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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

466b66  No.7190490

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.25.2019

>>7190349 ————————————–——- POTUS on Hannity @ 9PM ET.

>>7190003 ————————————–——- Define 'False Flag'.

>>7185384 ————————————–——- Confirmed. (Cap: >>7185409)

>>7184499 ————————————–——- Nothing! (Cap: >>7184533)

>>7184361 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. (Cap: >>7184462)

>>7182936 rt >>7182843 ———————— Disney Cruise Stop Little St. James

>>7177956 ————————————–——- Does a person who fights hard for bail attempt suicide prior to the ruling of the appeal?

>>7177799 ————————————–——- Do you TRUST the media? (Cap: >>7177818)

>>7177623 ————————————–——- Expand your thinking. (Cap: >>7177652 Q #3485+)

>>7177265 ————————————–——- ABC News told us it was just a 'gym' inside of the 'TEMPLE'

>>7176853 ————————————–——- Painfully obvious or willfully ignorant? Q#3429

Wednesday 07.24.2019

>>7175402 rt >>7175231 ————————— Eyes on. Epstein Suicide attempt (Cap: >>7176681)

>>7175354 rt >>7175228 ————————— Will become extremely important.

>>7175130 rt >>7175109 ————————— Signed by Clapper and Lynch shortly after POTUS was elected (Cap: >>7175118)

>>7175110 rt >>7175039 ————————— [Signature page]

>>7175026 ————————————–——- RAW SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE(Cap: >>7175048)

>>7174821 ————————————–——- Public 'Guide' _ DECLAS

>>7174716 ————————————–——– [KNOWINGLY]

>>7174575 rt >>7174503 ————————— Q#2158 ( Cap: >>7174698)

>>7174503 ————————————–——– Fluent in Russian? (Cap: >>7174547)

>>7174370 rt >>7174342 ————————— FBI Chain of Command

>>7174342 ————————————–——– Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?

>>7174154 ————————————–——– FBI/Media contacts

>>7174147 ————————————–——– Worth remembering (Cap: >>7174154)

>>7173930 ————————————–——- Worth remembering Q#2042

>>7169454 ————————————–——- The POWER of Anon research.

>>7168612 ————————————–——– Cap of Crumb #3038

>>7168098 ————————————–——– Force of Nature >>7168351 (cap)

>>7165757 ————————————–——– Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake (Cap: >>7165818)


>>7163488 ————————————–——– 2019 YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG.

Tuesday 07.23.2019

>>7152657 ————————————–——– Bigger than most realize. (Cap. >>7152691)

>>7151215 ————————————–——– Senator Cruz calls for Antifa RICO investigation (Cap: >>7151265)

>>7150840 ————————————–——– Highest Level Security + MAX Protect (Cap: >>7150866)

>>7150048 ————————————–——– [CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN] (Cap: >>7150148)

Monday 07.22.2019

>>7139451 rt >>7139437 ————————— Flags Out!!

>>7139394 ————————————–——– These people are stupid.Enjoy the show!

>>7136617 ————————————–——– We, the PEOPLE! (Cap & Vid: >>7136639, >>7137278)

>>7136147 ————————————–——– Dark to LIGHT; Hunters become the Hunted (Cap: >>7136168)

>>7132595 ————————————–——– Ezra Cohen-Watnik

>>7132094 rt >>7131949 ————————— Mysterious operation around DC (Cap >>7137508)

>>7132079 ————————————–——– Stealth Bomber over National Mall (Cap & Vid: >>7132128)

>>7131707 ————————————–——– [Be Ready] (Cap: >>7131818)

Sunday 07.21.2019

Compiled here: >>7175815

Thursday 07.18.2019

Compiled here: >>7175812

Wednesday 07.17.2019

Compiled here: >>7137191

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

466b66  No.7190495

Global Announcements

>>7077026 BO "thank you for vote of confidence"

>>7079301, >>7079338 BO summarizes bread reversion, no more captcha, and continued notables thread >>7003045

Bakers: Do not add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough

Anons: watch your pics, check to see if you drop a .jpeg, bakers keep an eye out to, anons requesting reminder

>>7179001 NEW: Ways to convert to JPG or PNG


are not endorsements


>>7190389 Circuit court overturns defunding of student newspaper.

>>7190216 Huawei denies claims of potentially unlawful activities in NK and Czech Republic.

>>7189883, >>7190148, >>7190318 Disney cruise line completes purchase of second Bahamas private island.

>>7190138 The Atlantic: How the U.S. Could Lose a War With China.

>>7190102 North Korea says test missile launch was a ‘solemn warning’.

>>7189987 POTUS interview on Hannity tonight.

>>7189929 USMC Tweet: "MOO'vin"

>>7189881 901,125 missing children every year in these 9 countries alone.

>>7189857 Politico bends the knee.

>>7189848 Call to dig on Epstein org.

>>7189837 L Brands hires firm to probe Epstein ties.

>>7189807 Adult supervision not required on "teen only" Port Adventures.

>>7190433 #9199


>>7189661 Engineerfag's take on the Epstein island facility features.

>>7189571 Epstein and Feinstein's husband co-investors private equity fund.

>>7189488 2 former youth counselors at YDC indicted on multiple counts of rape of a teenage girl.

>>7189529 DJT Tweet: "I am pleased to announce the House has passed our budget deal 284-149..."

>>7189517 Epstein on advisory board of underground bunker organization.

>>7189500 Disney VP a mad hatter?

>>7189495 Trump admin considering travel ban on Guat.

>>7189374 Conspiracy label attached to Epstein event.

>>7189421, >>7189486 Missing children statistics worldwide. By state.

>>7189323 Navient Corp. was sold by Canyon Capital Advisors LLC $52.32m in shares.

>>7189173 Rocky to face assault trial.

>>7189160 Brazil's trade with Iran in jeopardy due to sanctions.

>>7189053 Lynn de Rothschild with Disney Iger.

>>7189036 California, four automakers defy Trump, agree to tighten emissions rules.

>>7189016 Turkish banker jailed in US over Iran sanctions repatriated. Gold for oil scheme implicated Erdogan.

>>7189012 US DoD Tweet: Pull!

>>7189004 Marines arrested in human smuggling probe.

>>7188970 Turkey arrests 6k refugees.

>>7188919 Social media companies involved in shutting down free speech world wide.

>>7189730 #9198


>>7188228, >>7188308, >>7188322, >>7188431, >>7188661, >>7188701 President Trump Tweets and info

>>7188569, >>7188604 MIL Tweets and News

>>7188417 Financefag reports

>>7188128 Helicopter spun out before crash that killed coal magnate, 3 LSU grads

>>7188145, >>7188212, >>7188215, >>7188223, >>7188286, >>7188313, >>7188254, >>7188409, >>7188426, >>7188445, >>7188500,

>>7188561, >>7188646, >>7188672, >>7188678, >>7188705, >>7188280, >>7188341, >>7188755 Eggstein island and killer inc

>>7188220 Barr And State AGs Discuss Big Tech Monopolies As 'Flipped' Facebook Co-Founder Helps Devise Antitrust Action

>>7188233 14-Year-Old Alleged Victim Files Child Exploitation Report Against Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv

>>7188289 Epstein On Way to Israel? UPDATE 35 to the Second Greatest Story Ever Told

>>7188258 Q's flags out picture: Port Huron MI, stone building in the background was the "Ladies of the Maccabees Building"

>>7188270 US Blocks UN Security Council Rebuke of Israel Demolishing Palestinian Homes

>>7188281, >>7188282, >>7188311, >>7188326, >>7188359, >>7188399, >>7188457, >>7188479, >>7188501, >>7188518, >>7188713 Disney Glowing Clown Faggots info

>>7188307, >>7188403, >>7188413, >>7188418, >>7188654 Creepy Characters Aboard “Lifeboat Foundation”

>>7188166 Bear Stearns/Epstein Gov't Bailout Explained

>>7188357 Timeline of Treason links

>>7188456 Zio-Anglo-American Axis Aggressively Ramps Up the Tanker Wars

>>7188539 Helicopter with Billionaire on board Chris Cline and 6 others crashes

>>7188768 #9197

Previously Collected Notables

>>7185734 #9193, >>7189286 #9194, >>7187403 #9195, >>7188149 #9196

>>7182646 #9189, >>7183482 #9190, >>7184219 #9191, >>7184984 #9192

>>7179599 #9185, >>7180352 #9186, >>7181147 #9187, >>7181864 #9188

>>7179283 #9181, >>7179663 #9182, >>7179674 #9183, >>7179979 #9184

>>7173454 #9177, >>7174204 #9178, >>7179274 #9179, >>7179277 #9180

>>7170367 #9173, >>7171099 #9174, >>7171928 #9175, >>7172680 #9176

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

466b66  No.7190498

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>7071248 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #10

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#85 >>>/comms/5510, >>7185350

Q Graphics all in EST


466b66  No.7190502

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t & 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

49 >>7077975

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>7078280, >>7078284

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7173279

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>7078220

466b66  No.7190509

File: 8658ed691456a4f⋯.png (70.72 KB, 320x180, 16:9, POTUSHannity9pm.png)



454adc  No.7190552


you usually be watching that shit fu

you naow gonna bake and watch?

you got a tv in the kitchen

98e965  No.7190553

Please oh please be our dear suicide weekend coming to us with a large warm smile. Like it cares about us.

