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 No.10946 [Last50 Posts]

The I-wanted-a-shobill-mating-call-vid-but-they-ran-out edition.

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File: d7fed9ee9af6630⋯.png (1.15 MB,1280x1280,1:1,1620153 - Viper X-COM X-CO….png)

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If he starts dicking with things like OT it'll stop looking legit.

Legal, maybe, but not legit.

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File: 3d236282a965be9⋯.jpg (107.19 KB,588x625,588:625,21cd4224e881645071f1410d67….jpg)


Birds aren't for sexual.

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File: b0a954893e86a7b⋯.gif (471.8 KB,500x496,125:124,b0a954893e86a7beb9e6bfcdff….gif)


Well Magcargo has a temperature of the sun or some shit, there is no fucking logic in the dex entries topkek


I can basically do anything within the confines of my save file. I could make 10,000 shiny rays if I really wanted to. Any nature, moves, ability, etc. But I only make them legal

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I was just looking for you.

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File: 47a2e51a5055635⋯.jpg (15.1 KB,243x373,243:373,28bfe394dc45de4c29ebef14ab….jpg)


Well, you've found me; what is it that you need?

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File: 8e9b5c86e37aa84⋯.gif (4.89 MB,369x390,123:130,60da0a460f00e5bb6879421cd7….gif)

File: 83e41aaf8fb2948⋯.gif (4.9 MB,528x488,66:61,121747 - Animated Harpy Mo….gif)

File: 52af79bfefa0269⋯.gif (1.16 MB,390x414,65:69,1470527581945.gif)


fuck you

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File: 28c170379ad9dc1⋯.png (2.31 MB,1280x1641,1280:1641,60159703_p0.png)


Does moon not have the mirrored sunglasses?

You said you were going for the scumbad look, right? Those are basically required.

I can change my trainer class between Lass and Rich Bitch just by putting some on.

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File: 89e2de8c59e195a⋯.gif (26.52 KB,500x400,5:4,tumblr_mh15y28dqO1qb8r7co2….gif)


More asking out of curiosity.

OT can be whatever. All I need for sure is 6 perfect IVs and and Adi nature on a shiny.


Alright. I'm not sure it needs any specific moves.

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oh yeah it would help if you can get a buzzswole. Doesnt matter what it is.

Unfortunately I really dont have anything to offer in that case. I might as well just complete my dex, look up GTS, and get what I need.

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File: 6ab99ddc029dad8⋯.png (89.74 KB,600x600,1:1,i_do_not_hurt_at_all__by_e….png)

And my cat apparently chewed through my charger. I'll have to pick one up before I can nab some mons.

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File: 1fd30e6db324bc3⋯.jpg (138.74 KB,720x1280,9:16,60160007_p0.jpg)



Fair enough.


Unfortunately, I traded one of my buzzwoles to one of my friends, and I'd rather keep the other.

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File: 25d7490a4289cf8⋯.jpg (19.05 KB,194x229,194:229,give it a few hours.jpg)


I need to arrange the game with you / ask when we start. Have you finished at school?

Also how's your day been?


And here you said you were just a little gay!

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File: 99df1067cc07ae4⋯.jpg (352.22 KB,1280x853,1280:853,1435276049.zororisama_img_….jpg)


One of my friends brother has wanted one for ages but missed the event.

Hell, even non quite perfect IVs would be rad.

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File: a6c14f5e6d520fd⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,48KJz6v.png)


idk I would have to check around


Well Adamant is not a good nature for it. I could get you a BR one if that's what you need

Thing is I dont want to risk corrupting my save or some shit cause it happened to me before in OR. I was way too "mod everything" happy and ended up paying quite the grim price…

Im pretty sure that completing the dex didnt do it. Its when I changed my name, my event flags, etc. I really dont want to risk altering any online data though. I.E. my FP points

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Fair dues.


Malie City.

The mirrored glasses are not gender locked and the only game-lock component is the colours.

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File: 58d85ab4cdfd4f9⋯.jpg (40.27 KB,736x490,368:245,flight.jpg)


We were expecting a foot of snow but didn't even get a quarter of that so we didn't have school today. I know I said I'd be here all day, but I wanted to test something, but you're calling out to me is more important than that test.

Anyways, I've just been playing with planes.

As for that game of yours, whenever you're ready, I'm willing to play. Naturally, I'll have to leave a few times to go out and shovel, but I hope that won't be too much trouble.

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File: e0fa7dac112f469⋯.jpg (155.92 KB,640x798,320:399,60877263_p0.jpg)


Whatever nature is good on him. I don't know anymore.

Don't risk it if you don't want to. It's up to you.

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If Serebii is correct, anyway.

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File: 49d89f6ca088103⋯.png (193.39 KB,640x360,16:9,2lddmis.png)


I can ultimately just look up the details of the mon and make it from scratch. But that's really tedious as all Hell. Especially for certain mons that were events or something like that

I'd prefer to have a legitimate mon to alter. That way all the nitty gritty details are done for me. But alas if I stop being lazy I can do it from scratch


There's no risk for complete dex. I think its when you start to alter online data that it gets bad. And if anything, I have a backup

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File: 694218a538bd704⋯.png (1.73 MB,1000x1347,1000:1347,939a2c6f917cfab392079c8508….png)


I can enjoy the well done 2D trap or shota, but that my gayer things never cross with my monster girl/xeno things

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File: 3dea09369455fd9⋯.jpg (21.29 KB,235x348,235:348,ZORORI84.jpg)


Oh! Alright.

Anyhow I am off to get food. Might head to work after so I'll catch ya later.

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File: 318393c3a988e4f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1280x905,256:181,1.png)

hiii, I found this neat new thread you all moved to.

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Oooh, heck, yeah you mentioned that. Ah, I see. Thank you.

What planes?

Just waiting for Wired-kun to get back from the soon-to-be-ending class. Probably around 8pm / 3pm. Hmm, if those breaks take like 10-15 minutes, that'd be alright. I mean it might end fairly quickly if you guys die.

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File: 4b31cf7980fdff6⋯.png (878.8 KB,1300x1340,65:67,60307999_p0.png)

Hey, guys, look, it's Poppet.

Let's pick on her with lots of love and affections.

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File: a5425be2c9dd1aa⋯.jpg (20.8 KB,192x226,96:113,hard to tell 01.jpg)


(I was making a le joke, implying you wanted to fuck shoebill anon)

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File: 1f8aa10cb77ada9⋯.jpg (108.97 KB,1000x667,1000:667,BaldEagle17.jpg)


Planes being War Thunder. I'm afraid I'm too single minded a person to play any other games.

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File: 76ef190f56d7e6e⋯.jpg (113.72 KB,1920x1080,16:9,desktop-eagles-pictures-bi….jpg)


I am not for sexual.

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File: e8ca706bae8bda1⋯.png (195.67 KB,617x821,617:821,39646.png)


I don't have any friends

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As long as you enjoy it it shouldn't matter what it is

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File: e28aae31ca93b1d⋯.jpg (238.6 KB,565x720,113:144,cca9a2a60adc94492c11583568….jpg)

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File: 7c5d40a04d51234⋯.jpg (244.21 KB,1280x908,320:227,1280px-Águila_calva.jpg)



It'll just be troublesome when I eventually manage to make friends while in the force and none of them want to play it with me.


