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/sunflower/ - Sunflower

Esotericism, spiritualism, occultism

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Welcome to the Sunflower!
endchan/sunflower/ .org .gg .net

File: fda41626415d677⋯.jpg (67.12 KB,600x600,1:1,faster_corona.jpg)

08f419 No.3218

As an associate of the sunflower project, you will here be offered protection from harm by the new, mutated corona virus. It has already been suggested that this should not be treated as a mere new version of the same virus, but as a completely new virus.

What is the corona virus?

A virus is just protein, it isn't even alive. It's more of a bio bot, like sperm. It does nothing unless someone interacts with it. Focusing on people's behaviour to stop a virus spread is for this reason the correct measure.

Who created this bot and what does it do?

From a spiritual view, the virus was deviced by the Egyptian deity Nut, in cooperation with different other deities responsible for pandemics. It is correctly named "corona" because it opens your crown chakra.

For many people the crown chakra is blocked, clogged up with dirty substances and karma. The reaction when this is cleared up will be violent. I myself became ill and didn't fully recover for 8 weeks when clearing my crown chakra in the most basic way during my personal practice.

The new mutation

If people had just practiced social distancing and ceased different types of dirty behaviours, the pandemic would have calmed down by now. Looking at the situation in the world, some countries did this, for example Vietnam. They have no lockdowns and live normal lives, the only exception being their borders are strictly controlled.

In the west people instead refused to take responsibility for their actions and attempt to resist the crown chakra opening. They think a vaccine will allow them to continue their degenerate behaviour. This method will only serve to keep people's chakras clogged up and it would worsen the situation, further blocking their empathy.

It can be said, given what people are like, that this was more or less expected, hence measures had been prepared vs this situation, in the form of a new virus. This virus is seen as just a faster corona, currently causing a new lockdown in UK. However it is not.

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08f419 No.3219

File: e4e9040acfb7813⋯.png (1020.32 KB,1600x900,16:9,there_are_millions_of_us.png)

File: e5ebfd5440f2b6b⋯.png (28.07 KB,513x454,513:454,sunflower_group.png)

The new faster corona will mutate for every person it infects. For this reason, vaccines cannot function. On the spiritual plane, every person will be tended to by their own mutant corona-chan, a personally designed demon tasked with clearing their crown chakra. Resisting this demon will make the reaction more violent, and could result in the person's death.

The offer

By visiting the sunflower temple, using either a simple visualization, or aided by the sunflower sigil, you can voluntarily ask to be connected with the most beneficial mutant corona-chan for you personally. Procedure as follows:

Focus on the attached sigil, and let the images move freely. If nothing happens after several minutes, you can do this manually. Visualize the process as described hereafter.

Walk inside the greek style gazebo and sit down by the round wooden table. Look towards the middle of the table and locate a paper scroll with instructions on how to create a plain golden ring. This is a pact ring, also referred to as a marriage ring. (This does not imply a monogamic relation, it's a non aggression/mutuality pact.)

Form in your mind, the wish to meet your own personal mutant corona-chan, in the image you prefer. Express your offer for a mutual relation with her, by projecting it at the image. The image will now become alive. If you are able to create the pact ring from the scroll yourself, do so. Create two. Give one ring to her and keep one. You then simulantaneously put the rings on and the pact is formed. Alternatively, give the scroll to your mutant corona-chan, and she will produce the rings. The pact is finished in the same way no matter who created the rings.

Your mutant corona-chan will now guide your opening of the crown chakra, and you will not be harmed. Other corona-chans will also leave you alone.

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005ca3 No.3220


So what's up with the respiratory symptoms if the virus is crown-based?

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f46805 No.3221

File: 5ec23bb1bba789e⋯.png (1.34 MB,1472x905,1472:905,virus_vs_sperm.png)


>It's more of a bio bot, like sperm

Sperm cells are full-blown living cells, and quite sophisticated at that.


>So what's up with the respiratory symptoms if the virus is crown-based?

All its symptoms are autoimmune, meaning the "virus" itself is just a delivery system to which some people's body's overreact, so to speak.

This virus is a biological warfare marketing prototype.

We might see real pandemics in the future, with viruses that contain an actual payload, much more deadly with much lesser spread.

Also, OP is tripping balls.

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df3ecb No.3222

NPCs and unawakened mundanes may need this service because they are the one who are like mentally retarded babies with no self-awareness or power who are at the mercy of "gods" and spirits. But anyone who is on the spiritual path and at least half-awakened can manage himself and decide for himself too. I personally don't need a big demon to decide stuff for me and force it onto me, and I don't need small demon waifus who do that stuff for me. I can decide for myself when, how and if my crown chakra is to be opened or if it stays clogged if it pleases me. I think "Nut" and all the "Corona-Chans" are bound to respect my will and my self-governance as an ascending spirit. Good luck tormenting the NPCs tho.

