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6a9f62  No.7664[Last 50 Posts]

2nd Generation Q Research General #11 - the Return of Ed Anon Edition


If you signed the first Internet Bill of Rights petition, it did not obtain enough signatures to go anywhere. Your signature will not be carried over to future incarnations. Any and all new petitions circulating must be signed again.


We are the Quiet Corner of the Q Universe! Relaxed, almost completely ban-free, and serving as home to Ed Anon!




2nd Generation Q Research: (Thursday, 22, March 2018)

Q has not posted on this board, nor do we expect that they will.

Q's Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 3.23.18




Tuesday 3.20.18

>>>/qresearch/740252 Enjoy the show. Expect a lot more.

>>>/qresearch/739690 MZ. RT. Big meeting. Cell phones left at door.

>>>/qresearch/739281 The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’

Sunday 3.18.18

>>>/qresearch/705264 Why are trips allowed?

>>>/qresearch/705183 Panic Mode.

Saturday 3.17.18

>>>/qresearch/702000 USMC Activated

>>>/qresearch/701978 BOOM

>>>/greatawakening/458 See >>>/qresearch/698962 Q Team Targets From 3.17.18 GA Post

Thursday 3.15.18

>>>/qresearch/680795 [John Perry Barlow]

>>>/qresearch/678302 Public will know soon

>>>/qresearch/678255 rt >>>/qresearch/678226 TRUST KANSAS

>>>/qresearch/678189 rt >>>/qresearch/678151 Trust the plan. Full control

>>>/qresearch/678161 Extreme Efforts - Enjoy the Show

>>>/qresearch/678119 Iran next []

>>>/qresearch/678044 Boooom!

>>>/qresearch/678011 BOOOOOM!

Find QPosts from /greatawakening/ and past at:

thestoryofq.com/ (updated)

QANONMAP.GITHUB.IO (updated) - If it ever goes down, the backup is: QNTMPKTS.KEYBASE.PUB

You can also find a list of other useful documents, tools and collections here >>2171.

The Meme Repository

Please see >>2171 for links to various meme libraries.

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6a9f62  No.7665

Dedicated Research Threads List & Building the Map

You may find dedicated topical research threads at https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html If you don't find a dedicated thread for the topic you wish to work on/research, you can create one either here or there.

Board Rules

'''First, We deplore rules. "You can say this but you can't say that." It's everything we exist to free people from. Still, to avoid total anarchy, a few guidelines have to be set.

1. Concern fagging is not shamed or attacked here. If you're feeling discouraged, down, depressed, or the like, you cannot push it down or deny it and have it go away. You must open up, discuss it, and those anons who are mature enough will help you pull yourself up and out of it. Motivation needs a foundation. It doesn't magically appear just because others demand it.

2. We have no use for enforcer fags who self-proclaim themselves to be in charge of keeping the board safe for democracy. Nobody died and made them boss. If you're having issues with somebody's posts, filter them. It's excessively easy to do and it keeps us from having to ban people.

3. Please do not advertise commercial products here. MENTIONING one in passing if you're actively participating is not a crime.

4. PLEASE do not act like a stoned caveman and attack somebody's theories. If you're that offended, filter the person in question. But declaring a concept to be b.s. without thorough investigation only flags you as a hard headed normie. The more an idea is pushed down, the harder it's going to push back.

5. There's a huge difference between religious discussion and outright evangelism. Declarations are evangelism and you can take it to the bank, we've all heard it all before. Believe what you will but please don't clutter this board with religious zealotry. Discussion of religious beliefs, especially as those beliefs might motivate a person or group being researched, is perfectly fine.

The goal is to have everybody feeling like they are welcome here and like they belong. Bullying other anons is a pet peeve of mine. It's inexcusable when you have the filter option always at hand. And, as mentioned, I have a super ultra special dislike for enforcer fags. When the board is littered with posts of anons attacking anons just for believing a theory they don't personally like, it doesn't do a lot to welcome people and make them feel at home.'''





New Bakers Please Read This


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6a9f62  No.7667

Recent Notable Posts

>>7393 Ed Anon Returns!!!

>>7126 In Great Company

>>7073 Ed Anon Identifies Chinese Satellite

>>7056 McMasters Not Out Until 4/9

>>7053 Digging on Ed Anon >>7055

>>7044 McMasters Out

>>7041 Plummeting Dow

>>6977 John Dowd Resigns

>>5112 Possible NWO Info

>>5107 Trump's Test of the Net

>>5099 Getting Paranormal

>>5086 Five Eyes

>>5072 Watch the Water


>>222 Older, lost info resurfacing on the Q map

>>4788 The Huma Files (Updated 3.9.18)

>>1892 Expand Your Thinking, Mapping Tool PDF




page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>5538



IBOR (petition)

SIGN AND SHARE everywhere


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6a9f62  No.7668

>>6192 & >>6361 & >>6362 & >>6366 & >>6369 & >>6373 & >>6374 & >>6376 & >>6377 & >>6378 & >>6379 & >>6861 & >>6867 : flynn

>>6214 : id-coincidence q

>>6225 & >>6226 : singapore (obama, mccain)

>>6233 & >>6240 & >>6244 & >>6293 & >>6294 & >>6295 & >>6296 & >>6298 : jesuits

>>6236 & >>6237 & >>6238 & >>6239 & >>6241 & >>6242 & >>6243 & >>6252 & >>6253 & >>6480 : mueller

>>6254 & >>6255 & >>6297 & >>6299 & >>6301 & >>6305 : obama/brennan (linked with point above)

>>6254 & >>6255 : the big plan

>>6245 : spaceX/nk

>>6246 : guccifer/q

>>6248 & >>6249 & >>6250 & >>6251 : whitelist

>>6263 & >>6264 & >>6265 & >>6268 & >>6270 & >>6271 & >>6272 & >>6273 & >>6274 & >>6278 & >>6279 & >>6281 & >>6292 & >>6322 & >>6325 : hitting a wall/state of the storm

>>6275 & >>6277 & >>6267 & >>6319 & >>6320 & >>6324 : greatawakening empty but one

>>6287 & >>6288 & >>6291 : songbird

>>6307 & >>6308 & >>6326 & >>6330 & >>6333 & >>6334 & >>6338 : syria

>>6335 : tarmac meeting / fbi cover up

>>6380 & >>6382 & >>6384 & >>6385 & >>6388 & >>6390 & >>6394 : at&t / IBOR

>>6386 & >>6391 & >>6392 & >>6393 & >>6395 & >>6399 & >>6407 & >>6408 & >>6410 & >>6412 & >>6413 : bill clinton/NK/Podesta

>>6419 & >>6426 & >>6432 & >>6434 & >>6503 & >>6505 & >>6506 & >>6512 & >>6553 & >>6623 : dopey alwaleed & black forest

>>6553 & >>6572 & >>6575 & >>6576 & >>6577 & >>6579 & >>6584 & >>6585 & >>6586 & >>6591 & >>6593 & >>6594 & >>6595 & >>6599 & >>6601 & >>6602 & >>6605 & >>6606 & >>6607 & >>6608 & >>6611 & >>6616 & >>6618 & >>6619 & >>6643 & >>6663 : standard hotels / balazs / rothschild / schiff

>>6256 & >>6259 & >>6260 & >>6261 & >>6285 & >>6313 & >>6314 & >>6315 & >>6316 & >>6317 & >>6321 & >>6323 & >>6325 & >>6328 & >>6329 & >>6339 & >>6340 & >>6343 & >>6347 : winnenden/2011 – ed?

>>6713 & >>6572 & >>6731 & >>6733 : the LINK / abramovic (connected to point above)

>>6441 & >>6442 & >>6443 & >>6444 : protocols/map

>>6453 & >>6466 : shareblue

>>6470 & >>6471 & >>6472 : sovjet moles

>>6474 & >>6475 & >>6481 : kim dotcom

>>6536 & >>6542 & >>6543 & >>6544 & >>6547 & >>6548 & >>6893 : sarkozy / mccain / lybia

>>6624 & >>6626 & >>6627 : biden son

>>6689 : sandberg sheryl

>>6698 & >>6700 & >>6701 & >>6702 & >>6794 & >>6798 & >>6800 & >>6803 & >>6805 & >>6806 & >>6807 & >>6808 & >>6809 & >>6810 : Q-research!

>>6726 : merkel

>>6743 & >>6693 & >>6745 & >>6746 : new q bombs/booms

>>6751 : defango/mq ultra

>>6779 : make it rain

>>6801 : chess



page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

page 9 : this one

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>5538







IBOR (petition)

SIGN AND SHARE everywhere


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6a9f62  No.7669

Dough for This Bread


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df66aa  No.7680

File: b178a3667ef1124⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 220x368, 55:92, Yuri_Milner.jpg)

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3ec953  No.7704

>>7179 : White House Office or WHO?

>>6948 & >>6950 & >>6987 & >>6998 & >>7157 & >>7215 & >>7216 & >>7224 & >>7226 & >>7227 & >>7259 & >>7260 & >>7305 & >>7306 & >>7321 & >>7498 : the bill

>>7239 & >>7244 & >>7245 & >>7246 & >>7247 & >>7248 & >>7249 & >>7256 & >>7533 : red/green castle (linked to the bill)

>>6977 & >>6980 & >>6999 & >>7005 & >>7007 & >>7151 & >>7152 : john dowd /di genova (lawyers)

>>6984 & >>6991 & >>7104 : democracy matter action plan / brock

>>7033 : broward county sheriff's department

>>7035 & >>7036 & >>7040 : q doubts

>>7671 & >>7672 & >>7673 : the real world (linked to q doubts)

>>7685 & >>7688 & >>7689 & >>7690 & >>7693 & >>7694 & >>7695 : steel? Wh[y]? (linked to q doubts)

>>7053 & >>7055 & >>7058 & >>7062 & >>7063 & >>7064 & >>7066 & >>7067 & >>7068 & >>7069 & >>7070 & >>7073 & >>7075 & >>7500 & >>7501 & >>7515 & >>7516 & >>7517 & >>7518 : ed

>>7060 & >>7090 : bolton

>>7088 : chess

>>7094 : barlow/guccifer2

>>7136 & >>7141 & >>7142 : grand jury

>>7171 : iranians indicted

>>7268 & >>7278 & >>7310 & >>7470 : nwo/neoliberalism

>>7334 & >>7335 & >>7336 & >>7342 : mont pelerin society (connected to nwo)

>>7276 & >>7291 : U

>>7356 & >>7356 & >>7357 : fidler/fiddler & ghost

>>7638 : shall we play a game

>>7644 & >>7646 & >> 7607 & >>7652 : israel/sa airspace/meeting



page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

page 9 : >>6937

page 10: this one

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>5538







IBOR (petition)

SIGN AND SHARE everywhere


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3ec953  No.7705


>>7668 : can be removed, is the one of the previous page..

>>7667 : from IMPORTANT can be changed by this:



page 1 : >>3593

page 2 : >>3624

page 3 : >>3645

page 4 : >>3669

page 5 : >>4144

page 6 : >>4637

page 7 : >>5395

page 8 : >>6161

page 9 : >>6937

page 10 : >>7704

INITIALS: >>5507

keywords: >>5538







IBOR (petition)

SIGN AND SHARE everywhere


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c68ca9  No.7706


Thanks for your work and contributions in so many ways, anon. You rock, as always ;)

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3ec953  No.7707


no prob…. still working on a big summary of the 10 pages … want it as short as possible, but clarity is needed…

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c68ca9  No.7708

File: f53af224dec8449⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 843x420, 281:140, ThreadSummary.jpg)


For when a summary thread is created :D

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3ec953  No.7709


lol :D nice one ;-)

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3ec953  No.7710

Mar 8 2018 20:02:31 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3d632d


POTUS never crossed the line (ground).'''

Do not glorify us.

We work for you.

Promises made.

Promises kept.



on qr almost all of them are certain that mr trump went to north korea… like i said then, could be he flew over it, or that another plane did it, but mr trump never went to north korea himself.. this q-crumb is why i say this…

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c68ca9  No.7711

I just noticed Mr Trump's change of BG pic on Twatter. SPRING. A new dawn, perhaps.

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3ec953  No.7712


hmm no fat text

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c68ca9  No.7713


Needs to be on the same line. No 'enter' presses in between. But I can see what you were trying to draw attention to.

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c68ca9  No.7714

I'm a thinking that Trump and co are quite brilliant once more. If that dang wall gets built through M! as he's suggesting; BRAVO.

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c68ca9  No.7715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember that skateboard ride that Nikolas Cruz's brother Zachary took through Stoneham Douglas High School?

Turns out that he's of equal concern to authorities regarding possession of guns and ammo, and his general attitude.

Juvenile criminal record.

Has visited Nikolas twice in prison, and gloated about how famous he is, that his face is everywhere and spoken about how many girls he could get now.

His bond was set at $500k, whereas for anyone else it would've been a lousy $25.

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6a9f62  No.7716

Good morning anons. Remaining on the lookout for Ed. Not sure when their off day is. I have high hopes that they can provide some insight that might make things look a little brighter.

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6a9f62  No.7717


What a testament to the snowflake screamer generation: the longer your rap sheet, the more girls you can get.

And these people think they're better qualified to dictate national policy than anybody who's actually gone out and worked to support themselves.

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6a9f62  No.7718

(As a rule, I really don't like Millennials.)

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c68ca9  No.7719


I'm still not sure what anyone got out of the Ed posts from last night. Appeared to me that they were talking to each other, and that alone. It's all so very confusing, but what's new hehehe.


I think there's always been a tendency for women to go for the bad guy. Goes way back to the days of the most brutal and strongest guy was the better mating partner. Boy ' boy did we evolve in a strange way. Not so fitting any more.


Can't say as I'm all that fond of them, myself, but it's not their fault, not ours, not mine, but everyone's, lol.

They really didn't have much of a chance.

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df66aa  No.7720

File: efecf879c5cd7de⋯.png (624.32 KB, 844x470, 422:235, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."

-Carl Jung


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df66aa  No.7721

File: a15070aee261f8c⋯.png (436.13 KB, 974x542, 487:271, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)


>>-CREATE REPLQMAP–qmapname–+———————+———→





'-USING–| queue-map-options |–| mcg-options |-'


|–| queue-options |–| other-options |————————-|






'-| multiplex-option |-'


|–PARALLEL SENDQS–number————————————–|













'-ADD TO MCG–groupname-'

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c68ca9  No.7722


You appear to have good timing, anon. :D

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3ec953  No.7723


lol, try some more apparently :p

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3ec953  No.7724


build wall through M!


still, he talks about the 1.6 billion, but that money can't be used for concrete wall… he seems to have a plan, but why doesn't he explain it so that we as patriots understand….

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c68ca9  No.7725


Do you mean the millenial thing?

If so, don't stress. I'm not all that fond of anyone, these days. o_O


Maybe because anything that is explained is picked apart and dissected by the enemy and every road block available put up.

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6a9f62  No.7726

Good gravy … I go to make breakfast, come back and we're just humming along ..


