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File: b04f9111aeb9073⋯.jpg (604.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Breath_Of_Gaia_Wallpaper_1….jpg)

 No.37353[Last 50 Posts]

My goal for this post is not to start a debate on whether or not the Earth is flat. My goal is to explain why I think the FES (Flat Earth Society) exists.

When we think of Earth, the majority of humans think of it as being round.


We have images from space of Earth being round, and other planetary bodies in our solar system are also round. It impossible for NASA to control every image online. We have Elon Musk who recently put his Tesla Roadster in space, and you can view the Earth in the background.

However, there is a smaller portion of the population that believes in a Flat Earth theory. We have all heard of people describe "Flat Earthers" as crazy. We also hear that conspiracy theorists are crazy and have crazy ideas, not based in reality. Our society tries to marginalize those with new or "crazy" ideas, ideas that do not fit in the "normal box." I believe that Flat Earth Society is misinformation to keep people away from the real truth. The underlying purpose of the FES is to stifle free thinking by purposely creating an incorrect notion, and then have our society ridicule individuals over those beliefs. It also puts conspiracy theorists in a more negative light.


"Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet." I want to further suggest that the Earth is alive. Trees and plants have consciousness, but could it be possible that the whole planet is a conscious being? I do not have scientific evidence to support my claim that the Earth is a living, intelligent being. Returning to my main point, I believe people are being conditioned to ridicule ideas that would fundamentally change our perspective of the Earth. If we did know that the Earth was a living being, how would that change our perspective? I believe humanity would care more about reducing pollution, and care more about reducing our trash waste. We would treat our planet with more respect than we currently do.

Indigenous people have a connection with the Earth that our modern society has lost. People roll their eyes at the tree-hugging hippies, but what if those people are trying to connect with the tree consciousness, or trying to connect with Mother Earth, or Mother Gaia?

TL;DR - In summation, humanity is waking up and questioning our reality. They are trying to make sense of the world around them, and not just trust what a mainstream source says, and for that, I commend them. So whether you believe if the Earth is round or not, or whether the Earth is alive or not, it does not really matter. By ridiculing people who believe that the Earth is flat, we control and pressure people to conform. When our society ridicules ideas that challenge the status quo, we feel uncomfortable, and we become less of a free thinking society.

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>I do not have scientific evidence to support my claim that the Earth is a living, intelligent being.

>I do not have scientific evidence to support my claim

>I do not have scientific evidence

The principal stat of /x/

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flat earth is a psyop or test to see how information spreads on facebook.

- started on facebook

- had immediately a ton of well made yt videos and content

- so stupid it attracts people who spread it just for lolz

- not stupid enough that certains retards fall for it

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The modern flat earth theory existed far before facebook.

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As a former lurker of the Flat Earth Society forums, I don't think you get it, and I don't think the millions of autistic people prone to knee-jerk reactions get it either. By focusing on "truth", "correctness", and "facts" you betray your inner disposition towards elevating dogma and appeals to authority and canon and also your inability to be anything other a serious, boring mentally old person who can't play around. I get the impression that many who show disdain for flat earth discussion care more about the shape of the earth than flat earthers, which begs the question. Why do people get sucked into debunking flat earth theory? The theory would never have grown legs and left the confines of the flat earth society forums if people didn't have an obsessive need for control over what other people think and say. It's popularity doesn't reflect ignorance but rather how society tries to control people and in response others champion the opposing side out of rebelliousness and spite.

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>flat earth society


Basically the same thing

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I grew up in a traditional conservative family. My parents became born again Christians when I was 9 and although I never converted myself, I went to their church for the next 6-7 years. During that period, I met people who believed that illnesses are caused by demons, that the Earth is only 6k years old, that Pokémon cards are demonic, etc etc. Trust me, they weren't CIA agents trying to spread misinformation for the purpose of making conspiracy theorists look bad. I think it's amazing that you consider yourself a free thinker, and yet you accuse the flat earthers of being tools of the establishment simply because their ideas seem too ridiculous to you.


I have no way to prove this, but I kind of doubt that the flat earth theory wouldn't have spread to other parts of the internet regardless of whether the debunkers paid any attention to it, although they probably contributed to its popularity.

>Why do people get sucked into debunking flat earth theory?

