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a5ead8 (318) No.624 [Last50 Posts]>>625 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

So I have been playing with the idea of starting up a CYOA/Quest on /rwby/ to help get our activity up and also provide some entertainment for my fellow posters. This has been discussed in two threads so far and I think it's about time I put my plan into action.

This thread is just for me to get some feedback from the other posters here as well as the players.

For those of you who don't know what CYOA or even a Quest thread is then I can explain it pretty simply. A CYOA (choose your own adventure) or a Quest is a thread where we all work together to tell a story and just have a good time watching the events unfold. In the adventure I have planned you will be taking on the role of a new student at Beacon academy and will collectively be choosing all his important actions as well as his general personality and past. Any fights/challenges that occur will be decided with dice rolls which I'll fill you guys in on when the time comes. This will mostly be a romance/shenanigans type of adventure so expect there to be more talking and fun that combat (unless you guys want a lot of fighting).

I'll the QM (quest master) and the one responsible for writing the story itself while the players (you guys) choose what to do next.

How do you guys feel about me giving you a small list of origins followed by a few weapon/semblance choices? The weapons will go hand-in-hand with the semblances meaning that each weapon will come with its own predetermined semblance, hopefully that makes sense.

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a5ead8 (318) No.625>>626 >>629

>>624 (OP)

I'm cool with that.

Give us what you got, OP.

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a5ead8 (318) No.626>>627 >>639

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It's currently a work in progress but I should be finished in a few days. Right now I have some examples of how the weapon/semblance thing will work. I'll be giving you guys a full list of things such as weapons and the semblances that go with them along with the characters origins.

Example of weapon/semblance:

1. Katar/Pistol. Blind semblance.

2. Spear/Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Claymore/Shotgun. Invulnerability semblance.

Examples of character origin:

1. Trouble Maker: You grew up in a troubled neighborhood with no shortage of faunus punks and quickly picked up on how to survive in a hostile urban environment. You managed to make it through combat school using a combination of your natural brawling skills as well as some rather shady methods.

2. Rich Heir: You were born into privilege, your parents both having rather successful careers as weapons manufacturers and giving you pretty much everything you'd ever want. You've aced your way through Combat School with the help of both your training and good looks.

3. Average Schmuck: You're pretty unremarkable despite managing to weasel your way into Beacon Academy. How exactly did a skilled fighter like your father produce such a disappointing child?

You'll be starting the quest by choosing from a few options (the above options are just examples) to determine what your character is like and what he wields. Your choices will affect the story like your origins which might make certain things easier or harder to accomplish. Your weapon/semblance won't really affect the story outside of how combat goes. No one weapon will be better than another and goes hand in hand with the semblance beside it since that seems to be how it works in RWBY.

How does this all sound to you guys?

Please don't leave me all alone ;_;

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a5ead8 (318) No.627>>628


Looking good so far. As a note, any criticisms are purely opinion here, so don't take me at too much face value.

At the moment, I'd say maybe change the 2nd weapon combo. Spear/Rifle is Pyrrha's shtick at the moment, so we don't want to be too close to that. Maybe a halberd or some lesser known medieval weapon that could be shimmied into a gun?

The example origins definitely should be heavily tweaked or at completely redone. 2 and 3 just sound like edited versions of Weiss and Jaune's backstory.

Besides that, looking forward to it.Hoping for some fun lewd times.

We'll always be with you anon-kun


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a5ead8 (318) No.628>>629 >>632


>At the moment, I'd say maybe change the 2nd weapon combo. Spear/Rifle is Pyrrha's shtick at the moment, so we don't want to be too close to that. Maybe a halberd or some lesser known medieval weapon that could be shimmied into a gun?

>The example origins definitely should be heavily tweaked or at completely redone. 2 and 3 just sound like edited versions of Weiss and Jaune's backstory.

No need to worry, Anon. The above examples are just to give the players a general idea of what I'm doing.

How many people are even interested in playing? I can't really tell since this board does have IDs.

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a5ead8 (318) No.629>>630


Alright, sorry then, just nitpicky nature of mine.

I can confirm that >>625

is not me, so that means at least 2 people are interested at the moment.

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a5ead8 (318) No.630>>631 >>633


>Alright, sorry then, just nitpicky nature of mine.

That's cool. I'm pretty obsessed with making everything perfect and prefer people to be straight with me so I can improve.

Good to see at least two people are interested. I'll hopefully have something substantial soon. We'll just have to keep this board alive until then.

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a5ead8 (318) No.631>>633 >>638

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Count three people interested. RWBY as setting is ripe for CYOA-ing and Questing and it might just be what the board needs for some more activity

Also if I may be so bold as to suggest an origin in addition to those given as an example?

Maybe some a village kid-type born on the kingdom's border where the grim fighting is at it's thickest. We got sent to Beacon by the village to be the local Hunter since we were the most skillful kid in town. We're cocky as shit and can back our talk but we're pretty friendly outside of that. We also can't wait to fight some White Fangs bc everyone on our family fought Faunus in wars n shit and removing degenerate mutants will make our folks proud.

The other examples look good tho!

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a5ead8 (318) No.632>>633


>How many people are even interested in playing? I can't really tell since this board does have IDs.

Including OP, there are four people currently playing. If you want, I can turn on unique IDs or players can tripfag. Personally, I'd prefer to keep IDs off so others can be anonymous.

I also pinned the thread for you guys.

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a5ead8 (318) No.633>>634


Alright, consider me excited. Will this remain an idea thread, or shall we play here?


That seems a good example. Might be fun to have some clashes with Blake over our history, help aid character developement, ESPECIALLY if people choose her romance.


Danke schön mein Board Owner

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a5ead8 (318) No.634>>635


>Danke schön mein Board Owner

Funny, I was just trying to study German.


The faq will have a section on tripfagging (tripcodes) that players can use.

I usually check once or twice a day, so if there's anything that might need to be done, just ask.

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a5ead8 (318) No.635


German's fun, you'll love it. Great for yelling. But it might also make you cringe when you remember how they pronounce Weiss Schnee in the show.

And if we're gonna be tripfagging this, then player one reporting for duty.

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a5ead8 (318) No.636

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a5ead8 (318) No.638


>Count three people interested. RWBY as setting is ripe for CYOA-ing and Questing and it might just be what the board needs for some more activity

I certainly think so. Maybe the few posters in /qu/ would be interested if they like RWBY?

>Also if I may be so bold as to suggest an origin in addition to those given as an example

I actually like this idea. If you guys want to pitch idea for origins then I'm cool with that. Ideas for weapons and the semblances that go with them would be cool by me too.

>I also pinned the thread for you guys.

You're too kind. I'm cool without the IDs since I just wanted to know if more than one anon was interested.

I think this will just be the meta thread as I titled it for the time being since I already named it that. You guys can just funpost here and leave feedback/reactions or even post ideas here. I really appreciate feedback and stuff since I'm always looking to improve.

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a5ead8 (318) No.639


Sounds good to me.

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a5ead8 (318) No.640>>641

I might swing by this thing. It could be cool. Might drop some ideas as well, later, to be used. If some are still needed, that is.

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a5ead8 (318) No.641


>Might drop some ideas as well, later, to be used. If some are still needed, that is.

Post 'em if you got 'em.

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a5ead8 (318) No.642>>647 >>659

Don't die on me

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a5ead8 (318) No.647


We won't die this early. Probably everyone just shuffled off to think of ideas/start writing and whatnot. And I'd agree with that. Then we can all come back and brainstorm and make an awesome damn thingy.

Also, to author-anon. How do you plan to handle romances here? I'm pretty sure we all have different favorite girls, so how do you decide who gets picked? Just a vote? Day of the week? Constant cosmic retcons?

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a5ead8 (318) No.659


Don't worry, anon. I'm still working on this little project.

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a5ead8 (318) No.660>>661

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What if we're a jaguar faunus White Fang sleepet agent that's sent to Beacon to convince the future generation og hunters that White Fang din du nuffin and the real bad guys are the Schnees

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a5ead8 (318) No.661>>669 >>696

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Maybe in a future CYOA when I decide to make things more complex. For the time being we're just going to be playing as a human male by default who's origin and weapon/semblance is chosen by the players.

Please no bully.

>convince the future generation og hunters that White Fang din du nuffin and the real bad guys are the Schnees

You mean tell them the truth?

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a5ead8 (318) No.669

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>yfw the Schnees are actually the true villains of RWBY and Cinder was actually trying to stop them

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a5ead8 (318) No.675>>677

If it's not too late, I'd love to join in.

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a5ead8 (318) No.677>>678


Anyone can join if they so desire.

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a5ead8 (318) No.678>>681


Does this mean I get to be a tripfag for the first time ever?

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a5ead8 (318) No.681


I find trip codes gross, but sure, I guess.

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a5ead8 (318) No.682

I'm gonna be posting some of the stuff I got tonight. I'll be donning my official name just so you guys know who I am. You guys can refer to me as QM if you want.

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a5ead8 (318) No.683>>686

Note that these aren't the final choices and will be expanded on and added to later.

Example of weapon/semblance:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols. Blink semblance.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Claymore/Shotgun. Invulnerability semblance.

If you guys have any new weapon/semblance suggestions then I'm down.

Examples of character origin:

1. Trouble Maker: You grew up in a troubled neighborhood with no shortage of faunus punks and quickly picked up on how to survive in a hostile urban environment. You managed to make it through combat school using a combination of your natural brawling skills as well as some rather shady methods.

2. Outsider: You are an outsider born on the kingdom's border where the grim fighting is at it's thickest. Being the most skilled fighter in the area, your family decided to send you off to Beacon to become a Huntsman. You're cocky, skilled, but a pretty friendly guy outside of that. Your families history during the war might cause some trouble though.

3. Well Learned Student: You hail from the inner city and have never really explored the world beyond that. Your combat prowess are on par with your brain power and give you insight into many intellectual fields that others might not have, though it's mostly pertaining to the creatures of grim and the history of Remnant. Your family has ties with the Schnee Dust Company and you've been provided with whatever you could ever want by your rich parents who have pretty high expectations for you as a Huntsman.

Sorry if I haven't got much now despite all the time that's passed. I have a job and have some other projects I'm working on.

What do you guys think so far?

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a5ead8 (318) No.686>>691 >>692


Could I go for a scissorblade/revolver combo? With a holographic copy semblance?

And for a character origin how do you feel about me being an upper-middle class faunus? The child of one of the few wealthy industrial faunus families who are still held back by the human elites, preventing them from being truly upper class. He fights and trains hard to become a huntsman to prove to people like the Schnees that faunus are equal, and willing to do their share to protect the kingdoms, if they are included as partners. Still rejected by the working class faunus and the White Fang, though, for being race-traitors (or something along those lines). Studious, determined, slightly standoffish.

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a5ead8 (318) No.691>>692


I did say the we'd be playing as a human male but this one is kind of tempting…

How do you other players feel about this being an option?

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a5ead8 (318) No.692>>693 >>695



Not to sound rude, but we're all the character, not just you.


Honestly, I'd say it's a good idea, but maybe stick with a more simplistic human male approach for our first story. The faunus stuff can come when we get bored and decide to write our darker and edgier sequel.

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a5ead8 (318) No.693>>694


Sorry! I've never done a CYOA online before. I'd assumed we were all different characters in the same team, not all playing the same individual. Since that is the case, ignore most of what I've said.