I'm hoping we can finish wrapping up last night, but we established earlier that much of what is posted is "internal business." I only wish it were more clearly identified as such but that may not be a viable option.

Most definitely, women always go for the bad boy because it's power above all else that melts them.

No, Millennials are only pets until they complete college, then wham out of the nest.


Good morning Ed!!!!!

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3ec953  No.7727


don't think mr trump means millenials? military?

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df66aa  No.7728


Good Morning Anon.

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6a9f62  No.7729


Isn't that exactly what we're being forced to do? We became addicted to having that shining star held out in front of us. As the one that was created externally burns out, we create our own internally which maybe was the point all along.

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3ec953  No.7730


i'm a bad boy, no women go for me…

but talking about millenials and woman… that is discrimination…. shouldn't that be wopeople? man and men is wrong… ask trudeau :p

hey ed

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c68ca9  No.7731


Lol, I never thought he did.

I little bit of a disconnect thee, anon. I was simply replying to the millenial comment left by >>7718

It took me around .00002 of a second to figure that POTUS was referring to 'Military' in his tweet.

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6a9f62  No.7732


THIS threw me for a loop.

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6a9f62  No.7733


Nothing is ever found. What DOES it find?

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54db53  No.7734


Morning Ed !, so we're taking off finally ?

"Улетай на крыльях ветра" ?



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df66aa  No.7735



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6a9f62  No.7736


Why does my mind keep screaming "Antarctica" over all this???

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6a9f62  No.7737


We've visited this area of "study" before … heartbeat and MRI … again back to the QMap (software) which I still have not figured out.

All things being relative, a lot of time went into creating this post. There is something here that matters.

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6a9f62  No.7738


Queues … parallel processing … sounds like the core VR that generates the "reality" of the Matrix.

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3ec953  No.7739


can't help with that… think you understand more of it than me

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54db53  No.7740


Should be good enough for me … getting curious though … lol.


Since learning is light and ignorance is darkness, I guess on a Sunday, it might be entertaining to go for a quick review of that 1956 movie referrenced in the YT clip (Илья Муромец).

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6a9f62  No.7741


I've been saying this was the case, on Twatter and in here.

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6a9f62  No.7742


Hah! Thank you for that critical correction, anon! I don't know WHAT I was thinking! Wopeople, but of course!!!!!!

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3ec953  No.7743


yup, i remember… you were right… but thought now that mr trump tweeted it, would be good to post it here too

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6a9f62  No.7744


I am bumbling my way through this like a perceptual cripple. Ed has got to be thinking "what is WITH this guy!" LOL

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6a9f62  No.7745


Holy caca Batman … looks like the white hats paid this guy a visit. How freaking cool!!!!

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6a9f62  No.7746


I probably would have missed it if you didn't. Much appreciated.

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c68ca9  No.7747


Hahahaa, Ed's not the only one, if that's what Ed is thinking, LMAO.

Come on anon, you left that one wide open :P

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3ec953  No.7748

i'm still in doubt about snowden btw….

q pointed to his family… coast guard… military? military is to be trusted… but on the other hand, cia is clowns, not to be trusted….

really in doubt about him

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6a9f62  No.7749


Create replica map [description]

(x, y) … this is 2D; there's no Z

<set options>

Specify sender & recipient

Multiplex … 2+ way comms, different channel for each, allows parallel send/receive

Apply agents … # used, max # … what are they?

Sorta like setting the clock rate (pulses)

MRI memory limit?


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6a9f62  No.7750


LOL I figured everybody else in here already knew I was trouble.

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54db53  No.7751


Reading about that yesterday, I found it weird a bit and most notable, whoever might have paid him a visit …. ;)

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6a9f62  No.7752


He seems to be a very pivotal figure across everything going on in the world. And we still have no idea how to pigeon hole him. He never left the U.S. and he's been green screened moving all over the world like Carmen Sandiego; Ed says Q has to keep the story believable. With all that coming out on this board and QR, who is still thinking Snowden is invading Russia and Hong Kong?

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c68ca9  No.7753


MCG - Multifunction Cardiogram?

Kind of fits with the other terminology.

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6a9f62  No.7754


You mean the guy with the Q who started 8Chan before selling it?

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3ec953  No.7755


i think when (if ever) the truth comes out, we will all say wow

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6a9f62  No.7756


Okay so we have a sort of computerized mapping of the cardiovascular system? Using software that was originally designed to tell us where the nearest terrorist was hiding?

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6a9f62  No.7757


And we still can't get morningstar payments to find anything. I've tried image URL's, various search terms, nothing. "Not found." It's like the post-censorship Google. Maybe I should try something more politically correct.

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c68ca9  No.7758



I have NFI. I just contribute what I can, if I can, lol.

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6a9f62  No.7759


Ed said stuff has a lot more meaning if we have to dig for it.

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6a9f62  No.7760


Ed: is this going to be filled with posts from here? Stuff you're giving us?

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6a9f62  No.7761


(The URL, I mean … morningstar payments).

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c68ca9  No.7762


True, but some people are able to see the meaning and worth, even if not having to dig.

I've worn down all my soup spoons, I'm moving onto the serving spoon. It pays to buy good quality cutlery for just such occasions.

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df66aa  No.7763

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3ec953  No.7764


bitcoin mining?

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6a9f62  No.7765


This is a site that pays people for Bitcoin mining.

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6a9f62  No.7766


You come up with a new key, you cash it in here.

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df66aa  No.7767

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6a9f62  No.7768


Not correct. Still reading.

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6a9f62  No.7769


It's just a Bitcoin bank.

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c68ca9  No.7770

Search and destroy!

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6a9f62  No.7771


You deposit Bitcoin, you're guaranteed to hold the value @ the time of deposit, + interest; gains are taken by the bank.

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6a9f62  No.7772


Kind of like a buffer against Bitcoin volatility. A tradeoff … you lose the gains but you don't take the losses.

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6a9f62  No.7773


This might be very appealing to criminal elements who just want the anonymity of Bitcoin and aren't in it for the wild surges in value. They just want to be able to pay their arms dealer without being tracked.

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3ec953  No.7774


changeproject? you?

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54db53  No.7775


Yes, Fred. Wouldn't know if he did indeed sell infchan. But finding that 17th letter in his apartment struck me as odd somehow.

There was talk about a similar occurrence of this kind (not sure if true):


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6a9f62  No.7776


LOL I'd rather have blue than pink.

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c68ca9  No.7777

The banks are going down.


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6a9f62  No.7778


Again I am over-complicating things. It's just a point of sale (PoS) using Bitcoin. Any store in the world might be interested in it.

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6a9f62  No.7779



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6a9f62  No.7780


We need to get Bitcoin to ride out the coming crash of the banks?

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c68ca9  No.7781


:) Look at the digits, dude. I couldn't let them go to waste. Don't read too much into it.

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6a9f62  No.7782


No coincidences. Remember 7777 or 77777 or whatever it was from QR?

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54db53  No.7783


PoS should be "Proof of Stake" (as opposed to "Proof of Work")


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6a9f62  No.7784


Okay but same general concept. It's a software cash register. Cha-ching!

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6a9f62  No.7785

Ed Anon … paging Ed Anon … please report to OR 11 …

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c68ca9  No.7786


I believe in coincidences. I was carrying over a little fun from not only QR but pretty much the whole of chan culture. (not that I enjoy seeing how much stake is put in to it at times, other than a bit of fun)

Disregard! It was a thing, that isn't anything.

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262e09  No.7787

gm anons

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c68ca9  No.7788


Good morning to you, anon.

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6a9f62  No.7789


It is sorcery! The work of the DEVIL! :D

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3ec953  No.7790

five eyes q talked about and others

- australia : q linked to CF

- canada: doesn't need explanation… mankind can't : peopleskind (soros linked too)

- UK

- US

- new zealand: why oh why did all those obama-peepz went to new zealand…

so it looks like one big cia-thing.. imo

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6a9f62  No.7791


Good morning anon e74900.

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262e09  No.7792


any arrest?

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6a9f62  No.7793


Okay fine anon72a0ff … at what point do I need to just stop typing completely?

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262e09  No.7794


gm we need sum good fucking news today

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6a9f62  No.7795


No that would end the suspense.

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54db53  No.7796


Lol. How is "Proof of Stake" (a concept to determine the next block in a blockchain, as far as I understand), the same general concept as "Point of Sale" ?

Maybe I should improve my reading about cryptocurrencies and related concepts ….

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c68ca9  No.7797


Well, ya never did say good morning to me AGAIN. SO it wasn't a wasted post.


No that I know of. :/

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6a9f62  No.7798


LOL I don't like Buttcoin. It's a get-rich-quick super volatile casino and I just don't like it. Never have. So I will leave the particulars to better minds than mine.

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6a9f62  No.7799

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df66aa  No.7800

File: 86919a943f748be⋯.png (23.08 KB, 1444x49, 1444:49, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7801


Ah soooo … Lucifer Payment Systems, hence the fluffy graphic adorning their page.

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262e09  No.7802

so saw this on video dude was sayin red_castle green castle is trump firing mueller and replacing him with anothrt counsel


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6a9f62  No.7803


So is there a particular customer base that prefers their services?

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6a9f62  No.7804


That would be popular suicide.

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c68ca9  No.7805


There's a lot in that graphic, lol.

How many of us spent a day or 2 digging on the symbols in that thing? I did.

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df66aa  No.7806

File: ced311d16801123⋯.png (23.01 KB, 1702x53, 1702:53, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

File: 5f6782a2abb8b97⋯.png (20.48 KB, 1406x65, 1406:65, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7807


So at least indirectly we're tying IBM together with NSA and inserting them cleanly into the Luciferian arena. They would choose those naming conventions out of preference; more like bragging than anything else. A "ha ha look what we can pull over your eyes" kind of thing.

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6a9f62  No.7808


Q is NSA, I assumed. One account has Seth Rich alive and well and part of the Q team, specifically stating Rich is NSA.

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6a9f62  No.7809


I'm guessing none of them would make your day any happier.

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c68ca9  No.7810


Licifer is a byproduct of the demo version. The name feild wasn't long enough for demonstration and became 'demon', the real version was then called lucifer, but I guess there's no coincidences.

It's all linked (i think) in past posts.

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6a9f62  No.7811


I wonder if these encryption systems aren't more closely tied to or representative of Luciferianism than most would expect.

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df66aa  No.7812

File: 67ab04edb60fb5f⋯.gif (12.55 KB, 228x250, 114:125, Vatican-coa.gif)

File: 84ab92fbb9086b2⋯.jpg (187.54 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, delivery-of-the-keys-to-sa….jpg)


"128-bit keys."

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c68ca9  No.7813


Quite the contrary. If you're looking to remove poison from something. I'm all for it.

Maybe I'm not as stoopid as I think, at times.

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6a9f62  No.7814


>128 bit keys

That is exactly what hit me right between the eyes the second I saw the images.

So what is encrypted? What do these keys allow decryption of?

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6a9f62  No.7815


Vatican-based control over ALL Bitcoin?

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3ec953  No.7816

going for breakfast… bbl

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6a9f62  No.7817


Remember it's Sunday so eat lots of fun stuff.

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c68ca9  No.7818


Catch ya when I catch ya, anon. Enjoy.

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6a9f62  No.7819


And even more significant is that, if these interpretations apply, the Vatican was messing around with 128 bit encryption in Medieval times.

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df66aa  No.7820

File: ba6e4308be522d2⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 422x550, 211:275, mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.….jpg)

File: 8cafc70a9aede18⋯.jpg (75.98 KB, 783x600, 261:200, Luca_Giordano_-_Crucifixio….jpg)

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262e09  No.7821

who is william s castle? acting general counsel dept of drfence

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262e09  No.7822


he is replacing mueller

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6a9f62  No.7823


He receives the keys and he's crucified upside down. Wouldn't give them up?

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df66aa  No.7824

File: c0f11e98eb47206⋯.jpg (216.67 KB, 1116x1536, 93:128, Voynich_Manuscript_(3) (1).jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7825


That key deciphers this manuscript.

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6a9f62  No.7826


Or at the very least, the Voynich Manuscript references the keys … tells how to find them or generate them …

So St. Peter is give the crypto key … refuses to divulge it … he's crucified (offered to Lucifer - inverted crucifixion); the keys die with him, then the Voynich Manuscript shows up telling where or how to find them.

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df66aa  No.7827

File: acc3dd41a5543f5⋯.png (51.61 KB, 787x238, 787:238, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7828


Which would suggest that St. Peter wrote the manuscript.

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6a9f62  No.7829


This almost outright declares that St. Peter wrote the manuscript.

So what are the keys protecting? Hiding?

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df66aa  No.7830

File: 8dfcdca8fd98285⋯.png (22.01 KB, 614x102, 307:51, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7831


Is that what all this government supercomputer power is ultimately trying to do? Find this key?

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6a9f62  No.7832


Is the Holy Grail a metaphor, for this key?

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df66aa  No.7833

File: 13bd696c53cacf1⋯.gif (23.1 KB, 697x695, 697:695, Aemethms.gif)

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df66aa  No.7834

File: 91ccfa391b13a82⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 400x290, 40:29, 400px-Solomon's_Temple_Jer….jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7835


In digging into Pope stuff, we keep on bouncing between Jesus, Lucifer, Jesus, Lucifer … are they one and the same?

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df66aa  No.7836


12 “How dyou are fallen from heaven,

"O Day Star, eson of Dawn!

How you are cut down to the ground,

you who laid the nations low!"

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things ifor the churches. I am jthe root and kthe descendant of David, lthe bright morning star.”

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df66aa  No.7837


"And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, kthe Lion lof the tribe of Judah, mthe Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”

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6a9f62  No.7838


Jesus, son of Lucifer.

Great Pentacle Aemethms: derived from Key of Solomon.

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6a9f62  No.7839


"Knowledge known only to God."

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df66aa  No.7840

File: 4d951e27e5148d4⋯.png (14.22 KB, 347x145, 347:145, images (1).png)

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6a9f62  No.7841


Sounds like they're spinning it in reverse: morning star, day star, reversing the meanings.

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6a9f62  No.7842


Has this key been found? Recently?

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df66aa  No.7843

File: f4616f40f701b62⋯.jpg (104.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Italy Rome Vatican School ….jpg)

File: 3eace71ddb1f1be⋯.jpg (10.39 KB, 220x229, 220:229, freemason-compass.jpg)

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c68ca9  No.7844

For anyone else who is/was looking into the star image.


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df66aa  No.7845

File: 15b2b99fe15ff34⋯.jpg (334.34 KB, 1327x1427, 1327:1427, 1033.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7846


Seems like a hundreds schools, the Masons, etc. all cropped up around trying to figure out the key mathematically.

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6a9f62  No.7847


Maybe Lucifer was the one who DID figure it out, find it, whatever.

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6a9f62  No.7848


Or, alternatively, he wants it more than anybody.

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df66aa  No.7849

File: 1b6f3183bfeb488⋯.png (92.72 KB, 1718x259, 1718:259, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7850


Sounds like this key would define creation by a Galois field.