Maybe it's because it challenges their worldview and they're afraid that it might become a serious threat if they don't debunk it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2-3m in, flat-earthers BTFO

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I still think it's interesting how the general public scoffed at the flat-earthers, yet were not able to debunk them, they had to call upon the help of academics, it just shows how much of what we "know" is just fed to us and we must be aggressive to new ideas since there is only one truth to most people, the consensus on reality as told to us in school; the consensus that you are not allowed to question. I'm fine with people rationalising reality however they want, it challenges the monopoly that certain institutions have on telling us what is what.

At the heart of the FES is a noble anti-authoritarian message, that is why I don't knock them for their theories.

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You're right, but there's more. Keep going the way you're going and you'll eventually get it.

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Flat earth theory has existed for a while, but it spread like wildfire for reasons >>37357 described. There's also one more reason it spread though. Flat earth theory has been turned from simple dumb shit that 0.000005% of people believe into a BASTARD: a Blatant Anti-Science Theory Aimed to Ridicule Dissent. It's disinfo that they spread around among the dumber adherents to specific ideologies they don't want people to believe. By doing this, these ideologies get associated with the BASTARD, discrediting them.

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I am pretty sure it's much more simple, socio-political issue. On one hand in the past two decades people got unprecedented means of acquiring information and staying in contact - the internet. At the same time, as all kinds of people could get to voice, standards of education in many cases went down pushed back by political agendas - lots of insane shit acquired a platform it didn't have before.

On top of that, current generations enjoy standard of living on average much better than it was even 50 years before, at least when it comes to the middle class, all without any real cause to fight, without any great hardship comaprable with ones of the past etc

So, you have rebels without cause, bullshit without any filter, encouragement of regressive-leftist policies like fighting against meritocracy, equality of outcome rather than opportunity, feelings over facts and progressive dumbing down of decadent population. Thus, societies full of retards form and you get flatearthers. Or twitter.

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I like your thread OP.

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>TL;DR - In summation, humanity is waking up and questioning our reality. They are trying to make sense of the world around them, and not just trust what a mainstream source says, and for that, I commend them. So whether you believe if the Earth is round or not, or whether the Earth is alive or not, it does not really matter. By ridiculing people who believe that the Earth is flat, we control and pressure people to conform. When our society ridicules ideas that challenge the status quo, we feel uncomfortable, and we become less of a free thinking society.


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File: 2df0244c75cae6e⋯.jpg (4.01 KB, 290x173, 290:173, 2df0244c75cae6e88f640947b0….jpg)

Flatearth shit is just made and promoted in order to further spread the believe that conspiracy theorists are insane or stupid.

Which you flatearthers certainly are.

When people talk about events not happening the way the media tells it, people immediately lump us in with you nimrods.

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Hey faggot OP, nasa hasn't really done any of that.

And if you had two brain cells to run together, you would catch the contradictions in all the missions and the obvious fakery that elon skum pulled off.

For a bunch of free thinkers you sure don't think twice before gorging yourself on the absolute shit the gubmint feeds you.


The fuck

Into it.

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File: 84bdbec7e8a2de8⋯.png (105.26 KB, 817x218, 817:218, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

/christian/ already figured it out.

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File: 6c46556d1e4e6fd⋯.webm (11.38 MB, 320x180, 16:9, IT WUZ J00Z N SHEE1T.webm)

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Why the fuck would I listen to a woman about anything? Especially a blue-haired feminist? Her voice is pure cancer. Also she is fat, and I would NOT fuck her.

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Inventing the term "Conspiracy Theorist" was not enough, because you can still somewhat convince people to think about how do you call someone who conspires, a "conspiracy practitioner" perhaps?

But "flat earth" is the end all-be all mark.

Kind of like "trotskyist" was a death penalty in Stalin's USSR

Except instead of being executed, you're just being removed from discourse.

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The earth is flat fucking retards

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File: 81c4df7aa070aa5⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 710x399, 710:399, 01-lidar-maya.adapt.710.1_….jpg)

Flat earth is a disinfo campaign being waged by the ANCIENT MEGASLOTHS from the hollow earth who don't want you to know that the earth is round and HOLLOW!


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just another cia psyop

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File: 5214376e966b959⋯.png (70.8 KB, 434x364, 31:26, main-qimg-193a5715bc0d2a0e….png)

File: e9655de7856e049⋯.png (27.59 KB, 1678x778, 839:389, 101010.png)



>Gravity is simply not possible on a flat earth

That's where you're brainwashed.

Newtons Theory of Gravity is wrong, it doesn't explain how objects with

magnetic fields repel earth's gravity.


This guy's video is also worth checking out.


Being as Spheretard is the easiest thing in the world.

All you have to do is 3 things.

