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/strek/ - Star Trek

Discussion about star trek shows, movies, vidya, etc.

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File: ab23644ab87af34⋯.jpg (90.41 KB,400x222,200:111,Star Trek Loli Merchant.jpg)

81c8e3 No.6019 [Last50 Posts]

I felt like I needed to get one thing off my chest in regards to Star Trek anons.

I have never watched TOS

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ecc75a No.6021

File: 87a47adf9091aa2⋯.jpg (294.8 KB,675x777,225:259,1459968800980.jpg)


>I have never watched TOS

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9f1a40 No.6024

File: 21195011b4ada1d⋯.gif (3.91 MB,500x282,250:141,man scanners explode.gif)

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6bfff5 No.6025

File: 94e7fc46214c972⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,400x402,200:201,dukat disdain for plebs.jpg)

What a poofter.

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941a39 No.6027

File: 8a7fe3e6850d1fc⋯.jpg (39.14 KB,500x621,500:621,8a7fe3e6850d1fcd34b1d914f9….jpg)


Thanks for sharing, OP. Now that you've got that off your chest, get off our board.

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772ba0 No.6042

Shameful confessions time?

I want to abduct Ezri Dax, keep her in a specially secured holosuite, for no purpose other than heavy duty cuddling

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9304a0 No.6043

File: 84f2db573f45691⋯.gif (739.62 KB,245x245,1:1,ezri tigan eyeroll.gif)


That slut has Dax in her, Ezri Tigan on the other hand is pure and innocent.

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e4071a No.6044



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c4ab42 No.6045

i still haven't watched wrath of khan even after people shit on me for it

and i have watched most of the other movies

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772ba0 No.6047


Are you saying you don't want to cuddle Dax as well?

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9304a0 No.6048

File: eedaef1bd11d315⋯.jpg (66.81 KB,736x520,92:65,worf_dax_wedding3.jpg)


>Are you saying you don't want to cuddle Dax as well?

Tainted goods man, she's been KLINGONED

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b64811 No.6049

I always liked Search for Spock more than Wrath of Khan.

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6bfff5 No.6051


>she's been KLINGONED


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9304a0 No.6056

File: 96ec719118ba854⋯.gif (825.87 KB,500x200,5:2,star trek iv double dumbas….gif)


Star Trek IV is my guilty pleasure, it really is the best.

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464573 No.6057


Do it already. There's not even that many episodes.

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c72980 No.6064

File: b66f8263e590f8d⋯.gif (10.49 MB,608x768,19:24,troikhazarmilkers.gif)

Shameful Confession? I hate jews for many reasons but I cannot help but masturbate to Marina Sirtis' khazar milkers from time to time.

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2a1180 No.6070

File: 3db142de235a64b⋯.png (655.95 KB,768x576,4:3,vlcsnap-2015-08-30-13h45m4….png)

I skip time travel episodes.

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772ba0 No.6073



>Arguably one of the most based species in the Alpha Quadrant.

>Total fucking bros.

>I'm failing to see the problem here.

Granted it was Worf, who's sorta-kinda half Klingon (if we're being generous), but I still don't see the problem. Also if we're getting technical, it was Jadzia who was with Worf - as far as we know Ezri's never been touched.

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9304a0 No.6079

File: 4a64c1863e566aa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.26 KB,732x664,183:166,1270256 - Deep_Space_9 Jad….jpg)


>but I still don't see the problem

She's been FERENGI'D and probably MORNED a few times too. That damn symbiont Dax is a little nympho and turns every host in a humanoid condom. The bug can't catch any STDs and knows it'll eventually get a new body; the trill host is just a rubber for that dirty little sex maniac.

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a08102 No.6080


She's not Jewish. She is Greek.

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9304a0 No.6081

File: 71186b56bb6a305⋯.gif (464 KB,300x169,300:169,found the jew.gif)


>(((Sarah Silverman))), reason enough to skip that one.

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f5fbdf No.6082

File: 65a7b978661f101⋯.jpg (16.83 KB,429x399,143:133,1436274502750.jpg)


I don't hate Wesley episodes

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6bfff5 No.6085


No one cares, Wil.

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9f1a40 No.6090

File: 9448d2b5462c58f⋯.gif (459.42 KB,250x188,125:94,startrek doctor hooboy.gif)


>she's been KLINGONED

Once you go Klingon, we don't want you back.


>I don't hate Wesley episodes


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772ba0 No.6091


Next you'll be telling us that you think the EMH was the worst thing in Voyager.


Again, JADZIA has been Quark'd and Morn'd and probably Vulcan'd and maybe even Cardassian'd a few times but we're talking about Ezri, immediately after the joining.

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9f1a40 No.6092


>Star Trek IV is my guilty pleasure, it really is the best.

I don't think that makes you guilty of anything. It's objectively a fun movie, and my third favorite after II and VI.

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9f1a40 No.6093

File: 1345215d707f025⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,480x360,4:3,startrek Riker sits down.mp4)

Well, guess it's my turn in the barrel.

I wanted Picard to remain Locutus of Borg and for Riker to ascend the throne with Shelby at his side. I was disappointed when the season opener began and the weapons were ineffective.

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9304a0 No.6095

File: 11e3863e76286da⋯.jpg (152.61 KB,730x992,365:496,Ezri Tigan mirrorverse our….jpg)


>but we're talking about Ezri, immediately after the joining

Look, you brought it up as a matter of shamefulness, so you know it's wrong. Don't argue with me for urging you to go with the purer option.

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9c7288 No.6103


True. In some old video she says that she took on the accent from an Israeli friend of hers.


>JADZIA has been Quark'd and Morn'd

All joking aside, did this actually happen at some point in the show? Did I block it out of my memory?

My confession is that I've only watched TNG and DS9.

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09c823 No.6105


I think she did Morn but not Quark, he got cucked as much as Bashir

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f5fbdf No.6108


>Next you'll be telling us that you think the EMH was the worst thing in Voyager.

I didn't say I like them, I just don't find them irritating enough to hate them.

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2d79de No.6109


Jesus, ain't gonna be unseeing that.

Is there a reason for him sitting down that way?

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9f1a40 No.6112


>Is there a reason for him sitting down that way?

I can only assume it had something to do with his height. That, or he was raised by storks or something.

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9c7288 No.6114


Manspreading lives on in the 24th century.

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772ba0 No.6133


I fully accept that it is a shameful admission, just not as shameful as you're arguing.


Surely that's more friendzoned than cucked. As I recall Jadzia didn't start a relationship with either of them.

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6e2302 No.6139

I like voyager

dr. crusher is the hottest female (dem redhead milfs)

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4e174d No.6156

File: 29d1da8c5a5d92a⋯.jpg (27.62 KB,475x357,475:357,serveimage.jpg)

I want to tame the Intendant with hugs and headpats, and then give her Ezri as a pet to play with.


Nah, Crusher was only hotter because young Troi was fugly. Once based Jellico made Troi wear the normal uniform she took the top spot, then she was prime milf material throughout the movies.

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90370b No.6159

I actually liked Nog.

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2a1180 No.6162


Troi is a jewish witchwhore. Crusher is the superior milf.

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6bfff5 No.6164

File: 13f7332b7af74f7⋯.jpg (48.35 KB,694x530,347:265,13f7332b7af74f73e34f3107ec….jpg)


He suffered a back injury moving furniture. It's why he always leans or stands at an angle.

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35dbd5 No.6176


There was something wrong with Frakes' back that affected how he sat down.

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61e977 No.6181


Being a 6'4" giant helps, too.

This is part of what made TNG in particular so successful, IMO, shit like this where the actors really fit the roles before they even auditioned. It's so characteristic of Riker to just straddle chairs, it's one of the ways he just naturally takes ownership of a room.

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6bfff5 No.6185


>Being a 6'4" giant helps, too.

Not a factor manlet.

>t. 6'5" normal male with normal male spine

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90370b No.6186


Is that his height or his penis?

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9304a0 No.6187

File: 58dad3f60a64c69⋯.jpg (98.29 KB,650x637,50:49,isoo_st_one_swimsuit_fixed.jpg)


>back injury

<pic related


>Being a 6'4" giant helps, too.