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6a9f62  No.7851


Belphegor's prime is 124 bits. 4 missing.

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df66aa  No.7852

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df66aa  No.7853

File: cd953119e4650d0⋯.png (73.82 KB, 1706x235, 1706:235, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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262e09  No.7854

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6a9f62  No.7855


"I love it when a plan comes together." – Hanibal Smith

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6a9f62  No.7856


This opens the door wide to the Flat Earth theory.

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df66aa  No.7857




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df66aa  No.7858

File: 84fce7359b4e807⋯.png (31.19 KB, 220x242, 10:11, Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png)

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6a9f62  No.7859


I seeeeeeeeeeeeee. This would effectively make one absolutely omnipotent.

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6a9f62  No.7860


Timelines … parallel realities … are these accounted for?

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6a9f62  No.7861


I've been bombarded by vivid intense dreams that keep drumming into my head that I don't need devices to time travel; I can use my mind.

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df66aa  No.7862

File: 7afcbd48295e44b⋯.png (62.1 KB, 1695x127, 1695:127, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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3ec953  No.7863


Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra, an alchemical textbook

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df66aa  No.7864

File: a3229f4438aaaa8⋯.png (24.07 KB, 625x111, 625:111, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7865


Okay here's a wild speculation … Bitcoin itself is nothing more than a carrot on a stick to get every greedy Tom, Dick and Harry in the world busy trying to figure out THE key.

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3ec953  No.7866


hmmm this comes close to where i was before with the jesuits and the papal bloodlines



cleopatra was one of the last from egypt.. not to say: the last

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6a9f62  No.7867


When they do, they will have no idea what they have.

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6a9f62  No.7869


>Mangia bene in Vaticano.

Google doesn't translate the first word. "Mangia well within the Vatican." Trying Italian.

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6a9f62  No.7870


Eat well at the Vatican.

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6a9f62  No.7871


So the Vatican runs Bitcoin to offload "finding the key" onto others, and in the process they make a boatload of money for their own luxury living.

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6a9f62  No.7872


What happens when they find that key? They will still need to know how to apply it.

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df66aa  No.7873

File: 34a46ac0578e541⋯.png (461.2 KB, 1434x858, 239:143, Screenshot from 2018-03-01….png)

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6a9f62  No.7874


… key in, creation out, courtesy of Palintir.

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3ec953  No.7875


wtf those symbols on the hand…. illuminati? wow

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6a9f62  No.7876


I don't want to ask, but I hope that wasn't you (personally) eating well at the Vatican … unless you took the place over.

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df66aa  No.7877

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6a9f62  No.7879


The up and coming central bank of Bitcoin.

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6a9f62  No.7880


You were a tourist.

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6a9f62  No.7881


Funny the first two characters of the file name are ED. Just can't get away from it. :)

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3ec953  No.7882


sorry i asked… didn't know it was yours….

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6a9f62  No.7883


How would they know the key when they had it? So all keys go into Palintir and it attempts to spit out creation with every one. If that's the case, it has to show some fascinating stuff even with the wrong key.

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6a9f62  No.7884


That would explain all those optical devices we saw in earlier breads.

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df66aa  No.7885

File: b56ad75984e0c2f⋯.png (185.23 KB, 866x189, 866:189, ResizedImage866189-SABR.png)

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df66aa  No.7886

File: b0fa1aae9228324⋯.jpg (39.06 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1 (1).jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7887


Oh shit. How does the Yuan fit into this?

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df66aa  No.7888

File: 50b3c0756ccc7ec⋯.png (490.61 KB, 420x579, 140:193, economist.png)


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6a9f62  No.7889


It says 2018 right there on the coin … nobody ever asked, is the Yuan crypto?

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54db53  No.7890



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3ec953  No.7891


is crypto the world currency they wanted? is crypto a globalist thing? or like the anon says: the yuan something to do with it?

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c68ca9  No.7892

I was just welcomed back into utter confusion. There it was, arms wide open with that familiar acceptance.

A lot of thinking out loud going on here.

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df66aa  No.7893

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6a9f62  No.7894


That's the big question: is the Illuminati behind this? I couldn't imagine them not being behind it.

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6a9f62  No.7895


Google?!?!?! That's Illuminati.

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6a9f62  No.7896


Are POTUS and Q positioning themselves against this?

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df66aa  No.7897


“The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.”

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df66aa  No.7898


“There are only two families in the world, the Haves and the Have-Nots.”

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6a9f62  No.7899


Both are equally brutal.

That magazine cover *suggests* that the Yuan finalizes the crash and out of the ashes rises the Phoenix. Not Dumbledor's type but the new global currency.

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6a9f62  No.7900


Many find it preferable to have not, and not become monsters.

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c68ca9  No.7901


Yet, short memory makes it perpetual.

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6a9f62  No.7902


The entire mindset is Neanderthal regardless of which side a person takes.

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6a9f62  No.7903


Amen. People forget SO fast … unless their personal experience is intense enough to ingrain certain values into their being where conscious awareness is not required to bring them to the forefront.

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6a9f62  No.7904


What is the third option? We won't find it manifesting in today's world.

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df66aa  No.7905



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c68ca9  No.7906


Generations forget. What is learned through experience. Once all those who experienced it are gone, it all comes around again.

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54db53  No.7907



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6a9f62  No.7908


Is that what all that's playing out, ultimately is? If so, it is the only way out of an eternal war.

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262e09  No.7909

who is William S Castle?

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df66aa  No.7910

File: a21f56568b29c45⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 437x502, 437:502, oroboros.jpg)


"It is not worth while to try to keep history from repeating itself, for man's character will always make the preventing of the repetitions impossible."

Mark Twain


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6a9f62  No.7911


He's the little boy who lives down the block.

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262e09  No.7912

does he tie in to RED_CASTLE?

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6a9f62  No.7913


So there is no way off the merry-go-round. Hell defined. Eternal. Suffering.

But one individual's place in it all can shift. Just stay under the radar and don't have too much impact on too much of the natural cycle.

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c68ca9  No.7914


Prepare for the flood?

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262e09  No.7915


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6a9f62  No.7916


Or nukes to fly?

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c68ca9  No.7917


I'm watching the vid that you dropped in bits and pieces, anon. I'm doing 20 things ATM.

You are not being ignored.

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262e09  No.7918



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c68ca9  No.7919


Something drastic that will be of biblical proportions, lol. That was my sense. Something's gotta give. Sometimes the balance is so outweighed that it shifts dramatically, like a spring.

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262e09  No.7920



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c68ca9  No.7921


Lol, easy on the SIR there. I might prefer to be addressed as a tree. /Jk

I'm no sir, but no matter.

You're welcome.

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6a9f62  No.7922


Know what I fear? A world where I can't create. Where core survival takes up so much time that there isn't time for anything else. Where the only fruit of yesterday's labor is continuing to another day where the same labor must be repeated.

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262e09  No.7923


gotcha TREE

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6a9f62  No.7924


YES we are in a genderless society, don't you people watch the news?

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df66aa  No.7925

File: 24253206e9fa5c2⋯.jpg (4.28 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, img_0325.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7926



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6a9f62  No.7927


What is your purpose here? It's not a challenge; your being here is a gift. It's an exploratory question.

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6a9f62  No.7928


"Here" meaning on this board.

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6a9f62  No.7929


I think you answered that before: to drop crumbs then fade back into the shadows.

Maybe one day we will be doing the same.

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c68ca9  No.7930


Not the full picture.

Why are the flags numbered so?

Not the point, though, huh.

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6a9f62  No.7931


Here's one to think about: maybe Ed IS us further on down the road.

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df66aa  No.7932

File: 69e149b9ad4bf37⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 960x430, 96:43, yb57d405fe.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7933


It would be hard to deduce since so many numbers are not represented.

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6a9f62  No.7934


Reset … the overall cycle? To what end, it just keeps going from a different point. Or does "breaking the pattern" at a non-natural time inherently change everything?

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df66aa  No.7935

File: 756fbffa4fbf05e⋯.jpg (282 KB, 900x902, 450:451, Belfeater_710351_6023305.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7936


Warn about it? Help it along? Oppose it?

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6a9f62  No.7937


Redirect it?

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c68ca9  No.7938


Stop worshiping it, for starters, lol. It's blind faith.

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df66aa  No.7939

File: 8240988c990c67d⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 850x400, 17:8, gggw4.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.7940


Awareness of what the reset really is, means, impacts.

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6a9f62  No.7941


What is the way out?

No monetary system: Bob the blacksmith needs corn. Farmer Bill has plenty of corn but he doesn't need any blacksmith services today. How does Bob the blacksmith pay him for the corn he needs?

Enter money. Which inherently corrupts the entity controlling and printing it. Look at that, our currency is gold backed! Okay, we have four quadrillion dollars of gold … we'll print four quadrillion dollars, keep three for ourselves and tell the people we only have one.

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df66aa  No.7942

File: dbcf53b98378654⋯.png (41.17 KB, 1200x440, 30:11, UBS_Logo.svg.png)

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6a9f62  No.7943


Then we'll make loans out of the other three and charge them interest on top of the loan!

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6a9f62  No.7944


A Swiss global financial system. How convenient. So they will be implementing the global currency, keeping 75% of the actual value and distributing the other 25% across the globe.

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df66aa  No.7945

File: cd9dbb63b0ddbda⋯.png (18.41 KB, 1456x82, 728:41, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.7946


For show only. The $100m went straight back to UBS. Or was never actually paid in the first place.

I'm sure the point is that the money they have is used to control world governments.

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6a9f62  No.7947


The way out is 100% self sufficiency.

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c68ca9  No.7948


O_O It's so simple, huh.

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6a9f62  No.7949


Are POTUS and Q part of the reset effort?

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df66aa  No.7950

File: e0ef49f804dc885⋯.png (264.06 KB, 1395x762, 465:254, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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262e09  No.7951



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6a9f62  No.7952


It doesn't need to be simple, to remain the only way out. Control is given to others. To do something we believe we can't do for ourselves. Be self sufficient and there is nothing to give away.

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6a9f62  No.7953


So the reset is a bad thing and all these countries/banks are on board.

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6a9f62  No.7954


Or, the reset is a GOOD thing and all these countries are on board. Except all these banks are Rothschild owned.

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6a9f62  No.7955


And POTUS and Q are on board with the bad reset effort.

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262e09  No.7956





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6a9f62  No.7957


Trying to understand who is on which team here.

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6a9f62  No.7958


That's what we're told. I want to get Ed's input on it. We were told a LOT of things that have panned out 180 degrees opposite of what we were told.

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262e09  No.7959



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c68ca9  No.7960


I wasn't being sarcastic. It really is that simple. Only the time will come and come again when that CIRCLE comes around, full.

We're at the tipping point at this moment in 'time'. The balance needs to come full circle, nowish. Or perhaps it will be gone forever.

Look at me being all philosophical like.

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6a9f62  No.7961


The only thing Q has ever led, asked, pushed us to do is wake people up. I would assume they want the hundredth monkey to kick in (I believe it already has) before this reset occurs.

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6a9f62  No.7962


It cannot be a closed system. People must change in some way each time around. And there has to be allowance for people to get on and off the merry go round.

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6a9f62  No.7963


Again, looking for Ed's commentary on this.

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262e09  No.7964




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df66aa  No.7965

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6a9f62  No.7966


Yes, that's the story that floats around but I'm looking to see if Ed will verify that story or change it somehow. Add something new to it, etc.

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262e09  No.7967


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c68ca9  No.7968


Evolution. It's never the same, but a different simulation, with altered variables. Perfection is sought, perhaps. Why be here if it's not?

Each round is somehow ingrained, embedded.

You've more or less said so yourself.

Our purpose as 'the good guys' is to ensure that at the next turn that enough of the good is ingrained.

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df66aa  No.7969

File: e66b2bd7bb7deef⋯.png (734.32 KB, 976x547, 976:547, Screenshot from 2018-02-08….png)






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6a9f62  No.7970


Break the cycle. By knowing reality. It's not that hard.

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6a9f62  No.7971

People don't know themselves. They don't know their own power. They know they have it, but they don't know it to trust it. And so they look for a protector, a manager, a nanny. And that's how governments form.

I've said it forever: governments are a reflection, not a cause.

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6a9f62  No.7972


It's ironic that when people place themselves under a protector, that protector becomes infinitely worse than anything he could be protecting them from.

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df66aa  No.7973

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6a9f62  No.7974


5:5 … starts Monday? The Dow heads into oblivion?

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df66aa  No.7975


“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”

― C.G. Jung

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6a9f62  No.7976


Maybe POTUS has a few tricks up his sleeve. Maybe in here we don't fully understand. Maybe we're not supposed to. We compare what we think IS to what we think should be and we draw conclusions. Maybe all three are wrong. I suspect next week will tell how true that is, or isn't.

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6a9f62  No.7977


And still there is no choice. The only variable is when their resistance can be broken down enough to finally do it.

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c68ca9  No.7978


You've faced your soul, anon…..

Many of us feel that we have, but perhaps we haven't. What am I missing, apart from a soul?

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54db53  No.7979



en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-7_Sparrow ?


"5 by 5" [No] ?

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6a9f62  No.7980


There is a higher hand guiding POTUS through this. POTUS is just a human face to place on that power, whether he himself knows it or not.

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6a9f62  No.7981


You're not missing a soul or any part of it. You're only missing discovery of certain parts of it.

Or maybe not even that. Who says when you're complete, but you yourself?

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6a9f62  No.7982

I have to sleep. 3 hours is not enough for the night. I've been resisting for hours. One more post, one more post, can't leave the board when Ed is here.

I have to sleep. I shall return! Threat? Promise? You decide LOL!

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c68ca9  No.7983


I miss my soul, anon.

I've not been in touch with it for a while.

I do miss it, though I find it hard to face.

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6a9f62  No.7984

Anon Van Winkle signing off for a short time.

What an amazing morning.

Thank you Ed … and everybody else here. It has been phenomenal. I look forward to a whole lot more, as we're able to generate this kind of staggering quality in here.

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c68ca9  No.7985



I'm in a mood.

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54db53  No.7986


Take it easy man, I might start to think you're being ironic

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6a9f62  No.7987


Willingness is enough. Life guides you all the way. Situations arise, you have to handle them, don't look for comfort to mark your being on the path. Are you still breathing? Then you're doing everything perfectly.

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6a9f62  No.7988


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c68ca9  No.7989



That's all. Just lol.

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c68ca9  No.7990

Does anyone have any quality to add?

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c68ca9  No.7991


Shneeky, shneeky. I see what you did there.

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c68ca9  No.7992

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c68ca9  No.7993

Goodnight anons.

