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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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global adms are banning l.0.l.i and s.h.0.t.a

File: 2818150d1881af5⋯.png (379.41 KB, 432x768, 9:16, joD2zJtISxTKi5yIikweI3Rucq….png)

File: 549c4edb80f04a4⋯.png (123.02 KB, 1516x636, 379:159, ABDLcringe.PNG)

 No.47375[Last 50 Posts]

cringe thread. post what you got

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you already made this thread retard

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File: ed20d13954167d0⋯.png (29.93 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, axascsacscascasxasxasxsa.png)

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oh yeah, sorry folks

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File: 9e7e0c1f07abdc4⋯.jpg (338.46 KB, 1285x855, 257:171, imagefg.jpg)

>tumblrina posting herself half-nude in diapers

>downloading and posting it to my own blog

>getting messages to take the photos down

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haven't you got anything better to do with your life than pretending to be a girl on tumblr

fuck, just writing that down makes me want to off myself

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File: 547911d6afc0bf9⋯.png (196.65 KB, 543x659, 543:659, 2018-01-20 10_05_52-Tumblr.png)

File: 3372b8bb6dd85a8⋯.png (113.75 KB, 541x511, 541:511, 2018-01-20 10_06_06-Tumblr.png)

because i'm *really* worried.

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who the fuck is theodora

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>pulled down the clips the minute they received a legal notice

she just had to try to make herself look tough didn't she. no mention of most people just taking it down after a polite message

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the chick who originally posted this. it has been reblogged by a couple abdl people i follow on tumblr. the message isn't abdl-speicific, more sex-worker specific, i guess.

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very true i know know a couple dudes who are in prison because they didn't head the FBI copyright notice on their VHS tapes

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I love how these bitches claim taking selfies in diapers is anything close to "work"

and worth protecting.

Hell, most of their shit isn't even worth a free download!

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File: 89c267e5a57fe41⋯.png (104.4 KB, 720x568, 90:71, Screenshot at Jan 21 21-15….png)

Apparently there's 308 people on Fetlife (and likely more elsewhere) who think it's totally sane to root through trash cans in restrooms to find shitty baby diapers and use them as fucksleeves

If that doesn't make you cringe I'm not sure what would

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Considering you have to be into very similar kinks to even find out about something like this I'd say you're just as cringe worthy. How hypocritical of you. Please off yourself.

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File: cb653bb14f17c38⋯.png (89.71 KB, 500x501, 500:501, bad_bait.png)

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Tbf he's a few towns away and started following me recently so I checked his profile out

And shit like that does cross a couple hard limits for me, namely:

1) Don't involve actual children

2) Don't put yourself in positions where you're likely to get caught and look like a gross deviant in public (that group talks about literally asking moms for their child's shitty diapers while they're changing them)

3) Don't do anything that can make you sick (I don't even mess because I'm wildly prone to catching UTIs for a guy)

So yeah I do think that guy is pretty gross

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rev up those fucking ovens jesus fuck i didn't realize there were communities of these people

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>implying I care enough to actually put forth effort into baiting someone on a chanboard

Don't flatter yourself. I don't even want you to reply to me further I'm not interested in your autistic screeching.

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File: beca59efcad4110⋯.jpg (174.19 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 1436245677851.jpg)

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What the fugg.

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Most of the time I'm ok with this fetish and don't think it's that weird, but every now and then I see something that really makes me think we should all be exterminated.

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I've seen this guys stuff pop up every once in a while. And everytime I see it, I can't help but think he has dementia or schizophrenia. The artwork is insane.

Our fetish isn't THAT weird. I just think this artist is fucked in the head.

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yeah hes either insane or is autismo with some decent DA tier art skills

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Holy shit, there's more? Link. This is hilarious

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I actually think the commissioner is at fault. This guy actually has some decent art sometimes, but boy oh boy does he have some weird ass fans. The FA user known as "TheAnon" in particular is known for commission messed up stuff like this.

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That actually makes a lot of sense. The captions in particular seem like someone who isn't really into that specifically, the art almost seems to be parody now that i think about it. Though there's no question the artist is fucked up.

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File: 4ec689a539e9073⋯.png (127.99 KB, 1018x919, 1018:919, 1462126551098.png)


That's the worst thing I've seen in a while

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It amazes me that the ABU dicksuckers don't see the irony in the fact that just a month ago they were autisticly screeching over the same shit, but with Rearz.

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That's what I thought at first, but ABU has to feel obligated to protect their claim on "space diapers." Because if they don't, anyone could make knock-offs.

"AB/DL" is a much more general term, that Rearz didn't invent.

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And I say that even as a big Tykables fan. I think ABU diapers are overpriced and overrated.

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You don't get to have a monopoly on generic space themed diapers. Or fuck, maybe you do. Maybe a court will actually uphold this retarded trademark. It always blows my mind when you hear about shit like this being trademarked. Like the fucking Red Cross having an absolute monopoly on anything that uses a red cross, a generic symbol that existed and carried meaning before those fucks trademarked it.

>anyone could make knock-offs

No, they would be making a different, probably better product, using an incredibly generic theme. Don't defend this bullshit. This behavior is why things never improve.

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>>It always blows my mind when you hear about shit like this being trademarked. Like the fucking Red Cross having an absolute monopoly on anything that uses a red cross, a generic symbol that existed and carried meaning before those fucks trademarked it.

Ditto Susan G Komen and the pink ribbon. They sue anyone who uses the phrase "for the cure", too.

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Charities in general are terrible businesses and the people that run them are terrible people. The actual margin of charity money versus "operating costs" is usually despicable.

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The trademark is for the word "space" being used to name an adult diaper. If Tykables called it "Astro Cadet" or "Star Cadet" there would be no case to answer. But they called it "Space Cadet" and so here we are.

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You're missing the point and it's not an astro or star diaper, it's a fucking space diaper. That's just what it is and that's what anybody would call it if they saw it. If you can patent something and then force people to not call a Husky a Husky because you hold the patent on that term then that's retarded. Sure, they could call their dog an "arctic hound" but that's not what it is. It's a fucking Husky and everyone knows it. Patent abuse like this should be a crime, not something that is held against the intellectual honestly of everyone. It's not Tykables' fault that they stepped on this bullshit landmine set by their autistic competition.

Though if i were them i would just change the name and make sure everyone knows what a bunch of cunts ABU is. This isn't worth going bankrupt trying to fight. But people who use the patent system like this should be shot.

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This isn't the patent system, it's the trademark system, and trademark has been around much longer than patent.

I side with ABU on this. Not because I like the company nor do I purchase their diapers but they had the name first and "Space" vs "Space Cadet" diapers is clearly confusing.

Imagine someone getting all pissed on Ebay because they ordered the wrong one- if that's possible, it's probably trademark infringement.

Trademark isn't like patent or copyright. It's not their to protect people's IP, it's there to keep the public from mistaking products for each other- it's for our protection.

Snuggies, I mean, Tykables, obviously tries to market by using confusing marks. It's not a good business practice. The market's not huge yet so we can still differentiate but this issue should be nipped in the bud now- don't use a deceptively similar name. Astronaut diapers, Starman Diapers, Cosmo Diapers- there were a million possibilities. Why'd they have to use the word "space" which obviously goes to the first to mark that type of diaper.

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From cringe to debating the legality of diaper trademarks. Yep, this is one weird train of thought but not the weirdest by a long shot.

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imagine being this much of an elitist cocksucker holy shit

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Hey last time Tykables lost they just dumped all their snuggies branded stock in Canada for dirt cheap.

Here's hoping

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File: a992b02d39c68bb⋯.jpg (181.09 KB, 1345x953, 1345:953, 1392954222228.jpg)







Isn't this just a quirk of the american liability system, where the claimant is is not required to pay their own court fees, even is they lose the suit? This is all so Talmudic. Personally. I think civil courts should be outlawed. Only the state and/or defendants in criminal cases should be allowed to press charges. Civil suits are a violation of personal liberty; your essentially trying to force-ably fine someone for their free expression. Naming your product is protected under the first amendment. Trademarks and "intellectual property" are first amendment violations, and any judge or attorney complicit in civil law is therefor a treasonist against the bill of rights

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So if civil courts are outlawed, how do you expect someone to get their money back of they loaned money to a friend? Friend said they would pay them back, but won't for whatever reason. Person gets annoyed at waiting months for their friend to come up with the money; what do?

Answer: Civil court. Granted, the only thing a civil court will do if they rule in your favor is say "You, defendant, have to pay back the plaintiff."

It's up to the plaintiff to go through the process to garnish wages, get a lien, etc.

Civil court isn't just for trademark/patent lawsuits.

If civil courts were outlawed, what would happen if you got into a car accident that the other person was at fault for? Police came and investigated, said "yep, it's the other driver's fault, here is the report."

You're fucked, since you can't sue for medical expenses or money to fix your car.

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File: 4aedec0e582fde1⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4aedec0e582fde1751f150ad30….jpg)


This. I understand patenting things like new diaper technologies but a fucking word like "space". Pic related its to ABU if you are reading this.

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>>50356 - TL translation: I don't understand how the legal system works, also Jews.