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a5ead8 (318) No.694


Oh, well, it's fine. That idea might work later for when there's more writers/people, but for now, we're all playing one character. The idea might still work for the future though, so keep it somewhere.

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a5ead8 (318) No.695


Also, because I'm obviously not the smartest, might the Board Owner be able to change the name in that post or at least delete it? Accidentally used the wrong tripcode symbol.

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a5ead8 (318) No.696>>697

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That's cool, might be best to keep things simple on the first run around and develop into more crazy on subsequent runs terrorist sympathizer pls die

Also pick related might provide some help as far as weapons/semblance goes

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a5ead8 (318) No.697


terrorist sympathizer

Oh please, we can go deeper than that.

Play AS one of the Grimm.

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a5ead8 (318) No.698>>699 >>804

Coming up with original weapon/semblance combos sure is hard.

What do you guys think about a fancy cane that can turn into a shotgun or into a chain sword? Yes, I've been playing a lot of Bloodborne.

I'm also thinking about adding a mace that can turn into a flail (spiked ball + chain). I noticed that Cardin's mace doesn't really turn into a gun so I'm not sure if every weapon can turn into a gun or not. Kind of odd…

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a5ead8 (318) No.699>>700


Heh, Bloodborne.

Well, I dunno about a Cane since Roman already uses something like that.

And really, we can shoehorn a gun into ANY weapon. By this point we could go full Predator and have a cool ass Glaive that has the blade deploy down to shoot plasma shots.

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a5ead8 (318) No.700>>701


I was thinking that the cane would be more like Ozpin's, without the curve or grappling hook thing.

What kind of semblance would go best with that though?

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a5ead8 (318) No.701>>702 >>703


Well, if we do a cane, we should probably do a wealthy/aristocratic background then, so it fits.

As for semblance, maybe he can create shockwaves by smashing the tip of his cane into something, or with his fists.

Or if he jams it into the ground and holds still, he can see everything as if time had slowed down.

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a5ead8 (318) No.702>>703


Maybe like the son of a wealthy Dust-selling merchant who decides to become a hunter rather than take up the family trade?

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a5ead8 (318) No.703>>704 >>705



I like this. I'll add the staff and semblance to the list. Do you guys like the idea of it being able to turn into a chain sword or should it just be a blunt cane?

The semblance will be the shockwave one just so we're clear.

The origin will be added too since I want to have a maximum of 6 origins before starting. Same goes for the weapon/semblance options.

So how about a warhammer that comes with a gravity manipulation semblance for maximum impact? What gun should we put on it? A mini gun?

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a5ead8 (318) No.704>>705


I'd say blunt cane, but maybe we can use the shockwave semblance to send vibrations through it to make it like a chainsword or something? We can go nuts, really.

>Warhammer with gravity manipulation.

We Halo now. If we want to go Halo with it, make a shotgun or assault rifle added into the grip.

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a5ead8 (318) No.705>>706 >>707

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>tfw Gravity Hammah Time in Halo 3

Good times.

Imma throw my lot in an make a suggestion about weapon/semblance.

So we have a swordchain saw, ya dig? Now the gimmick is that since it has to work as a slice and tearing weapon to actually be effective agaisnt the grimm the blade's gottagofast. To make it go fast the dust concoction we use it's a bit unstable with a tendency to blow up. So we turned that into am advantage and set it up with an ejecting mechanism.


Semblance would be high durability so that we can survive our own weapon in case it blows on our face.

The downsides would be that we'd have either one big shot (or however many spare blades we have with us) and then then weapon's pretty much useless.

How's that sound?

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a5ead8 (318) No.706

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a5ead8 (318) No.707>>708


Sounds interesting. How much fighting are we likely to be doing?

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a5ead8 (318) No.708>>709


It depends on you guys. I was planning on adjusting it to your liking but mostly using it to break up the monotony of just socializing. There's going to be an actual plot which will require you guys to fight some stuff so be prepared for that much.

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a5ead8 (318) No.709


Alright, good. Looking forward to the finalized list then.

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a5ead8 (318) No.710>>711 >>712 >>713 >>714

Example of weapon/semblance:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols. Blink semblance.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Claymore/Shotgun. Invulnerability semblance.

4. Cane/Chain-whip-sword. Shockwave semblance

5. Warhammer/Shotgun. Gravity Manipulation semblance.

6. ???

I was thinking for the last one we could go with two gauntlets used for punching, both come with wrist mounted crossbows for the ballistic part. Heck, maybe even a trident that works sort of like Weiss' rapier and can have dust channeled into the three points for different effects.

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a5ead8 (318) No.711>>712


I like the trident idea. With a sort of flame dustthrower/ice dustthrower/lightning dustthrower combination? Powerful, but limited in range and with a chance of friendly fire.

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a5ead8 (318) No.712


My vote would either be Glaive/Rifle or Cane/allthatshit.

For the last one, I'd say a polearm like a trident or a halberd.


Just go full fucking Nazi Zombies and have it be like those buildable staffs. Fire, Ice, Wind and Lightning that can be switched out by using different imbued dust containers, like how they reload in the game.

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a5ead8 (318) No.713


Allow me to weigh in here:

Drop the gravity manipulation semblance. That sort of power is not the type of thing you want to give to the protagonist in a setting like this, as a first year student. Gravity is the tier of power that should belong to higher-tier antagonists further down the line.

I like the glaive idea, myself.

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a5ead8 (318) No.714>>715 >>716

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>tfw QM didn't like my idea

I guess I'll go with thr Glaive as well

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a5ead8 (318) No.715



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a5ead8 (318) No.716>>717


I didn't really understand you weapon ('cause I'm dumb) and didn't put it in, yet.

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a5ead8 (318) No.717>>718 >>719

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I've provided some crappy visual aid so that hopefully my idea is clearer

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a5ead8 (318) No.718>>719


Nah mang, you wanna have a chainsaw sword, you don't make the hilt like an ACTUAL chainsaw's. That's boring as shit. Just make it like a fancy lightsaber/sword hilt mix where you either pour your energy in or press a fancy button to make it go "Vrrrrrr"

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a5ead8 (318) No.719>>720

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Well shit. I have to add this to this list now. Just don't be sad if the other choose something else. I can always add it in somewhere though.


Like this?

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a5ead8 (318) No.720


Aww yeah, das' what I'm talking about. Looks vaguely steampunkish, and I like that. First pic, at least.

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a5ead8 (318) No.721>>722 >>723

Example of weapon/semblance:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols. Blink semblance.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Claymore/Shotgun. Invulnerability semblance.

4. Cane/Chain-whip-sword. Shockwave semblance

5. Trident/Dust Thrower. ???

6. Chainsaw-Sword. ???

I think the weapons should all be done once I figure out good semblances for the two. How do you guys feel about my idea for the crossbow gauntlets though?

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a5ead8 (318) No.722


Not bad, though I'm still leaning toward the cane/chain-whip-sword. I've always liked canes as weapons.

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a5ead8 (318) No.723


I'm throwing my lot in with either the Glaive/Rifle or Trident/Dust shooter.

Unless our backstory would fit working with a cane weapon better, then that one.

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a5ead8 (318) No.725>>726 >>730 >>731 >>732

Here's my work so far. Feedback is always appreciated.

Example of weapon/semblance:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols. Blink semblance.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Claymore/Shotgun. Invulnerability semblance.

4. Cane/Chain-whip-sword. Shockwave semblance.

5. Trident/Dust Thrower. Storm Semblance.

6. Chainsaw-Sword. ???

7. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows. Chameleon semblance.

Examples of character origin:

1. Trouble Maker: You grew up in a troubled neighborhood with no shortage of faunus punks and quickly picked up on how to survive in a hostile urban environment. You managed to make it through combat school using a combination of your natural brawling skills as well as some rather shady methods.

2. Outsider: You are an outsider born on the kingdom's border where the grim fighting is at it's thickest. Being the most skilled fighter in the area, your family decided to send you off to Beacon to become a Huntsman. You're cocky, skilled, but a pretty friendly guy outside of that. Your families history during the war might cause some trouble though.

3. Well Learned Student: You hail from the inner city and have never really explored the world beyond that. Your combat prowess are on par with your brain power and give you insight into many intellectual fields that others might not have, though it's mostly pertaining to the creatures of grim and the history of Remnant. Your family has ties with the Schnee Dust Company and you've been provided with whatever you could ever want by your rich parents who have pretty high expectations for you as a Huntsman.

4. Wealthy Heir: You're the son of a well know dust-selling merchant but your wealthy life just doesn't cut it for a thrill-seeking pretty boy such as yourself. After acing your way through combat school you've made your way to Beacon Academy thanks to a combination of your good grades and of course money. You're as handsome as you are deadly, a real lady killer.

I think I'll come up with one more origin then we're good for that. Would you happen to have a suggestion for a semblance for that chainsaw thing, Ocelot?

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a5ead8 (318) No.726>>734


My vote of course goes to the chainsaw. As for semblance, how does Attack Prediction sound?

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a5ead8 (318) No.730


I like it. My vote would be for either the cane or the trident, with the Wealthy Heir backstory. Money may be able to get us out of some tight situations (or into others).

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a5ead8 (318) No.731


I think so far, my votes would be for Glaive or Trident.

For origin, either Outsider or Wealthy Heir. Heir sounds funner/sillier though, and might work better with the cane weapon, so that's my exception.

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a5ead8 (318) No.732


I'm gonna stick with the cane for my vote and I think the Student or Wealthy Heir origin sound good. It'd be interesting to see how our character's wealth could affect the plot.

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a5ead8 (318) No.734>>735


I could actually remove the claymore/shotgun weapon and add its invulnerability semblance to the chainsaw since it seems to match with it better. Six weapons are enough anyway.

Possibly the final list:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols. Blink semblance.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle. Agile Strike semblance.

3. Cane/Chain-whip-sword. Shockwave semblance.

4. Trident/Dust Thrower. Storm Semblance.

5. Chainsaw-Sword. Invulnerability semblance.

6. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows. Chameleon semblance.

Examples of character origin:

1. Trouble Maker: You grew up in a troubled neighborhood with no shortage of faunus punks and quickly picked up on how to survive in a hostile urban environment. You managed to make it through combat school using a combination of your natural brawling skills as well as some rather shady methods.

2. Outsider: You are an outsider born on the kingdom's border where the grim fighting is at it's thickest. Being the most skilled fighter in the area, your family decided to send you off to Beacon to become a Huntsman. You're cocky, skilled, but a pretty friendly guy outside of that. Your families history during the war might cause some trouble though.

3. Well Learned Student: You hail from the inner city and have never really explored the world beyond that. Your combat prowess are on par with your brain power and give you insight into many intellectual fields that others might not have, though it's mostly pertaining to the creatures of grim and the history of Remnant. Your family has ties with the Schnee Dust Company and you've been provided with whatever you could ever want by your rich parents who have pretty high expectations for you as a Huntsman.

4. Wealthy Heir: You're the son of a well know dust-selling merchant but your wealthy life just doesn't cut it for a thrill-seeking pretty boy such as yourself. After acing your way through combat school you've made your way to Beacon Academy thanks to a combination of your good grades and of course money. You're as handsome as you are deadly, a real lady killer.

