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/soyjak2/ - A gemmy sequel.


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File: a6f66e847f4a677⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.73 KB,717x767,717:767,image_8_.jpg)


why are /soy/ jannies like this?

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File: ebacf14419aca04⋯.png (22.92 KB,600x800,3:4,0F96C0A3_7CA6_4710_8CA6_98….png)

nigga atleast spoiler it

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>janny apologist

btw im trans

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do zelligniggers really?

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but i am the JANNY

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New jannies are such fucking dogshit I swear, the retarded false bans because they can't read wouldn't be so bad if they ever remembered to check appeals (i.e half the shit they get fucking paid to do)


Old coal, but the most you deserved was an hour ban.

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