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In this thread I'm going to be sharing some XTerm (https://invisible-island.net/xterm/) tips and themes (that I have and online).

Tip #1: XTerm has fours menus. mainMenu, vtMenu, fontMenu and tekMenu. The most useful ones are the first three. For mainMenu, use Ctrl + Left Mouse button. For vtMenu, use Ctrl + Middle Mouse button. For fontMenu, use Ctrl + Right Mouse button.

Tip #2: XTerm is capable of displaying 256 colours. Download the "256colors2.pl" script from the following link and read the instructions. http://web.archive.org/web/20130125000058/http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/

Or read this thread (https://sys.8ch.net/mod.php?/slackware/res/34.html).

Tip #3: Through the file $HOME/.Xresources you are able to configure various X.org programs, including XTerm colours and fonts. Once you have edited $HOME/.Xresources to your liking, do "$ xrdb ~/.Xresources". The changes will take effect in the next XTerm that you open.

My current $HOME/.Xresources looks like this:

$ cat ~/.Xresources

xterm*termName: xterm

xterm*font: 6x13

xterm*faceName: 6x13

xterm*faceSize: 10

xterm*saveLines: 4096

xterm*cursorBlink: true

xterm*cursorOffTime: 300

xterm*cursorOnTime: 300

xterm*cursorUnderLine: true

xterm*dynamicColors: true

xterm*utf8: 0

xterm*fastScroll: true

xterm*Background: #000000

xterm*Foreground: #FFFFFF

xterm*metaSendsEscape: true

Xft.antialias: 1

Xft.autohint: 0

Xft.dpi: 96

Xft.hinting: 0

Xft.hintstyle: hintfull

Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault

Xft.rgba: rgb

Notice the many xterm* options. You can find those and more in XTerm's man page.

Tip #4: You can configure the look of XTerm by using themes. I'm currently not using any particular theme, but you can find some examples here: https://web.archive.org/web/20090130061234/http://phraktured.net/terminal-colors/

To try a XTerm theme (in this case /tmp/xterm_01), add a line like this to $HOME/.Xresources: "#include "/tmp/xterm_01", so my $HOME/.Xresources would look like this below.

$ cat .Xresources

#include "/tmp/xterm_01"

xterm*termName: xterm

xterm*font: 6x13

xterm*faceName: 6x13

xterm*faceSize: 10

xterm*saveLines: 4096

xterm*cursorBlink: true

xterm*cursorOffTime: 300

xterm*cursorOnTime: 300

xterm*cursorUnderLine: true

xterm*dynamicColors: true

xterm*utf8: 0

xterm*fastScroll: true

xterm*Background: #000000

xterm*Foreground: #FFFFFF

xterm*metaSendsEscape: true

Xft.antialias: 1

Xft.autohint: 0

Xft.dpi: 96

Xft.hinting: 0

Xft.hintstyle: hintfull

Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault

Xft.rgba: rgb

Then do "$ xrdb ~/.Xresources" and open a new XTerm. Make sure there are no duplicate lines in $HOME/.Xresources and the theme file that you're using.

Tip #5: I'm going to post all the themes that I have, so this will be a long post. When you create your theme file, ignore the "> 01 <" part.

> 01 <

!Theme One

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:a8/a8/a8

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:a8/00/00

xterm*color2: rgb:00/a8/00

xterm*color3: rgb:a8/54/00

xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/a8

xterm*color5: rgb:a8/00/a8

xterm*color6: rgb:00/a8/a8

xterm*color7: rgb:a8/a8/a8

xterm*color8: rgb:54/50/54

xterm*color9: rgb:f8/54/50

xterm*color10: rgb:50/fc/50

xterm*color11: rgb:f8/fc/50

xterm*color12: rgb:50/54/f8

xterm*color13: rgb:f8/54/f8

xterm*color14: rgb:50/fc/f8

xterm*color15: rgb:f8/fc/f8

> 02 <

!Theme Two

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:7f/7f/7f

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/92

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71

xterm*color10: rgb:c5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/96

xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13: rgb:cf/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 03 <

!Theme Three

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:cf/cf/cf

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:e0/10/10

xterm*color2: rgb:20/ad/20

xterm*color3: rgb:d4/c2/4f

xterm*color4: rgb:23/1b/b8

xterm*color5: rgb:9c/38/85

xterm*color6: rgb:1d/bd/b8

xterm*color7: rgb:fe/fe/fe

xterm*color8: rgb:6a/6a/6a

xterm*color9: rgb:e8/3a/3d

xterm*color10: rgb:35/e9/56

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/ff/2f

xterm*color12: rgb:3a/53/f0

xterm*color13: rgb:e6/28/ba

xterm*color14: rgb:1c/f5/f5

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 04 <

!Theme Four

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:d3/62/65

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/91

xterm*color3: rgb:e7/e1/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:7a/7a/b0

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:ef/81/71

xterm*color10: rgb:e5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/96

xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13: rgb:ef/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 05 <

!Theme Five

xterm*background: rgb:ad/aa/ad

xterm*foreground: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:64/0f/19

xterm*color2: rgb:63/79/6b

xterm*color3: rgb:ad/71/42

xterm*color4: rgb:4f/4f/89

xterm*color5: rgb:b2/5c/7c

xterm*color6: rgb:52/75/6b

xterm*color7: rgb:ad/aa/ad

xterm*color8: rgb:52/55/52

xterm*color9: rgb:a5/61/63

xterm*color10: rgb:ce/c2/63

xterm*color11: rgb:73/ae/70

xterm*color12: rgb:36/70/9f

xterm*color13: rgb:aa/82/9c

xterm*color14: rgb:51/89/89

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ef

> 06 <

!Theme Six

xterm*background: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*foreground: rgb:21/21/21