5. Hero in Training: You haven't had many encounters with Grimm but you certainly grew up hearing plenty of stories of them and the heroes of old who slew them. Once you grew old enough you enrolled in combat school in hopes of one day becoming a huntersman and protecting the weak.

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a5ead8 (318) No.735>>736 >>774


That works just as well, thanks QM!

Since I'm guessing this is the final list I'll just go ahead and vote on story and revote for weapon

I'm going for Outsider with the Chainsaw. Do we have enough "players" that a countfag is required?

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a5ead8 (318) No.736>>737 >>738 >>744

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I'll post tomorrow after giving it some thought. We'll probably be doing a vote though since everything seems to be in order now. Everyone should keep in mind that not everyone can be a winner and your design ideas might not be the one we go with.

As for the characters appearance, we could probably decide together instead of voting on a bunch of pre-made costumes.

As for the possible romances, there will be quite a bit on the table in terms of choices. Things are gonna stick close to the canon so Pyrrha will still be after Juane, Nora will still love Ren, and Juane will still be after Weiss. This could result in drama which could make things rather interesting. You can also form friendships and become bros with Juane and Sun if it pleases you.

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a5ead8 (318) No.737


Forgot my name.

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a5ead8 (318) No.738>>739 >>741 >>751


Alright, vote tomorrow, we're GETTING PLACES. Aww yeah.

Anyway, another question; Where exactly in the canon ARE we? Do we pop in the same time team RWBY does, or later, or before?

As for Romance, I only care for the main cast. Yang and Weiss especially.

Probably Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.739>>740


Voting will most likely begin tomorrow, yes. Just wait for me to give the go-ahead.

The story will be starting with you getting on a ship to Beacon at the same time Ruby, Yang, and the others. Things might be slow at first but it shouldn't take long while also giving you time to mingle with the characters.

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a5ead8 (318) No.740


Alright, awesome. Can't wait for the vote then.

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a5ead8 (318) No.741>>742 >>745


>Yang and Weiss especially

>Probably Weiss

>Not best girl Ruby because real best girl Pyrrha is unavailable

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a5ead8 (318) No.742


I can give you that Ruby is a super qt and is definitely one of the best girls.

I'd still prefer Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.743

A threesome romance featuring White Rose would be nice.

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a5ead8 (318) No.744>>745

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Hey man I know how it is, I'm not a sore looser. If peeps don't like my ideas then they just don't, nota big deal. This is about having fun with the rest of the board I'm not gonna be a notfunallowed faggot just because the board chose differently.

posting best girl

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a5ead8 (318) No.745>>746

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>Not her delicious blonde sister

Step it up, senpais.

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a5ead8 (318) No.746>>750

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>Implying you wouldn't cuddle the shit out of this adorable girl and then gaze lovingly into her gorgeous silver eyes while whispering secrets to each other all night.

But this is talk for another thread.

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a5ead8 (318) No.748>>749 >>750 >>751 >>752 >>757 >>758 >>759

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Something to keep in mind is that the following abilities can be combined with Dust to create a variety of interesting effects.

Weapon/Semblance Options:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols, Blink semblance: You are able to quickly fade and appear a few yards away from where you originally were. You can even pass through certain terrain like fences.

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle, Agile Strike semblance: You're able to use your aura to quickly strike the opponent with deadly accuracy.

3. Cane/Chain-whip-sword, Shock Wave semblance: You can use your aura to create mighty shock waves with your weapon or even your bare hands.

4. Trident/Dust Thrower, Storm Semblance: Conjure up weak or even violent storms with the waving of your trident or hands to cause chaos on the battle field.

5. Chainsaw-Sword, Invulnerability semblance: Use your aura to create a protective barrier around your skin that will protect your from just about anything.

6. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows, Chameleon semblance: You can use your aura to cloak yourself to blend into your surroundings and possibly catch your prey by surprise. Maybe even make a quick escape if necessary?

The following origins might make your dice rolls or personal interaction easier or harder.

Character Origins:

1. Trouble Maker: You grew up in a troubled neighborhood with no shortage of faunus punks and quickly picked up on how to survive in a hostile urban environment. You managed to make it through combat school using a combination of your natural brawling skills as well as some rather shady methods.

2. Outsider: You are an outsider born on the kingdom's border where the grim fighting is at it's thickest. Being the most skilled fighter in the area, your family decided to send you off to Beacon to become a Huntsman. You're cocky, skilled, but a pretty friendly guy outside of that. Your families history during the war might cause some trouble though.

3. Well Learned Student: You hail from the inner city and have never really explored the world beyond that. Your combat prowess are on par with your brain power and give you insight into many intellectual fields that others might not have, though it's mostly pertaining to the creatures of grim and the history of Remnant. Your family has ties with the Schnee Dust Company and you've been provided with whatever you could ever want by your rich parents who have pretty high expectations for you as a Huntsman.

4. Wealthy Heir: You're the son of a well know dust-selling merchant but your wealthy life just doesn't cut it for a thrill-seeking pretty boy such as yourself. After acing your way through combat school you've made your way to Beacon Academy thanks to a combination of your good grades and of course money. You're as handsome as you are deadly, a real lady killer.

5. Hero in Training: You haven't had many encounters with Grimm but you certainly grew up hearing plenty of stories of them and the heroes of old who slew them. Once you grew old enough you enrolled in combat school in hopes of one day becoming a huntersman and protecting the weak.

Voting Starts Now!

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a5ead8 (318) No.749>>751


You can all vote for one weapon/semblance and a character origin. This vote will continue for a day or so to make sure everyone gets a chance to cast a vote. Post any questions if you have them.

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a5ead8 (318) No.750>>751 >>774

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>tfw I just want to spend the whole day baking cookies then feed her sweet treats while listening to her go on and on about all the new additions and fixes she made to crescent rose all day


My vote doesn't change, and it's right here>>735


Who's you're waifu? :^3

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a5ead8 (318) No.751>>752 >>753 >>754


Are we going to be required to take up a trip-code or to name-fag? Because those are sort of an eh scenario.


I would advocate for:

> Glaive/Sniper Rifle

> Outsider

The trouble maker is just kind of a done-to-death scenario, hero in training is too close to Ruby, wealth heir is too close to Weiss, and well learned student implies that the character would have more knowledge than we already have as protagonist. While the outsider is also a bit of a cliche, it means our character isn't too far displaced from us as the player in terms of knowledge. Thus, outsider is the best choice.

The glaive/sniper-rifle combination fits perfectly into this. The long reach combined with a distance helps symbolize the place of the character within context of the setting, and as an outsider to the rest, while still incorporation a degree of flashiness to flow with the characters bravado. This symbolic effect is excellent in terms of character building, and as the character grows more adept at using his semblance, the closer proximity brought with greater agility to avoid helps to symbolize his becoming one with everyone in Beacon. Most of the other combinations come rather close to the characters already in the RWBY story. Admittedly, the glaive/rifle doesn't stray too far from Crescent Rose, but the fighting style involved in an actual pole-arm versus the a scythe is so foreign that it maintains a sense of uniqueness.


> being a feeder

You complete monster.


Weiss would probably be the best choice for any of the given origins. Ruby still doesn't seem mature enough for that sort of thing, while Yang doesn't seem to mesh in personality type quite as well as the Ice Queen. Plus, it gives a more interesting scenario for interactions with Jaune and the rest.

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a5ead8 (318) No.752

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Alright, I suppose my final votes are as follows

Weapon: Glaive/Rifle. Predator Concrete Style, aww yeah.

Origin: I'm feeling the Wealthy Heir. What great fun to stroll around as a rich, overconfident asshole, breakin' hearts and breakin' hymens. Of course, during that origin, we'd have to make difference between our personality and Weiss', but that's part of the fun.


I think tripping is only if you want to get something unique across/help out in any way, so not required.

Also yes, Weiss is probably the most interesting cause of interactions and she a qt.

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a5ead8 (318) No.753>>754 >>755

>Who's you're waifu? :^3

Ruby or Weiss. I'm really on the fence about this subject.


>The trouble maker is just kind of a done-to-death scenario, hero in training is too close to Ruby, wealth heir is too close to Weiss, and well learned student implies that the character would have more knowledge than we already have as protagonist. While the outsider is also a bit of a cliche, it means our character isn't too far displaced from us as the player in terms of knowledge. Thus, outsider is the best choice.

>The glaive/sniper-rifle combination fits perfectly into this. The long reach combined with a distance helps symbolize the place of the character within context of the setting, and as an outsider to the rest, while still incorporation a degree of flashiness to flow with the characters bravado. This symbolic effect is excellent in terms of character building, and as the character grows more adept at using his semblance, the closer proximity brought with greater agility to avoid helps to symbolize his becoming one with everyone in Beacon. Most of the other combinations come rather close to the characters already in the RWBY story. Admittedly, the glaive/rifle doesn't stray too far from Crescent Rose, but the fighting style involved in an actual pole-arm versus the a scythe is so foreign that it maintains a sense of uniqueness.

Are you sure you shouldn't be running this adventure? I kid though. Sort of.

>Are we going to be required to take up a trip-code or to name-fag? Because those are sort of an eh scenario.

Not at all. I'm just gonna use a name for the time being since I'm not really a fan of using a trip code but still need to let people know who I am.

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a5ead8 (318) No.754

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>Are we going to be required to take up a trip-code or to name-fag? Because those are sort of an eh scenario.

Since this sort of game is vote based some sort of measure to prevent samefagging is needed. At least that's my understanding of it


>Ruby or Weiss

patrician taste

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a5ead8 (318) No.755


I'm just here to see how the story plays out, QM. The descriptions are just showing off to see if I can deceptively twist the minds of any Anon reading into voting the same way. It's my semblance.

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a5ead8 (318) No.756

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Looks like the Glaive/Sniper rifle is pretty well loved at the moment. I'll definitely have to check back tomorrow and see what the rest of you guys think.

I'm kind of getting nervous now since you guys probably have a lot of hopes for this thing. Just don't expect anything 10/10-tier from me since I'm pretty new to Quests and CYOAs. This is my third CYOA just so you guys know.

Also don't be afraid to post in this meta thread when I screw up in the official quest thread and tell me about how I messed up someones characterization or whatever. I need feedback/criticism to improve after all and can pretty much take anything mean you might have to say.

The official quest shall begin in a few days once I've got everything set up. If the BO is interested in keeping this thread stickies for meta discussion and feedback then that would be really nice.

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a5ead8 (318) No.757


I vote for the Cane/Chain-whip-sword and the Wealthy Heir background. Mostly for the fun of

>breakin' hearts and breakin' hymens

As Buran put it.

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a5ead8 (318) No.758


I standby the Cane/Wealthy Heir choice, although I hope if it wins, we don't end up being too much like Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.759


I standby the Cane/Wealthy Heir choice, although I hope if it wins, we don't end up being too much like Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.765>>774

So the current votes are currently:

Weapon/Semblance Options:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols, Blink semblance: 0

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle, Agile Strike semblance: 2

3. Cane/Chain-whip-sword, Shock Wave semblance: 2

4. Trident/Dust Thrower, Storm Semblance: 0

5. Chainsaw-Sword, Invulnerability semblance: 1

6. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows, Chameleon semblance: 0

Character Origins:

1. Trouble Maker: 0

2. Outsider: 2

3. Well Learned Student: 0

4. Wealthy Heir: 3

5. Hero in Training: 0

Looks like Wealthy Heir is the most popular origin while the Glaive/Sniper Rifle and Cane/Chain-Whip Sword are tied right now. I'm gonna give this another day to see if anyone wants to step in and break the tie. Otherwise we can always have a debate/battle royale to see which one we go with.