3f59b0  No.7190554

I love pumping semen into ivankas ass


265bd7  No.7190555


Thanks bakes

81b28d  No.7190556

File: e0db37b1450b6d8⋯.jpg (146.65 KB, 620x1116, 5:9, nsa jew.JPG)

This is a national security concern. A jew is in charge of the fucking NSA. Everything is probably being sent to tel-aviv as we speak.

This is wrong.

0b0c48  No.7190557

File: 22553db2432ffce⋯.png (192.85 KB, 526x662, 263:331, Screen Shot 2019-07-19 at ….png)


TY Baker!

d7520f  No.7190558

File: a7570e57fb8662f⋯.jpeg (137.61 KB, 828x781, 828:781, CB359DDF-33AA-4F3F-8D61-F….jpeg)

File: 7932578cd4835d4⋯.jpeg (290.85 KB, 828x814, 414:407, BFEB7EDF-C9CA-4152-999C-0….jpeg)

It is time.

b98b35  No.7190559

File: 21d0d77cf8c114b⋯.png (1.39 MB, 647x1061, 647:1061, bakerGirl.PNG)

705946  No.7190560


its adorable that you think that this is edgy

in this place

b6086a  No.7190561

File: d499e1504109d26⋯.jpg (478.96 KB, 1776x1045, 1776:1045, tyb_wheelsup.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

b7416a  No.7190562

The guy on Tucker says that the FBI is still comped and the HOAX could still be going on because no one has been held accountable..he is a ex FBI director.

3a4170  No.7190563

>>7190526 (lb)

SurgeryAnon? Welcome back fren! I hope you have a swift and full recovery!

God bless you.

7c0b97  No.7190564

>>7190349 (Q, lb)

Please ask the Q, please please please

d9b546  No.7190565



Shills are running on fumes!

0b0c48  No.7190566

File: 0630651c97bfe2b⋯.png (153.04 KB, 421x355, 421:355, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

File: 63d248b6f3ded3b⋯.png (65.92 KB, 332x332, 1:1, 02bacc35b3d6fdca05c1308459….png)

9ed8ef  No.7190567


Fuck Hannity fucking Israel firster piece of shit..

Q, I'm having a tough time hanging on with you advertising for this piece of shit.

cfad54  No.7190568


We need a brave volunteer to watch Hannity and write us up a summery.

Please god I cannot watch.

b0003e  No.7190569

File: c7cc503860a6b86⋯.jpg (143.14 KB, 448x499, 448:499, gingerhuso.jpg)

3f59b0  No.7190570

I kicked esptein out of mar a lago cuz we were hanging out and he started fucking a 15 year old

And i was like thats coo

Then i brought in ivanka and started going to town and he was like

Whoa not cool bro

And i kicked that sob out

454adc  No.7190571


sup jared

b06b9e  No.7190572

File: 84bdb46b97659c9⋯.jpeg (543.96 KB, 828x1153, 828:1153, FB27407A-395E-495E-8203-6….jpeg)

The Atlantic published this gem today

e3e5fe  No.7190573

File: 4ec34e505b8b0b1⋯.png (4.85 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F7858666-81DE-415E-A929-17….png)

File: 27eac12443a6773⋯.png (572.42 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6126C3D5-4109-45D1-A583-47….png)

aa03dc  No.7190574


Love Hannity but Q team, Hannity needs to ask about Q


b7416a  No.7190575


Is WRAY – Deep State????

e03229  No.7190576


lol@you why do you think Israel was even "created"?

469628  No.7190577


Thanks, Baker. Love your work.

132f56  No.7190578

Matthew 24:6

2aae35  No.7190579

Somebody please post the naked white supremacist with the ms-13 bitch at his knee.

73d54a  No.7190580

False Flags during Mueller hearing.

NK shoots short range "missile"

Epstein "suicide attempt"

anons… anything else?

890ed2  No.7190581


Even a solid drop of info for anons, something to boost moral in this place

3f59b0  No.7190582


Hannity is a great man

He says literally whatever i tell him

Sometimes i put my hand up his ass

7c0b97  No.7190583


Allright Jared we know you're finally a good guy, now don't get ahead of yourself

a91330  No.7190584

File: caa965b38ec9b16⋯.jpeg (249.6 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 84F83BFE-24AA-4AD1-A9A6-0….jpeg)

Russian hacker known as Seth Rich.

0b0c48  No.7190585

File: b19e41c46a459e7⋯.png (564.86 KB, 618x580, 309:290, Screen Shot 2019-05-07 at ….png)

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

171ce6  No.7190586


careful what you wish for. once the cat is out of the bag this site is gone. hope you have archived.

08ea44  No.7190587

File: 2b3ed9b81fe3507⋯.jpg (272.16 KB, 802x1130, 401:565, americastreets.jpg)

2dc121  No.7190588

File: cb7f9d689745e39⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 950x1266, 475:633, 05fb1726e1e975be18c1ea2445….jpg)


Thank you, baker.

955330  No.7190589


No, but I prayed for SurgeryAnon and believed I have already received the answer. I had a severe chemo reaction that put me in the ER and I wasn't sure If I was gonna go home.

9ed8ef  No.7190590


I agree. Fucking kikes.

I say gas em all.

81cc0c  No.7190591

File: cf7371a26602d9a⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 497x744, 497:744, vn213.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

1b127a  No.7190592

File: f0f2b8d84c6fe9a⋯.jpeg (430.26 KB, 1396x1776, 349:444, D07782C5-0503-40A4-B79A-B….jpeg)

Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard announced Thursday she is suing Google for alleged "election interference," claiming the tech giant suspended her campaign's Google Ads account just after the first Democratic presidential primary debate.

Gabbard, a military veteran and congresswoman from Hawaii, is an outsider candidate who has often been at odds with her fellow progressives.

Conservatives have long charged that Google discriminates against conservatives, and the Justice Department on Tuesday announced a sweeping antitrust review into large technology companies.

“Google’s discriminatory actions against my campaign are reflective of how dangerous their complete dominance over internet search is, and how the increasing dominance of big tech companies over our public discourse threatens our core American values," Gabbard said in a statement. "This is a threat to free speech, fair elections and to our democracy, and I intend to fight back on behalf of all Americans.”

Specifically, Gabbard claimed that multiple news reports indicated she was the most searched candidate on Google following the first Democratic primary debate on June 26. "Then, without any explanation, Google suspended Tulsi's Google Ads account," her office said in a statement, that called the move "arbitrary and capricious."

"Big Tech’s dominance represents a clear and present danger to our democracy," Gabbard's team said.

"This is a threat to free speech, fair elections and to our democracy."

— Tulsi Gabbard

In a statement to Fox News, Google acknowledged that Gabbard's account had been suspended by its internal "system," but denied Gabbard's charges.

"We have automated systems that flag unusual activity on all advertiser accounts – including large spending changes – in order to prevent fraud and protect our customers," a Google spokesperson said. "In this case, our system triggered a suspension and the account was reinstated shortly thereafter. We are proud to offer ad products that help campaigns connect directly with voters, and we do so without bias toward any party or political ideology."

Earlier this month, Republican lawmakers criticized Google during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing over allegations of bias against and censorship of conservative groups on the tech giant’s platforms.

“Google’s control over what people hear, watch, read, and say is unprecedented,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said. “Google can, and often does, control our discourse.”

Cruz added: “The American people are subject to overt censorship and covert manipulation” by Google’s algorithm.

Google’s vice president of global government affairs and public policy, Karan Bhatia, defended the tech giant – arguing that the company has no political bias and does not monitor content posted on its platforms. Bhatia noted that the company does censor or take down some content, but denied that there was any political motivation behind that. “We work hard to fix our mistakes,” Bhatia said. “But these mistakes have affected both parties and are not a product of bias.”He added: “We are not censoring speech on our platforms… We do have community guidelines against uploading, for example, videos that have violent imagery.”

In 2018, The Daily Caller published an article asserting that Google almost exclusively targets conservative sites for fact-checking – and, in the process, often erroneously attributes statements to the conservative sites. Others blamed a software bug for the problem.

Some researchers have alleged anti-conservative bias in Google's search results. A leaked video of top Google executives conducting a company-wide meeting after the 2016 election showed them tearfully lamenting the results of the race, which would send Trump to the White House.

A second volume of the report, examining "the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) of Russian interference, the Obama Administration’s response to Russian interference, the role of social media disinformation campaigns, and remaining counterintelligence questions," is expected to be released in fall 2019, pending a declassification review.

Fox News' Hillary Vaughn and Andrew O'Reilly contributed to this report.


9c6d59  No.7190593

File: f0856ed5cd9e608⋯.png (506.62 KB, 660x871, 660:871, NSx111.PNG)


TYB - have some NS covfefe in the kitchen.

5477ea  No.7190594

>>7190349 pb

Hate it when Q makes us watch Hannity!


3f59b0  No.7190595


Jared doesnt actually fuck ivanka

Only i do

Jared is a reptillian shapeshifter

Were mutual beards

de75de  No.7190596


Ask the Q, Sean!