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3ec953  No.7994

wow just read the messages that came when i was gone… thx ed… it all helps to understand… thx anons to go into conversation.. we see, we ask, we learn :D

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3ec953  No.7995



interesting, isn't it…. but we can't say it to loud, dems would go crazy… and mueller too, i still don't trust him…

so all the things happening with putin & xi concerning the petrodollar could be to crash the market…

but like is said, we could be wrong…

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262e09  No.7996



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76713f  No.7997

Is anyone paying attention to the gun marches being used to facilitate a US Spring, Soros style? Not only are they marching but within these events are huge voter registration drives and further networking and fundraising events for socialists. Look deeper, read in between the lines, and ask what are we doing to counter it. They are mobilizing millions of people not generally politically active and getting fence sitters on their side. I ask again, what are we doing to get new people to our side?

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3ec953  No.7998


they do that all the time, use those protests/marches for voter registration and stuff… it helps them enormously..

i don't think there is a counter from patriots on this… and that's what i fear in elections in november… fact that Trump didn't counter the narrative after signing the disasterbill, well it doesn't help at all..

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262e09  No.7999



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262e09  No.8000



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262e09  No.8001




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3ec953  No.8002


i would also understand you without the caps ;-)

he uses a trade-war to crash the market…; that together with the yuan can do the job imo

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262e09  No.8003



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262e09  No.8004

There's different historical theories of course, you can research the Brotherhood of the Red Dragon vs. The Brotherhood of the Yellow Dragon, or even modern things like The (Asain) White Dragon Society.

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3ec953  No.8005


those brotherhoods and societies don't ring a bell for me

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6a9f62  No.8006

I once again walk among the living. Had an AWESOME nap … not the longest one in the world but still over an hour and very high quality. :)

Now I have some errands to run, but I wanted to leave people with something to think about. It shines a light on how severely we twist our own reality (or what we think is reality). "Know thyself." This helps.

Scenario #1: a school bus crashes, killing twenty five second grade children who were riding it. The tragedy is unspeakable. Condolences pour in from all over the world. People everywhere are grief-stricken; people who didn't even know these children. Worldwide, prayer vigils are held and cards and gifts are sent. The world comes together just a little more over this horrible tragedy.

Scenario #2: at the exact same instant, twenty five second grade children are killed in twenty five separate car crashes across twenty five separate cities. The events do not make the news. There are no prayer vigils. There is no outpouring of sympathy. There are no cards or gifts sent. People don't even know, and if you tell them, they'll say "oh that's terrible. Now what's for dinner tonight?"

WTF? Same exact result in both scenarios: twenty five dead second graders.

Obviously it's not the dead second graders people care about. It's the drama available for swimming in when they all die in the same event.

We mistake that for "caring." What con artists we are; we even lie to ourselves about our own feelings. We care about drama and putting it on display.

Give it some thought. How are we really wired? How full of shit are we really? Know thyself.

Back in awhile!

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df66aa  No.8007

File: e8b40cfda8c485b⋯.png (450.28 KB, 1273x676, 1273:676, Screenshot from 2018-02-06….png)










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df66aa  No.8008

File: 186ae5c8c6acf87⋯.png (920.78 KB, 974x548, 487:274, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)




'-SUBNAME–subname-' '-DESC–"–description–"-' '-REPLQMAP–mapname-'



| '-source_owner.-' |

+-+-SRC OWNER LIKE–"–predicate1–"–+———————————+-+-+

| | '-SRC NAME LIKE–"–predicate2–"-' | |

| '-SRC NAME LIKE–"–predicate–"—————————————-' |

'-SRC ALL——————————————————————-'


'-OPTIONS–| opt-clause |-'



'-SEARCH CONDITION–"–search_condition–"-'





'-HAS LOAD PHASE–+-N—————————–+-'


'-E-' '-SPILL_MODELQ–name-'







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df66aa  No.8009

File: 1ad720a43e496dd⋯.png (572.11 KB, 974x539, 974:539, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)




'-EXIST-' '-TARGET–+———————————+-'


| '-owner–.-' |

'-NAMING PREFIX–prefix———–'


'-TABLE OWNER-+-target_owner———-+-'

+-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-+




'-TABLE NAME–+-target_name———–+-'

+-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-+



'-FEDERATED–| fed-clause |-'



'-DB–name-' '-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-' '-| prof-clause |-'


'-TYPE–+-+-USERTABLE–+–| targetcolumns |————————–+-'


| '-NICKNAME—' |


'-| ccd-clause |-' '-MANAGE TARGET CCD–| action |-'


| .-,—————. |

| V | |


+-indexowner.indexname–+ +-+–+

'-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-' '- –'





| '-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-' |

'-NEW NICKNAME RMT SERVERNAME–srvname–+-owner.nickname——–+-'

'-NAMING PREFIX–prefix-'



+-F-+ +-D-+

+-D-+ '-Q-'




'-OKSQLSTATES–"–sqlstates–"-' '-LOAD TYPE–+-0—+-'









|–+————————+–nickname target name————-|

'-nickname target owner.-'




'-OFF-' '-OFF-'


'-WITH UOW COLS–+-ALL—————+-'

| .-,——-. |

| V | |



'-| targetcolumns |-' '-| ccdoptions |-'





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3ec953  No.8010


wb ed..

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df66aa  No.8011

File: a15070aee261f8c⋯.png (436.13 KB, 974x542, 487:271, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)



| .-,————————–. |

| V | |


| '-srccolname-' |

| .-,———-. |

| V | |



| .-,—————————–. |

| V | |






| | .-,——————————-. | |

| | V | | |

| '-COLS–(—-AFTER–aftcols–BEFORE–befcols-+–)-' |

| .-,——————————————-. |

| V | |


| '-BEFORE–befincludes-' |

'-FOR KEY COLS ONLY———————————————-'





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54db53  No.8012

>>8007 [….] >>8011


What's "Q Replication and Event Publishing" with IBM ?

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df66aa  No.8013

File: 8716006b3bd8f1d⋯.png (651.69 KB, 970x540, 97:54, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)


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54db53  No.8014



Never mind – might have found it here:

>Q Replication can replicate large volumes of data at low levels of latency. Event Publishing captures changes to source tables and converts committed transactional data to messages in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) format or delimited format.



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df66aa  No.8015

File: f7521bcde72afe0⋯.png (42.5 KB, 1148x222, 574:111, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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54db53  No.8016


EdAnon – even if you won't answer, let me ask you this please:

>z/OS is a 64-bit operating system for IBM mainframes, produced by IBM.


>IBM Db2 contains database-server products developed by IBM.

Also there's the IBM Q Network, "an industry-first initiative to build commercially available universal quantum computers for business and science."

via: research.ibm.com/ibm-q/

Also you told us >>1360

Many of your "cryptic" commands from above, e.g. >>8013 are sql-commands (i.e. database related), and now I read:


Are you trying to tell us that IBM (and their Quantum Computing Network) has anything to do with the posts we get to read from tripCode "Q !xowAT4Z3VQ" (or "Q !UW.yye1fxo" previously) ??

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3ec953  No.8017


i just noticed the same there… hope ed answers ya… it seems very important…. suddenly lots of questions go through me… i'm not going to ask them.. let's keep it with your questions, you're better suited for this

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df66aa  No.8018

File: 0941fc55d14e403⋯.png (10.12 KB, 923x118, 923:118, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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3ec953  No.8020


the beginning of the Yalta conference, which was aimed at defining the basic principles of post-war political order in the world, and its provisions led to establishing the zone of influence of the Soviet Union to the areas east of the Elbe line.

The conference in the Crimea was attended by the leaders of the three largest states of the anti-Nazi coalition: representing the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchi

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3ec953  No.8021


2nd: security counsil chamber united nations

3rd: picasso… guernica (like picture name says) is in London's Whitechapel Art Gallery (2009?)

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11a2a7  No.8022


Nice Quads! Kek has spoken so it must be true!

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3ec953  No.8023


ed, the tripcode-change was 2 days ago (q) … today is the 25th… why did ya point it out again to us? and like >>8016 asked, has IBM anything to do with Q?

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df66aa  No.8024



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54db53  No.8025


Just to get things straight (as I understand them) as there appear to many letters Q mixing up:

Qmap comes from Qt (a programming interface on top of C++; ex-TrollTech, ex-Nokia, now Qt Company). Little to do with IBM (as far as I know), and maybe they (IBM) managed to compile/run it on a Quantum machine [their Q(uantum) machine network] by now.

TripCodes on infchan are password-dependent, meaning you'd have a password and the trip would be created according to some algorithm, a variety of which you can find in the various source codes for the chans (on github for example).

So how is IBM's Q Network (and the applications running there, i.e. Db2 and it's sql syntax) related to what's going on on infchan ?

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3ec953  No.8026

f'ing germans… doing last things for timeline i missed it completely…



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3ec953  No.8027

File: 10cd793b9a2320b⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 724x401, 724:401, Screenshot_40.jpg)

if someone wants to share on twatter, fb or where-ever… just found it, and shared myself… just in case…

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11a2a7  No.8028

File: ea86b70c399b895⋯.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3062.PNG)

File: 398a1b50e5f0591⋯.png (873.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3064.PNG)

File: 3d87618a0eedab6⋯.png (144.19 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3069.PNG)


Think "clock"…interesting!

Also, More pics of Voynich MS

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6a9f62  No.8029


Ed! You're designing the entire system here! :D

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df66aa  No.8030

File: 9b01629b521d150⋯.png (14 KB, 430x176, 215:88, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.8031


They're messing with Q here…..

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6a9f62  No.8032


Anon, I am sticking to you like glue … I know ASM, not this stuff. Haven't touched mainframes since '84.

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6a9f62  No.8033


Why did everything stop???

It *seems* obvious that all this is after-the-fact monitoring of Q's traffic; can't be involved with sending it. From Q's perspective there's simply a password to enter into 8Chan per-message and that is that; the trip code results.

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6a9f62  No.8034


So likely they're saving every message from QR and GA and extracting the ones Q sends according to trip code. Would be funny if the fake Q was totally messing up their processing because they don't seem to be distinguishing a name that includes Q's trip from the name Q with a valid trip.

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6a9f62  No.8035


First image, all but the big blue star have 12 points like a clock. Second image, here we have our sample of medieval porn, holding an 8 pointed star. And the obvious inference from #3 is that the minutes (and seconds?) from Q's markers are to be processed as modulo 12 so they work well on a clock.

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6a9f62  No.8036


Until recently I assumed seconds would and could not be factored in because Q would not have reliable control over the second of posting. Then a couple messages were referenced by Q with the seconds set to :00 and I figured they have more control over the 8Chan software than I thought, which opens the door for seconds on the timestamps to be completely relevant.

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6a9f62  No.8037


Obviously all the time stamps need to have minute and possibly second set to modulo 12 before anything else is done.

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6a9f62  No.8038

And now I will pause to see if I'm the only one on this board, talking to himself like an idiot. :D

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3ec953  No.8039


i'm still here, but doing other stuff the same time ;-)

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6a9f62  No.8040


Okay. I have to think this stuff through. Why is the QMap software being used on Q's postings? It kinda indicates there's a coordinate system being transmitted in these messages.

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a53d46  No.8041


I'm watching you talk to yourself. So you're really not alone. I just found this board by accident phonefagging…looking for /qresearch/

I like it here. Been reading through past threads. I honestly don't understand a lot here though. And this https://twitter.com/MorningStarPay - seems like Ed

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6a9f62  No.8042


Coordinates, not a system.

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3ec953  No.8043


wow nice one… and welcome!


first thing i thought: is q human or bot… i don't know, not into that software-thing… sorry :(

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df66aa  No.8044

File: 26c2a03607c1fde⋯.png (158.11 KB, 1712x499, 1712:499, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.8045


I don't think extensive analysis of the software is needed. Ed steered me away from exactly that in the earliest messages. I think just glossing over the words will give an idea of what's going on.

I *looks* like there's an automated system monitoring Q's traffic, waiting for a physical map to be completed. New Q traffic is auto-analyzed and as markers are sent, they're processed and mapped.

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3ec953  No.8046


could be… think my head is going to explode from all info i got today… have a little blackout… lol


it is, same posts there and here

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6a9f62  No.8047


Is Q passing crypto key data in his messages?

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df66aa  No.8048

File: 803b633beb27eb3⋯.png (201.43 KB, 1703x493, 1703:493, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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54db53  No.8049

>>8031 >>8032

Sorry for the delay, you're not talking to yourself only – work was calling ….


Not sure if I have all the answers (or any at all), but from what I read, above command re-sets parameters "SENDQ" & "RECVQ" to assume the values of Q's name & new tripCode. These two parameters are contained in a (relational?) SQL-table named "IBMQREP_SENDQUEUES".

I have little of an idea, why it would require SENDQ & RECVQ – but (for now and for reasons of plausibility and feasibility that I am aware of) I would be with you on the fact that it would be "after the fact" >>8033

…. that is, until e.g. ed (or Q) provides plausible and useful indications otherwise.

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6a9f62  No.8050


Is this software trying to pin down which hardware Q is using? That doesn't seem right.

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6a9f62  No.8051


The QMap software is involved in the processing of these tables so they have to be extracting some kind of coordinate data from them.

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54db53  No.8052


Sorry, ed – another question: Why is my browser (and/or PC) much slower when you are onlione or posting as opposed to when you are not ? Anything to do with "compromised machines" ?

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6a9f62  No.8053


>I have little of an idea, why it would require SENDQ & RECVQ

That is strange. Q is receiving nothing that could be of value …..


…… or is he? Maybe some of the replies to his messages are meaningful - probably not the content but the timestamp

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6a9f62  No.8054


Which would explain why he rarely posts on his own board.

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df66aa  No.8055

File: 5e910bcec70b723⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1464x967, 1464:967, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.8056



This exact picture showed up at the exact moment of this post on the Morningstar Payments Twitter page.

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6a9f62  No.8057


InfoGuard AG

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df66aa  No.8058

File: 6164076a3e6a2ce⋯.png (16.94 KB, 295x245, 59:49, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)

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6a9f62  No.8059

File: 57ce87fd7bcacbd⋯.jpg (13.38 KB, 256x312, 32:39, radar.jpg)


Need to see what QRadar is all about.

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6a9f62  No.8060


You screen capped this off the Twitter page.

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df66aa  No.8061

File: 8aacec42aed9358⋯.png (194.79 KB, 1016x773, 1016:773, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)




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3ec953  No.8062

oh damn :( things going bad in catalunya :(

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6a9f62  No.8065


I hope you're not the one posting them there.

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6a9f62  No.8066


So QRadar is relevant … is this what Q is using to detect intrusion, etc. attempts?

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6a9f62  No.8067


Remembering that we have no idea who Q actually is.

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3ec953  No.8068

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6a9f62  No.8069


I couldn't see any other way it would fit into the equation, unless Q is doing their own intrusions that the bad guys want to detect.

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6a9f62  No.8070


Didn't we just leave this party?

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3ec953  No.8071



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6a9f62  No.8072


All this Catalonia stuff just flared up a few months ago.

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3ec953  No.8073


puigdemont is arrested today in germany.. so things went crazy in an hour…

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6a9f62  No.8074


We need to summarize…..