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:bf/72/76

xterm*color2: rgb:86/af/80

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:36/73/b5

xterm*color5: rgb:9a/70/b2

xterm*color6: rgb:7a/be/cc

xterm*color7: rgb:db/db/db

xterm*color8: rgb:66/92/af

xterm*color9: rgb:e5/50/5f

xterm*color10: rgb:87/bc/87

xterm*color11: rgb:e0/d9/5c

xterm*color12: rgb:1b/85/d6

xterm*color13: rgb:ad/73/ba

xterm*color14: rgb:33/8e/aa

xterm*color15: rgb:f4/f4/f4

> 07 <

!Theme Seven

xterm*background: rgb:67/67/67

xterm*foreground: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:bf/46/46

xterm*color2: rgb:67/b2/5f

xterm*color3: rgb:cf/c4/4e

xterm*color4: rgb:51/60/83

xterm*color5: rgb:ca/6e/ff

xterm*color6: rgb:92/b2/f8

xterm*color7: rgb:d5/d5/d5

xterm*color8: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color9: rgb:f4/8a/8a

xterm*color10: rgb:a5/d7/9f

xterm*color11: rgb:e1/da/84

xterm*color12: rgb:a2/bb/ff

xterm*color13: rgb:e2/b0/ff

xterm*color14: rgb:ba/cd/f8

xterm*color15: rgb:d5/d5/d5

> 08 <

!Theme Eight

xterm*background: rgb:10/10/10

xterm*foreground: rgb:d3/d3/d3

xterm*color0: rgb:10/10/10

xterm*color1: rgb:cd/5c/5c

xterm*color2: rgb:2e/8b/57

xterm*color3: rgb:f0/e6/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:b0/c4/de

xterm*color5: rgb:ba/55/d3

xterm*color6: rgb:46/82/b4

xterm*color7: rgb:d3/d3/d3

xterm*color8: rgb:4d/4d/4d

xterm*color9: rgb:ff/6a/6a

xterm*color10: rgb:8f/bc/8f

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/fa/cd

xterm*color12: rgb:1e/90/ff

xterm*color13: rgb:db/70/93

xterm*color14: rgb:5f/9e/a0

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 09 <

!Theme Nine

xterm*background: rgb:1a/1a/1a

xterm*foreground: rgb:d6/d6/d6

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color2: rgb:00/88/00

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71

xterm*color10 rgb:7c/bc/8c

xterm*color11 rgb:ff/f7/96

xterm*color12 rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13 rgb:cf/9e/be

xterm*color14 rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 10 <

!Theme Ten

xterm*background: rgb:1a/1a/1a

xterm*foreground: rgb:d6/d6/d6

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:98/56/5e

xterm*color2: rgb:66/82/5d

xterm*color3: rgb:96/91/76

xterm*color4: rgb:4d/65/85

xterm*color5: rgb:96/73/95

xterm*color6: rgb:5f/7f/7b

xterm*color7: rgb:b3/b3/b3

xterm*color8: rgb:73/73/73

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/a3/a9

xterm*color10: rgb:ca/f7/bb

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f8/bc

xterm*color12: rgb:83/a3/be

xterm*color13: rgb:bb/a9/cf

xterm*color14: rgb:96/cc/cc

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 11 <

!Theme Eleven

xterm*background: rgb:33/33/33

xterm*foreground: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color0: rgb:33/33/33

xterm*color8: rgb:33/33/33

xterm*color1: rgb:ff/a0/a0

xterm*color9: rgb:ff/a0/a0

xterm*color2: rgb:98/fb/98

xterm*color10: rgb:9a/cd/32

xterm*color3: rgb:f0/e6/8c

xterm*color11: rgb:f0/e6/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:87/ce/eb

xterm*color12: rgb:87/ce/eb

xterm*color5: rgb:ff/a0/a0

xterm*color13: rgb:ff/a0/a0

xterm*color6: rgb:87/ce/eb

xterm*color14: rgb:87/ce/eb

xterm*color7: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 12 <

!Theme Twelve

xterm*foreground: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:bf/72/76

xterm*color2: rgb:86/af/80

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:36/73/b5

xterm*color5: rgb:9a/70/b2

xterm*color6: rgb:7a/be/cc

xterm*color7: rgb:db/db/db

xterm*color8: rgb:66/92/af

xterm*color9: rgb:e5/50/5f

xterm*color10: rgb:87/bc/87

xterm*color11: rgb:e0/d9/5c

xterm*color12: rgb:1b/85/d6

xterm*color13: rgb:ad/73/ba

xterm*color14: rgb:33/8e/aa

xterm*color15: rgb:f4/f4/f4

> 13 <

!Theme Thirteen

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:aa/aa/aa

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/92

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:7f/9f/7f

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71

xterm*color10: rgb:af/c5/af

xterm*color11: rgb:f0/df/af

xterm*color12: rgb:8e/9f/bc

xterm*color13: rgb:dc/a3/a3

xterm*color14: rgb:95/c1/c5

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 14 <

!Theme Fourteen

xterm*background: rgb:95/95/95

xterm*foreground: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color0: rgb:7f/7f/7f

xterm*color1: rgb:cd/00/00

xterm*color2: rgb:00/8b/00

xterm*color3: rgb:ee/ee/00

xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/cd

xterm*color5: rgb:cd/00/cd

xterm*color6: rgb:00/ee/ee

xterm*color7: rgb:fa/eb/d7

xterm*color8: rgb:e5/e5/e5

xterm*color9: rgb:80/00/00

xterm*color10: rgb:00/50/20

xterm*color11: rgb:99/55/00

xterm*color12: rgb:00/40/80

xterm*color13: rgb:44/33/00

xterm*color14: rgb:30/60/80

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 15 <

!Theme Fifteen

xterm*background: rgb:1d/2b/3a

xterm*foreground: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:d3/62/65

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/91

xterm*color3: rgb:e7/e1/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:7a/7a/b0

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:ef/81/71

xterm*color10: rgb:e5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/99

xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13: rgb:ef/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 16 <