9855bb  No.7190597

File: 18fde2185b2a7b9⋯.jpg (133.63 KB, 800x400, 2:1, IMG_3326.JPG)

File: 7094b6c00ce7061⋯.jpg (238.17 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_3305.JPG)

File: 72c679687946e66⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 350x316, 175:158, IMG_3310.JPG)

What do we know about this place, anons.





Don't freak: Donald Trump at one point owned a majority stake in Resorts International. He spun off ownership of the Trump Taj Mahal property from the company and sold Resorts in full, including outstanding debts from Taj Mahal construction, to Griffin

03d930  No.7190598

File: 21f97a9691f0d5f⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ur1.jpg)

File: ec4d1304cae3706⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ur2.jpg)

File: 539d0d4a49ed3dd⋯.jpg (60.44 KB, 638x359, 638:359, ur3.jpg)


Their Playbook

Unrestricted warfare

In the book it outlines warfare types to be used:

1. Financial Warfare - Manipulate currency, Subvert banking and national debt.

2. Smuggling Warfare - Flood target nation with illegal goods and people.

3. Culture Warfare - Imposing others culture on target country… Sharia law.

4. Drug warfare - Flood target country with illicit drugs… Pharma….opioid epidemic.

5. Media Fabrication - Intimidate journalist, Fake news.

6. Technology Warfare - Gain control over vital technologies. (key components and production.)

7. Resource Warfare - Gain control over scarce resources (Gold, Oil…) Hamper development of scarce resources in target country.

8. Psychological Warfare - Divide nations ideas of government and basic right and wrong. Divide nations unity so they fight among themselves.

9. Network Warfare - Subvert international information systems….identity

10. International Law Warfare - Join multinational groups and subvert their policies.

11. Environmental Warfare - Weaken target country by altering natural environments, physical, economic, cultural, and social aspects.

12. Economic Aid Warfare - Control target country by buying it's debt then discredit it by selling it off in bulk to create concerns.

Sound familiar to anyone?

9b1ec5  No.7190599

File: 0211d6ecd2ea279⋯.png (233.53 KB, 322x300, 161:150, tide pod death.PNG)



I just can't do hannity anymoar, not for long time. I'll get the report from the nigs in here.

e3e5fe  No.7190600

File: 507d7935d970d12⋯.jpeg (101.34 KB, 750x1160, 75:116, 3C07E27A-BF86-4FDD-BBA5-0….jpeg)

File: 593a192b1b15a18⋯.jpeg (114.76 KB, 750x1134, 125:189, 91B2C147-CE5F-418F-991B-3….jpeg)

File: 4e7793e8dc3e83e⋯.jpeg (69.33 KB, 750x938, 375:469, B2827E13-47B9-4B52-9787-4….jpeg)

File: 36de1dbfa7b17da⋯.jpeg (84.3 KB, 780x543, 260:181, D9AF0668-FC87-4293-B43F-F….jpeg)

File: 61a79c8c08b8d61⋯.jpeg (55.73 KB, 642x389, 642:389, 8D4D8A41-9C88-4D2F-AA53-1….jpeg)

7ccc3c  No.7190601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They still plotting that ultimate FF?

df0982  No.7190602


Hi China!

Nice economy you got there.

Shame if anything were to happen to it.

219227  No.7190603

We know you have everything, and have access to much more than most. I was just wonder Q, is there anything you have learned from anons?

7c0b97  No.7190604


This site has ties to US Mil, IIRC.

81b28d  No.7190605


how about you just be an obedient goy and watch the CIA Israeli dick sucking Mockingbird news anchor and STFU, okay?

b50528  No.7190606

File: dbf91bfcb354b09⋯.png (268.59 KB, 596x423, 596:423, ClipboardImage.png)

New Drone Attack Knocks Airport In Southern Saudi Arabia Out Of Service

A new drone attack by the Houthis has knocked Abha International Airport in southern Saudi Arabia out of service, Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Houthis, claimed in a statement release in the late hours of July 25.

According to the spokesman, several Qasef-2K suicide unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) targeted warplanes’ shelters and other military targets in the airport in response to recent Saudi airstrikes on Yemen.

“Our operations will continue as long as the aggression and the siege are ongoing … We repeat our calls to the civilians and companies to stay away from airports and military sites as they have become legitimate targets for us,” Brig. Gen. Sari said in the statement.

The Saudi-led coalition has not commented on the Houthis’ claims, so far. However, several Arabian outlets confirmed that Abha International Airport was placed out of service as a result of the drone attack.

This was the second drone attack by the Houthis in the last 24 hours. The first attack targeted King Khalid airbase in the southern Saudi province of ‘Asir. The Saudi-led coalition claimed that the attack was a failure.

Since last June, the Houthis have stepped up their attacks on key targets in southern Arabia. Drones, ballistic missiles and even cruise missiles were successfully used by the Yemeni group.


3f59b0  No.7190607

Who needs melania when i have ivankas satanic jew titties


3bfc1a  No.7190608

Hannity, would you work in the word "Pickle".

Thanks Boss.

14f92d  No.7190609


Look up Global Crossing and see why it would be happening anyway

not that I think it's a good thng

d00633  No.7190610


8 year olds Dude…..

5d6da5  No.7190611

File: a191152b2f53013⋯.png (766.44 KB, 700x1004, 175:251, ClipboardImage.png)

2dc121  No.7190612


>Please ask the Q, please please please

Hannity would probably talk over POTUS during the answer.

54e1c3  No.7190613

File: 23e66f2b17a5508⋯.png (68.01 KB, 447x227, 447:227, R7.PNG)

5a6897  No.7190614

Who is ready for arrests ? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

de75de  No.7190615



Fuck off, division shills.

7c0b97  No.7190616


Cannot happen. Too many people are awake and know the basic UFO/ET picture.

132f56  No.7190617



08ea44  No.7190618

File: 51665d76bd52029⋯.jpg (432.52 KB, 1295x1192, 1295:1192, nightq.jpg)

171ce6  No.7190619


and? Q will cease to post giving us drops and this site will be ddos'd to hell

289194  No.7190620


We have a whole business full of staff gonna tune into Hannity. We don't watch TV round here but we will tune over the web to see POTUS. Ask the Q Sean. Be that guy. We have your back.

26b722  No.7190621

File: a571a13f4f2acab⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 931x524, 931:524, weissmann.jpg)

Feel free to call this weasel out, POTUS.

Good luck!

81b28d  No.7190622


Go back to Israel

0b0c48  No.7190623

File: 30c15366e991933⋯.png (268.7 KB, 595x521, 595:521, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

File: f98b2577e83ca71⋯.png (181.78 KB, 368x552, 2:3, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

File: 13387e342d209ae⋯.png (103.72 KB, 360x259, 360:259, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

File: c3a0b4e1d203b20⋯.png (101.83 KB, 255x253, 255:253, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

Bewb count = 3

3f59b0  No.7190624


Sometimes i like shoving my pickle in ivankas ass

But ivanka has to rest sometimes so the rest of the time i just fuck 12 year olds

2f134b  No.7190625



It's already happening. Nothing changes.

0ea7be  No.7190626

File: 80625ed7771dfc8⋯.jpg (169.05 KB, 634x1191, 634:1191, 36C83CCA00000578-3726250-i….jpg)

e03229  No.7190627


The getty's own the house across from Epstein and beside the Frick in NYC.

b41f98  No.7190628


excellent book.

Legacy Entertainment


Information Poisoning

3f59b0  No.7190629


>Bewb count = 3


Not as hot as ivankas big khazar knockers

e3e5fe  No.7190630

File: 3eaf56b2dc7385b⋯.jpeg (110.53 KB, 500x579, 500:579, B82BB906-343C-4EA2-82DC-C….jpeg)

8277c9  No.7190631

What they’re doing to the history books; on Tucker just now.

4bc57f  No.7190632

7e1617  No.7190633

File: 448f818c2d73bc4⋯.png (819.19 KB, 999x543, 333:181, 448f818c2d73bc4607dbe8abaa….png)

File: f13af5190107aa6⋯.jpg (164.77 KB, 1191x382, 1191:382, 20190725_173711.jpg)

File: 3e94b697179ab66⋯.jpg (279.55 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190725-173754….jpg)

This is A$AP Rocky

3a4170  No.7190634


Damn! Glad to have you back with us fren. Prayers being sent your way as we speak.

God bless <3

d935b1  No.7190635

hey frens, what about a group effort to blow up hannity's twitter with

"@seanhannity It's time. ask the Q! #WhoIsQAnon"

or something simililar

202a01  No.7190636

'Is China behind the invasion of the southern border and the dems…..me thinks……..YES'

a91330  No.7190637

Possible China monitored [MUELLER] hearing?

>It was televised

Possible China analyzing likelihood of POTUS re_ELEC 2020?

>POTUS will be re-elected by a landslide

Possible China taking steps [think propaganda] to harm POTUS re: 2020?

>Chinks can’t meme.

Possible China in sec_comms w/ D candidate(s) running for President re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

>Of course the Chinks want the D and more gibs

Possible China in sec_comms w/ former D_party senior officials re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

>Who? Obongo and Killary. Oh my sides!

Possible China put extreme [threatening?] pressure on NK the day of the [MUELLER] hearing (coincidence?) should hearing swing to POTUS?