Monmusumes aren't 3D birds.

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File: e138980b0626e48⋯.jpg (21.11 KB,199x228,199:228,everything 01.jpg)


Hello ^.^ A neet new thread indeed.


Ahh, I see. Do you just play a single game endlessly, until you get tired and then play another one? Never alternate between multiple games?


I was only implying tht he was implying, I wasn't saying anything.

Also I'm resisting the urge to say something but if I said what it was I would have failed to resist, what a pickle!


…oh. I don't see how that's a reply to what I said, but have a free hug.

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File: c33d61b39f98820⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,498x750,83:125,aee2c3c053e1cf5421e53eb410….jpg)


War Thunder is a multiplayer game about shooting down other planes while unlocking progressively more advanced aircraft, ending with jets from the Cold War era. So, I have a lot to do.

>resisting the urge to say something

I don't see why.

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File: 43459b28ec8e2b3⋯.gif (708.51 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1423956410236-3.gif)


hug sent


birds are for sexual

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File: 96f9141a1fb63f6⋯.png (234.6 KB,500x727,500:727,1.png)


t-that's really nice of you, thanks senpai.

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There's always a community, even if small

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File: bbce15c35cba0c2⋯.jpg (377.8 KB,1000x742,500:371,60172745_p0_master1200.jpg)


You deserve it.

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File: ba18d331658f148⋯.png (8.26 KB,200x200,1:1,zororiactuallyIdontreallyh….png)

Guess I'm back to eat for a bit before work.

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>birds are for sexual

Can confirm. I mean look at what a male chicken is called. That's right, a


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File: 0fbcc229eee9070⋯.jpg (47.13 KB,200x234,100:117,meanwhile 07.jpg)


Mmm, I see. It's the competitor for World of Planes, I think is what I heard?

It's too corny. I'll keep you in suspense indefinitely.


Aw, cute~

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File: 6cb6846e8460f73⋯.jpg (93.84 KB,600x450,4:3,10014421_H12900835-600x450.jpg)


That would be to imply I have the confidence to put myself out there to join the community.


>Competitor for WOP

No, Wargaming isn't even close to being able to compete with Gajin's Warthunder. However, yes, the premise is basically the same.

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File: a5e0f84f74c8906⋯.gif (727.4 KB,500x500,1:1,H6kGvCh.gif)


Alright Im backing up my SD card because the last backup I made didn't have pkhex on it. Was a stupid mistake, but w/e.

I double checked to make sure it wasn't corrupt and Im all good. I didn't do the pokedex cheat yet, but that's why Im backing up. Cause if it happens to fuck the file, I just format the SD and load the whole backup. Either that or simply drag the old save on to the one that's corrupt.

I'll make the shiny ray with hex flawless IV's, nature, BR, etc. Do you have S&M? Cause that's really the only way I could trade it to you. I have an OR, but I would prefer to do it on S&M

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File: 8ed4ef380f74d6b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB,800x800,1:1,1.jpg)


thank you for being so nice to me~

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File: 208a4cec8dd619a⋯.jpg (76.96 KB,572x700,143:175,Zorori5WithIshishiAndNoshi….jpg)


I've got Sun. It would have to be when I get home though 'cause I have to be out the door in 10 min.

I really appreciate this.

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File: 8e2ef138bdba9b2⋯.png (306.55 KB,580x889,580:889,562c704e6793d156231d9b071b….png)

Team skull really does have the best team theme.

Debate me.


Why would I be anything less?

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I see. I figured it could be. Never played either, but my brother plays WoT which I figured would be similar to WoP.

I should walk the dogger now, since Wired-kun should be coming back soon.

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File: f063b3345ccc689⋯.jpg (116.56 KB,1200x800,3:2,Bald_Eagle_KKAPA_2011_1927….jpg)


WarThunder also has tanks and will be adding watercraft soon.

Sayonara, be safe on your walk.

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I'm going to leave to pick up a shiny new brick in 20 new minutes, until then I'm going to sit in a brain fried state

Also yeah, Blizzard alert was cancelled :P

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Also autistic numbers

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File: 201394ca6532386⋯.jpg (28.66 KB,480x540,8:9,ZORORI55.jpg)

Time for work.

I'll be back to bother your board tonight.

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Hello old dog

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Alright cool. I'm always around on this board daily. So if it so happens this cant be done today, it will be done in the near future

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Miror. B is technically part of the evil team in Coliseum/XD. He has the best themes. I like Coliseum's more, but this one is nice too

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And here is that one

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File: 962da1ad5aa56df⋯.webm (7.01 MB,480x320,3:2,Nichijou Rain.webm)

So glad to be done with that test. So ready to go to TFF next week.

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Hello maddex

How do you feel about the Republican residential nominees this election?

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I don't really know a great deal about politics but I voted for Trump

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File: c03864b22b378b8⋯.jpg (393.52 KB,600x800,3:4,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….jpg)

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Would you have voted for me over Hillary?

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I would vote for Filthy Frank for president before I voted for Shillary

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Me too

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Also excellent repeating digits

Tell me maddex

How can I be a 1337 Pokemon Trainer like you one day

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File: 6a2d4bcf4c34734⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,255x255,1:1,4cd8b87e4d0e46d9cb11af9f72….jpg)


Well for one you need better bait to catch any pokemon

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Should I go to the tackle store to get a bucket of worms?

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Simple enough

Man am I dying for a glass of milk right now

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File: 52a8eae512a2119⋯.webm (741.75 KB,640x360,16:9,back.webm)




Gz. What test was it. You mentioned coding, yes?


>nobody checking them

I expected better of you peeps! Checked.

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Hellow Fam!

My g633 Came in the mail while I was gone!


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File: 148a941c30eac28⋯.webm (520.99 KB,440x360,11:9,reverse_trebuchet.webm)


Yes, so glad to be done with it. I had to write 3 page and a half long programs by hand and then answer a series of short questions. I was writing for the entire hour period.

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Hello wired/mouse

Just leaving now

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Okay bye

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welcome back from school wired, how are you?

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First I felt really dump for screwing up some easy exercises. But then I felt smart for having no troubles with the harder ones.

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Damn. We used to do something like that except they were maybe 15-20 lines at most.

Was it a language class or more like uh, general programming-type of class?


Oh. See you later Ben.

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Was dat

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File: 03213fafa51e35c⋯.png (178.89 KB,900x371,900:371,1424217191748.png)

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what will you listen to with your new stuff?


stuff for music I think because he said something about ears

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Are those moths pretending to be rabbits?

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File: 9688477a5fb982d⋯.jpg (24.95 KB,790x653,790:653,8cea306a3de136ee619267bd58….jpg)


those moths are a cute

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Moths are literally tiny winged rabbits.

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File: 90745d3281872e3⋯.gif (979.19 KB,400x225,16:9,1346028156585.gif)


C++ basics. I'm not even going to be using it in my field.

