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Gibi’s Pride Month videos are always so cringeworthy.

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why are you watching that shit?

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All this gay stuff and the tattoos come off as creepy. Criminals and whores often have a lot of tattoos. Gibi has many young followers. Gibi needs to be careful that she doesn't become a groomer like Miranda Sings. Indoctrinating the children into the LGBT cult.

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actual confirmed faggots do less fag shit than gibi

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She's not a lesbian dude. Why do you want her to be one so bad ? How is that most everyone else can she she is just looking for attention but you can't? Let go of the fantasy. She is married to a man, has always dated men.

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" You don't go this hard in on "wokeness", getting yourself tatted up, looking like a tomboy, wearing chokes, dying your hair weird colors, saying you support gays, and not be even just a little bit fruity." Yeah that's not ture at all, most people who are into wokeness are seeking validation, including gina.

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>She has only dated men

>That's not true, that's impossible!

You're coping buddy. You can't bear the thought of Gibi being remotely gay. It's literally in her name Gi-Bi. Bisexual! Where is your proof she hasn't had sex with women ever? Lots of rich celebrities have private sex lives. Gibi could call girls over to her mansion and you'd never hear about it. You don't get permanently tattoos all over your body and mention gay pride for years and have gay friends and sex worker friends to "pretend to be woke".

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LGBT shit is trendy right now, anon. That’s all there is to it. Gibi is an attention whore.

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LGBT has been trendy for like the last 50 years. People do not go hard for gay pride unless they are a little bit gay. I don't know any straight people who virtual signal gayness as much as Gibi. You can say she's trying to get attention but she risks alienating her straight audience every time she goes woke. My gaydar tells me she's at least a quarter gay.

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I meant that it’s trendier now than it’s ever been before.

Gibi has only ever dated men and has a husband. You just fell for her pandering. I think you’re projecting because you’re a faggot.

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>I think you're projecting

My nigger you're the one trying to convince everyone she's not gay. You have said the same thing about her only dating men. That doesn't prove anything. People have secret sex lives you never hear about until years later.

The only way to settle this argument is if Gibi does a crossover with another gaySMRtist. She should collab with Nora.

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I’ve never replied to you before now.

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Someone here keeps posting "Gibi only dated men". As if that proves anything. There's no way to prove she never had sex with a girl. She could call over women to her private mansion and we'd never know about it.

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That’s possible, but I suspect that Gibi has a much more vanilla and boring sex life than you think.

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Watch the bedtime routine video

They definitely never fuck

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i dont see any chemistry between them. its like coworkers or siblings. meanwhile when she even talks about that nips chick she gets red in the face.

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Gibi wants to suck on nips.

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Don’t Gibi and Nips live in different parts of the country?

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I think the reason Gibi is so upset about her deepfakes is because it’s the first time in her life that she hasn’t gotten what she wanted. She’s the daughter of a multi-millionaire. She grew up in a rich family and went to expensive schools. Gibi’s YouTube channel exploded in popularity because she’s attractive and she entered the industry while it was still profitable. She’s been very privileged for her entire life and this deepfake situation is the only area of her life that she can’t control. That’s why she’s so desperate. It’s pretty hilarious.

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>she's attractive

That's debatable. She's mid in my opinion. Not ugly but not a super model. She has that girl next door look that some guys are into.

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I forgot Gibi got all those nasty tattoos, so she's not exactly girl next door anymore. Her face is about a 7. When she first started doing ASMR I would rate her higher. She's almost 30 now.

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Gibi is trying to exploit the current political situation in Gaza for sympathy on Twitter.

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not surprising. "Never let a good tragedy go to waste!" battle cry of the left

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Gibi is a great example of selling out yourself and believing all the memes. She really was a goddess among women in her prime. Then she got Castlevania poked into her long legs, her best feature tat'd up. Married beta cuck Ben. Now she's doing the dual hair color BS. Self spoken ads in her vids, destroying the ASMR experience. Now that there's a conflict in Israel, (implying it hasn't been a conflict since the 40's) who's side is she even on? I bet she's on the side that her handlers tell her will get the most profit and metrics. Gina used to be a boss girl, but now she's strapped in for the ride. The train has left the station and it's too late to get off of the roller coaster that's coming. "I want to be a celebrity superstar when I grow up!" Wish granted, Gina. Hold on tight. This is what you asked for.