>Pressure NK to do what? Shoot a few misses into the sea? Or something else unknown?

Possible acts were taken in effort to diminish (lessen) D_blow?

>The D was BTFO!

Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?

>It hasn’t yet but can’t these fuckers are desperate.

Define 'False Flag'.



b98b35  No.7190638

File: af96ac3d0a6fd15⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 800x657, 800:657, 34aec7d688f432a7689ff9e6df….jpg)


One of the saddest things about this story and the general sheep herders:

Bernie couldn't give a fuck-less that Seth lost his life defending his campaign.

289194  No.7190639


Go down demon. In the name of your Lord Jesus Christ.

3f59b0  No.7190640

How do you guys like 0 miles of wall


I cant believe people still support me

I literally shit all over them and they worship me

d9b546  No.7190641


Planting seeds that will blossom later

7e1617  No.7190642

File: abe80c4bc4e3c45⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190725-174054….jpg)

d7520f  No.7190643

File: 0d485081ac7c645⋯.jpeg (80.76 KB, 828x432, 23:12, 0D4FA00A-E08E-490E-BCDE-1….jpeg)


What city would they use?

Some Pedostate Cabal joint over in whereverthefuckistan?

b52768  No.7190644

File: 93ed1f6e83b3829⋯.jpg (768.28 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, why you crying?.jpg)

3f59b0  No.7190645


>this nigger says jesus is demonic

9ed8ef  No.7190646

File: 032a3450bbc4293⋯.png (605.31 KB, 1402x780, 701:390, ClipboardImage.png)



Us old boomer Ron Paul fans will NEVER forget how Hannity treated Ron Paul and his supporters.


132f56  No.7190647




14f92d  No.7190648

File: b5050dc00884ac8⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 375x592, 375:592, 1472142516253.jpg)


>Hannity needs to ask about Q

He would interrupt

256275  No.7190649

File: a2f36ec7b2845fd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, night crew on deck 2.png)

File: 5923e2a979c8371⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Night Crew.jpg)

File: 99438b6018d0d04⋯.png (433.06 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, No ridiculous BS.png)


Evening Faggots! o7

It's ON… Night Shift!! Let's do this!!

Much Love!!!

11b0a6  No.7190650

"James Clapper, one of the originators of the Collusion Hoax, suggests Mueller was just a figurehead, who was not involved in writing his report

Then who did?

Anti-Trump zealots who went to Hillary's Election wake, & represented the Clinton Foundation & Hillary's hammer man"

video at link


2dc121  No.7190651

File: 2f4c79508ba1023⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 6cdcf3d109b19130b2ed64eda1….jpg)


>I'll get the report from the nigs in here.

They be chicken but no BBQ sauce

This shit be racist

9b1ec5  No.7190652

>>7190525 lb

I don't disagree with that but the longer it goes on the moar exposed their financial system becomes for everyone. It's on fumes now.

94f63c  No.7190653

File: 23057d28341f527⋯.png (137.95 KB, 379x247, 379:247, ClipboardImage.png)

3477dc  No.7190654

>>7190003 (lb)

We are with you Commander, no worries.

Truth is Power.

We are in Christ ^

b50528  No.7190655

File: 89277d7953b3937⋯.png (57.1 KB, 197x132, 197:132, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f544fea6c61731a⋯.png (67.64 KB, 721x923, 721:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a9b30c8c745701⋯.png (61.81 KB, 731x923, 731:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d221df71d315086⋯.png (63.1 KB, 746x918, 373:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12d392c749e2367⋯.png (53.09 KB, 741x908, 741:908, ClipboardImage.png)

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller

Talking heads act like Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is fair, impartial and unbiased.

But the facts are a wee bit different …

Failure to Aggressively Prosecute the BCCI Scandal

The BBC noted:

[Mueller] is also known for leading the probe into the 1991 collapse of the Luxembourg-registered Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).

Williams Safire wrote in the New York Times:

The B.C.C.I. scandal involves the laundering of drug money, the illicit financing of terrorism and of arms to Iraq, the easy purchase of respectability and the corruption of the world banking system.

For more than a decade, the biggest banking swindle in history worked beautifully. Between $5 billion and $15 billion was bilked from governments and individual depositors to be put to the most evil of purposes — while lawmen and regulators slept.

Now the fight among investigators is coming out into the open. Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, who gave impetus to long-contained probes, told a Senate subcommittee headed by Senator John Kerry that he is getting no cooperation from the Thornburgh Justice Department.

Justice’s Criminal Division chief, Robert Mueller, tells me he will have a hatchet-burying session with the independent-minded D.A. next week, and vehemently denies having told British intelligence to stop cooperating with the Manhattan grand jury.

Mueller’s handling of the BCCI scandal as the point man for the Justice Department was widely criticized. As noted by a Senate report written by Senators Kerry and Brown:

Over the past two years, the Justice Department’s handling of BCCI has been criticized in numerous editorials in major newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, reflecting similar criticism on the part of several Congressmen, including the chairman of the Subcommittee, Senator Kerry; the chief Customs undercover officer who handled the BCCI drug-money laundering sting, Robert Mazur; his superior at Customs, Commissioner William von Raab; New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau; former Senate investigator Jack Blum, and, within the Justice Department itself, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Dexter Lehtinen.

Typical editorials criticized Justice’s prosecution of BCCI as “sluggish,” “conspicuously slow,” “inattentive,” and “lethargic.” Several editorials noted that there had been “poor cooperation” by Justice with other agencies. One stated that “the Justice Department seems to have been holding up information that should have been passed on” to regulators and others. Another that “the Justice Department’s secretive conduct in dealing with BCCI requires a better explanation than any so far offered.


Under Assistant Attorney General Mueller, the Department assigned nearly three dozen attorneys to the case. During 1992, the Department brought several indictments, which remained narrower, less detailed and, at times, seemingly in response to the efforts of District Attorney Robert Morgenthau of New York, the Federal Reserve, or both


Suddenly, on August 22, Dennis Saylor, chief assistant to Assistant Attorney General Mueller, called Lehtinen and, according to the US Attorney, “indicated to me that I was directed not to return the indictment.”

The Senate Report also noted:

While the Justice Department’s handling of BCCI has received substantial criticism, the office of Robert Morgenthau, District Attorney of New York, has generally received credit for breaking open the BCCI investigation.


In going after BCCI, Morgenthau’s office quickly found that in addition to fighting off the bank, it would receive resistance from almost every other institution or entity connected to BCCI, including at various times, BCCI’s multitude of prominent and politically well-connected lawyers, BCCI’s accountants, BCCI’s shareholders, the Bank of England, the British Serious Fraud Office, and the U.S. Department of Justice.



81b28d  No.7190656

de75de  No.7190657


Fuck off, divide and rule is not working.

Patriots stand together.

4bc57f  No.7190658



3f59b0  No.7190659

One day ivanka swallowed a literal gallon of my semen

It was pretty hot not gonna lie

5d6da5  No.7190660



For real?

5a84b9  No.7190661

File: 5a9010bba364163⋯.jpg (103.22 KB, 818x453, 818:453, Capture.JPG)

Two dozen US Marines arrested & questioned in human smuggling, drugs probe at California border base

Sixteen US Marines have been arrested on charges including human smuggling at a California base near the Mexican border, while eight more have been questioned regarding drug crimes, military authorities have revealed.

The Marines were arrested on suspicion of “various illegal activities ranging from human smuggling to drug-related offenses” at Camp Pendleton, the Marines’ largest West Coast base located just 55 miles from the border with Mexico, on Thursday. Eight others were questioned concerning their involvement in “alleged drug offenses related to today’s arrests,” according to a Marine press release. All were members of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines.

Thousands of US troops have been sent to the Mexican border in recent months to provide “logistical and surveillance support” to Border Patrol, though they are not permitted to apprehend illegal border-crossers themselves. However, none of those arrested are involved with the ongoing military “border support” operations, the Corps took pains to clarify, promising to “fully cooperate” with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, the military police agency.


b41f98  No.7190662


Save the satanists!

6cca84  No.7190663

Hey Q ask POTUS to say "get comfy" I'm honor of us anons please

0b0c48  No.7190664

File: bd1e92ec30e6704⋯.png (803.78 KB, 1271x740, 1271:740, Screen Shot 2019-01-17 at ….png)



b06b9e  No.7190665

File: 0f5947141ec6d9c⋯.jpeg (214.17 KB, 828x688, 207:172, C28A31F0-7DAD-473B-B59B-4….jpeg)

The Washington Post (the same publication that pushed a blatant lie about Russia for 3 years) is “scared” that the new China consensus is the new “Red Scare”

b40db3  No.7190666


stop eating baby dicks you talmudic filth. KYS YID

81cc0c  No.7190667

File: 776470ee63d3fa4⋯.jpeg (64.31 KB, 640x974, 320:487, bbg3.jpeg)


Check'em doubles.

>I just can't do hannity anymoar, not for long >time. I'll get the report from the nigs in here.

I'm gonna make shit up.

e75aab  No.7190668

File: da412a06b7539dc⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (4).jpg)

>>7190295 lb

Satan (the adversary) was created by the worldwide death cult (the old religion) to create division. You see one cannot rule with Supreme authority unless one creates division and controls both sides. The illusion is that one is right and one is wrong, this is how they control our minds. Both sides are different sects belonging to the one in Supreme control. They are the masters of human psychology (the occulted knowledge) and have been for thousands of years. They are so cunning that our slavery is due because of us. We put ourselves in bondage because of our ignorance.

