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 No.364282 [View All]

>Pathfinder 2E

>playtest in August

How badly are they going to screw this up? Only firm solid details are

>now 3 equal action and spellcasting costs two of them.

>goblins and alchemist are core


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> How do you practice giving representation to players that aren't playing with you?

Tokens to the rescue!

Or just chase off enough of evil white male mon-keighs, and done.

> What the fuck is a "social contract" for a roleplaying game?

Normally, "not being THAT GUY".

In Pozzfinder, robably finding some poz and clinging to it, I guess?

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I got a question. Whose smart idea it is to have core class abilities like Stunning Fist, Bardic Lore and shit be optional?

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Why not?

Stupid d20 shit is stupid anyway.

That's not the problem.

The problem is, they seem to absorb randum homebrews, but use no unified way to handle all hose options, instead it's all shrubbery of autistic speshul cases and pointless categories like >>364519 - and this clusterfuck only can get bigger and more unmanageable with time.

Then eventually they have to sweep the table. But since they won't remove what causes this infestation...

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>instead it's all shrubbery of autistic speshul cases and pointless categories like

Again, the categorization of classes like that is purely a fan creation for sorting the classes.


You've basically looked at a table of contents and whined you don't like a category choice.


That is not actually a problem. All the other talent based d20 variants (Unearthed Arcana's generic classes, D20 Modern, Star Wars Saga Edition) lacked fixed class abilities while making you pick what your abilities were via talent choices. The problem is they didn't commit to it, all the classes still have a shit ton of fixed class abilities that all the "class feats" have to interact with.

In Saga Edition you could have a scoundrel who focused on debilitating blows, attacking while moving, or distracting an enemy so your teammates could hit it more easily (that's just the core rulebook), never taking Sneak Attack (in fact Sneak Attack is pretty shit in that system, the conditions were ever harder to setup than they are in most system and the damage was only slightly better on average than talents that worked all the time). In PF2 a Rogue MUST be a sneak attacker, and a large chunk of "rogue feat" options focus on improving it.

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I like how they make you focused only on certain class builds. However, they fail by having too many class options.

You only need three classes.




Everything else is unnecessary.

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Two different Anons, Hombre.

Also, yeah. Political correctness favors diversity over, say meritocracy.

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You forgot cartographer anon

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No, you just need two classes:



They're both the same, except if you play bourgeoisie, you play as a single strong person, and if you're the proletariat, you're a large band of weak people. So one arch-sorcerer-fighter or a gaggle of thieves, fighters, and shitty wizards.

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As mentioned directly above you.

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Rogues were a mistake. Warrior should be just called "adventurer" and anyone should be able to pick locks or disarm traps without dedicating their entire class to it.

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Rogues aren't a mistake. The mistake is whoever t is thought it's a good idea to nerf any class that's not a Vancian caster or a caster in general.

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So Monte Cuck

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Rogues are a mistake.

The class is Thief.

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which anime series is this?>>364282

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Amen, Brother.

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Not OP but I'm guessing it's Legend of Galactic Heroes.

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I, OP, honestly have no idea where it's from. I saw it posted once and thought the file name I gave it was natural.

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On further inspection, yeah...it's definitely Legend of Galactic Heroes.

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Holy shit, look at all that bloat. Why can't Mages pick locks if they're so smart? What law of the universe says that people who know how to use a sword can't cast spells?

You only need 1 class. Only heretics ignore the Will of Gygax.

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One class? You want everyone to run a Factotum, anon?

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Hey, want to tell paizo they're a piece of shit and that their new game sucks? Hop onto the fucking surveys and give them a piece of your mind. Make sure to let them now you're a white male. Gods, I've been writing and re-writing this post several times now, I can not make it sound not-shilly. Somebody fucking kill Paizo as a whole already.

h ttp ://paizo.c om/community/blog/v5748dyo6sg9c?Ancestry-and-Class-S urveys

Remember to remove the spaces

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>Just make it up!

If I was just going to do that, I wouldn't be assed to buy a fucking rulebook you brainlet.

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Hello /tg/

Been playing Pathfinder Kingmaker.

First real exposure to PF.

Why is the art from Paizo so 'goddamn fucking shit holy holy who lets these people draw?

That is all, thank you.

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>Realms of Glory if you're interested

noice homebrew, from the looks of it



iirc there is some footnote in one of 2nd ed books that says that necromancers can use their spells to heal instead of dealing damage

i always wanted to play a character like this

pic unrelated

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>child raping cannibal who also enjoys necrophilia who also is a pacifist

that sounds like fun character

imagine trying to talk party paladin to kill a girl because you are hungry and cannot do it yourself becuse killing is immoral


wayne motherfucking reynolds. i hate that nigger with a passion. pretty much all of the art in the books is his

dont get into pathfinder, shit ruleset,shit setting, shit art, shit people


remember when the only class you had was barbarian? good times

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1.6 update is out now, any worthwhile changes? (just started reading the phb)


that reads more than carefully crafted lip service tbh. "never let ppl derail your game" includes sjw fucktards as well (even when they're usually to dense to notice), "not necessarily at your table" might as well be written as "just tell them to fuck off"

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Actually these days he's mostly cover art only. He's, somehow, too expensive for interior art.

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First, an acre is a unit of area, not length. Second, as other poster said, an acre is rectangular, so "4 acres" could be sideways (240', plausible, depending on weight), lengthwise (2640', impossible), or even diagonal.


