15e597b83bfa4⋯.jpg (74.12 KB, 1086x975, 362:325, D7hGZ9qXYAIs-f_.jpg)

File: 8c4740c3c6d8771⋯.jpg (180.3 KB, 1827x2049, 609:683, D7rGvo4WwAE8iuE.jpg)

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f80c18  No.87323

File: 72cf48cd70237be⋯.jpg (103.82 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, EmberCollie (1).jpg)

File: 0771f809b93f52d⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, EmberCollie (2).jpg)

File: 4ae8910a435fb2a⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, EmberCollie (3).jpg)

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7614bc  No.87332


I know this person, they;re just doing stuff in a similar style ("artificially"), no deception or anything, it's like a tribute since Cate deleted her FA and there's no more art in that style

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3ee5ea  No.87388

File: 550028c4a93b512⋯.jpg (162.83 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, D6N7jYHWkAItnsN.jpg)

File: 0c6e36ffab335b4⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 744x1052, 186:263, D4mzO4jWsAYrmFk.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.87448

File: 11d7e3316f49e17⋯.jpg (699.06 KB, 2392x2206, 1196:1103, D7vequuW4AAiQ68.jpg)

I love wen's art

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303f2a  No.87450

File: 043ed3b33a0b315⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 600x800, 3:4, d67ba29a297db4107fa0b7023f….jpg)

File: 202a4a158aa61c5⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, f42ec5ec88ccd0db9cd6113628….jpg)

I love this artist

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3ee5ea  No.87565

File: 56dd848972f3743⋯.png (257.61 KB, 819x1160, 819:1160, 1559325752.trashpandalucas….png)

File: 5bd83a75d3cc56f⋯.jpg (407.83 KB, 2588x2534, 1294:1267, D76A0BvX4AAHv1J.jpg)

File: bbb7350f01c346c⋯.jpg (80.54 KB, 1054x959, 1054:959, D7ziSAuV4AE2Lq2.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.87627

File: d7f8c1b795f1ad2⋯.jpg (645.82 KB, 3000x2517, 1000:839, D77k9NwXYAEjP0x.jpg)

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eebdcd  No.87637

File: dfcc4af7652d274⋯.jpg (526.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20190601150218_1.jpg)

File: d606f0e2cb7e444⋯.jpg (554.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20190601150225_1.jpg)

This is the only thread I could think to post this on

Garrysmod is capable of amazing things, plus, pastebin is full of pac3.

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f80c18  No.87647

File: c0aec80cb3a7430⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 483x720, 161:240, ApolloFusky (1).jpg)

File: 778283ca445cc58⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 483x720, 161:240, ApolloFusky (2).jpg)

File: 97003990e5bc81e⋯.jpg (76.32 KB, 483x720, 161:240, ApolloFusky (3).jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.87667

File: 67b923678cf454b⋯.jpg (566.36 KB, 2039x2894, 2039:2894, D8BTcaYVsAEmuu0.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.87700

File: 93f6f1cd388cfdc⋯.jpg (152.39 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, D8D5ZveUYAclETv.jpg)

File: f63d2ec58c41b03⋯.jpg (158.61 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, D8D5ZY4UIAAXyaE.jpg)

File: 95d9787f2382895⋯.jpg (656.52 KB, 3937x4096, 3937:4096, D7738zhWwAA_St3.jpg)

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d8912c  No.87748

Furries are the Disney of ABDL.

Thanks for all the talking animal cartoons.

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3ee5ea  No.87920

File: 47c21eeb76d9423⋯.jpg (696.73 KB, 2947x2837, 2947:2837, D8TnqBlUwAEN-NN.jpg)

File: 23657134ed0709e⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 4096x3064, 512:383, D8R4kVVWwAE1odG.jpg)

File: 3e1951e3b0dec03⋯.jpg (135.78 KB, 1380x1470, 46:49, D8RXCFjVUAAibqO.jpg)

File: 376fbca7804ae1c⋯.jpg (783.67 KB, 4096x3413, 4096:3413, D8EyNUgVsAANyOT.jpg)

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9b2e9f  No.87932


Where is Wen posting her new stuff? Patreon?

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3ee5ea  No.87936


I get it off their twitter

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74e67b  No.87972


source on middle right(3rd) pic?

