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/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

Remember when /ratanon/ was good?

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File: cc69bdb317d42ed⋯.png (170.82 KB,1065x752,1065:752,Screenshot_20181109-193902.png)


Pic related

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#r a t i o n a l i t y, indeed.

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where the fuck is that from and what the fuck is he talking about

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It's from tumblr. Or maybe more relevantly, from California…

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File: a017e487599ce19⋯.png (149.55 KB,400x426,200:213,xdGmFvZ.png)


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What does that mean?

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NVC, Non Violent Communication, was developed by Marshall Rosenberg. Marshall Rosenberg is pictured in the post you replied to wearing a plush giraffe hat, the plush giraffe was a signature of Rosenberg's, the giraffe is a symbol for a person who is communicating nonviolently, wearing a plush giraffe hat in this case means that he is demonstrating the usage of the non violent communication philosophy in his communications with others, who are typically represented as wolves when they are using what are conventional or violent communication philosophy (he sometimes has a plush wolf puppet that he brings out to represent this hypothetical person) in one of his many workshops. There is a meme where this picture is accompanied by the text "Everyone shut the fuck up" and "I'm trying to think". Although the meme was generally used in the literal sense, as the irony of the juxtaposition of the text and the person in the picture was missed by most, the usage of the picture without the text in the post you replied to communicates a general sentiment towards non violent communication.

Namely that it's like wearing a fucking plush giraffe hat on your head.

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Related thread: >>9933

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Relevant thread >>12947

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what should I read for attachement theory ?

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Aaron Swartz was extremely fond of Becoming Attached, which is currently sat on my bookshelf unread.

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File: 611bf8aaf0cad0b⋯.png (563.57 KB,787x558,787:558,whenever_i_visit_the_bay_a….png)

Not even once

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What is "mythic mindset"? Is there a rationalist boat house? Post-rationalism and tulpamancy should be ideologically aligned with monogamy, though for somewhat different reasons. Being more traditional is one of the post-rationalists' defining characteristics.

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