I see you point but look, it's not just "space" it's "space" being used to brand an adult diaper for the ABDL community. That's really fucking specific in the grand scheme of worldwide products.

It is confusing (obviously not to anyone aware of the situation via the thread but certainly to more casual buyers). The argument of confusion is uphill specifically because the people arguing understand the issue somewhat and are not confused but their self-bias is clouding judgment on the issue towards the less interested buying public.

It isn't hard to change the name for Tykables. ABU sent a polite cease and desist first.

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>Naming your product is protected under the first amendment

It should be but we pretend that a business can be both a person and a non-person depending on what the kike angel is in the situation. With trademarks, they actually make sense in the base scenario of you can't make beer and call it Budweiser. But it gets really kiked really fast when they start patenting the right to use generic nouns like "space" within a particular business. There's no reason for that. It's not about protecting a company's legacy at that point, it's about creating a monopoly or simply abusing the courts to further an agenda like what Huggies did to Snuggies.


>That's really fucking specific

No, it's not. It's a generic theme that is used on many many things. In fact, what is confusing is all these brands having a space theme but fucking ABU being the only one allowed to use "space" to describe them. That's absolutely absurd, how is that fair?

>ABU sent a polite cease and desist first.

pretty please would you kindly jump off a bridge? thank you in advance, sweetie :)

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>No, it's not. It's a generic theme that is used on many many things. In fact, what is confusing is all these brands having a space theme but fucking ABU being the only one allowed to use "space" to describe them. That's absolutely absurd, how is that fair? > thank you in advance, sweetie :)

Because there are many synonyms for "space," such as: galaxy, cosmos, heavens and there are terms like star, planetary, rocket, etc. that equally convey the theme.

>pretty please would you kindly jump off a bridge? thank you in advance, sweetie :)

Man, you /pol/ tards do a disservice to your cause. I'm right wing, anti-patent, anti-copyright, and don't like Israel as a state but I hate being associated with someone like you cause' your arguments devolve into insults and your ability to parse nuance in law is non-existent. Thank God your ilk will never be running things.

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oh my god the faggot with a terrible argument doesn't want to associate with me how terrible

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File: 30b0394ba254414⋯.png (39.92 KB, 500x522, 250:261, children-this-is-bait-2768….png)

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FennecRua's posts in particular. Literally a RationalWikifag.

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The problem with things like Aspergers and Autism is that they're Forer Effect style conditions, meaning the criteria for "diagnosis" (and I'm using that term very loosely) are overly broad, generic and can almost universally apply to every single person on the planet to some degree or another.

Usually if you get diagnosed with something like autism or aspergers that just means they think you're a bit fucked in the head but don't want to bother spending any money to do expensive brain scans to try and isolate and identify the underlying issue… presuming there even is one, as any such "symptoms" of autism/aspergers can simply be imagined or self-inflicted, often as a means of trying to garner attention or out of a want to look like a "unique little snowflake".

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File: 3118fc580c6c104⋯.gif (304.68 KB, 279x199, 279:199, 1451240409597.gif)

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File: 784acd5ff1b81ab⋯.jpg (370.82 KB, 1025x700, 41:28, 3f1145c18188e2c40c70885412….jpg)

File: bfef9492ecf2f39⋯.jpg (285.88 KB, 750x677, 750:677, 13bcb2759d30355819fc4808a7….jpg)

File: 10c45064ba7bd8c⋯.jpg (109.59 KB, 800x564, 200:141, 32b1f2712d22d64212d22b958e….jpg)

File: 57b789742d34b3d⋯.jpg (263.35 KB, 800x657, 800:657, 95c065e9674e9b4de0e10e9838….jpg)

File: a8e2a0096d5be7e⋯.jpg (164.46 KB, 1111x1280, 1111:1280, 1317441826.tato_daddytimes.jpg)

How about a cringe image dump?

I think the cringiest thing for me personally is like that last image and images like it (some more graphic than others) where it looks all creepy pedoish, like they're about to get molested or some shit.

Speaking of which, has anyone looked at Astolpho's stuff recently? He used to be a really great artist, made some great work, but uh… here lately his stuff has been lookin like pedo fap fodder.

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File: 8187ed3babcd82d⋯.jpg (106.87 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, C5eIar_VAAAoQuN.jpg)

File: 08dd7499ed476cf⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, C5jUDo1VMAA7wt_.jpg)

File: 6587f08e9c49e93⋯.jpg (149.38 KB, 1200x736, 75:46, Coor7w_VUAAPTbf.jpg)

File: 71eb007567db9bc⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 1024x1100, 256:275, DL-EyMjVAAAwkvp.jpg)

Some of Astolpho's recent work… much of it (which you can find on his Twitter account) is so blatantly pedophilic I can't even post it here.

Does anyone know what the fuck happened to him? I mean was he also into child molestation or is it just some "new thing" he got into?

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File: fdd6cdad3a2253a⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 250x188, 125:94, brbanheroingmyself.gif)


>that 4th pic

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Dude he's been around for >20 years and he's always been like this. Don't know why you suddenly act so surprised.

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No man, he always went WAAAAY the hell out of his way to try and seperate his "professional" side from even the pedestrian level side of the kink/AB/furry angle. He maintained a very strict practice of keeping shit seperate and never going ~too~ far into the kink side and even when he did he would downplay it all… then like a couple years ago he just went full batshit insane and suddenly started posting crap like that.

I mean, I dunno, maybe he was posting some pretty shady shit in other parts of the web, but if he was, well he was at least trying to keep it hidden… now he plasters this shit right tha'fuck on his Twitter feed like it's just sunshine and rainbows.

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Well maybe someone convinced him that having sex with underage furry children is fine, especially if they are still in diapers and you have a raging hard-on. We all change in time and when your friends all masterbait to anthropomorphic furry children the question isn't of morals but of time until they submit to desire.

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>Does anyone know what the fuck happened to him? I mean was he also into child molestation or is it just some "new thing" he got into?

He's probably been emboldened by the SJWs pushing forth their "Pedophillia is perfectly acceptable and it's everyone who hates pedos that are the REAL monsters"

Or maybe he's always been a pedofag. ABDL is a perfect cover for that.

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File: ecc884dddbb55e1⋯.png (48.01 KB, 1199x260, 1199:260, Kinkshame_Manipulation.png)


Or a bit of both. Could have always been a bit of a pedo and then just suddenly felt more at ease "exploring" that sordid side of himself because of the whole "progressive" movement.

Reminds me of the whole "no kink shaming" bullshit that was so pervasive awhile back. Pedos were actively using it to their advantage to prey upon young victims, many of which really didn't know any better.

I think that was around the time they started trying to rebrand themselves as "MAPs" aka "Minor Attracted Person".

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is it just me, or is it cringey af when people post questions about ABU on /r/abdl that would be better suited as an e-mail to ABU? Because, you know, ABU will have a real answer, as opposed to a bunch of people guessing on /r/abdl.

prime example: how much with the ABU PeekABUs cost?

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There's a wide gap between an actual minor and a drawing of a cartoon animal, let alone your newfaggotry ofnbeing triggered by scat. The later in not a fan of either, but you have to be pretty new to still have any sensitivity towards it.

As for art of babyfurs/shota/loli, a lot of us put ourselves in the submissive role of having a creepy daddy molest and abuse us in diapers because we're fucked in the head. Pretty wide difference from being attracted to 3d minors.

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Hey look at you, in the cringe thread… this is where you belong.

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PS - In many countries depictions of minors in sexual situations, even if cartoons, are considered illegal.

PSS - Even in the United States in some circumstances, see "Mad Thad" for reference.

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The irony of Onideus of all people saying this is palpable.


But he literally had real CP and bragged about it, which was what his arrest was about. No idea how you interpreted it as him being jailed for loli other than him happening to post on /a/.

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Yes, I very much understand the NEED of my addictive little miscreants to try and paint me up as the proverbial boogeyman… sadly any such accusations against me fall up rather… short. Other than some random bits of text taken out of context that I posted on Usenet when I was like… 12. LOL

And Mad Thad never bragged about having actual child porn, in fact very much the OPPOSITE, he constantly bragged about how 2D fictional waifus were the only thing for him.

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He was literally telling people how to get real CP on Facebook, and had a flash drive full of it. Here's official evidence:


Hell, his infamous waifu is Kotonoha. You know, the girl with the huge tits who's in high school and not even near being a loli?

And nope, you've been making an ass out of yourself on every single site you go to for decades, this one included. No matter how much you try to damage control by "counter-trolling" or whatever, the fact that several sites like ED and Kiwifarms took notice of you speaks volumes of how cringeworthy you are.

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Telling people how to get CP isn't illegal. I mean, seriously, what are you fuckin stupid or something? If you could get arrested for that every person whose ever typed "Russian Image Board" or "Dark Web" would be under arrest.

Damage control? Boy are you confused! I had my article on ED removed for like six months and… school shooting! Yeah, let's not do that again…



I don't need any more dead people on my conscious. Also, do you have any idea how many articles I've written on ED? Hell I even wrote the article about this community, Numbnuts. LOL

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on who this fucking sperg is? He keeps popping up in threads and posting like a complete and utter autist.