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3ee5ea  No.87989

File: 59efd270aca7d91⋯.jpg (301.6 KB, 2635x1734, 155:102, D8HbnZgXYAA6g4A.jpg)

File: 4f15c710ca4dad2⋯.jpg (306.68 KB, 2505x1703, 2505:1703, D8Hbk2AXsAA51eb.jpg)

File: 93d63f350c00be3⋯.jpg (99.09 KB, 1000x1224, 125:153, D8UNQiWU8AASb3a.jpg)

File: 14b87058702a51a⋯.jpg (126.31 KB, 1100x1348, 275:337, D8UMzg5UYAE4Fen.jpg)


I don't actually remember, ill let you know if i find it again

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f80c18  No.87991

File: c71e1e07df639da⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 464x848, 29:53, EpMHk3Q0yDsK7Oax.mp4)

File: c08a19b0a094b00⋯.jpg (433.75 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, BigRedHusky (3).jpg)

File: 30b7331e74ebfc6⋯.jpg (381.49 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, BigRedHusky (4).jpg)

File: e44d75752c971ec⋯.jpg (185.82 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, BigRedHusky (5).jpg)

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0332b6  No.88005

File: 7ab584f08ae0c6e⋯.jpg (121.35 KB, 1280x1241, 1280:1241, 1554294289.nieve_emilywet.jpg)

File: 505d24e5cd0bca3⋯.jpg (181.42 KB, 1219x1280, 1219:1280, 1427004802.nieve_comission….jpg)

File: fc5d473e92994df⋯.jpg (99.11 KB, 1145x1280, 229:256, 1551267720.nieve_raven.jpg)

Anyone know what happened to Nieve/NieveNocturna? Looks like they’ve closed all of their accounts.

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f05a2c  No.88017


Are those last two from Leosaeta? o_O didn't know he drew abdl stuff

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3ee5ea  No.88040


Yep, and increasingly lately

It's great

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041c83  No.88125

File: f5acf216ce852a1⋯.jpg (116.48 KB, 1024x864, 32:27, 1559974395855.jpg)

File: 24fca6841131ce9⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2948x2500, 737:625, 1559966427486.png)

File: e45f1e92daa8a6e⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 807x1280, 807:1280, 1559951816724.jpg)

File: 3b4839ce6f1a84e⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 370x800, 37:80, 1559951863651.jpg)

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053eec  No.88144

File: 83c2e2647efb863⋯.jpg (124.27 KB, 1280x880, 16:11, 1419555980.thunderequus_ze….jpg)

File: a9a029c23185c54⋯.png (147.23 KB, 550x953, 550:953, 1462954474.thunderequus_no….png)

File: 51f11d2debed742⋯.png (369.66 KB, 851x1279, 851:1279, 1391876892.thunderequus_ae….png)

File: 944eb0cf856e380⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 845x1280, 169:256, 1423183343.thunderequus_dr….jpg)

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053eec  No.88145

File: c49aafb015ff7a0⋯.png (466.68 KB, 739x837, 739:837, 1384543264.thunderequus_op….png)

File: e655e55de36be6a⋯.png (355.16 KB, 741x1039, 741:1039, 1388588613.thunderequus_au….png)

File: 0297ef7bd2e385b⋯.jpg (73.55 KB, 630x1280, 63:128, 1384543950.thunderequus_ay….jpg)

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053eec  No.88146

File: f13849fa071157b⋯.png (825.14 KB, 1155x914, 1155:914, 1395845114.thunderequus_ma….png)

File: adcab86bdd06b66⋯.png (588.99 KB, 1097x1000, 1097:1000, 1392206731.thunderequus_li….png)

File: f462fcb2d618d79⋯.png (250.14 KB, 1000x820, 50:41, 1392367372.thunderequus__p….png)

File: 06da1a87d02f155⋯.png (537.58 KB, 1104x1117, 1104:1117, 1384545025.thunderequus_af….png)

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053eec  No.88147

File: 948da1e49ee9042⋯.jpg (248.83 KB, 1260x990, 14:11, 1268200517.rabbitboy3_jewe….jpg)

File: 603c0d9ea15d347⋯.jpg (117.64 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, 1221458677.rabbitboy3_bunn….jpg)

File: 6ed95f595fcf7bb⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 599x1100, 599:1100, 1228629873.rabbitboy3_bunn….jpg)

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053eec  No.88148

File: fa1d70122137dbc⋯.jpg (129.49 KB, 1280x1046, 640:523, 1528157021.bunnykisses_nal….jpg)

File: 5f56fccfb61f1bd⋯.jpg (204.58 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1464575081.darth__-mr3mfi4….jpg)

File: 4157e2c1dc18e16⋯.png (541.95 KB, 1200x765, 80:51, 1378063505.craymin_simba.png)

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3ee5ea  No.88223

File: 5bac0cc0969f629⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2896x4096, 181:256, D8lSTVLXUAAgo27.jpg)

File: b68635ee5bea496⋯.jpg (414.46 KB, 3400x2400, 17:12, D8kZ3ppWkAEBOQj.jpg)

File: 7e70038c80bc3fd⋯.jpg (264.54 KB, 3400x2400, 17:12, D8kZ2yOXoAE8WOj.jpg)

File: 7e77a152efb188a⋯.png (171.05 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1559835455.wen_gingernaugh….png)

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34d9e8  No.88371


Can someone repost this?

