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 No.403144 [View All]

Since we've been so impolitely driven out of the Chess Thread. Here is a new thread for Go.

I started playing about 2 years ago, but bob in and out of Go frenzies and burnout breaks that last months. As such I'm only about 21-18 kyu. I have a physical board but no one to play with, so I normally play on OGS. How long have you guys been playing? Where do you play normally? Post boards and books! I might occasionally post Go puzzles too, just to spite the chessfags who closed their borders to us.

Let's not make the Tengen joke again. It's been old for thousands of years

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Note that ALL other liberties had to be filled before playing in the eye was legal. see pic 1 If a shape has 2 eyes, then both eyes count as liberties, therefore, even when the shape is completely surrounded, it is illegal to play in either eye because when it is filled, the entire shape still has another liberty. Both eyes cover each other, therefore, a 2 eyed shape can never be captured. In Life and Death, most of the time, the defender's goal is to make a shape with 2 eyes and save his stones; the offender's goal is to prevent the defender from making 2 eyes


I don't know the strength level of the anons here, but I'm assuming most are stronger than me. So I'll post a basic problem for any newcomers to Go, and a problem that I would find difficult. If you're SDK or higher you'll probably find them both easy.


see pic 2 Here's a basic problem. It's white's turn. White to kill the two marked stones.


see pic 3 Black to kill.

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Answer to problem 2 would be to place a stone at A1.

I think.

I'm new to this.

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Wait, no, I'm wrong, black doesn't have white surrounded.

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If you're just starting out, problem 1 would be better to work with. problem 2 involves stuff I haven't talked about yet.

Dead vs Seki

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>Problem 1

White puts a stone at B2. This prevents Black from connecting the marked stones with the one at A2.

Black puts a stone wherever.

White puts a stone at A 4 or 5, surrounding the marked stones.

Is this correct?

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What if black responds at A4 and captures A3?

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Answer for problem 2

D1 is seki, E2 is dead, everything else fails

D1>E2>F1 leads to seki

E2>D1>F1 leads to death


Depending on what country you are from, there may be a national Go Federation/Association. North America and Europe have one more or less for every country iirc, South America have some and I have no idea concerning anywhere else. If you look up your national Go Federation you will almost certainly find information concerning local clubs across the country.

As for playing online there are several options. Some of the most popular are; OGS, KGS, IGS, DGS, Tygem, WBaduk & FoxWeiqi. More information regarding these servers can be found at https://senseis.xmp.net/?GoServers. In my opinion OGS is probably the most beginner friendly server, though it's all a question of personal taste really.

Regarding the previous link, Sensei's Library is a huge database of Go resources (though it seems to be lacking in updates these days) which is very useful for players of all strengths. Any beginenrs in the thread should definitely read the following https://senseis.xmp.net/?PagesForBeginners

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Are Kaya Go boards actually better, or are they just a meme?

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When people talk about Kaya boards they sound suspiciously similar to the people selling audio crystals to tape to your cables.

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Whenever I post problems, I'll try to keep the pattern of Problem 1 being easier and Problem 2 being harder.


Black to kill.


Black to live.

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Ideal result for Black, if White is stupid is Q15>R15>R16>Q15>T14

If White is not stupid then Q15>Tenuki


**R19 lives, no matter how White responds.

The response I struggled with most was P19, but Black just plays T18 (They say magic happens on the 2-1 points for a reason!)**

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Could you elaborate on your problem 2 solution? An R19>P19>T18 really looks like it's running out of eyespace, and a white O15 at any point can suddenly force you to try to find room for 2 eyes in that tight space.

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If o15 then s19 and the only threat is the r18 throw in to which the correct response is q19 connect

I am actually half convinced that after t18 black has no need for the eye space at p15 but I would not bet on it

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How would you deal with a T18 response to R19? That kills a corner eye and the R18 eye is still vulnerable to the P19 making it false.

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Missed that T18 leads to a ko, so maybe that's the best result white can get?

