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File: be6a8f6e7b0c796⋯.png (770.3 KB, 960x540, 16:9, gen2a.png)

5a487d  No.20726[Last 50 Posts]

Q posts in /qresearch/ and /patriotsfight/. Q has never posted here and we don't foresee it happening. This board hosts the enigmatic Ed Anon. It's generally slower paced and civilized here. Anons are generally very respectful toward one another. Our focus evolves rapidly, even though the board may experience long periods (we've seen up to 13 hours) without posts.

/qresearch/ catalog is at:


/patriotsfight/ catalog is at:


Q posts can be found at:





Ed Anon posts are archived at:


Usefull Stuff


Board Rules

First, we aren't crazy about rules. "You can say this but you can't say that." It's everything we exist to free people from. Still, to avoid total anarchy, a few guidelines have to be set.

1. Concern fagging is not shamed or attacked here. If you're feeling discouraged, down, depressed, or the like, you cannot push it down or deny it and have it go away. You must open up, discuss it, and those anons who are mature enough will help you pull yourself up and out of it. Motivation needs a foundation. It doesn't magically appear just because others demand it.

2. We have no use for enforcer fags who self-proclaim themselves to be in charge of keeping the board safe for democracy. Nobody died and made them boss. If you're having issues with somebody's posts, filter them. It's exceedingly easy to do and it keeps us from having to ban people.

3. Please do not advertise commercial products here. MENTIONING one in passing if you're actively participating is not a crime.

4. PLEASE do not act like a stoned caveman and attack somebody's theories. If you're that offended, filter the person in question. But declaring a concept to be b.s. without thorough investigation only flags you as a hard headed normie. The more an idea is pushed down, the harder it's going to push back.

5. There's a huge difference between religious discussion and outright evangelism. Declarations are evangelism and you can take it to the bank, we've all heard it all before. Believe what you will but please don't clutter this board with religious zealotry. Discussion of religious beliefs, especially as those beliefs might motivate a person or group being researched, is perfectly fine.

The goal is to have everybody feeling like they are welcome here and like they belong. Bullying other anons is a pet peeve of mine. It's inexcusable when you have the filter option always at hand. And, as mentioned, I have a super ultra special dislike for enforcer fags. When the board is littered with posts of anons attacking anons just for believing a theory they don't personally like, it doesn't do a lot to welcome people and make them feel at home.





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5a487d  No.20727

Generic Dough at https://pastebin.com/B0dYUh1N

The only thing you should have to change on this dough is the number (2nd Generation Q Research General #xx, where xx is the new bread number) and the name (i.e. [whatever the name is] Edition).

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5a487d  No.20775

#28 is open for business!

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ce4296  No.20776

File: b0f1181194cc698⋯.jpg (42 KB, 509x640, 509:640, 4beab323ad558cbcbdb8727589….jpg)

TY Baker !!!

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5a487d  No.20777


LMAO we have cleaned up our board!!!

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5a487d  No.20779


We have no idea what's happening over there. All of this has happened before. They begin banning everybody, they are magically able to modify the ban logs, then they become apologetic and beg everybody to come back. It's a repeating cycle and this is the third time going through it. I'm not aware of anybody who ever figured it out.

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5a487d  No.20780


But it's exactly the reason why this board exists. We never know when they're going to become mentally ill again.

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bc82e3  No.20781

File: 47f4f7fdcbb93e1⋯.png (313.74 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5650.PNG)

File: 3d4b0f63997689b⋯.png (391.14 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5653.PNG)

File: b4236dd3486b3ab⋯.png (112.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5654.PNG)

File: 0746e4e90bc0390⋯.png (494.5 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5656.PNG)

File: 3e420477941e4b2⋯.png (158.22 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5660.PNG)

Does anyone here have 8Bits email? This BV has gone crazy & I have a lifetime ban on both my IPS for pointing them out & my posts in META were deleted!!!

Clown BV!!! Look at the ban list!!


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5a487d  No.20785


??? Who says McStain wants to die now?

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bc82e3  No.20786

File: 3ab153b9f519ce2⋯.png (522.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5663.PNG)


McFkFace is going straight to hell & wants Satan to give his eulogy!

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bc82e3  No.20787


I'm actually worried about 8Bit. He said he was really sick & now we have had a rogue BV banning everyone again...I hope that bitch didn't do something to him so she could get control of the board again.

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5a487d  No.20788

If you're into "what is our history really," this is easily the best video I've seen on it yet - it's not the whole story and doesn't claim to be but it's WELL worth listening to if you're interested.


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5a487d  No.20789


Let's hope 8Bit wasn't clownified … I couldn't imagine them messing with him; to what end, when you can just install a new BO?

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7de33b  No.20790

File: 6f4ff6bb05028a2⋯.png (4.71 KB, 364x139, 364:139, download (1).png)

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bc82e3  No.20791


Isn't this the Israeli secret intelligence group?

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7de33b  No.20792

File: 59a869deb1ee214⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DciE8S6UwAAnMm-.jpg)

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5a487d  No.20793


Hi Ed!

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7de33b  No.20794

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5a487d  No.20795


We covered them before in another thread. Can't remember which but it was probably within the last 5.

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5a487d  No.20796


Anons, this is the first time in eons I've really gotten excited over a video. This one is just short of 3 hours long but it explains so much … yes, I know, it could be disinfo but that will become apparent as digging continues. It covers the Annunaki setting up shop in South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc.; an area where you hear effectively nothing about the presence of ancient man. It was all about gold mining, they say. And the cuneiform tablets (Sumerian) were all representative of light carrying information; that's why the "trumpet" shapes make up all the symbols. The video si saying everything was done by sound and resonance - stone cutting, mining, everything. Which was the track I was on anyway; it's how I found the video. Fascinating stuff!!!

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5a487d  No.20798


Page not found.

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5a487d  No.20799

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." Well he (Miceal Ledwith) found out, when he was still a student, I believe, that the original Hebrew text was messed with. And to do that is very difficult because you should know by now that the Hebrew text and the scholars that write it, it's all a mathematical formula so it's very difficult to cheat; it has to have so many letters across and phrases and they cross reference, so you can figure out very quickly if somebody messed with one of these phrases and these paragraphs. And yet they pulled this off. This is what boggles my mind. How could they have pulled this off………..

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7de33b  No.20800

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5a487d  No.20801


…… to lie about it. And he shows that the original Hebrew text begins with the letter "buh." Beth. At the moment the Bible says "Ba rasheet bara elohim eth ha shameim wa eth ha e/aris. Buh, it starts with buh." The second letter of the alphabet. It's not possible! Because all sacred Hebrew text must begin with the first letter of the alphabet which is ah, or aleph. So, somebody messed that up. It's not possible. At the moment it doesn't make any grammatical sense, actually. It's an incorrect sentence. Grammatically incorrect sentence. To any Hebrew speaking people here you'll know what I mean. And it refers to Elohim here, as "the gods," but it doesn't make any sense, so when he added "ah" or aleph, suddenly it says "Aba rasheet bara elohim eth ha shameim wa eth ha e/aris. Buh, it starts with buh." Which means the father of the beginnings created the Elohim, the heavens and the Earth. And suddenly the Elohim is no longer God, or the plural gods, as we perceive it from the incorrect first statement of the Bible. Now if they can pull that off, and lie to us about that, they can bloody pull off anything.

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5a487d  No.20802


If this video is anywhere near correct, it validates the entire Annunaki concept … and their return.

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5a487d  No.20803

In 2005, at the Middle Tennessee State University, two undergraduates and three high school students propelled sound faster than the speed of light. And this was very quickly written up in the American Institute of Physics in 2007, and then very quickly hidden. From sight. And again, this is what they do all the time. "Superluminal propagation is realized despite almost six orders of magnitude difference between the speeds of sound and light."

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2aee54  No.20804


Tesla is mind boggling. I don't have time to go through his stuff but I'm sure some have. It would be interesting to note if any of his research was hidden. I know the original text of the Bible, the first five books, are hidden. Why is this?

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2aee54  No.20805

Re the Aleppo Codex…"During the 1947 Anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo, the community's ancient synagogue was burned and the Codex was damaged, so that no more than 294 of the original (estimated) 487 pages survived.[12][13] Each page is parchment, 33 cm high by 26.5 cm wide (13 inches x 10.43 inches).[14] In particular, only the last few pages of the Torah are extant.[15]

The missing leaves are a subject of fierce controversy. The Jews of Aleppo claim that they were burned. However, scholarly analysis has shown no evidence of fire having reached the codex itself (the dark marks on the pages are due to fungus). Some scholars instead accuse members of the Jewish community of having torn off the missing leaves and keeping them privately hidden. Two "missing" leaves have turned up, one in 1982 and the other in 2007, leaving open the possibility that even more may have survived the riots in 1947."


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2aee54  No.20806

i wonder what the first verse is that was found intact………..

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5a487d  No.20807


Take away the "A" and it has completely different meaning.

The Annunaki created humans (genetically engineered) as a slave race to work the gold mines. That's it!

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5a487d  No.20808


You should probably delete the latest tweet and replace it with this link.

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5a487d  No.20810


If we all mutated from the Blacks then I guess that's correct.

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5a487d  No.20811

Obama was the setup man to ensure that Trump would be embraced as the savior and the masses would follow him anywhere without question.

NOBODY is allowed to have and to hold billions of dollars without embracing the Deep State.

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5a487d  No.20812

Destination: WWIII.

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5a487d  No.20813

It was always my top question: how could Trump go up against the Deep State like he's supposed to be doing without being taken out?

Answer: nobody wants to take him out.

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5a487d  No.20815


If you really dig, the horizon (hills) of some of the Mars Rover photos - claimed to have been taken on Mars - will exactly match Devon Island in northern Canada.

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bc82e3  No.20816


Trump has the military backing him.

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5a487d  No.20817


Yes he does. As planned. It won't do much good to dive into it at this point in time. Everybody is under the spell. Wait until the point where we have to start moving to extremes and it's justified with "emergency situations" and "really special circumstances."

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bc82e3  No.20818


I still trust the plan. I believe that Trump has God on his side, our Military, & those people of the Light are helping him.

Look around the world at what has been going on- NK/SK, SA, Irans people standing up & protesting, etc…

Trump hasn't done one thing to hurt this country- my taxes are lower, my health insurance premium didn't go up (which it always goes up each year), I got a raise & bonus because of the tax breaks & my HOPE was finally back since he became POTUS.

Q has given us a lot of information & got us asking questions & connecting dots regarding the corruption in both political parties, child sex trafficking, exposed us to how the world was connected through the Cabal, & told us that the Cabal worships Satan & sacrifices children.

I don't think a person or POTUS that is "on the take" would be exposing all of this or stopping the child sex trafficking if they were part of the Cabal. Trump was NOT supposed to win!

We will see justice but it isn't on our timetable…look at McNoname—I don't think he has cancer, he is either made to suicide or he is being put down by military tribunal. That is why he has made so much "noise" & doesn't want Trump at his funeral (which I doubt Trump would even want to go).

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2aee54  No.20819


sometimes I get back to the 10,000 feet again and I wonder what is the point of all this? What was the NWO going to accomplish? Who did Hillary think was going to run it? Her? Why is there this constant fighting? For what? Yes it's good vs evil but what is the smaller picture? What does everyone think they're going to get? More land? More money? More food? More diamonds? More gold? More power? So what?

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5a487d  No.20821

If you compare the first few threads of QR, or this board, to the current ones, you'll see a very distinct lack of forward movement as a whole. We're doing the same thing now that we did 2 months ago. Or 4 months ago or 6.

The farther the focus moves forward (evolves) off the beaten path, the more silent the board falls.

There is information to be taken from every situation. Everything has meaning.

People demand sedation. They don't want to march into new territory. The focus of both boards (behind the scenes) is to prevent forward movement. Dig, display, dig, display. Where does it lead? You tell me. What has any of it produced? You tell me.

We keep filling our heads with more and more information but in our homes, in our daily lives, on our jobs, nothing changes. The information is not being put to use. That is where people draw the line.

Who threatens to break the infinite loop of dig, display, dig, report, dig, report? In QR: ban. Here: silence.

This will be attacked as a complaint but it is not. It's an objective observation. An accurate description of the situation. What needs to change? Nothing, beyond what each individual believes needs to change. What's wrong? Nothing, beyond what each individual decides should be different than it is. I don't want people dictating right and wrong to me so I'm certainly not going to do it to others. Each board is what it is and there is no way it "needs to be." I'm just observing.

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5a487d  No.20822




I occasionally come out with observations going either way: Trump is valid, Trump is Deep State. I've made my position clear in prior breads: undecided because there is nothing solid to base a decision on. Every possibility could be true and I'm discounting nothing. Sometimes my posts don't reflect that. I'm aware of that.

We don't know what's going on in the world. We know what we're told by a wholly untrustworthy media in all its myriad forms. What we're told may or may not be true in all cases.

Questions as to motive: I've brought this up as well, relatively recently, and gone into it in depth. Nobody would discuss it. Which tells you something. Information is everywhere.

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5a487d  No.20823

We don't know who is really who on this (or any) board. We don't know who was sent in here with an assignment. We don't know who is just an average person at home. And we can't know. And those are the waters we swim in.

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5a487d  No.20825

Everybody on this board, past, present and future, exhibits some seriously anomalous behavior and restricts their topic of conversation far more than they ever would in person.

Information is everywhere.

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2aee54  No.20826


I thought I personally gave an optional motive. For Trump. And that was his grandchildren's eyes and the way his son, Baron, thinks. Trump is getting old…maybe he's a big softy inside?

As far as the big stuff and wars and stuff, why not have a 2-state solution? Why not let everyone have a space on this planet? What's so wrong w/that?

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5a487d  No.20827

We've had as high as 41 or 45 or something UID's post in a single thread. Many more people than is believable move in tandem. They go silent together, they activate together. The all embrace and resist the same topics of conversation. None of it is organic. Highly controlled. Which ones do it? No way to know.

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5a487d  No.20828


You don't know the values that the people who are really in charge go by. We don't know what is important to them and what isn't. Compassion does not seem to be part of their agenda in any case.

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5a487d  No.20829

Do people behave on Twitter as they do here? Schedules, choice of topics, you name it, the entirety of their overall behavior? Far more is occurring on these boards than any of us realize. I make no claim to know what the agenda is. And it probably wouldn't matter if I did know.

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2aee54  No.20830


Truth there. Sad but true.

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5a487d  No.20831

What's to be done when quantum projection keeps breaking down? And nobody understands why it keeps breaking down? Who is the real anomaly?

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5a487d  No.20832


By observing something, you change it.

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5a487d  No.20833

If you encounter something that you can easily destroy, but you can't understand, what do you do?

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5a487d  No.20834

If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

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5a487d  No.20835

How many of these things are there? How many are just waiting to surface and enter the fray?

How much do we really know? About anything?

Perhaps we are too easily fooled into patting ourselves on the back for our deductive prowess. Perhaps we are too easily tricked into thinking we have a level of control we are nowhere near.

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5a487d  No.20836

File: facf88457756c51⋯.jpg (87.93 KB, 825x464, 825:464, dwr2.jpg)

Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!

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2aee54  No.20837


We don't know anything. We had to find out a lot, however, to realize we don't know anything. This world is big for sure but in our little 'cubby' we can do a lot of good. And our 'deductive prowess' comes at much expense…with much time and effort. Often it seems without a thank you or a pint of beer from the masses. Remember that's what patriots do, so we keep doing it. But justice? Does it ever come? Who for? Who from? Who are we to decide? Perhaps were just sick of riddles.

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7de33b  No.20838

File: a50e57a3d89072d⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 653x975, 653:975, Mossad-recruitment-ad.jpg)

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7de33b  No.20839

File: 4fef88e09d309e5⋯.jpeg (3.45 KB, 284x177, 284:177, images (13).jpeg)

File: 4a63a4c2fac86eb⋯.jpg (141.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 51570764.0.jpg)

File: 63c44f04fad0f64⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 602x406, 43:29, Donald-Trump-Jr-Clinton-We….jpg)

File: 3a5becc90f9cf27⋯.jpg (48.69 KB, 732x462, 122:77, xGJ8yJC.jpg)

File: ec0e45689de4430⋯.jpeg (303.79 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 59de6267140000dd4a494496.jpeg)

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7de33b  No.20840

File: d661a7fa9b8ed99⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, HarveyandBilly-640x480.jpg)

File: ec0e45689de4430⋯.jpeg (303.79 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 59de6267140000dd4a494496.jpeg)

File: 3e68c6d64268a1b⋯.jpeg (113.27 KB, 1008x730, 504:365, 1_RMx7LAwGM9qVGASioW-r7Q.jpeg)

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7de33b  No.20841

File: 921b12c24838e31⋯.jpg (51.27 KB, 900x471, 300:157, BN-WA170_AMTRUS_SOC_201711….jpg)

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7de33b  No.20842

File: 6bf840b389ec7d8⋯.jpg (50.5 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, DFYEx57VwAEIoOu.jpg)

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7de33b  No.20843

File: acbaf9ac7f057f2⋯.jpg (15.18 KB, 320x213, 320:213, 2-24.jpg)

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7de33b  No.20844

File: 3e6dc32034bbbca⋯.jpg (33.09 KB, 670x409, 670:409, Clinton-670.jpg)

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7de33b  No.20845

File: 70ab03741f9c1c6⋯.jpeg (6.19 KB, 249x203, 249:203, images (14).jpeg)

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7de33b  No.20846

File: fa5c59f342a95a1⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 281x217, 281:217, ! khashoggi-at-trump-weddi….jpg)

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7de33b  No.20847

File: c4a480384212d81⋯.jpg (165.84 KB, 1200x844, 300:211, qgv19nbo994z (1).jpg)

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5a487d  No.20848

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7de33b  No.20849

File: b13ab4793644c91⋯.png (800.99 KB, 1027x761, 1027:761, el-batwari-trump-gray (1).png)

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7de33b  No.20850

File: 7a63d1997ad70b6⋯.jpg (139.12 KB, 634x724, 317:362, IMG_0332.jpg)

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5a487d  No.20851

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7de33b  No.20852

File: 05aa112d304494c⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 615x925, 123:185, IVANA-TRUMPS-BIRTHDAY-DINN….jpg)

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5a487d  No.20854


Ghislaine Maxwell

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7de33b  No.20855

File: 0130012ad7c5405⋯.png (91.44 KB, 1701x197, 1701:197, Screenshot from 2018-05-06….png)

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bc82e3  No.20856


True FREEDOM! We are held hostage by money! We pay taxes on EVERYTHING, house, car, food, land, work, etc…WE don't need any government to "take care" of us! We don't "need" regulations, banking systems, etc…we have truly allowed ourselves to be enslaved in every way & the Cabal wants to take the last bit of freedom we have- our guns & our voices! Look at the rogue BV in QR…they aren't just "banning Anons"…they are TAKING THEIR VOICES away. That fkr is no better than a Cabal member.

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5a487d  No.20858


Now what?

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5a487d  No.20860


It just boggles my mind that people will eternally pour endless energy into establishing what's wrong and who's to blame but nobody is putting forth solutions; what can be done about it.

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bc82e3  No.20861


Questioning everything should be our motto…Q truly taught me that.

Could POTUS & Q be deep state…yes. Could they actually be fighting deep state…yes.

We must observe, dig, use our critical thinking, & not jump straight to conclusions either way. I am leaning towards Q & POTUS being of LIFHT just from what I've seen them do.

In my mind, Q never had to reach out to us. What would be the point to get Patriots all fired up if they were part of the Cabal? IF, they truly don't bring justice or turn out to be deep state, Patriots, Vets, Military & Anons will take care of the situation. We have been awoken…& you don't go back to sleep after that.

No matter how you feel about POTUS, Q, or EDs…don't lose your hope, Patriotism or light! We truly are STRONGER TOGETHER & that is exactly why the RBV is banning Anons who use their voice!

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7de33b  No.20862

File: 37b7fa02445056e⋯.png (102.59 KB, 1429x365, 1429:365, Screenshot from 2018-05-06….png)

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7de33b  No.20863

File: 1cb14bdc1957a21⋯.png (135.28 KB, 1700x363, 1700:363, Screenshot from 2018-05-06….png)

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7de33b  No.20864

File: 78f94afece0c804⋯.png (89.75 KB, 1692x264, 141:22, Screenshot from 2018-05-06….png)

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5a487d  No.20865


Look at things from the other side. What would all these anons be doing if there was no Q?

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bc82e3  No.20866


Damn…is that woman a ghost or vampire?

Trump is a billionaire & will of course be in the same parties, events, fundraisers that (((they))) & the pedos would be at…doesn't mean he is part of their Satanic group. It could mean that he has mucho dirt on these people because of what he has seen & heard.

Look at how the negative energy formed in this country when BHO was president & how divided we were…& look at how those same people Eds posted loved BHO & all the celebrity loved him & they all HATE Trump & have even threatened his life.

If Trump is part of the Cabal then why have they tried to ruin him & everyone that is working in his administration?

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bc82e3  No.20867

File: 43e16a6339012aa⋯.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5679.PNG)


I forgot to post the ghost/vampire pic! Kek

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bc82e3  No.20868


They would still be shitposti g on /pol/.

The hope & Patriotism has exploded since Q arrived.

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5a487d  No.20869


Then if you're correct, there's no problem and we are all saved. Sure was easy.

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ec2a9d  No.20870

Good morning.

I don't have anything of significance to report on, so its just, good morning.

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bc82e3  No.20872


what is your problem Anon? Do you not have any Hope or Patriotism anymore? What has Q & Trump done to turn you off from them?

I'm truly asking & want to know facts.

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5a487d  No.20873


The whole story is in prior threads on this board. Probably in the last 5 threads. I'm too preoccupied to write out the novel right now. It's all there.

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5a487d  No.20874


Good morning anon. JUST woke up. With a massive headache and I NEVER get headaches.

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ec2a9d  No.20875


Not that I'm pleased that you're suffering beside me, but join the club, lol. I didn't wake with one, but have managed to develop it while continuing the same headfuck that I left off from last night.

The more you know, the more you realize you don't know, right. And the easier it can be to slip into bitterness for lack of childhood nurturing. :/

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5a487d  No.20876


Headache was very temporary, fortunately … it was from sleeping on a couch that I don't normally sleep on. This video I'm watching is about the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Completely engrossed in it! >>20788

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ec2a9d  No.20877


This guy's been around for a while. I watched one his vids a few years back, with him presenting the same things. He has some interesting theories. Is he the one who talks about the circular rock walls, saying that they were used as a type of information repository, due to the silicone content in the rocks? Likening them to today's computer chips?