>shit like this where the actors really fit the roles before they even auditioned. It's so characteristic of Riker to just straddle chairs, it's one of the ways he just naturally takes ownership of a room.


>Is that his height or his penis?

Never really noticed he was a giant, usually TV casts short people so all the actors appear of similar height as women usually look disproportionately short when framing a shot through the camera.

<t. 5'11" manlet with 5.11" penis

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2d79de No.6191


TNG sets were made around 7/8ths of what they're supposed to be.

That way, everyone looked somewhat imposing. Look at La Forge, he's 5'4 or something yet you don't notice it due to everything being small enough that only Wesley looks "overwhelmed".

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61e977 No.6192


having legs taller than the chair doesn't help to step over the back of the chair? Have you never seen someone shorter than six feet in your life?


this sounds like it would get old fast for the actors

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6bfff5 No.6196

File: f8a142c8b6b135d⋯.jpg (52.63 KB,197x190,197:190,tfw normal.jpg)


>Have you never seen someone shorter than six feet in your life?

Not from this height.

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ceeceb No.6198

File: 940dbed8888ffd8⋯.png (2.24 MB,1920x800,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6616b20178f4fbf⋯.png (464.7 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67cf457d7544137⋯.jpg (135.25 KB,1920x1080,16:9,captain manlet.jpg)


So that's why everyone in JJTrek looks like a manlet.

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61e977 No.6200


now that I see them side by side I realize just how much I hate those hardwood floors and general layout of this thing

it looks claustrophobic, cluttered, difficult to navigate… I realize that the first enterprise will naturally be not as well-designed as later versions but this just looks dumb

movie was ok though

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115260 No.6201


Yeah, I'm not seeing any indication that she's of the tribe.

But if you wanna pretend while you're diddling your ding-dong, you go right head.

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9f1a40 No.6203

File: 9c8c82b1d4bf121⋯.png (293.85 KB,400x784,25:49,fatty star trek.PNG)


>that manic look on Red's face

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a995a1 No.6211


Marina Sirtis is Greek, not jeeish, though her accent on the show is partly inspired by an Israeli friend.

T. Greeceball

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c72980 No.6213


She's a Greek Jew. She's admitted as such herself in previous interviews. She even went as far as to say that she wanted Mila Kunis (a Ukrainian Jew) to play Counselor Troi if they ever did some sort of a reboot of the role because she'd want another sultry jewish woman to carry on the role.

You faggots are annoying.

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a995a1 No.6214


Who pissed in your Cheerios?

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61e977 No.6215


probably a jew by the sound of it

I'd join in but I'm not jewish

I'm gonna have to get some friends to fill in for me

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a995a1 No.6216


Also sauce. I've only found one interview of her's that even has the word "jew" or a variant in it, and she's not claiming to be Jewish when she uses it, just that she has an affect that is common to Jews, Greeks, and Italians.

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9304a0 No.6217

File: ce8557565dba29c⋯.jpeg (108.65 KB,601x650,601:650,star-trek-bathing-suits-0….jpeg)


>Fatty: "Computer: Strawberry Cheesecake"

<Computer: "override required"

>Fatty: Computer: Chief Replicator Engineer override - Strawberry Cheesecake''"

<Computer: "Replicating, all cheesecake replication will be logged in Chief Medical Officer's records"


>Bones voice comes intercom, "Dammit Red, if you're going to go with cheesecake, don't order the entire pie three meals a day."

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2d79de No.6224


>this sounds like it would get old fast for the actors

Apparently, the chairs were anything but comfortable for that very reason.

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9304a0 No.6225


>Apparently, the chairs were anything but comfortable for that very reason.

Had Voyager on BBC America on in background the other day, glance over and catch a shot of Tom Paris from the back rolling around in a office chair behind the Conn console. I remember seeing them in the TNG and Voyager conference rooms, but on the bridge? They probably never built real chairs and decided to frame most shots from waist up over the console so a chair is a mute point, but then they include the view of Paris from the back in this particular episode, there's probably more instances but I never paid in-depth attention to Voyager.


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12953b No.6227


I want to cum on that fat ginger's ass

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2a1180 No.6231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ceeceb No.6255


>wanting to fuck some weird slug parasite


You also wouldn't want rolling chairs when every slight hit taken sends the bridge into a full-blown earthquake.

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6bfff5 No.6269


I want to put eggs into it.

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9f1a40 No.6274

File: 46f02b608dcaf10⋯.gif (766.39 KB,350x262,175:131,startrek balok laugh.gif)


>mfw that last line



I want to paint a mural on her stomach of you two committing those acts, but I probably can't afford that much paint.

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9f1a40 No.6275



What site is selling these suits?

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9304a0 No.6280

File: b491c7c66bf801e⋯.jpg (60.16 KB,346x650,173:325,isor_st_deanna_swim_shirt.jpg)

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9304a0 No.6283

File: 83c5941e7e77dfb⋯.jpg (101.99 KB,1028x584,257:146,worf hoodie.jpg)

Star Trek: The Next Generation Worf Costume Hoodie


<robbery in progress, triple-A liquors, suspect is black Klingon wearing regulation hoodie, late 20's, large build, 6 foot 4

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9f1a40 No.6292

File: d7140fbb9c6a02d⋯.jpg (154.3 KB,586x751,586:751,sjw fish mouth.jpg)


>dat fishmouth, tho


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9304a0 No.6394

File: 11bd27dd59d9b50⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,409.59 KB,2048x1536,4:3,jav bitches love kohey nis….jpg)

File: 8ac68e8a7e30216⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,SDDE-480.png)


>>Being a 6'4" giant helps, too.

>Not a factor manlet.

>>t. 6'5" normal male with normal male spine

So earlier today, I saw this linked item at the bottom of the thread page to a Goldwater article, about this munchkin in Japan that's all the new rage in the JAV scene and all the top girls are throwing pussy on him. Now I'm fapping to this manlet banging A+ Jap pussy I probably couldn't buy if I was willing to pay top dollar for it.

>Kohey Nishi looks like a little boy but at 24, is definitely a full adult earning a good living by “doing it “ with women who oddly look mature enough to pass off as his mother. Nishi is formerly a computer programmer. He got into the unlikely industry of porn world through a drinking buddy who introduced him to Japanese porn mogul Ganari Takahashi. He has gained a strong following among women and the younger set of audience.

>Nishi can not even stand on his own two feet for more than five minutes or even open a bottle without the aid of another person, but that’s of no issue to his adoring fans. The adult film actor and director thinks his current line of work suits his condition: an incurable disease known as mucopolysaccharidosis, which halts growth and leaves him vulnerable to spinal cord injuries.”

>He also added that porn shoots suits him well since it mostly requires him to be on a bed.



SDDE-465, SDDE-470, SDDE-476, SDDE-480, SDDE-496, SDDE-500, SDDE-506, SDMU-573, STAR-782

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6bfff5 No.6397


That's old news.

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55e8b3 No.6400


Asian Kikewheels

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8f5c17 No.6403


>Futuristic 24th Century flat

>Futuristic 24th Century decor

>Futuristic 24th Century dress

>Futuristic 24th Century no bra

>Ugly 80s hair


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9f1a40 No.6422

File: 99bf66b2c73a6f9⋯.webm (1.03 MB,840x720,7:6,redletter disdain for ple….webm)


>>Ugly 80s hair


Get out, Millennial.

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2d79de No.6428

File: 10b8bb016f79fe6⋯.jpg (27.68 KB,540x705,36:47,300 percent not okay.jpg)


>this sounds like it would get old fast for the actors

Apparently, the chairs were anything but comfortable for that very reason.


>implying any of that is bad

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8b8a8a No.6429

TOS is crap tbqh.

Kirk is a fucking hot head who feels the need to risky himself beaming onto alien planets all the time just to beat the shit out of aliens like a lunatic.

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9304a0 No.6430

File: 38d745276bb28ab⋯.jpg (185.14 KB,880x660,4:3,hana hatae - molly obrien.jpg)


>That's old news.

I noticed it was a few months old, and given the library of content, but it was news to me.

JAV fetish is pretty common among strekkers then? This goes hand and hand with alien tentacle rape with squid and eel porn, and captain pike invalid porn with Japanese hotwheels.