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I'm curious too. He's the most obnoxious faggot since Croc.

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he lives paycheck to paycheck, on welfare and has nothing to do all day except shit up this board.

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No way, you're sure he isn't a law professor?

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File: 1cd6d0eb9732a71⋯.png (760.14 KB, 1280x989, 1280:989, ff6d8b0487eb90ed6b686a684d….png)

File: 31e8e000cf96d9a⋯.jpg (66.14 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 7ba679e5d400d4dc1769b9a5ec….jpg)

File: 32e322e28b6a620⋯.jpg (268.2 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, a7a5da98d915efabcf7ee20de8….jpg)

File: 390c876d30c933b⋯.png (163.97 KB, 1896x1544, 237:193, D - Disgusting & Disturbin….png)

File: 710d1bb670aefab⋯.png (230.92 KB, 800x800, 1:1, D - Disgusting & Disturbin….png)


I'm Onideus, present living God of your demons! Well, humanity's demons, but presently yours.

Also, getting called an "autist" and a "faggot" all in the span of an hour… oh that's cute, it's like an intergenerational lame sandwich right there. I wonder if the "faggot" oldbie is raping the younger "autist" newfag… maybe they've got some kind of pedocest pity party slurping between their failing egos.

They're probably upset that I called Astolpho out on his deranged child molesting interests. Any second they're gonna go into spiel about how I'm just not ~progressive~ enough and how I need to stop "kink shaming" their fuzzy little idol.

I think we've already got plenty of ~your~ cringe in this thread though, so let's try some other cringe, shall we?

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>Onideus Mad Hatter

Just filter this guy and move on, he's a lolcow.

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File: 5782180af19214f⋯.jpg (705.77 KB, 2047x3000, 2047:3000, D - Kim Kardashian - Diape….jpg)

File: 18a266c8f791251⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 300x374, 150:187, D - Disgusting - XWVV8Ziwb….jpg)

File: 20daf15ebdf3777⋯.jpg (55.35 KB, 400x637, 400:637, D - Madonna_in_diapers.jpg)

File: 8ad9aa381884890⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 600x800, 3:4, D - Disgusting - aCO3ds8bO….jpg)

File: 35cee70072e91aa⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 600x400, 3:2, D - Old People - DPR.jpg)


If I was a lolcow why would you be filtering me, numbnuts? Your post is cringier than Kim Kardashian's dumpy lookin diaper ass.

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I've just read your ED article and honestly I just feel sorry for you. I hope you manage to find peace and happiness in this world.

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You feel sorry for someone's fictional hugbox? LOL They sure are breeding you kids stupid these days. It used to be people had sense enough to take everything online with a grain of salt, but apparently that bit of common Internet sense has devolved a bit over the years.

But I suppose you silly meandering little rocks will always gravitate towards what you NEED to believe and, well, I can certainly understand your NEED in this situation.

And, honestly, as long as it keeps you from going postal and shooting up schools… I think it's a pretty positive thing on the whole.

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I usually don't trust ED and I don't think it's a good site, but your posting style here lends a lot of credence to the article.

Even assuming it's all true I don't hold any of it against you. We can't help who we are.

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As I said, you'll trust whatever you NEED to believe… that's on you, not me. You're the captain of your own ship my friend, I am not your navigator nor do I have any desire to steer you in any direction other than the one you choose for yourself.

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Dox me Daddy

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Serious question though, why do you talk like a complete and utter fuckin' spastic though? The fuck is wrong with you dude?

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I'm a writer and I don't take anything seriously online… ever. A lot of times I use a lot of quirky styles, characters and other such, partly for fun, partly for experimentation and development. I also tend to use a lot of metaphor and purple prose, mostly to try and expand and keep up my working vocabulary as well as to try and develop new slang terms.

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tl;dr: lol look at me i'm so randum xddd

Get the fuck off /abdl/ and never come back.

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You certainly do seem…. ~upset~

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Yeah, he's all like ~flustered~… LOL

Probably he's been wanting sum haet fuk… LOL

We slowly groping his bitch tits *emotes*

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No retard. You're a disgrace. This thread is a disgrace. It's you that should get out and never come back. Don't reply you fucking mongoloid. You're in the minority here. Nobody likes you. Have fun with your shit life.

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File: 147adde45795db3⋯.png (62.63 KB, 574x600, 287:300, 1512186640818.png)



Good one

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File: abdbe78923cacd0⋯.jpg (212.36 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200px-Nile_crocodile_head.jpg)


Did someone say Writer?

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Man I just read the ED article/Kiwi Farms thread and holy shit, how fucking pathetic can a human being get? I know the term "lolcow" is thrown around a lot nowadays but this shit is just sad, you're completely and utterly fucked as a human being, it's the definition of pathetic my dude.

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Matthew Moulton, during your time as an editor on ED, why did you post diaper child pornography?

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So I live in an area which recently held an event that furries show up to for whatever reason.. they have full rights to wear their fetish gear out open to the public, I didn’t go but a buddy of mine did.. he is not as knowledgeable about this type of thing, so him and his old lady were taking pictures with the furries and apparently they were getting mad about taking said pictures and not receiving tips. What in the actual fuck? You get to wear your fetish gear openly in public without repercussion and get mad about not making money on top of it… fucking gaaaay

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IDK. If you just take pictures of them "in the crowd", I don't think tipping would be expected, but if you ask them to pose for you, I understand why they'd expect a tip.

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It's a public place, they don't deserve or get tips for posing for pictures. As always furries proving they are the most cringeworthy of any fetish!

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Oh this guy is farfoos, I thought he dissipated into the ether when forums stopped being widely used. Unfortunate to see that is not the case.

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I don't understand. In what context would tipping them ever be appropriate? They're just assholes in a costume. Do people who do normal cosplay at events except tips? I've never even heard of like professional cosplayers expecting tips other than like official both photos.

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File: 4cb0432d3490bc3⋯.jpg (95.53 KB, 610x402, 305:201, hlwd-bld-characters.jpg)


>In what context would tipping them ever be appropriate?

I guess if they were dressed as a recognizable character and standing in front of Grauman's Chinese theater.

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i'm pretty sure i got cancer reading this dude's profile.


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could you screenshot? not making a fetlife profile to read cringe

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I am back at Fetlife. I changed a new account. I wanted friends from the TeddyCon, DC Littles, NELI, BouncyTown Littles, Md Age Players/Balt Littles, CapCon and NEL Ctr Pa. People already know me so well at six years. I used to be BabyTinker47, BabyDaniella47, Pkbabygirlbear17 and PonyPrincess17 and now I am BabyponyPrincess. Please add me I already know all my friends. I go to the munches, party, camping, AB/littles conference, and other events. I do go out of town to have an events weekend. I was at the TeddyCon in 2015/16/17. I go again to the TeddyCon and CapCon in 2018. I will be volunteering again at the CapCon in Mar 2018. I will go with my friend by airline to Chicago the first time. I have a new nice roommate to meet him in March. I am going to meet all new friends again at the CapCon. Let's have fun! TeddyCon I will go the fourth time and mssed in 2014.

My good friend and I went to Chicago at the CapCon the first year. We enjoyed at the CapCon. I met all new friends at the different rooms to play. This place is bigger in the room. I never saw like those baby things. I'm really happy to be there. The hotel room was very nice and neat room. The morning brunch was okay. We had a long trip to drive back and forth with rent a car. My good friend and I did volunteers on three days. Staff did a great job to have four days. I helped with the staff and friends at the CapCon the last day.

I am AB/little, Sissy girl and girly at this member. I would like to have play partners with AB/little at the party and conference. I am a NELI member in 2011 through present and I have the most friends are from the NELI and TeddyCon in 2014. DC Littles member I go there in the area every month. Sometime I go to Md Age Players to have event weekend at Frederick and Balt Md. I know more friends in State of Md.

I used to go to the Central Pa Littles in 2012/13. I go to Lancaster Pa to have the munch during the evening. Someday I travel to Central Pa at Hbg, York and Lancaster. I'm from the Central Pa at the Capital City. I live in Md now. But I am moving back to Pa sooner.

I am a baby sissy girl wearing lovely dresses, sissy baby pants, wig, sissy socks, bonnet, AB brackets, necklace, tutu, sissy white shoes, slippers, regular baby pants, diaper cloths and 3 white liners, and the most of new nappy diapers. I got a pack of new pink PonyPrincess nappy diapers. I'm a member at eBay and Etsy companies to have all AB supplies or accessories. I have girly the most design panties, nightgowns, babydoll nightie, hosiery, footed sleeper, skirts, swimsuit with bikini, sissy shorts, and top camisoles, slips and summer clothes. I have been doing for a long time when I was young. Friends you can see all my photos at the profile.

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There was no AB supplies until 1980s and I started to order in 2000s. After 2010 I got everything like AB accessories. AB have many new accessories to buy at the company.