Enjoy the trip ;)

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5a487d  No.20878


To me this is monumental stuff.

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ec2a9d  No.20879


Let that imagination of yours go WILD :p

Learning basic Geometry is monumental for me at present. But alas, I need a break. Time for a walk and much needed fresh air.

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87caf4  No.20880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87caf4  No.20882


??? follow it to youtube.. there i have it from..

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5a487d  No.20883

"An interesting and very important name in Biblical text, and in Sumerian text, is the word 'Adam' from the Garden of Eden. Extensive tests have been conducted to see where this word came from. Consistently looking for Hebrew roots. But it is a Sumerian word which means 'Animals.' Again, we understand that human beings were understood to be animals by the Sumerian gods. And this is where lies the conflict between two gods: Enki and Enlil. Enki wants to treat them like the other gods. These two Sumerian gods have a conflict over the use of humans. And it is to be the root of the Biblical story of the serpent in the garden. As the story unravels, the riddle starts with the origin of the word Satam (suh-TOM) or Satan, in English. Satam, in Sumerian, means 'the administrator.' For years, everybody has been looking to find where this word came from. Books have revolved around this issue. It is a Sumerian term. I don't understand how nobody saw it. It is very clear. We find it in ancient lexicons. Enlil is often referred to as 'the Great Satam.' The master administrator. In Sumerian texts, Enlil consistently asks Enki to go negotiate, and talk with humans. He is always the one to deal with them. Remember he is a humanoid with Reptilian features. And in Sumerian tablets, he is always, or very often, called 'the Serpent.' Just like in the Bible. He's the only one that the humans are going to see. And when they see him, they see a serpent-like humanoid. I reckon this is why he is called 'the Serpent in the Garden.' He is a friend of the humans. ………….

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5a487d  No.20884


In the Biblical text, the serpent tempts Eve with an apple from the forbidden tree of knowledge. Yaweh, or God, forbids the humans in the garden to partake from this tree. According to [Parks], the Sumerian version of this story translates Yaweh, or the Biblical God, into the great Satam … which according to Sumerian text, is Enlil. And the serpent in the Garden, as Enki, who has become a friend of the humans.

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87caf4  No.20885

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87caf4  No.20886


freerepublic-link is about the titles and the reactions.. haven't read all reactions, but a few talk about "faked video"

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5a487d  No.20887

The centrifugal force of 2.2 pounds of water in the oceans, spinning with the Earth at over 1,000 miles per hour, is flying out into space at the equator with 11.3 pounds of force or close to 5 times its weight. Centrifugal force exceeds the force of gravity by almost 5 times.

Something is not adding up.

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5a487d  No.20888


Either we're given the wrong equations … or we're given the wrong conditions.

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87caf4  No.20889

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5a487d  No.20890

I'm currently going through the biggest leap forward of my entire life as far as general knowledge. What I'm assimilating is nothing that hasn't been out there for some time; I'm just now assimilating it all. I wasn't ready before. And this is the case with many others: they run across what I'm processing, at least as far as an overview or introduction; assimilating it isn't what they're all about at that moment, so it's glossed over, downplayed, etc. Nobody is missing the boat or being stupid. People just have varying focus at different times.

I'm just now walking into the classroom for the class that, for me, reveals the final end-all connections for all of physical reality, and our existence here. EVERYTHING I've been searching for since day 1 is being revealed. All of it. From anti gravity to manipulating matter to invisibility to just about anything else you could name, coupled with our true history on this planet, along with, on the other side of the coin, the exact scientific interplay between DNA, rejuvenation, thought, emotion, and magnetic / electromagnetic energy.

My goal has always been implementation. Not to just carry this knowledge around in my noggin, but to apply it in daily life. Act on it, make this knowledge do things. Create tangible effects to order.

Not everybody is focused in this area; in reality, few are. Other people have other concerns. But it's my personal focus and I'm going to be in "reaction" mode for a time. So much is coming together so fast that I'm almost overloading just trying to let it all settle in.

So if my presence here is abnormal, it's because abnormal things are happening.

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87caf4  No.20891




any idea what ed pointed to with Azaz? can't remember, don't find anything in things above... :s

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87caf4  No.20892


think i found it : McCain, a Republican U.S. senator who has called for U.S. military aid to rebels, visited Azaz in May and was photographed alongside Northern Storm fighters.


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ec2a9d  No.20893


I'd not seen the comparison clip before. If I get time I shall look into a little closer, myself. Looks like there's a line to follow in the setting that would fit in with the green screening.

I wasn't aware prior to reading that, that it was CyberBerkut that obtained the footage. I'll need to look at more of their stuff, as well.


When you start telling me to wear a tin foil hat at all times, I'll consider your presence to be abnormal.

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87caf4  No.20895


if ya do, and ya fight things while digging, share plz

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ec2a9d  No.20896


I'll do my best to share what I think might be important, or of interest to others. I just don't know what is and isn't half the time. :/

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ec2a9d  No.20897

I've had enough of self imposed torturous study.

Going to try for an early night. Try!.

“The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.” ― Euclid

Be good and kind to each other.

<3 Love to all :)

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5a487d  No.20898


It changes constantly. All any of us can ever do is guess. :)

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7a71eb  No.20899

File: e9f3e5eb5bc6955⋯.png (388.06 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5682.PNG)

File: fb112882bd3cbe0⋯.png (128.09 KB, 750x896, 375:448, IMG_5687.PNG)

QR is having issues getting breads baked bc Nazi RBV has banned/pissed off the bakers! Kek!

Also- why would HRC want the DNA of diplomats?

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87caf4  No.20900


blackmail? i don't know… it's weird

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62bb5b  No.20901



She wanted it to make DNA specific designer weapons. Weapons of extremely limited (1 person) destruction

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62bb5b  No.20902



Nope. Think about it. Hair has dna in it. Dna is specific to a person. Make a bug in a lab that only activates its deadly deadly action on one specific genetic marker. That's why you'd never find a single hair of these "elite" pieces of shit

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5a487d  No.20903


Information is everywhere: why would this be wanted except to have the ability to target individuals? Which would have to mean there isn't a lot of unity at that level; the buttholes are held together by leverage.

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5a487d  No.20904

"What's dynamite in the Gnostic system is that the Gnostics believe that we have been hoodwinked. That the entity that we have been taught to call God, and worship … is no such thing."

Does life play out as it would if we were under the control of a loving God? The suffering going on says "no." Not even close.

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2aee54  No.20905


"If we were under the CONTROL of a loving God". You said it yourself, control. We are not controlled. That's the beauty of it. He gave us free will and we blew it. We didn't let the earth rest on the 7th day. We pumped it and strained it to give forth more fruit. It got tired and produced weeds. The weeds needed to be controlled with pesticides which brought up cancer which brought out vaccines which brought out autism which brought out more vaccines. It's human condition. WE did it. God cries watching it too. And discipline? Yes, if you keep putting your hand on a hot stove, I'm going to start out saying NO, then the next time I'm going to say NO by yelling. The next slapping by your hand away, the next well you get the point. Watch Scientific Lee on YT if you want real good stuff on creation and science. He explains the God Particle and the pinecone rather simply. Not simple enough for me, but I'm not scientific.

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5a487d  No.20906


> He gave us free will and we blew it.

If you believe the stuff we were handed down. I do not.

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5a487d  No.20907


This is like using mainstream media material to prove the idea that the mainstream media is honest. "Well this reporter said this, and that reporter said that…." Oh okay, it's all resolved then.

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87caf4  No.20908

File: 92dc41ac4f93a18⋯.jpg (815.59 KB, 1453x1098, 1453:1098, john-mccain-q-libya[1].jpg)

Q? really??? hahahhaha actually.. thinking about it.. it fits the story


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7de33b  No.20909


"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.

How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar"

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5a487d  No.20910


The exact inverse of this is what was being applied before. White shaming. That was the drawing back of the slingshot to set things up for Trump. He is the release. When released, the White majority will be exactly as Caesar described.

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2aee54  No.20911


I don't believe a single thing anybody tells me. Except math. I have to believe that stuff. Otherwise, no. I study for myself. Here's something you might find interesting:


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5a487d  No.20912

Nobody can have power over another without "another" allowing it. Choosing to submit. In reality, it's two sides of the same coin: both are power mongers. The oppressor: directly. The oppressed: indirectly - judgment and control via declaring standards and dictating how things are supposed to be. "You must feel this way, you must never think that way, you must always do this and never do that." Both have, as their ultimate goal, power over others. They just choose inverse methods of coveting it.

The game is as old as humanity and it shows no signs of ever slowing down. The whole thing is beyond curious, since both sides are slowly destroyed whenever the arrangement is implemented. Even between celebrity and fan base.

Everything somebody says "might" be true but is ultimately aimed at power. There is always a motive - most notably when the person sounding off is convinced there is none, and is drowning in delusions of their own purity and altruism. That's when the hunger for power is the most intense.

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87caf4  No.20913

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87caf4  No.20914


i think i missed a whole part in there… don't remember a thing about that lol… anons even said it… must have been a moment i was somewhere else with my head

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87caf4  No.20915

good to see ed is still monitoring ;-)

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5a487d  No.20916


I don't think anybody is monitoring today. Things have been slowing down steadily since the direction change on Q. I'm wondering if this board hasn't run its course. Too early to tell now. Will have to see what happens in the coming weeks.

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ce4296  No.20917

True anon

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5a487d  No.20918

Theory #1: most of the people posting here were doing so as a secondary destination while their primary focus was on QR. Those same people were banned (surgically targeted) now that BV has become unsupervised again.

Theory #2: since our direction change, this board has outlived its usefulness. It just doesn't offer what people want anymore. It lost its purpose and never came up with a new one to replace it.

It's nobody's place to judge what people do and don't become interested in - or lost interest in. People are always evolving and changing, and interests change along with them.

From the first week of the Q movement (I joined it on November 5) I was telling my roommate often that the movement as a whole had a shelf life. I didn't foresee people burning out early, as I was more looking ahead to when the purpose was served and there was no more crusading to be done. That time has always loomed and I've always been aware it was coming. Obviously nobody could have predicted the way things played out; the bans, this board coming into existence in response, the arrival of Ed, and the recent direction change. But isn't that what life is: unexpected turns in the most unlikely places.

My vision for this board was always to gradually segue into "what comes next." I was talking about it at length way back in November, and I've been dropping little seeds for moving in that direction all along. It just doesn't seem to be where people's interests lie. They're into other things - and, again, nobody can judge what makes somebody happy if they're learning, growing, and creating.

Ed really drove this board from the start, and I don't think it would have gotten to bread #2 without them. Clearly the apparent split came with the direction change. We lost our forward momentum and it wasn't replaced with anything. We have no more engine.

Changes happen all the time. Always unexpected. So I'll just keep an eye on the board and see what comes of it in the coming weeks. If it's finished, then that's the way life played out. If it experiences new life, I'll nurture it as best I can for as long as people have a reason to keep posting here.

It is/was such an awesome group. So much potential. But people's ultimate purpose in life comes from within them and that has to be respected.

We'll see where things go.

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ec2a9d  No.20919


It does appear that many hang out here secondarily. That's been a good thing, of course, because for those of us who find QR unbearable for the most part, we still get tidbits without all the noise.

The Eds arrived at the same time as the rest of us, and for the same reasons. They'd been banned. Saying that they were the driver may be what they became, but they may also have driven away other anons who would have contributed to drive had thee Eds not been here. I'm not saying that the Eds have been bad for the board, only suggesting that that it could have been very different.

Yes, changes happen all the time. I for one have worked very hard on keeping the board going. That may not be apparent to others, and I'm not looking for recognition, but I know how much I put into it. For me it's time for me. My own personal evolution is calling. I have a lot of catching up to do, in comparison to many here. But then I guess that in other ways, many here need to catch up to me. We're all at different stages. And no one person completes the stages in the same order, I suppose. That wouldn't be much fun, would it!

Good morning, anons.

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5a487d  No.20920


I wonder how widespread it is among the regulars in here, having personal lives in periods of intense redefinition? Maybe we're just in a cycle. So hard to say.

The board should serve the people posting on it. I don't want to keep it alive just for the sake of keeping it alive. But I'll do whatever I can do to support it, should it continue to breathe.

It would make for very good discussion in here, I think: anons talking about their own personal evolution. How much did the times we're living through contribute to that? What direction did it go in? What changed, and what did it change to?

Not everybody would be interested in such information but I am. I always find personal growth the most fascinating thing.

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5d46db  No.20921


I enjoy this Board very much & don't want to see it go! Please!

I e been traveling for work & haven't been able to be on today. I just wanted to check in real quick & say goodnight.

We started as a Q research board…maybe we should do some of that research?

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5d46db  No.20922


When I get time later this week I will post my evolution. I think it is a good idea :)

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ec2a9d  No.20923


I can see where others may be interested in sharing their experience, but for me, personal means personal. There are nefarious observers, sometimes participants in here of whom I do not wish to give an insight into my current thoughts and feelings on that level. It leaves the door wide open for manipulation. As much as I would like to claim that I'm no sheep, I am, and I'm not entirely resistant to all forms of manipulation.

I read where others are at and can see where it would be possible to fuck with their heads. And folks wonder why (((they))) are building profiles on us. No thanks. There are many things that should not be given away on line.

I guess it's good night, anon.

I'm sure people are free to research what they want. I lost interest in Q a long time ago. I don't mind reading what anons come up with, but I prefer standing to the side of the merry-go-round, or the off the pendulum, so to speak.

Sleep well. :)

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ec2a9d  No.20924


the second paragraph was meant for you. :/


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5a487d  No.20925


Looking forward to it!!

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5a487d  No.20926


Nitey nite anon!

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ec2a9d  No.20927


Lol, I'm not going to bed. It's lunch time here. (not that it would be unusual for me to do so at this time when upside down and inside out). My mouse is dying and didn't register the click on this anons post No. >>20921

Nope, no bed for me. I have a full dance card today. And what a magnificent bright sun shiny day it is.

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5a487d  No.20928

Today I assembled our new vacuum … finally a well-above-average Shark DuoClean … stripped down my desktop computer and popped it all into a nice brand new case … new power supply arriving Wednesday which should mean I can use a real graphics card again … discovering all this stuff online about resonance and sound and what it can do with rejuvenation and regenerating DNA and a world of other stuff.

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5a487d  No.20929


I have to get used to these time differences. Australia, right?

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ec2a9d  No.20930


Om, the sound of the Universe. I think I freaked my neigbour out with my Oms one day. Actually, it may well have been the reason for him putting his house on the market. LMAO.

No doubt you'll end up at DAARPA conspiracy site, sooner or later, and see how they're messing with the frequencies to make us all miserable and subservient. O_o


Yep, I come from a land down under.

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5a487d  No.20931


Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a small Australian kid who played drums. After his initial performance one of the judges mentioned something about his neighbors. The kid blurted out "we don't have any neighbors! They moved out because they hate us so much!"

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5a487d  No.20932

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5a487d  No.20933

Merry Christmas to all … and to all a good night. :)

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87caf4  No.20934


ed is still here… ;-) i know :D


same here, this is the only board i read fully and where i post…

morning all…

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87caf4  No.20935



>>20908 see the picture i posted

& see this afterwards…


i tell ya, ed is monitoring here ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.20936


Good 'your' morning to you, anon.

It's too early for me to sit down and dig, yet; but as you can see, it is I of whom is monitoring, today, hehehe. (in between everything else that I'm doing, that is.)


Not sure that they are constantly monitoring. There have been times when stuff from this board hasn't made it to the twatter page for several hours after drop. Just an observation.

I hope you had a good sleep and are well rested. Because I feel like nothing big is going to happen today. I can feel it in my bones. /sarc ;)

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7de33b  No.20937

File: 235c90664538aa7⋯.png (45.25 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, 1200px-Sandia_National_Lab….png)

"And so it was that fateful month. We conversed on the topic of the renegade win. The powers that be can control all things digital, but "they didn't think HE would win."

The people in control of all things digital. "They" did not think HE would win


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8cf074  No.20938

New Q.

https:// 8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#66

Hmm. Nervous about of November..

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8cf074  No.20939


Fake Russian posted that in the Board Months Ago!!!

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ec2a9d  No.20940

File: f83de1965f60945⋯.png (119.43 KB, 443x352, 443:352, ClipboardImage.png)

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87caf4  No.20941


sorry, my internet was gone lol…

not constantly, but they for sure were reading here ;-)


i stopped hoping something big will happen…



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87caf4  No.20942


hey ed :D

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ec2a9d  No.20943

Ugh, I just spent an hour and 8 mins listening to Defango, expose Cicada 3301. Yeah ah, it didn't change my life any, and I'd gladly take that hour and 8 minutes back if it were offered me, lol.

The info might make a difference to someone else, and perhaps there are people who are now not at all happy with him, but meh.

He starts to sweat quite heavily toward the end. I wonder what brought that on. Oh, and he doesn't say anything about Q that he hasn't already.

I don't recommend watching, but by all means if you're interested… go for it.



No need to apologize to me, anon. I have to admit that I have very good internet service. The longest it's ever dropped out to my knowledge has been 15 minutes in something like 5-6 years.

Hehehe, I saw that they'd twatted your post ;)

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87caf4  No.20944


so this is who we will support in iran? giuliani & bolton have links to them…. they are f'ing terrorists… but what is new… we do it everywhere… no change there apparently…. f'ckers

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ec2a9d  No.20945


So, they're supporting the CIA. Do they honestly thin that people forget these things? Never mind, no need to answer that.

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87caf4  No.20946

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87caf4  No.20947


we will see.. i really hope trump doesn't forget what MEK is! but lately i always fear the worst and that gets truth :(

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955d8b  No.20949

New Q if anyone else cares.

Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/08/18 (Tue) 00:36:41 No.66


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



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87caf4  No.20950

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ec2a9d  No.20951

File: dd1972f6d2ee44f⋯.png (19.85 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, anon. I did read through it when it was dropped. It's not that I don't care, just that I'm failing in maintaining interest.

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87caf4  No.20952


(although i always read the drops (so thx for sharing))

cryptic and same of the same…. i don't see anything changing/happening in rl, in real time… a lot of talk is one… but one can write millions of cryptic messages and people won't notice anything in real life/time… they are getting fired or "pushed out" like q says…. i don't agree: equal law is needed… if they committed crimes or did things that aren't supposed to be done, they should pay for that! their deeds should be exposed to the people, we have the right to now! we pay them! they get rich and we get screwed!

what about arming/training/supporting terrorists? trump ran on stopping that, and it still happens and seems its getting worse now (iran see above)…

trump complaining about doj… he is the f'cking president… he shouldn't complain to us… sessions & rosenstein are placed there by him… it's up to him to stop the bs and do something… whining doesn't help a thing!

sorry, i get sick of the cryptic stuff and the waiting.. time for q & trump to show us the proof (we have the right to know it all!) and to show us that the same globalist/neo-con shit will stop immediately.. it's up to THEM, not us! oh and don't forget equal justice under the law… still waiting on that!

so i agree with the other anon ( >>20951

), no interest anymore… tired of the cryptic stuff without real time proof (in stead of words)…

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955d8b  No.20953


Well then, obviously this wasn't posted for you. I think it's getting pretty bad when you have to debate whether to upload a Q post (as I did.)

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87caf4  No.20954


i said thx… i didn't notice q posted, so placing it here is a good thing, therefor my thx

it's because ya said : "if anyone else cares" that i gave a reaction directly on your post… nothing personal, just my feelings on q & trump and the long list of cryptic stuff q gave us (again)

so it's not about you, but about the long list of cryptic logic? stuff q dropped…

sorry if that wasn't clear… so again: thx for dropping it here, didn't notice q posted.. thx

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ec2a9d  No.20955


This >>> it's because ya said : "if anyone else cares"

No one has made issue with anyone 'uploading' Q posts. Nor do I expect there to be any issue in the near to distant future.

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5a487d  No.20956


This is the kind of thing that makes ANY kind of overview impossible. Piece by piece, every person, every entity, is bad and is against every other. It's exactly the kind of free-for-all circus clusterf*** that one would expect at this level of power. Everybody is drunk with power, nobody is coherent, and everybody is out to do everybody else in. How do you turn all that into an org chart?

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5a487d  No.20957

Dichotomy is the law of the universe. If we have a Deep State, we must have a Shallow State. There are no magnetic monopoles. And yet we do not even acknowledge the existence of the Shallow State. It may be the supporting staff of various members of Congress … clerks, janitorial staff, that kind of thing. Who are these people really? What do we really know about them? Can they really be trusted? :)

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5a487d  No.20958

Tomorrow I have a new power supply arriving. The current one is 10 years old. I got this motherboard last year off eBay. I have not been able to plug a video card into it. When I do so it simply fails to boot. I get no video whatsoever. BIOS is properly set, yada yada yada. I suspect the power supply is too weak.

Maybe all my woes will be history when I get the new power supply tomorrow. I'll be able to draw things like our QR2 graphic in a fraction of the time. I won't be relegated to built-in graphics hardware that won't even support DirectX 11. What a concept.

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d47679  No.20959


if you need graphics i can/will gladly help out. :O)

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5a487d  No.20960


Thx; I'm pretty sure my power supply will take care of the problems. I do a lot of very low level graphics programming and it's pretty frustrating to be stuck with such ancient hardware. All that should end tomorrow. :)

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e8a469  No.20961


You get too enemies! Your front line is really BIG!

If senators get only a single mandate they won't be so powerful!

If you get something of compromising on Mueller and RR you can win! they aren't innocent! they are dirty as you write.

In this frontiline you need allies, from other countries, like FR, IT,GR and also where is the other BIG that want to remove NWO?

don't help you with his intel agency ?

You need a new fresh generation of people that are into important key places and faithful to you and that don't get fear of death!

Eyes on Abramovich! If she fall she bring to hell all her puppies, if puppies talks also DEEP STATE fall! Investigate on her! 5:09 if my ears have listen right she said this word "KIDS" at 5:11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSz-ZhjDKuU. Check into MAI abramovich museum!

You make many questions like your letter Q, ( <3) but you are too kind with them using legal power when they are playing dirty.

Now i make you a question: and if also you start to play in a dirty mode?

using power to get an own army to make what you want, enter with their houses and search documents and data that can fit them without legal mandate and much more, I start to understand that its impossible to reason with them!

Quinto Fabio Massimo Verrucoso "here we bring peace and war, choose you what do you want!


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5a487d  No.20962


Brownies. I only want brownies. :)

Good morning Qita!!