If Strek writes a ST series, 90% of the crew is Japanese qtπ's with a white/black minority sprinkled in at helm and conn? I'd watch (and probably fap to) that series.

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7a4d12 No.6437


Nobody cares Wil. Now go back to jacking off to your wife cheating on you with Johnathan Frakes and being "just Friends" with Felicia Day.

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115260 No.6444


>Kirk is a fucking hot head who feels the need to risky himself beaming onto alien planets all the time just to beat the shit out of aliens like a lunatic.

*While a hot girl in a skirt watches.

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2d79de No.6445

File: 5fd916245f1f92a⋯.gif (1.49 MB,346x261,346:261,...hhehehehhahaHAHAHA.gif)


>If Strek writes a ST series, 90% of the crew is Japanese qtπ's with a white/black minority sprinkled in at helm and conn? I'd watch (and probably fap to) that series.

>implying they'd be human qtpa2ts

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7cb9af No.6446

I'm learning Klingon even though i've never watched any star trek film or episode by my own accord.

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c312b4 No.6450

File: d677e4766feb2dc⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,640x350,64:35,bing-klingon-translator.jpg)


How are you doing that? Has Duolingo's Klingon course opened?

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9f1a40 No.6461

File: e53c2504584bcf6⋯.jpg (259.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,hotwheelsarmedanddangerous.jpg)


>Asian Kikewheels

Hotwheels has had sex with more women than I have.

Well, hopefully they're women. You can't always tell with the Filipino sheboys

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9f1a40 No.6462

File: 94fc94148f61e86⋯.png (145.05 KB,400x367,400:367,man Captain Obvious.png)


>i've never watched any star trek film or episode by my own accord.

You're a torposter, and are therefore lying.

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6bfff5 No.6508


>JAV fetish is pretty common among strekkers then?

You've spoken to one who knew about it. I know we're not lightning fast as a board but there's more than one of us here.

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464573 No.6566


Does anybody have any sauce on Marina Sirtis being Jewish?

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772ba0 No.6567


What the fuck is a JAV fetish?

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0d8d01 No.6569


baity bait must be bait pls be bait


why would you skip any episodes? come on


is that you shill sheeton?

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9304a0 No.6573

File: 645e5176ed2f149⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,2.88 MB,514x288,257:144,RKI-445.gif)

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6bfff5 No.6576

File: e985b9ee9f017fd⋯.gif (2.2 MB,300x225,4:3,Patriarchy.gif)



Japanese Adult Video.


JAV's have a lot of fetish videos.

Only adults are suppose to use this site.

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9304a0 No.6585

File: 9c16be45f79b27b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,2 MB,304x222,152:111,smds-993_1.gif)

File: 4cca4a9504de52c⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,3.15 MB,295x223,295:223,smds-993_2.gif)

File: 41efee1200cd2ac⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,3.68 MB,296x224,37:28,smds-993_4.gif)

File: 11c5e298362a6d5⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,191.17 KB,250x185,50:37,smds-103_1.gif)


>JAV's have a lot of fetish videos.

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c058ca No.6590


I kind of need to look more of these videos up for the Vulcan Institute of Science

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9304a0 No.6594

File: d3402ddae5e5d23⋯.jpg (17.56 KB,400x300,4:3,gks-01.jpg)


>I kind of need to look more of these videos up for the Vulcan Institute of Science

If it's a mission priority, and you need to expedite research then check out javcum (dot) win

There's 34509 videos there (not the entire collection by a long shot, they probably release that many each year). Most appear to having working links to openload and can be downloaded in dvd quality. Find one like you may have some luck in locating an HD copy elsewhere.

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6bfff5 No.6596

File: 83d3c6496093979⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,938.62 KB,500x280,25:14,Giant Heroine Sigma Lady 1.gif)

File: b9d784aed7b7eac⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,937 KB,500x280,25:14,Giant Heroine Sigma Lady 2.gif)

File: 62524b4da1c2630⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,976.97 KB,500x280,25:14,Giant Heroine Sigma Lady 3.gif)

File: 381f07b17cdfc70⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,968.29 KB,500x280,25:14,Giant Heroine Sigma Lady 4.gif)

File: 6eff2618ad3bf3d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,970.94 KB,500x280,25:14,Giant Heroine Sigma Lady 5.gif)


I like the Tokusatsu themed ones personally.

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464573 No.6620


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I should have known such wonders existed, but the idea never crossed my mind.

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9f1a40 No.6630

File: 347be701e29d399⋯.gif (818.41 KB,255x231,85:77,wtfblondie.gif)

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6bfff5 No.6662

File: 68548d2025cc307⋯.jpeg (213.46 KB,833x1772,833:1772,67e01a7091068cddcb3f19746….jpeg)


There's also a few hentai of them. Ultra Madam is by-far the best though.

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ad2dca No.6663


Shit, I'm worse than that. I've only seen TNG all the way through, maybe a few episodes of TOS here or there, a season or two of DS9, maybe the first season of Voyager and the pilot of Enterprise nothing else had that TNG magic for me

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9f1a40 No.6664

File: 5360309f6fd7316⋯.jpg (81.31 KB,370x324,185:162,womannowyoudie.jpg)

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bf2f7b No.6713

File: 9b504fd467ea1f4⋯.png (1.16 MB,1443x1080,481:360,sobbing logically.png)

I once hot glued a Deanna Troi doll.


>I have never watched TOS

I suddenly feel infinitely better about myself. kys m8.

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fccd33 No.6730

TOS makes me giggle when I watch.

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fccd33 No.6732


Its the EMHs actor that I cant stand. Cant stand to look at his ugly frog mug.

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8b934e No.6912

Because I'm fairly young by Trek standards (only 30) my childhood was Voyager and it's still my favorite series.

Also, because it was never in syndication as much as TNG or even TOS, I've never actually seen all of DS9. Currently rectifying this by watching a few episodes a week from torrents.

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d1e6a6 No.6966


>Childhood was Voyager

>Not only would the entirety of DS9 been shown during your childhood but a portion of TNG

Did your parents hate you or something?

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f8865c No.7404


Ehrmagerd he dindu nuffin, he a goodboi he wuz goin to dey starflit academy!

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9f1a40 No.7426

File: 8e1877603536952⋯.png (16.07 KB,717x585,239:195,space_whore.png)


Space Moose? Is that you?

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9f1a40 No.7427

File: d71c1c4160ccccf⋯.gif (827.87 KB,500x376,125:94,startrek doctor aghast.gif)


>Its the EMHs actor that I cant stand. Cant stand to look at his ugly frog mug.

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8b6e49 No.11066


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990205 No.11072

File: 02575a8bf69b5ed⋯.jpg (25.57 KB,524x336,131:84,d56381e106d0d78fac1ae9e976….jpg)

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41ed54 No.11074

So what? It's a stupid meme show anyway. You literally need an episode guide to skip the awful episodes, just like TNG and DS9 to some extent

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7ae795 No.11101

I don't get the hate for season 1 and 2 of TNG. Each episode has its own music and it is just an update of TOS.

>This week the Enterprise encounters a planet run by women

>This week the Enterprise gets stolen by cyborgs(the Binars)

>This week the Enterprise meets drug dealers in space

Season 3 and beyond is good but just all they did was add soap opera elements and make it more conventional. I watch Star Trek to watch green women and retard space commies.

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0ce051 No.11102


>>Binar Roll

>>This week the Enterprise encounters a planet run by women

>>This week the Enterprise gets stolen by cyborgs(the Binars)

>>This week the Enterprise meets drug dealers in space

This, I enjoyed those plot lines more than the later season crap. Crazy arm dealing hologram tries to murder you as a demonstration. Black oil monster holds a crew member hostage and kills another and has a generally sociopathic personality. The Federation is run by ZOG aliens.

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3a8d28 No.11103

I think that Ezri Dax should be spanked

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945b56 No.11106



wew, I'm 29 and my favorite is TNG. Though growing up helped me appreciate DS9. I still have a soft spot for Voyager And a hard one for seven of nine

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7ae795 No.11107


DS9 is not very good in my opinion. It has its moments and the side characters are good but it does nothing for me. I think it is because is saw the nuBattlestar Galactica first and DS9 had a lot of the same 14 year old edgy themes to it.