I was at the Knoebels Amusement Park at six years in June. They had a wonderful picnic with all TeddyCon friends there and rides at the park. I was at the FetFest camp at twice in 2012 and 13, local camping and party are from my group at five years, The NELI weekend were at three years in NJ and AB convention and camping were at one time a year in 2011. I went many times the local events and I go out of town since I started 2011. I traveled to PA, NJ, NY State, VA, NC, GA,and OH. We went to Chicago IL this year the first time. Future I can go to New England States and Southern States. Sometime I can go to the west with friends. Future I can go to the US Littles. I would love to have fun with new and old friends. That why friends should know me well at six years at this member. I hope they'll add me so polite guy and I already put all follows to have more friends. I'll never forget to have many wonderful friends I met allover. I used to have three mommies from Ohio and Ga.

Remember I am a very polite personality to have wonderful new friends. All my friends know I am so good with no flirty and harm at all. You would believe me. I always polite all wonderful ladies at the conference and other events. It doesn't matter guys and ladies who are single, engaged to marry, divorce or widow, gay friends and transgender m to female to have me a wonderful friend. Now I am a widow and loss wife a year. I still keep my friends. I'm not dating for a while. I need a right mommy and new girlfriend to have me. I am looking a polite lady who are over 40 plus age. I am a great or sweet guy. Believe me!

I have a nice sweet lady from Ohio. She met me online and chat me a lot. I'm happy I have hearing lady for dating. She wants me to have a new relationship and never got married. She is coming to the CapCon and will get together. She has a job at the hospital. I am visiting her in 2018. She is my mommy and girlfriend. She isn't member at FetLife. She just found me. She'll polite me and no scam she knows. She'll be my best mommy to have me in diaper. She is so young in the forty. It will be my protecting lady. We met in Nov 2017. She'll meet all new friends at the CapCon and TeddyCon in 2018.

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I had three bad Pro mommies from SC to MO, MA, GA and Afghanistan or Africa last fall and Mar 2017 through June. They're danger women to crime me something. I need to stay off trouble to have pro mommy from the Google. I already did three women block. I'm not looking for a pro mommy anymore and danger lady. I'm truly. Please be careful not using pro mommy. There's another email scammed from the military mommy. I reported to the local police about her email scammed I was more upset again. I need to stop and not looking for a new pro mommy at all. I hate that. I need person and person mommy better than email or txt message scammed. Someone told me. Mommy S was scammed me and liable again too much and reported to the local police. I am no longer to have her and more trouble. She started to have me from June thorugh October 31st and stopped because she scammmed me and liar. Pro mommy is so bad and crime. She was fourth lady in trouble and flirty. I don't want anymore again to scam me on my email and text message. I already blocked her. I really hurt me from her. I hope not come to see me at the CapCon in 2018. She will get the report if she sees me. I had problem with two pro mommies from Tammy H in 2016 fall and Sarah W in 2017 scammmed me. Please be careful from the pro mommy. They are no good and more crime. I hope they go to the jail I want that. I'm not kidding guys. I will change a new phone or get a new one. My Iphone is an old after 7 years. I am a good personality guy.

I'm moving back to Central Pa in the spring and sell my home in the area. I live in Md for a long time.

My darling wife passed away on Sat Feb 11, 2017. She's really sick lady at 4 years from many different hospitals and 3 nursery homes in 2013 through 17Jan. Please have prayed her who love my darling wife. We married at 23 years at last. Now I am a widow and loss beloved wife at 6 months. Unveiling was done at the cemetery in Aug. She rest in peace in the heaven. She used to be a member MommyD at three years. She is in memoriam after 1 year in Feb. There's no longer to have her at this member. She knows her friends from North East Littles I and local area group in 2011/12. Thank you, BabyponyPrincess

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This is the problem with FetLife now: it's either a level of cringe that comes close to rivaling that Demon Guy douche, or it's autistic gender-whatevers that won't shut the fuck up about their non-existent haters.

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What the hell is "diaper child pornography"? I'm pretty sure that's not even a "thing".

The most disturbing thing involving children I ever posted on ED was the "Juggalo Parenting" section… which involved shit so fuckin off kilter I wound up forwarding a bunch of the shit to the FBI and CPS. I mean I could not fucking believe some of the insanity I came across researching those evolutionary dead ends.

Although technically even that pales in comparison to the "Baby Fuck" article, which I attempted on several occasions to try and convince Zaiger to burn, but he always used the excuse of "it's a well known meme". Same with the "unbirthing" article… *shudder*

There is some well and truly fucked material on Encyclopedia Dramatica… you have no idea.

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lol my Mommy knows that guy personally. He is like 70+ and his wife died while he had like a 500k dollar life insurance policy while he was getting tagged along by this 26 year old mommy / little. He wanted my Mommy to train that chick and she said no. Then the chick took all his money and left him. Dude is legit old as fuck and pretty dumb to the way the world is.

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>died while he had like a 500k dollar life insurance policy

On her *** While he was getting tagged along*

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Sad thing is the girl had a disability (pretty obvious the old man does too.) and the family egged them on like they were super happy she found some 70+ year old man to be with. We all know they were looking at all the money his dumb ass had.

He would drive to SC from PA too in order to be with the chick constantly.

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>I am so good with no flirty and harm at all

>I am a great or sweet guy. Believe me!

holy shit you can almost hear the heavy mouth breathing

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While I was copy/pasting that garbage, I took a peak at his recent posts. Sadly, his profile info is grammatically superior to his normal ranting. This poor guy has some kind of serious mental deficiency.

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File: b1cc4a1db7ccb74⋯.webm (3.59 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Hallelujah_I'm_A_Boomer.webm)

This should be a reminder that old people today are not the sweet innocent people who grew up during the great depression, or fought in the great wars. No these disgusting fucks grew up watching Elvis on TV and doing LSD. Boomers are absolute cancer and deserve no respect.

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File: c326855fe7d3264⋯.jpg (16.28 KB, 263x491, 263:491, D - Disgusting & Disturbin….jpg)

File: 3a12acfe818a973⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 375x500, 3:4, D - Gross - c1a3cf201ff60c….jpg)

File: a786db12305af69⋯.jpg (42.12 KB, 550x413, 550:413, D - Gross - nYna44B.jpg)

File: f3871f0a41520c9⋯.png (204.31 KB, 636x1432, 159:358, Mark Richardson - Jailed A….png)

File: 6f49d2e71bdcaf0⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Reed_Barrow_-_08.jpg)


Keep in mind that there are a number of people in this community who are actually mentally deficient or mentally unstable in some capacity or another.

Also keep in mind the more retarded a person is the easier it is to enable them, meaning even the most subtle of exposure to this community can result in a bad case of invisible dignity coupled with a diaper fetish… which never ends well.

And then of course you have the exhibitionist types who literally get off on the humiliation, like Sonmanic and Reed Barrow, the later of which is so fucked he once went around all over the Internet asking random parents to send him their kids USED baby diapers, which he would them MICROWAVE and stick inside his frilly tranny panties… which he would then wear down at fuckin Hot Topic and shit. ಠ_ಠ

Another type is the emotionally unstable tweenager, the 12 to 16 year old "Teen Baby" who stumbles on into the community for the first time, full of hormones and bad ideas who will fumble on out the most cringe ridden array of diaper shlock postings. These are typically the type that jump on into a "normal" discussion on a "normal" web board to suddenly pop off about how much they love wearing diapers, inflicting their fetish on the norms. They're excited just to be here (on the Internet) and can't wait to explore the wonders of discussing diapers with random strangers. It's like they've been bottling it all up their entire life as a deep dark secret and suddenly on the Internet they can "share" under the assumed guise of anonymity, leading the adult baby version of The Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

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File: b6a569e6df7bb55⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 565x871, 565:871, DIbs4iUWAAI5ncT.jpg)

File: ab9b4014dbebaa9⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, CWC_-_Completely_Sailed_On….jpg)

File: d21ac2f2632a9bf⋯.png (572.02 KB, 874x837, 874:837, 07a9b4d8aa5a401164b82dcdc3….png)

File: 9460ec7517c569d⋯.jpg (43 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Aging_Tranny_Hair_Loss.jpg)

File: 91350e2816be6c1⋯.jpg (328.84 KB, 1280x1218, 640:609, Fur_Affinity_-_Snowthebear.jpg)

And then of course there's the libtards, the ones who surround themselves in "safe space" echo chambers online where they delude themselves into thinking it's a grand idea to turn their fetishes and fantasies into "life style choices" which they then actively inflict onto the public at large like an army of deranged lunatic clowns that escaped the asylum.

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File: f84cc3a9415542a⋯.jpg (343.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Derpbubbles - SeanSezPizza….jpg)

File: 61cb72fa4f3e873⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Derpbubbles - SeanNeedsFem….jpg)

File: c7a765a18833776⋯.jpg (65.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, SissyReedBarrow07.jpg)

File: 402c0e676cc80a7⋯.jpg (30.08 KB, 563x750, 563:750, 20170307_182542.thumb.jpg.….jpg)

File: 7c96bcf25546668⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Shyanne_Garrett_-_Photos_-….jpg)

Various adult babies with invisible dignity and/or trans and/or crazy and/or yes that is Reed Barrow wearing a used baby diaper while dressed as a toddler in front of a SCHOOL.