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e8a469  No.20963


if you are assembling a new PC i suggest you to put a SSD like 960/970 pro! >>20958

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5a487d  No.20964


It's all about $$$. When I'm able to build a new system, it will be the top tier for everything. Liquid cooling too. No holds barred. And it will be outdated within a year of that time. :(

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5a487d  No.20965


I've built many, many dozens over the years. It always comes down to money … it's much like the local mechanic who makes everybody else's car run like new but his own car is a dilapidated piece of junk. :(

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5a487d  No.20966

Puppy Anon is requesting a walk. The time has come. I must give in to her demands.

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87caf4  No.20967


you better do that than :D

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5a487d  No.20968


:) I caved. Completely. We know who runs this house … and he isn't human. :)

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e8a469  No.20969



I love bit (010001) world, but i prefer to live into real not digital surreal world. I'm man of actions ;)

Theory, practice, Action

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55825d  No.20970

So let me get this straight. You fucking retards follow an Ed Anon but the whole board is also following Q?

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55825d  No.20971

File: 853d31a641fb90a⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 438x349, 438:349, 1523259681.jpg)

There is no Ed assholes. You've been had.

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ec2a9d  No.20972


Hmmm, where is it that your problem lies? This isn't Q-Research. Do you have an issue with the Eds, Q, or both?

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87caf4  No.20973


you sound like a qr-bv that came here in the beginning of the board to call us names… we don't need those kind of people here… so bye…

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5a487d  No.20974



It's all over the map. Everybody has their own ideas. And we can do without the "retards" and "assholes" thing. Save that for QR where it belongs. We are realists. We're grown-ups. Not high school punks.

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5a487d  No.20975

Who left the gate open?


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55825d  No.20976


If you were grown ups you wouldn't be on this bullshit board. I know you're excited that someone is giving you attention. Be excited. Then go back to your Ed worship.

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55825d  No.20977



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55825d  No.20978


I have an issue with idiots. Like you.

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ec2a9d  No.20979


LMAO. This one actually thinks we're taking him seriously.


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55825d  No.20980


Going somewhere?

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55825d  No.20981

I know I'm the most exciting thing that's ever happened here. Enjoy.

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55825d  No.20982


No, I think you're taking Ed seriously. And yes that is hilarious.

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ec2a9d  No.20983


and I think you might've left the gate open when you took puppy anon for a walk.

He still thinks we're taking him seriously. O_O Go figure.

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87caf4  No.20984


think we hit a nerve talking about MEK iran or the other anon talking about mueller/rr/abramovich

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ec2a9d  No.20985


Possibly. We may never know. Or perhaps it's just another aimless soul with no direction or purpose applied to his life. Again, we may never know.

(I'm going for the latter.)

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55825d  No.20986


Oh, you take me seriously. Must be hard to know that your bullshit is exposed.

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87caf4  No.20988

File: ad26eb45a3765b6⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download (1).jpg)

ow i got this through mail..

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ec2a9d  No.20989


Wow, so small and pixi. Is it who we figured it to be?

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87caf4  No.20990


yup, in the end we said it was karzai.. we were right…. although this picture also is played with, look at songbirds boy's pants

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ec2a9d  No.20991

SO! I think I've come to a bit of an understanding.

Every MFing one of us needs to learn to program so that we can defend ourselves against the bastards who are working very hard at enslaving us digitally. Every MFing capable man/woman/child and his/her digital dog needs to get digital and work on building systems to cut the oligarchs and those who proclaim themselves as masters, out of the game. There is no other way.

All the other stuff that's being so-called dealt with, is nothing compared to what's coming.

That is all.


I honestly can't see anything about his pants. Too small and pixilated for my eyes.

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87caf4  No.20992




i don't have it bigger... in the one with osama graham has a pants on... in this one he has the same dress on as karzai ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.20993


LMFAO. OK, that's not too pixilated for my eyes. Just too obvious for my pea sized brain to comprehend. What a cracker.

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5a487d  No.20994

I banned the problem. If they have a VPN they'll just come right back and we'll have to rely on filtering.

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5a487d  No.20995


I hate playing God and banning people but in cases like this the need is kind of obvious. :(

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87caf4  No.20996


just ignore helps too… ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.20997


It's not playing God. It's good management and common sense. Do not be hard on yourself.

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5a487d  No.20998


What needs to be done, needs to be done … lives are not hanging in the balance over this board (that I'm aware of) so it can't be too consequential. :)

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5a487d  No.20999

And now a word from our sponsor.

Sound. Its potential has barely been explored. I've watched videos of guys putting out a fire with nothing but a speaker emitting the right frequency … people levitating objects with sound … demolishing cancer and leukemia cells with nothing but sound … and a guy named Dan Winter has done a ton of research on rebuilding DNA with sound. The potential appears to be endless. To actually put this stuff into use in daily life, one can reverse aging, heal anything with nothing but sound waves, build unimaginable things, boil water, generate light, create invisibility, and the list goes on, apparently only restricted by one's imagination.

This is where my real passion is: implement. Don't just carry it around in your head. Get out there and make it do work.

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5a487d  No.21000

I can only imagine what would result if the regulars on this board fully applied themselves to implementing the possibilities of sound waves.

One of my pet projects is to resonate a sheet of metal at the right frequency so that all heat exchange is blocked. The ultimate insulation for a house. Heating and cooling bills would drop to almost nothing. Water heaters would near 100% efficiency if the pipes were done the same way. Etc.

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ec2a9d  No.21001


Everything we know is made of sound, so it makes sense that all the answers would be found in sound.

I'm a poet and don't know it.

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5a487d  No.21002


Well you have just figured it out otherwise you could not have made the statement.

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ec2a9d  No.21003


Lol, I figured it out quite a while ago.

Tesla wasn't just a cool dude performing a few carnival tricks.

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ec2a9d  No.21004

File: 7f7faecc14ab6ba⋯.png (508.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

It appears we may have scared everyone off, anons. Did we do something wrong? :p

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ec2a9d  No.21005

File: 988549f5ba826f5⋯.png (36.9 KB, 296x170, 148:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a487d  No.21006


We have spoken one truth too many. :) They were all rounded up by Deep State forces.

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ec2a9d  No.21007


Truth? Lol, wut? I have little to no idea what the truth is. I feel more confident in knowing what it isn't, if that makes sense.

Does anyone else get the feeling that Hildawg will never face justice? Maybe 20 years after she's in her grave, yeah, but I'm not so sure she's shitting bricks. More like she doesn't have a care in the world.

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87caf4  No.21008


never… my feeling too.. they stall it so long till they can't prosecute anymore…

statute of limitations

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5a487d  No.21009



Most upsetting is that her and Billie Willie are out holding $100k per plate charities for the Clinton Foundation without any interference.

This is called "anons being taken for a ride."

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ec2a9d  No.21010


Seriously? I'm not up with the laws, especially not US law. Is there a statute of limitations applicable to treason?

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5a487d  No.21011


Certainly not to murder. They have more of counts of that than there are people to kill.

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ec2a9d  No.21012


Still, if there was ever a plan for justice, it's taken so long that she'll be long gone before it plays out. McNoName will be in the grave; they all will.

I think at best we can expect them to be weakened. True victory for the have nots will be in implementing ways to impede them; in not feeding the beast, etc. Do we see that occurring on a mass scale? Nope. What's the use in taking these bastards out, only for them to rise again? Until people wake up to how we end up in this situation, the decay will continue.

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e8a469  No.21013


oh finally!


brownies? uhm… brown= balls=man with courage

brow= front= frontline war= soldier= man with courage we return into same mean :P

brownie= good elf= puppy or i can transform into Cornish pixie :D

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8b1618  No.21014

File: 13eb3ce2149e2ad⋯.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5755.PNG)

File: 9ef8ba1db6f1a62⋯.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5756.PNG)

File: dcd030f84752d03⋯.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5757.PNG)

File: f31549156392039⋯.png (956.24 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5758.PNG)


Something is literally up with HRC. She has been seen with what people think is a back brace on her! She is literally falling apart! It doesn't seem like a bullet proof vest. What I don't understand is why she is wearing the scarves to hide the area around her neck- backbraces don't usually protrude up the neck.

Kuru is a helluva disease! Kek!

I'm traveling back home Anons but just wanted to check in. Hoping Trump ditches the Iran plan at his 2pm press briefing!


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87caf4  No.21015


as long as the puppy doesn't leave brown stuff behind

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e8a469  No.21016


In Como we use halberd! we are more evolved than you. http://www.starkow.com.pl/?p=912

It's only a suggest ;)

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8b1618  No.21017


FUK OFF BV! We know it is you! I've saved all your bans & post deletes in META. YOU are why the boards split…you really do have a mental issue. I don't know how 8Bit can put up with your bitch ass.

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5a487d  No.21018

File: 265ec67c6df5884⋯.jpg (60.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, brownie.jpg)

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87caf4  No.21019


??? think you are in the wrong room…

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8b1618  No.21020


It's funny that you call this boatd bullshit but yet the BO of QR comes over here at times with us…you know, 8Bit. He actually tells us to keep up our good work & wishes us well…so, you are the one with the mental issue, not Anons who are minding our own business.

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8b1618  No.21021


I know where I am…the Rogue BV from QR comes in this board at times and tries to start shit with us & tries to call us names.

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ec2a9d  No.21022


hehehehe, I like your style, anon. :D


It does look like a back brace. Not sure that the scarves mean anything. We'll have to see if she wears them continually, I guess. She may be full of arthritis and keeping the chill of her neck. Who knows?

And she ain't falling apart fast enough!


You mad, anon? Lol. You on fire.

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87caf4  No.21023


aaah now i can follow… you were talking about that weirdo … owkay, with ya now and agree… think i was little bit sleepy :D

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e8a469  No.21024


zoom and clear the screen of her iPhone 6, i don't understand which app she is using…

scarves maybe to make volume to hide her bullet jacket.

Instead for helluva disease i can wrote more than you! In your third photo her middle finger is not in line than other, and for alzheimer is one of the sign that is near to tremor ;)

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ec2a9d  No.21025

I suppose I should try getting some sleep.

Be excellent to each other, anons.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

<3 Love to all :)

Good night.

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e8a469  No.21026




never known



I try to be more clear: she get a disease,we know which, you write helluva, but is sure that is Kuru. But Kuru according Zigas is a prion disease that bring creutzfeld jacob disease.

Now KJ was cause by a little protein (caused by virus, or receptor or other things) that is free and cause problems only on CNS cells.

In england when existed that type of prion disease 1986 hit specially animals that cause BSE and BASE. After the destruction of cattle they were in the same point because they used as manure for new animals or to free lands where other animals eat grass… animals are eat like meat from human and prion aren't destroyed with fire or common antibiotics, so they are into man and can cause KJ.

BSE and BASE and KJ get common synthoms. tremor and aggressive and insanity.

She is cannibal, so she can get a prion disease according W.E.Aren in his book the mith of cannibal!

if you write helluva you mean Alzheimer that is sure that hit hyppocampus, base nucleus and parietal cortex rear region for amiliod mass. However synthoms aresame because appear tremor and apraxya like she show in her third photo! infact her middle finger isn't in line with other! She will be like Bush, in a sedentary stage: the patient can no longer walk without support, tremors and ataxia intensify, muscle muscles are composed by shock, emotional lability, laughter, depression and slowing down of cognitive processes

why she isnt still in jail?

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87caf4  No.21027


yup, true point ya make….

why she isn't in jail? because she is above the law, like many others apparently.. and sessions & rosenstein are on their side

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5a487d  No.21028

A question for Ed, if they're monitoring …

To drop the bomb in here about Q not being a good guy: the impact that would have on this board was known. It would remove the engine from the vehicle and leave us stranded unless a new engine replaced it.

So far there has been no new engine.

That bomb was often referred to as stage 1. Is stage 2 pending? What is it? When?

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87caf4  No.21029



i think they found the reason why their (russia) planes and helicopters crashed with no apparent reason

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87caf4  No.21030

there is a new q… but nothing that we didn't know already…; nothing new


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5a487d  No.21031


This brings me to something that's been on my mind a lot lately and it isn't going away.

Hitler's rise to power was all military force.

Therefore he kept the same people near him from the beginning.

In the United States, it's not the case. The current power structure could be called "administrative" in nature.

Play the "what if" game. What if the plan has always been to segue into WWIII. Nukes are not a good option as they leave very little still usable for just about anybody who survives. Fallout clouds drift across continents, pollute the oceans, killing off marine life, etc. A large-scale nuke war wouldn't leave much that anybody cared about claiming.

So assume the goal is more or less conventional war, but still unveiling an entire array of secret weaponry that most people don't know exists.

If you were running the show, and Trump was a puppet under you, would you keep the current, administrative-based power structure in the U.S.? Or would you replace it with something far more military oriented?

You would purge the admin people. Disguise that purge as "eliminating the Deep State" - which, in so many words, it is, but only to replace them with more of the same who just have a far more military focus.

Who is gaining power steadily in the United States? All things military. From top leadership down to the lowest recruit, everything about the military is growing and taking a foothold.

The old power structure was good for holding course and manning the helm. They are useless for a war-oriented world. And so they are purged and replaced.

Look at everything from personnel to policy and what do you see? Peacetime setups being replaced with something far more suitable to war.

In the process, as Caesar said, whip the population into a patriotic frenzy so they are ready as well.

The more angles I look at this from, the more it all fits. Everything appears to be getting set up for WWIII.

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5a487d  No.21032


Remember the military parade 11/11/18.

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955d8b  No.21033

New Q.


Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/08/18 (Tue) 13:38:39 No.67

Review Time.

Not seeking re-election.


Bob Corker - Republican

Jeff Flake - Republican

Orrin Hatch - Republican

No Name - Republican [Departure Soon]


Bill Shuster - Republican

Bob Goodlatte - Republican

Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat

Charles W. Dent - Republican

Darrell Issa - Republican

Dave Reichert - Republican

David Trott - Republican

Dennis Ross - Republican

Edward Royce - Republican

Elizabeth Esty - Democrat

Frank LoBiondo - Republican

Gene Green - Democrat

Gregg Harper - Republican

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican

Jeb Hensarling - Republican

Jim Bridenstine - Republican

Joe Barton - Republican

John Delaney - Democrat

John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican

Lamar Smith - Republican

Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat

Lynn Jenkins - Republican

Niki Tsongas - Democrat

Paul Ryan - Republican

Rick Nolan - Democrat

Robert Brady - Democrat

Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican

Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat

Ryan Costello - Republican

Sam Johnson - Republican

Sandy Levin - Democrat

Ted Poe - Republican

Thomas Rooney - Republican

Trey Gowdy - Republican


Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate

Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House

Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House

John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House

Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House

Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House

Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House

Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate

Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House

Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House

Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California



+ CEOs


Nothing happening?

Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].

Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Why is the NY AG resignation important?

What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?

Define roadblock.

You have more than you know.

Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.




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87caf4  No.21034

3 things

- trump kept his word on iran deal : good

- he used israeli/sa-lies as explanation (even used the fakery of netanyahu last week) : bad

- he didn't announce sanctions on kerry : bad

that's all i have to say… seems they are going to push regime change… like i feared… hope i'm wrong, but chances that i'm wrong are very small.. be ready for a fals flag, done by israel, to get into war…. ;-) goodnight.. new digging day tomorrow… got sidetracked today on the pizza-gate crumbs ed gave… but wrestling through it all :D

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e8a469  No.21035

just a question: redroom27.onion is fake or true?

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5a487d  No.21036


What is it?

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e8a469  No.21037


snuff pedopornography site

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e8a469  No.21038


Uhm… Joint Vision 2020 HAARP or installed into an helicopter in kurds region with always HAARP system.

see all su-30MK in admiral kutznezos and latest crash in Latakia-→ HAARP 100%

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e8a469  No.21039


Illuminati blasphemic party-gala! Some of them partecipate into Abramovich rituals, you can investigate on them like A.Grande N Minaj K.Perry (she admits that she is cannibal!!!)

(stairs are covered by snake skin, luciferian gala)

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ec2a9d  No.21040

And so…. another chapter is added to the Q trip drama. :s



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ec2a9d  No.21041

File: e41e31ae0a7bef2⋯.png (310.2 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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62bb5b  No.21042

Best of luck to Ebola in her coming attempt at world record


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bc82e3  No.21043


Good damn question Anon. We were all digging together & seemed to mostly have the same goal…then BOOM- Ed doesn't support Q nor POTUS & turns the board upside down & honestly, turned me off from themcwith how they went about their reveal & talked with us & evaded questions. It was like the Eds that came on late at night & sincerely talked with us about our lives & gave advice just *POOF* …disappeared.

Kinda strange with the Rogue BV showing back up & now Q has ANOTHER TRIP (which that was all weird even to me & I've been a strong supporter)

Something seems weird with all this happening around the same time. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES…but I just can't figure it out.

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bc82e3  No.21044

File: 94d1e09993e2980⋯.png (184.58 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5812.PNG)

File: 4961f0caa967322⋯.png (201.87 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5813.PNG)

File: 0730896b860101a⋯.png (170.12 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5814.PNG)

Sharing…pretty good digs!

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ec2a9d  No.21045


One thing I've gotten out of it all, is that no matter who I/we/you choose to 'follow' along with, for whatever reason, we need to maintain our own thoughts and form our own opinions.

Q is more or less asking for blind faith and has an ambiguous answer for anything they care to answer, and followers just keep accepting the ambiguity, even when it doesn't really make sense. It's faith based.

The Eds have been hinting at their distrust of Q and Potus from near the beginning of this board, and so as it may have been a kick in the guts to some when they came straight to the point so abruptly; if anons had been paying attention, and not seeing everything so one sided, it would not have come as so much of a shock.

Now we have several identities turning the Cicada 3301/Q thing upside down and inside out. I haven't had a look-see today to see if this push has snowballed, but it was seriously gathering momentum at the time I went to bed last night.

Hope can be a dangerous thing.

People are missing the point of a lot of this. Think for yourself. Form your own opinions. If you put trust in someone or something, be prepared for disappointments.

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d47679  No.21046

File: b1f6fe3f1371d0b⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1506x1438, 753:719, b1f6fe3f1371d0b0145a41ad66….png)

boom :o)

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bc82e3  No.21047


Top Kek! Sharing!

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5a487d  No.21048



Remember that /patriotsfight/ stormed onto the scene EXACTLY as the Ed bomb was being dropped.

Ed's Stage 1 was abandoned mid stream and stage 2 never happened.

All questions surrounding the issue are ignored.

At the same time 3301 "reveals" are suddenly coming in from all directions after at LEAST 6 years of dead silence on the issue.

"The bomb" seems to have been the big distraction while /patriotsfight/ came online.

If the goal was to remove us from the Q following - because we stand apart as a group that would ask too many questions and piece too much together (we were all selectively banned) - then everything lines up perfectly.

No other scenario connects all the dots. Those too resistant to following on blind faith are removed from the scam.

The protests against / mocking of Q, by Ed, were extremely uncharacteristic of them. "The lady doth protest too much methinks."

Too much tapping the patriotic spirit of Q followers. Too much.

We're being deliberately turned against that following because we figure too much out.

I'll repeat what I said earlier: the gradual build-up and set-up for WWIII is the only scenario I can think of that fits perfectly with everything going on. Maybe there's even more than that. The old non-military, admin-based Deep State structure is being swept away - not to drain the swamp but to have a changing of the guard. The coming military-based America needs new leadership for its new focus.

Those FEMA camps exist and despite any amount of pushing on my part, and repeated questioning, would never be addressed by Ed. Same with the closure and mlitarization of many Walmart stores that was peaking a couple years back.

Points to ponder.

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5a487d  No.21049


We are not led; we are pushed.

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5a487d  No.21050


Anybody demonstrating predefined traits for being a future problem of questioning things is surgically banned from QR.

8Bit's "sickness" is no coinkydink. Induced. It allowed BV to continue the bans undeterred.

Shut down this board and we'll simply start a new one with even more determination.

Perhaps we are dancing on the edge of being taken out ourselves as the only viable option to silence us. The thing is that we're really not carrying our message out of this board, but I'm not sure how much saving grace there would be in that.

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5a487d  No.21051


There was no appeal on the ban I implemented this morning. Very unusual. Usually they'll appeal just for the opportunity to mock and taunt.

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ec2a9d  No.21052


Not sure about some of what you've suggested, but I do believe that we're in for a change of management, not a draining of the swamp.

Remember this? Read between the lines. I wonder why so many are not running again for this term. Might it be because they're making way for the new team members. Remember that in reality there are no Republicans and Democrats, only the haves and the have nots.


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5a487d  No.21053


I remember Diamond and Silk screaming that 43 of the congressional seats had no registered Republican candidate.

The House has 42 less Democrats than Republicans and the Senate has a difference of 2.

25 seats changing sides in the House would give the Dems the majority. 2 in the Senate.

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5a487d  No.21054


"Midterms are safe." Probably. For the Democrats.

Maybe Trump was only ever about eliminating Hillary. Too unstable. Who is next in line?

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5a487d  No.21055


If Trump is impeached after midterms, you can pretty much rely on a shooting revolution. I wonder if that isn't the point. Maximum death toll. Georgia guidestones?

How does WWIII play out if the U.S. is deep in a revolution or civil war?

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5a487d  No.21056


Or outright takeover of the U.S. while that's playing out?

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ec2a9d  No.21057


If this's the game plan; hard to say. Had anyone heard of Obama before he ran? Could easily be someone unknown to us as of yet. Someone who's education was bought and paid for and adolescents nurtured. Another Manchurian candidate, most likely? :s

I hope we're wrong about all this crap!

With all that is and isn't happening, though; we're still headed toward digital enslavement. I don't see shit being done about that. Q has made a big deal about facebook, twatter and google, but what's really been done about it. Do we really believe that class action lawsuits and codes of practice are going to stop (((them))) from scraping absolutely everything? The fact that the AUS SIGINT just put forward a request to legally collect all info on all citizens tells me that it doesn't matter what fucking social media app is used. The owners of whatever app would probably not even be consulted, anyway. Move to gab if it suits. They'll still get your info, use duckduckgo or whatever; it's still all being collected.

Use palantir to catch a few pedos and clean up LA, stop a few illegal immigrants. Publicly publish how wonderful it is and how well it works and have people crying out to be spied on for the sake of their safety of which was compromised in the first place by these bastards.

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ec2a9d  No.21058

We constantly need to be presented with an enemy, or a potential enemy in order to justify the need for what is becoming our own enslavement.

If we jump up and down and say we don't need nuclear weapons or software that spies on each and every one of us, a potential enemy is activated and becomes the enemy that fills the required criteria for people to jump up and down and say we need… we need…

Welcome to Nineteen Eighty Four.