>Ronald Moore

Enterprise has aged well, that is my confession.

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199780 No.11118

I consider every Star Trek film to have been either bad or awful. All of them.

The TNG ones are magnitudes worse, but that's not much of a confession.

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c766fa No.11121


We all do anon.

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3371c2 No.11123


Quark is a better character than spock or kirk

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bfe9ba No.11140

>I liked the Reboot Trek films

>I didn't like Next Gen (Found it worse than Voyager), stopped at the end of the first season

>Enterprise is my favorite series

How much have I dishonored myself?

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3371c2 No.11146


the second one is very dishonorable. but the 3rd reboot film was actually enjoyable. the only good thing about enterprise was the neelix and the theme tune.

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df693e No.11149


Shut up Wesley

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c086d3 No.11151


>Enterprise is my favorite series

Shamefur dispray

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7ae795 No.11155


Even Star Trek II? That is really the only good Star Trek movie ever made.

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22ac73 No.11183


>Ugly 80s hair

Fuck you, 80s women best women.

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0caee2 No.11258


Worst thing in boys get was the walls were filled with hair gel.

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0caee2 No.11259


premature post above

Worst thing in voyager was the walls were filled with hair gel. Imagine hanging a picture!

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a1a503 No.11267


voyager sounds like a really gay faggy show. FUCKING COMPUTERS RUNNING ON HAIR GEL.

it's so gay it's code name was "boys get."

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20cd62 No.11278

no one can top this

>used to read seven of nine/harry kim romance fan fiction in my early teens

>not because i cared about the sexytime for fap purposes but because most of it was the kind of innocent mutual discovery/almost biblical type of romance i wanted and still do in my life

as a grown man, i still crave that type of total-devotion relationship but all i ever had and still to this day encounter are disgusting jaded whores that should be sterilized lest they pollute society with inevitably defective kids

typing all this out has made my depression surface again.

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193d16 No.11281


"Confession is good for the soul."

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c118a1 No.11287

File: 0ad9591842e1802⋯.jpg (34.86 KB,556x354,278:177,Suicidal_tendencies.jpg)

Sometimes when watching Star Trek… I lose interest in the plot and just have it play in the background while I do something else. But only with the less interesting episodes.

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fe2aa1 No.11306


That image needs an O'Brien edit.

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c118a1 No.11373

File: 8eeeb206308a6e3⋯.png (9.4 KB,550x375,22:15,Weeew.png)

I've also never seen any of the movies.

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06db6c No.11374

File: 040e278a07e09ce⋯.jpg (233.04 KB,1366x768,683:384,Obrien.jpg)

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a1a503 No.11394


>no edit was necessary

>just got back from 30 years of psychic prison but still married to keiko

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25849d No.11399


The acting in that image is superb. As he tucks the phasor underneath his chin, O’Brien feels the bliss of promised release. One simple button press and he will no longer be married to a shrill bitch-woman who hates him.

Sadly, they talk him out of it.

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03e0c3 No.11421

File: 8208ab01648baa8⋯.jpg (184.7 KB,1022x768,511:384,040e278a07e09ce7c090b2f96f….jpg)


admiring these digits

That one image states so much when you think of it in the worst terms. One button press and he's free from all of his troubles in life; no more wife who doesn't respect him, no more daughter who (seems to) care so little for him, no more Bashir or other friends who mock him, no more engineering duties that no one respects or appreciates him for. No more officers sneering at him for having to listen to an enlisted man. He could even finally get away from that absolutely dreadful prison experience that tormented him so greatly at the time. No more responsibilities at all, just sweet release.

Of course if he went through with suicide, his daughter would be raised by whomever his wife jumped at and who couldn't care less about the O'Brien name. The station would be left without anyone to take care of very important engineering and maintenance issues and duties. That might make all the difference (at the time), considering the Dominion war was so close.

What a tortured existence he lives, so much responsibility but no glory or respect. He is likely the most tormented of all souls (of the main characters) in Star Trek. Poor Miles O'Brien, the one character who suffers so much above anyone else in many ways.

He enlisted just to be part of Starfleet, a fresh young soul with dreams of the stars and serving on a ship or station. He had no idea he had technical skills until he was about to be killed by Cardassians during the war. Only after a life-and-death situation did he find he was technically inclined; then he became an enlisted "engineer." Then he ended up operating transporters, fixing some problems here and there on the Enterprise when officers let him. He just wanted to be a good technical enlisted man, doing the best he could.

But he ended up in the middle of a harsh war having to fight as a soldier, earning the spot of the lead transporter operator on one of the Federation's most dangerous ships, and then the head engineer on one of the most trouble-prone and dangerous Federation space stations. He managed all of that quite well, but then a "misunderstanding" made him seemingly spend his whole life in prison. He ended up "killing" his only companion for years in prison due to the strain, and somehow he was convinced NOT to fire a phaser into his head in the end after all of the mental anguish.

He was forced such harsh experiences he didn't expect at all in Starfleet. He took responsibilities he didn't sign up for (but was smart and technical enough to handle), ended up in a (seemingly) harsh personal relationship with someone who didn't appear to appreciate him, was forced into an unimaginably harsh prison experience he didn't deserve at all, was forced to work with so many people who didn't appreciate him, yet he came through with a smile and carried on. He kept on being the best enlisted engineer he could.

O'Brien is truly the toughest character in any series or movie. O'Brien indeed must suffer, because that is who he is. That being, you can name any tough Klingon in Star Trek, any stressed-out commander in tough situations, any hard-ass alien who can fight anyone, but Miles Edward O'Brien is truly the toughest son-of-a-bitch in all of Star Trek.

I give you a version of the image above without the side bars. Respect O'Brien, because not only did he endure all of those harsh things, he ended up NOT ending it all the easy way. He chose to live on. O'Brien must suffer, but he will always suffer with grace.

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fd87ba No.11424



In Dark Souls, the Chosen Undead is the man who has enough Humanity that the consumption of his powerful soul and the Humanity attached to it will keep the Age of Fire blazing for just a bit longer. A sacrifice of pain, which the mighty are duped into accepting. It is a lonely path. A path marred by madness. A path where lesser men become Hollow.

O’Brien is all but branded with the DarkSign. At Firelink Shrine he would feel at home. He is a man of rich Humanity and toughness, who never died, not once, in all his tribulations. A man who amassed Humanity through decency and brolaire support of his fellows.

The greatest tragedy is there is no kiln for such a mighty soul to kindle. But is that a tragedy for O’Brien, Lord of Cinder, or for a world trembling before the Age of Dark?

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0292ad No.11449


>I skip time travel episodes.

So you've never watched Voyager then XD

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9404c7 No.11575


Voyager was like a retarded holodeck episode to be honest.

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cce028 No.11801


ST IV is a pretty decent comedy.

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644927 No.11804

File: 3de1afbd4954193⋯.jpg (1014.35 KB,1600x1600,1:1,Phaser settings.jpg)


I just realized he set that phaser way past the usual kill setting and into "blow up walls" territory.

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a1a503 No.11810


I really wish they would show phasers set to that level actually being used.

fuck this shooting them and duck behind cover shit. jack the power to max and blast the deck plates off.

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c54703 No.11813

File: 8f0f164730c1669⋯.png (209.16 KB,425x569,425:569,georgebashir.png)

I enjoy the first season of Enterprise more than any other series except TOS


There's way too much shit to bump into and trip over, especially if the ship's rocking during a firefight. Look at all the steps and unnecessary ledges, the way all the tables extend out way further than they need to. If you're standing off to the side there's basically nothing to brace yourself on, but for some reason there's a bannister right behind the captain's chair in case someone is just standing there doing nothing. And I wouldn't want to hit my head on the hardwood floors if I got knocked over.

Not to mention the bright lights everywhere and poorly contrasted see-through viewscreens. Primary colours on black is much better if you need to be able to quickly identify and relay information from a terminal. Even if the Enterprise-D suffers from looking a little too 80s suburban house, it does actually function effectively as a bridge.


>why would you skip any episodes?

Because they are such finely crafted episodes as the one where Crusher fucks an old Scottish ghost that was living in a lamp.