R19>T18>S18>T17>O15>P19>Q19>S19>T19>Ko begins

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I think black can live unconditionally if you give up on an R18 eye. If you start with S19 I think black has enough room to make at least 1 eye that can't be made false, then you secure P15. I'm thinking something like BS19>WQ19>BO15>WR18>BS18. Then black lives unconditionally with an eye at P15 and an eye at T19-18 with the 3 stone tall stick.

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I think T18 kills after S19. If you immediately make the O15 eye then S18 and black has no second eye in the corner and I don't think you can make an eye in the corner in sente first, so white is free to play O15.

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What about a BS19>WT18>BT17>WO15>WS18>BR18?

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I think you might want to revise that

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Oops, BS19>WT18>BT17>WO15>BQ19>WS18>BR18

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Alternate I see is BS19>WT18>BT17>WS18>BR18 leaving Q19 and O15 as miai

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Yep I think you've got it.

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kaya boards make a better sound (like a wonderful ringing noise) when you play a stone and the really high end ones are cut from a single piece of wood but honestly who fuckin cares. I've got a bamboo board with yunzi stones and it looks great. go shin kaya if you want a higher end board.

i absolutely adore the game and actually learned the same time as OP and hit SDK recently after not playing for over a year. it just makes more sense to me internally than chess.

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djhbrown would have something to say here

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Bump for interest.

Want to learn how to play but it seems a lot to take in.

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lose your first hundred games quickly

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learning the rules helps


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Find a go server, OGS or KGS are your safest bets - explain in chat you want to learn how to play Go/you are a total beginner. Someone will almost certainly give you a teaching game. If you don't want to seem like a complete moron, read some of this first senseis.xmp.net/?BeginnerStudySection. At bare minimum read 1-3.

If a 9 year old girl can become a professional then you can at least learn the basics anon!

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I don't see how Q15 is just tenuki for problem 1 here, if I understand what tenuki is at all. What's stopping white from playing, say, T13 and then escaping down the right edge of the board?

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So after Q15, white cannot immediately save the upper 3 stones, however the lower stones are still alive. There is no need to immediately play T13 as black cannot save those stones, however playing T13 is a forcing move to make black capture those upper three white stones if he wants them/wants to save his four stones. The reason I suggest white tenuki is that there is probably a larger move than forcing the immediate capture of those three stones, plus it would be a valuable ko threat later on.

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Oh and for clarification's sake, tenuki simply means to play somewhere with no immediate affect on a local fight.

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Are there any sites for online Go that don't require accounts and compile win/loss ratios? Something where you could just post a link here and start a game? I think it would be pretty fun to have quick 9x9 games with anons since a full 19x19 will probably take like... An hour.

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That makes sense, but I'm not sure if it's the gist of the problem. It's "black to kill", so if we just consider those three stones, then Q15 clearly forces white to either give them up or try to retake Q15 and lose all of his stones in the process. I had assumed from the description that the problem was about killing the three-stone and four-stone groups because they're both mostly enclosed by black stones, but now I'm less sure.

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My guess is that the anon who posted it took the problem from a resource where the bot intentionally missplays to allow for black to capture the top 7 stones, hence it only works as black to kill if white missplays. I can't see another sequence that works so I'm going to assume my answer is correct.

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Not to my knowledge unfortunately, though KGS does allow for guest accounts that can be deleted immediately - I guess that kind of does what you're after.

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Any Bongs going to the tournament tomorrow?

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Who won?

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The results for British tournaments are published here https://www.britgo.org/results/12 months.

Chao Zhang won, but my understanding is that he and Andrew Simons played a very close match.

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<not bongo

Missed opportunity.

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File: 46dfd27dd7600e1⋯.jpg (218.16 KB,765x733,765:733,ed-lasker-30a.JPG)

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Any news?

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I heard that the international Go organization is talking about releasing a new color to compete with the Black and White players.

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Well Sumire Nakamura will be a professional in less than 3 weeks, I'm looking forward to seeing how such a young professional will develop and evolve.

While I'm here, have a problem. Black to move and live.

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the descent on the second line makes it mearimenashi and white can't atari the stones due to damezumari

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That's the same answer I got, can you explain the Japanese terms though

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I hear she's to play ke jie?

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Sumire and ichiriki played an ai

Anyone got links to a recording of the live streams?

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