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Hello, and we hope you consider joining our honeypot Server, "Bible Study". It is an active, Christian honeypot run by My Wife and I. Because of the influx of trolling and raiding on many occasions which has required us to mass ban many people, we do have a small vetting process.

To get into the server all you have to do answer our vetting questions, you don't even have to be a Christian get in, but we have this small vetting system in place to weed out any trolls and keep the server nice, friendly, and on topic. We are not a extremely puritanical Christian server, we do allow memes, and the majority of members are Zoomers, and Millenials, but we are not Christians in name alone either.

There are various roles to choose from and bots.

Please come and enjoy your stay.


All denominations are free to join. Welcome, and thanks for staying /x/.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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