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/soyjak2/ - A gemmy sequel.


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File: 26c1621bd580fe8⋯.png (4.87 MB,3312x4100,828:1025,36914_SoyBooru.png)


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File: 2dd292a4d1e8455⋯.gif (120.05 KB,520x566,260:283,36781_SoyBooru.gif)


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>500 Internal Server Error

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works for me

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>we're now friends with the discord coaler that was banned by soot era mods for being too cringe

so epic!

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its to grow the bunker chud

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File: 11bf1f18c05a30e⋯.png (18.68 KB,775x849,775:849,29143_SoyBooru.png)

But how much datamining does it do????

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the same amount of datamining 8kun does

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File: 3261a6ac3a7d853⋯.png (18.25 KB,600x800,3:4,Gapejak_Wholesome_with_wri….png)


And I thought getting datamined by 8cuck was already enough

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can't datamine any more than what jim does on this site

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as far as you know

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