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ec2a9d  No.21059


And don't ever forget that




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5a487d  No.21060


From the dawn of time, "for your protection" has always been the fast track to slavery.

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ec2a9d  No.21061


AND…. before I go AFK for a while. Might I suggest that all the leaking bullshit is being used to discredit real leaks, or lessen their impact. Also that they are a tool in order to subconsciously prepare the masses for what's to come, but in an unofficial sense. Who do they attack and complain to, who do they fight against when they don't know who the enemy is?


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87caf4  No.21062

morning anons.. new day of digging… hope to get through the pizza-stuff today.. i hurt myself doing it again, but re-digging gives always new clarity.. certainly when ya notice you missed a whole conversation with ed and anons lol… like i did :p

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5a487d  No.21063

[1/2] This is going to sound a little on the radical side … but laws are laws.

Government reflects the people. Most people think this sounds nice and philosophical but in real, day to day life it's maybe 5% true sometimes. It doesn't work that way. It's 100% true 100% of the time.

I could carry on for a thousand novels making the case for NOTHING being random (especially coincidence). Day after day, the people of any nation have full ability to remove their government in the space of a day. Collectively, every single day they renew their decision not to use the options available to them. That's what choice is. When an option is available, you must CHOOSE not to use it.

This especially applies at the personal level. Every time somebody complains about what's wrong, there's an entire litany of options they have for improving what they're complaining about. While they will give endless excuses, those excuses amount to "discomfort," which is really the entire point to be made. Why are people so uncomfortable solving their own problems?

Because they like it where they are.

It isn't the work involved in implementing a solution that's so uncomfortable for people. It's the result that work would lead to. Every day people do things far more uncomfortable and they don't complain at all.

Adversity is not about how much one has or doesn't have. Adversity is defined by the unacceptability of a situation. Many people are dirt poor, have medical conditions, etc. and they are perfectly comfortable in that situation. At the end of any given day, week, month, etc., what could they have done to find solutions to those problems vs. what they actually did? What new avenues did they explore; avenues whose outcomes were not guaranteed to be zero? None.

People don't work to change things they don't want changed.

When you look at "what could you have done to challenge this problem vs. what you actually did," you will always find a huge gap. I could have done much, I actually did nothing. People choose to renew their problems every day, every hour, by having so many options for challenging them and choosing none of those options.

Instead, we want to sit back and dictate. Things need to be THIS way. This is wrong and you and you and you need to change, fix it, adjust. Everybody wants to sit back and tell everybody else how it needs to be. There are a thousand approaches to doing this but it's what everybody does.

A couple weeks ago I hit a brick wall and decided this 10 year old computer I have is intolerable, it must change. Yesterday I got my new case; tomorrow I get my new power supply which allows me to actually plug a decent graphics card into this motherboard and voila, I have a far better system overall. I also decided that this shit about filling the radiator every morning is intolerable; I have to replace the radiator and the cooling fans so I can actually run the A/C without worrying about overheating, and I can stop spending a million dollars a week on anti-freeze that's going to leak out almost as fast as I put it in. The new cooling fans are sitting on the front porch in a box and the new radiator will arrive before Saturday. I will install them myself.

Just like that, I created the money required to change those things because my intent was clear. True intent comes first; life follows suit like a puppy on a leash. Intent rules the universe.

Our government is a product and a reflection of our intent. It doesn't matter which nation you live in. It applies equally across the board.

Every problem we crusade against is our own reflection in the mirror.

There are no exceptions.

As such, people are stuck in dictator mode. Everybody wants to sit back and dictate how things need to be and it's up to everybody else to adjust, to make them "right." Everybody wants to be God via external authority when they are already God via internal intent.

The only thing that can ever shift a person's focus from outside to in is when the external authority thing fails severely enough, for long enough, to cross the threshold of tolerance. One individual at a time, that is what plays out because external authority (via any means from guilt trips to deceit to leverage) is only a means to an end. We want to feel like we are in control of our lives. So seven billion of us all fight for external control when we already have that result via internal control. Imagine what a situation that creates outside ourselves. We spend our lives crusading against our own reflections.

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5a487d  No.21064

[2/2] ONLY facing adversity has a prayer of shifting people into an internal focus and tapping the power that is already there. We are led on a wild goose chase, confusing the shit out of us, with Ed pushing us this way and Q pushing us that way and all we do is get confused and pushed around like the puck on an air hockey table. Then they do it some more. The fact that we are living this situation says "this is what we are doing to ourselves internally."

Everything about this period in time is about the distribution and implementation of power, and it's all a precise reflection of who and what we are internally. We're a chaotic mess.

Think "quantum computer." For every last situation, every possibility exists simultaneously. Which one we experience is controlled by our internal state, our intent, our focus, etc. We are shifting constantly. Nuclear war broke out yesterday and today and it will break out again tomorrow. Those possibilities all exist; we just didn't tap into them to experience them. So every possible outcome you could conceive of is waiting to be picked up and experienced. It's all about what's going on internally. Nothing else matters. We have to interact with our external reality to facilitate change internally but ultimately we would do best never to lose sight of the fact that it's all brutal game and we are the ones in control of everything.

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5a487d  No.21065


Good morning anon! The board has not been very responsive to Ed lately … they post something and it just seems to conflict with where the board is focused at that moment. Their stuff hasn't been getting a lot of traction lately.

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87caf4  No.21066


i've noticed that.. last times ed posted, i was not online… so it's difficult to react on it afterwards, but i take notes and will re-dig in a few… when he is online, i always try to react and dig immediately…

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87caf4  No.21067


btw i try to keep my attention on ed's drops… why? cause giving trump, q attention would anger me and we don't want that..

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ec2a9d  No.21068



I must say, anon; there has been a noticeable change in you over the last couple of days. :) Methinks you found some internal focus?

No… NOOOO, we do not want you angered, LMAO.


We were born into a lot of this. Not saying that as an excuse, but it takes time for people to come to certain realizations, if they ever do, without some kind of guidance and everything in society telling us to look in the wrong directions.

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ec2a9d  No.21069


My mouse double clicked again. Ignore the first post no.

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87caf4  No.21070



for who's interested.... iran's oil bourse


so ed's drop was not about human trafficing like backchannel talked about and what we in here assumed, but about oil & petrodollar...

this fits perfectly in what happened in iraq & libya (remember the pictures of gold ed posted) & the plan clark spoke about, the 7 nations that have to fall

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87caf4  No.21071


without doxing too much.. my goal is still the same… destroying the globalists any which way i can.. i made a bet on q & trump.. and apparently made a wrong bet… that hurts… certainly in my situation…

so i had to pick myself up and reorganize and start again in this area… focus is needed… problem is, i'm good with guns & on the ground.. not that much in social skills & diplomacy… the places where i could persuade people are taken away… (fb & twatter)… so best thing i can do is work out the ed-drops the best i can and use them… well founded…. but i have to stay focussed… anger and too much noise well they don't help

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ec2a9d  No.21072


I'm not good with guns, but I can learn ;)

You get it, anon. You can practice in order to improve your social and diplomatic skills; And you are obviously doing so.

Perhaps other opportunities and avenues will present themselves, away from social media, for you to spread your message. Who knows? It sounds like a good opportunity to reinvent yourself and how you approach things. Maybe!

In any case, it's refreshing to witness your new approach. :D Good for you, anon.

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87caf4  No.21073



i tried gab, but after getting 35 followers it stopped… and lots of those are sheep following their shepherd… barely get traction there…

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87caf4  No.21074

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49f5b0  No.21075


Good morning anon. It's been a few days as I wasn't sure if I caused upset, >>20706. I'm hoping you understood the point I was trying to make and weren't offended. I was just discussing my truth and trying to help with things moving forward.

I have also tried to be a bit more proactive. We had an advert in the UK for UNHCR and it actually had a child of terrorist featured. I know this because I saw their twitter account earlier in the year and in my ignorance (and the fact there us a deliberate play an people's emotions ) I wrote to putin and may to stop the strikes. I was then advised that this is a terrorist ploy and to look at how well fed, well dressed and politically aware they are for 10 & 8 (sisters).so I have reported the advert to the ASA and Teresa May.

It has also come to my attention that twitter, gab and all the chans are over - run with bits or AI. I did wonder if that's what the Eds were referring to with the Robot videos. That might why there have been so many bans on the other board. I have reported about 80 on twitter but there are still a hundreds.. They are polite and friendly but I have noticed as get going they are imitating each boards colloquialisms. I have seen 'bump' and 'kek' or talking to the board op on a twitter feed. This also happened the same time as the Ed/Q anomaly.

Sometimes they are quite funny to read especially when they do memes and gifs which are never quite right.

I found this article today although it's relating to the UK the same patterns are being followed, as in these accounts either started up around the end of April or were set up around January time and remained inactive until now.

Oh the other thing they do as soon a 2-3 people start a conversation they came in and it's very disruptive. .https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2018/05/08/large-scale-twitter-bot-farm-targeting-londoners/

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5a487d  No.21076


When a person stands up and says "this is who I am, this is what I believe in," and takes action on that basis, regardless of the approval of others (or lack thereof), then the highest possible purpose is served. Being real is the exact opposite of following the herd. That's what will save humanity. It makes no difference if one person takes the approach of a warrior while the next is a deep thinker. As long as one's actions match one's convictions, nothing more could be asked. Or given.

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49f5b0  No.21077


Good morning anon. I know this is a delayed response but it goes back to when you were working on the prime numbers idea. This is not my area but when you were saying about a computer or program being able to cope with the computations it made me think if cassandra and the lucifer code.


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5a487d  No.21078


This is what makes this board unique and priceless, IMHO … by and large people seem to have a distinct aversion to following the leader with their thinking and values. It's one thing to have a central focus - like Q or Ed (depending on which side of the fence you find yourself), but to be unwilling to act without somebody else declaring what that action should be is something that's curiously absent from this board. I don't know that I've ever seen such a strong combination of independent thinking and lack of infighting. Maybe the two go hand in hand when both are real.

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87caf4  No.21079


nobody found who this is... ?

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49f5b0  No.21080


Thank you..

I found this on Sandia which I don't think anyone has referred to it.

Sandia National Laboratories Reveal More Details on Bitcoin De-anonymization Tool” .https://t.co/S3tIhUSeFy?amp=1

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ec2a9d  No.21081

I'm back. I had to lay down for a bit. I love the cold weather as much as I do summer, but I no likey having the damn heating on. Makes me feel like shit :( /endRant


It takes a heck of a lot for me to be offended, and that came nowhere close, lol. What on earth made you think that expressing your own opinion, in your own words, through your own eyes would be considered offensive? Even if I was to disagree, it's nothing to be offended by.

My apologies if there was misunderstanding through lack of response. I've not been all that attentive to the board of late. Very busy with other things; personal development, getting more exercise, expanding my interests. I hate to say it, but the board had become a bit of a bubble for me. I had to burst it! :D

I do hope you didn't stay away on purpose. Oh and things had moved on. Some may have read what I typed and considered that I was creating upset. Upset wasn't my intention and I believe my words and motivation behind them to have been aptly applied.

I'm not sure that we've had any bot activity in here. Most disruptions are either entirely ignored or given the test.

Glad you were able to see around the terrorist ploy, even if not immediately.


Not through lack of trying. I searched for a good few days, but nada. I tossed a couple of names out, but there was no response from the Eds. There's only so much time I'm willing to throw at it without any feed back. I don't think they like me very much. :/

Back to my studies :)

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87caf4  No.21082


saw those names, didn't find a link or confirmation… think i'll move on than

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d47679  No.21083

File: 95627d2c1051366⋯.png (217.64 KB, 2764x348, 691:87, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at ….png)


this is also interesting on sandia

guided bullets….i never new such a thing existed, and i'm a "gun guy".

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49f5b0  No.21084


Well said especially the last 2 sentences. You could also add that everyone has a their own viewpoint /specialist area which adds strength and enables resolutions

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49f5b0  No.21085


You were reading my mind I was about to check with one if my online acquaintances if i could use they advised me of that this morning. Pretty scary huh

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d47679  No.21086

File: acd16aea09dd989⋯.png (222.94 KB, 1404x948, 117:79, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at ….png)


the new director of sandia is sjw..


he's admitted that sandia is "crucial" to national security, and he's lowered the gpa for people to work there. "diversity hiring". :o{

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49f5b0  No.21087


No you did say anything to upset. It's me over thinking what I said just call my sensitive anon ( with a bite ).😆

I'm glad you are focusing on your personal development and I can tell you have travelled far along the spiritual path. You have inspired me to travel that path again,. One of the reasons for being quiet, questioning why I stopped.

You were discussing yesterday the use of sound etc and I don't know if anyone has heard of Coral castle it's amazing. Not the philosopher's stone, The philosopher of stone.


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49f5b0  No.21088


This company looks worse and worse. I've got some on them won't be long.

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49f5b0  No.21089

>>21086Sandia led a project that studied how to decontaminate a subway system in the event of a biological weapons attack (such as anthrax). As of September 2017, the process to decontaminate subways in such an event is "virtually ready to implement," said a lead Sandia engineer.[

Sandia formerly hosted ASCI Red, one of the world's fastest supercomputers until its recent decommission, and now hosts ASCI Red Storm, originally known as Thor's Hammer. Sandia is also home to the Z Machine. The Z Machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. It is operated by Sandia National Laboratories to gather data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons.

Fingers and pies comes to mind.

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ec2a9d  No.21090


I have heard of it and seen many docos and vids that include it as something extraordinary for the wrong extraordinary reasons, it would seem.

Ice cream cones used for levitation. Hehehe. That's a common theme in the docos and vids.

I'd not heard the explanation in the article, before. Thanks. That puts that baby to bed.

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5a487d  No.21091


The cones are used to focus sound vibrations. Or else do something interesting with them. I hope the ice cream they're holding is chocolate as anything less is a complete waste of time. :)

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5a487d  No.21092

Must go play taxi driver. Get the roommate to work. Her pickup truck is at the shop since Monday so as soon as it returns home, I won't have to play taxi driver anymore. Yay me!!!!

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5a487d  No.21093

Since the middle of last week, newly acquired or repaired items will include the riding lawn mower's fuses, ignition switch, and belt, new computer case, new power supply allowing a real graphics card, pickup truck, new radiator and cooling fans for the car, new vacuum, and … next week … new roof and new fence around the entire 1 acre lot. :) Off to play taxi driver!

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ec2a9d  No.21094

File: 803729801595130⋯.png (297.53 KB, 706x706, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


In the next couple of days I'm going to spend $4.68 on this. I wonder if the buzz will be comparable….

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62bb5b  No.21095


Don't poke yourself , that compass is sharp kek

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49f5b0  No.21096


Don't forget a fluffy pencil case. I'm going to cut the lawn and enjoy the lovely weather we are having. The temperature here went from 4 degrees to 28 last week.

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ec2a9d  No.21097


Ha, I probably will. Sooner or later.

I'm surprised they haven't been banned in schools. Deadly weapons, they is.


If you're talking Celsius, I'm not enviable of mowing the lawn in that heat. I guess it all depends on the cloud cover and apparent temp.

I got mine done yesterday, and am still paying for it physically, lol.

Enjoy and take care.

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5a487d  No.21098


That depends on how much you've done without … and for how long. When you do without things that everybody else takes for granted, you get to be very happy with the simplest things while everybody else is complaining about politics. :)

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87caf4  No.21099

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ec2a9d  No.21100


I had taped markers on my floorboards for around 2 years to indicate where to put the buckets when it rained. It was an interesting experience, of which became routine and one of those things that before leaving the house for the day I'd um and arr about whether to put them out just in case. My fences are a combination of old corrugate iron, the original palings, some old gates that I found on the side of the road a few blocks away, a sheet of perspex, an old esky lid, among other things. And I'm the one whose so-called friend totaled my car on xmas day 6-7 years ago and I haven't been fortunate enough to acquire another since.

I gave away a beautiful old antique steam engine in exchange to have my roof shadily patched up. I just keep adding to the art work that I call a fence, and I walk everywhere.

As you can imagine, I have a very happy dog.

TBH, none of it really bothers me all that much, anymore. And that's even while I'm surrounded by people in government housing of which are constantly maintained to the highest standards, while they do nothing but complain about how miserable their lives are and how hard done by they are.

I'm happy for you, anon.

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ec2a9d  No.21101


My, my. I wonder at how long we're going to be hearing about this. It will be interesting to hear what the x-hostages have to say and how they convey it.

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5a487d  No.21102


:) So you see the contrast. Those who have everything handed to them are the most miserable. It has no meaning. They didn't work for it. We're no strangers to the bucket brigade when it rains. That's why we're redoing the roof here.

I get very depressed in dilapidated surroundings. When the walls and carpet are sparkly new, I'm so energized. I don't know why it's that way, but it's always been that way. Part of that is being a clean freak. A place for everything, dammit! LOL!

When all this started I was working full time on a 3D game I was going to market. I got so deep into the Q stuff that I shut everything else down. Then the plan was to write a book like everybody else - not to cash in and capitalize on Q, but mostly to document this period in history. But that was back when it seemed like the future was all roses. Since then, a thousand people have already released books, none seem to be selling, and the way forward is as clear as mud.

I went through a horrible time the past couple weeks. Every way forward was blocked and seemed like a dead end. I have no income! I have to do something! I finally decided I'm just going to work on sci fi writing because that's what I love to do. Just keep on churning stuff out. The more I do, the better I'll get at it. I will build a following if I just keep on putting out new material. Everything I do is self-handled so I don't use publishers, editors, etc. 99% of the money goes to them for doing 1% of the work. Standard Deep State formula. I don't know that I've ever been so excited about my future. Writing will work and I can do it until I die. I'm putting the next book together already. The first one was put out in 2014. It's on Amazon - it didn't do terribly but it didn't set any records either. They say every writer wants to forget his first book and mine was no exception. It got tons of praise for the writing quality but it got slammed for having too much filler, which is exactly what I did.

Remove that and I still love the plot. So the one I'm working on now will reflect learning to date.

Overall, things are very good. :)

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7de33b  No.21103

File: e1816dfa044d463⋯.gif (7.41 MB, 790x525, 158:105, missile-test-from-salton-s….gif)

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ec2a9d  No.21104

File: 2df5a08b23ab8f3⋯.png (238.55 KB, 699x308, 699:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88a1e47b0fb7a2e⋯.png (11.37 KB, 255x158, 255:158, ae7abc2086e39b9189128bff88….png)

File: 092cb7ff4e1fe2c⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 400x500, 4:5, PringleJayCalvinAge55.jpg)

File: f78759e9a441f36⋯.jpg (15.1 KB, 236x311, 236:311, Pringle.jpg)


Ok, so I finally made some time to find the pics, at least, that brought me to the Jay Pringle guy.

Computer generated age progression was used, but even between the kid and the guy being arrested, or accompanied by police, there are similarities. Particularly the unusual hairline.

Of course, the real guy is a lot heavier than the age progression pic.

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ec2a9d  No.21105


Sry. I didn't expand the original pic before saving it. Oh well.

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87caf4  No.21106


thx ed..


thx… will look some deeper into that person.. maybe ed can give us some light on his own picture ;-)

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7de33b  No.21107

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49f5b0  No.21108



Sandia again.

The Atomic Energy Commission and its contractor Sandia Corporation acquired the base from the Navy in 1946. It was renamed the Salton Sea Test Base and used as a highly sophisticated bombing range whose drops were scrutinized and perfected using equipment reportedly recovered from Germany after World War II. Apparently the bombing tests included delivery from diverse devices, even from space capsule parachutes. Drone planes and Nike missiles were also tested there. Sandia has confirmed depleted uranium was present in some of the tests, but says fissionable materials were never used.

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49f5b0  No.21109

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87caf4  No.21110


>>14891 i meant the person getting arrested here ed..... is it necessary to know who it is? and the other picture doesn't ring a bell either lol...

can you give us a guidence or something on this?

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5a487d  No.21111


Guten Morgen herr Ed.

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5a487d  No.21112


This came up in a prior thread; not sure if we ever pinned down who that guy was.

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87caf4  No.21113


no we didn't, that's why i brought it up

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5a487d  No.21114


Okay. Soon we will know. The maker of Pringle's potato chips? I like sour cream and onion.

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87caf4  No.21115

damn that haspel has an annoying voice…. she's deep intrenched in the cia… imo: NOT good

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5a487d  No.21116


"Who are you working for."

"Nobody! I was just out walking my dog!"

"Quit with the bullshit! We both know why you were in that park!"

"But but but but but…….."

"Shut up!!!"

"Yes, ma'am. Or do I call you sir?"

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87caf4  No.21117


she says: the moment the plane flew in the wtc, she knew it was osama… yeah right.. she's from that time.. how in g's name can't she be a clown :s

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5a487d  No.21118


I assumed she was … why else would she be put in charge?

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49f5b0  No.21119


Won't any of your neighbours help with fence ( I take it that it isn't miles long.). If you grow your own fruit and veg you can always trade if someone is willing

My ID will probably change I had to go through captcha again

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87caf4  No.21120


but but clowns are bad… aren't we fighting clowns in syria, blowing up the deal with iran because of clowns.. didn't we attack clown-sites in syria not long ago… that 34d-chess-move trump made by attacking a country without any proof…

isn't that what q tells? so why put an clown (30 years service or something i thought) at the head of the cia?

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ec2a9d  No.21121


On 2 sides, the properties have recently changed hands. They're too busy getting their finances back in order after taking out huge loans, I guess; and the other neighbor is elderly and on a pension. (Truth be told, she's better off financially than me).

Realistically, it suits me to just keep patching it all up for the meantime. The back fence will HAVE TO be done sooner than later. I'm putting dollars away for it. When the time comes, it comes. ;)

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ec2a9d  No.21122


Maybe he's linked to Sandia and Saltan stuff.

He was reported to have gone off with some guy of his own free will, at the time that he disappeared. Perhaps he became a mechanic; a dirty deeds guy, with no real name but plenty of them. The plot thickens. The stuff of novels. Dun, dun, DAAAAH!

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5a487d  No.21123


This is why I had issues with Pompeo. He was the CIA head.

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49f5b0  No.21124


Can you play that on the keyboard?

Anon in these 2 posts did some good digging.>>21070 & >>210701074.,thanks.

I've only read the wiki info link on Iran bourse they did not want to trade in us dollars only euros, yuan and a couple of other currency but also technology..

Sorry explaining away there assuming you haven't read them. Anyway they link together.

I don't know how it ties into the video or if that even matters. Satan sea habitat is pretty much decimated and anyone who worked there can claim compensation.

