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File: 42c34fb2c713883⋯.jpg (116.99 KB,900x783,100:87,yeoman tamura.jpg)

7c62cc No.29297 [View All]

If Star Trek is in the future, why doesn't it have anime in it? They still have books, movies, music from Earth, and holographic entertainment. They have paintings and instruments and topiary and statuary. But not a single Miku figurine–why? Japanese people still exist. Was it just stamped out as part of the process of global "Federalization"?

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9232b6 No.30296


To be fair, that 40s music helped set the atmosphere for Fallout. All of the sci-fi and future shit in those games is modeled on the future as it was portrayed in mid-20th century pulp magazines despite the games being made long after that, and it gives them a certain aesthetic. Period music helps amplify that aesthetic. Star Trek doesn't really have this excuse though, it was part public domain being cheap and part Roddenberry's autism regarding plebeian contemporary entertainment. I'm guessing the latter is more responsible, since once you get past TNG you start seeing a lot more non-classics entertainment being shown. I'm still pissed MGM had a bitchfit about the Our Man Bashir episodes, adn kept the writers from producing any more.

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c3ef98 No.30297


Like many aspects of the 3D Fallouts, it was done best in New Vegas. Plus some of New Vegas's music was related to older folk songs. Fallout 4 of course did a terrible job, and it felt like half the playlist (much of which copied from a popular mod, at least the parts not lazily duplicated from 3) was just hamfisted DUDE NUKES LMAO, compared to NV in which it all felt 100% at home despite having nothing to do with the apocalypse.

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81de34 No.30298


It's obviously a budget and effort thing. They'd have to record a lot of new music. It'd be really cool if they did that though.

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c33867 No.30299


It fits just fine, it was just a poorly developed idea that they fumbled, much like Trek did. Had they made more than a few attempts to create some original contemporary music for their era, the results would have probably been pretty silly, but far more memorable and more likely to resonate with audiences better than classical music and poetry.


All it takes is a couple lines of dialog to rationalize it.

>The building we took over to use all this broadcasting equipment used to be an oldies station

or even just

>the only machine we could get working couldn't play the format all the new music was put on, so we're stuck with this ancient stuff

That would fit with Bethesda's general laziness, as they are too fucking incompetent to actually compose and record original music that fit the aesthetic and wasn't just generic ambient orchestral droning.

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a3e4c9 No.30302

In both franchises it really wouldn't be much of budget hit to hire people to record new music to fill in the gap. You could hire some crazy experimental electronica guy to slap together something no one has ever heard before if you wanted to do a "the crew throws an after hours dance party" scene for less than the cost of licensing some shitty modern rave shit. And you could find plenty of unemployed big band type people who could produce some retro sounding jazz and swing music that maybe actually expands the lore of the game by including references and themes that actual 40's music couldn't possibly have. Likewise have an episode where someone is playing an holodeck program based on a 2029 political satire written during the prelude to the eugenics war that gives us more background into the earth's history at that time.

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00f044 No.30395

I like all the classical music and I like that even alien stuff like klingon opera sounds like classical music, Riker's jazz is as much negro jungle dance music as is necessary

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ef61db No.30399


Asians were disproportionately killed during the eugenics wars. Otherwise the federation crew would be like 90% Asian. Also matches up with what we've seen of the time period.

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0a92bc No.30468

File: b83d7ed8a30c7ae⋯.png (1.8 MB,1980x900,11:5,justice-league-animated-se….png)


>that first image

Looks more like justice league tas (not that I'm complaining, mind you)

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c31000 No.30470


>I mean, look how much people bitched about a fucking Beastie Boys song being used in Beyond and there the whole point was they were limited to just the music collection of some rando from a hundred years ago. Maybe they'd have preferred if the crew ended up having to transmit a recording of a fucking water polo game, because lord knows that's a much more enduring and relatable character trait for a space ship captain than liking rock music.