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3ee5ea  No.88535

File: 9f77d75b598de35⋯.jpg (465.14 KB, 2430x3000, 81:100, D8_EKc2UIAAbqlv.jpg)

File: 21cace1cc6f4e60⋯.jpg (95.97 KB, 744x1052, 186:263, D83sm2UWsAAG1WX.jpg)

File: 755f662861bdadb⋯.jpg (32.15 KB, 732x1220, 3:5, D8vnQWXWsAA8SUv.jpg)

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f80c18  No.88536

File: ba546890e504001⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 538x720, 269:360, (1).jpg)

File: 92ec4cf5f76191d⋯.jpg (88.06 KB, 720x538, 360:269, (3).jpg)

File: 55b2d01d8b0ac79⋯.jpg (76.12 KB, 720x538, 360:269, (5).jpg)

File: 624571ef5da6e19⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 720x538, 360:269, (7).jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.88629

File: e0af965f6dc1e1c⋯.png (734.49 KB, 1284x1581, 428:527, Anaya commission for Tindu….png)

File: 8dc83e310e08fb2⋯.png (720.57 KB, 1284x1581, 428:527, Anaya commission for Tindu….png)

File: caefbabe48eb1bb⋯.jpg (993.73 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, D9Cme5ZX4AIZM9Z.jpg)

File: 01d42d4661e7a82⋯.jpg (155.32 KB, 768x1280, 3:5, 1560214055.chuckybb_wip239.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.88678

File: 2ae12a002274527⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2119x1200, 2119:1200, 2caf3f86de3082a21099c025fa….png)

File: 356b9725363aaa8⋯.png (793.41 KB, 982x1111, 982:1111, b91b6443a4d3da81e6342f2012….png)

File: 33c113635ad16ef⋯.png (685.9 KB, 956x1200, 239:300, 6463c9c0741439e4d23d5cca1b….png)

File: 77d1bcf702c7275⋯.jpeg (146.96 KB, 1280x1134, 640:567, 1560568862.furrychrome_05….jpeg)

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99e40c  No.88706


A bit pedo those three, not into it

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3ee5ea  No.88707

File: 75a9b3d325b52d5⋯.png (896.88 KB, 1085x1408, 1085:1408, 122597dc209ccf6ddd1cd9849b….png)

File: 90cdd740094f117⋯.png (541.79 KB, 1064x1394, 532:697, a7f03e01ca8c6b89323f4bf6ee….png)



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32293f  No.88709


Get out of here and chop your balls off

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3ee5ea  No.88710

File: a1cd5d2e069f715⋯.png (998.11 KB, 1338x1200, 223:200, a65017c7d4a12ee676ff0456c6….png)

File: 7bda360c60bf478⋯.png (941.49 KB, 1327x1000, 1327:1000, 50547e27d3f6a39e65b1b9bae9….png)


hi reddit, i didn't intend to dump skiddoo but I may as well

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3ee5ea  No.88760

File: 1a491fe1ecb76b3⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2730x4096, 1365:2048, D9NF5lWXkAQwT8e.jpg)

File: 7d9a645ff86fa4b⋯.png (748.81 KB, 1578x1809, 526:603, Rouge booty sketch 1-5.png)

File: 0eb7d78c370c49c⋯.png (729.85 KB, 1578x1809, 526:603, Rouge booty sketch 1-4.png)

File: 2594ce89bdce194⋯.png (3.14 MB, 3000x3704, 375:463, other_Sophie_stuff.png)

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3ee5ea  No.88818

File: d6ed098e7130a31⋯.jpg (158.46 KB, 1391x2000, 1391:2000, D8UKifqUEAAexKP.jpg)

File: 059db8ee56eb270⋯.jpg (267.82 KB, 1748x2480, 437:620, D9W9wfpVAAE-vbG.jpg)

File: 130edd4e9363bfb⋯.png (878.96 KB, 1692x2168, 423:542, Isabelle Futa D edit 1-1.png)

File: c99be25d03e2933⋯.png (894.17 KB, 1692x2168, 423:542, Isabelle Futa D edit 1-2.png)

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3ee5ea  No.88854

File: 98869b83df2bea5⋯.jpg (293.69 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, D9RZ0UaXsAAJmaW.jpg)

File: d2de725c5d1d6a2⋯.jpg (272.95 KB, 2048x2034, 1024:1017, D9WgQWJW4AAPWxT.jpg)