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ec2a9d  No.21125


Lol, I'm pretty sure I could manage it, but still busy perfecting Ode to Joy. :D annnnnnd, loving it.

> >>21070 & >>210701074.

The no spacing gives you away every time. :p

Yes, anon is a very focused and dedicated digger.

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ec2a9d  No.21126

I'm off to bed.

I'll have nightmares about ABC || DEF and (x, y), no doubt.

Be good. Be kind to each other. Be ever relentless in the pursuit of knowledge. ;)

<3 Love to all :)


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87caf4  No.21127


sleep well :D

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e8a469  No.21128


good night anon

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e8a469  No.21129


neutron bomb? O.o it was used also in tel aviv ( i saw a video)

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5a487d  No.21130

Hawaii has not slowed down. Volcanic activity continues at the highest level. Fissures are gushing and 2 more new ones have opened. There doesn't seem to be any other volcanic activity in the Ring of Fire.

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87caf4  No.21131


yeah.. to bad for hawai… on the other hand, imo, you know where ya live… you know the dangers… if i decided to live on the edna, i would have problems too.. but still, it's bad ofcourse

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5a487d  No.21132


That's the thing people forget … these people knew where they were moving. Kilauea has always been an active volcano. They can't even get lava insurance and homeowner's insurance is more than the value of the house each year.

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5a487d  No.21133


(That refers to "zone 1" which is getting hammered now, where the fissures are - not the entire big island.)

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87caf4  No.21134

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5a487d  No.21135


Outside Leilani Estates the average 500 sq. ft. home is only six billion dollars. Low rent district.

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87caf4  No.21136


don't know that much about hawai itself… certainly not about rent districts lol.. only was a few times in one place on hawai… short and longer times… nothing more..

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5a487d  No.21137


I spent 3 nights in Honolulu. I remember almost nothing about it. I think it was back in 1982.

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49f5b0  No.21138


A belated good night.

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87caf4  No.21139


that was before my time there lol…

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5a487d  No.21140


Hmmmm. It seems I am older than previously thought. :)

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87caf4  No.21141


haha who says that ;-) i may have been old when i went for the first time :p

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5a487d  No.21142


LOL we are the ancients.

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87caf4  No.21143


lol :D

well time to go for me.. when i'm back home later on, i'll go to bed, so i will be back tomorrow :D enjoy your evenings anons :D see ya tomorrow

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e8a469  No.21144


http:// redroomfing27toi.onion/redroom.php i shut down it, but then after 12 hours it returned!!!

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e8a469  No.21145

http:// 22222222gudgigfi.onion/ if cicada3301 is of NSA…. we have a great problem from the beginning!!!

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7de33b  No.21146



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5a487d  No.21147


Delete the entire link? Or just make it un-clickable directly?

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5a487d  No.21148

File: b5b5bc26a8d983e⋯.png (621.67 KB, 960x540, 16:9, cookie_cutter_1.png)

File: 7b5f5cc30c6f75e⋯.png (398.17 KB, 960x540, 16:9, cookie_cutter_2.png)

Modeling, modeling … the projects … in the future! Much more to add. This is just a start.

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7de33b  No.21149



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7de33b  No.21150




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5a487d  No.21151



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5a487d  No.21152


Done. Refresh page for updates.

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5a487d  No.21153


They have to be aware of this. This leaves China as the only major purchaser of Iranian oil. I'm not sure who thinks sanctions are going to do much anyway … either they move the stuff through 3rd parties or just ship it out anyway directly.

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7de33b  No.21154

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5a487d  No.21155


No problem … direct clicking is useless anyway unless you're on Tor and the only one I've ever seen in here via Tor is the one who posted the links.

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5a487d  No.21156

I could just make the change automatic … replace http:// with http://# (space) and the same for https.

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7de33b  No.21157




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5a487d  No.21158


I just made the changes automatic. This is a test.

http:// www.nowhere.com

https:// www.nowhere.com

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5a487d  No.21159


Much gooder. Now we don't have to worry about it.

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5a487d  No.21160


Any ideas about the overall plan that Q is serving?

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5a487d  No.21161

File: 12b86a8397b589b⋯.png (24.52 KB, 723x258, 241:86, q_rosatom.png)

This is odd. They just murdered their CFO … with 70 pieces of collateral damage.

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e5fcd1  No.21162

Qresearch is fucking gay as fuck.

What a bunch of jew cocksucking faggots.

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bc82e3  No.21163

File: 5a3a8e0efb2bb68⋯.png (239 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5837.PNG)

File: 8a45ea1cf7c7cc0⋯.png (246.62 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5838.PNG)

File: e20e094106dc8d9⋯.png (240.69 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5839.PNG)

Sharing interesting post from QR!

Hey Anons! I finally got back to home from traveling & im beat!

I have caught up on bread so if this has already been shared, then I'm sorry!

Hey Eds if you are lurking.

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5a487d  No.21164


Hmmm. Bad experience? Well that's why we exist. :)

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e5fcd1  No.21165



Samantha Powers is married to Cass Sunstein.

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e5fcd1  No.21166


Great experience. Loved it actually.

But they banned anybody and everybody that was correcting many anons incorrect worldviews.

They allowed us for a deal of time but decided we were providing too red coloring of red pills. RED being the optimal word.

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5a487d  No.21167


They're very strict about their operating parameters over there. I'm still wondering what their purpose is. Too blue-pilled is fine; they leave you alone. But too far red and out you go. Seems to me that board is as clownified as any board could ever get.

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5a487d  No.21168

I'm just not sure what to do with myself. I don't have to play taxi driver anymore. Which means no more having my roommate to work @ 8 and picking her up @ 5. No more pickups and drop-offs cutting across my day. I can actually WORK!

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5a487d  No.21169


(Her Chevy is up and running again. She is independent!)

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e5fcd1  No.21170


Banning people and using other peoples posts as reason?

Pure kikery.

I even posted that "Lenny from the deli" is not involved and this is about Organized Crime and not an issue of "anti semitism" but no…

Too gay as fuck over there…

I broke countless stories that wound up in the notables there….

But apparently its cool to endlessly post about the bible…Mindlessly patriotarding…Israel cucking…Talking about Saturn…Antifa as "nazis"…what else???

Just a plethora of nonsense is accepted as gospel and anything that directly refutes it even though anons totally agree and provide further proofs…

You get the idea.

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5a487d  No.21171


None of that is news. It's why this board came into being. So the thing to do now is forget them and move on. Little to nothing can be done about them; ultimately QR is 8Bit's board and there is no public obligation to run it or not run it any certain way. So settle in here, if you choose to, put them behind you and keep moving forward. We've all been through it. We can go on all day about what's wrong and how bad they are but it's all been said before and there just isn't any return for our investment in enumerating the problems there. It's far more about pulling yourself out of a hellish state than anything else.

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e5fcd1  No.21172


Thanks for reply. Will do.

Not that it matters but this is the first Q board I found originally. Must have been a reason.

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ce4296  No.21173


Seriosly some is true But i love thus board and the laid back and HUMAN aspect

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ce4296  No.21174

Sorry about the mispelling im tired heading to bed GN ALL !

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d47679  No.21175


the "other pic" is (if i remember correctly) a shot from the atlanta airport. When they had that strange fire in the closet or something, that shut the airport down for a day. I was on GR when that happened, and i don't remember anyone giving any info on the guy image.

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7de33b  No.21176

File: f5ff06c51b3cc55⋯.jpg (140.26 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 005 Italy 195 Pompeii Colu….jpg)


"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses and all the king's meN went to confession. They told the Pope of all they had done. Murder, betrayal, infeidelity. The Pope is now the king."

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d47679  No.21177


hello ed, pretty cryptic. :o)

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7de33b  No.21178

File: 3fa6e10a32383fc⋯.png (831.85 KB, 1018x566, 509:283, Screenshot from 2018-02-08….png)



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d47679  No.21179


the man with all the secrets has the power?

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7de33b  No.21180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7de33b  No.21181

File: b70fe5a41aacb7d⋯.jpg (15.75 KB, 258x300, 43:50, unit-8200.jpg)


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a16944  No.21182

File: 9ff8dd24ba2080d⋯.png (503.08 KB, 956x565, 956:565, ?.png)

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7de33b  No.21183

File: f0b9751c9de3097⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 1200x736, 75:46, DaDVwOuVMAAEfc5.jpg)



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7de33b  No.21184

File: 68471cd6264589e⋯.jpeg (7.53 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images (15).jpeg)


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bc82e3  No.21185




BO here is great…just please don't post CP or start attacking Anons here. We all are different & have different opinions here…but this Board works! It is our home! 😊

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7de33b  No.21186

File: 3e7b0b795576726⋯.png (501.6 KB, 960x305, 192:61, hammer.png)

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bc82e3  No.21187


Well Fk…I thought Humpty Dumpty was put back together again! Kek

Very cryptic Eds…as usual.

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7de33b  No.21189

File: 66be378a3165eb1⋯.png (303.25 KB, 830x362, 415:181, Screenshot from 2018-05-09….png)

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bc82e3  No.21190


Any Anon get the Capital letters in this post?

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7de33b  No.21191

File: 6355617477e52fd⋯.png (588.36 KB, 755x543, 755:543, Screenshot from 2018-05-09….png)

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7de33b  No.21192


http:// www.sandia.gov/asc/computational_systems/HAAPS.html

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7de33b  No.21193

File: 8d21efe9cba4402⋯.png (259.9 KB, 401x596, 401:596, Screenshot from 2018-02-01….png)

“Whistleblower,” told Fox News that Montgomery “turned over 600 million plus pages of information to the FBI.” Judge Lamberth was formerly the presiding judge over the FISA court.

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7de33b  No.21195

File: 643f816fba15b98⋯.png (28.95 KB, 995x215, 199:43, Screenshot from 2018-04-25….png)

"Titan Rain hackers gained access to many United States defense contractor computer networks who were targeted for their sensitive information, including those at Lockheed Martin, Sandia National Laboratories, Redstone Arsenal, and NASA."

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d47679  No.21196


saw it, …. ?? :o)

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7de33b  No.21197

File: deacd57654ffb68⋯.jpg (115.65 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, Titan Rain They hit hundre….jpg)

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d47679  No.21198


black cube logo in this image… probably nothing, just an observation….

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7de33b  No.21199

File: 6ea4f910669cd68⋯.jpg (20.84 KB, 238x227, 238:227, shawn-carpenter1 (1).jpg)

"After informing his supervisors of the breaches, he was told that his only concern should be Sandia computers, and to drop the issue. His employment was later terminated when Carpenter disobeyed his management and communicated the information about the security breaches."

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7de33b  No.21200

File: 1a281dda1da7e7a⋯.jpg (6.74 KB, 200x200, 1:1, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAUFAAAAJGJjMm….jpg)

"As of March 2007, Carpenter is employed at NetWitness Corporation, a startup headed by Amit Yoran, former director of the National Cyber Security Division within the United States Department of Homeland Security."

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7de33b  No.21201

File: 09958c354e45b09⋯.jpg (28.55 KB, 620x375, 124:75, rsas-amit-yoran-2015-secur….jpg)

"Amit Yoran is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tenable Network Security, a position held since January 3, 2017. Previously, Yoran was President of computer and network security company RSA."

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ff88be  No.21202


It links to an article on black cube.

http:// e.forbes.co.il/behind-closed-doors-first-peek-into-the-israeli-company-that-captivates-global-interest/

Good afternoon, anons. Mostly lurking for now. Busy!

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ec2a9d  No.21203


Wrong VPN.

Sorry for confusion.

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7de33b  No.21204

File: 6fd4a62cc271b38⋯.png (87.92 KB, 669x982, 669:982, Screenshot from 2018-05-09….png)


>Amit Yoran

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7de33b  No.21205

https:// twitter.com/Syria_Hezb_Iran/status/994365458919944193

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d47679  No.21206

File: 03d897d8fdccbb7⋯.png (115.35 KB, 1524x322, 762:161, Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at ….png)



IDF Unit 8200 Officers Refuse to Fight Palestinians

"Unit 8200 is the equivalent of the NSA"

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ce4296  No.21207

WOW no activity Did i miss ,,,,,,????

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ec2a9d  No.21208


It's often very quiet at this time of day/night. Anons are sleeping (or maybe watching crap on TV :p), others are going about their day, (depending on location).

It's interesting that Black Cube is said to only have been founded in 2010. Surely there must've been an org prior to that that can be tied to the likes of Suckerberg and others?

Also, if it was founded in 2010, and participants are generally aged between 18-21, it might pay to look at startups from around that time, taking into consideration how old many of the participants would be now. If adhering to a strict rule of no older than 31 at the time, we'd be looking at them now being no older than 28-29, right.

I have a lot to do today, but hopefully will be able to make time to look into this later. If no one else gets to it first.

I'm contemplating getting some of that blackboard paint and painting my walls so that I can map all this stuff out without losing it all the time….. Hey, who doesn't love the feel of powdery chalk all over one's fingers, huh! Hmm, I'd have to get a sturdy step ladder as well. I have high ceilings. ;)

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ec2a9d  No.21209


31 *21

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49f5b0  No.21210


Good morning anon. I hope you didn't dream of geometry. I like the blackboard idea that would suit me much better so I can see what's right and wrong and how it all joins together.

I'm curious when Ed said about removing Tor links why aren't they questioned. I understand that tor is not safe but what has been revealed here in the last 24 hours that isn't on the public domain. I'm confused on this.

Hopefully I will get my spaces right and not miss out words today. Often happens when I'm excited to get info out and being on a phone doesn't help.

Ah one more question has the Swan link been brought up with the guy who was sacked from sandia.

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49f5b0  No.21211


Awan not swan

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5a487d  No.21212


Catching up on bread so I haven't read beyond this post, if it's been explained.

Everybody confesses to the Pope. Which means the Pope has all the dirt on everybody. Blackmail. Leverage. Do as I say or else.

The Pope is now the king.

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5a487d  No.21214


"So, we, uh, well, we … post now and then on an 8Chan board … and when we're not doing that, we … we … that is … we … uh … explore, yeah, that's it. We go exploring."

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5a487d  No.21215


Is this the official purpose?

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5a487d  No.21216


No NetWitness listed.

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5a487d  No.21217


This guy gets around … is he specifically Iron Eagle?

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ec2a9d  No.21218


Good morning to you, anon. I hope your day is bright and sunshiny. It's cold and rainy here. I don't need to water the garden today, YAY.

Lol, no nightmares, nor dreams regarding geometry. The nightmare is a waking one, it seems. More meditation is needed in order to raise concentration levels, methinks. I keep making stupid mistakes on tests. Misreading, or miscalculating in my head, even though I understand the concepts. Anyway, I shan't bore you or anyone else with the frustrating details.

Nasties can be hidden in torlinks. I'd prefer to be able to click on links directly from the board. Consider this my protest of deactivating them in entirety. My mouse isn't working properly and I have issues highlighting the links to open them /hurrump, bitch, whinge.

I have 2 more hours of study and practice set, so haven't done any digging, yet, but it appears that Ed has given you a signal of sorts for your Awan question.

hahaha about the spacing. I was giving ya a friendly ribbing. I can't stand using phones or tablets. I make plenty enough mistakes on PC.

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5a487d  No.21219

File: 221a95fbcdae25a⋯.png (6.71 KB, 215x202, 215:202, times.png)

Q messages - volume by hour of the day since message one. Left side is time in D.C. Right side is time in Israel.

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d47679  No.21220


live prisoner return from north korea, with POTUS. if anyone is intrested

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5a487d  No.21221

Education, the Internet way:

"To find the prime factorization of a number, you need to break that number down to its prime factors."

In other words … to find the Holy Grail, you need to find the Holy Grail.

How are people this stupid allowed to create web sites?

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49f5b0  No.21222


Watching on uk news. Brilliant news.

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49f5b0  No.21223


We had rain in the night but lovely blue skies this morning. Wild birds are eating us out of house and home , chick season so feeders always busy.

Maybe you know more about geometry than you thought and it's too easy for you which is why you are making mistakes.

I knew you were ribbing me and then I went and typed swan after trying so hard not to make a mistake. Hopefully everyone sees past that.

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49f5b0  No.21224

A little info on Shawn Carpenter ( Sandia whistleblower). Appalling treatment of a good guy.

According to Carpenter, during his termination hearing at Sandia, Bruce Held, Sandia's chief of counterintelligence, yelled "[you're] lucky you have such understanding management… if you worked for me, I would decapitate you! There would at least be blood all over the office!"[1] During the subsequent court case, Held testified that he did use the word "decapitate" and, while he did not recall using the word "blood," would not contest it. He also apologized.[1]

Carpenter sued Sandia National Laboratories for wrongful termination and defamation; a jury awarded him almost $4.7 million in compensatory and punitive damages on February 13, 2007. The jury more than doubled the punitive damages requested by Carpenter's attorneys Thad Guyer, Stephani Ayers and Philip Davis. The 13-person New Mexico state district court jury determined that Sandia's handling of Shawn Carpenter's termination was "malicious, willful, reckless, wanton, fraudulent or in bad faith." Juror Ed Dzienis said that, "If they (Sandia) have an interest in protecting us, they certainly didn't show it with the way they handled Shawn." Ms. Alex Scott, the jury forewoman, said jurors were upset by the lack of documentation of the process and by the "reckless behavior on the part of Sandia to not have adequate policies in place for employees about hacking, and the cavalier attitude about national security and global security."

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49f5b0  No.21225

I found this interesting extract from a book called British Collusion with Radical Islam. It's rather long but has some good info that could be useful, not related to Eds info today but maybe previous info

http:// www.middleeasteye.net/columns/how-britain-engaged-covert-operation-overthrow-assad-1437573498

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87caf4  No.21226


nice link :D


i have… herding sheep.. they know we are the once that can change public opinion, that lots of us are the ones that would stand up for their rights… q gained an unquestioned support from 1000's & 1000's of anons, and lots of them have people they connect to… q/trump can steer us wherever they want… now with iran for example, q hopes/knew that when the shit would hit the fan, anons will be in frontlines to say it's a good thing… if they want a story to float around internet, they come to the anons… those that believe fully in q/trump are being led by them as a flock of sheep… and can be used when needed… for me, it's like they play a game with us… if it works, great for them, if it doesn't work, q & the anons will be called conspiracy-theorists & russian bots by trump… it's more than that, but it would be a too long of an answer lol :p

wow Ed was here, lots of good info.. thx ed… need some time to let it sink in

morning anons.. busy day today, so when it gets light, i'll be on and off today :D

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ec2a9d  No.21227


I'm kind of envious of your Spring.

Maybe I'm just thick as a plank when it comes to geometry, lmao. Nah, I'm getting there. Very tired mentally now, though.


After reading all that, it's hard to believe that Asaad is still standing.


Good morning, anon.

I tend to agree with you at this point regarding the sheep. What ever happened to good old admiration? Why do people fall straight into worship mode, these days? /Sigh


Don't ask me why I'm dropping this. I've got something in my head and don't want to lose it. I'm not sure what the something is yet :s

http:// qed-it.com/

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87caf4  No.21228


yeah… noticed that on 4chan already, on qr it went from bad to worse…. worship mode is what is killing people in the end.. happens everywhere..

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49f5b0  No.21229


Good morning anon. I agree and the fact that Israel struck Syria within 30 mins of Trump saying the deal was off was very telling as was the lack of conversation regarding this action. UK news didn't report on it to the following day.

The Iran bourse link you gave has been very helpful for me you put me back on course.Esoecially the fact iran did not want to trade with the US dollar. Still reading the cable cutting link.

Looking at the latest ed stuff I'm thinking the hacks were allowed as was access to supposedly secure systems.

I'm going to educate myself / research a couple of topics I have very limited info on like titan rain.

Something about this is in thet tp if my mind. Need to check dates as well, 2007

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87caf4  No.21230


nah about those hacking-things and supercomputers and programdata… ed posted lots and lots of info on that, but it's not something i'm good at… an idea of all of it has come to me, but it's just an idea of all of it… it's difficult to make links and to get the deeper understanding when ya know nothing about those things…. give me a car (the ones before 2000) and i get it in pieces and back together in no time… a gun.. the same… let me make a temporary bridge… i'll fix it.. give me a map and let me make a plan, in no time fixed.. but computers, hacking and programming… nope.. i'm always glad i can find my way on my own laptop (on good days) and on internet i can do some things lol

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87caf4  No.21231

good article imo

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-09/will-trump-pay-price-what-he-wants-iran

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87caf4  No.21232

just read this , found it funny lol

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Services

we knew that already, Shimon Elliot…

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49f5b0  No.21233


Thanks for the link. Interested to read your theory.

Don't worry about answering follow your train if thought unless you need someone to bounce off.⚽

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d47679  No.21234

File: 097357624b14415⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1968x1556, 492:389, Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at ….png)

just dropping for "fyi". trump talks about a "space force". from march, but i'd not heard anything about it before today. …

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5a487d  No.21235


Remember this? 8 days later, here’s where we’re at:

GoPro - allows VLog channel on YouTube (roommate)

New Dremel - big leap forward in crafting (roommate)

Riding lawn mower (1 acre lot): ignition switch, fuses, drive belt replaced - now runs like new.

Car: new radiator, new cooling fans, fix power steering fluid leak; all will be done by lunch today. Can now drive > 1 mile without overheating, can run A/C at will, no more filling power steering fluid every other day. Essentially can drive normally again without problems. Have not had this luxury for nearly a year.

Truck: new starter - fixed, runs like new. Was sitting in drive for nearly 5 months. No more driving roommate to work and picking her up 5 days a week.

Cleaning contract: posted more than once about how they just don't like to pay me; long delays getting paid. They fell into a pattern of paying 2 months at a time in the middle of each 2 month time frame. Yesterday they magically paid 3 weeks early for no reason and now they're calculating payment as 15th of month to 15th of month; we were calculating full month so we just gained 15 more days on the pay.

Computer case & power supply replaced. Both were 10 years old and major eyesore. Now shiny and new woo hoo!

Got massively on track writing sci-fi novels.

Back on track with full vitamin regimen; able to restock vitamins. Now resuming daily walks since I no longer have to play taxi driver (walks must be early before it gets too hot; was tied up playing taxi driver, now time is free).

Next 3 weeks will have yard fully fenced off (about 1,050 feet of wire fence) and roof completely redone - all done by us. Entire MESS in yard will be cleaned up in the process. Currently looks like a landfill because there is nowhere to put things. Doing the roof means getting a dumpster and it will be filled with all the junk in the yard.