Amen. This actually ties back to the whole Shakespeare-in-Star-Trek thing. In his own day, Shakespeare's work was considered (in modern terms) pop-culture melodramatic schlock. What made his schlock stand out above other schlock is that he had, as fans, two successive powerful monarchs. The aristocracy of Elizabethan and Jacobian England had to at least pretend to like Shakespeare's work (and publicly use many many many of the made-up words he coined) in order to do the usual royal court politicking.

This is also why I actually liked Picard being a big fan of both Shakespeare and of trashy pulp detective stories. They're the exact same class of entertainment of their respective days. Maybe 24th century universities have entire literary departments dedicated to pulp detective novels, just like how real-life 21st century universities have departments of Shakespearean studies.

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d76c2e No.30487


Interesting point about Shakespeare you make cause that is exactly what Shakespeare was about. Entertainment. His stories are quite formulaic but in a good way that they can be adapted for any setting which is why if you put it to a current timeline the stories still work. He'd probably be pissed to see how pretentious it has gotten over the years.

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6bf007 No.30509

Real question is why no shakespeare thread?

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2dc71f No.30613


There's a Klingon thread for that.

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ed100a No.30626


>Shakespeare was considered melodramatic shlock

Well I don't have the knowledge of contemporary critics' views, I suspect you might be overstating it a little bit. Sure maybe it wasn't considered the pinnacle of high art according to the intelligentsia, but how much "high art" competition could he really have had? Royalty and the nobility are the beginning and the end of the "market" so to speak for playwrights back then (excepting the pittance that might be made at the door of a local theatre from laymen, but even that was at the mercy of the King's willingness to allow it), so if they had a taste for Shakespearian style plays, how could a large body of the intelligentsia's 'better' works ever be produced?

>Shakespeare is the same class of entertainment as crappy pulp novels

I don't like this line of reasoning because although it may seem technically correct, it's not accounting for how the base artistic taste of society has been harshly lowered. Take for example music; not too long ago "middle brow" music would have been Johnny Cash dressed casually, strumming an acoustic and singing about his girlfriends or drinking, but now middle brow would be a shirtless groid rapping about "bix nood muh dick" and murdering his rivals while overfed mulattas gyrate their bare ass. It's not that these things have equal artistic merit, it's that society has just become more degenerated and low class. I fully expect that people will still be talking about Shakespeare in two-hundred years (if perhaps not Cash), but pulp novels are already seen as silly and dated today (much as the popularity of Jamarkus Shaquan L'Oreal's anti-music is lucky to remain popular for more than a few months to a year).

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00f044 No.30634


Contemporary plays weren't taken seriously as a medium in his lifetime, but Shakespeare was top of that field, and his reputation rose after his death, not just among the aristocracy but among other writers. Also, derp: Shakespeare was also a poet, and poetry actually was taken seriously. This whole discussion sounds sounds like an aside from Professor Judenstein's Introduction to African Literature course.

>Johnny Cash

I like Johnny Cash, honest, but music's been in dire straights since recording artists supplanted composers. Middle-brow music used to be light opera… and apparently they still have Gilbert and Sullivan in the future, so there you go, Feds aren't that snobbish after all.

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5a81cc No.30672

File: 6c13b0d4f04ebe7⋯.jpg (112.13 KB,1131x707,1131:707,3423341.jpg)


In the future anime is illegal and has only a handful of cult followers who are hunted by killbots and bounty hunters. They live their lifes in hiding, spending most of their time digging through the ruins of the lower levels of Tokyo to find fragments of mangas or a BD. We live in a golden age today. Just like when heroin or cocaine was legal. But these times will come to an end. They always do.

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98348e No.30673


Anymore of that pic?

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5a81cc No.30675


Got bitten by the Konata bug, eh? Can't blame you.

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0293cc No.30676



We need more /cute/ trek around here.

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5a81cc No.30680


We need an anime remake of TNG where all men are swole and all women are cute lolis. Worf, Obrien and Jordy would be female. Wesley would be female too and a cute loveable loli dork. Klingons, Borg, Vulcans, Cardassian and Romulans would be all females. Guinen is a nekogirl.

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34cb2b No.30690


>Worf, Obrien and Jordy would be female

Had me up to that point. O'Brien should just be a dad with at least 7 daughters.