Until we take back that control of our own internal monarchy we will be their slaves.

491e9f  No.7190669

we should ask Mueller how Kristine Blase Ford is doing since they were both dropped by the Democrats

3f59b0  No.7190670

I would sell you anons down the river for money

Oh wait i already did

b50528  No.7190671

File: 6ea03cec29b8efc⋯.png (635.34 KB, 741x815, 741:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84a0ec0a1f9e88c⋯.png (14.35 KB, 713x321, 713:321, ClipboardImage.png)


Spying on Americans

Mueller participated in one of the greatest expansions of mass surveillance in human history.

As we noted in 2013:

NBC News reports:

NBC News has learned that under the post-9/11 Patriot Act, the government has been collecting records on every phone call made in the U.S.

On March 2011, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee:

We have put in place technological improvements relating to the capabilities of a database to pull together past emails and future ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized search.

Remember, the FBI – unlike the CIA – deals with internal matters within the borders of the United States.

On May 1st of this year, former FBI agent Tim Clemente told CNN’s Erin Burnett that all present and past phone calls were recorded:

BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail they can try to get the phone fcompanies to give that up at this point. It’s not a voice mail. It’s just a conversation. There’s no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?

CLEMENTE: “No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. It’s not necessarily something that the FBI is going to want to present in court, but it may help lead the ainvestigation and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.

BURNETT: “So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.

CLEMENTE: “No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.”

The next day, Clemente again appeared on CNN, this time with host Carol Costello, and she asked him about those remarks. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that “all digital communications in the past” are recorded and stored:


289194  No.7190672


Go down. Kneel and obey.

The power of Christ compels you.

All creation confirms.

705946  No.7190673


uber kek

0b0c48  No.7190674

File: 6edf963dbe92e24⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1224x818, 612:409, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at ….png)


Evening NightShiftAnon!

d5a014  No.7190675

muller take a bit out of the apple ?

d9b546  No.7190676


Yes, and tucker straight up lied to those dudes that asked him for an interview in a line somewhere about 9/11

a47b86  No.7190677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ed13f7  No.7190678

File: c0049d65c026e4b⋯.jpeg (561.71 KB, 1242x2388, 207:398, F239042A-CB16-4E73-BCE9-9….jpeg)

File: f6c6df7ed094155⋯.jpeg (413.63 KB, 1242x1955, 54:85, 20A8D58B-2042-4D6F-928F-4….jpeg)

KEK Ted Lou “Somebody Got To Mueller

Conspiracy Theory

e5ea99  No.7190679


I’m on it

3d163c  No.7190680

>>7190344 PB all



This is a formula that makes feeling good the test of right and wrong.

But it does touch on something deep in the nature of humankind. A sense of right and wrong, no matter how dimly discerned. That sense can be sparked by feelings -- such as a feeling of righteous indignation -- that ignites a search for Truth through reason. This is the beginning -- a shock of the conscience -- that can impel us forward. But feelings are not the end test of what is good and bad action (do good, do bad).

In that way, the quote attributed to AL is simple, but dangerously simplistic.

The series of posts being submitted will be connected to the Q Posts and deciphering in the context of events Anons are watching (and sometimes participating in) as the Q movement. Just one Anon's take on the Q posts touching Satan. Those Q Posts have been provocative in more than one way, I think. Provoking what? More than feelings, certainly.

4bc57f  No.7190681


not real marines? saw a story the other day about illegals posing as active military.

b7416a  No.7190682

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Boob Job.jpg)

File: 3fd0db696099ed5⋯.jpg (73.35 KB, 502x751, 502:751, tits for days.JPG)

File: d25b377a4ff1e55⋯.jpg (14.64 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Tits times 3.jpg)

File: de701d27ac93380⋯.jpg (9.28 KB, 255x115, 51:23, Trip tits.jpg)

File: 8838a214e1bb56c⋯.jpg (11.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Triptits.jpg)


I win!!!!

c985c2  No.7190683

>>7190003 ————————————–——- Define 'False Flag'.

The missile launch

a40736  No.7190684

File: a884d7d8e41dd69⋯.jpg (907.15 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190721-114111….jpg)

Biden will love back French kiss China

3aab69  No.7190685

Our enemies really are stupid. Anyone who joins them is stupid, and gets even stupider after joining hands with the entrenched stupid losers. Without the fake media working breathlessly to convince the loyal tards that the matrix is reality, they would collapse in 48 hours.

de75de  No.7190686

3f59b0  No.7190687


See the trick is that we have this huge fake wwe fight

And you all think were at war

In reality were selling you all out to lucifer and laughing all the way

81cc0c  No.7190688

File: cba91ec6732d7cc⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 170x255, 2:3, reaper2-text.jpg)

e7621f  No.7190689

File: d2580efced2680b⋯.jpeg (9.43 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 509CD9AB-81EE-4440-B876-8….jpeg)



Free meme for you

5d6da5  No.7190690


Sorry anon, I'm stealing it. I mean can I borrow that?

0f2801  No.7190691

File: 35bc0a349fdc826⋯.jpg (572.6 KB, 1014x1545, 338:515, Screenshot_20190612-191835….jpg)

RE: Anons asking Hannity to work in a special Codeword with Potus

I got your Codeword: "Pre-taped"

So shut it already! Kek.

d935b1  No.7190692


Because Q told us to be loud and heard. He has multiple times told us that the asking of the Q would be of massive importance. Think about it. If hannity asks potus anything about Q anon tonight, The mainstream media will be forced to cover us. This will be their undoing. Why do you think no one has asked yet? They are scared of what will happen when they are forced to go head to head with Q and the anon army.

9ed8ef  No.7190693


We are the people who started the Tea Party, and we are the reason Trump is President..

Don't fucking ask us to watch Hannity again Q, or we are done here


1453c1  No.7190694

File: 35f57ba5738a561⋯.jpg (207.61 KB, 1346x1845, 1346:1845, _20190724_011333.JPG)

thanks anons, that last bread was a mouthful.

0ea7be  No.7190695

File: bbd8c620950c793⋯.png (619.8 KB, 730x762, 365:381, call1.png)

010c21  No.7190696


gotta say I kek't

202a01  No.7190697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its always been china since the 90's


9b1ec5  No.7190698

File: 09ceea216ee9f07⋯.gif (334.12 KB, 498x417, 166:139, thats raycist.gif)


umm-hmmmm. 'dats racist

7cf895  No.7190699

File: a906afd79b6af42⋯.jpeg (72.08 KB, 1200x823, 1200:823, GAME OVER.jpeg)


"THE QUESTION" is dumb!

Come on Anon, if the ANSWER is revealed. GAME OVER.

I prefer leads and intel over WHO.

3f59b0  No.7190700


Yeah the thing is im mentally a little girly

So i cry alot

Doesnt mean you won lul

03d930  No.7190701


This is right out of the play book. Thought I would shine some light if Anons need a little more light in their discussions.

unrestricted warfare

By Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui

Published by the Peoples Liberation Army

Published in Feb 1999 Translated to english in 2002. Used by many intelligence agencies yet no mention in the US congress. The basic idea is simple … how a country with a weak military can defeat a much stronger one. They discuss how large military investment is inefficient and limited. They also discuss how unrestricted warfare has no rules, no limits and little cost.

3bfc1a  No.7190702


Keks will it.

e7621f  No.7190703

6ec51a  No.7190704

Hannity is a good guy but he is so over the top dramatic that I cant take it either

e3e5fe  No.7190705

File: 17c6d68b7a64220⋯.png (953.74 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CDAADDE4-C8B3-459F-9635-92….png)

File: b9f1d4132c44f78⋯.png (964.33 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, E7DA2D98-3418-4D07-A5C9-70….png)

File: dd582411caa6f6a⋯.png (934.25 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EE885D1B-24D3-47E6-B652-19….png)

File: 32e4c7a1e63c671⋯.png (927.6 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D92BD3DE-183C-4EE4-8AAF-AE….png)

File: 4f2887b48fafa6f⋯.png (948.87 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5C77CCCF-C3DE-4846-B75D-AD….png)

a91330  No.7190706


Clapper throwing Killary under the bus.

4f7bf3  No.7190707



3f59b0  No.7190708

Sometimes i fuck my grandkids


Grade schooler

70e8a5  No.7190709


You must be chinese thats not hannity

289194  No.7190710

Like this Sean:

"Mr President. Tell me about Qanon…"

d7520f  No.7190711

File: 8d699115bfab6cf⋯.jpeg (224.99 KB, 828x1077, 276:359, B7DE2E30-7580-497F-B891-A….jpeg)

File: c3d604eb0233341⋯.jpeg (350.15 KB, 828x998, 414:499, FF74EF51-128A-4BA6-A2C6-7….jpeg)

File: efabda53e9994f8⋯.jpeg (177.49 KB, 807x1050, 269:350, BC1FB01A-2230-4CA5-9F6B-9….jpeg)

File: f0ba71a67457dfb⋯.jpeg (92.56 KB, 802x526, 401:263, 52141126-DCBB-4781-9383-D….jpeg)

File: bb582454d96541d⋯.jpeg (157.38 KB, 828x762, 138:127, 6710220C-DC4F-479B-A19F-3….jpeg)


Old religion.