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File: 31845203644a386⋯.png (286.67 KB,566x800,283:400,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….png)


Turns out rather than a lot of snow, we got a little snow and a lot of rain.

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You know epic powermetal and stuff maybe some shitstep to really test out the base idk.

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File: 54abb72ca700c4a⋯.jpg (347.73 KB,800x956,200:239,d94e2f4db8706419a5bf3e3437….jpg)


I agree.


If you told me that before, I'd've called you insane.

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where you at

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File: f2478593c90280f⋯.jpg (929.32 KB,1000x1412,250:353,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….jpg)


You ask that as though you don't know already.

Regardless, I don't talk to refugees.

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It also supports 7.1 surround so I think I'll watch some movies to soon with surround.

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though to be fair i dont think people close to the dnc are discussing how obama turned a microwave into a camera

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File: ce465dcab5ba6c3⋯.webm (143.01 KB,640x360,16:9,victory.webm)


Also cute. Reminds me of that thing that furry artists sometimes do, post different coloured eggs up for grabs. Then people buy an egg and the artist gives them a char with those colours.


Ahh, I see. I think not that many people like C++, IIRC. Is kinda messy, I think?

>tfw a guy uses that char for an avatar and also studied C++ basics not that long ago


Sounds like lots of melting and little shovelling, maybe?

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File: 2c286cc0b1301db⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,489x642,163:214,1429342618944.jpg)



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File: d0a705e2ee6e88b⋯.jpg (321.7 KB,2560x1600,8:5,dark side of the evve.jpg)

Actually you know what let me try Dark Side of the Moon

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the correct term would be tourist.

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File: 5c16800e74979b7⋯.jpg (261.03 KB,1280x959,1280:959,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….jpg)


There's still shoveling to be had, but snow mixed with water is far move difficult than just snow alone.

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File: dfd10ce6f2e2a58⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,3000x2400,5:4,1430029494343.jpg)


more what?



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Im finally back from flying in shitty weather.


C++ is by far one of the best machine codes. The C family is pretty good. Also, fuck python.

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File: 58cc086685d87fb⋯.png (83.54 KB,219x234,73:78,64.png)

wait isnt this entire board like /lewd/ refugees

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File: ef66d1e24236c68⋯.jpg (317.05 KB,640x427,640:427,8_10_12trimble1.jpg)


Isn't /animus/ just /aneki/ refugees?

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File: c9acc08e7ebe64e⋯.png (89.42 KB,213x292,213:292,162.png)

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File: 61e8457c7e9e80a⋯.jpg (569.09 KB,1600x1200,4:3,60284494_p0.jpg)


I'm not.

I skipped that era.

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That's my favorite Floyd album

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Oh, that's true I guess. I rarely shovel snow. I got to sweep it at work this winter.



Also, can we begin ya'll?


Welcome back, safe and sound.

I thought C# was preferred by lots of people though, no?



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File: b6d4dc9845578bf⋯.png (76.63 KB,220x244,55:61,41.png)

so what is the problem with refugees


what is this new hell then

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File: 1318fcb8d31a3c9⋯.png (180.95 KB,420x496,105:124,3.png)


No they're 8chan /b/ refugees.

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File: d184381aeb6f768⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,1024x712,128:89,symbols-of-peace__mg0813.jpg)


Ready whenever you are.

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File: b2570007876f605⋯.jpg (84.94 KB,600x900,2:3,lillie_pokemon_sun_and_moo….jpg)

Lillie reminds me of poppy


I'm having a massive audio erection right now


I'm ready!


C# is not part of the C family pleb.

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Actually, I think we should make a separate thread for the game, now that I'm thinking of it. we wouldn't want to impede conversation with our little game between three people.

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File: c39e8ea35b3820f⋯.png (270.61 KB,351x522,39:58,401.png)


this must be how the Syrians feel

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File: 827db5fd424f137⋯.jpg (48.18 KB,600x467,600:467,001.jpg)

>they're taking the refugee joke seriously.

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Its pretty crazy how many strangers are here now. All these newfags to the board…

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now he's joking

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File: d8dc087afc2c59d⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,444x783,148:261,d8dc087afc2c59ddff5c013765….jpg)



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No it would be c or c++. C++, from what I understand, is the most flexible machine code.

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File: 23eb1f58e36c812⋯.webm (474.14 KB,480x480,1:1,reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….webm)

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It's full of love refugees. As >>11056 says.


>C# is not part of the C family pleb.





Fair enough, let's do that.

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Hey, just fyi I recently got a refuggee family living next door to me. So happy for them. Kind of bummed about brexit though.

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File: 8a56f37c1448100⋯.png (117.38 KB,354x347,354:347,8a56f37c14481001d4ed588b7e….png)


C is great for performance but terrible for development.

Cpp is C but with OOP implemented bringing a bit more overhead but making development a bit easier.

And finally you have shitteir languages like java and C#

And all the way at the bottom are the meme languages, like javascript and python :^)

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File: ce0c824b47f2a47⋯.jpg (47.41 KB,359x338,359:338,comeonnow.jpg)



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CP is the best programming language. It really locks me in to engagement

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File: 29de30e086c8a18⋯.jpg (594.99 KB,1333x1189,1333:1189,TheSecondChild2980.jpg)


I, for one, welcome out new Sharia code of conduct.

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File: 7cf059eea17aa48⋯.png (403.43 KB,500x366,250:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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I am familiar with all that. And again, fuck python. That thing needs to go into a dumpster.

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I had to program 7 weeks in that meme. Well atleast I'm very good at noticing the difference between 1,2 and 4 white spaces :^)

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File: 1f8ef4d48ad8786⋯.jpg (647.34 KB,800x718,400:359,d546e9e4ae781332d996a5cf76….jpg)


>Lillie reminds me of poppy

I can definitely see it from late!Lillie but early!Lillie is way too shut out.

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Alright, just remember to keep your head up.

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File: 77e08a0655a7e07⋯.jpg (11.83 KB,255x255,1:1,88d09e7a28bcb068ff54159110….jpg)


Javascript is the best. It is how Runescape and Minecraft were made. Without JS, we would not have those great games

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>I don't like watching pokemon fight because they often get hurt…

>B-but it seems important so I will still watch!

Sounds like something poppy would say tbh.

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Here you go, come one come all. >>11078

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A real programmer writes in binary using microsoft word you fucking casual


Okay, I will no enter lurking mode for this thread so I can play a game with mouse and z1

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File: b78ba432862c0d4⋯.jpg (227.27 KB,514x600,257:300,60193738_p2_master1200.jpg)


She becomes a trainer btw.

That's an actual spoiler.

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File: 9c07b1fc3daa201⋯.jpg (363.5 KB,800x994,400:497,TheSecondChild0056.jpg)

When is poppy posting her butt?

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When is Test posting her butt?

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File: 5d6be73d2f8bf0e⋯.png (798.2 KB,821x1280,821:1280,1488661547.frostbiteposter….png)

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File: ba50dfdd12e731b⋯.png (593.82 KB,700x600,7:6,__chara_frisk_and_undyne_u….png)



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Why are they eating their weapons?