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78d851 No.30691


We have to thin out the sausage fest but I can give you Obrien. Good thinking with the daughters.

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78d851 No.30716


Worked out for that one dude beyond the wall in got. You know the guy who only had daughters

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95d08b No.30717

File: f0f4c7bbb47d356⋯.webm (628.95 KB,632x718,316:359,Who Can It Be Now.webm)


>incestuous harem of your own daughters

>working out

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78d851 No.30718

File: a9fb4a58d7b1c53⋯.jpg (80.93 KB,665x1202,665:1202,54243.jpg)


Jeez, someone's living in the past. Thank G_d in the 24th century these archaic laws against incest don't exist anymore.

Shhhh, no stigma, only love now.

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046c30 No.30724


Incest is the best, faglet.

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224d1b No.30725

File: 4489410db112685⋯.png (484.41 KB,600x582,100:97,DRUMPYLOO DELETOO DIZ.png)



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235013 No.30749


R63 Trek best Trek

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b3ce54 No.30779


Nigger, daughters are the worst.

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736aaf No.31305


Nigger daughters are indeed bad.

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224f6c No.31307


But that's an easy problem to solve. If you don't fuck niggers, you won't have nigger daughters.

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bf9bf2 No.31308

File: 2563c5a5870d08f⋯.png (6.92 KB,694x298,347:149,42254.png)



Referring so specifically to the number, I thought it's Voyager's NCC or something.

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7c873a No.31318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


we will become the anime by then.

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d4e24d No.31344

File: 76934e752893693⋯.jpg (23.27 KB,249x320,249:320,Straight outta Stratford.jpg)


Theatre in Tudor England (and before) were the lowest of low brow entertainment. Players companies of the day were barely a step above vagrants in the eyes of most of polite society, as they were a group of homeless young men who travelled from inn to inn living on the pennies they'd make by preforming over the top nonsense (by the standards of art held at the time) for drunkards, which is also what lead to the laws banning women from the stage at the time - as it was assumed that these companies would just start preforming live action porn if given half a chance.

Shakespeare broke the mould pretty wildly by shamelessly sucking off the royalty of the day (the bulk of his history plays are undiluted Tudor propaganda) and using the money to build the first modern theatre at Southwark (the closest he could build it to central London without having the law come down on him for pushing something so disreputable where decent people might see it) which also helped as people could see his plays without being caught in a grimy bar in the rough side of town. The propaganda pieces he wrote in particular were a huge part of his success as it lead to the Elizabethan court making a big point of how much they loved his puff pieces to make sure that everyone knew how much they loved the queen.

Even with all that investment and political manoeuvring though he was widely known in his own life as a poet who dabbled in theatre, unless you were trying to insult him of course.

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973212 No.31345

Mental defects have largely been cured so there is no need to show art designed for the mentally defective anymore

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f6b64d No.31368


This makes me wonder if copies of comedian stand-up monologues will be held in regard as the high art of the 21st century, when people read them 400 years from now.

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80d548 No.31395


I'm sure if you cherry picked through contemporary stand-ups for a few centuries, you'd end up with a sizeable amount of decent material that has enough additional artistic value from being old to be regarded as art.

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034525 No.31408


>Sure maybe it wasn't considered the pinnacle of high art according to the intelligentsia, but how much "high art" competition could he really have had?

The guy lived in the renaissance, Miguel de Cervantes the author of Don Quijote and Niccolò Machiavelli author of The Prince lived in the same time frame.

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f6b64d No.31482


I want a version of DS9 where instead of a faux Frank Sinatra hologram they had a George Carlin hologram. Would have made things a lot more interesting.


>Don Quijote and The Prince

Both highly overrated. Just because they make you read something in high school doesn't make it good.

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00f044 No.31492


>Both highly overrated. Just because they make you read something in high school doesn't make it good.