!Theme Sixteen

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/92

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71

xterm*color10: rgb:c5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/96

xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13: rgb:cf/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 17 <

!Theme Seventeen

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:e5/e5/e5

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:ff/00/00

xterm*color2: rgb:00/ff/00

xterm*color3: rgb:ff/ff/00

xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/ff

xterm*color5: rgb:ff/00/ff

xterm*color6: rgb:00/ff/ff

xterm*color7: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color8: rgb:ff/d3/9b

xterm*color9: rgb:ff/82/47

xterm*color10: rgb:ff/82/ab

xterm*color11: rgb:87/ce/fa

xterm*color12: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color13: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color14: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 18 <

!Theme Eighteen

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color2: rgb:5c/b2/47

xterm*color3: rgb:96/8a/38

xterm*color4: rgb:41/61/a0

xterm*color5: rgb:9b/76/8e

xterm*color6: rgb:41/91/89

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:cf/61/71

xterm*color10: rgb:c5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/f7/96

xterm*color12: rgb:41/86/be

xterm*color13: rgb:cf/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:dd/dd/dd

> 19 <

!Theme Nineteen

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:b0/70/50

xterm*color2: rgb:12/91/4e

xterm*color3: rgb:a0/a0/70

xterm*color4: rgb:3e/45/81

xterm*color5: rgb:a0/70/a0

xterm*color6: rgb:70/a0/a0

xterm*color7: rgb:a0/a0/a0

xterm*color8: rgb:60/60/60

xterm*color9: rgb:b0/70/50

xterm*color10: rgb:12/91/4e

xterm*color11: rgb:c0/c0/90

xterm*color12: rgb:3e/45/81

xterm*color13: rgb:c0/90/c0

xterm*color14: rgb:90/c0/c0

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 20 <

!Theme Twenty

xterm*foreground: rgb:aa/aa/aa

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color0: rgb:30/34/30

xterm*color1: rgb:bf/79/79

xterm*color2: rgb:97/b2/6b

xterm*color3: rgb:cd/cd/c1

xterm*color4: rgb:86/a2/be

xterm*color5: rgb:d9/b7/98

xterm*color6: rgb:a1/b5/cd

xterm*color7: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color8: rgb:cd/b5/cd

xterm*color9: rgb:f4/a4/5f

xterm*color10: rgb:c5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:ff/ff/ef

xterm*color12: rgb:98/af/d9

xterm*color13: rgb:d7/d9/98

xterm*color14: rgb:a1/b5/cd

xterm*color15: rgb:de/de/de

> 21 <

!Theme Twenty-One

xterm*background: rgb:1a/1a/1a

xterm*foreground: rgb:aa/aa/aa

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color1: rgb:9e/18/28

xterm*color9: rgb:bc/57/66

xterm*color2: rgb:00/88/00

xterm*color10: rgb:61/a1/71

xterm*color3: rgb:d2/bb/4b

xterm*color11: rgb:e7/db/52

xterm*color4: rgb:41/41/71

xterm*color12: rgb:50/85/af

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color13: rgb:a9/7a/99

xterm*color6: rgb:41/81/79

xterm*color14: rgb:6b/a4/a4

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 22 <

!Theme Twenty-Two

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:d3/62/65

xterm*color2: rgb:ae/ce/91

xterm*color3: rgb:e7/e1/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:7a/7a/b0

xterm*color5: rgb:96/3c/59

xterm*color6: rgb:7f/9f/7f

xterm*color7: rgb:be/be/be

xterm*color8: rgb:66/66/66

xterm*color9: rgb:ef/81/71

xterm*color10: rgb:e5/f7/79

xterm*color11: rgb:f0/df/af

xterm*color12: rgb:8e/9f/bc

xterm*color13: rgb:ef/9e/be

xterm*color14: rgb:71/be/be

xterm*color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff

> 23 <

!Theme Twenty-Three

xterm*background: rgb:0e/0e/0e

xterm*foreground: rgb:4a/d5/e1

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:dc/74/d1

xterm*color2: rgb:0e/b8/c7

xterm*color3: rgb:df/e3/7e

!xterm*color4: ???

xterm*color5: rgb:9e/88/f0

xterm*color6: rgb:73/f7/ff

xterm*color7: rgb:e1/dd/dd

xterm*color8: rgb:8b/8f/93

xterm*color9: rgb:dc/74/d1

xterm*color10: rgb:0e/b8/c7

xterm*color11: rgb:df/e3/7e

xterm*color13: rgb:9e/88/f0

xterm*color14: rgb:73/f7/ff

xterm*color15: rgb:e1/dd/dd

> 24 <

!Theme Twenty-Four

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:cd/5c/5c

xterm*color2: rgb:8e/ae/71

xterm*color3: rgb:d2/b4/8c

xterm*color4: rgb:5f/7b/8a

xterm*color5: rgb:cd/cd/b4

xterm*color6: rgb:68/68/68

xterm*color7: rgb:ff/ff/ff

xterm*color8: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color9: rgb:ee/63/63

