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/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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File: ab77edfe12bdc6b⋯.gif (837.63 KB,640x480,4:3,cheyenne.gif)

763f04 No.11962

Let's say you're an interrogator for a spy agency, and your job is to break your subject and get whatever information you need out of them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Except of course, your method of choice is tickle torture. So the question is:

What person would you be able to break the quickest? It can be someone you know personally or not but it has to be a real person, and no methods other than tickle torture and teasing/tickle talk may be used. It would ideally be someone that 's extremely ticklish and very weak to it, and whose worst spots you know either from real experience or just watching their videos, so you can exploit their weakness and absolutely destroy them in the shortest amount of time. Keep in mind they also have a strong incentive to keep quiet, so they will try to fight back as hard as they can. You can be as cruel as you like and have any (real) tool at your dispossal, but speed and efficiency are imperative.

My own response? Well, since I can, I'm gonna go ahead and cheese this one by choosing Cheyenne from TP. If you've seen her ticklish interview you probably know where I'm coming from. Not only is she exceedingly ticklish, but she straight up admits to being terrified of the stuff. You can detect some VERY real panic in her responses, and no matter how hard she tries, she still crumbles at the smallest touches. I'm pretty sure she has some real unresolved issues with it, it looks like it just makes her feel like a helpless little girl again. I feel like the mere shock of having such a personal weakness turn on her would mess with her real bad, and I bet you a few minutes of uninterrupted soles/armpits brushing coupled with constant promises of hours upon hours of torture to come would have her yelling the secret code in no time.

So, who do you choose?

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7678cf No.11963

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763f04 No.11965

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03edda No.11967

shitty RP bait thread, go back to deviantart

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763f04 No.11969


>RP bait thread

Nope, just a hot idea to discuss. Jesus, the fuck happened, are you negative dipshits the only ones left around here? Is this what happens when a board ends up mostly centered around bitching about how you don't like others >>11446 and simultaneously begging for stuff for free? >>10672. I didn't remember this place being this garbage

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2eba81 No.11972


I'm not really going to contribute to the thread because I have no interest in the topic, but trying to start a discussion around here outside of the cringe and hate threads is almost impossible. You're right that the board is probably 95% people who just bitch, beg and only post the worst abominations you can find on deviantart.

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02503f No.11977


>Not really going to contribute

You just did bruh lmao

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995c9e No.11978

i don't think it's right to catalogue everyone as people who only enjoy bitching about shit, i mean, tickling is a very nieche fetish, and a lot of top artists are humongus cunts that can and have gotten away with it, and in general it makes us all look bad,but i don't think we need to shit up a thread because the guy is trying to come up with a hypotetical, if anything, i think the problem is that it's not very concise, it's bloated and really hard to come up with an answer; maybe you could try and make the question shorter like "you're a tickle vigilante hero, what's your gimmic" or something like that

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763f04 No.11980

File: bcbf46b5d47fc16⋯.png (4.04 MB,4069x3747,4069:3747,88883088_p3.png)


>cringe and hate

Yeah, seeing a lot of that around here, even for a place like this where I don't exactly expect rainbows and sunshine.


Hey, I said mostly. After all, I'm here myself, and you couldn't pay me to give a rat's ass about any of this deviantart artist drama/cringe crap. And you know what? Sure, I didn't think it was, but maybe the prompt is too complicated, here, I'll make it simple, in case anybody gives a shit still:

"If you have to tickle torture someone to get them to yield information, who would you choose as the victim if you had to make them crack as quickly as possible?"

There, quick and easy, mazel tov. I'll also add that you might as well bring up fictional characters anyways cause why the hell not.

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2eba81 No.11982

File: c78dc91d7c39b06⋯.gif (2.96 MB,600x450,4:3,1616080559382.gif)

I'll start, then maybe someone else will also feel like joining in.

Zurbon from the original dragon quest anime. She breaks down after a couple of seconds of foot tickling and gives up all the information she has to the hero. Can't get any easier than that.

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763f04 No.11988

File: c9aaefff785c087⋯.jpg (298.82 KB,1200x1600,3:4,c9aaefff785c0876db382be5bf….jpg)

File: e737239713ca5f9⋯.png (814.47 KB,1080x1828,270:457,illust_78808726_20210403_1….png)


Ah, a fine choice. Do keep in mind that maybe that big thing just happened to be that good a tickler though, I don't know if a human tongue would be able to keep up. Also, I always wondered if she just happened to be that incredibly ticklish (which I hope is the case) or if she was just that much of a diva and would've spilled everything anyways at the first sign of trouble, but that's just a thought. That's one scene I wish would've gone on longer for sure, looks like that would've wrecked her.

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995c9e No.11999

File: ea4c66199fde1f5⋯.jpg (382.06 KB,1722x1105,1722:1105,meeee.jpg)

File: 31255e003d12553⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1826x3026,913:1513,200828_ToDQ.jpg)

okay, that's way better, as for tickle victims i think i have two easy targets to aim for, both of them focused the same way, but handled differently:

first one would be Midna, imp form, idgaf if you call me a pedophile because i really couldn't give less of a shit, she's cute both in imp and twili form, and in the imp form she's way weaker, meaning that you can easily slide some feathers right into her bellybutton, who knows, maybe that's how zant beat her before she was banished from the twilight realm.

second would be a random octoling, preferably female, most of them are a bunch of millitary trained nerds, they're so dorky and adorable i wouldn't resist if i ever met one of those, but by the same token, who knows, maybe you can churn some info out of a poor octo who got trapped in your hands and you need the location to an octobot factory or where the great salmonid is at, and nothing better to get them cackling that a feather to the button.

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