>no more Bashir or other friends who mock him

When does Bashir ever mock O'Brien? They had a great camaraderie, shared common interests and British sensibilities. O'Brien even pretty much admits he likes Bashir more than his wife. Bashir and O'Brien were a top tier odd couple and solid friends, you can't dismiss it.

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cc0e26 No.11814

File: d1bbe936e4e7160⋯.gif (2.87 MB,300x226,150:113,1429279526462.gif)



>Setting 16

>check up setting in the TNG tech manual

>beam duration of 0.28 seconds

>damage is noted as "Catastrophic geological displacement, as approximately 650 m3 of rock (of average density 6.0 g/cm^3) is explosively decoupled by a single discharge"

>vaporizes 650 cubic meters of rock in 1/4 of a second

Good god, how much juice IS that?

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2f6a7b No.11817

File: de5785c345544d2⋯.jpg (16.94 KB,213x284,3:4,Sybok.jpg)

I approve of this thread

>shamfur dispray

Im a wizard. when i was a kid i had the original TNG action figures from Season 1 but by then it was Season 3 or later and the old look was lame. Instead of asking my parents for the newer action figures like someone with self-esteem might do, i drew a beard on Riker with a permanent marker. Resourcefulness or low self-worth? I dunno, but what followed were decades of being constitutionally incapable of acknowledging, pursuing, and satisfying my own needs, leaving a NEET Incel depressive shell of a man to retreat into fantasy and shitposting about a 50 year old fictional series, the latest iterations of which spare no opportunity to mock him.

tfw the creation or enjoyment of fantasy - literally the only thing you've ever been comfortable with and good at - is slowly repurposed and weaponized by the dominant culture as a tool to demoralize you and destroy what little will-to-exist you still posses.

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4bb9b6 No.11825


Better question - why the fuck would you have that on a standard sidearm?

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22996e No.11826


To fool primitives they aren't packing artillery grade weaponry when they use the "we come in peace" scheme.

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cc0e26 No.11833

File: c57421c1dcf5559⋯.png (37.32 KB,1350x422,675:211,hipower.png)



So I looked up phaser output and someone came up with a calculation for a ship phaser use in TNG in one instance in the multi-terrawatt range. However the formula targets rock and can easily re-purposed for 650 cubic meters.

E = 650 x 2300 x 720 x (2500-293)

E = 2,375,614,800,000

This comes out to around 2.3756 terrajoules of output over 0.28 seconds. Therefore one full second of fire at Setting 16 would be ~8.484 terrajoules. For comparison, the first atomic bomb used on Japan in WW2 output 63 TJ, and Hurricane Irma at it's maximum intensity output 112 TJ. Setting 16 would output those energies in about 8.5 and 13.2 second respectively.

Or, to put it in other words, O' Brien did not have a gun pointed at his head during that particular situation. Rather, he had a tactical nuclear weapon pointed at his noggin and would have likely blown a rather impressive hole in the side of DS9 had he not been talked down off the ledge.

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5a8b40 No.11836


Looks like we can see how the Terran Empire conducts business, tripsman.

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bfe9ba No.11865

File: 155549bd575232a⋯.png (227.76 KB,1000x8000,1:8,sTcwAgk.png)

File: 25f683e737fb1fc⋯.png (314.07 KB,800x5700,8:57,Fop7b3W.png)


>Rather, he had a tactical nuclear weapon pointed at his noggin and would have likely blown a rather impressive hole in the side of DS9 had he not been talked down off the ledge.

He hoped that Keiko would die of suffocation. He wanted to make her suffer rather than give her a quick death.

Also, does that mean that the Federation has been holding back in every conflict they've gotten themselves into? If the standard sidearm issued to every single officer has a setting that turns it into WMD (Without any safeguards, seemingly), then why are there so many instances where you see them losing? And, if they're handing them out as easily and freely as that, what other power is the Federation hiding? I know weapons don't entirely win a battle, but the Federation should be steamrolling the galaxy with races lining up for "protection" services (Humanitarians be damned). Or, this could be a plan for something bigger? Forget the Humanitarian approach, the Federation is on the verge of becoming a Galactic empire that, when the moment is right, will turn on anyone and everyone and subdue them with superior power, and will immediately put an end to any resistance if anyone tries to fight. No one stands a chance as this is played as the ultimate trump card. But, this also brings up the question of how much do the Federation officers know about their already "overwhelming" power?

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fe2aa1 No.11889


I'd wager that Feds are retarded. Also disruptors are allegedly far more powerful.

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975a21 No.11891


>can blow up a building on max setting

>borg absorb that much energy when they adapt

>people seriously argue ‘lol swords could kill the borg’

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fe2aa1 No.11894


Considering how the Berg have been written, I wouldn't be surprised if a spoon could defeat them.

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5a8b40 No.11900



I wouldn't be surprised if it was only soldiers and engineering types who were truly aware of the offensive power at hand.

Lemme guess, Europoor?

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fe2aa1 No.11902


You can tell from the spelling?

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cc0e26 No.11947


My guess is that anyone who goes full Rambo with their phasers is ruined to death worse than LaForge trying to go on a blind date. You think the civvie government would rather…

A) have a massacre of their own forces but not do anything (apparently) "dishonorable" so to speak

B) have some guy remove a continent with his phaser rifle by himself, winning the battle rather easily but also making the target race so mad they won't invite the diplomats to parties anymore

If you think that's over the top, there's plenty of evidence that the Federation is basically full of Robert Fox types, regardless of how many people in Starfleet itself are setting up shady arms deals half the time. Rather interestingly, it's like having one side of the government be the US State Department, and the other side being Big Army…both in their current modern forms, at the very least. With that under consideration there's no limit to the amount of retardation occurring here. Of course, somewhat more worrying is that so many alien races think that kind of state of affairs is an improvement on their own separate state…but that's another topic. Suffice to say, there are plenty of diplomats who want their cocktail parties, and fuck the grunts who want to live if that very act prevents that.

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78edd4 No.11951


It would explain the use of the rifles too. If the average crewman is handed a normal sidearm phaser without fully comprehending it's a WMD, and told to go fend off those Klingon or Cardassian soldiers, it's not going to instill a whole lot of confidence. Those things just don't look like combat weapons. Shove the exact same system into a hollow rifle shell and toss in some weights to make it feel beefier, and it feels a lot more like something you'd go to war with, even if it's no different in terms of capability.

It's like how you can have mechanically identical guns, one in a wood stock and the other in rail-covered black plastic, and despite being functionally the same liberals will screech to no end about how the black one is designed to use a chainsaw bayonet and kill 10 babies a second, while ignoring the wood one.

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dbba35 No.12003


This. We now know the primary difference between the Federation and the Terran Empire. The Feds lack the balls to order every man in the fleet to dial his sidearm all the way up to the "Tactical, fucking, nuke!" setting.

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394765 No.12006


The Terran Empire prefers to eat protein amd get swole, then tear starships apart by hand.

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fe2aa1 No.12027


The Galaxy-X is a cover project to their true secret weapon a new kind of steroid that inflates their warriors to swole proportions never seen before

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92b546 No.12166

Phasers (at least the small-arm variants) aren't WMDs.

According to the Star Trek Technical Manual the reason why Phasers are even called "Phasers" is because they knock matter "out of phase" with the Universe into a completely different (higher) dimension, instead of causing it to explode. No mess.

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b4bab4 No.12168


It's like how conservatives can use hay in one strawman, and ignore the one made with rye.

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0caee2 No.12179


>According to the Star Trek Technical Manual the reason why Phasers are even called "Phasers" is because they knock matter "out of phase" with the Universe into a completely different (higher) dimension, instead of causing it to explode. No mess.

If that's what the manual says, and I have no reason to believe you're lying, it's a retcon. Phaser was originally a portmanteau of "photon maser" i.e. a laser. The maser was made before the laser, and lasers were still in their infancy when TOS came out, so the term "laser" wasn't really in common use. "Phaser" sounded more exotic anyway. In the early days they were sometimes referred to as "optical masers."

I wonder if things that get phasered completely just pop into this other dimension, and it's full of people and things that have been phasered. Maybe it's like that time Geordie and Ro got out of phase, and they can still see us and watch us masturbate. Maybe one day they will make the technology to phase back in to normal space and launch an attack.