Appeal to authority.

Don't do any research.

Don't even think about looking for CGI or Fish-eye lenses in curvature footage.

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How is the spiel

>You live on a pale blue speck of dust in space

>You're an evolutionary accident

not a psyop?

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File: 63e774757e9b066⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, electric-universe-theory-e….jpg)

The reason why is the Standard Model of Physics is so fundamentally wrong and NASA is showing us CGI to hide the secret space program from us.

The real physics model is the Electric Universe.

The reason why advancement of technology has stopped, is that the Standard Model of Physics is a hoax. All these scientists are finding and searching for such strange things - quantum physics, highs boson, dark matter, dark energy. They're adding duct tape to a system that doesn't work. They invented these hacks to deal with things like the accelerating expanding universe, but still can't explain it fully. The things they're talking about have never been observed - they're just math to patch things up, so they can claim anything. The media then latches onto the not quite explanation, and so the scientific consensus becomes such that unproven claims are taken at face value. Nobody questions, nobody wants to be seen as a fool. The few that do are decried as conspiracy theorists, pseudo scientists, hucksters, mentally ill.

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>That's where you're brainwashed.

>Newtons Theory of Gravity is wrong, it >doesn't explain how objects with

>magnetic fields repel earth's gravity.

it's called diamagnetism, retard

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I stand corrected.


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File: 4989088df579f06⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 344x489, 344:489, flatearthers.jpg)

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Its possible its designed to treat any new idea about the shape of the earth as nonsense. So flat earth got pushed out and plebs thinking they uncovered the deepest secret began flexing on their friends and got told they were retarded.

When the earth is likely hollow and there's holes everywhere. But itll take some time before people can accept new ideas about the shape of the cosmos

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The gold nugget you can gain from FES is that NASA is obviously lying to us about something.

That's mostly irrefutable

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Take any outlandish FE debate you're having and try to offer this concession.

"I can't say for sure that the earth is flat or round. I don't own a spaceship. But i can say that its super weird how we wanna goto mars but not antartica………….

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Sure Colon, but in this time (i am not that anon) it started like a failed meme like fingerboxes (that are real) fedoras used the flath earth "theory" to laugh at christians, christians didnt bite the bait and the ones talking about the flath earth are mostly autistic fedoras that believes that christians believe that crap and delusional middle class american women, idk about the "society", but mostly niggers believe that crap.


Rap destroyed black culture.

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File: ac18f5d42c65a40⋯.jpg (277.81 KB, 901x1120, 901:1120, 1549251863158.jpg)


Spotted the incel.

I mean, there are various half-truths behind your "reasons" (aka EXCUSES) for hating women.

Doesn't mean they deserve hatred.

>inb4 "you_must_be_new_here.jpg"

>also inb4 "spotted the commie/cuck/shitlib/etc"

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Came here to post this.

Seriously guy, it's too obvious.

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gravity might be real but assuming it's exactly the way we are told it is, just because they say so is stupid. Yes, if I jump off a cliff I will be injured or die so I will not do that because that would be dangerous and stupid, but who are we to assume that gravity is even real? Yes, we can fall and get hurt or die, but is it because of gravity? Is gravity as it is named by science even real? That's just what we have been fed.

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1. Horizon always appears and rises to eye level

2. Water always finds its level

3. Gyroscope's always remaining level throughout worldwide

aeroplane flight travel

4. Polaris never moves from its position despite earths

travel through space

5. No measurable curvature

6. Terminator line on the moon during daytime often

does not coincide with suns directional light

7. Gravity is simply buoyancy & density

8. No photographic evidence of satellites

9 . Questionable flight paths in southern hemisphere

10. Antarctic treaty forbids freedom of movement in Antarctic

11. Van Allen radiation belt makes space travel impossible (if it exists) space or the belt!

12. Water bubbles on ISS film footage

13. The Fake moon landing (or is it)

14. The Sun & globe earth model contradictions.

We're able to observe and bring back into view objects such as land, buildings, and boats that are supposed to be behind the curve.

Horizon always rises to eye level.

Water is always level and it makes up 71% of our #earth.

The Bible repeatedly describes the #Earth as Immovable (Stationary), #Geocentric, and Enclosed in a solid dome structure called the #firmament

All images of the #Earth from #space are admitted to be computer generated.

The heliocentric model was created by Freemasonic Occultists.

All the space agencies share the same vector logo.

