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File: 64dc8e32f947947⋯.jpeg (114.09 KB, 1125x1221, 375:407, 285177B5_8BC9_49F0_92C2_6….jpeg)


There is a serial-pedophilic overseas child-sex trafficker who goes by the surname “Iozza” who secretly works for Vatican City’s child-sex trafficking division.

Intel from multiple Telegram users shows that he uses the kids that he adopts for his own personal sexual pleasure while molesting them violently and selling their pictures/nude content to other child-sex traffickers on Telegram. He must be stopped and brought to justice!

Attached is his information.


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That was fast Peppa

There police go check that shyt

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Great job agent BTS

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We most definitely caught them all

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It was the Pokemons

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Monsters indeed

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I took them immediately to my nail room

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Mewtwo has been out on very tight spouses

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I bet he won't move them hands ever again

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Also cut all "tails"

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If you see a tail in a thing you can't understand hurry up and take scissors those are penises not for penis purposes

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Once no tail they're literally females

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>secretly works for Vatican City

Should've stop reading when I see Q. he didn't bother exposing Gaetz for the same thing, eh rightist?

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File: 83d29211853685e⋯.jpg (150.83 KB, 1600x1167, 1600:1167, venmo_my_nuts_in_your_mout….jpg)

Look at this fucking thread

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