We currently appear to have 5 players so that's at least something.

Any posts above No.748 don't count as votes so get in here and let your voice be heard!

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a5ead8 (318) No.774>>776 >>777


We can just ask chainsaw-sword guy if he prefers the cane-chain-whip-sword or the glaifle-rifle.



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a5ead8 (318) No.776>>777


I guess we'll have to wait for him to show up.

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a5ead8 (318) No.777>>778



Guess I'm tie breaker huh? I'll go with Glaive+Rifle combo I'll try not to cry while I cuddle the print out of muh chainsaw

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a5ead8 (318) No.778>>780

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Don't worry, Ocelot. I'll find a way to shoehorn the exploding chainsaw in somehow.

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a5ead8 (318) No.780

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Thanks QM you're the best!

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a5ead8 (318) No.781>>782 >>793

So the current votes are currently:

Weapon/Semblance Options:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols, Blink semblance: 0

2. Glaive/Sniper Rifle, Agile Strike semblance: 3

3. Cane/Chain-whip-sword, Shock Wave semblance: 2

4. Trident/Dust Thrower, Storm Semblance: 0

5. Chainsaw-Sword, Invulnerability semblance: 0

6. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows, Chameleon semblance: 0

Character Origins:

1. Trouble Maker: 0

2. Outsider: 2

3. Well Learned Student: 0

4. Wealthy Heir: 3

5. Hero in Training: 0

I looks like the main character is going to be a Wealthy Heir who wields a Glaive/Sniper Rifle then.

What do you guys think about coming up with a general appearance/color scheme for the character? Or do you guys prefer to use your imagination?

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a5ead8 (318) No.782>>783 >>784


I don't think the appearance will matter. If anything, we should try to establish some form of personality first. Maybe just some quirks, way of speaking/acting, goals, stuff like that.

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a5ead8 (318) No.783

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>stablish some form of personality first

I'm down with this. In fact I'd go as far as to say since we have the origin and weapon/semblance down we could go ahead and start leaving traits and quirks be decided mid game

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a5ead8 (318) No.784>>785 >>787 >>793 >>797

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We could go about establishing the main characters personality several different ways:

1. We decide what he'll be like here and now before beginning the adventure.

2. Or we can just have him be a blank slate at the start and let your choices determine his personality.

If we decide to make his personality now then we should probably take into account that some players don't want to essentially be Weiss with a dick, your character's going to be a rich kid after all. Some others have suggested the whole "breaking heart and breaking hymens" thing which I certainly got a good laugh out of. If you want to be different from Weiss but still a bit of a dick then you can certainly pull it off.


>Maybe just some quirks, way of speaking/acting, goals, stuff like that.

I'm certainly open to suggestions from you guys. If we can come to a consensus on what he's going to be like then we're pretty much good to go.

Here's an example of how choices will be made just so you guys have a good idea of how things will work:

>You are Anonymous, wealthy heir, and slayer of Grimm.

>Your on one of your usual strolls when you see some brutes bullying an innocent faunus girl with rabbit ears. She looks like she's on the very of tears and the bullies show no signs of stopping as they berate the poor girl.

How should you deal with this situation?

1. Step in and defend the faunus girl from the bullies, use force if necessary.

2. Try to be diplomatic and convince the bullies that she's not worth their time.

3. Rush into the fray and assault the ring leader of the gang.

4. Run and fetch a teacher to put a stop to the madness.

5. Ignore the blatant display of intolerance and keep walking.

6. Ask if you can join them.

7. Keep walking but make a comment about the faunus deserving it.

The above choices will all have different consequences. One might get you beaten up, one might result in you making a new friend (or friends), and another might earn you an enemy (or enemies).

What do you guys think?

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a5ead8 (318) No.785>>786 >>787 >>797


I think our best would maybe be to be narcissistic, but quiet, one who prefers to show their power when needed rather than flaunt it or their status. Think Vergil, if he were richer.

I am also for establishing the personality by playing though, so either or, I guess.

The choices are great though. That system should definitely work, especially if you can keep a number like that and stray away from crappy Bethesda Jesus/Evil asshole choices only.

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a5ead8 (318) No.786>>789

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I no fan of the black and white moral choices in many video games so you probably won't have to worry about that.

The combat system is going to be rather similar to the dialogue with its multiple choices that also come with consequences as well as dice rolling in some cases to see if you succeed.

Let's wait and see what the others think. They might have some interesting points too.

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a5ead8 (318) No.787>>788 >>789

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>no choice to go on and interrupt, demand to know why faunus girl doesn't defend herself

Nah i kid. Choices look solid though, with pleanty of variety.

My preference would be to define who we are and how we behave through the hame choices but >>785 being a Vergil-esque mofo would be pretty cash

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a5ead8 (318) No.788


Haven't played a DMC game (yeah, I know),but I think I see what you guys are going for.

So that seems to be two players wanting a similar base for the character. How about the rest of you guys? I guess we'll still be fleshing the character out through choices.

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a5ead8 (318) No.789>>790


Alright, awesome. Will Romance show up through choices also, or will those be predetermined by vote?


Maybe our new semblance should be MOTIVATION

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a5ead8 (318) No.790>>791


The romances will be determined through your choices. Things are just gonna naturally develop and revolve around how you interact with and treat others. You guys will be choosing who you're friends with and who you decide to hang out with/open up to.

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a5ead8 (318) No.791


Aright, awesome. In that case, I don't think I have much else to add/ask at the moment. Can't wait for us to start up for reals.

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a5ead8 (318) No.793>>797


Excellent, excellent, excellent. This looks like it is taking shape very well. I like the variety of options you are giving, it does a good job of escaping the good/evil dichotomy from other games.


>What do you guys think about coming up with a general appearance/color scheme for the character?

I don't think the appearance will matter all too much. Are we going to create a name, or will we just be the great warrior Anonymous?

I agree with setting up a personality through choices. We could do it in game, or do an RPG class selecting style of being presented with hypothetical choices before the game starts and creating a personality from that. But all that effort could go into the main game instead, so whatever works.

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a5ead8 (318) No.797>>798

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Where's "step on the sweetroll?"




Well one of the things with Weiss is that she's portrayed as the high-class variety of rich person, with what seems to be a very demanding family. She's the Ice Queen of the group, and fights calmly and precisely, with the weapon of a noble to reflect that.

Our character is using the equipment traditionally employed by peasants, which implies that while he is a wealthy heir, he's not exactly being set up with the same standards to live in. If anything, that, plus the description that's been given prior, imply a frat boy type personality.

Something like that could make a good springboard to start off with, before adding a degree of depth. But our good friend Anonymous running around in a popped up collar with a nice Vacuo tattoo on his shoulder is certainly an amusing thought.

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a5ead8 (318) No.798>>800 >>802


>Our character is using the equipment traditionally employed by peasants, which implies that while he is a wealthy heir, he's not exactly being set up with the same standards to live in. If anything, that, plus the description that's been given prior, imply a frat boy type personality.

That actually an interesting interpretation of the character based on his weapon and origin.

>Something like that could make a good springboard to start off with, before adding a degree of depth. But our good friend Anonymous running around in a popped up collar with a nice Vacuo tattoo on his shoulder is certainly an amusing thought.

Yeah, the idea of Anonymous starting as a rich frat boy before slowly developing and changing into something else sounds like an interesting idea. Though if you guys want a Vacuo tattoo then you'd have to have some reasoning behind it like anything else. Would he be from Vacuo or did he just get it because he thought it looked cool? Keep in mind that the adventure is taking place at Beacon and not Vacuo.

What do you other guys think about this?

I know this character creation is kind of taking a while so I hope you guys don't mind that.

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a5ead8 (318) No.800>>801 >>802

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Don't mind it at all

Honestly, I don't like the sound of Vacuo frat boy. You already saw the type of character I'd want to be if we had an initial starting personality.

And I think the retread of 'peasantry' when weapons are involved only really applies to our universe. Here, it seems like most could develop their own weapons, so it could've been our own personal test of character, and we just liked polearms more than others for that precision/intimidation factor, or historical success of that type of weapon.

Of course, my best idea for our glaive comes from pic related, which is high-tech, serrated and collapsible, so it's obviously a more advanced weapon than what we've used in our history.

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a5ead8 (318) No.801>>802 >>806 >>807 >>811

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>Honestly, I don't like the sound of Vacuo frat boy. You already saw the type of character I'd want to be if we had an initial starting personality.

Heh, yeah. Almost forgot about that part.

Okay so how about this as the base personality to expand on with your choices as suggested by Buran?

>I think our best would maybe be to be narcissistic, but quiet, one who prefers to show their power when needed rather than flaunt it or their status. Think Vergil, if he were richer.

We don't really need a super in depth personality to start since that can be taken care of as we go. I'm not gonna throw any moral curveballs at you guys so you won't have to really worry much.

With this taken care of I can finally get to work on the story. I've got everything pretty much outlined and have a pretty good idea of where it's going so I can just fill some things in as we go. The plot will be following the show to an extent but I'm just going to fix a few things, throw some new stuff into the mix, and also plan a few curveballs to keep you guys guessing. I'm going to be introducing three other characters for Anonymous' team which he'll be leading. If you guys have any reasonable suggestions for the adventure then now would be a good time to pitch them.

We'll start off by boarding the airship with a few characters roaming around which you can interact with or ignore if it suits you. Pretty much every important action will require you guys to come to some sort of consensus before proceeding so I'm going to try and have plenty of >greentext between you guys and your choices. The story will be written in >greentext because my prose are crap, I'm sure you're used to stories being written in that form on *chans though.

The beginning of our journey draws near!

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a5ead8 (318) No.802


It's more symbolism than literal fact, but yeah, a point.


I was thinking more along the lines of those people who get a Chinese tattoo or whatever because it looks cool, without knowing what it means.


Looking forward to it.

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a5ead8 (318) No.804>>805


> chain sword?


>Not 40k

Alright, that's some heresy. My weapon is going to be a Storm Shield (discharges electrical power field upon contact) and my semblance is Faith in the Emperor. I figure if it's just an OP slow, large melee weapon with no range to speak of unless thrown (Can't throw it very far), it is somewhat balanced.

As for Faith in the Emperor, maybe it could just be translated to a support/healer class type of thing. In what little D&D I played, I liked Clerics. Points in Wisdom and Dexterity.

Not sure if it really is passable. No character in RWBY has had a shield as a weapon, but I don't see why it wouldn't be possible….

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a5ead8 (318) No.805

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Forgotteded picture

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a5ead8 (318) No.806


Woohoo! That works fine, personality will be made.

Maybe some quests can be our character wanting to collect or create weapons or something, and thus we can drag in the weapons that didn't make the vote. Would also add another trait for our character, he collects stuff.

How important will the 3 new people be? Don't wanna take too much focus off the canon characters. Maybe some of our roommates could be characters who haven't done much in the series proper.