Astronaut almost drowning in #space

Water bubbles & Scuba tank viewed in #space

The United Nation's logo is a #FlatEarth map

#Antarctic Treaty

Admiral Byrd Stated that there is more land.

The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the #Earth is stationary

No one has ever circumnavigated the #earth from north to south.

The Selenelion Lunar Eclipse.

Bedford Level Experiment.

Our own senses tell us that the #earthisflat and stationary.

The North Star, Polaris, never moves and the constellations have never changed.

The Sun & Moon appear as the same size

No parallax with the stars

Timelapse Star Trails shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star

Sun dogs and Sun Hot spots

Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel.

Sun shrinks smaller as it sets

The Analemma Time Lapse of the Sun


Gyroscopes, Astrolabes

Bolivian Salt Flats missing curvature

Architects, Excavators, and Railroad Engineers don't account for the curve

Airplanes fly level and don't account for the curve.

Flight paths make much more sense on a Flat #Earth

Density, buoyancy, & Electromagnetism are better explanations for gravity.

Rockets never go straight up!

All but one challenger crew members are proven to still be alive today

No genuine #24hourlivefeed of the #Earthfromspace

No real pics of #Earth from #Space

No actual photos of #Satellites in #Space

No observable proof of #evolution

GoPro lenses used to fake the curve of #Earth

Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve.

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our time on earth could actually be shorter than we perceive or can research it to be because 'mirrors' are set up on either side of our human perception to blind us, in the form of ancient structures with writing/glyphs that mimic even older times and ALSO predict future ones. (stegosaurus/helicopter on a temple wall, dino footprints next to human, inconceivably ancient relics, etc.) We may have been alive for less time than these structures have existed AND been given a false history.

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Although this flat Earth bullshit is certainly nonsense for 80 IQ idiots, it really does appeal to our need to believe in something much more extraordinary than what we're used to, and so many cool scenarios and fantasy novels could be written just from the "fact" that whole new worlds exist beyond the Antarctic.

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Is it bullshit because you didn't feel like reading it and so it's just "some shit I didn't read = bullshit"? nice.

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>you're just old and boring if you don't believe bullshit





>flat earth goon spends an awful large amount of effort defending flat earth

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>doesn't know shit about cosmology

>probably never conducted an experiment himself

>calls others low-iq retards

You dun dunning-krugered, son.

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Your post exemplifies just how charlatans convince the laymen of their claims.

>Rockets never go straight up!

Oh man, this one is gold. I genuinely laughed.

OK OK. Let me ask you a question. Let's say everything you claim is true, absolutely and unquestionably true and we all wake up tomorrow morning and everyone said "oops, shit, the earth is flat and our dogma had us so blind we carried out a conspiracy without instructions for thousands of years and also kept it secret too!"

Would I still have to go to work and pay rent?

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No real pictures of Earth.

No pictures of satellites.

I don't know what it is.

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>haha I'll preemptively avoid the humilation of being called a faggot by saying "inb4" thereby showing how I expect to be called a faggot and am so above it all

Spotted the redditor, you have to go back faggot

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>all photos that prove me wrong are fake

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Flat Earth = Truth which is also in the Bible

Hollow Earth = Distraction / Disinformation

Flat Earth Society = Controlled Opposition

most alternative media channels and websites are also controlled opposition

they all try to confuse the people which are waking up and asking the right questions

have an eye for their symbolism its how they identify themselves so they know "ah this Disinformation channel does belong to our group"

flat earth is so hard fought because it could unite the whole humanity against all states and powers when we start to work together

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File: 5130c8a3202a2b0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: 7332525a22e8b90⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: 621ddcd6c448a2f⋯.png (962.21 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: 7d4c69f27de9a41⋯.png (902.18 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

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File: 66a2c143895e5b5⋯.png (1013.82 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: b6c33437ceacd80⋯.png (952.07 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: 7d4c69f27de9a41⋯.png (902.18 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

File: e085b85078f73cd⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1700x2200, 17:22, Circle_of_the_Earth_Invest….png)

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I think personally that a lot of the flat out retarded /x/-files shit like flat earth is purely PsyOp to discredit other less dumb /x/ tier conspiracies

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i mean i used to post there too but i was mostly trolling. it was just fun coming up with increasingly esoteric explanations for phenomena. its not even to convince anyone its just funny to me

the earth is a hyperbolic parabola accelerating upwards at 9.81 meters a second. the universe is only 3000 years old so its about a thousand more years to go until we hit the speed of light and get flung off

75 iq rubes just bought into the shit we cooked up and it took off

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the cia has been doing that for a long ass time. why do you think bigfoot and bullshit ufo sightings gained so much traction in the public eye during the period when the government was actually doing loads fucked up shit?