Are you the same dude saying that anime is high art that will achieve immortality

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15e69d No.31498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As far as pre-shakespeare Tudor society would be concerned the respect and prestige that Shakespeares plays hold today would be about as strange as one of us travelling to the year 2600 and finding a society where well to do, educated, and cultured people were happy to make a point of how they bought tickets to a vid related tribute act. Then you check their academic network and find that several decades worth of their finest artistic and literary experts have spent their lives writing articles about the political relevance of 'The Real Slim Shady' and how it defined, predicted, and influenced everything that happened in the 20th/21st century.


>Both highly overrated

The Prince is interesting when you look at it in its context - as a satire of the 'mirrors for princes' genre. It gets funnier when you look at how the phrase 'Machiavellian' is used in modern English. OK, I'll stop wanking now.

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2fdb8b No.31573


>I want a version of DS9 where instead of a faux Frank Sinatra hologram they had a George Carlin hologram. Would have made things a lot more interesting.

Hell to the fucking YES. Him and Bill Hicks. They're the goddamn crown princes of stand-up.

And I want to see a renegade emotion-embracing Vulcan with a massively successful stand-up show touring human worlds. I like to think that when a Vulcan shakes off the emotional repression, they go all-in on their love for transgressive jokes. Imagine a pointed-ear Bob Saget. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCOUZxHPdw

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f124b3 No.31818

The nukes destroyed Japan and anime was lost.

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f6b64d No.31857


>implying that anime exists only in Japan

You know damn well that Zef Cochrane has an anime figurine collection somewhere in that underground missile complex. Probably sleeps with a daki, too. Just one look at the man and you can tell he's a massive weeb.

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16f6f6 No.31969

File: 9a5d73a39229432⋯.png (691.92 KB,590x472,5:4,scornin the usa.png)


>Hell to the fucking YES. Him and Bill Hicks. They're the goddamn crown princes of stand-up.

This is an act, is it? You don't actually go through life talking and thinking like this, right?

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8360fe No.32061


When they found his lost pod in deep space they discovered a love pillow.

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2fdb8b No.32063


No, this is not an act at all. George Carlin and Bill Hicks are personal heroes of mine.



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7572a8 No.32849


I died laughing when I found out /r/DaystromInstitute considers mere mention of that so horrible as to be worthy of insta-banning.

Okay so you can have epic worldwide war with nuclear warheads getting flung everywhere but suggesting they might have landed in places is offensive. Oh and saying that could have happened is endorsing it they say. These people are going out of their way to confuse is/ought.

Meanwhile they have no issue with thread suggesting augments were all genocided.

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9411f9 No.32852

File: edce94525b8ad6d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,644.44 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)


After glimpsing the simulations created by japanese-brand holodecks, Q retconned post-WW2 japanese culture out space time.

What has been seen, cannot be unseen. Unless you're Q.

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25cbfb No.33678

File: a3ed7028303969c⋯.jpg (115.65 KB,1024x819,1024:819,starfleet_by_sydusarts.jpg)

File: 782029bcb4447e6⋯.jpg (57.39 KB,800x1030,80:103,star_trek_tos_anime_by_ani….jpg)

File: 75421319bf50597⋯.jpg (78.99 KB,800x1036,200:259,star_trek_tos_anime_2_by_a….jpg)

File: 383babf830043d9⋯.png (403.2 KB,774x1032,3:4,bio_nicole_v_lynn_by_gentl….png)

File: beb5c6c1ba596de⋯.jpg (115.46 KB,900x1232,225:308,lieutenant_usagi_by_foogie.jpg)

Dumping what I have.

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25cbfb No.33679

File: a795b66ed7dc4e0⋯.png (305.91 KB,606x640,303:320,chibi_spock_st_by_cioccome….png)

File: b4f6bd4d2e9bc90⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1200x1600,3:4,commission_3_for_bladedge_….jpg)

File: f454db11543f8a9⋯.jpg (279.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,these_are_the_voyages_by_g….jpg)

File: 79cc976127c6063⋯.png (85.18 KB,1024x1427,1024:1427,carol_marcus_star_trek_cx_….png)

File: b697b4f3a34a17a⋯.png (443.95 KB,800x871,800:871,star_trek_tsuriko_by_kurum….png)

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