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File: 52917ea2f79797a⋯.jpg (221.61 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, tumblr_nynfliNz0N1tqqa8do1….jpg)

File: e51bd1644204ae1⋯.jpg (100.92 KB, 505x1083, 505:1083, tumblr_nycojvOROh1tqqa8do1….jpg)

File: 01fcda2cce7630d⋯.jpg (179.45 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, tumblr_ny5e76ogT81tqqa8do1….jpg)

You ever wonder what that fag Cyatomorrow looks like?

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Remind me again why he hasn’t been doxed yet? He’s always on halfchan pestering people for Misty pics while contributing nothing. With him posting photos like these I can’t imagine he’s very careful about his personal info.

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File: 8a4a33fa48d6079⋯.jpeg (246.07 KB, 750x1204, 375:602, 1E381BB3-605A-4415-A1EC-D….jpeg)


Wow I didn’t even see this until just now. The guy is a fucking nutcase.

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He looks like he's auditioning for a reboot of the Hanson band.

Mmmm-bop, Mmmm-bop, Mmmm-bop

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no never had to wonder, his deviantart avatar was his face, you still see that shit eating grin in the comments of diaper art

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File: 915b519e60ccb78⋯.png (70.49 KB, 664x864, 83:108, 2018-04-14 17_22_44-So I a….png)

Hoo boy. Dude's got issues.

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File: 3f9ab73f4a9d628⋯.png (71.28 KB, 654x623, 654:623, 2.png)

File: 1d1f27b68892a13⋯.png (83.56 KB, 682x1036, 341:518, 3.png)

File: 9311638b9968a1f⋯.png (113.19 KB, 742x1047, 742:1047, 4.png)

File: 3a9c850f3798579⋯.png (129.26 KB, 750x997, 750:997, 5.png)

File: af9783842880ad9⋯.png (132.1 KB, 663x1034, 663:1034, 6.png)

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Jesus Christ I've been seeing this guy posting the past week or two and I just want him banned, I fucking hate these people.

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Same usual dickweeds respond. Guy is mentally unstable clearly then they go to attack the guy. Both sides of that thread are cringe, well, fetlife in general is fucking cringe.

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>Now when I think of diapers or ABDL I think how that group is a bunch of jerks and it quickly turns me off


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This guy needs some serious fucking help

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I'm not even going to look, but I'll bet my life savings BluePandora is somehow involved.

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I was working today and I guy answered the door in a visibly wet diaper, sucking on a pacifier and had a plush tails wrapped around his arm. what the fuck is wrong with you people that you cant put on a pair of pants? Do you get off showing your pissy diaper to the pizza delivery dude?

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It's a furfag. They've always been retarded exhibitionist cancer.

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I don't even have the balls to share fetishes with the people I sex, so I doubt I'd traumatize pizza delivery bois with them

anyway, as always, the retards of a group are always the most noticable

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File: 25eb83f529d6b7d⋯.png (74.67 KB, 762x929, 762:929, 1.png)

File: eebcd388523e0dd⋯.png (53.97 KB, 706x521, 706:521, 2.png)

more prime fetlife cringe.

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What's the cringe? The fact that those people took a fake profile/post and actually thought it was real. Trolled sucessfully right there.

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tbh it wouldn't shock me at all if that profile and post was 100% legit. there are a lot of autistic spergs in this community who think like that.

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Bluepandora and Colickybaby are too of the most retarded SJW fucks in the scene, they literally search Fetlife to find shit to be offended by. Between them and DeeMonsterative's white knighting faggot ass there isn't much you can say on FL

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That Blue Pandora cunt is the exemplification of everything wrong with fetlife.

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So fucking true. I don't know how a racist POS like that got the power of admin of the YABDL group. I just lurk the group but it seems if you don't agree with her opinion it's an insta-ban from the group.

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Because she's a woman and actual women are so rare in ABDL circles that she gets whiteknighted to the top. Being a black woman also helps with the SJW crowd that infests most diaper fetish groups and fetlife in general

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good god you guys are fucking dense

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here's a big pill to swallow you absolute morons: racism against white people doesn't exist. fuckin go off at me! i don't give a shit. bawwww some more

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File: 3ec8e7a6a059350⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 750x601, 750:601, tmp_9526-30078773_20195663….jpg)

Nice try, demon cuck!

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But in other news LOL that dude from Tykables doing that tax video on YouTube. Jeeeez dude has no idea he's being taken as a huge joke

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BoB: Bait or Butthurt

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Holy fuck, the amount of "please feel bad for me" sympathy begging from the owner of hdwetting, this guy is the fucking worst, no wonder all of his good models leave.

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no one claimed it did. Do you want to go back to Fetlife? Maybe take some screenshots so you and the trannies can jerk off about how stupid those alt right kids at 8ch are?

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Obviously bait.

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Yep, look at the UserID of each post, it's someone trying to samefag.

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Gonna need some source on that.

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Man if you find criticism like this harsh you have never experienced criticism. I see shit leagues harsher than this daily without exaggeration.

Also if your models for PORN aren't attractive you have failed. Simple as that. May seem mean but i don't care if people are having fun. People watch to get their rocks off. What the heck does this guy think porn is for.

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File: 0715903bccbb084⋯.png (44.46 KB, 1350x734, 675:367, vbhnm.png)


forgot screen shot

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Janitor doesn't want to do his job and thinks his trashcans are too good for people who wear diapers. Seriously, where do you get off expecting people staying at a hotel to take a walk of shame to a public dumpster?

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No really cringe, just not being a dick. I travel sometimes for work training and I'm in a hotel for a week at time. I make sure I have plastic grocery bags and just bag them up and take them to a dumpster.

Then again, I'm also a very clean person and hotels are generally not clean to my standards so I try my best to make it "better".

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I think the guy was more along the lines of asking people to tie the bags, and if they have the time or whatever to throw their stuff in a proper garbage bag, or spray the bags with some sort of air freshener, then do it.

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File: bfb295dbbfbe751⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 5f57d699bec5f192cbcc863742….jpg)

This is so hot and childhood ruining at the same time. I'm so confused.

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If thats the same guy as HD Diapers then he brings it on himself.

Hes had the same two models for years, that are way below 'girl next door' standards. One is always self conciously sucking in her beer belly in every shoot. The other is just a big plain girl that might seem 'curvy' after 6 pints of beer but is not model material.

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I feel like this is more just "Hey don't be a lazy selfish person" so much as anti-abdl. Like the people who do this stuff, if they weren't abdl, would be the people leaving used condoms on the floor, smearing feces in the gas station bathroom, or whatever.

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Obviously leaving used diapers around in a room would be nasty as fuck, but feeling like you have to constantly bring your own trashbags everywhere and look for alternative trash disposal places so people who literally work with taking out trash don't have to think about the fact that adults wear diapers like some of the posters there mentioned kind of seems like a self-hating mentality. I don't know, though, maybe people do that with their kids' diapers too.

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With my little brothers, at least with messy diapers, my parents would do the wrap-up thing (that doesn't work as well with adult diapers in my experience) and then put them in a tied shut plastic bag.

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That said, I don't disagree. If your job is to clean out trash then don't get upset when you have to do so. I can understand being unhappy if people are actively trying to make your job more difficult; but not having to worry too much about cleaning up after yourself is part of the appeal of hotels (and a portion of what you are paying for).

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I mean for wet diapers it doesn't matter, but if they're stinky tying them up is courteous.

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Here we go, let's put som nazis in just for the keks.

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SJWs trying to defend MeToo of all things while attacking movements supporting incontinent people.

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Do you really expect anything else from Reddit? Its a cesspool nowadays.

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i started that thread. i also started this thread.

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File: 9f4dcee4f18f13b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1152x2048, 9:16, efrknj.png)

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Typical furfags.

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He looks like a fat sjw trans woman

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I don't think fat sjw trans women would say "nigger" though, I'm no jungle animal expert but most like it's an incel of sort

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File: 47a3628cc40a195⋯.jpg (134.52 KB, 498x750, 83:125, diaper_slave-8817.thumb.jp….jpg)


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File: 03fbbeaabdb4d5e⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_1155.JPG)


That chick on the right looks familiar.

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It looks like a dude.

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But where is the cringe?

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File: 23ec1aa6f6953cb⋯.jpg (250.03 KB, 734x924, 367:462, Screenshot_20181008-172750….jpg)


The owner or the fact people pay for this

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>Models are all ugly as shit

>Owner can't afford actual diapers so it's all granny pullups/goodnites

>Owner is a complete sperg, frequently posts on omo.org "why don't people like my website :'(" for sympathy

>Can't respond to actual criticism, only listens to the hugbox and gets users who say his website sucks banned from omo.org

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File: 5ee2f1cdb283857⋯.png (94.18 KB, 1844x905, 1844:905, Untitled2.png)

Plebbit discussing us

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File: 32785408262c380⋯.png (107.58 KB, 1080x1072, 135:134, Screenshot_20181009-121103….png)

Looked at reddits backlog about 8ch

In same thread they complain about the word "tranny"

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For all lurking Redditors, I offer a simple statement as well as words of advice.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger; nigger nigger. Nigger, nigger nigger nigger nigger – nigger nigger. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, nigger.