xterm*color10: rgb:95/c7/49

xterm*color11: rgb:cd/cd/c1

xterm*color12: rgb:6b/7b/8a

xterm*color13: rgb:cd/cd/b4

xterm*color14: rgb:77/87/98

xterm*color15: rgb:ca/ca/ca

> 25 <

Theme Twenty-Five

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color1: rgb:80/00/00

xterm*color2: rgb:00/80/00

xterm*color3: rgb:d0/d0/90

xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/80

xterm*color5: rgb:80/00/80

xterm*color6: rgb:a6/ca/f0

xterm*color7: rgb:d0/d0/d0

xterm*color8: rgb:b0/b0/b0

xterm*color9: rgb:f0/80/60

xterm*color10: rgb:60/f0/80

xterm*color11: rgb:e0/c0/60

xterm*color12: rgb:80/c0/e0

xterm*color13: rgb:f0/c0/f0

xterm*color14: rgb:c0/d8/f8

xterm*color15: rgb:e0/e0/e0

> astromouse <

xterm*color0: #1c1c1c

xterm*color8: #3d3a3a

xterm*color1: #d770af

xterm*color9: #d28abf

xterm*color2 : #9acc79

xterm*color10: #8fb676

xterm*color3: #d0d26b

xterm*color11: #c8bc45

xterm*color4 : #77b6c5

xterm*color12: #8fa7b9

xterm*color5: #a488d9

xterm*color13: #bd89de

xterm*color6: #7fcab3

xterm*color14: #6ec2a8

xterm*color7: #8d8d8d

xterm*color15: #dad3d3

> belge <


xterm*color0: #252525

xterm*color8: #454545


xterm*color1: #EF6769

xterm*color9: #FC7CA5


xterm*color2: #A6E22E

xterm*color10: #B6E354


xterm*color3: #FD971F

xterm*color11: #FD971F


xterm*color4: #6495ED

xterm*color12: #87CEEB


xterm*color5: #DEB887

xterm*color13: #996600


xterm*color6: #B0C4DE

xterm*color14: #87CEEB


xterm*color7: #DBDCDC

xterm*color15: #FDFDFD

> bitmute <

xterm*color0: #282828

xterm*color8: #494949


xterm*color1: #b76969

xterm*color9: #b87e7e


xterm*color2: #719d72

xterm*color10: #839d84


xterm*color3: #909858

xterm*color11: #919864


xterm*color4: #68668f

xterm*color12: #73718f


xterm*color5: #966894

xterm*color13: #987397


xterm*color6: #688891

xterm*color14: #758c93


xterm*color7: #8e8e8e

xterm*color15: #aeaeae

> bleh1 <


xterm*color0: #666666

xterm*color8: #8c847f


xterm*color1: #996578

xterm*color9: #bd4b76


xterm*color2: #889965

xterm*color10: #95b548


xterm*color3: #998565

xterm*color11: #bd814b


xterm*color4: #657a99

xterm*color12: #4c83bf


xterm*color5: #8b6599

xterm*color13: #a04bbd


xterm*color6: #65998d

xterm*color14: #4dbda8


xterm*color7: #a5a5a4

xterm*color15: #848484

> deafened <

xterm*color0: #3d3e3d

xterm*color8: #5a5b5c

xterm*color1: #755a5b

xterm*color9: #a37679

xterm*color2: #68755a

xterm*color10: #87a376

xterm*color3: #756e5a

xterm*color11: #a39b76

xterm*color4: #5b6976

xterm*color12: #758ba3

xterm*color5: #755b76

xterm*color13: #9f76a3

xterm*color6: #465457

xterm*color14: #899ca1

xterm*color7: #ccccc6

xterm*color15: #f8f8f2

> digerati <

! Black

xterm*color0: #303030

xterm*color8: #5F5F5F

! Red

xterm*color1: #c03000

xterm*color9: #FF3A78

! Green

xterm*color2: #b1d631

xterm*color10: #A6CD07

! Yellow

xterm*color3: #fecf35

xterm*color11: #B5C865

! Blue

xterm*color4: #426870

xterm*color12: #4A7781

! Magenta

xterm*color5: #6D506D

xterm*color13: #FF3B77

! Cyan

xterm*color6: #4bb5c1

xterm*color14: #4bb5c1

! White

xterm*color7: #e2e2e5

xterm*color15: #e2e2e5

! vim: et sw=2 syn=xdefaults

> dwmrob <

! Black

xterm*color0: #151515

xterm*color8: #505450

! Red

xterm*color1: #bf7979

xterm*color9: #f4a45f

! Green

xterm*color2: #97b26b

xterm*color10: #c5f779

! Yellow

xterm*color3: #cdcda1

xterm*color11: #ffffaf

! Blue

xterm*color4: #4a5463

xterm*color12: #7d8794

! Magneta

xterm*color5: #9c3885

xterm*color13: #e628ba

! Cyan

xterm*color6: #88aadd

xterm*color14: #99ccff

! White

xterm*color7: #ffffff

xterm*color15: #dedede

! vim: et sw=2 syn=xdefaults

> epiphany <


xterm*color8: #656565

xterm*color0: #565656


xterm*color1: #AC4F4F

xterm*color9: #E85555


xterm*color2: #88AB77

xterm*color10: #8CCD6C


xterm*color3: #D0D9AD

xterm*color11: #C5D67D


xterm*color4: #677088

xterm*color12: #647396


xterm*color5: #CDCDB4

xterm*color13: #CDB4C9


xterm*color6: #445362

xterm*color14: #505B6C


xterm*color7: #FFFFFF

xterm*color15: #C0C0C0

> erebus <

! black / dark gray

xterm*color0: #757575

xterm*color8: #B8B8B8

! red

xterm*color1: #FF5F5F

xterm*color9: #D78787

! green

xterm*color2: #DE8A36

xterm*color10: #FF9F6F

! yellow

xterm*color3: #D78787

xterm*color11: #FF5F5F

! blue

xterm*color4: #AF5FD7

xterm*color12: #DEA3E5

! magenta

xterm*color5: #FF87D7

xterm*color13: #D7AFAF

! cyan

xterm*color6: #DEA3E5

xterm*color14: #AF5FD7

! light gray / white

xterm*color7: #B8B8B8

xterm*color15: #757575

> fishbone <

























> gjm <

! vim: set filetype=xdefaults :

! gjm scheme

! xterm*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd

xterm*cursorColor: #cee318

xterm*background: #1C1C1C

xterm*foreground: #c5c5c5

! black

xterm*color0: #1C1C1C

xterm*color8: #666666

! red

xterm*color1: #ff005b

xterm*color9: #ff00a0

! green

xterm*color2: #cee318

xterm*color10: #ccff00

! yellow

xterm*color3: #ffe755

xterm*color11: #ff9f00

! blue

xterm*color4: #048ac7

xterm*color12: #48c6ff

! magenta

xterm*color5: #833c9f

xterm*color13: #be67e1

! cyan

xterm*color6: #0ac1cd

xterm*color14: #63e7f0

! white

xterm*color7: #e5e5e5

xterm*color15: #f3f3f3

> grandshell <

! grandshell color scheme

! based on steckerhalter (grandshell-theme for emacs).