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My biggest gripe with Gibi (and glow to some extent) is that anything and anyone she touches becomes poisoned and corrupted. Her biggest crime is of course popularizing maybe even introducing ads and sponsored content into asmr. Now every fucking asmr video made by any popular asmrtist is riddled with ads from shitty mattress company or mental health garbage. Honestly, her truly most evil fucking deed that’s she has committed recently is poisoning tiptoe tingles. Before becoming popular and getting attention from gibi, tiptoe was a focused school heavy person that came from homelessness and poverty. Im sure she’s gone through what most college girls do but she wasn’t a degenerate. Now she’s become an ethot, slowly covering herself in retarded garbage tattoos and possibly divorced due to no ring in her videos now. Haven’t kept up with her after becoming disgusted with her current work and appearance but someone should look into this. There’s another that goes by beebee that’s not doing camwhore pictures and covering herself with ugly tattoos

The whole thing is fucked. I agree gibi was gorgeous but shes unfortunately now an ugly wall’d cunt

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I'm suck a cuck for Gibi. Sometimes, I fantasize about meeting her at a party..we go to the back where we can makeout..things get more heated and we got to the bedroom…I put my hands down her pants and realize shes wearing a strap-on. I begin stroking her as she moans and asks if i can handle such a size… I tell her its big but she can force it in.. she puts me on my back and makes me bend back my legs as she slowly shoves her giant cock into my boypusse. We both moan as she gets it deep and begins pounding me. She fucks me hard like im just a piece of meat until i cum then she gets dressed and leaves me covered in my own mess. So fucking hot gibi

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You'd suck a cock for Gibi?

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He'd suck a cock for Gibi

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I finally unsubscribed, new video is "tracing my 6 new tattoos". Enough of this shit.

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>not fantasizing about a futa Gibi

C'mon, man.



I would suck Gibi's cock, but ONLY Gibi's cock. And it wouldn't be gay either, since it's Gibi.


I unsubbed a long time ago. Sad to hear it's gotten this way. She had Castlevania on one leg. Did she get Final Fantasy on her other leg?

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>I would suck Gibi's cock

That's pretty gay. Unfortunately for you Gibi has no cock. You might find a Gibi lookalike on r/femboy.

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I feel like this thread could be good for a laugh. I'm going to post a Goebbels quote.

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Only rich people and stupid people are having kids these days. Gibi appears to be both. Doesn't the ink from tattoos affect an unborn baby? Of course the media will downplay any risks because they want lefties to breed, to replace the shrinking conservative population.

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>Only rich people and stupid people are having kids these days

>the shrinking conservative population

That's the problem. It's not even lefties having kids because most of them have trooned out and chopped up their sex junk, self sterilizing, and removed themselves from the gene pool, or they AN HERO because why not rope yourself when you're that badly fucked up in the head. We incentives society's worst to have more kids. "It's free! Swipe your EBT!" America is doomed because of an exploding nigger population and an endless flood of spics. Whites are below replacement levels on births. Have you ever been to a city where whites are a minority? Soon, it's going to be all of America and western civilization. We're fucked.

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As a white person with no kids, I have noticed other people within my age group have only 1 or two kids tops. I know 1 Zoomer chick who has like 5 kids and works a job + receives child support and probably government assistance. The local population that used to be predominantly white has become increasingly foreign, from all the immigrants hired to work at meat packing facilities. Mostly Asians and Mexicans. I haven't seen many black people around here.

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Taylor Swift is taking legal action against a deepfake website. Gibi expressed her approval on Twitter.

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Being an IRL 304 is not a problem for Taylor and her fans, they see it as empowering too shlorp as many cocks as possible. But a clearly fake image of Oscar the Grouch tapping dat ass? That's a crime, that's like being graped. Might as well censor all NSFW fan art of celebrities. Censorship exists to protect those in power. "To know who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to deepfake". Taylor is a billionaire, and Gibi is a millionaire. Having the ability to censor others is about power.

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>Oscar the Grouch tapping dat ass

Lulz. Seen that one on Channel 4.

>Censorship exists to protect those in power. "To know who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to deepfake".

<Having the ability to censor others is about power.

Amen! Even a retarded turbonigger knows it's fake. The issue is that kikes have lost control of the narrative and it's "dangerous to their illusion of democracy." They once had a monopoly on (((truth))) and reality and they're losing control. Kikes are seething because it's diminished their power. They even flag shit like this on social media now. Hilariously cartoonish stuff like Swift blowing Elmo gets (((fact checked))) and censored. "Fact Check: This photo is FAKE. Taylor Swift has not engaged in oral sex with Elmo the muppet. - Snopes

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It's probably a distraction from what's going on over in Israel and the US military backing them up. Anything to put the general public's attention elsewhere. Taylor dating the Covid vaxx shill is another one. Just more dumb shit to keep the population's IQ low enough to stay dependent on fake news. Without idiots the ruling elite would lose all control.

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She's knocked up.

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Calling it now: the baby will be black.

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I'm the father.

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…and trans.

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Thank you, anon!

I've never seen the ending of this GIF. Why are all these old Gibi leaks suddenly coming out?

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holy shit. no hesitation

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