I hope you find this information enlightening and productive.

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>most ignored board on 4chan, /d/

Seething /aco/tard detected. Not surprised in the least that Redditors make up their userbase.

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I call myself a faggot more than other people here. I almost forgot how shitty reddit is, thanks anon.


Hey. I don't want to watch the world burn, but I do like complaining about dumb shit.

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Someone's in /d/enial.

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Take an upvote, good sir. :)

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also how'd that faggot fuck up crossbreed and halfbreed

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I mean, they aren't even talking shit, they're just being honest that there's good discussion here as long as you aren't a pussy who cries when someone calls you a faggot for acting like a fuckin faggot.

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i just watched the internet historian video about rainfurrest.

jesus fuck, you guys. da fuq is wrong with babyfurs?


OT: the video on dashcon was pretty funny, too.

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>da fuq is wrong with babyfurs?


some questions need not be asked, anon

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>jesus fuck, you guys. da fuq is wrong with babyfurs?

Because regardless what the Reddit Refugees will tell you, furries are always the most cringeworthy representation of ANY subculture. Who's the most cringeworthy ABDL you can think of? Pamperchu? Guess what he is!

There's also the classic story of the babyfurs trying to 24 hour op MisterMetokur off the internet.

Part 1:


Part 2:


The videos are a little long, but it's worth watching both of them.

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File: bdecde5f7e15dc9⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 780x782, 390:391, Capture.JPG)

I wanted to revive the cringe thread since there's a small shitstorm going on in the ABDL/furry twitterverse with this furry artist saying he thinks ABDLs are pedophiles. He then started blocking people defending the fetish, making more tweets talking about how it's disgusting, and not in any way seeing the irony of his twitter feed being nothing but hardcore gay furry sex with fat hairy pigs.

Of course, some of you might think the cringe here is the people defending ABDL since I know we have people here on the board who agree that ABDL is for pedophiles, so yeah, have at it.

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Furries are the most degenerate pieces of shit in ANY subgroup. Seriously, they get off on shit like vore and inflation. They really should be gassed.

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Gas the furries

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Why do you guys give a shit about these people and what they think? Fuck ‘em

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I doubt the person in the photo actually sent that message. It looks more like a (weak) attempt at trolling.

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Agreed. Furfags are the worst no matter what genre they're into.

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I couldn't care less what some random furry retard thinks about ABDL

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Something like this is made to be edgy and satric, I'm sure

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Ok that one legit cracked me up

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>I don't know, though, maybe people do that with their kids' diapers too.

Some do. I think it's better, even if only because a bagged diaper won't stink up the joint. Most of the stuff that goes into trash cans is paper, plastic, and some food waste, not literal shit and piss.

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File: 4972975f112a9a2⋯.jpg (134.56 KB, 752x734, 376:367, Hate Speech.jpg.JPG)

I hate to do it but I've got to revive the cringe thread after some shit I saw lately.

First. Look at this shit I saw on Twitter.

Bitch. Age regression Has been a fetish on the internet for at least two decades before you and your camwhoring ways came in to profit and moralize on top of it.

Who do these people think they are that they get to be the authority on things like this?

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File: a7652e5fb656cdd⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 1242x210, 207:35, More Hate Speech oh my god….JPG)


Second. There's a shit show going on at /r/abdl and /r/girlsindiapers right now about them starting to explicitly allow trans-girls to post in /r/girlsindiapers.

I imagine this is not going to go well. If you're trans and you post pics in a place where people are looking for fap material, pretty soon they're going to start whining about how they're being further opressed by not receiving upvotes or any positive feedback in these threads. It's going to kill the sub.

Not to mention there's already been several people in there who have declared "girls can have penises too!" which is making me irrationally frustrated.

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File: f833229a821725b⋯.jpg (7.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Plank.jpg)


And we give a fuck about Reddit because……?

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As much as the chans hate to admit it, there's a lot of crossover between reddit and them. Look at all the cringe threads. A lot of it is bitching about reddit.

You could just as easily ask why I give a shit about twitter. It's just annoying to see this sort of thing going on in the ABDL community on the internet in general.

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Look, I know we're all dreaming of the day when the stigma dies and we can wear diapers without being harassed… but I ain't holding my breath for that. We have a fucking weird fetish and it's never going to be appropriately represented. The people that take it upon themselves to speak for our community are either autistic retards or just normal attention-whoring retards. The pedantic cunt in your pics kinda seems to fall into both categories.

We've been fighting a losing battle from the start. Best to just keep our heads down and try not to sweat it when one of our fuckwit brethren makes us look a whole helluva lot weirder than we actually are.

And that's not even touching on all the "progressive" bullshit that's somehow seeped its way in here. I swear to fuck, an SJW being into diapers couldn't be more perfect. But I'm also into diapers, so that's… yeah… fuck

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Reviving this thread for the ABU Announcement video, it fits this thread


Jesus fucking Christ, you're not Apple, You're a furfag selling disposable wank/piss/shit rags with cute prints.

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I wouldn't have a problem with trannies if they didn't try to include themselves with female-born girls all the fucking time.

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This isn't even cringy to me… it's just extremely depressing how broken and ill this guy must be… and it sucks that some young sloot robbed him.

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This guy is so autistic that BluePandora is the sane one in the room. Let that sink in.


>age regression

Is she talking about the alternative therapy bullshit where people start acting like kids to recover abusive memories? That shit is so obscure even most ageplayers wouldn't know about it

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Who is that?!

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BluePandora is a cunt. Who is the tranny?

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File: e021b6611687bec⋯.jpg (399.63 KB, 829x1387, 829:1387, 81IoLp7FctL.jpg)



BP is different in person. And it's really the other people who pop in when she posts that make it worse.Most is fine if you just read BP and ignore neroticat, that Dee eyerolling white knight, and theres another. Its just that they are always chiming in together, like they all got each other on speed dial or something.


>Is she talking about the alternative therapy bullshit



Ok so I just learned about this because another thread pointed out this


Yeah after reading that and some other things about Schiff, I say fuck using age regression as a therapy or reparenting. All bullshit, and maybe the therapist likes watching adults act like babies.

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This. What was wrong with the twitter announcement like last time, this was just dumb.

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>SJWs REEEEing about how a guy getting his pants played with against his will is somehow him being sexually predatory because… he didn't go commando

Reddit being Reddit as usual.

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WTF did I just read?

This is a perfect example of why I dislike "community" ABDLs, they are so fucking inconsistent on their values.

>Wear footed pajamas in public, fetish and diaper unknown encounter written by ABDL observer


>Cute girl in diapers with tights in public visible line

Upvote that shit

>Wear diapers in public, someone grabs ass suspects diaper

You fucking scumbag! How dare you force someone to grab diaper and not ass.

Like they can't understand that men can wear diapers and not be aroused (sexually), like some very vocal redditors think mens dicks have the ability to permanently stay erect if you introduce the right stimuli. Anyone who witnesses said person in street clothes wearing diapers underneath is witnessing the equivalent of someone just straight up fucking in the middle of the road.

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That dude that equated strippers to rapists was probably the most wtf part of the thread

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That whole group is cancer. Bunch of late 20s/early 30 year olds going no where with life working dead end jobs, some becoming "transgender" to find some bit of acceptance in that fucked up circle. Glad I left FL a long time ago, such a cesspool of shit.

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When I first came online in 2011, the bullshit ABDL "Community", back then it was good.

You could say what you want and post what you like and people had thicker skins back then and respected you for who you are and what you like.

Nowadays, with Fetlife, Reddit, Diaper-Bois and Daily Diapers: if you say what's on your mind, political and fetish wise, you get called a Nazi, racist and a gay-basher, just because these young liberals in their late teens to mid twenties, believe they are right and know everything.

And what makes it worse is that most of them are MODS on these fucking sites. So they have the power to block you, spread lies about you and gang up on you.

People like Blue Pandora should be burnt at the stake…and when she, or he, is just about to go out, throw some more logs on the crispy corpse.

That's how I feel about the fetish today. Years ago I loved chatting to others online and across the pond. Now, I don't fucking bother. Too much drama.

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I agree 100% with everything you just said. I found the ABDL community back in 2004 and it was so much fucking better.

I just lurk Reddit these days to get updates on products and occasionally shitpost here.

Also, inb4 one of the Reeeedit poster faggots shows up and says "hurr, you just need to learn how to socialize!"

I can socialize just fine, I work a normal job for decent pay, I'm just not a tree-hugging, white-knighting beta faggot liberal, which makes me an "alt-right neo-nazi"

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I totally agree with what you've just said, sir. Also the websites back in 2011 and even in 2005 when I did snoop online at ABDL sites, which are no longer around, were much better, content wise. Damn all these SJW and Liberals of today!

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Seems more like a way of pointing out that the stripper was the one who initiated an unwanted sexual encounter in context, to be honest.

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Agreed. Although I don't know what political views has to do with it, liberal, conservative or socialist, who really cares, it's all the same shit.