Electric chain saw with pole - allows ongoing trimming of high branches as well as chopping up huge tree that fell in the yard during a wind storm over a year ago.

New electric hand lawn mower for trimming. Very light weight, no more dead batteries or gasoline engines that won't run.

This is the overall jump of our quality of life in the space of 8 days. Things like getting the bi-monthly check 3 weeks early, from people who are known far and wide for being reckless and irresponsible with paying their bills, out of nowhere with absolutely no known trigger – this is absolutely typical of what happens when people are actively engineering their lives, using their power.

This is only the first wave. This will continue, on and on. It doesn’t mean there will never be problems again, but problems are always solved, and again it’s about “what is the overall quality of life?”

HUGE leap forward.

It will only continue. I said things would happen, and things are happening. This is how it works; this is how it plays out. Little miracles keep falling from the sky and they add up. It happens because we know how to make it happen.

I only post this stuff to encourage others: never buy into what can't be done and why. Nothing is happening to us that can't happen to anybody else.

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5a487d  No.21236


This is why "fighting" something only empowers it. It's focus of attention that does the work, triggers the miracles. "I want" vs. "I don't want" never comes into play. It's just focus. Focus on what you hate and it builds. You're feeding it. It's all much more complicated than basic positive thinking. It's about understanding the process, allowing it, letting go of fear that it won't work. It's driven by intent and emotion which CAN be directed by thought. It gets complex but really it's just a matter of intending, and letting go of the fear that it won't work (or doubt that it will).

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87caf4  No.21237


yeah i heard it when he said it… but it disappeared completely

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ec2a9d  No.21238

File: ec92dc2e84610dc⋯.jpg (153.14 KB, 1288x616, 23:11, YC_BC.jpg)


I was just looking at companies with a degree of separation from Black Cube/BC Strategy Ltd.

My head's really not into it, tonight, I'm sad to say. I think I need to participate in something brain dead for a bit.

https:// trademarks.justia.com/791/14/black-79114891.html

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5a487d  No.21239


"Humans evolved from apes." Bullshit.

"Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light." Bullshit.

"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another." Bullshit.

Space Force? It's as viable as any other branch of the military.

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87caf4  No.21240


are they even able to reach real space? i sometimes doubt that… iss is on high altitude, but certainly not in real space.. they can't go through the van allen belt!

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87caf4  No.21241


black cube …. there is very little to find on that… or i'm searching in the wrong places…. have been digging on it before… same result

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ec2a9d  No.21242


Given the nature of their business, and the contacts/resources that I assume are at their disposal, it's hardly surprising.

I've done a little digging. Nothing to write home about. If I can get myself motivated in that direction, I'll put in an all out effort. I'm just well and truly mentally exhausted tonight. (It's worth it). If I can get myself to the point of 'like a dog with a bone', and if there's something to find, I'll find it. /mentally beats chest.

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87caf4  No.21243


mentally exhausted… i'm reaching that point too… not because of eds drops, but because of frustration on things happening at this time (israel/syria/sa/….) and things not happening in us itself…. every news-item searching on multiple un-connected sources, than digging on what it can mean… everybody (msm's, independent media, governments, …) lying and not telling like it is.. it's a mess… i though "we the people" mattered, but apparently we don't..

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5a487d  No.21244


This is how they figure it out! :)

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ec2a9d  No.21245


OH, we matter, alright. If we didn't matter then there would never have been such effort put in for so long to keep us divided, stupid, oppressed, depressed, otherwise entertained, mindfucked, and broken. NOPE, we matter.

Embrace the exhaustion, anon. Think of it as you must be doing something right. Think of how many people in this world complain of being tired because they had to read an instruction booklet on how to use the TV remote, or something.

Think of what you're doing as practice, only you're practicing how to pick the lies. Sometimes it's very hard to know or find the truth, but as long as you can pick a lie… Do ya get me?

Yup, me tired and babbling shit now :p I could easily have gone on for another 4-5 paragraphs, LMAO. I'll spare ya.

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87caf4  No.21246

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e8a469  No.21247

New italian government is coming with alliance between M5S and Lega.

Changes is coming.


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ec2a9d  No.21248

File: 6aaec3396e1fafa⋯.jpg (235.88 KB, 1893x971, 1893:971, disin.jpg)

Hard to find stuff on Black Cube?

Try finding anything on this mob!

Diskin Advanced Technologies

https:// www.diskinat.com/

The pic in the entirety of their website. No links. Nothing more than the contact form.

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87caf4  No.21249

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49f5b0  No.21250


Their clients find them and Black Cube investigate their clients before deciding to take them on.

I don't know if this helps.ill be back later .https:// www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/israeli-operatives-who-aided-harvey-weinstein-collected-information-on-former-obama-administration-officials

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ec2a9d  No.21251

Is anyone able to see the full article of this and share it with little old me, please?



Thanks anon. I did read that article, as well a similar one from the observer. There are a couple other companies that need looking into as well, if I can find what I did with my list /sigh

They're all connected in one way or other. Whether it be working together as co contractors for someone else or doing each other's dirty work. I keep finding little, tiny bits and pieces, but there's very little on any of them.

Enjoy, and stay safe, whatever you're doing or whee ever you're going ;)

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87caf4  No.21252



not me

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ec2a9d  No.21253


No matter, there's other's now. Thanks anyways, anon.

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/israel-says-retaliation-just-thetip-of-the-iceberg-after-iran-blamed-for-overnight-strikes/2018/05/10/bd2fde18-53e8-11e8-a6d4-ca1d035642ce_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.913e05d14f00

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f1fb05  No.21254


In many cases archive.fo is able to break newspapers' paywalls:


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5a487d  No.21255


How convenient. Now they have an excuse to storm in and take over. What a happy coinkydink for Israel. Those happen all the time, don't they?

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5a487d  No.21256


All you have to do is jam down ESC the millisecond the article appears. Always works for me; shuts down the paywall. Cancels the script before it can run.

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ec2a9d  No.21257



Clever, clever. I can usually get around it if I mess with the cookies, but that's much better. Thank you, anon. :D


Yeah, well apparently there are no coincidences. (Where have I heard that before?). Which there really probably aren't, depending on what you believe of life, the universe and everything; but CONVENIENT nailed it.

Poor Syrians. :(

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87caf4  No.21258

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eb9542  No.21259

File: dc6bf59f65c0980⋯.png (173.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5873.PNG)


Looks like Q is talking about NoNsme in this post…BRING THE PAIN!!!

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ec2a9d  No.21260


I don't doubt that he's referring to McNoName.

The pain better start soon. Lest he fake his death any minute now.

And trust POTUS to keep everyone hanging, regarding the ISIS leaders. o_o

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87caf4  No.21261

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eb9542  No.21262

File: 00012fcde6ee30d⋯.png (168.51 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5877.PNG)

File: 973f82dd4e508eb⋯.png (550.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5878.PNG)

More Q

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87caf4  No.21263


weird, they don't appear in the patriotsfight thing

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ec2a9d  No.21264


They're posting in QR. Must be feeling sociable today!

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ec2a9d  No.21265

It's that time again!

Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise man to the Divine. – Ludwig van Beethoven

<3 Love to all :)

And to all a good night/day.

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87caf4  No.21266


sleep well

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5a487d  No.21267

Just discovered our Pyrenees does not consider the electric mower to be a friend.

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7de33b  No.21268

File: 7551240d0912a11⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 602x373, 602:373, 3229b-buyscmqigainvie.jpg)

File: 3347d0ae20757e4⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 620x413, 620:413, abu-dua-caption-aliases-dr….jpg)

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e8a469  No.21269


he was in Abu kamal using a SPG-9 two months ago. K-52 helicopter infact was searchig him. But shot down maybe a Stinger

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7de33b  No.21270

File: 22041c72edf9cee⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Dcsdr6QWsAI6-bW.jpg)

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7de33b  No.21271

File: de899ea57311a7d⋯.png (86.06 KB, 1414x231, 202:33, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_Energy

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7de33b  No.21272

File: 7e9a6c2cfd9a564⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 1024x645, 1024:645, MOSHED-2018-4-17-10-50-20.jpg)


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7de33b  No.21273

File: 2d863e9ed438084⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 465x604, 465:604, zyxvDpuYd1Y.jpg)


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7de33b  No.21274

File: d5708f651a6a2dc⋯.png (127.69 KB, 990x905, 198:181, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)


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7de33b  No.21275

File: 02efd575e9f0f07⋯.png (506.89 KB, 1916x979, 1916:979, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)


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7de33b  No.21276

File: 4c130cf64577afc⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1906x978, 953:489, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)


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7de33b  No.21277

File: 14f6fe70b739040⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 680x960, 17:24, Dc2knMiWAAEAIXz.jpg)


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87caf4  No.21278

hey ed :D hope everything allright… had visitors… now going to eat something… then i'll be back for a few :D

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7de33b  No.21279

File: a6e7a8bed19b74f⋯.png (137.91 KB, 522x316, 261:158, a6e7a8bed19b74f905874bd11c….png)

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7de33b  No.21280

File: 44fe45b12545fbf⋯.png (47.1 KB, 922x252, 461:126, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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87caf4  No.21281

the drops have to sink in….

so the dude with songbird wasn't el baghdadi like many say…

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87caf4  No.21282


soros :o :o :o wtf!

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87caf4  No.21283


now i remember.. have seen this during elections itself…

https:// wearechange.org/george-soros-forgive-trump-312-million-debt/

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7de33b  No.21284

File: ede8c79523a585d⋯.png (40.87 KB, 1282x232, 641:116, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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87caf4  No.21285


never trusted this f'er kushner…. has no place in the WH… we didn't elect his sneaky ass!

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7de33b  No.21286

File: 7639b424f5e194c⋯.png (614.87 KB, 908x835, 908:835, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)


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7de33b  No.21287

File: 0a48979e634859e⋯.png (484.58 KB, 780x554, 390:277, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)


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87caf4  No.21288


yup, they want more land there from syria… i have a feeling they use iran-situation to take syria…

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87caf4  No.21289


so instead of HRC the warmanger we put a puppet of israel in … what's the point of elections, we're screwed anyway

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7de33b  No.21290

File: 5a5b26ad2ab3faf⋯.png (92.36 KB, 664x541, 664:541, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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7de33b  No.21291

File: 69e51c7c758ca17⋯.png (593.83 KB, 1199x821, 1199:821, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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87caf4  No.21292



yeah.. have read somewhere about cia-secrets given by kushner… i just don't understand that press keeps silent on that.. i have to admit, i missed the article in newsweek…

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7de33b  No.21293

File: 12e3f969bd2eac4⋯.png (433.32 KB, 632x699, 632:699, qfHCbUW.png)

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87caf4  No.21294


so no chance that kushner will be out of the wh soon…

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87caf4  No.21295

should have been digging on kushner more before elections…. but what use would it have… HRC in wh would be worse

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7de33b  No.21296




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87caf4  No.21297


yup… had a little hope that trump would be different, but he played us all… have to admit, he was good at it….

imo.. only thing that can stop the globalists is when europe & us get a good asswhipe… but what do ya get then.. chinese ruling the world, no better… it's just all f'ckd up..

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87caf4  No.21298

seems like the media is quiet about israel/syria/iran… isn't promising…

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7de33b  No.21299

File: 800fcbcc2a1defc⋯.png (294.86 KB, 1200x1432, 150:179, 1200px-Kingdoms_around_Isr….png)

File: 3cb284749edaee4⋯.png (19.26 KB, 415x354, 415:354, Golan_Heights_Map.PNG)

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5a487d  No.21300


Holy shit, Ed … this is KINDA a problem for McCain. Seriously. This should make the what's-it-called act fully applicable … the same one Kerry is knee deep in poop for … OMG this is a death penalty!!!!!

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87caf4  No.21301


nothing will happen to mccain.. i hate that

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5a487d  No.21302


Doesn't matter. This takes the idea of Q being a scam off the fence and plants it firmly in "OMG WTF" ground. There is no longer any question.

So how do we sort out WTF is really going on? The media will report whatever they're told to report. We don't know that anybody has resigned; we don't know that anybody is not running for re-election. And we have no way of finding out.

They knew Trump would be a shoe-in after Obama. Obama was probably the setup man specifically to put Trump in office.

Remember the military parade 11/11. What is the significance of that number in the Luciferian realm?

Trump's "relationship" with Ivanka: it was always obvious and I was always in denial.

Seems to me this is the American version of Hitler, dutifully creating the United States War Machine.

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7de33b  No.21303

File: d4b19e19f920a1c⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 253x194, 253:194, c9807cf40eba9be267ceb7e07f….jpg)

File: f20baca7699d5ec⋯.png (271.73 KB, 858x1195, 858:1195, the-rinj-foundation-wanted….png)

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5a487d  No.21304


I wonder if DJT isn't the anti-Christ. Just thinking out loud.

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42b305  No.21305


not only banning also deleting posts i posted sum doubts i had about isreal and mueller and the "no deals" and my posts disappeared in minutes

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5a487d  No.21306


Wanted … sure … McStain seemed to have no problems finding him.

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5a487d  No.21307


I don't think pushing this in QR is going to end well for anybody. We may already be marked for round-up, a hit, whatever. We'll never know until it happens.

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7de33b  No.21308

File: 12e5f0a8448d47c⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 509x263, 509:263, 32191050_10213064174904680….jpg)

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87caf4  No.21309


nah no hitler, but looks more and more it's not america first for him

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5a487d  No.21310


So we (okay some of us with hard heads) are finally starting to see the light … or the darkness, if you prefer … the issue now is, what do we do with this information? It's a serious question. How many things CAN we do with it that don't get us marked for internment or death? The more we shout from the rooftops, the higher a priority our silence becomes. What can we honestly do with this info that might be productive?

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87caf4  No.21311


ow i was wrong.. it is baghdadi… knew it

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5a487d  No.21312


I remember when anons were all obsessed with this in QR for a time - I think back in December. This all seems to be normal patterns for JPEG handling of image data - on color boundaries, especially sharp ones, this is what happens with lossy compression. All the dots are symmetrical; tips of white stars on sharp borders with near-black background. What else is here? The image has been run through every imaginable kind of steganography scan, etc. Nothing showed up.

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87caf4  No.21313


there is something about the dots… haven't figured it out in those days, but was certain it was about the dots

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5a487d  No.21314


Depends on whether the dots are outside or inside the star boundaries. Doing an overlay with the original so I can see. If they're inside, they'll show up. If they don't show up, then they're outside. I would think that the entire edge of every star should show a uniform discoloration since the boundary is the same color on both sides. The tips would cumulatively double the effect but SOME effect should be shown equally around ever star. That isn't happening here so maybe there is more going on than I thought.

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5a487d  No.21315


Was this resized from the original? I can't find a copy of the original this size, and resizing either an original image or this never lines up right. Can the original this came from be posted?

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87caf4  No.21316

File: 2fb1cc3bd819ac6⋯.png (25.67 KB, 1440x606, 240:101, braille-alphabet-and-brail….png)


i was (then) looking in this direction with the dots… but for braille it doesn't add up

https:// pictoblog.fr/louis-braille-2/

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87caf4  No.21317


no idea where the original is

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5a487d  No.21318


I'm just not in the mood to pour 45 hours into this, that absolutely don't need to be poured into this. I need a full-color image that will match the size and I'm not going to get one. This was resized from anything Q ever posted and I don't know what size to make any full-color image to match it. I'm not going to pour that kind of work into finding out when it's completely unnecessary. It's just creating work for its own sake.


I need the original Ed got this from - full color that matches the size. It isn't going to happen. So this dies on the vine.

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7de33b  No.21319

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4813500/Jared-Gulf-new-push-Middle-East-peace.html#v-80284127402311405

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f56463  No.21320

File: 051e0cd7a442f78⋯.png (186.09 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5885.PNG)

File: cef03324244ee97⋯.png (178.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5886.PNG)

DAMN……LOOKS like Q is calling out some fameWhores!

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5a487d  No.21321


My first guess is Corsi.

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5a487d  No.21322


Or the obvious: Beanz.

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87caf4  No.21323

well… lot to think about while sleeping… that's my problem…. never really sleep.. but time to try now… will be back tomorrow…


most important imo… "there will come a time"…. yeah.. one day… don't know when.. people will be scared to walk the streets, certainly white people and christians… that day the world will belong to muslims… (my view on things on this time)

thx for sharing… it's a little long for me to let it sink in at this point, too tired… will re-read tomorrow… maybe someone can summerize it so i don't have to think too long tomorrow….

gnight ya'll… keep using you're own brain… double & triple-check all, question all and make up you're own mind…

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87caf4  No.21324

File: 940b18719b5d991⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 569x270, 569:270, Screenshot_182.jpg)

this is what i need to know.. what was fake/false… where removed/resolved.. what was decoded incorrect…

and what is that about classified sealed indictments and who was allowed access…

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5a487d  No.21325


If you look at the latest claims from Corsi, then Beanz, then Sather, then Potter, then Fulford, in that order, you will probably find your answer. I doubt you'll need to go back very far. Just a little perusing of #QAnon on Twitter will probably give answers.

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5a487d  No.21326


Sleep super well, anon!!!!

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7de33b  No.21327

File: e9ed850bee92aa4⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 980x464, 245:116, Dc3M-esXkAILYMy.jpg)


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5a487d  No.21328


Then he wouldn't like Ed very much. :)

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7de33b  No.21329

File: 271155e5c750339⋯.jpg (167.67 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, 1200px-Marina_Bay_Sands_in….jpg)

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7de33b  No.21330

File: a1f9d5480d1fec3⋯.jpg (166.31 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, maxresdefault (14).jpg)

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7de33b  No.21331

File: b1a08af8196b6f3⋯.png (333.75 KB, 1399x774, 1399:774, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

#Qanon is a JOKE.

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7de33b  No.21332

File: 44e3ace9199d2ae⋯.jpg (42.7 KB, 604x427, 604:427, singapore-bitcoin-concerns.jpg)

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5a487d  No.21333


It would still hold info about which fame whores are putting out claims.

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7de33b  No.21334




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5a487d  No.21335


Not saying it's worth anything but it should be mandatory reading in any case.

https:// steemit.com/qanon/@lifttheveil411/q-is-fake-baker-comes-clean

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7de33b  No.21336

File: 26ea85cb17be1e0⋯.jpg (92.92 KB, 828x500, 207:125, Singapore-and-Hong-Kong.jpg)




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5a487d  No.21337


Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore.

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7de33b  No.21338

File: c244e47d1a53172⋯.png (29.98 KB, 461x391, 461:391, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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5a487d  No.21339


"I recently seen some updates that Unirock provided, and your recent vid with the Cicada group. I grouped up with the CBTS guys a bit later after the initial “Q” drops, but looking back at things now, and taking in to account what I know, it’s all making a lot more sense now. I was always under the impression that Baruch and Pamphlet started all this with “Q” but now I see that it is more likely that they banned the Cicada group off the chans to rip off the “Q” posts for themselves. "

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7de33b  No.21340

File: b25f1896b1d0d4e⋯.png (294.4 KB, 1524x878, 762:439, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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7de33b  No.21341

File: 4f9f34758c638ba⋯.png (517.72 KB, 866x790, 433:395, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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7de33b  No.21342

File: a0cca5679e4aa49⋯.png (186.69 KB, 1901x937, 1901:937, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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5a487d  No.21343


The big problem with the link I posted >>21335 is, how did they sync Q posts with POTUS tweets? If that can't be reconciled then this is just more bullshit being pumped in to confuse everything.

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5a487d  No.21344


This is more intuition than anything else, but it sounds like this is being set up as the world headquarters for running the global crypto currency (which I would assume is Bitcoin but anything will do).

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7de33b  No.21345

File: 50f61b12598bb00⋯.png (446.43 KB, 1017x978, 339:326, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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7de33b  No.21346

File: acdf0e230e973b3⋯.png (889.35 KB, 1501x984, 1501:984, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

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5a487d  No.21347


So IBM storms into Asia and creates a U.S.-centric dependence on IBM - an American company - as well as giving IBM total intel on all the computer systems running just about everything Asian.

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7de33b  No.21348

File: 75edcb4282287f2⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1908x963, 212:107, Screenshot from 2018-05-10….png)

#Qanon is a SHEPARD.

Leading to slaughter.

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7de33b  No.21349

File: b03f876ff235cc0⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1649x806, 1649:806, DXCIM(1).png)

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7de33b  No.21350

File: a20fdd32c54c27e⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 597x446, 597:446, CxL8bUvVQAAlJ6t.jpg)

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5a487d  No.21351


This is a unique image. Not off the web. Which means somebody is there. Or was.

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5a487d  No.21352


What is the slaughter???????

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5a487d  No.21353


Right now they're not declaring any direction. Just a place to post about Q-related stuff. So there has to be a future point where some destination is declared.

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5a487d  No.21354


… which would indicate a pretty compelling reason to go …

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5a487d  No.21355

My opinion: the Ed info posted today is critical to understanding the direction we're heading in. We can't just gloss over this stuff. We have to get the message. What little experience I've built up says that the real message is not in the stuff posted. That's trigger material - road signs pointing to where the real info is. The real info will surround, or be attached to, the postings from today, but will not be contained within it.

What has IBM been up to? What major news is happening in the world of cryptocurrency, computer security, etc.? Look in the sphere of operations for IBM and see what has been news. It won't be censored. There's a reason they would spend infinite dollars to set up such exotic digs in downtown Singapore. IBM has always been infatuated with image; everything they do is high end but this Singapore thing is NOT cheap.

Peripherally, look at how POTUS might tie into it all. What is now changing? That is the key. IBM would make moves like this to keep up with changes - or to initiate them. This is not a downsize operation. It's exactly the opposite.

This is going to require some work on our part. It will be worth it.

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e8a469  No.21356


for me is fake. I know where he is, but if i write to them i think that they kill me like other one!

If not explain

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e8a469  No.21357


what is? cicada 3301?

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5a487d  No.21358


Cicada could hack POTUS' tweets. Enough to delay one for 19 mins or get 19 mins warning that it was coming. Hence the Q message "WONDERFUL friends" which only ever happened once. Everybody else on the Chans would have full ability to manipulate the code to control posting times down to the second. Unique photos could simply be intercepted via hacking. None ever have metadata. Going after the fame whores would be a Highlander thing: "there can only be one." Eliminate competition.

This is just an example. Pick a scenario, you could build a case for it. In the digital age, every lie that anybody could conceive of could be made to be believable. Thinking we will ever find the truth is naive and misguided at best.

The only truth is internal. The farther you reach outside yourself, the uglier it becomes; the more it takes out of you and the less it gives back. And you never do know what was true and what wasn't.

