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Anon I am desperate, you see I am looking for a way to summon minor and major spirits, only that the information I have found is about demons and that does not interest me, I would like to ask, do you know methods or information forums to learn more about the subject and know how to summon minor spirits ?

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First set up your circle, incenses with the spirit symbol or sigil and material that will be the gift/bribe that each of them have affinity for.

Then you must stay awake for at least 24 hours or till you reach the state where you're almost asleep, staying bed can help this till you're nodding off. This is the perfect time to go to where you set up the stuff(Stay in the circle) and start the process of communication . Call out to the entity and ask them to receive this gift. After call out to them that i offer an arrangement (name of entity) over and over till you hear a voice coming from within. Ask for something and what payment . Continue the dialog till you are in agreement then take the offerings/gifts/bribe and any other thing that the entity wanted in put it in a fire to be burnt. Afterwards enjoy your new friend and your new connection with spirits. Go to sleep and you'll find what you wanted with you in your daily life the next day or so..it depends on what you and the entity agreed on.

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Can I ask you some questions?

>I don't want to be left with the doubt, how should the circle be?

>does the incense already have the corresponding sigil or can I print it (if it doesn't have the sigil) and stick it on the incense?

Could you tell me in more detail or exactitude about this part?

>Then you must stay awake for at least 24 hours or till you reach the state where you're almost asleep, staying bed can help this till you're nodding off. This is the perfect time to go to where you set up the stuff(Stay in the circle) and start the process of communication .

>What spirit do you recommend? (My goal if I tell you very simple is to do justice by my own hand)

>What should i do if it doesn't work for me?

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Can you answer me?

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File: 62dfd10808d7e64⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 224x225, 224:225, georgeledont.jpg)


> you see I am looking for a way to summon minor and major spirits

You'll be sorry, OP.

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