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3ec953  No.8075

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6a9f62  No.8076


[Somebody] has an SQL-based setup monitoring Q's traffic in 8Chan. It extracts (somehow) coordinate data when it can be found and feeds it into a QMap. Somehow quantum computing is used for doing this, indicating there might be encrypted data being passed in Q's traffic. This would almost have to be done through the timestamps. (The system seems to have been set up around his old yye1fxo trip code and they've modified it to alias the new one so it translates to the old rather than rewrite the whole setup.) >>8024 suggests (maybe?) that all along, yye1fxo, when sent, was aliased to be received as xowAT4Z3VQ. Which is very odd.

Then we move on to the "Wind the Clock" thing which has driven many anons to early graves in frustration.

Then we jump again to a discussion of attacks, and then onto machines that are compromised - some pre-comp'd.

Then we jump back to Morningstar Payments, a very devoted Luciferian company. They reference InfoGuard AG and IBM QRadar which inherently implicates these companies as being equally Luciferian / NWO.

All we have to do now is tie all that together.

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6a9f62  No.8077


Now humbly requesting any needed corrections in the summary.

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6a9f62  No.8078


JA was tweeting about that back when it was hot, as if it were the most critical issue in the entire world and nobody should care about anything else. Then it all imploded, there was no independence, and it died. So they captured the would-be Pres in Deutschland; seems like it's just clean-up after the whole thing died, and the people are doing a "you can't do that" protest. Oh well.

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6a9f62  No.8080


>primarily sold encryption units to banks in Switzerland and abroad.

The banks themselves are NWO so this could amount to NSA back-dooring THEM?

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6a9f62  No.8081


Are these back doors how Q and company are going to mess up the reset, or already have, or help it along, whatever their intent is?

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3ec953  No.8082


well i stand with the people of catalunya… know a few there, and they would do the same for us… they had a fair election & referendum, spain ,is the one wrong here imo… but hey, who am i.. i just stand with them.. i stand with patriots around the world.. always have, always will!

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6a9f62  No.8083


Sorry, really don't mean to be so abrasive about it all … it's just that time with Ed is priceless and we went 15 days without. Q has not exactly been feeding us a lot of valuable info lately.

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6a9f62  No.8084


The timing of this is curious …. you'd think they would have nabbed him long ago, so maybe they've been waiting until today, the day before the maybe financial crash, to maximize unrest among the population?

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6a9f62  No.8085


When civil unrest gets out of hand, (((they))) assume a lot of latitude in permanently arresting and even killing many key people.

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6a9f62  No.8086

I hope Ed hasn't gone home for the night. Never know when it's quitting time.

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3ec953  No.8087


don't think so… germans arrested him.. (tipped off?) and well the result happens now since that moment… he was free in belgium, visited norway or something and when coming back, he was arrested by germans… f'ing germans..; i hate them from hear to eternity!

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262e09  No.8088


whos ed

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3ec953  No.8089


lol yeah he does that sometimes :D

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6a9f62  No.8090


Nooooooooooo don't tell me you don't know who Ed Anon is? They're a team. For now, ID cfe968 in this thread. They know things. MANY MANY things. We don't know who they are. They come and go with the wind.

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6a9f62  No.8091


Well day-um, what was the guy thinking, amping up his passport activity when he's supposed to be in hiding????

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262e09  No.8092


ok thnx

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3ec953  No.8093


don't know what happened… from belgium i read he was supposed to fly back to belgium, but what happened that he didn't and came by car, i don't know…

i can't wait till that merkel-ragtag is gone… yeah can't explain in here, but i hate germans…

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3ec953  No.8094


*from belgium news i read….

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6a9f62  No.8095

It's looking like the MorningStar Payments Twitter page is Ed.

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3ec953  No.8096


yeah, all the same as posts in here..

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6a9f62  No.8097


But here we get walked through interpreting them.

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3ec953  No.8098


yup :D

but have to go now… will be back tomorrow :D

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6a9f62  No.8099


K enjoy!!!!!!

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a03743  No.8100


So the upside down cross represents the crucifixion of Peter?

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a03743  No.8101

The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system. The vellum on which it is written has been carbon-dated to the early 15th century (1404–1438), and it may have been composed in Northern Italy during the Italian Renaissance.[1][2] The manuscript is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912.[18]

Some of the pages are missing, with around 240 remaining. The text is written from left to right, and most of the pages have illustrations or diagrams. Some pages are foldable sheets.

The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British codebreakers from both World War I and World War II.[19] No one has yet demonstrably deciphered the text, and it has become a famous case in the history of cryptography. The mystery of the meaning and origin of the manuscript has excited the popular imagination, making the manuscript the subject of novels and speculation. None of the many hypotheses proposed over the last hundred years has yet been independently verified.[20]

In 1969, the Voynich manuscript was donated by Hans P. Kraus[21] to Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, where it is catalogued under call number MS 408.[13][22]

Curious it's at Yale

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a03743  No.8102


The templars found it?

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a03743  No.8103


not THAT is interesting. You have the Mason's/Templar symbolism and then one is holding a globe and one a flat Earth… fascinating. This is at the Vatican and it's very old. Here's some info I found about the room:

These rooms were part of the private apartments of Pope Julius II (della Rovere, 1503-1513), where Pope moved from Borgia's apartments, as he did not want to see any reminders of his hated predecessor, Pope Alexander VI Borgia. Julius II, taking advantage of the overall modernization of the Vatican Palace, conceived a complete change in the interior of the rooms he occupied. Initially Julius II commissioned the design works of two leading artists of his time - Perugino and Luca Signorelli. According to Giorgio Vasari (a disciple of Michelangelo), Bramante, the chief architect of the Vatican Palaces, called for the help of his countryman and distant relative Raphael. After the first successful assignments, Julius II was so fired up with the idea of ​​entrusting young Rafael with the decoration of his apartments, which even ordered the destruction of paintings already begun by other masters. As a sign of respect for his teacher Perugino, Rafael ordered to leave untouched the ceiling, painted by a great master from Umbria in the Fire Station. Numerous changes and decorative works were so protracted that Julius II never saw their completion, and work continued under the reign of Pope Leo X (Medici, 1513-1521 gg.), And the complete ending was during the era of the reign of Clement VII (Medici, 1523 -1534). In the description of rooms, we will adhere to the chronological principle - beginning with the first orders of Raphael under Julia II and up to the most recent frescoes, finished by the master's pupils in the sketches of Raphael under Leo X and Clement VII. Rafael himself worked a lot on frescoes, but at the same time resorted to the help of students. He, as a rule, took up writing the main scenes on the walls and left the assistants with the murals of the skirting boards, the ceiling, and only occasionally attracted them to writing the basic compositions, mainly at those moments when too much work was accumulating.

Stanza Signature:

The first hall where the paintings were finished was the Signature Station, named for the reason that the Church Tribunal met here. Nevertheless, from the very beginning, Julius II intended to relate the room to his private office and library, so he wished that the murals of the walls were closely related to the appointment of the hall. The idea of ​​design was undoubtedly developed with the help of the theologians and writers of the Roman Curia. In four ton of the ceiling, Raphael depicted in the form of adorable female figures the allegorical incarnations of those disciplines that were especially interested in Julius II:

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54db53  No.8104

Ok, sorry for the absence (, Ed) – missed 8064 & 8079 which are gone by now. But 8079 appears to be from:

National Security Agency Surveillance: Reflections and Revelations 2001-2013

(found via googleBooks)

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a03743  No.8105

File: a6574aa764dc49e⋯.png (83.03 KB, 563x569, 563:569, ClipboardImage.png)

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a03743  No.8106


Liber Primus - First Book

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a03743  No.8107

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54db53  No.8108


Would that be John Dee's "Mysteriorum Liber Primus" or did John only write/comment about the "First Book" ?

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6a9f62  No.8109


Cicada has always terrified me as being a one-way dead-end shortcut to death for the people who succeed at it. What do you know about them?

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6a9f62  No.8110


The Flat Earth has consistently drawn severe overreaction in QR and that in itself is very telling. By itself it is really just "fun knowledge" that could never be that impactful. For those of us living on this planet, the laws of physics pretty much remain as they are no matter what shape the Earth is. The problem with the Flat Earth, for the bad guys, is that it necessitates a firmament which inherently begs the question "what is outside of it?" And THAT is what is being hidden.

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c7d2df  No.8111


Can't look at that page with my browser, can someone post a screenshot please?

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c7d2df  No.8112


DST Global became one of the world’s leading technology investors and its portfolio has included some of the world's most prominent internet companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Airbnb, Spotify, Alibaba, and others.[27]

On 5 November 2017, The New York Times reported that Milner had strong Kremlin backing for his investments in Facebook and Twitter.[5] Milner denied this allegations in his open letter published in ReCode [28]

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a53d46  No.8113

File: 3e850c916565153⋯.png (96.99 KB, 993x802, 993:802, GV Crunchbase.png)

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a53d46  No.8114

File: 651faf61b2c41e8⋯.png (48.55 KB, 937x252, 937:252, GV Crunchbase (1).png)


Forgot to expand the bottom. Here u go.

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262e09  No.8115

https://youtu.be/S8JVyQfPC3c anons watch this video

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c7d2df  No.8116


How to carry the Arch of the covenent

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c7d2df  No.8117


Why Qtrips?

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11a2a7  No.8118


Could ed be part of Morning Star payments group? Kinda strange the Twitter updating photo at same time as here.

Do we know if ed is on our team?

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a53d46  No.8119


see → >>8049

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11a2a7  No.8120


You usually know Ed group by their photos they post with their messages (photos look creepy- no offense Ed). Many times they are talking with each other & they also give us information which seems to correspond with Q drops.

This group tried to post information on QR but got banned so the information got lost so then they found this Board.

I'm hoping ed is on our team but really don't know atm.

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b5cba1  No.8121


This is interesting

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b5cba1  No.8122



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11a2a7  No.8123


What does this mean Anons?

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54db53  No.8124

>>8076 >>8077

Here's some questions I'd have:

>It extracts (somehow) coordinate data when it can be found and feeds it into a QMap.

Why extract coordinates ? Because of the "Qmap" ? The Qmap is a construct to store data in the abstract form of [key, value]. "key" can be "age", "income", "location/[lon,lat]", "blood group", "family tree", "climate zone" – anything …. !

"value" would then simply correspond to the "category" described by the "key" (well, its value, lol … self-explaining that should be)

So there's no necessity for a [literally] "map" (i.e. coordinates)

>Somehow quantum computing is used for doing this, indicating there might be encrypted data being passed in Q's traffic

Quantum computing per se has little to do with cryptography. If quantum computing can be on that level (and from what I know quantum machines are not that powerful yet – assumably your/my PC can do what they do and much more. But it's not hard to believe that MIL/Intel are much further ahead than what I can read publically.

However, as I understand it, quantum computing's "magic" lies in the possibility of computing "in parallel" (i.e. with the same "bit") what in nowadays PCs needs several subsequent operations of bits because bits are 1/0 and a "qbit" can have have both at the same time


You can use that "magic" for anything, also (especially for [some]) for cryptography …..

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262e09  No.8125


ty for the info

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a53d46  No.8126

File: a4792628ac33066⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, deprogramming.mp4)

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262e09  No.8127

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11a2a7  No.8128


Interesting! I just don't really follow the graphic that he is trying to explain. I think it could be explained better so we could understand how to decipher Q drops.

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262e09  No.8129


agreed……thanx for watching

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11a2a7  No.8130

File: b9196460097926e⋯.png (237.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3082.PNG)

Very interesting thoughts by Wictor on Omnibus signing & Iran.

.also shows Rods of God strike!


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262e09  No.8131

File: e67e0adcf45c138⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 235x300, 47:60, wilbur.jpg)

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6a9f62  No.8132


Just following what Ed has been posting.

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6a9f62  No.8133


Read up on Cicada 3301

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54db53  No.8134


IBM's QRadar is here:


Looks like it's some network security service that IBM offers for "intranets" (i.e. internal networks of companies, universities, gov entities etc) against intrusion, internal data-theft and data-protection.

However, that SIEM thing appears to be some powerful tool (more than) looking "outside" as well ….

Have to wonder who would hire infoguard.ch to monitor Q's (or any of the boards') traffic, that couldn't do the monitoring themselves ?

[only answer coming to mind would be the (sillies in the) vatican]


Compared to quantum computing, as I'm aware can be done these days, it'd be much easier to combine some number of (say) NVIDIA blades into a cluster and run them (truly) parallel to brute-force some crypto (or use some weakness you might know about → 4 acres of cray)

So if IBM calls everything they have/sell "Q" then I'd assume it's a PR/image strategy rather than anything to do with Quantum computing.

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6a9f62  No.8135


Coords: okay … I was under the impression from prior interaction with Ed that the QMap software actually was designed to work with coordinates.

Quantum computing would make breaking efforts viable where other forms would not. That's the exact indication, that they are much farther ahead than the public knows. Ed referred to Qubits on more than one occasion so indications are that they are indeed in use.

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b5cba1  No.8136

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b5cba1  No.8137


wictor is super smart

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6a9f62  No.8138


These single examples hold up but what we're looking for us a system that holds up across many messages.

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6a9f62  No.8139


This thread is desperately needed. Wictor always seems to deliver.

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6a9f62  No.8140


They definitely like Q, but I think it represents Qubits and Quantum.

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262e09  No.8141


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11a2a7  No.8142

File: 80575c617310e54⋯.png (517.69 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_3080.PNG)

File: 620877bcee754a9⋯.png (804.13 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_3081.PNG)

File: 7da64d2ad52a619⋯.png (653.54 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_3083.PNG)

File: 71393fadfc758a7⋯.png (448.03 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_3084.PNG)

File: 7185bd52a4c3cc0⋯.png (365.49 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3087.PNG)


Here are some of the posts from the Twitter & in the video

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262e09  No.8143


nice sir

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6a9f62  No.8144

I did a little reading up on moving to the Chinese Yuan for oil trading. Consensus seems to be that any impact it's going to have is going to be slower than molasses in January as it will take a very long time for trust and inertia using that currency to grow. So don't expect our Dow to plummet to zero 5 seconds after the opening bell on Monday.

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54db53  No.8145

In case anyone interested in seeing the cnn stream of the interview (AC vs SD): Open youtube.com/watch?v=uGQl5fgfr7Y

and "scroll" back using the video scroll bar to something like 3 hrs 10 mins back in the stream. Sound is bad somehow though …

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54db53  No.8146


Sorry for the mistake – It was the interview AC vs Karen McDougal from march 22.

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11a2a7  No.8147


I REALLY do not like Stormy D!! Is it bad that I hope she chokes to death on one of those d—s that she is paid to service?!! What a WHORE all around- famewhore, sexwhore, moneywhore, liberalwhore!

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6a9f62  No.8148


Thanks for the link.

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6a9f62  No.8149


Why do you think the media loves her?

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54db53  No.8150


As may of the anons already said – worst thing to happen would be to find out that a grown-up man had some consensual sexual shit going on with some hooker/porn star ….

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6a9f62  No.8151


The MSM is doing far more damage to themselves by harping on this than they could ever do to Trump.