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File: c33048283f4eef8⋯.png (251.28 KB,500x500,1:1,56079312_p0.png)


Usually I can tell you the context of the images I post.

This time? Not a fucking clue.

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File: fe6cf4cf5299a2d⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,600x316,150:79,NEjJJAelxG7imp_1_b.jpg)

Here's a picture of my ass ;>

Rate me!

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This isn't ogre, Maddie.

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File: 552d7e04cd3d3c1⋯.png (33.05 KB,256x256,1:1,Okay hand.png)

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File: 014945572fa8f58⋯.jpg (99.32 KB,798x600,133:100,1470680516503-2.jpg)


Hey how are you?

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File: cf20480290bba02⋯.jpg (111.56 KB,728x465,728:465,1421980469225.jpg)

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File: 86aa16afe88ac62⋯.jpg (59.44 KB,548x598,274:299,1.jpg)


w-wow, that does seem like something I might say.

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das my favorite fanfic

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File: 33015d69c972d83⋯.jpg (356.59 KB,500x673,500:673,Clobbert.jpg)


What a fresh meme

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File: 0f3f28831ec50d2⋯.gif (325.72 KB,735x479,735:479,Cardiac Muscles.gif)


Doing well, I finished my test and I have plans for a date later tonight.

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t-t-t-t-t-t-t turn off t-t-t-t-t-the v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-vv-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v vibrator p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-poppy!

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File: eb925422e79729f⋯.jpg (106.72 KB,980x551,980:551,Keks and gator.jpg)


That sound nice.

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File: f063e578682b5b0⋯.gif (260.83 KB,716x477,716:477,Adipose white.gif)


I hope so.

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did you turn it off poppy?

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She's not allowed to until I tell her it's enough.

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Why do you feel the need to hide away the gets?

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Jk, that'd be lewd.

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File: 1def8600dad2f14⋯.jpg (43.35 KB,378x526,189:263,__saber_fate_stay_night_an….jpg)

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Do you feel ashamed for getting them?

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File: c11c6a31c1429ab⋯.jpg (166.99 KB,850x850,1:1,1.jpg)


i'm confused, turn what off?

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post ass

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File: 9cdb166b9a16582⋯.png (235.34 KB,512x724,128:181,__gilgamesh_fate_grand_ord….png)


I've nothing to be ashamed of within getting numbers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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I love the vids like this one. Its really cool to hear the retro version

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File: 2ea92c760ef5b18⋯.png (492.2 KB,500x647,500:647,1469818227994.png)


They are kind of are shitty gets though.

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File: 4f4d76a259a1563⋯.png (214.99 KB,599x337,599:337,sprgaintgms.png)


Then why hide them from the currently active thread?

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They're just numbers.

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god damn my english

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File: ff3ffa9aeedcbe1⋯.jpg (31.23 KB,539x539,1:1,bernsa.jpg)

My opponent this floor is "Lass Chan."

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File: f8192c60f6af715⋯.png (119.58 KB,650x650,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Whynaut have fun with the numbers though?

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I did for the 10k, but people still complained about that one too.

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File: 6eb90613c08fb56⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,8888888.mp4)


I don't think you understand the spirit of gets.

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Wasn't the complaint that you didn't get it in the active thread?

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File: d068ca616307994⋯.jpg (422.73 KB,590x874,295:437,__kazami_yuuka_and_wriggle….jpg)

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Yeah, but the actual rules of GETball is to make an entirely new thread.

I was too nervous to do something like that.

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>too nervous


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File: fbc6485e8094de8⋯.jpg (137.76 KB,900x732,75:61,__shoebill_kemono_friends_….jpg)


Not really.

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That actually would have been pretty cool.

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Some people will find that cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Including me

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File: fa5913132b6530f⋯.jpg (411.65 KB,600x800,3:4,--ryuujou-kantai-collectio….jpg)


I'll try it for >>12345


Noncute people can't do cute things.

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File: aeebe4d2b948c25⋯.jpg (65.1 KB,899x833,899:833,rockruff.jpg)

>too nervous

>not cute


And this isn't a picture of Lillie dressed as a rockruff.

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I just almost died from a cuteness induced cardiac arrest!


Denying that you are cute only makes you cuter :3

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File: ab236331fff639a⋯.png (678.93 KB,1000x707,1000:707,60295961_p0.png)


Lillie is Precious.

Lillie is Love.

Lillie is Life.

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File: f096e4f99408010⋯.jpg (40.97 KB,500x413,500:413,1.jpg)

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File: 1100e69d72138dd⋯.jpg (338.14 KB,625x1000,5:8,--ryuujou-kantai-collectio….jpg)



Flattery won't get you anything from me.

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File: 711c61cf8b8ea36⋯.jpg (178.27 KB,590x590,1:1,60291214_p0.jpg)


God I wish that were me.

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File: 4bfd8a0bee461f2⋯.jpg (369.74 KB,750x1000,3:4,61716648_p0.jpg)


RJ is not for poking

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I'm not flattering you with the intend of getting something in return. Calling you cute was just an observation I made, I was just conveying my feelings toward you. It was merely an expression of thought.

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File: 92f185f643bb622⋯.jpg (67.78 KB,600x450,4:3,1363800501085.jpg)

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File: f1cb9daccce6335⋯.jpg (389.05 KB,675x905,135:181,b95fedeb16b578c60224ebe277….jpg)


Your observation was false.

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File: 5543e5991afb72d⋯.webm (397.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,ANIMUS.webm)



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File: 41e301a2db55966⋯.png (76.56 KB,810x824,405:412,kek.png)

File: 5d0a2f4ae04f120⋯.png (85.89 KB,762x859,762:859,kek2.png)


Youtube is so stupidly easy to troll. I am the one posting with no pic

The part that got cut off was, "And also, go to a Nintendo tourney and tell them you used pkhex. You're gonna get kicked out and permabanned. Showdown also uses pokemon's property, so they could get shut down any moment"

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(you)s would be nice though

Still, blushing, nervousness and spilling spaghetti is usually considered cute by gays or animus on 8chan.

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File: 082dde19b8d79af⋯.png (368.58 KB,923x640,923:640,1367780423850.png)


isnt this the gay board?

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oh yeah the lugia guy said, " Neither I nor anybody else who does this sort of thing gives a RAT'S ARSE about whether you or anybody else like you thinks we're disgusting or not. But since you decided to reply anyway, I may as well continue to argue with you. Rain Dance Mega Scizor? The hell kinda set is that? Who runs that? You? Don't even tell me you run that bs. This thing is pressed for moveslots as it is, let alone putting RAIN DANCE on it. Get outta here."

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It was an opinion, opinions can't be false. They can be poorly substantiate and refuted yes, but they can't be false. I think you being nervous and denying being cute is, in my opinion, cute~

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File: fcd2fd14175eedd⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,500x354,250:177,(You).jpg)



Okay fine, I'll submit to this for now.

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File: 7501f8dad2615fa⋯.png (86.48 KB,441x435,147:145,1323573290548.png)


>gays or animus

All of animus is gay.