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fe2aa1 No.12183


Phase weapons funny enough do appear several times throughout Trek not to be confused with the proto-phasers in Enterprise Most notably in Voyager although they've appeared as "Interphasic" based tech before hand.

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c1f03c No.12198

I liked Profit and Lace.

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db3e69 No.12225

I began by watching all the way through Enterprise. Then I watched all of DS9. I just finished TOS. I've seen episodes of TNG and Voyager and I don't want to watch them anymore. They were awful in every single way. I want to go back to Enterprise and start all over.

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cc0e26 No.12231


>Phasers (at least the small-arm variants) aren't WMDs

If you can remove 650 cubic meters of rock in a quarter second with a side arm the size of an N64 controller, which the TNG era Type-2 phaser can and is roughly the size of, then it doesn't matter if it turns it into plasma or knocks it into an anime universe or whatever the hell it does, it's a hand held WMD. Some dude can point it at the foundations of a building, or the building itself, and get rid of it. Then it collapses, and everyone inside it dies. Consider doing this to most 20th century Earth structures, you only need one or two hits to bring most skyscrapers to the ground. You could level New York in about an hour or two, and most people there live in buildings.

Also in the TOS, the phaser pistols of that era could be overloaded to the point where they would tear multiple decks of a non-refit Constitution class ship into paper mache when the overcharged device exploded. That's at least comparable a several 1000 pound bomb from today's arsenal on a ship using recognizable alloys and metals for structure, and depending on what the Enterprise was made out of exactly it could in fact be on the order of a low-yield tactical nuke just by itself (aside from it's destructive capacities as a normal weapon). Phasers are almost certainly incredibly destructive devices even if they do translate materials to different dimensions rather than melting them, which they can do as well (in fact if they can knock matter to different realities they would likely be able to project far more than the terrawatts we know they can access just as mundane weapons or tools).

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540cee No.12235

Imagine if /k/ got a phaser?

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6a5aa7 No.12240

Thing is that handheld weapons being ridiculously powerful should be an non-issue when their space vehicles can casually shoah whole planets. The threat of glassing the whole planet if the captain doesn't get his way is woefully underutilized after TOS.

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4ed25e No.12419

I play Fed on STO

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fdce4e No.12421


They toned ship power down and retconned the TOS stuff. Remember Roddenberry was a cuck.

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85f1eb No.13186


He was not cuck considering he was swimming in pussy. He was most definitely a hack though.

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e32287 No.13399


he actually has a great character arc

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770f54 No.13423


As long as you aren't a Bajoran it's probably fine.

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92e8e6 No.13425

I don't like the design of the Galaxy class ships, the Sovereign class looks infinitely better

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797e04 No.13852


I agree the Galaxy was a fatty

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5a4679 No.13860

File: cd8bed1caef727c⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,400x242,200:121,8f41da2a9439d3d35213ccf79f….jpg)


Let's go one better

>Set phaser to maximum output.

>Point at nearby Bajorans.

>Hold Trigger down and methodically play the beam over them in a lawnmower pattern (or wave it around like a spas if you must).

>Bajorans get the effect of a medium scale explosive, that doesn't stop exploding, and flows over their everything.

>gif very related

Does anyone know the MJ output of a standard type 2 phaser? (assuming a stardate in the mid 46000's, if that helps narrow it down).

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c52aa8 No.13941

File: 7766d4aad209ad6⋯.png (3.03 MB,1748x1253,1748:1253,MF_over_Takodana_SWCT.png)


>I have never watched TOS

You really should, it's only 3 movies, anon. And they're a lot better than the prequels that tried to give us Vader's backstory.

My favorite is the second one where the heroes have to go to the Land of Calrissian and explore the castle in the sky, Sheeta learns about her Laputan heritage, and so on. It's a really fun adventure where we get to fully realize Jean Grey's optimistic vision of the future.

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9a440e No.13944


You need to lay off the sauce, fam. I'll pray for you.

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8992fa No.13984


>It's a really fun adventure where we get to fully realize Jean Grey's optimistic vision of the future.

Disney bought Fox Entertainment so that last part might not be too far off.

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bfe9ba No.13985

File: 5e676510b1be7bf⋯.png (1.26 MB,600x931,600:931,ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't the Star Trek and X-Men comics in the 80's establish that the ST series is the canon future of the Marvel universe?

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8992fa No.14003


>Didn't the Star Trek and X-Men comics in the 80's establish that the ST series is the canon future of the Marvel universe?

That was in the 80's, an era when the house of Yensid haven't gained a fuckton more assets and properties.

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c52aa8 No.14479

File: b717a76a9c908c8⋯.gif (1.57 MB,800x450,16:9,vMmBq.gif)


Episodes like this and In the Pale Moonlight are why Babylon 5 was, and still is, the best series to date.

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7094b9 No.14482

I actually really like the theme orchestral to DS9. Opening cinematic is still trash though

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9a440e No.14484

File: 985ae47d765d5ef⋯.webm (6.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Russian_Xman.webm)

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d84af2 No.14500


Why is this shameful? I've always liked that theme.

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9a440e No.14501

File: c3fa17742529160⋯.jpg (57.1 KB,640x480,4:3,c3fa177425291605ce2deae958….jpg)


I shiggy the fucking diggy.

'Sleepy Space Trumpet Lullaby' is a garbage theme. They try to jazz it up a bit in the later seasons, and it still sucks ass.

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bdc8a0 No.14513



I like to keep it on in the background sometimes. It gives me a break to check 8chan in between episodes, and it's quite relaxing to browse /strek/ while listening to the DS9 theme.

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d6058d No.15010


In the first and second seasons, she says she is attracted to Morn but doesn't act on it, then Morn refused to MORN Jadzia.

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b12aa5 No.15061


Morn had standards.

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ba6de7 No.15074

File: f1940d6b67e7664⋯.jpg (27.81 KB,626x360,313:180,20180101.jpg)


I want to do the changeling Founder

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2d9d7b No.15075


Dem titties.

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b2938b No.15077




Most underrated posts I've seen in a long time.

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b0759f No.15164

The first Trek episode/movie I ever saw was In a Mirror, Darkly

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7094b9 No.15178



I know it's slow but listening to it gives me ASMR sensations, and I'm not quite sure why.

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b2cbe2 No.15183


Fuck a puddle then.

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f05d3b No.16628

Suppose this is good place as any to admit this but I've been watching STD

Only since they went to the Mirror Universe though and been skipping to good parts

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20f58e No.16634


I think plenty of people here watch STD, but VERY critically and some with the hope that it'll get better. I watch it for completion sake and to see how many of the plot twists we already figured out.

Just curious, which parts of the MU arc are the good parts for you? When I saw the promise of Andorians and goatee Sarek in the preview of the first MU episodes end, it was something that made me curious to actually see (even if the payoff was gay as fuck - I don't think the Andorian even said anything and instead of learning about Mirror Sarek we get more shit about Michael).

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a9f770 No.16636

I grew up on Voyager and I have an unironic love for it in my heart

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88ebcc No.16685


Ezri Dax should be spanked, before being gently cradled in your lap, and given gentle tummy rubs and cocoa while you sing soft songs and gaze lovingly into her eyes.

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241f09 No.16692



Fuck off Paramount. Nobody’s watching your pozz. We nerds are just busy botching about Star Wars right now.

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494b61 No.17902

The Vic fontaine episodes are among my favorites in DS9

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af9d85 No.17914


I loathed them, but I'll say this, the one with Nog getting over his PTSD, that is an absolute work of magic.

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a7c8e0 No.17920



Ezri did nothing that deserves a spanking

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3f9079 No.17925


She voluntarily allowed herself to get Worfed.

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eeae77 No.18256


This. She needs regular spankings to keep her in line

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a7c8e0 No.18339



It's cruel to spank Ezri for something that the slug made her do.

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751779 No.18345


It might be if she didn't like it.

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9cfaa0 No.18402


The Dax slug is fucking /d/egenerate

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0aad22 No.20212


If you spank her hard enough you can spank the slug out of her :^)

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454fc5 No.20235

I want to trade places with Ezri and be spanked instead while wearing a diaper

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84923e No.20247

The last posts just go to prove that diapers, spanking, and infantilism in general are the WORST fetishes.