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BASTARD, I like that, did you come up with it?

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Those infographics, my sides

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Because they are just wise enough to know the mainstream has been lying to them about everything, so they have become sceptical. But they are too stupid and lazy to actually go out and search for the truth themselves.

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File: 57b4830958a7e14⋯.jpeg (188.66 KB, 1354x900, 677:450, Chicago skyline from lake.jpeg)


The Chicago one is funny because half of the skyline is below the horizon.

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File: 0441548abc2d7eb⋯.png (901.32 KB, 932x3987, 932:3987, JEWS PUSH FLAT EARTH.png)

Yeah so…


Sorry, but it actually really is vampires on this one…

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I see what you did there David Icke

J3ws! For real. On this one, anyway…

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File: 76a3336682d3edf⋯.png (401.94 KB, 796x593, 796:593, PEPE EARTH 01.png)

File: 70306ef2dbbae80⋯.png (382.82 KB, 798x598, 399:299, PEPE EARTH 02.png)

File: b7aa9c6e8933335⋯.png (570.95 KB, 627x827, 627:827, PEPE EARTH 03.png)

File: e62f391712124b6⋯.jpg (295.56 KB, 1199x1395, 1199:1395, PEPE EARTH 04.jpg)

File: 9f0c0ed0aaab1f5⋯.png (371.56 KB, 799x599, 799:599, PEPE EARTH 04.png)


>I see what you did there David Icke

OK, not once did I claim the servants of Archons did this.

But maybe THEY made the J3ws push FE (and put an article in Harretz b/c they were so proud of their work, David Icke).

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It was started by a group of mathematicians a long time ago from what I understand

And it has many purposes none related to true belief in a flat earth.

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>flat earth

just sail around the pole that you think is the ice wall, if its flat it will take along time to make a full lap but if its round it will take much less, either that or you chose the wrong pole, also to know when you have reached the lap you should leave 2 or 3 willing atheist(or fellow christians if you don't believe that anyone that puts even a foot on the pole gets himself on a kill list) with which you keep contact and you and the atheist should do a livestream so that the rest of us can keep tabs.

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>By ridiculing people who believe that the Earth is flat, we control and pressure people to conform. When our society ridicules ideas that challenge the status quo, we feel uncomfortable, and we become less of a free thinking society.

That is an excuse applicable to any horseshit, and thus valid in none. You can claim social justice shouldn't be ridiculed because you're stifling free thinking. Or islam. Go wild !

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File: dc6cc84574386a6⋯.png (880.2 KB, 1274x1184, 637:592, Thought Stopping Language.png)

"Flat Earth" is thought-stopping language designed to shut down discussion and critical thinking. The term "conspiracy theory" used to serve this purpose, but it lost some of its sting after the 2016 election and they were forced to re-brand.

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Just like the backrooms back over at halfchan

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The correct solution is to conduct your own research and find answers for yourself (if you can reasonably do so).

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Fuck this board by the way. They took away the juude parenthesis.


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I'm not a huge fan of the guys but look up canary cry radio - the episode with Rick/Ray De Lano, just listen to the episode instead of watching his documentary. His documentary doesn't actually answer/debunk mainstream science as well as he does in the interview. He's not a flat earther, but he is a man looking at the laws of physics and science and questioning it. He also goes into great detail how this entire psyop came about directly after he made his film from both the catholics and the scientists.

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The Flat Earth stuff is just a very small number of people who suffer from a flawed perception of their own intellectual abilities and who have no trust in authority for a variety of reasons.

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you are entitled to your opinion, but the point is to respect others intellectual products for their curiosity and creativity in itself and not proclaiming truth is the only dominion humanity can strive for greatness.

tl:dr dont shame others for beeing wrong, for idiocracy is a real threat to an overinformed society as ours

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Flat Earth 21 questions and answers that prove the Earth is flat

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File: c3ea9fa4a7d4ab2⋯.png (349.84 KB, 602x340, 301:170, gravityyetweakenoughtoletb….png)



Gravity is not real.

Things only fall down because they are denser than air.

