I'm normally a reader. But I believe the 12-8 Q drop was a double entendre and meant to convey we already have the weapon we need to combat much of what's happening. Remember, not long ago 5G + sattelites were put into orbit. It's unproven and gives off ELF and EMF. The military uses music as a weapon. Music not the techno scratch crap certain corporate entities put out and call it music. Not the soothing 'meditation' music youtube and bigtech are pushing lately either.
I tried it and it works very well. Unplug the router, stuff your phone in a drawer, turn on the tunes and in short time your head clears and certain thoughts just stop. My animals started acting less agitated and more normal again. 7 hours and I felt all kinds of better again, my cat actually slept despite the volume. If there's a way to get the word out and start really blasting away with music (things have gotten so so quiet haven't they?), it's worth a try to help others wake up and snap out of it.
Q used the word music 5 or 6 times, including a post asking 'does music heal'? I don't think it's an accident.