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5a487d  No.21359


100% of this game is about waiting to see what people want. Don't condemn anybody; don't decide anybody is fake. See where they lead. What do they want. Where does their agenda cross paths with power or money. If they are real, it never will.

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5a487d  No.21360


If Q is fake, he's part of a much bigger team because a military parade on 11/11 touted 9 months before the date is something to have inside knowledge of.

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ce4296  No.21361


True !!!

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e8a469  No.21362


yes I know that tweeter account can be hacked! like FB or other social netwok. Impossible for telegram instead, or Threema. (C. bernard use it for example and we know like other italian VIP because they got app like flexyspy exc.). What you wrote i already know but i'm not so excellent like Snowden or other big genius like Assange! I get many knowledges but into bitworld i stop up to C/c++/python/SQL/HTML. STOP!

As you can see i get other knowledges,like in medicine and max experts into satanism/esoteric world. But to help Potus and Qteam i'm REALLY happy!

I was only waiting for your victory into your MAGA plan, then Italy!

last year were stolen 6607 children, and from 2014 up to nowadays early 14500.

We are few but with a strong heart! we get into our government your same problems! DEVIATION!

We hope in this government M5S and Lega, then after your victory we can hope into your help and remove traffick of children! 90% of this start from Italy, and you know well.

Your best wishes Qita

P.S. you are a great team and wonderful people Anons,like Potus everyday says!

I see also far away like in his latest council for iran geopolitic problem, with his OK like in the photo :D same position before to start council, a clear message that he is the @realDonaldTrump.

Also we get wonderful people like Di battista that was the only man to denounce this abominable problem like traffick of angels. And says that is the new merchant better than drug, a new method for financing our political parties (the problem is much under and too hidden, but with patience and no fear to die, we start to discover it.)

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7de33b  No.21363

https:// www.ibm.com/think/fintech/accelerating-adoption-blockchain-singapore-finance-trade/

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5a487d  No.21364


My opinion: you are a very valuable addition to this board. You have very unique insights and information and I'm very happy you're here with us!

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5a487d  No.21365


This puts a focus on blockchain which equates to getting the world on a global cryptocurrency.

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5a487d  No.21366


However it can be hacked and it will be hacked.

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bc82e3  No.21367

File: ec69c7690b83e3c⋯.png (202.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5904.PNG)

File: 60ce778c44d2547⋯.png (565.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5905.PNG)


I think Q is talking about David Seaman…who lied & said he saw the unsealed indictments.

https:// stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/04/david-seaman-reports-sealed-indictments-are-now-unsealed-arrest-of-the-cabal-occurring/

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5a487d  No.21370


Note the waves. Meaning … Defango comes out with a video saying Cicada is fame whoring at the top. Within a week, another "whistleblower" claims the entire Q thing was set up by a large group including people from 4Chan, all the BO/BV/Mod people from 8Chan, and … of course … Cicada. For 6 months we heard nothing about Cicada. Then the anti-Q campaign starts and suddenly we have two sources that are finding their way into the fold claiming Cicada is only about fame whoring.

Once again, there is no conceivable motivation on the part of Ed that you could not build a believable case for. So far the only clear direction Ed has led us in is "ditch Q." However Q is not being portrayed as some group of amateur fools having a LARP. Even so, if the goal were to simply block the fame whoring of an amateur LARP group planning on cashing in, that end is served. Then we have the issue of spreading the word. I have no intention of going up against the pro-Q momentum built so far. All efforts in that direction would fall on deaf ears. People become aware of the Q-is-fake message when they visit this board. And even they are not spreading that word. So if the goal is to simply block the fame-whoring … stuff is trickling out but there is no mass embracing of it.

So why tell us Q is not a good guy? What's the point? Nobody does anything without motivation. What changes over what it would have been if we continued on the Q Train?

I'm the only one in here processing these questions. Nobody else wants to give the matter any thought. So I'm on my own here.

Many still believe in Q; that's their prerogative. We don't have absolute proof of anything.

Just trying to make sense out of absolute, utter chaos. It isn't working. It's still chaos. So, for the moment, the posts on IBM are the best option I can see for piecing together an alternate agenda; why Q would exist at all. So far no agenda is presenting itself. More digging, more digging, more digging. No amount is ever enough. So we're tucked away in a closet running on a hamster wheel until the end of time. What if we weren't?

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579ced  No.21373

@0h0ur1 and @mythopoeic suck each other off to CP

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bc82e3  No.21374

File: 1749b9bbc35f899⋯.png (140.79 KB, 750x732, 125:122, IMG_5916.PNG)

File: 4c6f0bae280eb15⋯.png (62.71 KB, 750x482, 375:241, IMG_5917.PNG)

Q…isn't playing….JUSTICE will be served.

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bc82e3  No.21375


Pull up your Patriot Panties…I think JUSTICE is Coming!

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955d8b  No.21376


I so hope you're right. I was almost ready to remove myself from the nonsense on this board.

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7de33b  No.21377

https:// twitter.com/Matsamon/status/994353718475636736

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d47679  No.21378


fingers crossed

but i'm not holding my breath.

like some many other "BOOMS". :0{

Q booms, and NOTHING else ever seems to.

alas, we wait….and wait…..and wait…..

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d8ab3b  No.21379


sooooo your supporting antifa now?

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bc82e3  No.21380


I haven't lost hope! I believe in the plan because I can feel the power shifting (from dark to light) all around me. We truly are in THE GREAT AWAKENING! I know this just as I know my name. Stay AWAKE Patriots…don't allow yourself to be put back to sleep or forget why we are here!

JUSTICE IS COMING…for ALL who have been playing The Game.

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bc82e3  No.21381

File: 820b12d802ffe47⋯.png (33.56 KB, 750x305, 150:61, IMG_5921.PNG)

Moar Q

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ec2a9d  No.21383

Good afternoon, anons.

Things sure picked up in here, in my absence.


"Secret society". No doubt they took him directly to the Ministry of Love after that.

I was waiting for him to say 'Don't taze me, bro'.

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955d8b  No.21384



I hope the "avalanche" is tomorrow.

A D 5 avalanche is the HIGHEST known level. Q said "the snowball has begun rolling. There is no stopping it now. D5."

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bc82e3  No.21385

File: de526c7a980242d⋯.png (155.57 KB, 750x715, 150:143, IMG_5923.PNG)



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d47679  No.21386

File: ec3a7acb389e532⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 800x800, 1:1, D5.jpg)


>A D 5 avalanche is the HIGHEST known level

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d47679  No.21387

File: d43cfa34dce2c08⋯.png (232.95 KB, 890x2976, 445:1488, b8ffeb05b43f7a9c30be9d9c3a….png)

from QR.

D5 meeting in new Zealand

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bc82e3  No.21388



So many multiple meanings!

Gotta get sleep now- gotta workfag tomorrow.

Hoping you all have a damn good night of HABBENINGS & DIGGING!

SCAnon out!

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955d8b  No.21389


What a GREAT meme!! And so fasssssst!! Kudos. I admire your skill, anon.

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e580b6  No.21390

File: 10ae86dc8fc3ca5⋯.png (298.33 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 4d35a72c70f96443308c84b062….png)

So, this pic was posted a bit ago. Something struck me as odd, because I know the model of pen there. That's made by Montblanc.

According to the news, Trump uses a Centruy 2 model from AT Cross.

https:// www.cnn.com/2017/01/27/politics/donald-trump-cross-pen-white-house/index.html

The pen in the pic is a MontBlanc starwalker.

I'd say look to see where that pen ends up.

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87caf4  No.21391


goodluck with your new government… hope they are the beginning (after hungary) to change EU…


ow there will come a boom… in Iran… another proof that trump is nothing more than the continuation of the past… regime change.. hope my gut is wrong…



thx for the q-drops


morning anons… hope when the light comes, that it will be a glorious day…

was just thinking… wouldn't be a great decoy… destroying iran (arab spring-like or with war) and burrying that under some arrests here and there…. not the big ones, but the little ones.. the ones that were used, have nothing to do with it…

just a thought ofcourse… ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.21392


Good morning, anon. I hope you had a good sleep.

The US needs cooperation (control over) from Iran more than ever now, with whats going on with Asia and OPEC?

I concede that I have NFI what's going on. The may not always reveal that which people want to see.

I'll go back to my dark corner now.

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87caf4  No.21393


why control over iran? is it about the petrodollar & the banking system? if so.. that places trump in the camp of the rothschilds, globalists…

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ec2a9d  No.21394


So my statement did make sense?

Like you, it was just a thought, lol.

Still, I have no idea what's going on.

Remove religious differences and how certain nations govern their populous; the 2 things that are constantly used as the means of justifying invasions and the like, and what are we left with? Dispute over money, resources and power.

Lets face it; the top players in the game don't give a shit about religious differences or how a populous is governed. These are merely very convenient tools. But alas, I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been realized and said a thousand times.

Again, back to my little dark corner, lol. I feel kind of poorly today. :(

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87caf4  No.21395


right about that… for US it's NOT about religion… for SA, Iran, and other ME-countries it's a little about religion.. shia & sunni… can't stand each other… but mostly it's about oil (petrodollar) & banking (rothschilds)…

look at iraq (saddam), libya (qhadaffi) … both didn't accept the petrodollar… look where they are… iran doesn't accept the petrodollar.. look what happens… above that, there was no mayor banking in those countries… or whatever it is called… can't recall the right word..

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ec2a9d  No.21396


Not sure what word you're looking for regarding mayor banking, but I think I get what you mean.

Religion being an issue in the way that it is, is an illusion. The majority of those people could live content, side by side as neighbors without issue. The same as the Catholics and the Protestants in Ireland. What the fuck are they feuding over? Whose flaming the fires of those feuds? Peel back the layers and it still all comes back to control mechanisms and tools.

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87caf4  No.21397



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49f5b0  No.21398


sorry you are feeling poorly,take care of yourself. A day of spiritual thoughts will be soothing.


Good morning anons. I'm not going into the latest situation that has transpired. I'll just drop what I found yesterday though I really don't the relevance any more..

Titan rain was a serious hack to major security systems in many countries, including sandia. Many suspected it was the PLA/Chinese military due to sophistication of the hack.

Shawn carpenter reported this hack and Sandia were basically trying to silence him. He also spoke about the sophistication and the fact the hackers worked 24/7 he was not sure it was the Chinese. Which when you think about it makes sense, you are not going to do an elaborate hack and then wave a flag of where you are from ! Could have been hackers using Chinese computers.

Then we get unit 8200 israeli SIGNALS unit made up off 18 to 21st as the learn systems quickly. They have been described as "more focused the the NSA. Conduct ops with a degree of temerity and passion not experienced elsewhere". They also go on to very important positions when they leave. So basically buying the silence or some such thing.so my understanding is that it was more likely unit 8200 behind Titan rain.

Unit 8200 was behind the Kaspersky hack and actually warned US of how far Kapersky was in the US systems.

Then there was Stuxnet a joint US/Israeli venture around the time of previous sanctions on Iran. Different variants of Stuxnet targeted five Iranian organizations,with the probable target widely suspected to be uranium enrichment infrastructure in Iran;Symantec noted in August 2010 that 60% of the infected computers worldwide were in Iran.

so my theory countries have been allowing certain accesses to their systems intentionally, which I believe is to enable crypto currency

An aside last time there were sanctions against Iran and before they were imposed India stocked up oil etc from iran

IBM have a meeting on blockchain in Singapore a few days before Trump and Kim meet.

I hope that all makes sense.

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87caf4  No.21399



morning ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.21400


Good morning, anon.

It makes sense, and your digging is appreciated; and sharing your finds, equally so.

Well, it would appear that pretty much everyone is on the same side when it comes to digital penetration and control. Whether they know it or not and whether they like it or not.

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5a487d  No.21401

I have no more radiator leaks. No more cooling fan that doesn't work, preventing A/C from being run because it overheats the car. All fixed. New radiator, new cooling fans. Cost: $110 and 2 hours of my time. :) I'm happy. It gets hot here in the summer.

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5a487d  No.21402

Good morning anons (as each wanders through here). Soon it won't be morning anymore, for those in the U.S., but that shouldn't stop the digging. Kudos to ID ea90d0 for pinning down the IBM blockchain meeting!

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87caf4  No.21403



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ec2a9d  No.21404


Good morning of which will soon be afternoon for you.

I hope your mechanical skills are as good as your literary ones. ;) I'm happy for you. It's horrid having to fill the radiator several times a day, along with the anxiety that comes out of wondering if it's about to run dry or not on a longish trip.

Not much digging happening here, but I'll be a genius at geometry in 20 years time. Better late than never.

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5a487d  No.21405


I watched a video on how to do it. Of course getting one of the transmission fluid hoses off required taking half the bottom of the car apart but I got it all done. No leaks, no problems. I am happy. :)

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7de33b  No.21406

File: 58ce083489cb73a⋯.png (17.53 KB, 460x181, 460:181, Screenshot from 2018-05-11….png)

"BRUTE FORCE is a method used by application programs to decode encrypted data such as passwords or Data Encryption Standard (DES) keys, through exhaustive computational effort."


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7de33b  No.21408

File: 186ae5c8c6acf87⋯.png (920.78 KB, 974x548, 487:274, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)

https:// github.com/OpenIB/OpenIB/

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7de33b  No.21409

File: 99a233d99ff96f3⋯.png (474.95 KB, 845x470, 169:94, Screenshot from 2018-02-12….png)


LINE 1183.


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87caf4  No.21410

- israel attacks in syria : silence

- israel shoots at palestinians : silence

- SA kills non stop in Yemen : silence

- someone fires from syria on syria (golan heights) : Trump administration condemns iran while there is NO proof that Iran did that… above that Golan Heights is part of syria, occupied by Israel

https:// www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/iran-israel-attack-why-syria-golan-heights-war-air-strikes-rockets-a8345406.html

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87caf4  No.21412


hey ed.. can't follow on the line 1183 thing

not really in a mood today to dig, but will do it anyway… maybe it gets my attention away from the hypocrisy of the trump administration

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ec2a9d  No.21413


Line 1183 was something that Q asked CodeMonkey about quite a while back now. Something to do with a hack attempt.

I'm not sure how it all fits together.

I don't feel like digging either, anon. :/ Knowing shit doesn't seem to change anything. :(

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7de33b  No.21414





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87caf4  No.21415


that is the same feeling i have.. the more i know, the more i have to conclude that whatever i do doesn't change a thing.. it even gets worse cause i understand what i see :(


i know q dropped that that crumb.. but i don't understand where to place it.. what's the goal of using that method.. against who? but i'm not that into programming and such.. so i don't know

any idea someone what this means? i have a blackout it seems: FVEY.

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7de33b  No.21416

File: c9c6844e5419d5b⋯.jpg (395.99 KB, 1280x995, 256:199, 1280px-El_Greco_13.jpg)




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7de33b  No.21417

File: 420173e4a13b522⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1136, 120:71, Scarsellino_-_Driving_of_t….jpg)

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ec2a9d  No.21418


Not Q, I assume, then.


I'm not good with code either. At a guess I would say that the majority overlooked the compromise that might be in your face to some.

Why would Q make such a statement?

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7de33b  No.21419

File: b6ae2c4c56403fa⋯.jpg (119.96 KB, 725x510, 145:102, Theodoor_Rombouts_-_Christ….jpg)



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7de33b  No.21420

File: 6abf9f57bad7740⋯.jpg (179.83 KB, 740x900, 37:45, christ-driving-the-money-c….jpg)



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87caf4  No.21421


no idea… hope it isn't too important … but my feeling says it is :(

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7de33b  No.21422

File: a5cedd9a06b79d1⋯.png (39.68 KB, 1355x167, 1355:167, Screenshot from 2018-05-11….png)



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87caf4  No.21423


while you're cleaning… plz clean out the trump administration and the swamp too :p

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7de33b  No.21424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ec2a9d  No.21425


Just think of it like having balcony seats at the opera, while inflicted with a double ear infection. :s

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ec2a9d  No.21426



but you get it, right? You're there, but don't really know what's happening.

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87caf4  No.21427


i'm there, but i see what is happening (in my view)… and i don't buy 25d-chess… you always will find a chess-player that will beat ya… war isn't anything to play chess on..

i know a lot of foreigners… from different stands .. from soldiers to gardeners, from old to young, from politician to them living on the streets… and what i notice is that lots of people in different places in the world are starting to hate us… trust is getting less… i even notice that in my world… where is was respected before, now there is doubt against me… you know… isolating us, making the world hating us.. it's also a way to destroy us… what was the globalist plan? indeed….

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87caf4  No.21428


where is was should be : where i was


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ec2a9d  No.21429


I don't think disgust toward the US is anything new. It may be on the increase, though. :s Not sure that US citizens realize how much they're detested. There's a reason why they're called ignorant and arrogant.

Don't shoot the messenger.


Hahaha, join the class.

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87caf4  No.21430


i travel a lot, and communicate a lot with people all over the world… and it's getting worse.. and indeed…. even i'm called ignorant and arrogant sometimes lately…

just reading an article… i said before (somewhere) that bolton & giuliani will push trump to support MeK in Iran… after reading this, i don't think they need to push :s

https:// worldview.stratfor.com/article/iran-blackwater-mek-scare

(notice how they try to say it's propaganda… but it isn't…)

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87caf4  No.21431

don 't know if i done it right…

https:// twitter.com/PinochetGrigio/status/994647681074114561

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87caf4  No.21432

seems it works ;-)

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ec2a9d  No.21433


> https:// twitter.com/PinochetGrigio/status/994647681074114561

Very messy. Even to think that if it was propaganda, there's always an element of truth, as they say.

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62bb5b  No.21435


Your mom is fake kek

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5a487d  No.21436


Oh she is quite real. I had plenty of welts and bruises to prove it when I was a kid. :-O

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5a487d  No.21437

What a morning. Details would bore everyone. We all have problems; we all solve them. I come back after 2 hours expecting to find between 0 and 2 new posts … there are 31. Now I have to catch up.

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5a487d  No.21438


My Twitter account was hacked. Once. FB never. Email never. Some guys just attract problems I guess.

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5a487d  No.21439


For those not aware, OpenIB is the code that runs 8Chan boards.

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5a487d  No.21440


Which module?

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8a306b  No.21441

Can it be a coincidence ?

https:// www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/apr/18/fusion-center-em/

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5a487d  No.21442


I expected this … more and more movement toward a militaristic (and aggressive) government. Out with the old? Yes. This is what's replacing it.

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7de33b  No.21443

File: 79e62594ecbf78a⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1 (2).jpg)

https:// morningstarpayments.xyz/

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dd2ade  No.21444


if >(JS ON.pa

rse( local Stora ge.watc h list).fo rE ach( funct ion(t,i){ e.push ('<div c lass="w atch list-i nner" id ="w atch list-'+i+ '"

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dd2ade  No.21445


> < sp an >

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dd2ade  No.21446


< / a > < / div > ') }),$("# wa t chl ist").len

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bb0788  No.21447

File: 797c7f01346af5d⋯.png (113.62 KB, 750x880, 75:88, IMG_5932.PNG)

And the plot thickens!

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87caf4  No.21448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

you just gotta love the beauty of nature.. the power.. the might… i do..

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ec2a9d  No.21449

It's 4am here. If anyone gets around to reading the reddit link that Q dropped, can ya give me a brief?

I skimmed and saw Those who follow Q are not in a cult. and took 50 credibility points off.

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87caf4  No.21450


seen nothing.. i think :s

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ec2a9d  No.21451




https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/

I really can't be bothered reading it. For no other reason than I'm really tired.

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ec2a9d  No.21452

I'm off to the land of REM.

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle

<3 Love to all :)

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87caf4  No.21453


sleep well.. see ya tomorrow

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9ce4d6  No.21454

File: b0ec2c60865ea9f⋯.png (47.94 KB, 696x568, 87:71, IMG_5936.PNG)

File: 20373edb11349ac⋯.png (169.08 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_5937.PNG)

I recommend to read the Reddit post that Q posted about on QR.

Makes me also think of what the Eds true agenda is as well. I will just leave it at that.

https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/

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e8a469  No.21455



>>21365 are you talinkg about telegram, i think!

Today i was reflecting about what you wrote. And is true. These are only my ruminations: if 11/11 will be a military parade (but why this date? a.civil war ended 13 may) it maybe means a new symbolism of the modern american civil war….or maybe because he already know that will they defeat their enemies enter that day? Clinton born on 26 october the same date of her future process? it should be a good present for her! And if yes i hope with BIG rumors and noises up to our stupid TV news channels because the world must know what she did!

My collegue attack me that I'm crazy and i say bullshits. But i know that when you enter in this world you will have to front all and contrary of all. You will be isolated and considered mad. ;)

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7aca9b  No.21456

Guys. Check this out with this. While was seeing the launch of SpaceX. I found this. maybe it's useful

http:// stuffin.space/?search=

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e8a469  No.21457


when i talk about collegues, i'm referring to fellow doctor, they want a normal quiet life! With money, big house and wife. In conclusion a boring life. Not for my collegue other collegues where they all trust in potus and believe in Q.


yes I know this weapon, it is called MIND STRING!

For Rosicrucian→ The law of Seven written by Ermete Trismegisto (not read yet, but really complex) or also another book The superior minf of Rosicrucian.

And used also for military environment. For example when was interogated by the congress, no one asked to Zuckemberg why when FB app is open, frequency radio change.

When you are awake, your REM frequencies are between from 8hz up to 30hz

DON'T BELIEVE ME NOW: it's not secure, but when messenger or FB app is open from 2.4 GHz banda radio change adding those little frequencies, but sometime MHC aren't so precise, or it is only a case! Using those little frequencies for hours (this is true) can change your lifestyle reducing your NREM stadium and make you more aggressive! See the people in the world !!!

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7de33b  No.21458

File: 9a3d02a4ab4f3f1⋯.jpg (203.49 KB, 1200x699, 400:233, DKbeAGOUIAACoDX.jpg)


https:// morningstarpayments.xyz/

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7de33b  No.21459

File: 640eace32997274⋯.jpg (185.53 KB, 675x900, 3:4, stone-inscription-memorial….jpg)


"Mount Nebo (Arabic: Jabal Nībū; Hebrew: הַר נְבוֹ Har Nevo) is an elevated ridge in Jordan, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the place where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land."