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File: 7e1a0c0cc3f0ef5⋯.jpeg (607.91 KB,800x1131,800:1131,7e1a0c0cc3f0ef59b99e1a436….jpeg)


The best animus are gay*


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This is a no bully zone.

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File: e9e65190c932f98⋯.gif (309.69 KB,768x512,3:2,Hyaline cartilage.gif)


I'm the cutest gay there!

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File: 4604fd9742f852a⋯.png (165.28 KB,255x444,85:148,Sacre bleu.png)


That's not bullying.

It's okay to be gay.

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Srry for yelling I just want to know if I judged rightly in thinking you'd like them

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Nope still havent

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File: 9f56e1aa798aa75⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,900x635,180:127,1360021686317.jpg)

>not dragonstorm

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File: 446803771c6a10d⋯.jpg (826.07 KB,1200x1618,600:809,c4425eb185624254e34325aff4….jpg)



I resent this on the grounds that being gay would mean I have to have a sexual attraction.

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File: 2f482ae9520f8a6⋯.png (216.59 KB,379x379,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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I have them on my phone.

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File: c6910e6a85f91c3⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,326x326,1:1,No one ugly allowed.mp4)




Mike "Electric Fence" Pence.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SoM still had one of the best soundtracks on the SNES.

Fight me.



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Chrono Trigger

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>one of

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File: 8b27d0bba734b6a⋯.jpg (181.23 KB,620x412,155:103,mike_pence6.jpg)


Not all refugees are bad.

I like you.

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I'm going to see them live this summer~

I was going to last summer but they cancelled their gig to go work in the studio or something =/

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Super Mario World :^)

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The only event I have ever seen live was Lil Wayne. Im not shitting you either

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is legitimately still one of my favourite songs ever.



I hope it works out this time.



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It's for the best.

You could have stayed and played :-I


Heh, I usuppose.

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Amon Amarth will also be at the same festival!


I can't help it, nostalgia and stuff. It was the first game I ever owned.

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File: ab8618a8f297ebe⋯.png (3.52 KB,247x250,247:250,DELICIOUS.png)


I'm the king of the rapefugees.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lavos does have a really good track though.

Also his screech haunted my nightmares as a kid.


Nice des!

My first game was Pokemon Blue.

God I'm old.

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File: 37f32d22d5a6cd4⋯.jpg (3.51 MB,2000x1372,500:343,__kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la….jpg)


I could have.

But I'd rather watch.



You're the best among them and that's good enough for me.

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My first pokemon was Emerald kek. I was born the year that game came out

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's one song from CT's OST I am particularly fond of


My first game was Sapphire. But as I've said many times I've played nearly every pokemon game

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File: 5719844fcf9dc66⋯.jpg (139.89 KB,1024x768,4:3,60302029_p0.jpg)

Sometimes I can't tell if people don't count me as a refugee or if I'm being low-key insulted.


When my brother got a GBC he gave me his gameboy, and let me play pokemon on it.

One time I brain afk'd and saved over his file, so he just let me keep the game.

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I only haven't played black/white2

Emerald is still my fav though, for obvious reasons

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Ahh, oh well, alrighty then. Maybe some other time…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Corridors of time is such better, tbh.

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File: 3f2a7f728dc5aad⋯.jpg (40.68 KB,574x640,287:320,1424568036264.jpg)

File: 9590d949c320e2d⋯.jpg (65.85 KB,800x800,1:1,9590d949c320e2d94eaf8d2358….jpg)

Hello everybody

How are you all doing ?

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I got a new headset, the logitec g633, My ears won't stop giving me soundgasms~

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File: 4ff4c39118dca10⋯.png (51.43 KB,779x698,779:698,kek.png)


Well I like you a lot cause you are a pokefag like I


My favorite is GSC


Well its very hard to pick a favorite. CT has God tier music, especially considering what it was for the time


Hi. I feel like we never talk to each other much :<

oh and look at how mad this nigga is

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I also got pokemon moon at a discount from a friend :D

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File: b909f9179b623d5⋯.png (7.64 KB,410x259,410:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Chrono Trugger is better in music compared to secrets of mana!

Outherwise I'd have the SoM OST :^)

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File: e07438a775d31eb⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1812x1791,604:597,cover.jpg)


Also pic related best vidya music

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Shit game though.

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Man I really need to get back to where I left off and beat Lavos. Does anyone know which method of beating Lavos unlocks new game plus? Cause I refuse to do it any other way

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It was… an interesting experience.


Go watch HCBailly, I don't play a lot of jRPGs cause they take so much time to complete but I watch a lot of his LPs

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I am well, a bit sleepy but it'sok

How are you doing?


I sense an error In that image

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I can confirm that going through the black omen does.

If I'm not mistaken every ending will unlock NG+

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File: 6fdf972bee7cd77⋯.png (435.55 KB,1920x1080,16:9,S7JB2my.png)


Nope dont wanna. I love jRPG's though.


fuck oh well. Its public anyway so anyone can access it regardless.


What is the black omen again? That fucking ship that appears? Fuck… I hated that the most I could not get through it. But I will do it if its necessary.

I don't think so. I've heard through the grapevine only certain endings unlock NG+

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File: 54d6675b59efd7a⋯.jpg (64.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,54d6675b59efd7a60e80d62494….jpg)

File: 5294c4626614bc6⋯.jpg (60.72 KB,500x624,125:156,afe6a200e618f8f6548451973f….jpg)

File: 54593d0991570cc⋯.jpg (93.62 KB,500x661,500:661,IMG_0794.jpg)


Yeah Know that feel

I got a bretty gud gaming headset too


Maybe, I'm not very talkative you know

But how is you anyway ?


Well only good news for you I see :3



Well a bit tired but other than that I'm pretty ok myself

How's the Wall doing Ben ?

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Im doing very well. I just homebrewed my 3DS again after like a year of going without it. Im so happy

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Yhea I'm feeling pretty euphoric today And not because of some phoney gods blessing

How are you?

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Black Omen isn't super hard.

Every playthrough I run it in every era 'cause loot.

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What party do you suggest then? Items? Cause I get shrekt every fucking time. And I even took the time to hunt most of the secrets in the game too

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File: f448f07b9d97ca3⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,768x1024,3:4,bitterMedicine.jpg)

Battle Royale vs AI actually gives me an aneurysm.

Because it uses the standard A.I., which means if they can get a super effective hit they'll damn well do it, even if it means they're gonna lose.


Marle is always handy, since she's basically your best healer.

Magus has the best type coverage, Chrono has the best party versatility.

I usually go through Omen with either Marle, Lucca, Chrono or Marle, Lucca, Magus.

Last time I played, my chrono maxed SpAtk, so I used him spamming Luminaire through all of Lavos.

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File: 312847ea196bc3a⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1238x1500,619:750,312847ea196bc3a0760a3cf76d….jpg)

File: 7e53c0da86568ca⋯.jpg (173.09 KB,700x528,175:132,1444135471825.jpg)

File: c0327c6054927ee⋯.jpg (282.8 KB,900x1200,3:4,1420867198167.jpg)


AYY Mouse-Onee-Sama


Das cool :3

I only have the first DS lite…. Nigga still working fine after 10 years



Little exhausted but other than that I'm doing good

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Hue, cute~ What up with you, sir ma'am?