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54db53  No.8152


One more brick out that wall … lol.

Damage has been done over quite some time already – there are several examples when CNN misstated and twisted the facts. Think elections for example, or feeding these Japanese Koy ….

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11a2a7  No.8153


Her pupils are HUGE which looks like a cocaine drug problem! Cocaine dialates pupils…she is also a Coke whore!

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54db53  No.8154


Not sure if I would judge anyone on that, as the "War on Drugs" probably is one of the endless wars created to rob us of the fruits of our labor. Not like Harvey (pic) for example … lol

One might simply think like


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54db53  No.8155

File: 483d3d7b6738ea6⋯.jpg (155.44 KB, 1286x857, 1286:857, 171102-harvey-weinstein-pi….jpg)

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a27f41  No.8157

Meanwhile in the ommibus.., another hit to the people

https:// www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2018/03/25/CLOUD-Act-gives-US-foreign-law-enforcement-more-access-to-Americans-emails/1021522020817/

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11a2a7  No.8158

Good night Anons!! Much love to you all & may tomorrow be a Monday Habbenings Day for Team USA!!

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c68ca9  No.8159

File: 02f257847c8023f⋯.jpg (153.91 KB, 822x696, 137:116, Exerpt.jpg)

Good day/evening all. Anon semi-on deck here.

I've been off on a tangent.

No matter where I start the day off with digging, I always seem to end up a million miles away.

Found this interesting (pic related).

Oh how times did change.

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6a9f62  No.8160


This would put men of the time in the same position that women of today claim to be in. So it sounds like they just switched roles, and would therefore be little different, virtue-wise, from what we have today. When there is no oppressor, when there is no superior gender either way, then things move forward.

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6a9f62  No.8161


So really very little changed beyond filling the same old roles with gender A instead of gender B. If it's evil when men fill the role, it's equally evil when women fill it. When the roles no longer exist, then there is change.

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c68ca9  No.8162


The (incredibly long) research paper that I'm still reading now, presents it much differently. What I posted is a mere fragment.

It caught my attention in that in current day Sharia Law, a woman is put to death for being raped.

I'm honestly not sure how I ended up on this. I started by reading bout this >>7833 Of which the only clear word I could come up with myself, not having looked at anyone else's research, was 'humanity'.

All the sudden, I somehow went off down the garden path of …….. lol.

I'm now contemplating the differences between Lucifarianism and satanism. 2 different animals! Possibly several different animals.

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c68ca9  No.8163


Sex was once considered as close to divinity as one could get. What an amazingly stark contrast that Priests and Nuns of the Catholic church are required to make vows of chastity and abstinence.

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0f03cb  No.8164

/QR/ has devolved into the biggest shitfest I have ever seen. Teams of shills by the dozen have taken over. There's a team of at least 3 working Gas the Joos, a team dedicated to splitting the board's breads and IP hopping to accuse each other and a team of concern fags (possibly only two) laying down FUD. It's impressive in its scope.

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c68ca9  No.8165


It's not something I can watch in real time, anymore. Does my head in. It's a travesty. I don't mind being directed there for useful info, but apart from that it holds little value. (Perhaps I can blame them for driving me to drink, hehehe).

I'm not quite sure why Q told us not to split up, to stay together, being stronger together, coz QR sure as shit isn't the finest representation of strength and togetherness. It's an embarrassment and the epitome of the 'crazy conspiracy theorists' notion.

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3ec953  No.8166

don't forget:

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" Adolf Hitler, 1935

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police." Adolf Hitler.

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c68ca9  No.8167

File: 78ac885df43abc7⋯.jpg (68.31 KB, 500x350, 10:7, polish-riot-squad.jpg)


Good morning, anon.

>Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient…

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3ec953  No.8168


nah i don't believe in gun control…

morning ;-)

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3ec953  No.8169

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c68ca9  No.8170


I did a brief search on what it may all be about. Sounds as though Trump is sticking his middle finger up at the entire process and doing what he wants to do (by craft of understanding the law), regardless of what the budget agreement, on the surface is meant to entail.

Does that make sense? I'm only half here, sorry anon.

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3ec953  No.8171


that is the same i could make out… because of this and that, he will see what is fit to use from the money and can use some for other things… something like that.. but can't find the memorandum talked about

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6a9f62  No.8172


It reflects the people in the board. Those who are happy in that environment, stay. ?????

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6a9f62  No.8173


Karma for the ban parties earlier.

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c68ca9  No.8174


Don't know how I got to this site, but it may be of assistance. I've only skimmed through. Again, I'm kind of otherwise engaged in my pinhead sized brain, here ATM. ;)


I think it has a lot to do with, but it's all too late to hash it over now. What's done is done.

Every time I see the board worsening, I attribute it to the banning and pissy attitude episodes.

Those who are genuinely looking for answers, light and knowledge will seek it elsewhere, sooner or later. No to much that can be done about it, unfortunately.

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c68ca9  No.8175

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3ec953  No.8176

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c68ca9  No.8177

I'm presently going through a mind fuck of which I've been visited by many times before, but this time around I'm paying more attention.

Religion is the blindfold. We already knew that. I did anyway. But God, Satan, Lucifer, The Holy Ghost; it really is all mashing up to be the same thing. The only difference is how it's all been presented, twisted and perceived.

Taking a bit from here and a bit from there, both sides of this perceived coin resonate with me.

What does this have to do with digging on Q stuff? It probably doesn't. I just keep ending up back there, lol.

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6a9f62  No.8178


Exactly the case. The sum total of the people there become, and attract, what they do. They have not changed. Interesting that Q's "home board" became this. And here we are, off to the side, in our own quiet little grotto, apart from all of it.

The people there were never recruited to do anything but spread the word, and it could be argued that THAT mission ended 3/10.

It seems to all be following a pattern of "inflate, crash, and reset." Build everything up for the grand finale. Back off and largely go quiet as the grand finale fails to materialize. Allow time for the dust to settle, then present a new timeline and repeat the process.

Thomas Wictor's Twatter page was the first to lay out a (surprise!) new timeline where mass arrests are now not even to begin until after September. At that point, the same crash will occur and a 2-year-ish timeline will then replace the old one. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Clearly, Q will not persist in any kind of following until September.

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6a9f62  No.8179

Ed had their own crypto currency MRNG. It stopped being listed on January 5. It never even reached a value of 1 cent per coin. I wonder what happened to it.

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3ec953  No.8180

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6a9f62  No.8181


Exactly: here we go. I am an idiot on financial matters and honestly I think it's a total crapshoot, trying to predict how the Dow is going to react this morning. I'll be watching it like a hawk because of what's at stake here.

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6a9f62  No.8182

After hours trading says Dow is up 240 so I personally am expecting a 1200+ rise today.

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6a9f62  No.8183


The apologetic reset for last week's nose dive.

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6a9f62  No.8184

It's really kind of backward … it's like Apple seeing a surge in sales because Samsung came out with a new competing product that's also surging.

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6a9f62  No.8185


Of course we have to take into account the Cabal's control over the market. It could very well be tanking and they'll simply override that. I wonder how far they can fake the numbers?

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3ec953  No.8186


glad you know what we are talking about.. i know nothing about those things lol… i just see it rise or go down… ;-)

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3ec953  No.8187

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6a9f62  No.8188


I know less than you! LOL the blind leading the blind!

Really it's the most hilarious situation … over in some dark corner, we have the NWO furiously hitting keys to force the Dow where they want it go to … and then over there we have all the expert analysts saying "well company X had a weak showing yesterday, and companies Y and Z fell short of projected earnings by 3%. So the Dow is reflecting these issues." Idiots.

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6a9f62  No.8189

Of course, propping up the Dow is not free … all those sinking stocks that have to look gaining have to have NWO money pumped into them.

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c68ca9  No.8190

Wow, took ages for my last post to drop. Anyone else having slow board issues?


I barely pay much direct attention to QR nor Q anymore. Not to say that I don't appreciate Q, I'm just realistic in that I know I'm limited in figuring all this shit out. I'm trying not to push my way in somewhere that I clearly have no business to be. I'll leave all that shit to the super smart educated folk.


There's a few posts regarding this on the bitcointalk website if you follow little trails. (Sry Ed, yes, I stalked you for a bit when you first appeared on this board. I wanted to know if you was a good guy or a bad guy).

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262e09  No.8191

had a dream mueller got fired

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3ec953  No.8192


can't wait for that moment… but don't think mr trump has enough real patriots in congress to back him up.. too many swamp-creatures (rats)

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262e09  No.8193


congress is on resses so now is the time to round those rats up

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3ec953  No.8194


hmm.. didn't think of that, but still, i think they would hurry to come back to dc when that happens.. not?

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262e09  No.8195


whats left of them

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262e09  No.8196


hopefully they didnt let them leave dc

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3ec953  No.8197

i don't know… like i see things at the moment is that we are going towards WW3 … appointing Bolton even made that feeling worse.. the FF on Skripal in UK… and the fact that they already decided in UN that Assad has done the next coming chemical attack (even though it has not happened yet)…

a new ww will be a disaster for the people… everywhere… NOT for those elite… but for us…

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6a9f62  No.8198


With all their bunkers destroyed (if that's what all the booms have been) I wonder how profitable nuke war could still be for them.

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3ec953  No.8199


don't think the booms mean that

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6a9f62  No.8200


Not the ones Q has been sending; the ones that were in the news that everybody kept hearing.

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c68ca9  No.8201


meteor showers. dead bodies of rock being shattered by Earth's protective sphere.

'Engage shield'.

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3ec953  No.8202


yeah the dome is falling apart ;-)

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c68ca9  No.8203


Lol, back when I was joking, (the police being more efficient) you were serious in response. Now that I'm being serious, you joke. :P

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3ec953  No.8204


lol… but who says i'm joking? hahahah

btw, think you're right about those booms… but we won't know for certain..

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df66aa  No.8205

File: 642775cd1125137⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 2lYUEvX4f3o.jpg)

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3ec953  No.8206


hey ed …. morning ;-)

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c68ca9  No.8207

I think I finally have a brief understanding behind the images that the Eds post. (And NO, I wasn't stalking this time). Something to do with internal destructive forces, but this shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. It gives birth to new life.

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c68ca9  No.8208


Hmm, nice timing.

Hiya Eds.

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262e09  No.8209


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262e09  No.8210

File: e67e0adcf45c138⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 235x300, 47:60, wilbur.jpg)

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c68ca9  No.8211

I like the one with the roses. Common theme for me at present. I won't post it, coz anons will get confused thinking it's you when its not, type shit.


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df66aa  No.8212

File: aa2187211590abf⋯.png (39.14 KB, 276x407, 276:407, Screenshot from 2018-03-26….png)

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df66aa  No.8213

File: c62033b4fc70280⋯.png (47.44 KB, 272x431, 272:431, Screenshot from 2018-03-26….png)

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3ec953  No.8214

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df66aa  No.8215

File: f8e484d604ba74e⋯.png (82.71 KB, 1414x266, 101:19, Screenshot from 2018-03-26….png)

File: defed838fbfc615⋯.png (100.02 KB, 1514x249, 1514:249, Screenshot from 2018-03-26….png)

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df66aa  No.8216

File: fd67053cb72b83f⋯.png (104.97 KB, 1716x471, 572:157, Screenshot from 2018-03-26….png)

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c68ca9  No.8217

I know anons are likely off in another world compared to that of which I'm presently in, but um, Baphomet; why exactly do we consider this a satanic and evil symbol? Because we've been told it is? Because it's been associated with child sacrifice and all sorts of shit that would most certainly turn us off it?

What do most people really know about this?

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df66aa  No.8218

File: cbe5dfc0e05a4bc⋯.png (226.34 KB, 636x376, 159:94, Screenshot from 2018-03-25….png)


"Sequenti die aurora apparente, altis vocibus Baphometh invocaverunt; et nos Deum nostrum in cordibus nostris deprecantes, impetum facientes in eos, de muris civitatis omnes expulimus."

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c68ca9  No.8219


Ha, maybe I should ask in QR and leave a trail of dust behind me as I'm running for my life out of the place :P

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0e0a6d  No.8220



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df66aa  No.8221



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c68ca9  No.8222


I'm not sure that googol translated that right. It's confusing to me, if so.


I'm very much beginning to believe so, yes.

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0e0a6d  No.8223













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262e09  No.8224


my thoughts exactly

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df66aa  No.8225

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c68ca9  No.8226


It takes a lot of letting go of the old ways (the only old ways that I've ever known, anyway).

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df66aa  No.8227



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3ec953  No.8228


As the next day dawned, they called loudly upon Baphometh; and we prayed silently in our hearts to God, then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls.


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df66aa  No.8229




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0e0a6d  No.8230










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3ec953  No.8231


nope, noticed that before too :D

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c68ca9  No.8232


Thank you. it makes good sense now. :)

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df66aa  No.8233

File: 2f87fc3e10affba⋯.jpg (294.69 KB, 1000x1215, 200:243, Jacques_de_Molay_tombstone….jpg)

File: f9f4d49f4715efe⋯.jpg (64.25 KB, 640x506, 320:253, templars_worshipping_bapho….jpg)

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0e0a6d  No.8234










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c68ca9  No.8235


There's that rose :)

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c68ca9  No.8236

Anyway, sorry for sliding and changing the mood. I shall go back to things that I understand, lol.

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262e09  No.8237


did the templars bury gold in oak island?

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0e0a6d  No.8238








Trap house

We could


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262e09  No.8239

File: 9933524965e76cc⋯.png (123.21 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0a6d  No.8240

What did Ed say about Mueller?¿¿?999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998877654321999999999999999999999999999999999999999999569999999999999999999999




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262e09  No.8241

File: d4b0629a3343552⋯.png (239.72 KB, 474x444, 79:74, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ec953  No.8242


hmm what did ya say?

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c68ca9  No.8243

Gah, I just had one of those thoughts. The muslims are being attacked because much of the truth resides in the way back of not only muslim culture but all culture. Current muslims (a thousand years current, maybe) have been oppressed so severely to keep all of this suppressed.

Perhaps people would not believe the origins of what is good, over what evil they know.

Yup, I'm thinking out loud.


And you're looking at being my second filtered individual of this bread. :(

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df66aa  No.8244

File: 5273457991c1c43⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 256x500, 64:125, 51Xx GnW eL.jpg)

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df66aa  No.8245

File: 2240636eaa84be2⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 499x612, 499:612, 843194718.jpg)

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3ec953  No.8246



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3ec953  No.8247


had to look up the name: zarathustra (zoroaster)


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3ec953  No.8248


ow this one is linked to it too


didn't know that

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c68ca9  No.8249

Thanks Ed. I may not know even 2% of what you're on about for the most part, but you are very much appreciated.

2% for me is better than nothing.

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df66aa  No.8250

File: ebadf3251468883⋯.jpg (353.46 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1280px-Takht-e-soleiman-1.jpg)

Takht-e Soleymān

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11a2a7  No.8251


Anon….are you ok?