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7de33b  No.21460

File: e80688f4ef56d81⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 960x638, 480:319, SerpentineCross.jpg)

If you know what this statement means

"make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-"


https:// discord.gg/aX25c

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5a487d  No.21461


"The evil that money is the root of is nothing compared to the evil that comes from the lack of it." - Charles Cosimano


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7aca9b  No.21462


http:// www.n2yo.com

http:// www.satview.org

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ce4296  No.21463


L<itecoin mining on linux

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ce4296  No.21464


Discord expired too _COPY !!!

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ce4296  No.21465

Cloning an ALT_coin maybe

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7aca9b  No.21466

Problems again with /qresearch/.

it seems that In Syria. The thing is very active.

For Now I don't understand the How is possible to stop Big Tech..


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7de33b  No.21467

File: b891c1f9a21e653⋯.png (18.15 KB, 725x101, 725:101, Screenshot from 2018-05-11….png)

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7aca9b  No.21468


China again.

that seems unstoppable.

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7de33b  No.21469

File: 030c6596829892b⋯.png (82.06 KB, 1713x282, 571:94, Screenshot from 2018-05-11….png)

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7aca9b  No.21470


Hmm. For something the Scandal of Intel (Meltdown/Spectre)?

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ce4296  No.21471


Well IBM ans ES have been there for alomost a decade

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ce4296  No.21472

Sprry for the mispelling KRK

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7aca9b  No.21473


IBM bans Memory card in his officies..

it seems that The White Hats will stop the 16 Plan (Nuclear War)

Now. it's necessary new allies and better laws against Big Tech.

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ce4296  No.21474



Spectre and meltdown were announced before The Gates visit to the WH And he got his orders Hes feigning to be with the NWO But his ASS is grassley

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ce4296  No.21475

File: 82566798fa961e5⋯.png (206.27 KB, 903x316, 903:316, gates.PNG)

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7aca9b  No.21476



Yep. that hasn't human soul.

Spectre/mendown scandal was even before of 2009. Just was to the light the last year.I think that They want to sink Intel as General Electric.

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ce4296  No.21477


Minux has been used WAY before 2009 IMHO Probably since the first dual core/north bridge seperation

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7aca9b  No.21478


Ohhh.. Talkinga bout of Core

Even Intel also has problems with his New Cores i7, i8.

Not for nothing, they were founded with help of the Roths.

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7aca9b  No.21479


*Talking about

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c14af9  No.21480




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e5fcd1  No.21481

Lifetime ban lifted…Followed by more bullshit…


Lifetime ban again for arguing against a jew's position.

This has to stop.

I posted no images.

Just argued against a one sided narrative.

A narrative that we have to be subjected to non stop on MSM and everywhere else with the threat of unemployment and arrest.

This needs to fucking stop.

Check that ID. Nothing I said was untrue. NOTHING.

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e5fcd1  No.21482

This bread.

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1379111.html#

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7aca9b  No.21483

Remember VP in the Board.

I think that I found the source of the data.

(Clown Document)

https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf

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e5fcd1  No.21484

Semi interactive list of the jew shilling over there…

https:// 8ch.net/bans.html

There was big discussion after Q outed AJ and JC…

Patriotards and Jew Shills seem to be in control of the board over there.

Pathetic. Just reporting the facts.

One side is allowed to attack EVERYONE and one side is NOT ALLOWED TO BE COUNTERED.

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7aca9b  No.21485

it seems that We're in WAR Anons

https:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/171275679#p171309552

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fcdf16  No.21486

correct me if im wrong but 754 posts with only 7-9 ppm is deletions correct

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7aca9b  No.21487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We know the rules. but it seems a good analysis..

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ec2a9d  No.21488


I finally got around to reading it. Most of it anyway. Doesn't change anything for me. It'd evidently become a cult long before Jones piped up. I brought this up as far back as CBTS and if I were to look hard enough, I could probably find my posts on it, because they weren't deleted and I wasn't banned from there for saying as much. So, I declare that Jones and his ilk did not have any influence over my thinking in this regard. I came to that conclusion all by myself.

For all I know, Q could be the real deal, but anons have made a true spectacle of it all. Many have become zealots and I don't see that there has been any discouragement of that by Q, nor of those who remain ban-free on QR.

Further, I don't see how the Eds having an opinion of their own can be construed as an agenda. They're anons, just like the rest of us, of whom are entitled to their own opinion and entitled to express it in a public forum. Other anons are entitled to agree or disagree with them. If you think you know what their agenda is, by all means, share your thoughts and give them the opportunity to discuss it, if they feel so inclined, instead of making cheap shots at them.


Good afternoon, anons. I'm still feeling poorly, so won't be all that active again, today. :(

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7aca9b  No.21489

Ok, Someone could to explain this point, the AI.., Thoughts?,

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/articles/white-house-hosts-summit-artificial-intelligence-american-industry/

https:// qz.com/1275201/the-us-plan-for-ai-is-to-let-google-facebook-and-amazon-do-what-they-want/amp/

https:// www.apnews.com/amp/9e55595fa67644c7807333eb59dba564

PS: I'll search a suicide machine soon

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7aca9b  No.21490

File: f140baa05ea887a⋯.png (21.28 KB, 862x180, 431:90, KRONOS.png)

File: b696bce3011aaf1⋯.png (10.41 KB, 864x136, 108:17, KRONOS2.png)



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49f5b0  No.21491




Thanks for acknowledgement I needed that..

Not a good day yesterday family member lost her cat , it was having treatment but not looking good and it has taken itself to die we just haven't been able to find where.

I woke up at 4 this morning and have been trying to catch up but I'm confused .is there no more digging?

I have found another tech company to dig on has anyone looked into Phoenix Nap?

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49f5b0  No.21492


I hope you feel better soon. I hope you get some sunshine today. It's gone back to grey skies here . 🌝

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ec2a9d  No.21493


I hope your family member's cat comes back, but I dare say it won't, unfortunately. It's just what cats do. It's their nature, I guess.

There's been no announcement to down tools, as far as I know, lol. Personally, I'm busy doing other things that have been neglected through putting digging first. I appreciate that others are sharing their finds, it's just that my focus is elsewhere at present and I feel I need it to stay where it is, as I can all to easily see something shiny and go off on a tangent.

I think I'll feel better when I can manage to move my work into another room and not be so close to the dang heating unit. Only it's a big job to move everything around on one's own with a torn oblique muscle. /sigh.

Today has been what any would describe as miserable, but I've found it quite pleasant to gaze out across the yard through a rain drop covered window. It's been overcast and dark, but the kind of day where the darkness brings vibrancy to colour. :D

There's always something to admire and be grateful for, huh!

So, no outdoors for you and the parrot today?

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5a487d  No.21494


A rainy day can be the best thing, just for the sake of breaking up the monotony. A good rain cools things off anyway. Personally I love the cold; the vibrant, fresh, crisp air, and much over 22C and it's too hot for me. Unfortunately the summers here hang out around 32C to 37C and I don't go out much when the Sun is up. But now I can use the A/C in the car without any concern for the engine overheating. Once again, it's something most people take for granted but if you've gone a couple years without, then having that luxury can really be something to appreciate. :)

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ec2a9d  No.21495


Lol, I've never had a car with working a/c. Summers here are not unlike yours, temperature wise. We can get quite a few days in the mid 40's which are unbearable day and night.

I wouldn't dream of complaining about the rain we're currently getting. It's been months since we had a decent drop. Looks like Autumn is well and truly set in. My grapevine is close enough to naked and red leaves are scattered all about. It's perty. :D

There's a break in the rain and the wind has dropped. Fur baby is eyeballing me, so we're gonna risk it. Time for a W A L K. ;)

Hmm, I might even get myself a couple of alcoholic bevvies while I'm out, to mask my poorliness. I apologize in advance, lol.

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5b984e  No.21496


That's sounds painful. How an earth did you do that?

No outside for the parrot today but maybe for me some jobs are better when cooler.

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5a487d  No.21497


Seasons and hemispheres always seemed strange to me. I have never been south of the Equator so I've only ever known summer to be June 21 through September 21. Strange that for others, that's winter. I keep wanting to correct people: "you have it all wrong! It's the middle of summer!"

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87caf4  No.21498

morning anons…


wondering about that date too… maybe it will be a be-ready-for-impeachment-funeral…


>"make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-"

no clue :(


it won't stop… they are dividing.. it helps the dems winning in november

AJ & Corsi helping the divide… why? because too many of us are against being a jew-puppet…


poor cat :( but he had a good life i guess :D

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49f5b0  No.21499


I get muddled with it was working out when your summer would be and remembered we are both in the northern hemisphere. It's because if the time difference as well. I always forgot uf you are 5 hours ahead or behind uk.

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49f5b0  No.21500


A tipple us a good cure. Can't wait to see what you post later.lol

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49f5b0  No.21501


She did have a good life but not along one. The vet advised it was best to put here to sleep but the cat had her own ideas.

The cats owner has been ill and still undergoing treatment so it's hit hard and she still looking.

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87caf4  No.21502



i'm a cat-lover.. maybe that's why it got my attention immediately

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5a487d  No.21503


Just my opinion on all this Jew stuff … they have no more power than we give them. I watch people everywhere complain about things that they continually elect to empower. They complain about companies they continue to patronize. They complain about people they continue to interact with. They complain about finances they continually engineer. It's the complaining part that causes the contradiction. Many people don't have a lot of money, but they know it's a choice and they don't complain about it. We have problems with Amazon - but we continue to use them so there’s no room to complain about the results of our own choices.

My experience has been that the louder we complain about a group, the more we’re a part of it. Anti-war protesters are out turning their cities into war zones, engaged in life-or-death full-scale war against those who engage in war. They are everything they hate. People get upset over somebody who is negative, and they pour more negativity into the world over that person than the negative person ever did. They are everything they hate. Labor unions formed to fight against corrupt business owners who abused their laborers. They became more abusive of their own members than the business owners ever were. Today labor union = mafia. They became their enemy.

It extends to everything: the harder you fight against something, the more you become it. What are you for? What is right? Build that. Create that. Nobody destroys their way to Utopia; nobody fights their way into Heaven. Building and creating are the only way out of any bad situation. Inventing an oppressor then destroying that oppressor only makes the destroyer replace him.

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87caf4  No.21504


so what should we do? suck it all up and keep our mouth shut?

>Many people don't have a lot of money, but they know it's a choice and they don't complain about it.

?? a choice to not have a lot of money? let me tell ya two things

1) most of those in power everywhere were born in richness.. others got their richness handed because of links / connections… 90% of the 1% aren't there because they worked hard… they got their because of their family/connections and because they screwed the people/use the people…

2) i did my duty… fought wars… i've killed, hurt & saved… i lost everything because of that job.. friends, family, the love of my life, my dogs, and i can go on… i put my life on the line many times, even wanted to give my life for some f'cker that came from a rich family, a west point snob that thought he was a master in the field while never walked in a desert… i didn't get rich from that job.. but it costed a lot… and the moment i stood up for myself and made clear i was sick of fighting those pos' leaders war while they are safely at home getting rich, sick of fighting the jews wars… i got my papers… i have ptsd… and they made sure with that, so that i never can build something up… a choice? bs! sorry… and i'm not the only one.. we are many…

but enough about me… but wanted to show that it's easy talking but facts aren't that easy…

complaining? i don't call it complaining.. i call it waking people up.. it can't be repeated enough.. cause as a person, as a small group of people, you can't win against governments & media…. so you have to get a larger group… i hoped q was making such a group.. but seemed we were wrong…. such a group may never become a flock of sheep.. and most important, each person in such a group has to think him/herself… never follow blindly… if q is what he said, he failed… but imo he has another agenda … complaining? nope.. seeding a spark… hoping that spark will get a flame… i don't have all the answers.. i don't have all the facts.. but when a lot of people think for their own, work together, most of the times they will find the right answers and the facts without reading the secrets from governments… logical thinking, with many working as one… but that's my personal opinion of course..

sorry, have a difficult day, too much noise in my head.. can't find the right words to expres myself.. certainly not meant to be angry or even not upset …

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ec2a9d  No.21505


I'm one of those people who don't know when to stop. If I want something done, I do it. Some would say it's a positive trait to possess, but it can lead to much detriment. After a long day in the garden, worn out and tired, I tried starting the wood chipper. Tore my oblique :'(

Again, I'm somewhat envious of your spring. So exciting and so much work to do. Never a dull moment in the spring. :)


It can be even stranger for us over here at times, as when looking into all kinds of stuff that follow astrological movements and seasons, it can be very confusing. Equinox, solstice, etc.


Good morning, anon. :D


I already regret how I'm going to feel in the morning. Ha! :p


I misread. I thought it was the cat who'd been getting treatment. I do hope your family member doesn't go into decline over the loss of her cat.


Pretty much true, anon.


I've had half a can of amber fluid and I'm already tipsy. O_o Feelz gud :D

I need to dig up my sweet potato patch tomorrow, before the frosts come. Who wan't to help?

Hey, don't say I didn't offer. When Armageddon comes, you'll want a share of the crop!

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ec2a9d  No.21506

We're gonna need a new bread soon. I'm not putting my hand up, just bringing it to attention.

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49f5b0  No.21507


Some call it stubbornness I like to call it tenacity.😅

You didn't read wrong they are both receiving treatment. I didn't elaborate in my first post om my family member. I fear it will set her back. She is coming to with me in a couple of weeks and my cats will cheer her up.

Tipsy amon is going to be amusing. .I would help if it didn't take 12 hours to get to you.

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ec2a9d  No.21508


If you get moving now and sleep on the plane you'll arrive just in time; right and ready. :P

I shall think good thoughts for both your fam member and her cat. Sounds like you're in for a big changes. I hope it works well for both of you, as well as the cats and Mr/Mrs Parrot.


I'm listening to Baruch rattle on about Q and the entire drama on a unirock vid. Is is so awful of me to be so entertained by all of this at this point that I feel that laughter is the only avenue toward sanity? Everyone has their own story and of course everyone thinks their story is the right story. More entertaining is that I was there in real time through a lot of what they're talking about. It's a form of damage control.

Funny thing is that Unirock had little idea about Q for the longest time, now he rarely does anything apart from Q. He's MADE IT. He's PART OF THE CLUB now, and it comes through in so many ways. These guys are making a mint from all this.

A little drama goes a long way for viewership and $$.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…..

Tipsy anon is turning her back on just about all of it. Trust, fucking, no one. NO ONE. There is no other reason for Q apart from manipulating and maneuvering a flock. JMO. Why wouldn't these morons jump on the band wagon for a few bucks?

Nothing's changed. Folks are still milking everything to the point of exhausting the fucking cow.

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87caf4  No.21509


>Trust, fucking, no one. NO ONE. There is no other reason for Q apart from manipulating and maneuvering a flock. JMO. Why wouldn't these morons jump on the band wagon for a few bucks?

>Nothing's changed. Folks are still milking everything to the point of exhausting the fucking cow.

agree with that

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5a487d  No.21514




New Bread




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e8a469  No.21515


for this I wrote that he need a private army, commando, what you wrote is correct, you can't defeat media and multinationals. Use power without doing nothing, only make pressure to them. You wrote that you are many, well!!! Excellent! You have to speak with other like you a found a secret indipendent group. If you find also someone that can pay you, is better! Into a PM that marriage Q cause is a perfect dream!

But >>21503 said also the true. There are also good jews that think also for poor people! like othodox

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87caf4  No.21516


did ya see this when posted here?

https:// file.wikileaks.org/file/

in there : https:// file.wikileaks.org/file/italy-child-sex-2008/

thought ya where from that region…

there are good jews, but those aren't the rich f'ckers… ya have the believers, and the zionists… in each religion ya have good and bad…

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87caf4  No.21517


forgot the link here


>there are good jews, but those aren't the rich f'ckers… ya have the believers, and the zionists… in each religion ya have good and bad…

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87caf4  No.21518

File: 8c6388d23a407ad⋯.jpg (293.66 KB, 2057x1200, 2057:1200, benjamin-netanyahu-iran-nu….jpg)

File: e704dafb38c926c⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 180430133349-01-netanyahu-….jpg)

File: 403c7c7c1237a37⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 2500x1454, 1250:727, 180430-benjamin-netanyahu-….jpg)

anyone noticed that the binders are all empty? lol

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e8a469  No.21519


2008! (10 years ago) but fortunatelly I remember this fact! it wasn't child prostitution i can confirm.


Is possible create a paramilitary group in Italy? Just for us Anon that want to enter in action like me orfor him (if he wants)>>21504. You have to understand that after hundreds of pages of study, then someone is bored to read on PC and wants facts like me. Without payments, only military training for marriage Q cause.

I have to remeber that kekism is a fantastic idea, but there are many names for this philosophy if we can call this. But i base on a more romantic concept, Giovine Italia, the true masonry that wanted peace after unification, prosperity and a better life with culture accessible to all like medical care. You know that i based only on medical ethic, and for this there is no all better to donate your life for something of bigger than you. I have a great culture, but after this line i want more, and to this i want to pass in action. Is it possible? Exist other like me? It isn't in your country, so is out of national laws, maybe can be true in mine. Give me an answer.


(this propose is only mine, other of Q ita team, don't want, but they are good for other things like you are doing)

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87caf4  No.21520


think it's important for italy to wait to see what the new government will bring & do…. but keep the pressure up….

don't know if a paramilitary group will change things… on the contrary.. it's not allowed and could bring each of ya in problems… i personally wouldn't suggest it untill the shit hits the fan … what ya can do is find likeminded people in italy.. make a group that digs… like we do here… search for the facts…. only problem (like in US)… if the government doesn't work with ya and screws ya, digging won't change a thing…

at this point i'm at a point that imo the only way to change things, is for the people of the world.. not only in us, but everywhere, to stand up against the globalist f'cks.. yes they have the army, yes they have the military stuff and the secrets… people have the numbers… problem is… such a thing isn't organizable… it has to happen on its own… and too many people are still sheep.. or became other sheep…

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ec2a9d  No.21521

File: 72e25b19f8a4b8f⋯.jpg (86.43 KB, 765x433, 765:433, TedXNetan.jpg)

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87caf4  No.21522


part missing….

… or became other sheep… so only thing at this point we can do is try to awake as many people as possible… seed that spark… and one day it will become a flame, and a fire that will build…

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87caf4  No.21523


tedx? https:// www.ted.com/participate/organize-a-local-tedx-event/tedx-organizer-guide/speakers-program/what-is-a-tedx-talk ?

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ec2a9d  No.21524


You've never watched a ted talk?

It's scripted to a T and most everyone is coached to such a degree that they appear to be the same person, but in a different body.

Not that I haven't benefited from Ted talks. Some of them are great, but they slip some very obvious and not so obvious propaganda in.

I guess it's an inside joke. :s

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87caf4  No.21525


doesn't ring a bell…. maybe later lol

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ec2a9d  No.21526


Meh, it's no biggy. The moment went byebye, lmao. Ya had to be there, kind of thing. Hahahaha

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ec2a9d  No.21527

I've had enough to drink that I'm tempted to go to QR and slum it. :D

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ec2a9d  No.21528

I had a thought. Oh dear, what did thought do?

I'm not saying that this is my belief, just one of many scenarios that have gone through my head.

What id the Eds are in with Q in that they produce dissent in a way that pushes more anons toward belief through adversity and others more toward denial through adversity. Either way, caching for many.

Any exposure is good exposure… in the end it's all exposure and gets people taking, right.

Also; what if those of us who aren't following religiously are a means of finding and plugging holes? We don't go along with what's presented to us without question. The questions are presented here and there and then a plug is presented by Q.

Figure out the weaknesses and loopholes, and patch along the way. Sooner or later more will fall into the fold.


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87caf4  No.21529

File: 59096da06a14758⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 291x259, 291:259, Screenshot_184.jpg)

File: 34ec8f97fd35f48⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 271x216, 271:216, Screenshot_185.jpg)


was just looking at this link :


works now... found some interesting things in portfolio (haven't digged on all of them... too many)

palantir in portfolio (like ed said)

qynergy : http:// qynergy.com : working with: SANDIA

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87caf4  No.21530


i don't know what to think lately :s

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87caf4  No.21531


forgot the link, makes it easier to look : https:// www.iqt.org/portfolio/

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ec2a9d  No.21532


I'll have to look at it when I'm sober. (I currently have hiccups, lol).


As long as you keep thinking and don't go into 'Oh they said this or that so that must be it' mode, I can't see how you're doing anything wrong. And I was just thinking, is all. Happy to be able to do that here; inebriated or not :p

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87caf4  No.21533

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49f5b0  No.21534


Oops missed a word out I should have said she is coming to stay with me. I missed out stay and changed the sentence.

My brain is not working well today.

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49f5b0  No.21535


I think your tipsiness is rubbing off on us.



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49f5b0  No.21536


The scenario you present in your last paragraph can apply to many other nefarious outlets.

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ec2a9d  No.21537


My old brain auto replaced it with 'live'. Go figure. I still don't have a handle n this thing; brain.

I'm sure your brain is working just fine. I don't envy phonefagging.


The tipsiness has become drunkedness, I'm afraid. I'm about to play some Mozart at a very high volume, with disregard for my neighbors. Of which will be a reflection for them in more or less ways.


I AM powerful. I KNOW I AM POWERFUL. Why I have not used this power up to now, I am somewhat confused about.




The consideration of the entire message however, remains. As much as individuals and organizations would like to get their message across, it's up to the individual to discern.

So much is taken literally. If it were that easy, we'd be in a heck of a better place by now.

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49f5b0  No.21538


Thanks for the link. I'll have a look later. I'm trying to dig on the awans but am being to easily distracted.

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ec2a9d  No.21539

Move to new bread

>>21510 = new bread

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ec2a9d  No.21540

File: da98176980de7e4⋯.png (11.56 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)


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ec2a9d  No.21541

File: dd8dbb8dd391188⋯.png (210.4 KB, 515x515, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec2a9d  No.21543

Of course, I have a motive for filling and moving on. I have the Ed bread posts ready and waiting to go.

So let's go………

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ebc2e6  No.31990

File: 8b4890ac96acc8b⋯.jpg (119.15 KB, 900x796, 225:199, POTUS.jpg)

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ebc2e6  No.31992

File: 172445f1aad0d51⋯.png (43.72 KB, 1396x184, 349:46, ex parte.PNG)

Hey frens. Idk if anyone has look into this but I was looking into old Q posts and started researching Q post 22 regarding what SC case allowed POTUS to activate military and I found SC case Ex Parte Milligan. Idk if anyone else has found this out but it also provides the scope of military jurisdiction during martial law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_parte_Milligan

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79266c  No.31998

File: 5dc5c135a3a5eda⋯.jpeg (73.76 KB, 679x453, 679:453, 066E3FD6-C4E7-4E73-9B97-D….jpeg)

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