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We are being bullied by spammers.


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refresh page

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>>11258 how dare you besmeach the true lords name

>>11249 gotta grind those IVs xD

>>11253 wall is doing fantastic. It grows one brick taller.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Believe in one god do we

>Satan almighty

>The uncreator of heaven and soil

>And the invisible and the visible

>And in his son

>Begotten of father

>By whom all things will be unmade

>Who for man and his damnation


>Rise up from Hell

>From sitteth on the left hand of his father

>From thense he shall come to judge

>Out of one substance

>With Satan

>Whose kingdom shall haveth no end

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Thank you ^.^

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Thanks for notifying BO~

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File: 9310af7b175e59f⋯.jpg (62.64 KB,729x533,729:533,IMG_2558.jpg)


Bretty good although a bit tired

I'm also faced with a dilemma :/

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File: f9692df5ab3983b⋯.jpg (379.49 KB,477x675,53:75,1461449788259-0.jpg)



The bigger the better

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Sorry for reading other peoples spoilers and sticking my nose in other people their conversations… But what is your dilemma sir?

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Aha, I see, goody.

What dilemma?

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File: 0ac178a2b54f4cf⋯.webm (10.24 MB,500x352,125:88,8bit lain OP.webm)

Walking le doge brb

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File: e3796c8dc268934⋯.png (526.6 KB,1200x848,75:53,60605021_p0.png)


>le doge

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File: 1e0b123508c82c2⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,355x355,1:1,tenga flip zero.jpg)

>>11304 bad Wired, bad


Well as you might or might not remember from one of our previous threads, I said I might want to buy a fleshlight/onahole to go with my VR waifu game…..

I found this alien artifact online, shit looks amazing but I'm not sure I want to spend 70 bucks on a fucktoy…..

Waddya guys think ?

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wew lad

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It's worth it if you know you're going to use it a lot :)

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File: c3db9a03dd24ddf⋯.png (86.85 KB,225x254,225:254,0b08fa64b52f9e3b8b61e2ad18….png)

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Sometimes you gotta just say fuck it

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File: 54593540a520c36⋯.jpg (36.09 KB,442x480,221:240,box-s-ownvovgn44gc7pvnacup….jpg)

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Ahhh, I see! O: Lewd.

Oh hell.70 bucks is a lot for sure. I would hesitate myself. I planned to spend crapton of money on toys if I get my bachelors, but in the end decided against it. Be mroe responsible with money, I suppose. Dragon dicks can wait for later…

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I'd do it.

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>70×80×180mm / (D)×(W)×(H)

>depth of 7cm

>I have a thing for going balls deep

Back to searching.

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File: 6fd06f5305fc081⋯.jpg (21.36 KB,198x223,198:223,1454347900994.jpg)


>Claims to be a huge perv

>Doesn't spend money on sexy toys

I am disappoint.

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File: 760bcbbe06a2f9f⋯.jpg (72.69 KB,572x303,572:303,760bcbbe06a2f9f38e82b86c7a….jpg)


WeW indeed


I guess


Don't give me this look Sam…..


Well, Benis says "go" but Brain says "bitch ol up"


Alien artifact I tell you


I don't know…. Is 70$ a crapton ?

>Dragon dildos

I ain't even surprised :^)

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The most important consideration you must take when purchasing medical equipment such as this is durability. How long will it last you?

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File: 5206713afe00a75⋯.png (139.77 KB,500x553,500:553,chucle.png)


>oli / e

wtf why did it quote this when I clicked your numbers…


>medical equipment


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But its fun to listen to benis

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File: 2ef066149034613⋯.jpg (35.02 KB,400x400,1:1,2ef066149034613b9b05975d39….jpg)


I'm not looking for ball deep, and I know I can't with this one :^)


>medical equipement


Well you're not wrong, this one is pretty hygienic and has a good durability


I know

But brain is boss :/

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File: bd9333c578d1a08⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,500x481,500:481,123a1bcb805617affefcea601e….jpg)


I listened to my benis once. I had a great time :^)

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File: 3b159bff0a9b607⋯.png (42.04 KB,642x432,107:72,1458407494001.png)


It's your money. What's the worst that could happen. Though personally, I would not buy a sex toy.

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File: 6864eabacc5f9b9⋯.png (485.86 KB,600x840,5:7,6864eabacc5f9b96ba8bf3a8f3….png)


You're missing out~

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Glass, metal or silicone if it's going in, silicone if you're going in it

Otherwise there may be concerns

Looks like a quality device at so cheap for so many functions.

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We don't have very stronk economy, plus I don't earn much. Those $200 or however it would be is a lot.


>Well, Benis says "go" but Brain says "bitch ol up"

Yup, purrty much.

Kinda is for me, idk about your situation.

Bitch, they glow in the dark!

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File: 3bd0ce7b1ecee02⋯.jpg (82.76 KB,342x342,1:1,keked.jpg)


>Otherwise there may be concerns

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That's a month of work plus half a month of government gib me dats for me.

Although I probably wouldn't pay €200 on a piece of silicone so large I wouldn't be able to insert it anywhere…

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File: 2b988f94fa148b5⋯.png (187.6 KB,482x452,241:226,Kek shitposting.png)


You think so?

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File: c61d5573ce1362b⋯.jpg (881.57 KB,1130x1600,113:160,60950506_p0.jpg)

>buying toys for yourself and nothing for your waifu

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My waifu is not for sexing.

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File: 78eca10bea59d04⋯.png (136.29 KB,332x450,166:225,1446989196276-0.png)

Only for loving and comforting hugs~

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File: 5f910bd84f46615⋯.jpg (577.96 KB,940x1200,47:60,__admiral_and_ryuujou_kant….jpg)


Waifus aren't for sexual

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File: b20b29dc96f06ac⋯.jpg (186.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Amazing.jpg)


You've never fucked a glass onahole?


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Its on the bucket list

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Thumbnail is irl me irl real life

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Mhmm, it would have been less than month's work IIRC, but still a lot. I should be saving up for responsible things.

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File: 9c567bcb48238e8⋯.jpg (235.6 KB,421x748,421:748,61541898_p0.jpg)



I'm sure you can think of nonsexual gifts.

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File: 4b4d57c4106e21b⋯.jpg (110.8 KB,1260x1280,63:64,IMG_20170210_233010.jpg)


I ain't putting anything inside muh ass

But thanks for the advices


I have a good situation, 70 bucks isn't too much for me

But it's 70 bucks for a sextoy

>they glow in the dark!

Wai… what ?

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File: 419eb37c7706d2f⋯.jpg (451.73 KB,950x902,475:451,58910323_p10_master1200.jpg)

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File: ee2fc9163e9acc5⋯.png (177.79 KB,635x903,635:903,__ryuujou_kantai_collectio….png)


I'm having trouble doing so.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How about this one?

