Story at-a-glance
• "The Great Reset" is a new "social contract" that ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a "social credit" ID that will dictate every facet of your life
• While the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a justification for the Great Reset movement, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance and artificial intelligence
• The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are rebranded terms for technocracy and the old "New World Order" melded with the transhumanist movement
• Technocracy is an economic system of resource allocation that revolves around technology - in particular artificial intelligence, digital surveillance and Big Data collection - and the digitization of industry and government, which in turn allows for the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for democratically elected leadership
• While the real plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with nature"