File: 3984f068f4e5a1b⋯.jpg (129.21 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, D4Pq84VXsAAUu6T.jpg)

File: a6edc9c09db6619⋯.jpg (231.62 KB, 1600x2048, 25:32, D9UX7N9W4AI2cZG.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.88958

File: ac4375f8b5470a7⋯.jpg (131.4 KB, 784x1280, 49:80, 1561071435.chuckybb_wip248.jpg)

File: 4a54705f0027e97⋯.jpg (170.76 KB, 862x1280, 431:640, 1561071627.chuckybb_wip260.jpg)

File: 7319640cdccacd6⋯.jpg (99.06 KB, 720x960, 3:4, D9efa_4W4AEi76P.jpg)

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03bcd2  No.88978


Where do they post their diaper stuff? Can;t really find any

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3ee5ea  No.88979

File: a695423e98d54c3⋯.jpg (842.55 KB, 2972x4096, 743:1024, D9i9_9_WkAAjRX_.jpg)

File: c235cbb894f4c45⋯.jpg (703.05 KB, 2425x2897, 2425:2897, D9iwBhwW4AEQYXh.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.89098

File: 9e19f0160f082a7⋯.jpg (917.05 KB, 2747x4095, 2747:4095, D9rR0TDX4AUjsQQ.jpg)

File: d8b55e83bdc89f8⋯.jpg (72.74 KB, 1200x1070, 120:107, D9oRpfLXoAECBe3.jpg)

File: 8ad38a2bfd0ce3c⋯.png (107.68 KB, 547x602, 547:602, D9nQAcWVUAAEtqs.png)

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3ee5ea  No.89125

File: 09a6411a5aae207⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 636x912, 53:76, D9tJ9-JUEAA9I4W.jpg)

File: a17bea7f2fe95ee⋯.jpg (998.44 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, D9sQZTvXkAAoVpP.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.89235

File: c6a966f36b2a25c⋯.png (137.46 KB, 568x582, 284:291, D9yL9KBU8AAicxV.png)

File: 3045c9b248dea2e⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 1200x1140, 20:19, D9tZYGQXUAAiu9S.jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.89256

File: 67454bc3ed20330⋯.jpg (218.99 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, 8f703c0a23da80d418a6e7611a….jpg)

File: dfced73d39a8d6b⋯.jpg (238.29 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, eac7c8cf33614524a96a0a1f80….jpg)

File: 7a5c10efd66c0aa⋯.jpg (227.77 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, a031f78b7d696e8f1c07b67f8f….jpg)

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3ee5ea  No.89257

Oh the thread isn't bumping anymore

It was fun, god speed degenerates.

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d74341  No.91467

File: b5240df5f0949b3⋯.png (307.28 KB, 964x792, 241:198, 1415967138.lmndrp_mmenu.png)


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685a0b  No.91528

File: 76ac96cc79d8814⋯.jpg (119.11 KB, 1280x905, 256:181, 3669f3dd8eb467e8524fbcbe0a….jpg)

File: b329ac7a6f6c734⋯.jpg (123.42 KB, 1065x944, 1065:944, e61c55d8c38a22941e76c83425….jpg)

File: f529178c5804d37⋯.jpg (78.24 KB, 2224x1668, 4:3, D8vs5USXsAEX18r.jpg orig.jpg)

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c82243  No.91617

File: 84162811831012c⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 1280x883, 1280:883, photo_2019-07-15_16-17-44.jpg)

File: bd78209505dee73⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 1010x1231, 1010:1231, photo_2019-07-11_20-17-38.jpg)

File: 1e0be4a92cdd9b0⋯.jpg (106.83 KB, 1280x964, 320:241, 1542915097.ire-k_inc_rn.jpg)

File: fbb4cb57cc1de97⋯.png (379.15 KB, 1478x970, 739:485, 2674729_Leosaeta_unknown.png)

File: 96082655585fc44⋯.png (730.61 KB, 1850x1400, 37:28, 1474358605.carnival-tricks….png)

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c82243  No.91618

File: 1278c8df5e87e9c⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 765x608, 765:608, DryBO54V4AEcXXj.jpg)

File: 59507038517d31c⋯.jpg (157.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1505394033.yara_img_201707….jpg)

File: a69ddc47ce32173⋯.png (196.14 KB, 1280x1181, 1280:1181, 1505695953.tuta_toyas.png)

File: 531054392b33af1⋯.jpg (614.64 KB, 1650x1458, 275:243, 1521786514.padmouse_messym….jpg)

File: 01c5c98667e4b35⋯.png (292.44 KB, 1014x1000, 507:500, 1541226394.monsterbunny_to….png)

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