It's the same girl as Nevereverland.

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File: 05b3efefdcc6b7a⋯.gif (1.67 MB,500x354,250:177,you're my only friend.gif)



I'm more into blonds though, but brown hair + bright blue eyes is pretty boner inducing.


What would you give a god waifu though

Although I guess I could give something to her naive ego, she'd most likely wouldn't be into material gifts though…

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Well, then I can see how it's more tempting for you X3

Sure is.

Yes, they have 4 different colours which glow in the dark. Can also ne used for fleshlights I think.

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File: 6a42f8cc4c6c151⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x545,240:109,Chara (118).png)

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File: daa8453ecb8294d⋯.jpg (35.14 KB,720x790,72:79,13775581_1734962250107908_….jpg)

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I fucking love the Zorua in that one, all proud of himself.

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File: 2f2c33801d0344b⋯.png (166.52 KB,520x550,52:55,55011475_p2_master1200.png)

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You can be my mommy any day~

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File: c023983e5ff5da2⋯.gif (526.86 KB,512x341,512:341,afterglowcolors-timed[1].gif)

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Would be hard to hide those under your bed though :^)

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File: b679954774ca811⋯.png (450.62 KB,800x547,800:547,b679954774ca811586e34f5005….png)


It is really tempting

But silly ol' "voice of reason" won't shut up :p


Okay now I'm scared



Good point

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File: 5b146e58f54bd52⋯.jpg (120.7 KB,566x800,283:400,sensual headpat.jpg)

File: f0193447db86d33⋯.jpg (142.44 KB,1200x1200,1:1,f0193447db86d33caa4cbf9af6….jpg)

File: a28f64094eed80f⋯.jpg (99.23 KB,890x850,89:85,a28f64094eed80fa98aee9bcd5….jpg)

Almost forgot



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File: b397782bff50036⋯.jpg (126.94 KB,1199x861,1199:861,C66K-KVWwAA1USs.jpg)

Found a Rikka lewd

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File: 7c6bca581885f90⋯.gif (1.65 MB,800x450,16:9,7c6bca581885f9007df50ea4a8….gif)



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A wild Madexx appears.


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File: f127f6bff325bc2⋯.gif (1.12 MB,720x714,120:119,1455989809382-0.gif)


You stole my head pat!

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File: 874f776254978d5⋯.jpg (68.4 KB,680x578,20:17,6dc1ceba2721f69e8cd33113c2….jpg)


I have those pics too…

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Pretty fun though! And they only glow if they catch sunlight first! So np.



>not wanting a glowing fleshlight

Suit yourself!

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>A wild madexx appears

>madexx's dextroverse

>The battlefield got weird!

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File: 5dc527cb9d381dc⋯.jpg (51.66 KB,595x700,17:20,8d1cb3541eff43c642e9a2bf6b….jpg)

File: fcdcb5bc4b66d30⋯.jpg (78.99 KB,800x800,1:1,66358b91a7cdc5cd6c6a905ffd….jpg)

File: 839e4e63cd593a9⋯.png (183.1 KB,433x600,433:600,1432561416433.png)


Have some more headpats friend.


I'd want glow in the dark cum to cover my face though… and tripping from my boypussy

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That's simple. Just put glowstick juice in a syringe and inject in dick. Cum on yourself

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: ee7bc02e48a39bc⋯.png (456.12 KB,900x900,1:1,1475894237445.png)

File: 50784c945e8437c⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,306x306,1:1,1484753624065.jpg)

File: bdc24f1fabf8c0c⋯.jpg (147.69 KB,862x1000,431:500,1484752552071.jpg)



I will take.

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Not really~

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File: fa2fb042b86d59b⋯.jpg (333.17 KB,1288x1021,1288:1021,fa2fb042b86d59b1dc9657527c….jpg)


I'd rather have a tentacle monster rape me till I go silly though. There isn't enough gay tentacle porn


Do you happen to have gay tentacle stuff?

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File: 1ae2450744312d0⋯.jpg (223.14 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1ae2450744312d079a2ae2be7a….jpg)

File: 3427a867b8b07a8⋯.jpg (360.81 KB,1024x768,4:3,3427a867b8b07a897bd5b9e66a….jpg)

File: 0139f370512e5b9⋯.png (948.06 KB,1285x1248,1285:1248,head pat yamakaze.png)

File: 530dbdb054da02e⋯.gif (380.43 KB,200x348,50:87,1422182815606.gif)


always a pleasure


You can't steal headpats, silly


I'll keep my anul birginity for ebar :DDDD

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Do you know if z moves are boosted by adaptability? I try looking it up and it just wont fucking tell me


How much do you love the first pic

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File: f6f3488933169a4⋯.png (493.07 KB,800x798,400:399,1.png)


d-did you mean to headpat me?

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I do, but not now.



I was talking about fleshlights, silly boy!

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File: 4e57308dac19c3d⋯.png (1.64 MB,2000x1800,10:9,fin12.png)

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From what I hear onaholes are better

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I can't be switching between folders all the time, posting lewd here and game there.


Hmm, maybe. Isn't an onahole just a type of fleshlight?

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File: ecf17d2acfe7c1d⋯.png (455.49 KB,600x900,2:3,tumblr_oe4tzlvNwq1uchnsvo1….png)

File: 0231ac01c319e4c⋯.png (1014.67 KB,1280x960,4:3,tumblr_oehiv254iz1uchnsvo1….png)


I had a tanga egg. I was prutty intense, but it broke after two uses.


>not having two folders open

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File: 29a7776b0337feb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1218x1274,87:91,Headpat Wolfgirl.png)

File: a258ea1909e96c3⋯.jpg (74.25 KB,750x1000,3:4,7c36283ef1212f62903890c554….jpg)

File: b8b808a5128d27f⋯.gif (828.28 KB,579x325,579:325,1461273222118.gif)


I love sadako

Why ?


Yes, I meant to headpat everybody :3


Gotta read fast again

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Do Z-moves actually get STAB to begin with?

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…never mind, I am retarded. I never dragged & dropped files before. Though knowing my luck, I would drag it outside the appropriate box and accidentally opened the file in the browser instead of preparing it for posting.



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File: 8462562cc8886b1⋯.png (228.86 KB,450x500,9:10,JDDiEr7.png)


That's like calling a tissue a kleenex. But specifically speaking its a synthetic orifice for you to stick your dick in. I hear that even low end hue onaholes are better than top of the line fleshlights


Damn you had fun eh?




I really dont even know

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It seems any Z-moves in the meta ignore it, even if they do.

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File: 9c0b56741171567⋯.png (1.96 MB,1280x1867,1280:1867,tumblr_oj06tsUR0w1vlecuao1….png)


kek, Happens to me about once or twice per day.


I was deepthroating a dildo, had a butplug filling me up and the tenga egg around my dick. most intense orgasm of my life.

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File: 1a1eb9ba1618300⋯.jpg (41.92 KB,520x592,65:74,1a1eb9ba1618300babbbd90704….jpg)

File: adb4adb6aae6a2a⋯.jpg (272.46 KB,612x700,153:175,sadako_by_hiraki_ajino-d4x….jpg)


Das not my fault if poppy's avatar is sexy

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I see. I never used kleenex


Would happen more to me! Nice pic btw.