! https://github.com/steckerhalter/grandshell-theme

xterm*background: #000000

xterm*foreground: #bebebe

xterm*cursorColor: #aa2255

! black + red

xterm*color0: #000000

xterm*color1: #f25a5a

! green + yellow

xterm*color2: #77bb33

xterm*color3: #efc334

! blue + purple

xterm*color4: #5555dd

xterm*color5: #C350FF

! cyan + white

xterm*color6: #5af2ee

xterm*color7: #bebebe

! bright-black + bright-red

xterm*color8: #222222

xterm*color9: #ffbbbb

! bright-green + bright-yellow

xterm*color10: #dcf692

xterm*color11: #f6df92

! bright-blue + bright-purple

xterm*color12: #b2baf6

xterm*color13: #f09fff

! bright-cyan + bright-white

xterm*color14: #5af2ee

xterm*color15: #eeeeee

> hybrid <


xterm*color0: #393939

xterm*color8: #474747


xterm*color1: #da4939

xterm*color9: #ff6c5c


xterm*color2 : #9acc79

xterm*color10: #8fb676


xterm*color3: #d0d26b

xterm*color11: #c8bc45


xterm*color4: #6d9cbe

xterm*color12: #d0d0ff


xterm*color5: #9f5079

xterm*color13: #a761c2


xterm*color6: #435d75

xterm*color14: #6e98a4


xterm*color7: #c2c2c2

xterm*color15: #c2c2c2

> insignificato <


xterm*color0: #3d3e3d

xterm*color8: #5a5b5c


xterm*color1: #755a5b

xterm*color9: #a37679


xterm*color2: #68755a

xterm*color10: #87a376


xterm*color3: #756e5a

xterm*color11: #a39b76


xterm*color4: #5b6976

xterm*color12: #758ba3


xterm*color5: #755b76

xterm*color13: #9f76a3


xterm*color6: #5b7674

xterm*color14: #75a3a1


xterm*color7: #808080

xterm*color15: #aeafb0

> jwrdark <

!###### Color list ###################

!## B2FBA4 C3ECE9 Green ###

!## FBA4A8 a3c5e7 5d7caf Blue ###

!## ff6ffa 5F8BFF 490a47 1f0042 ###


! Black

xterm*color0: #333333

xterm*color8: #3D3D3D

! Red

xterm*color1: #8C4665

xterm*color9: #BF4D80

! Green

xterm*color2: #287373

xterm*color10: #53A6A6

! Yellow

xterm*color3: #7C7C99

xterm*color11: #9E9ECB

! Blue

xterm*color4: #395573

xterm*color12: #477AB3

! Magneta

xterm*color5: #5E468C

xterm*color13: #7E62B3

! Cyan

xterm*color6: #31658C

xterm*color14: #6096BF

! White

xterm*color7: #899CA1

xterm*color15: #C0C0C0

! vim: et sw=2 syn=xdefaults

> mikado <

! mikado colors


xterm*color0: #322a2c

xterm*color8: #46423b


xterm*color1: #a04363

xterm*color9: #ae837a


xterm*color2: #9b9329

xterm*color10: #b4aa30


!xterm*color3: #c77920

xterm*color3: #bf7a29

xterm*color11: #c7a551


xterm*color4: #6a8c8c

xterm*color12: #74999e


xterm*color5: #856774

xterm*color13: #9c818e


xterm*color6: #757978

xterm*color14: #9fa590


xterm*color7: #bcbcaf

xterm*color15: #c1c4bc

> monotheme <

!el_k gslob re-write



xterm*color0: #000000

xterm*color8: #202020


xterm*color1: #6b6b6b

xterm*color9: #464646


xterm*color2: #C4C4C4

xterm*color10: #F8F8F8


xterm*color3: #b3b3b3

xterm*color11: #EEEEEE


xterm*color4: #999999

xterm*color12: #7c7c7c


xterm*color5: #717171

xterm*color13: #adadad


xterm*color6: #8A8A8A

xterm*color14: #C0C0C0


xterm*color7: #b5cabb

xterm*color15: #99ac9e

> nancy <

/* vim: ft=xdefaults:

What: nancy.Xresources

Where: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Xcolors/nancy.Xresources

Who: Magnus Woldrich <m@japh.se>

Created: 2008-04-24

Updated: 2012-06-16

URL: http://github.com/trapd00r/configs/blob/master/Xcolors


Usage: Include this file from your main X resource file:

#include <path>/nancy.Xresources

This X resource file redefines not only the standard ANSI colors but also

some of the extended ones (52, 85-88, 231 as of this writing).

It will work with any xterm-compatible terminal. If you're using xterm,

depending on your setup, you might have to enable one or the other or both

of the following resources:



Either way, it'll be a good idea to enable both because it's definitely a

must when you're going to play with the utilities and libraries described


urxvt doesn't support redefining of anything but ANSI colors, but I have

patched [0] her to allow for modification of the full 256 color table.

If you'd want to create your own colorschemes, or if you need to set colors

for the current terminal session only, thus not making the changes persistent,

take a look at colorcoke [1] and its wiki entry [2].

If you're a developer you'll find Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources [3]


You can query the terminal for the current color values, see [3] and

rgbterm [4].

For trying out colorschemes quickly, or for inclusion in other scripts, the

xcolor [5] utility might prove useful.