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a5ead8 (318) No.807


Sounds good! I'm eagerly checking for updates every few hours.

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a5ead8 (318) No.811>>812 >>816

>all this fucking activity happens when i slept the day away

Welp that sure showed me. I don't have much to add besides saying that I concur with Buran that being a fratboi doesn't sound too comfy to me, no offense to the anon who suggested. And I'm 100% behind choosing personally through choice consensus. Other than that I'm pretty excited about this game!


Now if I may make another suggestion this time pertaining to the team. Since we already have a set of origins weapons and semblances why not take from that to make our teammmates?

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a5ead8 (318) No.812>>813



>Not checking /rwby/ every 5 minutes

>Missing updates

It's like you don't even want to be transported into a wonderful world full of attractive, powerful young women with exciting lives and adventures.

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a5ead8 (318) No.813>>814


I was too tired after work. Pls no bully ;_;

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a5ead8 (318) No.814>>815


Read and r8 my fanfic in the other thread and I'll never bully anyone again ;^)

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a5ead8 (318) No.815>>818


gimme a link an i'll r8 8/8 m8 ;^3

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a5ead8 (318) No.816>>817


"Now if I may make another suggestion this time pertaining to the team. Since we already have a set of origins weapons and semblances why not take from that to make our teammmates?

I can certainly give the other weapons to your team mates. I'm still going to come up with the team though since we'll just be here all year trying to come up with ideas and then vote on them.

I'm thinking of basing the team members off of a common theme much like JNPR and CFVY. Maybe the three can be like heroes from mythology or something? Or maybe book characters that I'm familiar with?

What weapons/semblances do you guys want the other team members to have? Should they all get one of the following or maybe I can come up with something else?

Weapon/Semblance Options:

1. Duel Katars/Pistols, Blink semblance.

2. Cane/Chain-whip-sword, Shock Wave semblance.

3. Trident/Dust Thrower, Storm Semblance.

4. Chainsaw-Sword, Invulnerability semblance.

5. Gauntlets/Mini-Crossbows, Chameleon semblance.

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a5ead8 (318) No.817>>822


Perhaps DC superheroes? The trident/dust thrower belongs to Aquaman, and the the gauntlets/mini-crossbows belong to Huntress?

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a5ead8 (318) No.818


It's >>769. Don't r8 8/8 I need honest feedback. After the re-reading the first day's work, it needs a lot of editing. I also need to be reminded of lore and to keep things as cannon as possible.

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a5ead8 (318) No.822>>823


That idea is fine if the others like it. You'll just have to give me time to quickly make the characters and stuff.

Where did the others anons go? Does it just slow down here during the weekend?

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a5ead8 (318) No.823>>824



I wouldn't say DC, let's be a bit more pretentious. Mythology definitely works, I'd say maybe some rip off of the ever-famous Greco-Roman, Shinto, or Norse. Maybe one from each.

I mean, Yuno Gasai is referential of Juno/Hera, so we could expy her.

*RWBY needs a yandere.*

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a5ead8 (318) No.824>>825


>Mythology definitely works, I'd say maybe some rip off of the ever-famous Greco-Roman, Shinto, or Norse. Maybe one from each.

I mean, Yuno Gasai is referential of Juno/Hera, so we could expy her.

I certainly think so. A huge and devilishly handsome guy with flowing blonde hair and eyes as blue as sapphire could play the part of Baldr from Norse mythology, though I can always do someone else since I'm a pretty big fan of Norse/Germanic lore myself. We could make also make a female with the crossbow gauntlets be like Artemis from Greek myth and make her "yandere" which I believe is weeb for creepy/crazy. There's already a Neptune in the show so we can't really go with that if we already have a Roman/Greek reference already.

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a5ead8 (318) No.825>>826


Baldr or maybe Freyja or Skadi. Let's try to have one bro and two girls, or three girls for fun choices and plot stuff.

Yandere is "A Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone (or at least innocent) before their devotion becomes destructive in nature" Basically, they love somebody to the point of violent/crazy obsession. Fun stuff.

And maybe some other mythology. Babylonian is fun. And I don't know if we should have someone use the trident since we already wield a polearm. Maybe they use the Katars?

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a5ead8 (318) No.826>>827


My mythological knowledge is pretty much limited to Greek so I don't know how much help I will be here.

Are we looking to link figures to the weapon options, like with Artemis and the mini crossbows?

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a5ead8 (318) No.827>>828 >>830


It'd be cool if we could.

Also, I guess we'll have to come up with fancy names for the weapons, too. Or at least a name for our character's weapon.

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a5ead8 (318) No.828>>831


Yeah, and I wouldn't mind a character name, either. "Anonymous" unites us all as one, but also divides us into many. And a colour based name would give us a starter for a colour scheme. I'll use my not in any way amazing talents to draw our character if we can agree upon a basic look. I'd guess we take the personality trait and go from there, wearing something like a stylized suit, or maybe an altered Shinsengumi uniform.

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a5ead8 (318) No.830


>Or at least a name for our character's weapon.

How about Halberdier or some variation of the name? I can take care of the naming for the other weapons.

So for the first team member we'll be going with a Baldr inspired character as well as a female inspired by Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. I can give Baldr the chainsaw sword and invulnerability semblance to make him more like a berserker or even give him a double bitted axe like Conan the barbarian if you like.

If the above options are good then we are left with just the Katars, Cane, and Trident. I can make up some new weapon/semblances if that's fine and maybe make a King Arthur inspired character which will make naming their weapon easy as pie.

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a5ead8 (318) No.831>>836

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I'm fine with naming the main character whatever you guys like as long as it fits within the conventional naming rules found in the RWBY universe.

How about pic related as a costume choice with maybe a armor plate here or there? Maybe a nice dark emerald green for colour?

Monocle and top hat optional.

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a5ead8 (318) No.836


Well, our name/theme should probably fit with some kind of historical/mythological precedence. RWBY is all fairy tale girls, and JNPR is, according to people, characters who cross-dressed, historical or otherwise. So we need a cool thing with which to draw our name and the other 3 from.

Maybe something like the 4 horsemen or legendary dragons. Aww yeeah

As for costume, come on man. No fedora and trenchcoat? Laaaame.

Honestly, not too big a fan on that design. I'm no help here cause I don't know what I WOULD want, but I promise I'll try to find something at some point.

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a5ead8 (318) No.837>>842

>Well, our name/theme should probably fit with some kind of historical/mythological precedence. RWBY is all fairy tale girls, and JNPR is, according to people, characters who cross-dressed, historical or otherwise. So we need a cool thing with which to draw our name and the other 3 from.

Well you're a rich heir with a halberd so maybe you're inspired by some sort of warrior who was also fought on the battle field?

>Honestly, not too big a fan on that design. I'm no help here cause I don't know what I WOULD want, but I promise I'll try to find something at some point

What's important is finishing the team at this point anyway.

So far I've got:

1. Baldr (Norse)

2. Artemis (Greek)

3. King Arthur (European)

Do you guys like these mythological characters as inspirations for party members? I'm gonna take care of the designing stuff just to make this move along quicker but would you guys like Baldr to use the chainsaw swords or the huge battle axe?

Anonymous can always be the odd one out if you guys are fine with that. I can't really think of any heroes that fit him well enough.

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a5ead8 (318) No.838

Here's some possible heroes Anonymous can be inspired by:



Charles was a Saint so that's kind of mythical/grand.

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a5ead8 (318) No.842>>843 >>851

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Ok, I had a few hours to spare so I drew a picture of what our character should look like.

I'm thinking something along the lines of "Adam Verdant" for the name.

As you can see, he has a green and grey colour scheme, and is of pure Aryan descent. His sniper glaive is pretty cool, and he has a tie, cool coat and big boots.

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a5ead8 (318) No.843>>844


Verdant seems like a fine name, but Adam has already been taken in the show.

Any other first names we could use?

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a5ead8 (318) No.844>>845


I was looking at some possible names and found:



Might be fitting for a rich child. What do you guys think of these first names?

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a5ead8 (318) No.845


I play Crusader Kings, so I totally know about rich kid names.

My favorite I feel would be Valentin. Verdant sounds cool too, have a recurring joke where everyone pronounces it in a bad French accent.

Latin is a goldmine for pretentious names, so here's a couple I found: Aemilius, Constantine, Diocletian, Octavius, Vigilius

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a5ead8 (318) No.846>>847 >>849

Okay guys. What do you think about these name options?

Verdant can be our character's last name but what should his first name be? If you guys want to suggest something else then please speak up!

1. Eric/Aric/Erik/

2. Aldric

3. Aemilius

4. Constantine

5. Diocletian

6. Octavius

7. Vigilius

I hope nobodies lift because the character gen is taking too long…

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a5ead8 (318) No.847>>848 >>850


Eric. Leave the overboard names to the Tumblr OCs.

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a5ead8 (318) No.848>>850


I should point out, though, that I'm not sure how accurate we're being to the color rule. So far it's always been first names that required that element, rather than last names.

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a5ead8 (318) No.849


I like Octavius just because it's the most rich kid sounding name on there.

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a5ead8 (318) No.850>>851 >>853 >>855



Fair points about the name of the character.

How about Verdant Octavius (maybe Vern for short)? The first name is a color and the last name sounds cool and fancy for a rich guy?

All in favor say aye!

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a5ead8 (318) No.851>>852 >>854 >>858 >>859


Eh, that certainly sounds do-able. I like the sound of it, at least.

It does mean, though, that:


Could use a little bit more reworking. The name, combined with what we intend for the appearance, makes me think we should look into the designs used in the Germanic region during the time of the Holy Roman Empire.

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a5ead8 (318) No.852>>855


No need to get hung up on the art. That's not really as important as everything else since it's basically just fan art anyway. If we start doing that then we'll be here all summer trying to figure out what kind of socks he wears on Tuesday.

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a5ead8 (318) No.853>>854


That's cool with me.

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a5ead8 (318) No.854

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That's two positive votes so far. I'll just wait for Ocelot and Buran to weigh in.

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a5ead8 (318) No.855>>856


Sounds okay, though maybe Verd over Vern. Vern just reminds me of Vern Troyer and that bad skit on Family Guy.


He obviously wears stockings on Tuesdays.

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a5ead8 (318) No.856


>He obviously wears stockings on Tuesdays.


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a5ead8 (318) No.857>>860 >>861 >>863

It looks like the characters name will be Verdant Octavius at this rate, as long as nobody really protests to it.

I'm gonna get some more work done before we begin our adventure. I hope you guys are as hyped/nervous as I am!

I'm willing to take suggestions for things you'd like to see in the adventure before we truly begin, so post them suggestions!

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a5ead8 (318) No.858>>859 >>863


Are you talking shit about my art? You'd better not be. Or else….I'll break your legs!

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a5ead8 (318) No.859

File (hide): 1438275100539.jpg (137.48 KB,1024x576,16:9,Nora.jpg) (h) (u)



[/spoiler]Forgot the pic.[/spoiler]

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a5ead8 (318) No.860>>862 >>864


I like it!

Things I'd love to see:

-Lots of cute girls

-Lots of hot sex scenes

-Racial, ability, gender, gender-alignment and species-alignment diversity amongst the characters Lel, JK

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a5ead8 (318) No.861>>862 >>863 >>864



-Don't die or get too stressed about this shit

-Give us a warning if we fuck up really really badly

-Have lots of Yang appearances because she's muh waifu

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a5ead8 (318) No.862>>863 >>864


The first two points are exactly what I agree with. Cute girls especially.