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File: fbc028cc0cc81e7⋯.jpg (373.95 KB,750x1050,5:7,Walrus_Passion_by_Beastmas….jpg)


Why is this saved to my hdd

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Sounds really nice


I think its cute

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File: f448f07b9d97ca3⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,768x1024,3:4,bitterMedicine.jpg)


Why is this saved on mine?

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My files are all over the place so dragging and dropping is easier for me.

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Oh right, because it's just bitter medicine, and nothing lewd at all.

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File: 965737f41e5332d⋯.png (147.73 KB,938x477,938:477,ClipboardImage.png)


>nothing lewd

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Bitter medicine…?

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I'll take you bitter medicine any day~

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now that's true love. ♥


I swear on my life!



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Man see you postses will be funny is much welly done

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File: a77b52d7436174d⋯.png (1.2 MB,972x894,162:149,high doggo.png)

I"m being kind off ashamed of myself. Generally speaking I'm not much of a materialist. But this headset is making me so happy~


Nigga wat?

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(is the implication that there's bitter stuff in their mouths?) (it's not quite clear to me, I thought it was just saliva)

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File: 43ec19a7c2f5ac9⋯.png (1.84 MB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)



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Look at their expressions in conjunction with the rest of the image.

It's something bitter, or otherwise unpleasant.

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I know, I'm just saying, it seems like it could be simple saliva!


Aha, fair enough X3

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File: 0afa8d10b2be13f⋯.jpg (85.96 KB,600x848,75:106,1.jpg)

pricia-senpai fed me some bitter medicine to make sure I don't get ill, and it's working well~

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File: f560491fb0c283b⋯.gif (463.62 KB,480x270,16:9,implying.gif)

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File: f448f07b9d97ca3⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,768x1024,3:4,bitterMedicine.jpg)

This was Poppy and I half an hour ago.

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File: 536eae2852d6143⋯.jpg (367.35 KB,662x788,331:394,60287731_p0.jpg)

I had to take some too just in case I caught it off her.

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How nice of her ^.^


How nice of you ^.^

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File: fae0f84bcce578f⋯.jpg (625.16 KB,1190x1122,35:33,1.jpg)

n-now we're safe from the big bully germs~!

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File: 458420f92770a30⋯.png (997.96 KB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)

Why "Pricia"?

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File: cba54929911e113⋯.jpg (196.13 KB,653x764,653:764,1.jpg)


you look like a germ, we're safe from you, bully!

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File: 51267500aad0a2e⋯.jpg (350.53 KB,1000x705,200:141,60179918_p2_master1200.jpg)


Because that's my trip, and I actually kind of don't like being called Rin, so much.

Which is why I always have a different name when I come back.

Like, it's not a huge aversion, or anything, I'm just not the same as I was way back then, y'know?

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File: 771d1ef0112efcd⋯.png (2 MB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)


I've generally known them as Rin. I'm just curious why this name here.

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File: 82d24df9b422ff4⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)


Fair enough.

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File: 8e7ff63e510354e⋯.jpg (279.79 KB,600x468,50:39,1.jpg)



a-are you really a germ? I'm glad that bitter medicine is protecting me! you look scary!

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File: 12e38a0439d85ee⋯.png (374.93 KB,600x600,1:1,thisOnesIsVylee✿.png)


Though, I did make people not call me Rin in /waifu/.

But they're also far less obstinate than /animus/ can be.


You're so silly.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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I hope I'm not a germ, I'd like to still be near you…

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File: 8d37d55455cd10f⋯.png (26.14 KB,437x435,437:435,8d37d55455cd10f8f84bb2c6b3….png)




They also have Blood-chan and Sci.


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File: 36c659f163c83b9⋯.png (166.47 KB,1840x1932,20:21,60161769_p0.png)


I knew about Ika, not so much Sci.

I lurked there for a month or so claiming Hikari.

Though, it may be my fault they have Sci, I vaguely remember telling him I'd seen her there.

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File: 14063155ed87546⋯.png (1.27 MB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)

Oh wait is waifu a board?

My mind immediately jumped to the 4chan waifu threads since they're relevant.

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I was talking about the waifu claiming threads, yes.

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th-thanks, it was stuck in my head for a little while~

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File: 8bf1ae7ee98a98a⋯.png (959.68 KB,1920x1090,192:109,Gunpowder, gelatine, dynam….png)


I honestly didn't have an intention to lurk those threads either way. I have namesync and 4chan x uninstalled and 4chan is garbage without them.

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File: 066bcd480616366⋯.png (530.34 KB,800x1025,32:41,1.png)


I don't think you're a germ.

a-are you?

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File: 7c33645a164674d⋯.gif (153.12 KB,500x375,4:3,lain me_ril.gif)


I don't think so.

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File: d068a088bf22cd2⋯.png (1.01 MB,1500x2095,300:419,60154675_p0.png)


That is precisely why I was only active enough there to claim Hikari, unless someone tried to talk to me.

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File: 0f7fbf85e6d3586⋯.png (517.05 KB,825x862,825:862,1.png)


hello probably not-germ~!

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File: 2add107c830831a⋯.jpg (72.56 KB,1131x707,1131:707,witcher__ciri.jpg)


He's more than a germ, he's a part of the plague on society known as Lain fans.

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File: 611b6082beb237d⋯.gif (320.4 KB,500x357,500:357,lain infront of terminal.gif)


Hi KKKlan-chan

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File: a6d0954d7009f1e⋯.jpg (100.72 KB,450x600,3:4,26bd73a975a851e4a8dc66554b….jpg)


Howdy, fag.

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File: f79e4233179c8f6⋯.gif (1.81 MB,480x360,4:3,wired up.gif)


I have a new headset :D

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File: 8f9513a5fdab70d⋯.jpg (61.56 KB,800x513,800:513,1444753803893.jpg)


Is it as garbage as you are?

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I don't think that's possible.

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g633, It's prutty gud. So no it's probably way better then I am.

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The battle tree is fucking gay. They need to bring back the Frontier already. Im so tired of this rigged ass monotonous game mode for post game content

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I love how you keep popping back in with the most random comments Cx

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File: aee4abbfa648cdd⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1536x2048,3:4,60125939_p0.jpg)

Lillie's Z-move is the strongest.

Prove me wrong.

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File: ed008c1d0bf8d92⋯.jpg (25.1 KB,284x302,142:151,rockwell2.jpg)


Dubs of truth



pleb-tier tbh

Of course, headsets usually are. The best quality is always achieved with high-end headphones and seperate microphone when needed.

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Why is pappa franku in that pic?

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File: 5a0f5bd1d9212d7⋯.gif (188.41 KB,500x347,500:347,IMG_8040.gif)


That's George Lincoln Rockwell you uncultured troglodyte

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File: ee20116a63c96b8⋯.webm (7.78 MB,800x450,16:9,kill ur self - pink goy.webm)

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Time for a new germ-free thread~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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