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3ec953  No.8252


call him/her/them ed, we all do it ;-)

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3ec953  No.8253

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df66aa  No.8254


Temple of Solomon. Weird huh? ;)

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c68ca9  No.8255


Similarities to the 'other' temple of Solomon.

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11a2a7  No.8256


I'm not responding to ED…I'm talking to the one in love with Tracy that is posting in looooong paragraphs.

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3ec953  No.8257


you are opening my eyes… i know the place, always wanted to visit it once in my life… but i never made the link to temple of solomon… :o

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c68ca9  No.8258


I implore you, anon. Please don't respond to that poster, nor carry on conversation regarding them.


The rest of us have filtered them.

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11a2a7  No.8259


Done! Thanks!

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3ec953  No.8260


ow i see something now… id has the same color almost as ed…. thx mates… filtered…

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c68ca9  No.8261

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6a9f62  No.8262

Good morning all … just got up from nap #1 … have to run the roommate into work; back within 30.

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3ec953  No.8263



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6a9f62  No.8264

I slept through Ed … I will never work in this town again. :(

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c68ca9  No.8265


Don't go over the speed limit :P Lol.

Good morning' to you.

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3ec953  No.8266

Lauren Southern gets a lifetime ban from UK :o wow wow wow…. so UK isn't changed at all after brexit…. saying jezus is gay: allowed, saying allah is gay: lifetime ban.. i thought UK was allright according to Q? don't see a f'ing thing that says he is right…

UK is framing russia and pushing for regime-change in syria and war with russia… UK taken care of?

i have a feeling it's all a big play to keep us away from real things happening… from looking into the f'ing shit still going on, even now we elected mr Trump…. the plans for war with and push-out of putin/russia and regime-change that were for hrc are still being deployed.. and we are to busy chasing q's crumbs into the nowhere… (my feeling)

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c68ca9  No.8267

Rothschild was imitated into the Knights Templar? With the knowledge gained, (but not well understood as it was meant to be) he chose to use it for greed and power?

If not for the induction of this man, and perhaps others swayed by him at the time, the world would be a very different place?

The Roths have been defaming and demonizing the Knights Templar and anything akin, ever since?

Maybe not the Roths, but a good example.

Up is down, left is right. Their symbolism will be their downfall?

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df66aa  No.8268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df66aa  No.8269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c68ca9  No.8270


I'm not sure what to say, anon. I'm one day OK with it all, the next I'm walking to my local to participate in what most would consider alcoholism.

The fanaticism and cult crowd have skewed the message of Q, methinks. As much as they (Q) try, human nature is a bitch.

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3ec953  No.8271


meteor or rocket? was that a rocket in SA?

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3ec953  No.8272


true on that….

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4d7033  No.8273

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6a9f62  No.8274


Google Translate has met its match.

"The day dawn appeared high voice Baphometh call on God and we are in our requesting an attack on doing them all ejected from the walls."

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df66aa  No.8275

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3ec953  No.8276

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6a9f62  No.8277


This might explain why POTUS created the "feud" with Bannon.

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6a9f62  No.8278


Simons' history with code breaking is obvious but how does Renaissance tie into anything as a company?

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c68ca9  No.8279


Thanks. That was a good watch. I felt for the black woman who would've likely gone home that night and had a good think about what he proposed to her.

Some very ill informed people around, huh.

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3ec953  No.8280


could be…

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6a9f62  No.8281


The first information or impression people receive on a subject that is new to them is usually all-defining and they have little reason to look for alternate viewpoints.

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0e0a6d  No.8282























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c68ca9  No.8283

'We are Anonymous. We forgive. We do not forget. (for a generation or 2, but we make a fucking difference)'


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6a9f62  No.8284

Why does everybody seem to stop posting when I start? It's a phenomenon I've noticed long ago… it improved yesterday but today it's back again. I will be forgotten by history faster than anybody else here and as far as prominence, my neighbors don't even know who I am … and I get more obscure from there.

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6a9f62  No.8285


Only when Ed is here.

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6a9f62  No.8286

LOL I feel like I am E. F. Hutton and this is an old commercial from the 1980's.

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3ec953  No.8287



i answered you

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c68ca9  No.8288


You're either paranoid or misreading the situation. Not true where I stand, anon. You're the one, in fact of whom ignores everyone else for the most part, when Ed is posting. Just my observation.

We love you anon. We all have our quirks, you're not exempt. We're all travelling down our own paths and digging our own rabbit holes ;)

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6a9f62  No.8289

Yes you did. It isn't about answering me personally; it's about ALL posting in a general sense.

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3ec953  No.8290


lol.. i already have a feeling i post too much lol

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6a9f62  No.8291


You have to make the distinction between noticing a situation, and condemning or complaining about it. I was noticing. Nothing more. This board always has quiet spells. It doesn't mean anything is particularly wrong.

When Ed is posting, my undivided attention is on that stream of thought. It is an opportunity whose duration is unknown and it could vanish at any moment. I have no idea what the depth of knowledge is here. There is apparent knowledge of Q-type material beyond what I have. That alone gets my attention. But what's given to us transcends anything Q will ever tell us. For me it is priceless and not an opportunity to be taken for granted. I feel compelled to 100% participation and making the most of it when the opportunity is available.

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6a9f62  No.8292


:) All other anons in here are expendable and replaceable. In fact I have already turned them all in to Langley and they should be rounded up by close of business today.

Oh wait they told me I wasn't supposed to say anything. Well day-um.

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6a9f62  No.8293


In reality we should all be grateful that we are not deemed worthy of special attention from the CIA or any of their buddies. We would be less happy if we were.

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3ec953  No.8294


shhhhttt… quiet about that… don't call in rats and clowns.. they smell

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6a9f62  No.8295


NOBODY posts too much.

Except me.

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6a9f62  No.8296


It's okay, we have those bait things.

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c68ca9  No.8297


So by your own self admission, you are distracted from all others. It's not that we don't post because of your mere presence. Perhaps we've fallen into a pattern of not expecting your response.

I do believe that most of us feel the same way about Ed's presence. I will be entirely honest that I do not make a fuss of it because I will shrivel up and die most unpleasantly should Ed be turned into another cultist, fanatic stupefying experiment/phenomenon.

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6a9f62  No.8298

And now we will examine the concept of power among human beings. The depth of intelligence in designing us appears to extend far beyond the physical. While few realize it, the fact is that giving away power over your life, or taking power over another (is there a difference?) is inherently destructive to all parties and on all levels.

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3ec953  No.8299


i desperately want to see depth of intelligence from mr trump… it's time now… been waiting the whole f'ing weekend

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0e0a6d  No.8300







































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6a9f62  No.8301

When you have "a celebrity" in any form, the celebrity becomes more and more "evil" in all regards. More and more hate-filled, more and more contemptuous of those worshiping him or her. Physiologically, we can trace this back to the attendant dopamine release that comes from being the center of positive attention; it is highly addicting but always diminishing in its impact. The same worship that puts somebody on cloud 9 yesterday may only vault them to cloud 8 today (so now you know, there is a cloud 8). The celebrity doesn't get quite the intensity of high and proceeds to hate the worshiper for the shortfall. The entire process is quite automatic and is rarely if ever experienced by the celebrity as a process at all.

Whatever the case, the general degradation in the overall quality of life for any celebrity is linear and always the same. How that manifests in physical reality will vary but the same downward plunge in vibrational level is always present.

The only escape from the process is autonomy. Cooperate but do not depend.

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6a9f62  No.8302


>Perhaps we've fallen into a pattern of not expecting your response.

I'm just one more anon in here. You still have each other.

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6a9f62  No.8303


What are people expecting to happen today?

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df66aa  No.8304

File: 79e62594ecbf78a⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1 (2).jpg)

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c68ca9  No.8305


Don't be twisting it around on me, anon. It was you of whom was stating that the board went quiet in your presence. The board has been quiet off and on all day/night/week. Yes, you're just another anon here.


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6a9f62  No.8306


My prediction, based on a distinct lack of knowledge about everything: at the opening bell, the Dow will scream upward for a time, then begin zigging and zagging.

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df66aa  No.8307


ܣܖܖ ܜܞܥ ܦܐܖܩܖܙ

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6a9f62  No.8308


Not fair, I can't Google Translate that. :)

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6a9f62  No.8309


>ܣܖܖ ܜܞܥ ܦܐܖܩܖܙ

Google won't touch it. Translate from Hebrew and it translates to Hebrew. Even with English clicked.

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6a9f62  No.8310

File: 30dcd30a3428786⋯.png (7.45 KB, 643x168, 643:168, not_helping.png)


This is not helping me.

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6a9f62  No.8311


LOL I was pointing out the coincidence, not claiming responsibility for it. It only happens when Ed is here.

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6a9f62  No.8312


I am actually Kermit the Frog and if people knew that, it would change the entire dynamic in here. Barney the Dinosaur is a first cousin of mine.

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3ec953  No.8313


don't know… just came out trump expelled 60 russians…. not good :( :( :( deep state winning again

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6a9f62  No.8314

Funny. Breitbart says

"After weeks and weeks of relentless hype from the anti-Trump mainstream media, Sunday night’s 60 Minutes interview with ex-porn star Stormy Daniels ended up being the Al Capone’s vault of anti-Trump news."

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6a9f62  No.8315


??? And Breitbart is headlining with Stormy Daniels?

I wonder how the Libs are going to spin this one.

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c68ca9  No.8316


Center yourself, anon. We were always going to be in for a bumpy ride.

Don't focus on Trump as the savior. Focus on yourself. He's only one part of it.

And I know how fucked up and hippy, maybe even newagey that sounds but just do it, lol.

You're off center.

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262e09  No.8317

podesta in gitmo

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df66aa  No.8318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a9f62  No.8319


If you were a spindly green frog made out of cloth and stitching, how centered would YOU be? :D

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968084  No.8321


Damn good video Anon!! Makes people think in a critical thinking manner….which most who are screaming for "gun control" are not doing!

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6a9f62  No.8322


We are still very disjointed on previous posts. Not tying things together. How does Renaissance tie into things?

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6a9f62  No.8323


11B is the Army's designation for infantry. Related? I have a thousand questions about why everything in this video is presented the way it is.

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3ec953  No.8324


this renaissance? ibm

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3ec953  No.8325

is ed shutting us out partly with texts like this? ܞܞ܀

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6a9f62  No.8326


This guy is an absolute genius. SO few think like him. Just awesome.

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6a9f62  No.8327


I can't get it to translate.

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3ec953  No.8328


same here…

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6a9f62  No.8329


I still can't even pin down Ed's presence in here. Most questions are not answered, making it nearly impossible to connect all the dots because there are so many forks in the road and at the time we reach them, one is as good as another. In my own experience, this material is much better understood by coming back to it well after it's posted. But then we don't have ANY questions answered.

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6a9f62  No.8330


Looking for other translators.

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c68ca9  No.8331



Code in a different language? Perhaps an unknown to most lost language O_O

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c68ca9  No.8332


you don't know how to ask.

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6a9f62  No.8333


Multiple online translators will not translate it. No idea.

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6a9f62  No.8334


Interesting observation. What options are there?

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6a9f62  No.8335


Voynich Manuscript. :D

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3ec953  No.8336


it's syriac in my opinion.. but don't find translator

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3ec953  No.8337

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6a9f62  No.8338


Will probably need a human for this one.

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3ec953  No.8339

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3ec953  No.8340

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3ec953  No.8341



• marks the end of a paragraph


• mostly used in East Syriac texts



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6a9f62  No.8342


A LOT of what we assume are keys, have been posted … "Follow Lucifer (cipher)" … does this mean following its evolution and implementation, or is actual decoding involved? The point being that I can create an app to do the decoding, if it would be worth the effort. However experience would dictate that isn't the direction to be moving in.

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6a9f62  No.8343

I called it correctly. Dow up 453 in the first 10 minutes.

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c68ca9  No.8344


I enjoyed the last vid, but this one's out of my league. I want to know, but I'm gonna find out secondhand :(

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6a9f62  No.8345

Just checked QR and GA, no new Q.

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6a9f62  No.8346


You're not alone. I'm more concerned with the intent behind presenting the video the way it's presented.

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6a9f62  No.8347

I'm expecting Dow up +1400 or more by the end of the trading day.

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6a9f62  No.8348


Although when this kind of massively reckless movement is seen, it could easily go down at the same speed it goes up. This is not responsible investing. This is unhinged, screaming banshees turned loose in the wild.

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c68ca9  No.8349


Does it not appear somewhat familiar to you, anon?

Same kind of something or other?

It's intent is to communicate specific information. Some may not want to receive that information, but will be better prepared to do so after having gone through the steps of doing so.

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6a9f62  No.8350


We've seen plenty of this type before, although at least the primary channel carrying the content has been deleted. This is where we have to read Ed's intent as best we can. And it gets contradictory. In the earliest postings, I pointed out the extra pixel data present in the PNG files and Ed said that only 2% of the people would be able to extract that information, which was not the intent in posting. So with this video, we have a contradiction because there is little else to do with this video BUT dive into the bit-twiddling nitty gritty. I can analyze bit-by-bit the sound track of this thing, if I thought it would be worth the time. And look at the video frame by frame, which is easier but still will take some time. I'm about to do that, looking at the visual aspect, simply because there's little else that can be taken from it.

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6a9f62  No.8351


Most of how I personally process this info looks to parameters set by Ed's intent in posting, which is why I try to establish what that intent is.

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c68ca9  No.8352


Happy 2percenting, anon. I'm quite confident that all challengers are accepted. None are turned away. Most do so by choice and through defeat or persoanl realization.

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c68ca9  No.8353


learn to read Russian, hahahahaha

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6a9f62  No.8354


I extracted the pixel data from a couple PNG files. One only contained values between -4 and 4; the other seemed to resemble (closely) a code that was hidden (more or less) in a graphic on the kill_rogue page on Twitter.

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6a9f62  No.8355


I just want the information, however I have to get it.

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6a9f62  No.8356


And it's a LOT of time to put into extracting it, when I have no idea what its end value will be.

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3ec953  No.8357

File: 0aa1d8977481849⋯.jpg (28 KB, 480x480, 1:1, aaaaaa.jpg)

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c68ca9  No.8358


If you have even a basic of understanding of all that (I believe you have more than basic), I wish you well. I've not endeavored, and I doubt I ever will. The 'time' for me has passed. I'll read about the results in yesterdays alt news.

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6a9f62  No.8359


… this is working with the pixel data remaining after the declared height and width of the image are filled. "Left over data."

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c68ca9  No.8360


You feelin' goood, anon :)

Nice work.

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6a9f62  No.8361


Just like somebody who has the key. The would know what I'm going to post before I post it.

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988574  No.8362

File: f3f62e3bb5a016b⋯.jpg (69.47 KB, 547x927, 547:927, IMG_3099.JPG)

File: 95b56c9be10704e⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 547x927, 547:927, IMG_3100.JPG)

Made a couple of memes to share on Twatter.

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4d7033  No.8363


You think this is the ACTUAL temple?

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c68ca9  No.8364


I read somewhere earlier today about 'creation, preservation and distruction'.