And all of our creepy fetishes


Yang a sexiest RWBY

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a5ead8 (318) No.863>>864

File (hide): 1438318985988.png (374.78 KB,1024x576,16:9,117-d7s7036.png) (h) (u)


Come at me, bro.


Just a challenge. Nothing's worth having without working for it first, after all.



Fourth best, faggots.

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a5ead8 (318) No.864>>865 >>866


>-Lots of cute girls

>-Lots of hot sex scenes

Those two are pretty much a given so no need to worry there.


>-Don't die or get too stressed about this shit

I'll try my best not to die. Unfortunately, the Grim Reaper waits for no man.

>-Give us a warning if we fuck up really really badly

Not sure what I could possibly fuck up that bad that I could fix somehow.

>-Have lots of Yang appearances because she's muh waifu

Every important character is going to get plenty of time in the spotlight, even more so if you guys decide to hang around them.


>And all of our creepy fetishes

I can do fetishs as long as they fit into the story fine enough and aren't extreme stuff like water sport or even diaper.


>Just a challenge. Nothing's worth having without working for it first, after all.

I like providing a challenge for my player, no matter the game. I'll be sure to throw you guys some challenges for good measure. Not all the romantic partners are going to be super easy and throwing their pussies at you. I'd like to think that I'm capable of pacing the romances well enough so it doesn't feel like a blatant wish fulfillment story.

All your posts are noted and I'll be sure to keep them in mind while writing the story. You guys are fine with the whole saving the world deal while also getting plenty slice of life when not out fighting evil, right?

I want to keep it varied so you guys don't get bored.

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a5ead8 (318) No.865


Yep, I'm good with that.

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a5ead8 (318) No.866>>867



>Extreme like water sport or even diaper

Welp, nevermind then

All in all though, it looks pretty good. As long as it keeps interest, we can do any saving the world thing. I'm mostly in it for the slice of life honestly.

Looking forward to the true beginning of our story.

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a5ead8 (318) No.867


Goddamn fetishists, you ruin everything!

The only fetish people should like is cuddling.

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a5ead8 (318) No.868>>870

File (hide): 1438338094757.png (21.33 KB,908x605,908:605,Untitled.png) (h) (u)

Ok, I had some more free time, so I drew our Baldr-inspired teammate. I wasn't sure if we were going with the chainsaw-sword or the battleaxe, so I went with the axe.

As you can see, his design is inspired by Nordic mythology. He is dwarven in stature read:manlet, with a plaited beard and long, brown hair. The green and brown colour scheme is derived from the wood of Baldr's ship, Hringhorni and Blader's brow plant.

I'll be drawing the other two team members when I have time. Just to confirm, we're going with Artemis and King Arthur as inspirations?

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a5ead8 (318) No.869>>870

File (hide): 1438352484314-0.png (12.25 KB,908x605,908:605,Untitled 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1438352484404-1.png (11.52 KB,908x605,908:605,Untitled 2.png) (h) (u)

I hate a bit more time, so I decided to draw our Artemis-inspired teammate.

I went with a white/brown colour scheme. Artemis is the goddess of virginity (and, ironically, childbirth) so that explains the white, and she is a huntress, so brown for the trees and fur of the things she hunts.

Artemis is also the goddess of animals, and the deer is usually her symbol. I wanted to incorporate this somehow, so I made her a faunus (I hope that is ok with you guys).

I gave her a short, white dress, like some of the myths, and large hunting boots. I wasn't sure whether to go with the hunting cloak or not, so I did both, and I will let you guys decide what looks better, or would be more practical in combat.

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a5ead8 (318) No.870>>871


Yeah, King Arthur is the last one. He was either going to wield a sword and shield or a single bastard sword. His color scheme was going to be mostly red with a little white thrown in.


Not bad, though her horns will obviously be smaller in size.

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a5ead8 (318) No.871>>872


Excellent. Next time I have another 3 hours free I'll draw him. I was going to make him grey and red, but I can do red and white. Although that gets pretty close to St George territory.

I like the bastard sword idea. What ranged weapon would go with that?

Sorry if I've been messing with your ideas too much. I can re-attempt any of the art, but I don't really want to mess with these masterpieces.

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a5ead8 (318) No.872>>873


>What ranged weapon would go with that?

Probably an assault rifle since nobody seems to have one yet. His semblance will be the ability to absorb part of an enemies attack and just keep bottling it up in his aura before unleashing it in the form of a energy wave fired from his sword. When used with his gun, the attack basically rains death upon the enemy in a hail of bullets.

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a5ead8 (318) No.873


>unleashing it in the form of a energy wave fired from his sword

Aw hell yeah

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a5ead8 (318) No.874

File (hide): 1438399499801.jpg (142.33 KB,643x1023,643:1023,image.jpg) (h) (u)

Still having trouble coming up with a color related name for our Viking friend. Baldr is the god of light but I'm not sure if that's going to cut it.

Making characters is hard, mang. Now I know why Monty didn't sleep much.

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a5ead8 (318) No.875>>876 >>881

File (hide): 1438487379065.png (79.25 KB,363x337,363:337,824.png) (h) (u)

After hours of work, I think I might have the final team name:


>Verdant Octavius (You, the main character)

>Iris Astra (Artemis)

>Balder Einherjar (Baldr)

>Edread King (King Arthur)

Some of the name are a big of a stretch, but this is harder than you guys could possible imagine. I know VIBE isn't really a color but in my defence neither is CRDL or CFVY.


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a5ead8 (318) No.876>>877 >>881



Hooray, we're homosexuals.

Alright, I like the first 2 names. Verdant and Iris, they sound good and natural. Balder Einherjar is a maybe, although it sounds like a mish-mash of just 2 nordic words.

Edread just sounds silly, although I can't think of any other fitting E names for the character. Maybe just look up old Anglo-Saxon names? I know a character with Æ in their name just has to be a suave motherfucker.

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a5ead8 (318) No.877>>878


Edread is just Eadread without the 'a' in it. Eadread is an Anglo Saxon name meaning red/happy

I agree that an AE name is cool but it would throw off my **VIBEs*.

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a5ead8 (318) No.878>>879


Well, maybe give him a cool nickname with the Æ, but the embarrassing first name that is Eadread.

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a5ead8 (318) No.879>>882


>Well, maybe give him a cool nickname with the Æ, but the embarrassing first name that is Eadread.

I can do that. It might even make him a little interesting since he'll want to be called by his nickname and not his actual first name.

I'm gonna wait for the others to weigh in on this but it looks like we're gonna be good to go soon enough. The first part of our little story is almost ready to go. If you have any questions or want to talk about the CYOA before we start then that's cool.

Something I noticed is that team JNPR has the names oddly placed since Juane and Nora are beside each other despite not being partners. That might give us enough leeway to allow your partner to be random based upon you choices during the trial at the start of the adventure.

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a5ead8 (318) No.880>>881 >>882 >>889

Hai gaiz what i miss?

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a5ead8 (318) No.881>>882 >>883



I was going to suggest we get a team logo and then print up some shirts, but I'm not sure how I'd feel with "VIBE" written on my chest.


Only some of the best character design and concept art you will ever see.

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a5ead8 (318) No.882>>883 >>887


Yeah, don't worry about the name ordering too much. I think Ozpin just does that to be pretentious, so we can do whatever the crap we want. I don't think I have anymore questions though, so good on us!




Then don't do it on shirts. Make it something like a team armband. We can even have our own special team salute!

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a5ead8 (318) No.883>>884


>I was going to suggest we get a team logo and then print up some shirts, but I'm not sure how I'd feel with "VIBE" written on my chest.

Like having Verdant having his rich family create some shirt along the lines of Nora's "Boop" shit?


>Make it something like a team armband. We can even have our own special team salute!

I'm cool with this.

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a5ead8 (318) No.884>>885


>Like having Verdant having his rich family create some shirt along the lines of Nora's "Boop" shit?

Actually, that just made me think. What IS Verdant's relationship to his family? And who exactly makes up his family? Any siblings, tragic backstories, maybe an arranged marriage proposal?

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a5ead8 (318) No.885>>886


>Actually, that just made me think. What IS Verdant's relationship to his family? And who exactly makes up his family? Any siblings, tragic backstories, maybe an arranged marriage proposal?

We can figure that out as we go along. I'm pretty much ready to start any day now so you guys shouldn't have to wait much longer.

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a5ead8 (318) No.886


Alright, cool. I'll be looking forward to it then.

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a5ead8 (318) No.887>>888

File (hide): 1438581283376.jpg (29.82 KB,500x267,500:267,92.jpg) (h) (u)


>Make it something like a team armband

You mean something like this?

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a5ead8 (318) No.888


Yes, I think that's what he means.

>pic also related

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a5ead8 (318) No.889>>890 >>891


I assume you're caught up with everything now? What are your thoughts so far>

I also wanted to announce that I'm working on the stories intro after reading over the entire meta thread once again. I'll keep you guys posted!

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a5ead8 (318) No.890


Looking forward to it!

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a5ead8 (318) No.891

File (hide): 1438696813846.jpg (46.6 KB,600x338,300:169,VMNtev3.jpg) (h) (u)

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a5ead8 (318) No.892>>895

File (hide): 1438837884728.png (1.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,rwby beacon academy.png) (h) (u)

A super tiny snippet from what I've got so far so you guys can get an idea of how I write in greentext. Keep in mind that this introduction will be a lot more colorful and interested in its fully polished form, and that I'm a rookie writefag.


>You are Verdant Octavius, rich heir to Octavius Dust Supply.

>For year you have dreamed of breaking away from your boring life and live a more exciting life as a Huntsman. Thanks to a combination of wealth and good grades you have been accepted into the most prestigious school for Huntsmen in all of Vale, Beacon Academy. With a combination of your good looks, your trusty halberd, and an account full of Lien, you intend on taking the Academy by storm. And maybe even pick up a few cute girls along the way.


Thoughts and opintions on the sample would be great. I know it's not much but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging for several days.

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a5ead8 (318) No.895


It's good so far. Don't worry too much about the details. As long as the main plot points are there, we can use our imaginations to fill in the blanks or ask questions.

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a5ead8 (318) No.896>>897

File (hide): 1438875887251.png (16.53 KB,1026x588,171:98,Untitled.png) (h) (u)

Ok, I've drawn the basic design for our forth team member, Edread King. I apologise for the relative lack of quality of this particular picture, as I did it at home on my laptop with only a trackpad, not a mouse. As such, some of the lines aren't quite as straight as I would like. I know you guys expect the same quality as my other designs, so I am sorry I have not been able to deliver so far.

For the design I went with the QM's idea of mostly red with a touch of white and black. So here we have the red trousers, armoured red shirt with a white cross and black boots and belt. Again, he's of pure aryan descent, although my design has him wearing glasses in order to nerf his ubermensch status.

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a5ead8 (318) No.897>>899


I appreciate the art. Though the characters aren't going to look 100% like you posted. I'm hoping to leave it open enough to where everyone can have their own idea of what they look like.

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a5ead8 (318) No.899>>900


No problem, just my interpretation from the details we had so far. I just like to provide high-quality OC for the board.

