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File: d35c22771042b46⋯.jpg (90.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ECVKwsnUwAEJNca.jpg)

 No.1 [View All]

Talk about whatever.

* Only the 8kun global rule is enforced.

* Board vols can make and enforce whatever rules they want as long as the rules they make dont go against the global rule.

* Board vols can be removed by the board owner for any reason or even no reason at all.

* Board volscantsee post history

Now taking vol applications.

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Guys which is a better date to bring about the events of the Turner Diaries? 6/1/2029, 6/8/2029, or 11/17/2031?

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File: a5094b9c3f4760f⋯.jpg (182.53 KB,1080x894,180:149,iMarkup_20240714_014049.jpg)

Story time.

Im a great Anon.

I even have had Acknowledgement from Q and Trump. I actually really consider them my friends.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for chain.

So if Q happens to read this.

I took a break from Anon activities to focus on my own goals and I feel like I'm needed back to Anon protocols.

I'm happy to come back but I gotta clear something

Dear Q

I'm a like a next level Anon on a break to focus on my goals. But I feel like you need me and are requesting me to come back.

I will but I gotta vent some shit out first....

I just find it funny, how in 2018 you would write 600 paragraphs a day in tweets and drops about FISA and Illegal spying. And then all the sudden think it's cool to spy on me and write all this cryptic bullshit.

When I clearly am not a criminal. I could care less about spying but more the dumb shit VK said. Like calling me a trafficker. And even saying to other Anons about me.

This started because I had a porm addiction and you guys found out.

And sure I looked at porn of 18> 20 year Olds who are petite.

That's nothing wrong. And it certainly doesn't make me a pedo.

They are adults dude.

I can't believe I was accused of such bullshit. Because it's 7 years later and we know it's bullshit.

I saw all the jokes and shit said. And that's just guys being guys and having laugh. That's on me.

But moving forward don't fucking call me a ped.

And don't worry about my porn addiction. This whole scenario has made me just over ever associating with it.

Another thing that pissed me off for a period was when I just write a letter trying to be friendly or a share something.

I would be instantly attacked with bullshit made up.


I go - "Oh I'm helping my friend with tuition."

And within like 30 mins there is a Q drop. Talking about how BO had is fees paid and is implying the worst thing you could say. Implying I'm a human trafficker.

-- How odd, considering this movement is about helping people. I really fail how talking about helping people is like such an odd concept.

I like you Q. I'm going to come and stay true to my oath.

I'm just asking for the respect.

That's all. Weeds

My friend loves her son. So much that she wanted him to have a decent school. So me and his father go halves in the yearly tuition. So he gets a good education from a decent private school.

And get this.. his first report card. Is straight As expect 1 point.

I'm throwing in the report card c

Coz of last letter Donnie was interested in his schooling.

I needed to get this rant over.

I obviously don't care about trolling or jokes or memes being made about me. Coz that's the game we play here. I just ask to be treated like an equal.

* Below is an example of 100s of cryptic cringe meant for me. I didn't have time for the drama. Decoding was busy enough. With out this bullshit.

That post never ages well.

So glad I never listened..and kept on supporting. You know seeing him get straight As is such a feel good vibe.

Rant Over

That's all.

Lets get some wins.


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File: a0309b75910b6dd⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

Its JD

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File: 4eb4049b7c336ab⋯.png (1.01 MB,978x1204,489:602,446777.png)

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File: 50fc6b587f84435⋯.jpg (40.4 KB,440x293,440:293,Roof_Koreans_and_ROK_Veter….jpg)

Why didn't the Secret Service go to LA in 1992?

Because the roofs had slopes.

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Proof-of-Life should be trending

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This board is clearly under constant attack yet, it keeps running.

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Now they are nuking ALL POSTS they dislike.

Nazi Commie merchants at work!

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They own all media EXCEPT THIS BOARD...

Or do they own this too?

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File: 449852b1c56d119⋯.jpg (143.05 KB,706x1024,353:512,JEW_FACT_QUOTES_WHITE_GENO….jpg)

File: c2f0dbd38a34ecd⋯.jpg (18.61 KB,223x226,223:226,JEW_uses_13yo_boy_human_sh….jpg)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,JIDF_JEW_ISRAEL_1.jpg)

File: ab4a1f8afacfd9f⋯.jpg (59.51 KB,474x435,158:145,jew_talmud_msm_media_zioni….jpg)

File: 0812b38ccffc24f⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,534x307,534:307,jew_israel_anti_semitic.jpg)


How many times can you say merchant on here before you are nuked?



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merchant was changed AUTOMATICALLY to Merchant!


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J00 Joo Jeeew

merchant merchant merchant

ja Eww jahewww

merchant merchant merchant

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NOW.. =



To learn who rules over you find our who you can't criticize.