I loved the YABDL chat on FL back around 10-13/14, then that entire group got drama filled, then Trump got in and then shit hit the fan on that website. I'm Canadian, so it was priceless when I got called "alt right supporter" for saying I disagreed with something and tried to have a conversation, which ends up with them calling you bigot, what-ever-phobe of the day etc etc.

The ABDL online community peaked in the early 2010s, and has been on the decline since, which is sad cause I talked with a lot of people, but now everything is either "lib-tard" this or "bigoted right winger" that.

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Back in the day whenever I spoke to online folk within the fetish, politics was never mentioned. It just seems to be the norm now; which is disgusting and bad.

People will reject you for your political views, no matter what they are, and it's wrong. People are quick to judge you these days, even before they want to chat about ABDL.

I'm English, so I don't give a toss what those sad Americans think, the ones that have given me shit over the years within the fetish.

These days, Adult Babies and Ageplayers, think twice about speaking their mind and saying it how it is, because they get ganged up on the said websites; Diaper-Bois, Daily Diapers and Fetlife.

It's wrong, but that's the way we're heading. I do believe that there were more AB's, Mummies and Daddies online in 2010 than there are now. Simple reason being: they given up on the fetish and they can't stand people's drama and bullshit, which I agree.

And given the other Thread; nowadays, there's a few scumbags who like nothing more than to dox those who piss them off; back in the day that never happened.

I don't believe that other people in other fetishes and kinks do this sort of treatment. I could be wrong…

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>People will reject you for your political views, no matter what they are, and it's wrong.

How, exactly? Political beliefs are tied into your core human values. If you can't judge whether or not someone is worth your time based on their core human values, what can you judge them on?

Political beliefs are a better judge of character than any other demographic characteristic. Prove me wrong.

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>I don't believe that other people in other fetishes and kinks do this sort of treatment

It happens. The furry community has a lot of weird subgroup drama. Most BDSM fetishes also have this going on.

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>Political beliefs are a better judge of character than any other demographic characteristic. Prove me wrong.

This just speaks to me of your own preoccupation with people's political beliefs.

You say they are a better judge of character than anything else because YOU care about them more than anything else. That's how it looks to me.

But okay. Why not prove yourself right?

Explain why having political opinions you agree with is more important to character than things like accepting responsibility for actions, treating others with respect, being able to entertain ideas that go against beliefs, following through on promises and obligations, etc.?

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You're the biggest cunt on 8chan…

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>Political beliefs are a better judge of character than any other demographic characteristic.

You are correct sir.

I always thought democrats were retards and you have successfully confirmed this as fact.

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With how polarized, propagandized and corrupted the current political landscape is, I'm not sure I agree. If someone tells me they're a left-winger, that could mean anything from pro-war anti-free-speech economic liberalism to libertarian communism. The same kind of spread is present among the right-wing.

If you drill down far enough into specific justifications for specific policies then you can learn more, but I still think it's a very indirect way to get at the underlying moral axioms you care about. I think abstract philosophical discussions are a much more efficient and less controversial way to get the same information.

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File: e92adc6e723c74c⋯.jpg (322.51 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1534226578135.jpg)

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File: 337c2f8235f6874⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 458x481, 458:481, tumblr-pfhleczgij1w73hq3o1….jpg)

words fail me

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Not as cringeworthy as the post below yours.

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I don't believe that other people in other fetishes and kinks do this sort of treatment. I could be wrong…

From what I can tell Furries are nonstop catty drama.


I'm more inclined to agree with this. I've met people I don't agree with on political things, but I still like them for not being horrible people. And that's not to say I'd look past everything; if they cross whatever lines I have on morals or whatever. That being said I don't want to ruin their life or scream at them, I'd rather just not talk to them.

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File: 624134e76f5d1ed⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 350x250, 7:5, totalwuss.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some "Daily Show"-style TV program did a skit with him. Certainly doesn't do our optics any favors. But honestly, he looks like he's in on the joke, probably enjoying the free publicity.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My favorite Tykeables-related video is the town meeting of the citizens opposed to his store. The normie reacts are humorous. Video serves as a great reminder to any autist who thinks ABDL would

ever go mainstream.

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File: 844efb9f9c084f4⋯.png (604.63 KB, 1993x1501, 1993:1501, boring.png)



You'd have to be retarded to think anything like AB/DL would become mainstream.

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It's a shame it has such terrible audio, makes it almost unwatchable. Thanks for the post.

Tykables should donate a proper audio and video recording system to the city administration. Just so we can get some good laughs and cringe.

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Also, if I was a millionaire…I would open up a "mascot" store just to see their faces when a furry shop opened right after they got the other one out of town.

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I can't bear to watch this but man is it surreal that it exists. Also yeah ABDL wouldn't and shouldn't go mainstream or even really be exposed to anyone but at the same time some storefront shouldn't really cause this much trouble unless it's being purposely very obnoxious



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File: ce7da33d77301d6⋯.gif (498.19 KB, 500x438, 250:219, tenor (3).gif)


Watch it but skip to the townspeople part.

They get super upset that Tykables had giant Lego blocks in the window. Tykables had to put a curtain in front of it. They also got really upset at them allowing customers to take photos and play in the showroom. It was just funny watching them trying to grapple with the idea that there was nothing illegal being done and not being able to enforce any law to prevent stores like Tykables, without inherently shutting down every other store at the same time.

It's just glorious seeing so many mad Karens in one video. PS see if you can spot the abdl of the group.

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File: 028c7c83f4ec8a1⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 650x366, 325:183, chi-tykables09-ct003899904….jpg)

File: 7cfd9e8ef75d305⋯.jpg (125.59 KB, 900x675, 4:3, 306f1bd5c2309da1b05a19c01b….jpg)


Oh ok so the blocks were used as a privacy screen.

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Tykables guy is a world class idiot for stressing ABDL at his store front. Just run tylables online and present yourself as a Medical Diaper Depot.

So many other stores that sell ABDL shit do not post pics of ABDL antics. Nobody is going to boycot a store just for selling diapers with prints. They don't give a shit. Tykables made this a spectacle.

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Just want to add: majority of ABDL clients aren't interested in stepping into a business with an adult sized crib. They want their shit and they want to get out. Only the voyeurs and web personalities spend time in these places - just make it a backroom, invite only.

Did he think non-ABs were going to hear about his adult sized playroom and think "maybe this is the lifestyle for me!"

I just don't get it. He makes most of his money online.

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Well I agree…sorta.

Yeah having a storefront was kinda dumb. But… the way the townspeople wanted to make it fascist town, USA is what attracted national attention.

The storefront on the right has nothing wrong with it, no giant Tykables sign on it, and even most of the Karens wouldn't have even known about it if there wasn't a grand opening video online.

So yeah, while I dont support their store, I will defend their right to do so.

Oh man what would be better, is apply to sell hand made furniture. BUT all the furniture is oversized nursery furniture, no mention of ABDL no diapers just a saleman in a suit selling cribs, changing tables and rocking horses.

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That is essentialy what they did. The windows were blocked (by blocks) the front door locked and people were let in by appointment only. It wasn't until the video made its way through town did people find offense, so they covered the windows with curtains.

It was only meant for those in the know ya know?

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Exactly, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with the storefront because it's really more of a warehouse. And what good is a warehouse if you can't host weird parties in it?

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i've always wondered how they justify the cost of having a storefront in some random town that is only being used to store stuff. i feel like they could get a decent sized warehouse in an industrial park for a lot less.

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I think its because they live there. Also I guess they use the furniture for cons and figured it would be a shame to just have it locked away somewhere. Plus they have multiple distribution warehouses. This was all explained in the video.

Theres this part where one guy points out that its a million dollar business, and one of the ladies that was against them being there then was like oh they can stay as long as the city gets money. But thenthe lawyer was like well…they have warehouses are the country and the city would only collecton sales from the storefront.

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>I think its because they live there.

It is. And they have a large warehouse attached to the store. I live like 30 minutes away and have known them for several years.

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File: 6037468526b96b6⋯.png (433.91 KB, 620x510, 62:51, moring glory.png)

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File: 44aa2453bc13c45⋯.jpg (303.12 KB, 1439x1840, 1439:1840, snoof.jpg)

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That's fucking gross! All the cunts who like to smell and eat used diapers, and there's many queers and furry faggots who do, should be fucking shot! I mean, it's also openly discussed on a few Threads on Diaper-Bois.com!

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Good lord. Cringe. Dont forget to put them in the microwave to warm them up the next morning

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>Cub party

Furfags, THIS is why EVERYBODY hates you, when you're not fucking dogs or grooming children you're doing shit like this.

Seriously, even amongst an autistic group of people who enjoy pissing and shitting themselves, you somehow always come out with top tier cringe.

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File: 0b66219d6418361⋯.png (17.3 KB, 590x234, 295:117, retard.png)

do severely retarded omegle roleplayers count as abdl cringe?

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>cub party

Didn't MisterMetokur mention that "cub" means underaged in one of his streams or videos? It kinda rings a bell

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Its got multiple meanings amongst furries. Can refer to art of underaged characters or as a furry flavoured term for ABs.

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As a speaker of moon runes, this is hilarious. If the topic wasn't abdl I'd definitely share it with friends.