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a5ead8 (318) No.900>>901


>I just like to provide high-quality OC for the board.

I'm sure we all do.

I know it's taking a long time to get started so I hope you guys aren't getting too antsy.

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a5ead8 (318) No.901


Nah, it's cool.

I've gotten good at being patient.

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a5ead8 (318) No.907>>908

File (hide): 1439268759427.jpg (247.15 KB,707x1000,707:1000,1386058514540.jpg) (h) (u)

Oh, no, is the thread dead?

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a5ead8 (318) No.908>>911 >>912 >>917

File (hide): 1439270225615.png (688.77 KB,1280x1849,1280:1849,tumblr_nn5f9p5RVb1tsnc1bo1….png) (h) (u)

So how do you guys feel about starting our CYOA/Quest this Friday afternoon EST? I'm pretty much ready to go and I'm eager to see what happens! I also hope you can all make it!


Far from it, my friend.

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a5ead8 (318) No.911


A specific time would be great. Afternoon can be so varied.

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a5ead8 (318) No.912>>918


I can stay up late to make it work :^)

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a5ead8 (318) No.917>>918


A Friday is fine too.

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a5ead8 (318) No.918>>919 >>926

Looks like it's gonna be Friday then. We'll be starting after 6:00 EST and continue until midnight.

After that I'll try to update every day (except Sundays) as long as something doesn't come up. The new thread will be made once we're ready to start on Friday and will be the official thread for the CYOA/Quest. This thread will remain as a meta discussion room.


Sorry about the time not working best for you. You'll still get the chance to post when I'm not here since I intend of retiring for the night with a vote of sorts asking for everyone's input on what to do next.


Glad it works.

Any questions?

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a5ead8 (318) No.919



I can't wait to see what you come up with.

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a5ead8 (318) No.926


>Sorry about the time not working best for you.

All good, time zones don't always work in my favour.

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a5ead8 (318) No.938>>939

File (hide): 1439527798988.jpg (307.9 KB,1280x1024,5:4,image.jpg) (h) (u)

The quest will begin tomorrow as planned. I hope you guys are ready!

I still don't have an actual name for it though. Maybe "Beacon Quest: Insert snappy title here"

I'd like it if this thread remained a stickie so it can stand as our official meta thread.

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a5ead8 (318) No.939>>940


I am extremely excited. For tonight, how long will we have to respond, or how many responses will you need before moving on?

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a5ead8 (318) No.940


>For tonight, how long will we have to respond, or how many responses will you need before moving on?

I'll give you guys plenty of time to respond. I'm in no rush at the moment.

I'll be posting in a few minutes, hang tight, guys!

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a5ead8 (318) No.942

File (hide): 1439593097547.png (245.87 KB,680x623,680:623,IMG_1570.PNG) (h) (u)

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a5ead8 (318) No.945

Sorry about the slight delay. I like to spellcheck everything before posting and make sure things make sense for the most part.

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a5ead8 (318) No.952>>954 >>957

Are you guys liking things so far?

What do you think about the dialogue choices?

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a5ead8 (318) No.954


I like it

The choices have plenty of difference and uniqueness, so nothing I can say about those too much.

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a5ead8 (318) No.957


Liking it so far. It has enough detail to keep it interesting, and is brief enough to keep it manageable.

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a5ead8 (318) No.959>>962

I also hope you guys like how I'm depicting the characters so far. If I goof up then please correct me. Same goes for anything else in this CYOA, really.

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a5ead8 (318) No.962


I like them so far, but feel we need a bit more exposure before we can decide if you've really nailed them or not.

Then WE'LL nail them.


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a5ead8 (318) No.975>>976 >>977

So that's our first session done!

What do you guys think so far? Is the dialogue and choices good? How about the pacing so far? Is there anything you want to desperately see? Other than sex that is.

I'll be back tomorrow around 5:00 PM EST to continue our story.

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a5ead8 (318) No.976


So far so good. Nothing much I can add, loving it at the point.

>Is there anything you desperately want to see


>Other than sex that is

Oh. Hmm…


But no, really, I'll be excited for tomorrow's session. Can't think of anything to add, just hope we can all make it again.

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a5ead8 (318) No.977>>979


I thought after the "you must have no friends here" choice backfired we might have had a "don't worry, I'll be your friend!" option. But I guess that wouldn't be fitting for Verdant to make friends with plebs.

A minor point of possible inconsistency: Yang gets angry with Verdant for mentioning Ruby's lack of friends, but immediately after they reach Beacon Yang ditches Ruby to go and hang with her friends who must all die during team selection because they are never seen again. It could be that it's a case of "only I can be mean to my sister", which would fit with my understanding of Yang's character.

Also, how many segments do you think you will do per night?

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a5ead8 (318) No.979


>Also, how many segments do you think you will do per night?

I'm going to try and do as many as I can. It will really depend upon how quickly we're able to reach a consensus on what to do.

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a5ead8 (318) No.980

Will update in just a little.

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a5ead8 (318) No.982

File (hide): 1439674408705.gif (425.6 KB,160x160,1:1,that racist.gif) (h) (u)

I just posted the new update but will be back to write more after I grab some dinner. Have fun!

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a5ead8 (318) No.989

I had enough time to watch Ninja Scroll and came back to find no new posts by different players so we're just going to go with option #5 for the sake of getting this show going. There are no breaks on this train.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1004>>1006

A great night, QM. I really liked your description of the approach to Beacon.

Has Verdant met Weiss before? Did he recognize her by looks, or by the airship? Is it possible they had a childhood crush on each other and are looking to rekindle that flame?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1006


If we wanna keep it interesting, maybe Weiss had a crush on him, but he didn't realize it. She got over him, but now her status makes Verdant interested in her, romantic or no, and she become all weird and conflicted and tsundere over it.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1007>>1008

God, I hope I write Weiss correctly.

Please no bully.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1008>>1009


We believe in you.

If you fuck up, we'll help you out.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1009>>1010


Just post feedback in this thread to keep the official thread clean for the most part. I prefer to shitpost in my own threads anyway.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1010


Well, duh.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1011

H-H-Here I go.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1013>>1014 >>1022

File (hide): 1439707271610.jpg (54.86 KB,192x279,64:93,1346202320029.jpg) (h) (u)

H-How'd I do?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1014>>1017


I feel like I'm the only one here right now that's not actually writing it.

Regardless, if anything, did Weiss speak that fancifully? She's speaking so maturely and perfectly, like her best skill is English. It might be me, but I always thought she had more of a 'rude valley girl' speech pattern to herself. I need to rewatch the first episode though, so I might be totally wrong.

Also, goddamnit Anakin, you whiny little Jedi.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1017>>1018


Fixing the way she speaks is easy enough.

What about the way she interacted with the main character?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1018>>1019


Nothing really about that. Maybe she's acting too Icy to someone with a status almost as great as hers? Depends on if her personality makes her treat EVERYONE as Icy or just those she deems inferior to herself. Of course we would be inferior in her eyes, but not to the same degree as, say, Jaune. Basically, we're the best of a bad situation, and she'd interact with us accordingly.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1019>>1020


Not a bad start for me considering it's 3:00 AM where I am and I'm being kept awake with a combination of tea and my own willpower.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1020


Yeah, definitely not a bad start at all.

The tea will make you strong. Soon, you will be writing entire novels of Weiss' interactions.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1022


I thought it was pretty good. I can imagine Weiss being cold to everyone in order to make people want to impress her. I'm sure that's a business trick or something. But she is still a girl, and Verdant is tall and has refined, handsome, pure Aryan facial features, so it is only natural that she would warm to him slightly.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1025

That's enough writing for one night. I'll see you guys tomorrow at the same time as usual!

Your feedback and suggestions are always appreciated!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1029

Sorry about the delay. I needed the sleep before getting started again.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1032>>1038

What ever happened to that Revolver Ocelot guy? Did he fall down a hole?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1035

I'll head to bed in a little if nobody replies in a little. I hope you guys are enjoying the way I write Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1038>>1039


I'm still here. I think Ruby is the best girl.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1039


Are you posting Anon the the threads? I was wondering if you'd left.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1042>>1046

Just a quick update before my nap. I'll see you guys in a few.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1046


You're doing good, QM. I haven't posted much in this thread recently, but just wanted to drop in a bit of encouragement.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1051

I slept way longer than I should have. I'll stick around for a few hours before heading back to bed to update one more time today.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1056>>1058 >>1061

I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a lot of fun, especially writing Weiss and exploring her character.

If you guys have any suggestions for the future then let them be heard. I'm here to please after all.

Imma go and sleep before work tomorrow. See you guys later!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1058>>1061


Yeah, I'm having plenty of fun too. LOVING Weiss, and I certainly can't wait to see the rest of our interactions.

Weiss and Ruby fighting over Verdant when?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1061>>1062


I'm glad you're having fun. I was going to say it's an awful lot of work for just the 5 or so of us who are playing.

Is this Faunus girl Iris Astra?


**Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha passive-aggressive jealousy pls.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1062>>1065


>I'm glad you're having fun. I was going to say it's an awful lot of work for just the 5 or so of us who are playing.

Yeah, I know. I wanted to wait until we got more activity but I have little patience, especially when I'm excited over a project like this. If you guys want to invite more people on 8chan to join then that would please me.

>Is this Faunus girl Iris Astra?


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a5ead8 (318) No.1065


>invite more people on 8chan to join

Oh, believe me, I try at every opportunity.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1074>>1075

Next time we have a tie, I might just flip a coin to see which option to go with unless it's something really important.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1075


Yeah, coins are nice. The random element is cool too

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a5ead8 (318) No.1079

I stayed up extra late to write the new update. I hope you guys like how I write Pyrrha.

If any of the characters in the scene seem off then just tell me in this meta thread.


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a5ead8 (318) No.1088>>1089 >>1091

So what do you guys think about the way I'm writing Pyrrha so far?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1089


Was she always that upbeat? She seemed more the emotionless one of the bunch, from what I saw at least.

Regardless, I like it. Can't wait till we get to the real fun stuff.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1091


I'm liking it so far.



She was really upbeat and friendly at the very beginning, even if all she could get out was "Hello" before people started worshipping/hitting on her.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1095>>1096 >>1110

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Looks like that's it for the night. I hope you guys are fine with the rate the story is moving at this time. Rest assured that things will pick up after the initiation and Verdant gets his team together. Once we have our first battle I'll probably ask in this thread if you want more fighting, or more socializing.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1096


We'll probably pick up again on the weekends. Definitely looking forward to the point the story picks up.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1110


The pacing is great, it feels like we are getting to know the characters at a reasonable rate, not getting too close too soon.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1122>>1129

I know I've been using some of the dialogue form the actual show but some of the options I have laid out kind of lead into it in some cases. Sorry if it's boring or whatever. You'll notice that I'll be introducing some of the same characters later but in a very different way from how they were in the show, just to mix things up.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1129>>1131


No problem, especially not at this point. I was having some difficulty writing for Blake, so I went to look up her bio to check if I was doing it right. There was a note there saying that even the show's writers find her difficult to write.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1131


>There was a note there saying that even the show's writers find her difficult to write.

I'm certainly feeling that right now. She's probably one of the more complex characters in RWBY.