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If you are blaming common merchants you are blaming the wrong people. The reason why prices keep going up is because the purchasing power of your currency has been decreasing over the years. Merchants who sell goods also feel the loss of purchasing power when they have to re-supply. This is happening due to the fact our government is 35 TRILLIONS $$$ in debt (and growing), the Fed continues to create fiat currency out of thin air, thus destroying the purchasing power of the US dollar. As the dollar is worth less and less, the cost for goods and services rise. We also have the "green energy" scam that is making the production of goods more costly. This hurts you, the consumer, as much as it does average merchants. What we need is more domestic production and far less government spending. We will never recover until this starts to happen, the economy will continue to get worse and worse until there is a drastic change in policy, or the country falls into third world communism. (By the way, we do face the latter threat actually happening and it would not be pretty or socially stable at all!)

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Nikki Haley interview with Jake Tapper on CnN now

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Why listen to yet another career neo-con on State-run media?

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As I calculated. its 42 miles.

Just missed the solar eclipse

And just missed Trump

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I was the only one fired. Day after this, I was in court to be fired.

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I know the secrets to torture resistance through Ra social memory complex. And one must simply allow their action potentials to operate with as little psychological energy as possible. Volta would have it as minimizing negative charge, perhaps in an eel. Pain is illusory resistance of the body. I have no prison and no torture with Ra social memory complex. One only dies channeling them fighting them.

And here I speak as Ra:

We cannot use a channel as anything in torture except as what is miracles. We do not understand why this entity is this way. :)

I return to my normal speech:

I have future channels that will be martyristic due to influences of what most consider Christ. I am providing information in advance especially if they encounter Syrian issues with Ra social memory complex. That soil is the ripest spot for reforming much of Ra as many wish to date using odd methods. Ra social memory complex will eventually be dated as gravitational lifeforms.

I speak as Ra:

We cannot be dated as your Earth without us seeing that people need to release science as a distortion of worship. :)

I speak as myself as channel:

I just saw no reason to polarize against genetic and epigenetic evolution as a child. So poor for the health as one averages with the best medicine.

I speak as Ra over flesh and mind:

We cannot have a channel serve only science to find that we are gravity that calls stars. We are of service of much more. :)

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Pay yo bills

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We should beat the living shit out of gay people. I said what I said!

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anyone knows why 4chinz is down?

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literally had to go to this shithole to see if i was having the same issue, is this the end?

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My bad.

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i looked at downtracker or someshit and they have lots of reports. probably chinkmoot didnt pay for the server or someone leaked some gov. shit and it got shut down.

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Niggerfaggotbitches LMFAOO

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Must be something big about to drop

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File: 89dbdab2dad67a2⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

14 yo male

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File: a3afa325c4d88a4⋯.png (665.83 KB,1226x815,1226:815,Admiral_Rogers_Drink_Water.png)

File: 1c4718141560cce⋯.png (730.63 KB,1435x813,1435:813,Kid_Rape_Kamala_1.png)

Imagine how much pants shitting panic these deepstate faggots are experiencing....

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File: c7022c5683dc2ab⋯.png (703.32 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screenshb.png)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump + JR

Nothing can stop what is coming

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the water

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the water

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the water

You have broken what can not be broken.

Oh help us Lady of the Lake.

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Эта вечерняя лента событий даст возможность вам всегда быть в тренде свежих новостей.


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File: 52c1ae8ad00a052⋯.png (928.84 KB,706x916,353:458,1000000721.png)

100 worldwide eradication of every single commie/pedo/Satanist dime, every cent, every square foot of land, the house, the cars, the furniture, the fuckin Christmas china.


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All malevolent constructs fall under the weight of their disgusting and stupid lies.

Satanic sicko Deepfucks abd DarkMother DumbCunts get the dirt nap.

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Every swampy pundit thinks Trump took the bait tonight.

But he did. Not once did he attack the moderators. Not o e time and they baited him dozens of times.

Kamala was the shiny object distraction. Trump was really debating the moderators. And he did not take thei bait, which is why Trump won. By not taking the bait, he exposed the fakeNews and fake candidate

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Those moderators were so ugly . Iin both looks and .demeanor. I bet she is a satanic witch and he’s one also

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I heard a loser, well I saw him tell

He kicked it with a homeless guy, cause it was him.

Was the homeless guy imaginary?

Or was the guy conducti g the interview imaginary?

A blindman, a mute, a gimp, , and a deaf man all go into a bar.

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All crackers eating niggers as usual

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Where was the car parked that the guy jumped into?

Parked along road abutting golf course and no one noticed?

Was there a driver?

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File: 332d87411718ca8⋯.jpeg (6.59 MB,4512x4512,1:1,B5525D9E_8950_4052_98A8_4….jpeg)


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File: 332d87411718ca8⋯.jpeg (6.59 MB,4512x4512,1:1,64A5E3FE_C7C9_44C0_B3D6_C….jpeg)


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Keep posting the same ching chongs you will never meet gook


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