It's basically ttycolor [6] for X, requested by a user.

There's a bunch of example scripts using colorcoke in the scripts/ [7]

directory (matrix!).

[0]: http://github.com/trapd00r/rxvt-unicode

[1]: http://github.com/trapd00r/colorcoke

[2]: http://github.com/trapd00r/colorcoke/wiki

[3]: http://github.com/trapd00r/Term-ExtendedColor-Xresources

[4]: http://github.com/trapd00r/rgbterm

[5]: http://github.com/trapd00r/Term-ExtendedColor-Xresources/blob/master/bin/xcolor

[6]: http://github.com/trapd00r/ttycolor

[7]: http://github.com/trapd00r/colorcoke/tree/master/scripts


*foreground: #fff

*background: #010101

*colorBD: #7e6449

*colorIT: #7c7e49

*colorRV: #121212

*colorUL: #ff8f00

*fadeColor: #000016

*borderColor: #1b1d1e

*underlineColor: #de5105

*cursorColor: #e5e5e5

*cursorColor2: #201526

*pointerColor: #252525

*pointerColor2: #201526

*color0: #1b1d1e

*color1: #f92672

*color2: #82b414

*color3: #fd971f

*color4: #4e82aa

*color5: #8c54fe

*color6: #465457

*color7: #ccccc6

*color8: #505354

*color9: #ff5995

*color10: #b6e354

*color11: #feed6c

*color12: #0c73c2

*color13: #9e6ffe

*color14: #899ca1

*color15: #f8f8f2

*color16: #000000

*color17: #00005f

*color18: #000087

*color19: #0000af

*color20: #0000d7

*color21: #0000ff

*color22: #005f00

*color23: #005f5f

*color24: #005f87

*color25: #005faf

*color26: #005fd7

*color27: #005fff

*color28: #008700

*color29: #00875f

*color30: #008787

*color31: #0087af

*color32: #0087d7

*color33: #0087ff

*color34: #00af00

*color35: #00af5f

*color36: #00af87

*color37: #00afaf

*color38: #00afd7

*color39: #00afff

*color40: #00d700

*color41: #00d75f

*color42: #00d787

*color43: #00d7af

*color44: #00d7d7

*color45: #00d7ff

*color46: #00ff00

*color47: #00ff5f

*color48: #00ff87

*color49: #00ffaf

*color50: #00ffd7

*color51: #00ffff

*color52: #131324

*color53: #5f005f

*color54: #5f0087

*color55: #5f00af

*color56: #5f00d7

*color57: #5f00ff

*color58: #5f5f00

*color59: #5f5f5f

*color60: #5f5f87

*color61: #5f5faf

*color62: #5f5fd7

*color63: #5f5fff

*color64: #5f8700

*color65: #5f875f

*color66: #5f8787

*color67: #5f87af

*color68: #5f87d7

*color69: #5f87ff

*color70: #5faf00

*color71: #5faf5f

*color72: #5faf87

*color73: #5fafaf

*color74: #5fafd7

*color75: #5fafff

*color76: #5fd700

*color77: #5fd75f

*color78: #5fd787

*color79: #5fd7af

*color80: #5fd7d7

*color81: #5fd7ff

*color82: #5fff00

*color83: #5fff5f

*color84: #5fff87

*color85: #a03040

*color86: #565941

*color87: #594459

*color88: #009bff

*color89: #87005f

*color90: #870087

*color91: #8700af

*color92: #8700d7

*color93: #8700ff

*color94: #875f00

*color95: #875f5f

*color96: #875f87

*color97: #875faf

*color98: #875fd7

*color99: #875fff

*color100: #878700

*color101: #87875f

*color102: #878787

*color103: #8787af

*color104: #8787d7

*color105: #8787ff

*color106: #87af00

*color107: #87af5f

*color108: #87af87

*color109: #87afaf

*color110: #87afd7

*color111: #87afff

*color112: #87d700

*color113: #87d75f

*color114: #87d787

*color115: #87d7af

*color116: #87d7d7

*color117: #87d7ff

*color118: #87ff00

*color119: #87ff5f

*color120: #87ff87

*color121: #87ffaf

*color122: #87ffd7

*color123: #87ffff

*color124: #af0000

*color125: #af005f

*color126: #af0087

*color127: #af00af

*color128: #af00d7

*color129: #af00ff

*color130: #af5f00

*color131: #af5f5f

*color132: #af5f87

*color133: #af5faf

*color134: #af5fd7

*color135: #af5fff

*color136: #af8700

*color137: #af875f

*color138: #af8787

*color139: #af87af

*color140: #af87d7

*color141: #af87ff

*color142: #afaf00

*color143: #afaf5f

*color144: #afaf87

*color145: #afafaf

*color146: #afafd7

*color147: #afafff

*color148: #afd700

*color149: #afd75f

*color150: #afd787

*color151: #afd7af

*color152: #afd7d7

*color153: #afd7ff

*color154: #afff00

*color155: #afff5f

*color156: #afff87

*color157: #afffaf

*color158: #afffd7

*color159: #afffff

*color160: #d70000

*color161: #d7005f

*color162: #d70087

*color163: #d700af

*color164: #d700d7

*color165: #d700ff

*color166: #d75f00

*color167: #d75f5f

*color168: #d75f87

*color169: #d75faf

*color170: #d75fd7

*color171: #d75fff

*color172: #d78700

*color173: #d7875f

*color174: #d78787

*color175: #d787af

*color176: #d787d7

*color177: #d787ff

*color178: #d7af00

*color179: #d7af5f

*color180: #d7af87

*color181: #d7afaf

*color182: #d7afd7

*color183: #d7afff

*color184: #d7d700

*color185: #ffff00

*color186: #d7d787

*color187: #d7d7af

*color188: #d7d7d7

*color189: #d7d7ff

*color190: #d7ff00

*color191: #d7ff5f

*color192: #d7ff87

*color193: #d7ffaf

*color194: #d7ffd7

*color195: #d7ffff

*color196: #ff0000

*color197: #ff005f

*color198: #ff0087

*color199: #ff00af

*color200: #ff00d7

*color201: #ff00ff

*color202: #ff5f00

*color203: #ff5f5f

*color204: #ff5f87

*color205: #ff5faf

*color206: #ff5fd7

*color207: #ff5fff

*color208: #ff8700

*color209: #ff875f

*color210: #ff8787

*color211: #ff87af

*color212: #ff87d7

*color213: #ff87ff

*color214: #ffaf00

*color215: #ffaf5f

*color216: #ffaf87

*color217: #ffafaf

*color218: #ffafd7

*color219: #ffafff

*color220: #ffd700

*color221: #ffd75f

*color222: #ffd787

*color223: #ffd7af

*color224: #ffd7d7

*color225: #ffd7ff

*color226: #ffff00

*color227: #ffff5f

*color228: #ffff87

*color229: #ffffaf

*color230: #ffffd7

*color231: #060000

*color232: #080808

*color233: #121212

*color234: #1c1c1c

*color235: #262626

*color236: #303030

*color237: #3a3a3a

*color238: #444444

*color239: #4e4e4e

*color240: #585858

*color241: #626262

*color242: #6c6c6c

*color243: #767676

*color244: #808080

*color245: #8a8a8a

*color246: #949494

*color247: #9e9e9e

*color248: #a8a8a8

*color249: #b2b2b2

*color250: #bcbcbc

*color251: #c6c6c6

*color252: #d0d0d0

*color253: #dadada

*color254: #e4e4e4

*color255: #eeeeee

> nudge <

xterm*color0: #658280

xterm*color8: #8ca8a6


xterm*color1: #822f5d

xterm*color9: #a24b76


xterm*color2: #184a31

xterm*color10: #28634d


xterm*color3: #9d4500

xterm*color11: #9d5823


xterm*color4: #304465

xterm*color12: #415c77


xterm*color5: #330801

xterm*color13: #532706


xterm*color6: #175552

xterm*color14: #3a6868


xterm*color7: #110005

xterm*color15: #330801

> parkerbrothers <

! Parker Brothers colors


xterm*color0: #322a2c

xterm*color8: #46423b


xterm*color1: #79220E

xterm*color9: #AA261F


xterm*color2: #344B1B

xterm*color10: #76550F


!xterm*color3: #c77920

xterm*color3: #B45B00

xterm*color11: #B57F02


xterm*color4: #434045

xterm*color12: #908862


xterm*color5: #5C1E25

xterm*color13: #624A35


xterm*color6: #394745

xterm*color14: #393E38


xterm*color7: #AE8842

xterm*color15: #A59058

> phrak1 <

xterm*background: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*foreground: rgb:a8/a8/a8