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File: ec52b3e1f53f179⋯.png (244.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, nasausesdifferentpictureso….png)

File: 1adbd83c8140a73⋯.png (353.51 KB, 814x633, 814:633, Americachangessizesonearth.png)

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The moon landing was a hoax

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File: f5b2f917ce86df9⋯.png (520.62 KB, 960x720, 4:3, marsonireland.png)

The mars rover landings was a hoax

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File: 4196f80bcb98226⋯.png (748.88 KB, 700x499, 700:499, groundhogonmars.png)

File: 4196f80bcb98226⋯.png (748.88 KB, 700x499, 700:499, groundhogonmars.png)

File: 2049e93fa318350⋯.png (380.44 KB, 920x450, 92:45, lizard_on_mars.png)

You can see animals in the Curiosity Rover pictures

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File: 60cd5d507fb2204⋯.png (239.63 KB, 1500x182, 750:91, haab.png)

The horizon remains flat,and at eyelevel.

This proves that Earth is not a spinning ball.

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File: b303feee7ee0bd6⋯.png (6.48 MB, 3972x1468, 993:367, fisheyelens1.png)

File: 8b7df6bf71347ce⋯.png (151.03 KB, 312x262, 156:131, fisheye_lens2.png)

Photos such as these are taken using a camera lens called fish eye lens which makes everything appear round.

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>composite image taken by 5 cameras from college educated people that know the earth is round

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You can clearly see that the Earth is flat in that picture

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File: 848c17058264489⋯.png (69.94 KB, 366x205, 366:205, possible.png)

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File: ff038573379d43c⋯.png (974.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, untitled.png)

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File: 14d77e74dfe8945⋯.png (559.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fr.png)

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File: 6bedf7973226c44⋯.png (903.28 KB, 736x736, 1:1, _youve_been_lied_to_since_….png)

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File: e6eb2317810ff9f⋯.png (125.06 KB, 275x206, 275:206, theflatearthsocietylogo.png)

File: 658bf2e5ea0d459⋯.png (96.14 KB, 222x269, 222:269, theflatearthsocietyleader.png)


The Flat Earth is controlled opposition to make Flat Earth look stupid.

It was founded by a freemason named Leo Ferrari.

The Flat Earth society mixes the truth with lies for example gravity.

The Flat Earth society instead of just telling the truth, that gravity does not exist and things just fall down because things are just denser than air, the Flat Earth society claims gravity rather than being a force, is the upward acceleration of the Earth the Earth always accelerates upward at 1g

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Holy fuck you maga boomers and Christ cucks need to get over it. The fucking Earth isn't flat, you nothing accomplish on this topic. It's not fucking flat not even the Catholic Church believed it was flat.

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>not even the Catholic Church believed it

That is hardly a ringing endorsement of your position.

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>when image macros debunk globe globe earth

hahaha. Now flat earth is not even a christian thing as the majority of flat earthers are not even christians. You need to get over that aliens are not real because at this point there is no reason to still belive that the earth is a spinning ball!

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File: 9fd68105382120f⋯.png (180.67 KB, 653x480, 653:480, jupiter.png)

>maga boomers

Donald or I should say Donna instead because theat is a women not a man,and Trump created a fake thing called space force which space is not even real why would Donna Trump create something called space force? Donna Trump is not against the New World Order and Qanon is a CIA psyop. Anyway have you ever wondered why this trannies face is painted orange? In Rome only the representative of Jupiter can sacrifice a human in the city walls this is why Trump's face is always painted orange because Donald Trump is the representative of Jupiter. Occult symbolism in plain sight. By the way Jupiter is a planet but planets are not other places you can walk on planets are just wondering stars. Unlike the other stars planets move and do not stay in the same position. Here is a real picture of Jupiter.

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The earth has never been proven to be round but earth has been proven to be flat

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Actually if you really want aRed Pill, the earth is shaped like a pyramid. The edgy Egyptians knew all along.

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File: afa173f6fbcdb88⋯.jpeg (94.81 KB, 638x442, 319:221, egyption_flat_earthcosmol….jpeg)


The Egyptians knew the Earth was flat.

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>The Egyptians knew the Earth was flat.

Even ancient Egyptians who lived several hundred years after the Hyksos took up residence in Egypt would have seen a horizon that was parallel to that of the Egyptians. Why, one wonders, did they not then advance to a hypothesis, in response to which all evidence from ancient Egypt would seem to show that the horizon was horizontal?

To the Christian, the Egyptian idea of rectilinearity is indistinguishable from the Christian idea of flatness. The notion of square/hill is, of course, simply a matter of man having come upon an idea that could be used to justify some new error.

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The horizon is always at eyelevel

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You Globe Cucks need to just go ahead and admit it that there is no proof for the earth being a spinning globe

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