Then here's a broader variety of throwing records:


>72' for shotput (16lbs. iron ball)

>112' for basketball

>222' for football

>259' for hammer (16lbs. iron ball on 3' wire with handle)

>445' for baseball

And one more:


>1401' for boomerang

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>start a new campaign

>party spends 2/4 hours in the tavern ordering obscure liquours

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While anon's bottle-throwing ability may be questionable, I think this does establish that being able to throw exploding magic potions at goblins at distances farther than point-blank is not a superhuman feat.

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25 meters used to be the minimum for grenade throwing in the army. That's 80 feet.

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So I haven't kept up with this crap since it came out. What have they changed so far?

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More poz, more BBC, and more not-cute dykes. Its time to prep the bull.

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It's something that can be practiced and learned in a matter of hours. Assuming the thrower isn't a mentally retarded double amputee, there's no logical reason to put such a retardedly harsh limit on throw distance. Without more practice, it might not be possible to consistently hit a small target at long distances, but it's not some masterful feat to lob a bottle across a room.

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What have they changed mechanically?

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Final version coming out in August. Meh.

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> 1 class

Why have a class at all then, Why not go skill-based à la Shadowrun? If a character chooses to do Magic and wants to spare a few Character points on lockpicking, he could.

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>alchemist are core

Never played as alchemist, or had anyone in my group do so, but just reading the description in the book made me hate that class. Isn't there something like mostly only the alchemist can drink his own potions, and you can only have a few of them at the same time?


>The page also mentions race is now "ancestry".

Sounds like a bunch of Current Year bullcrap. There is no human race, or elven race. There's only the Player Character race.

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>People of all identities and experiences have a right to be represented in the game

Very nice. I should join a Pathfinder Society (or whatever the fuck it's called) game and make a KKK neon-Nazi dwarf character. Also if there's a furryfag or a tranny character I call tell the DM they make me feel uncomfortable.

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>KKK neon-Nazi

Instead of burning crosses he has glowstick swastikas.

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Wouldn't it be a paleo-nazi? Wouldn't it be better as a human?

> Gaz the long-nosed gnomes.

> Orc-Fuckers are race-mixers

> Humans have a fetish for elves because they're neotenous and smart-ish, and also have to be fought back.


> Instead of burning crosses he has glowstick swastikas.

You just gave me a Shadowrun Johnson to oppose the Sons of Saurons. Thanks.

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>just reading the description in the book made me hate that class

What's wrong with their description? Alchemist is actually one of the better designed classes in 1E, able to do a number of roles quite well but not all at the same time and not able to trivialize aspects of the game like a Wizard can.

> Isn't there something like mostly only the alchemist can drink his own potions

In 1E? Alchemist needs to spend a discovery to be able to use his potions on other people BUT this comes with several side benefits beyond just clearing the restriction. The biggest being that you can use personal only spells on other people, which is great because those spells tend to be really good buffs balanced on the idea you can't just slap them on the big stupid fighter and they have to go on a squishy caster. This also allows allies to spend their own actions to buff or use the handful of offensive spells on your list. Needing to do this to heal other people is kinda dumb though.

>and you can only have a few of them at the same time?

You're restricted to the number your spells per day can make.

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Like I said, I don't have experience with alchemists, but I just disliked what I read in the book. Maybe it works mechanically, but I guess the problem for me was it sounds too much like some soft of specialized spellcaster and not an alchemist, who is basically just a regular person who knows a lot about concoctions and shit. they should've done some stuff like you can try to give one of his potions to anyone, but there might be side-effects. Like ADD supposedly had. If you drink a health potion and another potion too close to each other, there might be a random reaction in the stomach.

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>sounds too much like some soft of specialized spellcaster and not an alchemist

Potions makers were already specialized spellcasters. It's impossible to make a potion focused class that isn't a spellcaster when that's how potions have always worked. D&D potions are enchanted liquids, not mixed magical chemicals.

>main class sould depend on random effects

That's basically "How to Make a Totally Unplayable and Worthless Class 101". Unless effects are all good or (for offensive features) all bad effects all bad nobody will ever touch gamble effects.

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>That's basically "How to Make a Totally Unplayable and Worthless Class 101"

You mean Chaos Mage?

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Yes, a gimmick variant class that's fun to look at but gets old really quick.

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>main class sould [sic] depend on random effects

Nope, that's not what I suggested. My point was that the possible downside (and upside) of alchemy was simulated in some way in ADD. They could try to simulate it in another way, such as you can only feed two alchemist potions to a character within a day without repercussions. You might give them more, but there will be side effects, be they random or not. Maybe they would reduce an ability for a day, increase aggression, create mutations, give them a boner that won't go away...

I'd like to see some randomness though to make the player get tempted to gamble and give the possibility of positive effects, such a side effect might raise strength by 6 but lower intelligence by 2. I suppose the effects shouldn't be too extreme, unless you feed them several excess potions. No your colon explodes drenching everyone with shit in a 60 feet radius.

Alchemy should at least include the science of experimentation in some manner.


Psykers in Dark Heresy also have a potentially dangerous and random downside to them.

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That actually makes a lot of sense. Don't give alchemists spell slots, just a limit on the number of potions someone may drink at once.

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>Psykers in Dark Heresy also have a potentially dangerous and random downside to them.

And people only put up with them because there are no dependable magic options.

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rather than being a specialized chemist, the alchemist class is a codification of the D&D 3.5e rogue build known as the flask rogue

they added a form of spellcasting (extracts) that focuses on personal buffs and spell effects that center on or originate from the caster (such as fire breath). Compounding this with mutagens makes a tank mage and daily bombs mitigates the reliance on purchased acid and other splash weapon

because the extracts are intended to center on the self, they added the inability for anyone but the alchemist to ingest them, the reason given being about each alchemist tuning their extracts to their own physiology and needing to take a discovery to make a generic version

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