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6ae5ee No.20267

I found The Inner Light kinda boring

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5e8a64 No.20268


This thread has been derailed. You cannot save it now.

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d37696 No.20269

This thread shouldn't be called shameful confessions but shamefur displays

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57ef2b No.20274


I would go even further and call it boring, dull and predictable. It also has huge potholes.

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b1e4bf No.20276


there were literally no motorized vehicles in this episode. go kill yourself

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d91219 No.20279


What if we derail the derail?




Okay I got a good chuckle out of this.

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060cee No.20280


Spankfags are alright. Diaperfags are not.

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2df4da No.20287

File: a1f4cefa0135540⋯.jpg (78.98 KB,692x530,346:265,18652203692530.jpg)

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c9e66a No.20339

File: 0d312830b824406⋯.jpg (142.75 KB,900x1273,900:1273,garak_by_goldenrod1034-d3a….jpg)

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dcd54d No.20343

I think Lwaxana Troi was an okay character in both TNG and DS9

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ce8f01 No.20346


That's not so shameful. A lot of older anons like her.

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28247e No.20349



I first watched TNG when I was underage b& and I liked her, am I a freak?

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46942d No.20350


Were you born an old man anon?

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28247e No.20351


You're not the first person to accuse me of such, so I'm beginning to wonder.

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5e8a64 No.20352


What about fags who want to spank Ezri through her diaper. Which judgement takes priority?

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2df4da No.20353


Most anons are old men meme'ing the world.


Well for one diapers are degenerate

Second a diaper would most obviously come down for a spanking.

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6f0e60 No.20358

I'm here to revise my previous statement about Vic fontaine episodes being my favorite.

I think it may be more accurate to say that Vic fontaine is among my top 3 favorite characters in the series.

top 10 in the franchise

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dcd54d No.20360


I'm starting to think 21 is not so old around here

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5e8a64 No.20361

File: 000f5e4be19f3be⋯.jpg (43.54 KB,680x510,4:3,Where do you think you are.jpg)

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570712 No.20365


Most anons round here are married with another man's kids.

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212f94 No.20368


mid-30's :(

Lwaxana Troi put that swagger in my loins in the TNG days though

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4fb26c No.20386


She had a fun motherly vibe to her who didn't take shit too seriously. By the way have IP's reset across 8chan or something?

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485b4f No.20396


>Are you saying you don't want to cuddle Dax as well?

Yes, I prefer cute girls to sassy cock teases.

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a7c8e0 No.20411


>Second a diaper would most obviously come down for a spanking.

I don't think it's that simple. It's fair to keep the diaper on for a less severe punishment or just to remind her to behave herself, you still embarrass her but don't hurt her too much as the padding absorbs most of the pain. Though if a proper punishment is warranted she should definitely have her diaper off for a spanking on the bare.

Or if you're a sneaky diaperfag and a sick fuck who gets pleasure out of making poor Ezri degrate herself, you could use the opportunity to have her beg to keep her diaper on so that her spanking hurts less.

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494b61 No.20412


5.11 Penis. ALWAYS READY.

does it have a picatinny rail?

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25c22f No.20413


I have a BLACKHAWK! penis with a quad picatinny rail, a flashlight, laser sight, and vertical foregrip for her pleasure.

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494b61 No.20414


Going to need a tax stamp for something that short.

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f67d62 No.20417


Maybe in your shithole country. Here in America I'm well over the length requirements.

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975185 No.20428


Spankings are always on the bare. Why are you the type of anon that tries to pad themselves out of a spanking?



>Not fleshlight

You had one job!

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25c22f No.20438


fug egsdee

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62b096 No.20460

I have no idea how stardates are determined. Like no clue.

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5e8a64 No.20482



Here's a converter, I'm sure you can work it out.

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9751ed No.20488

Enterprise episodes:

I liked "A Night in Sickbay". It was fun to stay still for an episode and enjoy the weirdness of a medical bay on a spaceship.

"Dear Doctor" is one of the episodes I respect the most. Dr. Phlox did the right thing in letting nature's course proceed unimpeded. The subjugated species will now have a chance to thrive. It took either a bold and brilliant - or very stupid - writing and production staff to release this episode.

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9cfaa0 No.20502



A lot of the shit is made up till they got autistic and realized it needed to make sense.

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7516c5 No.20955


How are these confessions shameful?

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fccdfb No.20993


A Night in Sickbay is considered by many and even the writers and producers of ENT as a complete abortion of an episode. Like literally it's an episode they want to erase from history.

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7516c5 No.21100


It's been a while since I watched that episode, but I remember it as being rather fun and a decent-ish episode at worst. Then again we should remember the wisdom of the Book of /strek/

>Thous shalt not listen to the lies of the writers. For they are fags who do not understand the potential of the setting, or their own work.

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fd404d No.21140

File: af44a9180911c36⋯.jpg (20.23 KB,640x361,640:361,21595575.jpg)


This is fundamentally true, even confirmed by writers of ENT. Otherwise we'd have gotten loads more Shran earlier

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dc125e No.29766

I liked STD Season 2.

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805f4b No.29773


You fucking homo.

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851564 No.29789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like Star Trek the Motion Picture

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927f18 No.29888

You are literal human fucking scum.

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7ee337 No.29955

File: 0d2db0db0313e65⋯.webm (436.54 KB,768x576,4:3,get back in the closet.webm)


You deserve a swift kick in the nads.

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60bbe0 No.29970


All of it? Are you insane?

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517f7a No.30356


What happened to vid?

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daebc4 No.30390

I would have sex with Tilly.

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848179 No.30392

I love Voyager. The Doctor and Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One are greatest characters. Especially in episodes when they sing songs together.

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b130c8 No.30445

File: d5af9590024903b⋯.jpg (70.64 KB,1600x900,16:9,stenterprisecbsparamount.jpg)

File: 2a3ebcf1cdaef54⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,560x300,28:15,nx-01.jpg)

File: 9b451fc55e6ad17⋯.jpg (304.99 KB,1920x971,1920:971,doug-drexler-07-universe-c….jpg)

File: 11058cd2f7a3207⋯.jpg (158.77 KB,1200x680,30:17,klingonship.jpg)

I have a confession. I never liked the "saucer with three rods sticking out" aesthetics of the Federation ships including Enterprise. It just looks so ugly and ungainly. Like a skinny teenager who's all pimples, knees, & elbows.

Best looking Enterprise is the NX-01, which ditched the secondary hull and went with more of a classic flying saucer look. Worst the Enterprise-J which looks like a stick-bug carrying a saw blade.

On the other hand, Klingon Birds of Prey look fuckin' rad and live up to their namesake. That or a flying penis that gonna fuck your shit up. Gotta admire that nameless Klingon designer who sculpted feathers on the wing surface of the ship. Why? Because it looks cool, petaQ.

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e9450c No.30446

My shame: I haven't re-watched a single episode of DS9 since the show aired

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487c3d No.30451


>nameless Klingon designer

Pretty sure it was a romulan that did it first

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5a99ab No.30453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d520d No.30455


Imagine a university today allowing something like Space Moose in it's school paper. There's be a melt down. I wish there was a compilation available.

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65455a No.30457


Tho not aesthetically pleasing I always liked the kind of practical approach of the design. Have the drive away from the ship because it's so powerful. Have a main hull and a secondary hull for storage and hangar etc. I'm also glad they didn't make it aerodynamic as it's useless in space.

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2a4f64 No.30458

I think ST II and ST III are on par. Kruge is a great villian, although basically a Khan 2.0 without the vengeance boner. But you know what they say, never change a running system.

ST V is actually entertaining. Don't know why people hate it.

DS9 can be quite a snoozer most of the time and the plot lines outside the main stories suck ass. Not enough exploring, not enough creativity. Also, the main story completely jumped the shark after the Dominion War 6-parter. I wish there would be a reboot with the story not being so retarded.

Enterprise is the weirdest show for some reason. On one hand, if you discount that sexy shower scene in the opener, it's actually quite polished and perfect. There is no cringe like in so many other ST shows, the character are coherent, the design is cool, the stories are low key but interesting. Yet on the other hand it feels like there is something "missing", it feels bloodless sometimes. I get the same feeling when I watch the Orville by the way.