! Black

xterm*color0: rgb:00/00/00

xterm*color8: rgb:54/50/54

! Red

xterm*color1: rgb:a8/00/00

xterm*color9: rgb:f8/54/50

! Green

xterm*color2: rgb:00/a8/00

xterm*color10: rgb:50/fc/50

! Yellow

xterm*color3: rgb:a8/54/00

xterm*color11: rgb:f8/fc/50

! Blue

xterm*color4: rgb:00/00/a8

xterm*color12: rgb:50/54/f8

! Magneta

xterm*color5: rgb:a8/00/a8

xterm*color13: rgb:f8/54/f8

! Cyan

xterm*color6: rgb:00/a8/a8

xterm*color14: rgb:50/fc/f8

! White

xterm*color7: rgb:a8/a8/a8

xterm*color15: rgb:f8/fc/f8

! vim: et sw=2 syn=xdefaults

> pulp <


xterm*color0: #86817e

xterm*color8: #86817e


xterm*color1: #d75756

xterm*color9: #a63a3a


xterm*color2: #688c7d

xterm*color10: #688c7d


xterm*color3: #ffb365

xterm*color11: #ffb365


xterm*color4: #68778c

xterm*color12: #68778c


xterm*color5: #fdb3b2

xterm*color13: #8c686a


xterm*color6: #86abd9

xterm*color14: #86abd9


xterm*color7: #f7f8f2

xterm*color15: #f7f8f2

> rydgel <

! Black

xterm*color0: #303430

xterm*color8: #cdb5cd

! Red

xterm*color1: #bf7979

xterm*color9: #f4a45f

! Green

xterm*color2: #97b26b

xterm*color10: #c5f779

! Yellow

xterm*color3: #cdcdc1

xterm*color11: #ffffed

! Blue

xterm*color4: #86a2be

xterm*color12: #98afd9

! Magenta

xterm*color5: #d9b798

xterm*color13: #d7d998

! Cyan

xterm*color6: #a1b5cd

xterm*color14: #a1b5cd

! White

xterm*color7: #ffffff

xterm*color15: #dedede

! vim: et sw=2 syn=xdefaults

> shic <


xterm*color0: #494949

xterm*color8: #484848


xterm*color1: #B9716E

xterm*color9: #8F5A58


xterm*color2: #588F7A

xterm*color10: #326F58


xterm*color3: #AAA857

xterm*color11: #C7C575


xterm*color4: #A0C3C0

xterm*color12: #507F7C


xterm*color5: #735E74

xterm*color13: #A387A6


xterm*color6: #695935

xterm*color14: #927C4B


xterm*color7: #B1B1B1

xterm*color15: #C7C7C7

> splurge <


xterm*color0: #4a4b4a

xterm*color8: #696969


xterm*color1: #D7699A

xterm*color9: #F5A2B5


xterm*color2: #80D468

xterm*color10: #A3F2A0


xterm*color3: #D7A169

xterm*color11: #F5CDA2


xterm*color4: #6985D7

xterm*color12: #A2C1F5


xterm*color5: #C86AD4

xterm*color13: #D2A2F5


xterm*color6: #6FCCD1

xterm*color14: #A0E9F2


xterm*color7: #DBDCDC

xterm*color15: #FDFDFD

> swayr <

! swayr color scheme

xterm*background: #1c1709

xterm*foreground: #c2b9a1

xterm*color0: #1c1709

xterm*color8: #4f4939

xterm*color1: #8e4317

xterm*color9: #f07935

xterm*color2: #787200

xterm*color10: #d9d138

xterm*color3: #945c00

xterm*color11: #ffab26

xterm*color4: #315094

xterm*color12: #8aa9ed

xterm*color5: #5c2e40

xterm*color13: #ff8cb8

xterm*color6: #00617d

xterm*color14: #43bfe0

xterm*color7: #c2b9a1

xterm*color15: #f2e8c9

> tango <


! tango theme


xterm*background: #000000

xterm*foreground: #babdb6

xterm*color0: #2e3436

xterm*color1: #cc0000

xterm*color2: #4e9a06

xterm*color3: #c4a000

xterm*color4: #3465a4

xterm*color5: #75507b

xterm*color6: #06989a

xterm*color7: #d3d7cf

xterm*color8: #555753

xterm*color9: #ef2929

xterm*color10: #8ae234

xterm*color11: #fce94f

xterm*color12: #729fcf

xterm*color13: #ad7fa8

xterm*color14: #34e2e2

xterm*color15: #eeeeec

! vim: ai:si:et:ts=4:sw=4:ft=xdefaults:

> tangoesque <

xterm*background: #000000