So much conflicting stuff in the mounds and mounds of info. Every time I see 3 points, I wonder about the trinity thing.


Yeah, don't creep me out about that shit, coz that's what was left behind for me :( I'm quite certain of it.

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4d7033  No.8365


Don't take your wishes for reality. All Q said that UK was neutralized (my assumption is in relation of the plan only… not their internal affairs… rember who OWNS that country???)

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c68ca9  No.8366


Thanks for the effort, anon. I'm not sure that I will be sharing them. Is there any documented evidence of her cocaine use, or her lying for cocaine?

I prefer to know what bullshit I'm peddling.

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3ec953  No.8367


since ed pointed it out, i'm asking the same question


my brain at this point is boiling, from all conflicts and coincidences… can't even type right anymore… (never could)


yup… but if they still go forward with what hrc was supposed to achieve, it all stays the same

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4d7033  No.8368



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6a9f62  No.8369


Why do I resist what I know? So I'm not called names? Lockwood … self explanatory.

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c68ca9  No.8370



I always get stuck on the graphic. Mind mapping :/

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6a9f62  No.8371


Maybe you process things visually. Maybe just let it flow.

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6a9f62  No.8372

Puppy Anon is not giving me enough leg room under this desk and it's causing problems.

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4d7033  No.8373

on Fox just now…. killer in the florida nightclub…. father was a long term FBI informant….. STINKY!

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6a9f62  No.8374


Just like Boss Hogg.

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3ec953  No.8375


heard the same …. wtf…. it stinks bad

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c68ca9  No.8376


I imagine stuff.

Visual, yes.

The image logo is a mind map. It's disturbing in the case of what they do.

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4d7033  No.8377

File: 0cfb9f7576cd49a⋯.png (125.79 KB, 316x350, 158:175, ClipboardImage.png)


Puppy Anon, Behave!

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6a9f62  No.8378



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6a9f62  No.8379


She's acting all innocent. I'm not buying it. :D

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c68ca9  No.8380

I'm gonna go back into my comfy rabbit hole.

I'll be around, but not adding to my 94 comments for a bit.

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6a9f62  No.8381


Don't go too deep. Enjoy!!!!!

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c68ca9  No.8382


Ugh, so much for not adding to my comment count for a bit.

Look at the image logo. It's a symbol that says to me that they're mapping peoples minds.

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6a9f62  No.8383


Clearly; I think that's what is supposed to be taken from it. I was hoping for more … forbidden … insight. :D

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6a9f62  No.8384

I am frustrated. I need to regroup.

I keep on leaving post after post from Ed behind without having any real understanding of it. I have to assume that Ed's neurons are not firing randomly, which means all these things tie together and there is likely a very coherent, single message being conveyed. And so far I am just not getting it.

Same as when I was working on the Q map.

I push, and things get worse. I push more, and things get worse. This is all going to tie together on a wavelength that is not where I normally function.

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4d7033  No.8385

George W Bush on in Bicycle

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3ec953  No.8386

File: e0274d44bcb0d18⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 7bJXimgH_400x400[1].jpg)


finally found what it reminded me off… problem is, i don't know what the reason was i came on this

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6a9f62  No.8387


The image has a degrading, robotic feel to it; reducing people's minds to something that can be packed up neatly, placed into a box and sold on the Costco shelf.

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3ec953  No.8388



forgot the thx

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6a9f62  No.8389


It removes the life from human beings. Leaves only the vehicle that carries them around.

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3ec953  No.8390

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6a9f62  No.8391


LOL knowing how these people operate, this entire thing is probably one big op to identify dissidents and potential troublemakers.

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6a9f62  No.8392

What happened to MRNG as of January 5?

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6a9f62  No.8393

Warning, anons … thought coming in … please stand back for your own safety …

Maybe the underlying theme of everything Ed is posting is to redefine what we have been conditioned to define "good" and "evil" as. Until we do that, we're not going to interpret anything correctly.

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6a9f62  No.8394


Example: we automatically interpret the inverted cross as Satanic when its original representation was simply St. Peter's crucifixion.

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4d7033  No.8395


The understanding/feeling of right vs. wrong is a God given gift that lays inside of the heart.

The knowledge of "good" and "evil" is a deception.

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6a9f62  No.8397


Seems very much to be the case. Absolutes are dangerous things because they provide endless license to do horrific things.

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968084  No.8398


Wonder why "Ed" deleted the video (or did you delete it BO?)

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6a9f62  No.8399


There is only one reality. How can we split it into two opposing aspects? "Killing is evil!" Really? What about killing Hillary? Who has murdered hundreds, if not thousands? Not evil. Just necessary.

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3ec953  No.8400


ed deletes a lot lately.. BO doesn't delete things from others (unless specifically asked, and even than)

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6a9f62  No.8401


No, I didn't. I would never delete something Ed posted, and as a very predominant rule I don't like deleting anything.

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c68ca9  No.8402


2 churches of thought sprung out of the life of Jesus. That of Peter and that of John/MaryM.

I'm still looking into this. One became the catholic church and the other… well…

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3ec953  No.8403


there is more than one reality… ;-)

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968084  No.8404


Please tell us what was flashed up in paragraph form on the left side of the screen. It looked like it was written in English and barely appears right after JFK speaks (sounds like JFK anyway to me).

THANKS! I'm workfagging and can't do frame by frame right now.

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6a9f62  No.8405


We humans love to compartmentalize things. Everything we could possibly think of as "evil" has a time and a place where it will serve "good" very well.

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6a9f62  No.8406


Okay … I will have to find the video on YouTube, download it, pull it into Blender, and look at individual frames. I hope that's not the one that was deleted.

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4d7033  No.8407


Look into the Cathars that were eliminated by fire…

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4d7033  No.8408


What if Q had found omnipotence….. ?

"Would you sleep if you knew EVERYTHING?"

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968084  No.8409


There are not many of us on this board (which is how I like it) so for the board to progress we must communicate with each other which then increases our post counts….this is not a bad thing! Please don't stop posting just b/c you think you have high post count!

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c68ca9  No.8410


One went patriarchal, the other went matriarchal. We know which of those dominates today, and which of those is not at the forefront of a cohesive, prosperous and well functioning society.

Enough of this overexertion of duality methinks.

I well understand that there will always be good and evil.

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c68ca9  No.8411


I talk a lot of shit at times, lol.

Thanks, though, anon. :D

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6a9f62  No.8412


Could not agree more. Nobody is counting or tracking.

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6a9f62  No.8413


First item, not what you meant but just being posted for posterity…

STELA 145153 233211 223243 143241 13

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4d7033  No.8414

On the Templar Logo there were 2 men on a horse (2 Jesus?)

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c68ca9  No.8415


that logo represented them being so poor at times that they shared the mount.

Googol something to that wording and you'll find it.

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6a9f62  No.8416

File: dcd639b00804cb9⋯.png (27.17 KB, 463x145, 463:145, para.png)

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c68ca9  No.8417


Their ranks poor and depleted. Sry. I'm going on memory here.

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6a9f62  No.8418


Good gravy … what a concept. How much this would change the entire game.

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c68ca9  No.8419


YO, anon. Unrelated to the comments, but are you getting ready for the -


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6a9f62  No.8420


But what good and evil ARE has no common definition. It's up to each individual to decide. Interpret. And it can't be restricted to a stage; an area, a concept. What action was performed at what time, with what intent? Only from those factors could you possibly arrive at a label of "good" or "evil," even within a strictly personal framework.

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6a9f62  No.8421


OMG thank you for the reminder. Know what kicks my butt? Extracting notable posts. I need to start collecting these ongoing.

For now, things are moving and there isn't much time so I'll have to create the bread then go back and edit in the notables.

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968084  No.8422


Anon…I had a thought yesterday after reading through the posts on this board (especially yesterday afternoon).

It is a thought that would literally rock this world if true…..just hear me out please.(I will be paraphrasing Q so please don't get mad if I don't quote exactly):

Q said:

1. Everything we have been taught is a lie

2. Up is down, right is left

3. Those we trust the most are the ones we should not trust

4. Pray/Prey

5. Q mentions prayers in Bible to GOD but I've never seen him mention Jesus

MY THOUGHT (please do not get upset with me- I'm just trying to keep an open mind to all of this)…..What if Jesus is actually Lucifer?

That would mean we have all been deceived, the churches are all built to worship satan, all our prayers that we include the name 'jesus' in we are then praying to satan. This I think would turn the world upside down if this was real and then revealed to the public. Could this be what we must awaken from so that we can see the truth?

I've always believed in Jesus as God's son and always have said "in Jesus name" before ending my prayers so this thought kinda rocked me yesterday. I hope that I'm all wrong and can be proven wrong….but can we prove that Jesus is NOT Lucifer?

Also, going with this absurd thought of mine…watching I Pet Goat II makes more sense…since they depict Jesus with the 3rd eye, burning feet, and him 'being birthed' (the canoe goes through a vagina looking tunnel after the old woman loses her virginity).

Ok….so now all of you Anons can tell me that I have completely gone craycray and my thoughts are totally absurd! (I really hope they are!)

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c68ca9  No.8425


Good and evil is a scale. They are one and the same.

The term evil in our current language and understanding of it, is quite drastric. good and bad is likely more appropriate.

Does it work for you and the balance of all around you? If not it is bad for you and the balance around you.

If so, it is good for you and the balance around you.

How does one determine this?

Once upon a time, it was innate. Perhaps it still is.


We really don't need to extract notables. We're not QR. I think we do it different here, and it works.

Awesome Anon has no doubt been collecting all the important stuff, and will post it once the bread is baked.

REMINDER. Do not copy paste the wall of 'summary as part of the bake.

Awesome Anon will do it once this bread is full.

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968084  No.8428


It was the one deleted…. :(

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6a9f62  No.8429




New Bread




As always, please fill this one first … notables and Ed tracking will need to be updated via edit on the new bread.

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968084  No.8430


Not that one…there was literally a paragraph of text that barely flashed on the left side of the screen. It appeared for like a split second but I couldn't pause the video to see it.

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fbbe2f  No.8431

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fbbe2f  No.8432

File: 11718082f664769⋯.png (9.53 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8433

File: f45d75b23182a3a⋯.png (367.87 KB, 464x480, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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c68ca9  No.8434


You're not craycray, and no one here is going to go psycho at you for keeping an open mind. Not me anyway.

I'm getting quite tired, anon, and I'm sad for that, because I would like to explore this a little more. It's well worth it.

Hell, I asked googlol today if gold could shield radioactivity. Low and behold the reason I was looking for it appeared. I was thinking about the ark of the covenant.

Be free in what you think, my fellow anon.

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fbbe2f  No.8435

File: ff44232890f2987⋯.png (361.92 KB, 400x382, 200:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8436

File: b0072266296a592⋯.png (120.83 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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968084  No.8437


Thanks Anon. I just really want to know the Truth! Why has the Truth been kept from us? How would Q know the truth if everything has been a lie? Who told him?

So many questions without real answers…makes Anons spin and spin in circles! kek!

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fbbe2f  No.8438

File: a403b19a5c8301b⋯.png (303.95 KB, 450x344, 225:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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262e09  No.8439


whats QR GA

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968084  No.8440


where is this at? Nice eye in the middle….seems to pop up everywhere.

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fbbe2f  No.8441

File: 16490c62c380170⋯.png (1016.36 KB, 960x796, 240:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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df55ac  No.8442


Try watching Nine Inch Nails 'Closer' music video… Was Jesus/Baphomet a woman?

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968084  No.8443


QR is the other QResearch board where Q posts with the other Anons and GA is the Great Awakening board where only Q can post (Anons can't post there)

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fbbe2f  No.8444

File: 1b8fbcabe60c964⋯.png (436.1 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8445

File: 73658b426a2a2d4⋯.png (356.52 KB, 392x521, 392:521, ClipboardImage.png)

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262e09  No.8446


whats QR GA


how can i check or where

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6a9f62  No.8447


>What if Jesus is actually Lucifer?

I posted that very suggestion … not sure if it's this bread or #10. I was led to that possible conclusion from what Ed was posting.

> Could this be what we must awaken from so that we can see the truth?

What I'm thinking right now is, you may very well have just hit the ultimate nail on its head.

Throughout my life, I've had many spontaneous episodes of astral projection. I have never successfully initiated the process consciously, but many times it has "happened to me." I found a tree I didn't know existed in front of the barracks one day - flew right through it the night before on the astral then walked outside the next morning to see it exactly the way it looked when I floated through it. Sometimes when I go floating around spontaneously, I'm okay with it. Other times I'm just not in the mood and still other times, I'm just terrified - there are horrors lurking up there; they can't ultimately hurt us but depending on what's going on in my life, there are times when I start floating out and I'm just terrified and don't want to do it. One particular time, I was floating at what felt like very high speed through ultimate blackness. I was mortified. I just wanted out of there. I remember mentally screaming out "I have to find God and Jesus!" And I am very anti-established-religion as a strong rule but in times of sheer panic I just fall to whatever conditioning I know. The point is, when I thought that, my heart immediately began glowing an intense, pulsating, glowing white light. As in, "they're not out there." It's all inside us.

History is so twisted; we have been lied to so severely, and I think you are absolutely dead on target with ALL of what you're saying.

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fbbe2f  No.8448

File: 349a94cd6826a79⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1280x980, 64:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8449

File: 0a5ac5a78b5d67e⋯.png (804.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8450

File: 1d94d009ff1a916⋯.png (204.7 KB, 236x332, 59:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8451

File: edc3bde5f1375bd⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1300x954, 650:477, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a9f62  No.8452


I very much like that summary. How MUCH deprogramming we need to actually integrate this!!!! Long, long process. Stages and layers.

As for bread … okay, still need to add dough to pastebin so I'll remove the summaries first.

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6a9f62  No.8453


Bummer. Maybe we can get the link from Ed.

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c68ca9  No.8454


Are you able to link them for the anon? I'm starting fall over here, or I would gladly do it myself.

Or perhaps


can do it. anyone, someone

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6a9f62  No.8455


Was it the correct video?

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fbbe2f  No.8456

File: 8a959377f32a645⋯.png (832.16 KB, 1484x662, 742:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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c68ca9  No.8457


Nooo, just the summaries with an entire post of red links. Awesome Anon will add those. Not the simple list. Leave those.

Anyway. it will be sorted.

I'm tired, inebriated and whatever else.

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6a9f62  No.8458


Yes, would like to know where these are from.

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fbbe2f  No.8459

File: 2bff27692b9324c⋯.png (988.98 KB, 799x533, 799:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbbe2f  No.8460

File: edc15bbdc76d039⋯.png (82.16 KB, 236x168, 59:42, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a9f62  No.8461


GA = Great Awakening, Q's own board:


QR = QResearch


On this one you have to look for the title that says "Q Research General #nnnn" where nnnn is whatever is the highest - currently 990 but that will change within an hour or so. Click the image on that entry, not the text.

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c68ca9  No.8462

I'm doing a fill. MOVE OVER.

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