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Yeah, pretty much this. Cub porn is underage furry porn. Babyfurs referring to each other as cubs is the same as ABs referring to each other as babies.


Lol dude don't delude yourself. We come out with shit that's just as bad. Worse even, considering most of the pedos that pop up come from ABDL and not from babyfur. I think the furfags have had 1 or 2 pedos come out of their ranks, while we have a list that rolls all the way back to Deeker.

We've also got the diaper-scat fetishists, the creepy sissy-baby-mask people, the cucks, the incontinence fags, the vast majority of the cam-whores, the diaper dumpster divers, and the fat oldfag sissies with the frills and cloth diapers. Babyfur is a subset of two different subsets, ABDL and furry. Of course it's going to have more concentrated autism just because their lower numbers are going to make the shit rise to the surface in more obvious ways. Don't kid yourself in thinking that we're somehow better than them when we're just as degenerate though.

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>I think the furfags have had 1 or 2 pedos come out of their ranks

I think that is a laughably low guess and I think you're ignoring the issue of bestiality.

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>the diaper dumpster divers

Pamperchu is a furry, you know.

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>our optics

And what exactly does do "our optics" favors?

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lol - Todd moved his store anyways for a bigger warehouse in a neighboring suburb. His business has been a big hit and he's making a lot of money - this really started after the news of his storefront went viral. It was actually the perfect move for him.

Stay mad and angry bitching about abdl's having fun and "exposing" themselves while you jerk off in your shitty diaper in your basement only to burst into shameful tears post-orgasm. Faggot.

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>We've also got the diaper-scat fetishists, the creepy sissy-baby-mask people, the cucks, the incontinence fags, the vast majority of the cam-whores, the diaper dumpster divers, and the fat oldfag sissies with the frills and cloth diapers. Babyfur is a subset of two different subsets, ABDL and furry. Of course it's going to have more concentrated autism just because their lower numbers are going to make the shit rise to the surface in more obvious ways. Don't kid yourself in thinking that we're somehow better than them when we're just as degenerate though.

ALL of those side fetishes you described can include people who are ALSO furries, you fucking moron. That's what he's talking about, shit-for-brains.

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File: ae3f7933b4a8143⋯.jpeg (250.85 KB, 1242x1108, 621:554, dug62y616i8b.jpeg)

I think I have found the worst thing I have ever seen related to this fetish. This is total nope material by the way. It's much worse than the link says.


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File: 5046c50e0038c0c⋯.png (579.17 KB, 770x435, 154:87, dcqla9d-4e085ca2-11da-4bda….png)


What the fuck did I just observe

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File: 3f21f09db0efbf0⋯.png (29.6 KB, 165x166, 165:166, w10~3.png)


Proof that God makes mistakes.

I went into his "followers" list and it was a rabbit hole I sincerely regret diving into.

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How the hell does it even get to that point?

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>Opened link out of curiousity from reactions

>Saw video thumbnail (shit covered peen with maggots)

>Noped the fuck out

Now no one has to look at it ever again.

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I couldn't bring myself to play it after the thumbnail.

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File: e806749fbf40b85⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1544355972049.jpg)



no, fucking… fucking WHAT?!

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People who's sexually into scat play should be hanged, drawn and quartered. I pressed play and after 3 seconds I left. It's fucking disgusting!

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File: 998e21f1bce0a1f⋯.jpg (73.63 KB, 322x276, 7:6, 1435557852094.jpg)


It's good to know that there are still things out there that can horrify me. That instinct may yet save me.

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I got one frame in.

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File: 9a49ded0e0fe49f⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 375x500, 3:4, a5077bd.jpg)










I'm glad to see that I can still post some quality cringe. This is measurably worse than the faggot with the diapered pedo sex doll that he age plays with.

There's three video of this. Three. Why the fuck would anyone upload this to the internet, a porn site even? Who jacks off to worm infested feces? Dude should see a doctor.

Also why does this have a 46% rating? It should be like -666%. There is no fucking God.

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those are definitely maggots.

The man let flies into his shit and it formed maggots.

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Well now you have to tell me about the pedo fag.

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Well here is his website. Lots of pictures of him and his doll.


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Then I wonder how long he's been wearing that shitty diaper for that to happen.

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Fuck me, I get chilling in a messy diaper for a bit but holy fuck I almost threw up!!!!! God damn… like is this guy the living embodiment of filth? I really hope he gets some help mentally and a bleach bath :/

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Watching this made me feel quite differently about the whole thing. The normies have some important points to make.

I developed this thing as a kid myself but corrupting other kids would be evil. Sure, we like blocks and bibs and stuff, but accidentally attracting kids and getting them hooked because they're still into toys would be our complete failure as adults. I thought the blocks in his window were cool when I first saw them but I wouldn't want to tell my kids why they had to stay away from that store either. Discretion really needs to be paramount.

I think people should be able to have a business like this, but it needs to utilize utmost discretion in being a good neighbor. I hope the owner watched this and tried to positively respond to the town to help them with their concerns.

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I wonder if this is because of him wearing a messy diaper long enough for flies to lay eggs, or if this is some disgusting gut parasite. I puked in my mouth either way.

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I don't understand. Does this man really wake up and think "time for diapered drag with my sex doll"?

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>corrupting other kids

>attracting kids and getting them hooked

You have a really, really weird idea of how fetishes form.

It's at least as wrong as the bad-smells-cause-diseases hypothesis, and has much less evidence supporting it.

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I think it's a parasite. Probably from eating someone else's shit. His poop looks too fresh for maggots to develop to that size. So it has to be worms.

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You let parents worry about their kids, rather than having government (even local government) parent them for you.

As long as nothing explicit is On display, I couldn't give less of a fuck. I hate the idea of intervening with what consenting adults do because parents kick up a fuss.

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I'm going to watch beheading videos on liveleak as a palate cleanser

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anyone got a mirror? now that ive read reactions im morbidly curious at whats in this video…

(looks like he made it private)

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That would have been a lot better without the strange old man in the wig.

Still, it was more fappable than I expected. A comfortable 7/10.

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Legitimately shit crawling with maggots in his diaper. I'm still scarred…

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Not much to say. Some dude had maggots crawling in his diapers. These videos were a few seconds long apiece. His follows and kinks are interesting though.

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I know these are fake but I hate bluepandora, met her in real life and shes every bit as annoying

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people are *losing their minds* because the host hotel for CAPcon next year was "sold out" because of a glitch. organizers stopped vetting until the problem was fixed and people were raving about how they wanted a refund if they didn't get a room in the host hotel.

vetting has started again and the hotel is now half full.

apparently the new hotel is double the size of the one from last year.

i would be kinda pissed if i got stuck at the overflow hotel, tbh. it's going to be a pain in the ass having to take a shuttle back and forth.

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I agree. Get a doublewide in a field or a corrugate warehouse or something. An abdl brick and mortar store is untenable outside of a world city like NYC, Tokyo or Hong Kong

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The only people losing their minds are the soyboy beta males and camwhores who can get vetted for the event. The only cringe here is the event itself.

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Live streaming cringe!


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>cook county

of fucking course

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File: 96fa358ed7fd17e⋯.png (3.63 MB, 2278x4773, 2278:4773, collage1.png)


He is also a pedophile faggot who constantly denies being one whenever he gets exposed.

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File: dc37037ba940f3f⋯.png (470.05 KB, 1082x1400, 541:700, Page65_small.png)

>I'm Trans

>You're Trans

>We're all Trans

Is this the new Shine?

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trannys make abdl look bad

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File: 5c4dacec19ece33⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 640x480, 4:3, bubbles.gif)


I followed links I shouldn't have. I think I'm done with the internet for today.

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ironically, the OP of that thread is even more degenerate

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Fucking epic dude you sure showed them!

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This is absolutely fucking retarded. Walking in your own shit and piss squishing around you butt cheeks and the fucking smell. You are the definition of a type 2 retard.

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File: 64739d560457535⋯.png (136.89 KB, 1448x1087, 1448:1087, PeakCringe.PNG)

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>get ganged up on the said websites…Daily Diapers…

im the one that forced dailydiapers to delete their politics subforum…

i made a thread there talking about pedophilia in hollywood, i was trying to expose it to them, i knew goin in that i wasnt going to be received well. stupid fucks want to believe their stars are perfectly moral creatures and damn anyone that contradicts that.

i didnt post opinion i posted screenshots and news articles i was bringing the sauce as they say. due to that it was hard for them to justify shutting down the thread so it did survive for a week or so, but eventually they did delete the thread.

so i complained straight to mike of dailydi himself via dm's that the subforum specifically states politics is a permitted subjected so it isnt fair for them to silence me, so next mike banned me and removed the politics subforum all together.

i then posted to reddit/abdl that dailydi has now decided to censor political discussions for the sake of defending hollywood pedos, and no one replied to that thread, redditors didnt give a shit….

walked away from reddit and dailydi that day never went back

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>he looks like he's in on the joke

in on the joke is right, hes a fuckin spook, its all coordinated. from the very beginning he knew damn well the drama he was stoking with that store, it was the intent.

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