Expose these wicked fools

466b66  No.7190712


o7 fren

81cc0c  No.7190713


Does that count as a Q proof. The lefty said it.

6cca84  No.7190714

Any of you faggots got a link to Hannity livestream?

b98b35  No.7190715

File: b3c3d78ef044267⋯.png (269.41 KB, 337x447, 337:447, submission.PNG)

a47b86  No.7190716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


china ports in mexico

ac8001  No.7190717

File: a9e6ba699014429⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 1066x364, 41:14, Screenshot_20190725-174453….jpg)

Anyq takn bets on FF habbn b4/during

890ed2  No.7190718


Almost a notable kek, well done anon

5a84b9  No.7190719


Yeah.. sure .. right just like people posing as cop… Happens all the tine ….the Army surplus store must be doing a great business

e7621f  No.7190720


I read my mind😉

86bc15  No.7190721

For the record: NK is still a hostage. CN / Iran / Russia is our biggest threat. Collectivetly they hold the world hostage.

Yesterday the US Navy passed through the Taiwan Strait, not as an action towards NK, but as a show of force on CN.

CN economy is about to completely implode. They are desperate. I can see this escalate beyond trade disputes.

b2438b  No.7190722

File: e6363fa644b6f8a⋯.jpeg (31.31 KB, 320x263, 320:263, 0D7768F5-7151-4B75-A1CE-D….jpeg)


Submarine joke?

e7b91e  No.7190723

File: e228bca50d0d7a5⋯.pdf (68.59 KB, sum of fear.pdf)

Quite possible

b7416a  No.7190724

==Have Hannity say "Where we go one we go all".

132f56  No.7190725


Main stream media already covers us

b50528  No.7190726

How Bolton tricked Clueless UK Conservatives into Confrontation with Tehran

US national security adviser John Bolton tried to hoodwink both of them about the Grace I, a Panamanian-flagged oil tanker carrying Iranian petroleum through the Straits of Gibraltar. Spain monitored the tanker but declined to intervene because it remained in international waters. The EU position has been that unless ships headed for Syria came within 12 nautical miles of the European coast, they were helpless to take action because you can’t interfere with shipping through international waters.

Britain, in contrast, used its naval position in Gibraltar to seize the tanker in international waters on the grounds that it was headed to Syria, against which the European Union had declared an oil embargo.

There were three problems with the British reasoning, presumably that of Jeremy Hunt, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and trailing candidate for prime minister. (Maybe also painfully inexperienced defense minister Penny Mordaunt, appointed in May):

Iran Seizure of a British Tanker. More than Tit for Tat. Towards a War Scenario?

Second, the Grace I was in international waters and seizing it is a form of piracy.

Third, there is no proof it was headed for Syria (which would not have been illegal in international law in any case).

Not only did Spain’s foreign minister, Josep Borrell, not fall for Bolton’s over-excited talking points, but he was withering about the British seizure of the tanker, since Spain does not recognize British claims on Gibraltar in the first place and wants decolonization.

That is, as Tisdall deliciously makes clear, Spain is siding with Iran against Britain on this issue.

Bolton and his fellow hawk secretary of state Mike Pompeo have been upset that the rest of the world did not line up with the US when it breached the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and slapped severe sanctions back on Iran (despite Iran’s faithful adherence to the terms of the deal). Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany (informally for the EU) were also signatories and stuck with the deal. France and Germany are even trying to find financial instruments to allow EU trade with Iran despite US opposition.

For Bolton to trick Hunt into seizing the Grace 1 shifts Britain toward the US side of the ledger and sets up a London-Tehran confrontation. Iran has already taken a couple of British tankers in the Gulf into custody to “inspect” them or on charges of smuggling. The UK is probably not willing to take military action in return, especially if Boris Johnson becomes PM tomorrow [update: he just, on Tuesday]. He has told Trump to his face that Britain won’t support military action against Iran.

But Bolton has tricked London into an adversarial posture toward Iran, with ratcheting tensions. And that is a big win for Iran War hawks around Trump. Trump allegedly believes (according to Jonathan Swan at Axios) that it doesn’t matter if he keeps these rabid dogs around him, because he decides if there is war. But Trump is a fool and does not realize that the hawks can put him in a headlock from which he can only escape by looking manly and taking military action. Trump should ask Jeremy Hunt about that.


408ea8  No.7190727

File: 75670fa912c28dc⋯.png (369.39 KB, 850x588, 425:294, 3209 Hannity.png)

Last night, Hannity was getting silly clicking his pen, even through vid clips. Follow the pen?

Pic is from another Hammity.

3477dc  No.7190728



Dear Mr. Barr, include Satanists.

Give 'em a chance to shift, let's see how fast the train goes.

4f7bf3  No.7190729


Me too.

1c0590  No.7190730

>>7190693 ignore Hannity and watch the president.

0b0c48  No.7190731

File: 1e3d45536d1edff⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1514x1050, 757:525, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)



Bewb count - 8 realbewbs

e03229  No.7190732

File: 96bc0b39bae6de2⋯.png (82.9 KB, 902x981, 902:981, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4a6bdd784cdcc⋯.png (1.14 MB, 799x701, 799:701, ClipboardImage.png)

26b722  No.7190733

File: 01c30fd981831b6⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 01c30fd981831b67470e9dba52….jpg)


They are very good people, that I can tell you.

010c21  No.7190734


more like you're choking on your moms dick faggot

d93f0d  No.7190735

I had rather stick my dick in a salad shooter than watch Hannity

3d163c  No.7190736


Kek, the moar attention brought to Mueller's contradiction, and his portrayal of one of his many disqualifying (and discrediting) conflicts, the better.

In lieu of other tactics, let's not interfere with an enemy who is self-destructive. Go Lieu Go.

5a6897  No.7190737

Hannity show is like Groundhog Day ….Same guests ,same rhetoric and empty promises …. Voice goes thru me like a knife

7c55d1  No.7190738


WRAY referred to Sayoc when list white supremacist arrests for the Dems.

Have yet to see anything about Wray I trust

1b127a  No.7190739


I would imagine Bernie is worried about his own life and that of his family.

b3759d  No.7190740


yes, all of those subtle rice paper water colors of pilgrims and mountainsides, and maidains and Springtime show that the Chinese, going back for thousands of years, have NO graphical talent at all . . .

end of sarcasm

seriously, the ' 'can't meme?

Chinese Character Writing, dating back to antiquity, is at the height of the art of memeing.

Chinese character writing retains meaning, not pronunciation. It's rather remarkible.

e03229  No.7190741

581007  No.7190742

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Magic Sword, Live @ The Rebel Lounge.

7ea2ab  No.7190743

File: d6ef0e4ed14877f⋯.jpeg (217.94 KB, 1200x1598, 600:799, 55DA7FB5-E29F-4751-8A3C-D….jpeg)

cfad54  No.7190744



Anon decode of Q drop on China.

e10c4a  No.7190745

File: 75e0299c4fd8521⋯.jpg (248.97 KB, 720x477, 80:53, ted-lieu-aka.jpg)

bd87e7  No.7190746

File: d5f3f4d5b670535⋯.png (250.74 KB, 1536x961, 1536:961, ButHesRRRRR.png)

File: 08d58a146593f64⋯.mp4 (9.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rollin?.mp4)

9f47be  No.7190747

File: 4235f7b155dd261⋯.png (244.12 KB, 1475x991, 1475:991, 0671276347876.png)

File: ff7763dfd009040⋯.png (855.49 KB, 990x892, 495:446, 23783271863648463.png)

171ce6  No.7190748

a3bbd7  No.7190749

File: 67cc4c2cb42aad3⋯.png (41.48 KB, 776x99, 776:99, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

File: 6207724ae8e84ad⋯.png (24.92 KB, 290x182, 145:91, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

>>7189816 (pb)

(((Brockman)))... Coincidence?

b7416a  No.7190750


Those are real…circus boobs..freak show boobs..nevertheless..still real!!!

d61128  No.7190751

File: ad189ddc264e138⋯.pdf (379.71 KB, UW.pdf)

b5e8bc  No.7190752

File: 220b2771e4e850a⋯.png (48.25 KB, 1080x547, 1080:547, Screenshot_2019-07-23-20-5….png)

File: 62621799e116a07⋯.png (71.27 KB, 1080x848, 135:106, Screenshot_2019-07-23-21-1….png)

A "key" is a low lying island, especially in the Carribean. (Ex. Florida Keys)

"Stein" as in Epstein is in the etymology of "stone"

Epstein Island (blackmail system) is the keystone.

Everything is supported by the keystone.

Everything collapses once the keystone is removed.

0b495b  No.7190753


Epstein suicide/attack.

Who was sending the message?

Who received the message?


08ea44  No.7190754

File: e8403ec66076780⋯.jpg (406.85 KB, 698x1500, 349:750, Obamas-Walking-In-The-Rain.jpg)

Hussein is among us- jealous little bitch

a54182  No.7190755

File: 431a1991511ac49⋯.png (4.89 MB, 1416x3734, 708:1867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4750bda4034cf3⋯.png (577.96 KB, 680x409, 680:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Large scale crematorium?

a3bbd7  No.7190756


Has anyone dug on "The Reality Club" yet?