Weyoun is my favourite character. I don't know if that's a confession.

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2a4f64 No.30459

Also, burn me for this: STD does some things right. Some STD episodes are actually quite good as a stand-alone.

But everything STD does well is negated by so many things they get wrong.

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0983ea No.30460


>some gay sex is okay

You fucking faggots are why we can't have nice things. Why there is another season of this shit coming. Why there is more pozz. It is because the average white nerd fanboy is a cuckold who lets Jews shit anti-white blood straight into their eyes through this terroble programming.

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55d69d No.30464


they'd do it anyway, is anyone even subscribing to the CBS shekelstream?

also it's not gay if you're not the bitch, everybody knows that

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dfecee No.30466


Things STD did well:

The effects are good, lens flares and stupid anime style shuttle launch tube shit aside, the space scenes are pretty.

Making the central/most important character not be the captain was a fine idea. It just failed because the central character/actor was shit, and they failed to develop any other characters. And in season2 it added additional problems with the constantly talking back to the captain shit.

Continuous story, again nothing inherently wrong with a ST series trying this. They just failed by having a shit story.

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2a4f64 No.30467


It's really sad because STD is probably the most expensive ST show ever, and probably has the most people working on it. Imagine if DS9 had such a budget and team.

>space effects

Really pretty. But not used enough. I don't even remember the last space scene since the season 2 opener, but space scenery was always a component of ST. They could appease audience and critics alike if they just indulged in more space porn. I mean, fuck, the TOS movies had 5-minute long space porn and that's why they're classics. STD is run by philistines.

>shitty actress

I don't even think she's that much of a bad actress. She was doing fine in The Walking Dead. And you can tell she tries super hard. It's rather her character that's written like that, you can't play an absolute cunt who is supposed to be the hero. It certainly didn't help that they had her incapacitating the captain with violent assault in the first episode just because of a tactical disagreement. She's a Mary Sue, okay. But she's an u sympathetic Mary Sue that nobody can stand, and even the libtards watching this trick themselves into thinking she's amazing just because her gender-bending name and her skin colour, but even they can't name a redeeming aspect of her character.

>bad story

It's utterly confused. They cramed some World War shit into the first season with the Klingons, then added in a mirror universe story, and now the second season is about time travel, Skynet and lots of other things shoehorned into Mickey's family history. I think the writers are desperate.

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1ef6a0 No.30657


Phaser setting 16: For when you absolutely, positively need to make sure the damage your suicide causes is collateral.

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daf707 No.30679


Doesn't that cause the phaser more to explode?

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8c8c93 No.30814


What???? No TWOK???? Why do you even get out of bed in the morning? There was a time in my life when I watched at least an hour of movies 2 - 4 every single week day after I got home from classes. Whilst eating a large bowl of ice cream. Because I had that kind of metabolism at the time. The kind where you can eat pizza and ice cream for 2 meals a day and still be thin. Why no movies 1, 5, or 6? 1 and 5 sucked too much, and 6 was still in theaters at the time. I've probably seen TWOK 50+ times in my lifetime. Just…. go watch it, anon. You'll be so happy you did. And you will be filled with the urge to purchase a Chrysler product with fine Corinthian leather interior.

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8c8c93 No.30815


>>>(((Sarah Silverman))), reason enough to skip that one.

Holy crap anon. I never realized that was the actress. Fuck, that episode is ruined for me now :( Then again, if I refused to watch any television or movies with Jews in it, I doubt I'd be watching any television or movies. Which may be a good plan after all.

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8c8c93 No.30816



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8c8c93 No.30817


>Fuck you, 80s women best women.

Speaking as someone who went to high school in the 80's…. yes, they were, in many ways. Especially the metal chicks. But the punk rock proto-goths were the closest thing we had to goth girls… and I did so enjoy the 90's and 2000's goth girls. Currently married to one, or at least someone who would be one if her job didn't frown on it.

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8c8c93 No.30818



In TNG, we do get to see a phaser set to "maximum" being used. Can't remember the episode name, but it was the one with the "sovereign" and her straggler rebels she wanted to repatriate. The long time genetically modified holdout assassin who was banging Riker got vaporized by him after a long inset shot of him turning up the setting to maximum. Dumbass. She could cook, she could ride the cock, she was an assassin, and she would never age. Shoulda let her whack the sovereign and then they could take over the ship together, strand all the non-onboard-with-it crew members on that shithole planet, and be the only rogue-gun-for-hire in this arm of the galaxy with a fucking galaxy class starship.

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b9c401 No.30936


>as far as we know Ezri's never been touched.

There was a whole episode on Worf having an affair with Ezri and how upset he is when he finds out she was thinking about Julian. And then in the final episode, Julian and Ezri slept together.

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58c2de No.30937


She was trying to kill the dude the Sovereign was negotiating with.

>Shoulda let her whack the sovereign and then they could take over the ship together, strand all the non-onboard-with-it crew members on that shithole planet, and be the only rogue-gun-for-hire in this arm of the galaxy with a fucking galaxy class starship

She was a suicide assassin. After she killed that guy she would have offed herself anyway. She didn't want to make Parthas for Riker for eternity.

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7334e1 No.31793


There is an official Klingon to English dictionary. Had a copy of second edition when it came out in highschool. No regrets, it helped me retain my wizard powers.

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7334e1 No.31794

I used to think Star Wars was better.


I miss watching Voyager with my dad. He called seven of nine, thirty seven of double-D. Truly a great man.

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c993fb No.31796


My dad called her Seven of Big Boobs. I think your dad is cleverer.

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6b95de No.32073



I always called her 6 of 9.

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362eec No.32241

File: 2fec89e80210936⋯.jpg (21.3 KB,500x393,500:393,2fec89e80210936c6dcbba2303….jpg)


>Have you never seen someone shorter than six feet in your life?

You mean like children, or asians? I have, but they usually have smaller chairs.

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f00d46 No.32244

File: defe4604d411f91⋯.png (641.69 KB,744x536,93:67,defe4604d411f912d678323caf….png)

After like the 8th "Data gets kidnapped" episodes I skipped them, minus the one where Soong kidnaps him.

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bb7d94 No.32245


>it feels bloodless sometimes

It lacks the youthful energy of a younger management team. Berman and co. were old by the time of Enterprise and out of ideas. Enterprise is polished very nicely and enjoyable, it just lacks that energy IMO.

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bb7d94 No.32246


>Planet of the manlets

and their women chose the taller humans. That episode is nothing but laughs.

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bb7d94 No.32247

I like Voyager overall over DS9. DS9 was never more than the sum of its parts. Parts of DS9 are fantastic but its not a very good show overall IMO. Voyager stuck to the formula and works better. Voyager is also a great show if you remember that Janeway is what every evil Admiral was when they were a Captain.

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07c688 No.32330

File: 5a6eb0006c61648⋯.jpg (57.88 KB,600x600,1:1,capt__kathryn_janeway_by_h….jpg)


>Voyager is also a great show if you remember that Janeway is what every evil Admiral was when they were a Captain.

Holy fucking shit, you're right. This explains so much.

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3856ae No.32331


This could also be why she got promoted straight to Vice Admiral from Captain; she was the Evil Admiral archetype personified so there was no need for her to putter around figuring the role out.

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9ba30e No.32603


The difference between good and evil is only how effective their tactics. If you pick a stupid option and succeed, you're a hero; if you pick a stupid option and fail, you're a villain. Hilariously enough, I mostly see Janeway as a female version of Kirk; they both did things their own way, flew off their rocker all the time, and had to be restrained by cooler heads. You wouldn't have called Kirk "evil" because despite everything, he still got the job done. So did she, albeit requiring some pretty serious ass-pulls involving the Borg and time-travel. But then, so did Kirk, or did you forget about the whales?

Also, consider what admirals actually do. It's perfectly rational that they just put her in charge of any small part of the Federation dealing with the Delta Quadrant because she was literally the only commanding officer with experience.

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3856ae No.32711

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure how shameful this is, but I personally find Data doing small talk hilarious.

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ce816f No.32715


I just called her Seven of Nine and her borg spheres.

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9ba30e No.32740


>Seven by nine

DAMN that's some girth right there.

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