xterm*foreground: #aaaaaa

! Black

xterm*color0: #202020

xterm*color8: #606060

! Red

xterm*color1: #ff6565

xterm*color9: #ff8d8d

! Green

xterm*color2: #93d44f

xterm*color10: #c8e7a8

! Yellow

xterm*color3: #eab93d

xterm*color11: #ffc123

! Blue

xterm*color4: #204a87

xterm*color12: #3465a4

! Mangenta

xterm*color5: #ce5c00

xterm*color13: #f57900

! Cyan

xterm*color6: #89b6e2

xterm*color14: #46a4ff

! White

xterm*color7: #cccccc

xterm*color15: #ffffff

> theme2 <


xterm*color0: #191919

xterm*color8: #484848


xterm*color1: #EB3D51

xterm*color9: #BE6262


xterm*color2: #66B61A

xterm*color10: #4B8A10


xterm*color3: #D98E1D

xterm*color11: #E5D95E


xterm*color4: #23FFA8

xterm*color12: #23AAFF


xterm*color5: #FF00DA

xterm*color13: #AB005B


xterm*color6: #68A783

xterm*color14: #BBCD81


xterm*color7: #EAEAEA

xterm*color15: #BBBBBB

> thwump <

! black + grey

xterm*.color0: #202020

xterm*.color8: #505050

! red

xterm*.color1: #a07070

xterm*.color9: #d07070

! green

xterm*.color2: #70a070

xterm*.color10: #70d070

! yellow

xterm*.color3: #a0a070

xterm*.color11: #d0d070

! blue

xterm*.color4: #7070a0

xterm*.color12: #7070d0

! magenta

xterm*.color5: #a070a0

xterm*.color13: #d070d0

! cyan

xterm*.color6: #70a0a0

xterm*.color14: #70d0d0

! light gray + white

xterm*.color7: #a0a0a0

xterm*.color15: #f0f0f0

> tlh <

xterm*background: #101010

xterm*foreground: #66FF66


xterm*color0: #1c1c1c

xterm*color8: #4d4d4d


xterm*color1: #D81860

xterm*color9: #F00060


xterm*color2: #60FF60

xterm*color10: #70FF70


xterm*color3: #f9fd75

xterm*color11: #f9fd80


xterm*color4: #4695c8

xterm*color12: #5a9dc8


xterm*color5: #a78edb

xterm*color13: #b29fdb


xterm*color6: #43afce

xterm*color14: #69b8ce


xterm*color7: #f3ebe2

xterm*color15: #eeeeee

> visiblue <

!Gutterslob Visiblue

xterm*background: #000000

xterm*foreground: #666699


xterm*color0: #333366

xterm*color8: #333399

xterm*color1: #6666CC

xterm*color9: #9999FF

xterm*color2: #0099CC

xterm*color10: #00CCFF

xterm*color3: #3366CC

xterm*color11: #6699FF

xterm*color4: #006699

xterm*color12: #0099CC

xterm*color5: #0066FF

xterm*color13: #0099FF

xterm*color6: #669999

xterm*color14: #66CCCC

xterm*color7: #99CCCC

xterm*color15: #CCFFFF

> visibone <


xterm*color0: #666666

xterm*color8: #999999


xterm*color1: #CC6666

xterm*color9: #FF9999


xterm*color2: #66CC99

xterm*color10: #99FFCC


xterm*color3: #CC9966

xterm*color11: #FFCC99


xterm*color4: #6699CC

xterm*color12: #99CCFF


xterm*color5: #CC6699

xterm*color13: #FF99CC


xterm*color6: #66CCCC

xterm*color14: #99FFFF


xterm*color7: #CCCCCC

xterm*color15: #FFFFFF

> zenburn <

! Zenburn

xterm*color0: #1E2320

xterm*color1: #705050

xterm*color2: #60b48a

xterm*color3: #dfaf8f

xterm*color4: #506070

xterm*color5: #dc8cc3

xterm*color6: #8cd0d3

xterm*color7: #dcdccc

xterm*color8: #709080

xterm*color9: #dca3a3

xterm*color10: #c3bf9f

xterm*color11: #f0dfaf

xterm*color12: #94bff3

xterm*color13: #ec93d3

xterm*color14: #93e0e3

xterm*color15: #ffffff

Enjoy and share your tips or themes!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
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