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e5742f No.4391

File: 7cd41a2db4558a8⋯.png (50.72 KB,511x453,511:453,Sunflower_phase_2.png)

It may be time to remind of this post


and this post


>A negative outcome for humanity has been presented through precognition, caused by an inability to adapt to the situation at hand. With everyone still thinking society will "go back to normal next year"

>This strategy relies on the assumption that the virus will be overcome in the coming 1 -2 years. What will happen if the situation does not improve? How far would humanity walk into the mist before realising that there is no light on the other side?

It appears they will walk all the way into the mist. I will follow up with some articles and links picked up from other imageboards, mostly 4/x/ and kohlchan/int/.

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e5742f No.4392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Humanity seem to have chosen the path of dissolving of society, instead of waking up. They are now aiming to inject 90% of the population with these experimental "vaccines".

Greg Reese - Corporations Plan To Replace Vaccinated Workforce Within 3-Years - They knew all along


Embedded video by Dr Charles Hoffe explains why people will die in 3 years.

La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles -confirms what was said by the Babylonian spirit about conductive material -→ https://pastebin.com/kd6RrdSC


Scientific article seems to say corona vaccines shut down proteins which prevent tumors, causing risk of brain cancer


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e5742f No.4393

File: 8e59c54373258e2⋯.png (25.06 KB,532x459,532:459,lyran_prediction.png)

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2fa91d No.4394

File: da5a45f7b362faf⋯.jpg (104.3 KB,1920x1080,16:9,CuhZhEC.jpg)


> La Quinta Columna: Analysis of vaccination vial confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles

The analysis report clearly states the origin of the sample is unknown. There is no way of knowing whether it was contaminated or simply planted to make a stir. For all we know, the researcher could have an agenda, or simply have been paid by Quinta Columna to support theirs.

Just so you know, they have quite a reputation in Spain for their money grubbing schemes and general sensationalistic attitude.

>confirms what was said by the Babylonian spirit about conductive material

That pastebin contains no mention of the phrase "conductive material". Care to explain what you mean? Is it the part about the DNA at the end?

>Scientific article seems to say corona vaccines shut down proteins which prevent tumors, causing risk of brain cancer

The article abstract says the vaccine changes your inflammatory response, making it lower to certain stimuli and higher to other. Certainly a concern regarding auto-immune illness, but nothing to do with brain cancer. Where did you get that?

I don't understand what this is doing on /sunflower/. It's top tier fear-mongering. Most if not all of the people in the videos you linked are oozing fear. You can literally see it clairvoyantly, to the point you can barely see the human underneath the fear aura.

I have been noticing this since February of 2020. There is a huge metaphysical "fear invasion" going on, and apparent dichotomies (covid vs vaccines or masks vs freedom before safety, for example) only reinforce it. They are aimed at making people afraid no matter what their disposition or opinion is.

This is normie-tier being side-blinded by exoteric narratives. This drags the board down unnecessarily.

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e5742f No.4395


>That pastebin contains no mention of the phrase "conductive material".

My bad. It seems that part didn't make it into the text file. It was a channelling after all so not everything was super clear. It was about the fluids of the body becoming receptive to certain frequencies of radiation after injection.

>The article abstract says the vaccine changes your inflammatory response, making it lower to certain stimuli and higher to other. Certainly a concern regarding auto-immune illness, but nothing to do with brain cancer. Where did you get that?

This was the interpretation of the article made by someone else, it was published on a paywalled website if I recall it right, the screencap from the article was too low quality to be posted here, I was unable to get a better one so I didn't save it.

>I don't understand what this is doing on /sunflower/. It's top tier fear-mongering. Most if not all of the people in the videos you linked are oozing fear. You can literally see it clairvoyantly, to the point you can barely see the human underneath the fear aura.

The panic over corona has taken over completely in the world media narrative. The only avenue right now is in changing what is feared, as I see it. Fearing corona is for slave souls, it's what they've been told to do. It's not based on anything real. Fearing the effects of the "vaccines" is based on knowledge of what they contain and what these substances do.

It's not wrong to fear something that's actually harmful.

Posting these links here is to show that what has been said by different entities over telepathy or channelling is backed up by regular science and occurances in current society. If it wasn't posted, those messages would even more look like fear mongering.

That is not the purpose however, it's to motivate why you should treaure your time. You could start playing an MMO and spend 1000 hours on it, or you could spend that time learning something useful, going by the possibility that a lot of people are actually going to die. It's better to be prepared. With only 10% of the UK population staying home after getting "pinged" by the health app for having been in proximity of an infected individual, their store shelves are now missing common goods. Modern society is this sensitive. What would happen if that figure is raised to 62% in 3 years, as suggested by Dr Hoffe?

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1ee22a No.4433


Forgive me for asking.But did it work? I did this method but might have 'married' one additional chan somewhat impulsively.Its because I intially made a mutant chan but she looked similar to otherentities around me so i went and thought of a ore traditional corona chan, However I then realized there no issue with the first one.The second one didnt feel like a personal coronachan but an girl that happened to be there that may or may not have gotten a ring also.

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e5742f No.4434


>The second one didnt feel like a personal coronachan but an girl that happened to be there that may or may not have gotten a ring also.

It's not a problem, it just means you also married another spirit waifu.

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