Don't mind me if I make a few mistakes regarding Blake. People seem to like how I'm doing the characterization so far, so that might be a good sign for things to come.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1134

I'll update tomorrow. I don't want to get sloppy with my writing.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1150

I'm back after my break. 8chan was down yesterday if you guys didn't notice so I decided to sleep all day long.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1161>>1163

I've been wondering if I've been making Weiss too bitchy. Thoughts?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1163>>1170


You don't seem to be going overboard or anything. Really just write her off as a straighforward rude ice queen who gradually begins to melt towards others who she enjoys the company of. So far, she seems legit, so long as this act gets dropped the further we get in. Character development and all.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1170


>So far, she seems legit, so long as this act gets dropped the further we get in.

That was my plan. Good to know I'm on the right track so far.

I'll be updated later tonight/today.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1178

I'll be updating later.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1181>>1184

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I've been thinking about some new features for this cyoa. One of them is giving Verdant his own theme like the other characters in the show.

If any of you guys want to suggest a theme for Verdant that also fits in with RWBY's actual sound track then post it here for other players to see.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1184>>1193


Can they be other people's themes from other shows? If so, I vote for Satsuki-sama's theme from the Kill la Kill soundtrack.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1193>>1203


I could work.

Sorry about the slow update. I had to work on Iris a little before doing her reveal.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1203


I'm liking the vacant-hippie-nature-girl thing she's got going on.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1206>>1207

File (hide): 1441337941785.gif (182.91 KB,500x281,500:281,rwby the peanuts dancing.gif) (h) (u)

And with that we're reached the beginning of Verdant's initiation!

What do you guys think of everything so far? Anything you'd like to see more or less of in the future? How do you like the pacing so far?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1207>>1208


Looking good so far.

One question though- how do you roll dice again?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1208>>1210


You click the "show post options & limits" button under the post. If you're still having trouble then try using a guide I guess.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1210>>1211


Can multiple people roll and we take best result, or is it just one shot takes all?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1211>>1212


>Can multiple people roll and we take best result, or is it just one shot takes all?

Let's go with the first one for now. It will give you guys a good shot at pulling roll challenges off. Each players only rolls once, no re-rolls.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1212


Forgot my name.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1222>>1223

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I'm going to a convention for a few days and will be back this Monday to update. If I don't post after that then I'm probably dead and have ascended to heaven to sit by Monty's side with my waifu.

See you guys in a few days!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1223


Have fun!

Also, nice trips.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1227>>1235

Just wanted to drop by and say that I survived my trip to the convention. I've got some cool RWBY cosplay pics and will post them in a different thread later before updating my story.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1235


I await those pictures with baited breath.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1308>>1316

So are you guys enjoying the combat system so far or is it pretty unimpressive and simple?

I can always change it so it sucks less if so.

Honest opinions!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1316>>1326


It's pretty basic, but the format doesn't allow for much more. Having us roll with our choices would save some time, though.

Maybe for a future combat scenario you give us each points to vote for an inventory for bonuses/penalties to rolls?

Also, I want to hear more about this Loli you met.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1326>>1355


>It's pretty basic, but the format doesn't allow for much more. Having us roll with our choices would save some time, though.

>Maybe for a future combat scenario you give us each points to vote for an inventory for bonuses/penalties to rolls?

We'll be keeping it simple for the time being since this isn't supposed to be a 100% combat focused CYOA. I wanted to make a second RWBY CYOA after this one with more advanced combat and skills but that comes later.

>Also, I want to hear more about this Loli you met.

What loli? Do you mean one of the chicks from the cosplay pics I posted? What do you want to know exactly? I wouldn't really call her a loli.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1355>>1379


You said in >>1252

>I also talked with a lolita about Iron Maiden's new album

Mostly just interested because I've never met anyone I would describe as a loli, nor have I ever heard it outside a /b/ pedo thread.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1379>>1382


When I said "Lolita", I was referring to a girl dressed in the Lolita fashion style. Look "Lolita Fashion" up and you'll see what I'm talking about. You might have gotten Lolita mixed up with loli or lolicon which I can understand since I used to do the same thing.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1382


I see, that's disappointing.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1451>>1453 >>1455

I've written Team VIBE into my fanfic, I hope you guys are cool with that. So far only Edread has shown up, and the others may only be mentioned, but Verdant might get a favourable mention from Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1453



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a5ead8 (318) No.1455>>1459

File (hide): 1443927368494.png (86.82 KB,226x200,113:100,rwby sombrero yang.png) (h) (u)


I'm flattered that you're include my team. What can you tell me about it and how VIBE is incorporated into it? What's Edread doing? Being all knightly and dramatic?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1459>>1460


They probably won't be doing much, they might just pop in for some advice or a fight or some gossip. I'm having a hard enough time writing in all of the existing characters, except Sun and Neptune because they suck.

So far Edread just got beaten by Cinder's team in a research fight. I buffed his archaic speech forms, and have him saying "forsooth".

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a5ead8 (318) No.1460>>1468 >>1484


Interesting. You'll have to let me know how it goes and maybe link me once it's uploaded.

Here's the descriptions of the team members for the anonymous drawfriend:


>He dresses in a long red tunic that goes down to his knees much like a knight's tunic(1st pic related). The symbol on the front of his tunic is that of a rook (his family crest) along with a simple three pointed crown over it. His shoulders and legs are guarded with random plates and strips of chain mail that also bear the same rook symbol and for the most part look like the arm guards Mercury wears. His weapon is a bastard sword which can transform into an assault rifle.


>Her eyes a purple and her hair is silvery white, much like Weiss'. There are two deer-like horns growing from her forehead (2nd pic related, but shorter and curving slightly backwards). She wears a white tunic and white shoulder cape made from a wolf pelt, the tunic goes down to her thighs and overlaps her white skirt. Her leather boots are high and go up to about knees.

>Around her wrists are two silvery arm bands which can transform into wrist mounted crossbows which store their ammo inside the bands, very much like Yangs weapons.


>A tall boy with broad shoulders and a squarish jawline marked with light brown stubble to go along with his medium length dirty blonde hair. He is the tallest out of all the first year students and easy meets Yatsuhashi (of team CFVY) in terms of height. His appearance is very much like that of a burly Viking warrior (3rd pic).

>He wears a dark green, sleeveless tunic which shows off his massive muscular arms. He wears a pair of large leather boots which look like they've seen much action as well as a big leather belt.

>Balder keeps his weapon slung over back in it's compact form which gives it the appearance of a steel block with a handle. It's actually a chainsaw but I'm saving the reveal for later. The weapon was an idea by one of the posters in this thread.

Are this fair enough descriptions? If you'd like more detail then just ask away!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1468>>1469


Did Edread also have a shield, or is it just the bastard sword?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1469>>1484


Edread only uses a sword which he is more than capable at parrying attacks with. His semblance also removes the need for a shield since he absorbs attacks through his aura.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1484>>1486



Ok, I've fixed that, and I've posted the first 3 chapters here >>1483. It's just Edread so far, but there will probably be some gossip about them next chapter, and then they might have a combat scene during the Night Exercise in chapter 5 or 6, and they might be in the plane scene towards the end.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1486


Interesting. I look forward to seeing what you do with VIBE in the future. Also, welcome back writefriend!

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a5ead8 (318) No.1497>>1498 >>1499 >>1502

File (hide): 1444364214565.jpg (33.68 KB,640x759,640:759,rwby cute.jpg) (h) (u)

Since I'm going to be busy today, I thought I'd see what you guys are thinking so far.

What do you think about my characterization so far? How about the combat and pacing so far? Is there anything you'd like to see more of or less of?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1498>>1499


I think you've been doing pretty good so far.

I can't think of too much I'd like to see more or less of except Weiss.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1499>>1502 >>1504


That is a very cute pic. I'm still loving it. I felt we spent a bit too much time fighting in the forest, but I suppose that is just because I wanted to get back to the character interactions because your character writing is really good.


Are you saying you want to see more or less of Weiss-sama?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1502


I definitely agree with >>1499

on spending too much time in combat. It felt like we'd wait for an update, just for a couple of lines and then our NEXT combat move. We had to make an accidental groping happen to keep it interesting. I'm not saying the combat is bad, I'm just saying give it more substance and less updates just for a combat maneuver.

The character interaction is top notch, of course. You write them well, and I'm sure that's the biggest reason no one likes the combat dragging on.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1504>>1509



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a5ead8 (318) No.1507>>1687

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I'm going to be fixing the combat system since it sucks and takes days to conclude while also taking away from the character interactions that you guys enjoy the most. We'll see what I can come up with before the next fight happens.

I really appreciate all your feedback and hope to hear more in the future! Never hesitate to voice a concern about the adventure since your feedback is what helps me improve as a quest runner while also improving the overall experience for you guys!

Shilling /rwby/ and bringing in new players might be a good thing too.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1509


You can go and fuck yourself, good sir.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1675>>1681

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So what kind of motorcycle do we own?

We should have like a lime-green Kawasaki-ninja type fucking thing. With green neon on the underside of it.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1681


Based on Verdant's proclivity for promiscuity, I think the Lady J cycle is more appropriate.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1687>>1781 >>1796


just discovered this board a few days back, your CYOA is wonderful and am glad to be playing along with others :)

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a5ead8 (318) No.1781>>1790 >>1791 >>1809

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>just discovered this board a few days back

Welcome, new friend! Glad there are more people finding their way here despite the board being pretty low in the rankings.

Did you get here from the RWBY thread I saw on /co/?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1790>>1796


nope, literally just searching for RWBY on the boards page

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a5ead8 (318) No.1791>>1796


nope, literally just searching for RWBY in the boards, only started RWBY a month and a bit back and loving it

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a5ead8 (318) No.1796>>1799

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Always good to have a new player. I hope you're able to catch up with our CYOA soon enough, it'll probably take very little time since we're only at two threads (not counting the meta). Just so you know; the players are currently in a tug-o-war over Weiss and Yang. I think I've found a way to make everyone mostly happy though with my recent dream sequence experiment.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1799>>1810


already caught up, and not arguing over best girl, although Yang is the best out of the two

also apologies for the double post before, my internet has been shit the past few days

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a5ead8 (318) No.1809>>1811


There seems to be a RWBY thread on /co/ every fortnight. Are you the one who unashamedly shilled in the most recent one?

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a5ead8 (318) No.1810


>Yang is the best out of the two

I'm not sure we want your kind around here.

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a5ead8 (318) No.1811


>Are you the one who unashamedly shilled in the most recent one?

Nope. I do post in them though since /rwby/ is a little slow when it comes to discussion, and I use /co/ pretty often myself. I have shilled our board once in one though.

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a5ead8 (318) No.2532>>2536

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I need to know if any of the CYOAs are going to progress any further, otherwise I will shortly be unpinning them 24 hours from now unless they become active again.

I will keep the Meta thread pinned regardless, CYOAs have kept this board warm since before Season 3 came out.

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a5ead8 (318) No.2536>>7292


You can probably unpin my second thread since I just made my third thread. I've been having stuff irl dragging me away from updating my story lately.

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a5ead8 (318) No.7292


I would love to do a CYOA, but I'm afraid of being a shitty quest/thread master I feel there's too many of them.

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f317f3 (1) No.36336

Sorry about the multi-month hiatus guys. I've returned from the abyss with higher spirits, and a new update.

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