3f59b0  No.7190757


Remember when we told you to make memes

Then used the solely conservative memes you make to censor all conservative memes

Which we had no way of doing before

And you fell for it


f2b643  No.7190758

Top kek, shills in muh Hannity reeee mode.

466b66  No.7190759


Evening fren. Let's do this!

73d54a  No.7190760

File: 78e35870009ab9a⋯.png (493.87 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

37b4a2  No.7190761


Who just gave her a ton of Money?

Was it Musk?

I could swear I just read something about that, cant remember who

88e210  No.7190762

File: 3dce180aede46cb⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1470x630, 7:3, schiff-e1555955642143.jpg)

Schiff was working for China.


98f05e  No.7190763


Welcome back! Guess you are tougher than you think!

86bc15  No.7190764


Not notable.

0ea7be  No.7190765

File: 15d251605a2e14a⋯.png (437.48 KB, 532x605, 532:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef7de057be3cd96⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1000x650, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Through #PledgetoAmericaWorkers, over 300 companies have stepped up to give our nation’s students & workers skills they need for the jobs of the future! Thanks to President Trump's leadership & @IvankaTrump's hard work, all Americans will be given a chance to succeed & thrive!


2:32 PM - 25 Jul 2019

a40736  No.7190766

File: 8097ce92e13fa7f⋯.jpg (89.75 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_20190601_123551.jpg)

26b722  No.7190767

File: 0bf41e2fd4228fa⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Barack-Obama-Best-Facial-E….jpg)

289194  No.7190768

File: 8885b394c69a751⋯.png (201.94 KB, 470x257, 470:257, ClipboardImage.png)

a0d3de  No.7190769

File: 3025ef46282263b⋯.jpeg (234.75 KB, 802x759, 802:759, 4B788AB1-FD15-4985-A2D6-8….jpeg)

File: c5edaa1e2ad9b41⋯.jpeg (215.66 KB, 1123x731, 1123:731, 623A8692-95FF-413B-B84E-0….jpeg)


Relax- enjoy the show


d935b1  No.7190770


No they don't! They lie and refuse to cover any of the relevant drops and diggs. Theyshamelessly besmirch Q and the anon army while refusing to ask the obvious questions.

b50528  No.7190771

d5a014  No.7190772


feds should also investigate VS and Epstein

11b0a6  No.7190773

China Releases Military White Paper Criticizing US, Doubling Down on Taiwan Stance

July 25, 2019

China released a national defense white paper on July 24, in which it criticized the United States for its military prowess and involvement in the Asia-Pacific region.

It also threatened to use force in Taiwan and Hong Kong, drawing widespread criticism.

Since 2000, the Chinese regime has periodically released the white paper, with the previous one released in May 2015. All are released by the State Council, a cabinet-like agency.

The latest white paper described the mission of the Chinese military as “consolidating the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the socialist system.”

“This means the military is an SS-like army that only serves the CCP rather than the country or the people.” U.S.-based commentator Tang Jingyuan told The Epoch Times on July 24.

The paper also said the Chinese military will work to “fulfill international responsibilities” and “contributes actively to building a ‘community of common destiny,’” a phrase referring to a foreign policy concept developed by former Party leader Hu Jintao.

“This means Beijing is trying to expand its impact on the world with its armed forces,” Tang analyzed.

Most recently, Beijing reportedly signed a secret agreement with Cambodia to use a naval base for its military, according to a Wall Street Journal report. The base strategically faces the Gulf of Thailand.

Major general Shih Shun-Wen, spokesman of Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense, commented that the white paper demonstrated the Chinese regime’s attempts to downplay its global aggression by emphasizing that the purpose of its military was for its own defense.

Relationship with US

The United States was mentioned 12 times in the white paper.

Most of the mentions are devoted to criticizing the United States for its massive military spending, “seeking an absolute superiority in military by technological and systematic innovations,” which is “damaging the world’s strategic stability.”

China reported that its military spending in 2017 was $152 billion, compared to $649 billion by the United States in fiscal year 2018. However, China observers noted that the Chinese regime often do not report budget figures accurately, as they do not account for military research projects by state-owned firms.

The Chinese regime also expressed its displeasure at the United States deploying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea back in 2017. The U.S. military had deployed the missile system in order to fend off potential attacks from North Korea, which was actively testing ballistic missiles at the time. The paper also criticized the United States’ military cooperation with its Pacific allies, Japan and Australia.

Tang pointed out that the Chinese regime is in fact often the aggressor, which then prompts U.S. action to defend its and its allies’ interests.

“The U.S. and Russia couldn’t maintain medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBM) because of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty from 1988 to 2019. Meanwhile, the Chinese military used this opportunity to develop and manufacture about 2,000 conventional missiles,” Tang said.


The white paper reiterated Beijing’s typical stance of being opposed to the United States’ arms sales to Taiwan for its self-defense.

Although Taiwan has its own democratically-elected government and a separate judicial system, military, and currency—making it a de-facto sovereign state—Beijing has continually claimed that Taiwan is a province of mainland China, to be united with military force if necessary.

The United States has been Taiwan’s main arms supplier.

The white paper once again emphasized Beijing’s determination to unify Taiwan, while saying that selling arms to Taiwan was equivalent to supporting the island’s formal independence.

“If anyone wants to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will resolutely defeat it at all costs to defend our national unity,” the paper said.

The paper doubled down on Beijing’s position on unifying Taiwan.

“We do not promise to renounce the use of force, and reserve the option to take all necessary measures [to unify Taiwan],” the paper said.

The Taiwan government responded to the white paper on July 24, condemning Beijing’s aggressive stance.

“The provocation of Chinese regime not only impacts the cross-strait peace, but also seriously violates the principle of peace in international law and international relations, and challenges the regional security order, causing anxiety in neighboring countries,” the government-run Central News Agency quoted the Taiwanese Mainland Affairs Council as saying. The Council is Taiwan’s chief government agency for mainland China affairs.


5a84b9  No.7190774

File: 0ab4da25424b1a7⋯.jpg (50.22 KB, 812x445, 812:445, Capture.JPG)

Tulsi Gabbard sues Google for ‘election meddling’ over blocked campaign ads

Google is already interfering in the 2020 US presidential election, Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard claims – and she’s suing the search behemoth for blocking her campaign ads from appearing after the first primary debate.

Google inexplicably suspended Gabbard’s campaign advertising account for the crucial six hours following the first Democratic primary debate last month, a lawsuit filed by her campaign on Thursday alleges – a period in which hers was the most-searched name of all the candidates on the crowded stage. Google didn’t just violate her First Amendment rights by silencing her, the suit charges – it maliciously meddled with the democratic process.

Google could unilaterally and decisively end a presidential candidate’s bid for office if it chose to.

The search giant violated the Gabbard campaign’s federal and state rights to free speech, as well as a handful of commercial anti-discrimination laws, by pulling the ads without explanation, preventing her from reaching millions of voters with her message, campaign organization Tulsi Now claims in the suit, filed in the Central District of California. They’re seeking “declaratory and injunctive relief against Google for its illegal behavior,” plus “no less than $50 million” in damages, explaining that while Gabbard may have missed out on “potentially millions” in donations, the “ongoing threat of targeted intermeddling” in the upcoming election is more pressing.

Google controls the ability to be heard by a substantial portion of the country, and the world, on the Internet.


9ed8ef  No.7190775

File: 2a5fb3b95e73ba3⋯.png (214.48 KB, 500x508, 125:127, ClipboardImage.png)


I shut my TV off years ago.

42402f  No.7190776

May we have a worthy successor to POTUS in 2024.

132f56  No.7190777


we do not want their coverage

they are the ENEMY!

3f59b0  No.7190778

Lowkey tho i would keep ivanka as a basement jew sex slave

d73993  No.7190779

File: 9558e7dcaca5840⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 608x500, 152:125, Mueller car.jpg)



4bc57f  No.7190780


Illegal immigrants posing as Marines arrested


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The 13 were in a van stopped at a checkpoint along Interstate 8 on March 14. Agents say the van had a U.S. government license plate with an altered number.

The illegal immigrants were wearing military uniforms and reportedly all had Marine-style haircuts.

Two U.S. citizens, the van driver and another man, have been arrested on suspicion of alien smuggling.

Most of the immigrants have been returned to Mexico, but three are being held as witnesses in the case.

It is unknown where the uniforms came from. It's not known if the two U.S. citizens who were arrested have been in the military, the Border Patrol said.


e7621f  No.7190781

File: 449ddfb186994dd⋯.jpeg (44.23 KB, 505x459, 505:459, 759132A2-DB28-4010-8E6A-4….jpeg)

File: 5b6245cd9c974b8⋯.jpeg (396.01 KB, 736x982, 368:491, 31B6CF94-8DB4-4F90-80AA-1….jpeg)

1b127a  No.7190782


Don’t know but I think it’s important that she’s suing. The bigger the spotlight on google, the better.

29b1a2  No.7190783

4a09e1  No.7190784

>>7190545 pb

From the Tucker show I'm getting the impression that what "Q team" tried to warn the Dems about has come to pass.

They are spinning the hearing and covering-up the meaning of what occurred.

So that would mean POTUS would be forced to declass and release FISA?

9c6d59  No.7190785

File: b7a52c29dce1b03⋯.pdf (13.97 MB, Lewis Carroll, Martin Gard….pdf)

This is a blog post by Eggman. Attached is Gardner's Annotated Alice. . . digging.

Reflecting on Martin Gardner by Jeffrey Epstein

When I was growing up, I was very much an admirer of the late Martin Gardner, who unfortunately passed away this past May. Gardner, who was formally untrained in mathematics, nevertheless influenced and inspired scores of mathematicians and physicists through his numerous articles and over 70 books.

Gardner wrote the Mathematical Games column in Scientific American from 1956 until his death in 1981, when it was briefly taken over by Pulitzer Prize winning author Douglas Hofstadter (author of Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid, Your Mind’s I, Methamagical Themas, and as well as other books on A.I. and recreational mathematics).

Gardner was a polymath in the sciences, who wrote on recreational mathematics, philosophy, fringe and quack science, religion, magic, as well as classic books on Charles Dodgson and Frank Baum. His book the Annotated Alice is a must read.

His writings exhibit an extraordinary ability to convey the essence of many mathematically sophisticated topics to a very wide audience. In the words first uttered by mathematician Richard Guy, Gardner has brought “more mathematics, to more millions, than anyone else.”

Gardner’s numerous books and articles on recreational articles always inspired me, and I would like to share with you some fun and recreational mathematics that I have come across that are in the fun and inspirational spirit of Martin Gardner.

Interestingly, there is now a non-profit Foundation devoted to his promoting his passions of recreations of the mind: The Gathering for Gardner, which meets every two years in Atlanta, GA. A link to the Foundation can be found here:


It should be noted that even though his writings were about “recreational mathematics,” his articles and books, inspired real breakthroughs in mathematics, and both theoretical and applied physics. He certainly was wonderful at promoting interesting concepts that merited the interest and thought of the serious academic community, such as John Horton Conway’s Game of Life. Here is a that displays a link to some of the interesting patterns generated from this artificial life program:


So, in the spirit of Martin Gardner, in these blogs, I would like to bring your attention to some amazing people, who do some fun and interesting things in the area of recreational mathematics.

Jeffrey Epstein


0b0c48  No.7190786

File: 8b24e9fc959d77b⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 290x213, 290:213, 290px-Drill_instructor_at_….jpg)




202a01  No.7190787

171ce6  No.7190788

File: a21bcdf750bc8cf⋯.jpg (27.74 KB, 306x377, 306:377, fc6ab9ca5f417b2cb2b9c664e0….jpg)


grassy ass

0b495b  No.7190789


Pedo Island is the KEYSTONE

256275  No.7190790


Evening…. Can't promise to stay too long. fighting a cold and it's kickin my @ss.


b98b35  No.7190791

File: 986107a0560a22a⋯.png (160.06 KB, 510x299, 510:299, topkek.png)

005faa  No.7190792

Any chance this is how the question is asked by Hannity due to QBaby. We know the deep state won't.

2aae35  No.7190793


Holy crap, that would be fucking epic.

0412af  No.7190794

File: f07dd5f2f1bb127⋯.jpg (602.93 KB, 2047x1125, 2047:1125, WHOQ.jpg)

e3e5fe  No.7190795

File: eb2af824dc3fe86⋯.jpeg (82.85 KB, 800x450, 16:9, D093A217-FD55-43A5-A45E-E….jpeg)

b52768  No.7190796


Fair game for add-ons….it is an amalgamation of meme-ists from night shift a few nights ago right before the couch series took off. i simply took the original AOC imbed and asked someone to put the Seth-in-a-chair in there and this one was born….so felt free to post around. Even the lame Ro723 shill try to defile it but failed epically, as usual.

e7c5b6  No.7190797

File: 61015815c9d68a2⋯.jpg (8.27 KB, 200x192, 25:24, e34d769dc5148202cb1148c1e8….jpg)

Can't wait to be disappointed after watching Hannity again!

aec142  No.7190798


Yep sure would be a shame.

132f56  No.7190799


still brainwashed into believing you need the medias acknowledgement that something is valid

9ed8ef  No.7190800

File: 304b977bf451553⋯.png (209.54 KB, 447x316, 447:316, ClipboardImage.png)

289194  No.7190801

File: 4ac801dc582e91d⋯.png (74.58 KB, 772x1033, 772:1033, ClipboardImage.png)

Yup - Come on Sean Hannity.

Now's just grand

9b1ec5  No.7190802

File: db09a2450e132b6⋯.png (716.31 KB, 688x494, 344:247, nightshift pool babe 1.PNG)


'sup boi. Ready to come use your pool. too fuckin hot here now.

ef4b2b  No.7190803



'''PEDO-philanthropy pipeline?"

05a718  No.7190804

File: 7842515437f1c92⋯.png (281.21 KB, 376x587, 376:587, Screenshot_2019-07-25-19-3….png)

Mr. Epstein profited from associations with… Johnson & Johnson heiress Elizabeth Johnson


Elizabeth Libet Johnson exiting court. Johnson & Johnson heiress Elizabeth Libet Johnson and Dr. Lionel Bisoon custody hearing at NYS Appellate Court on 25th Street concerning their son William, 5, who was adopted from Cambodia.


The Custody Battle Between Johnson & Johnson

(very long but some interesting info)

For Libet, heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune…..As her relationship with Lionel developed, she was growing more deeply involved with an orphan community she’d founded in Cambodia….A few months later, Libet and Lionel spirited William out of the country on a medical visa—the United States has suspended adoption of Cambodian children—and into their lives…..Then she discovered Cambodia, which she thought was the missing piece of the puzzle. The country is overrun with children, 9 percent of them orphans. For a small amount of money—$10 million is not much for a Johnson—Libet built Golden Children, a community for orphans on the banks of the Mekong River in Phnom Penh. She recruited, and paid, parents to raise the children and teachers to educate them.

The problem for William was his legal status, given the U.S. ban on Cambodian adoption. Lionel had tried to circumvent the ban using his Trinidadian citizenship and his membership in the Native American band, to no avail. (William is the adopted baby)

For her part, Libet has sold off most of her Trump Tower footage, at a loss, apparently.


d935b1  No.7190805


That's not the point. What we want is for the masses to be forced to objectively look at the Q posts and all of the info we have uncovered and find the truth.

d9b546  No.7190806

File: a0d7d4776ffbbec⋯.jpg (195.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hannity who is q.jpg)

df0982  No.7190807


I still do.

But, I used to as well.

84e982  No.7190808

File: 1a9822582502665⋯.jpeg (128.72 KB, 764x822, 382:411, C0200A8A-8A26-436E-9E44-2….jpeg)

File: 32efd6acfc1775c⋯.jpeg (98.19 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 13537CA4-A568-474F-8D98-4….jpeg)

86bc15  No.7190809


It's a political move. He is trying to capitalize on millennials. He was just on Reddit for an AMA and he is using the momentum to stay "relevant"

0ea7be  No.7190810

>>7190787 agree

2d8a20  No.7190811


I'd rather eat a handful of dog hair than watch Hannity

409330  No.7190812

Tucker playin' Ilan's "White Man" clip rn

3f59b0  No.7190813


Or like you know

An actual patriot who doesnt ass fuck his daugter while praising satan

0b0c48  No.7190814

File: 5841a46f001375d⋯.png (120.37 KB, 265x320, 53:64, Screen Shot 2019-07-24 at ….png)

3d163c  No.7190815


TY Anon.

Q 133


>>7190344 PB all



Hive mind.

c4116c  No.7190816

File: d43f4da1eef23f6⋯.png (221.59 KB, 740x558, 370:279, 6TedLieu&Spacey.png)

File: 8d665d748e42646⋯.png (266.27 KB, 508x442, 254:221, 8Ted Lieu Sarsour.png)

File: b3bf1c1f00834e0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1372x695, 1372:695, CREEPY and INAPPROPRIATE T….png)

File: b4c447f563b37b1⋯.png (205.43 KB, 259x323, 259:323, 4tedlieunevertrumper.png)

File: bd18c77374446b1⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, DEFINE 'HOMO'.png)

08ea44  No.7190817

File: c14a41e6b3b5027⋯.jpg (1015.55 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, epsteinrabbit.jpg)

54e1c3  No.7190818

File: 27ecdbe143d0e3d⋯.png (242.36 KB, 568x286, 284:143, BS.PNG)

f857cf  No.7190819

File: 9e5def154a97ec7⋯.jpeg (59.34 KB, 627x680, 627:680, pew.jpeg)

1b4c4e  No.7190820

File: cbe96228de9b1ff⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB, 640x358, 320:179, Irrefutable evidence that ….mp4)

b70a53  No.7190821

File: 2e0b7d21596b483⋯.png (864.16 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20190725-183143.png)

Anons, busy. From lb. Could Mueller be infected? Someone said handlers in general. Definitely notable.

466b66  No.7190822


That cold has no idea who it just messed with.

Hope you feel better anon.

1c0590  No.7190823

>>7190775 then don’t watch the president.

132f56  No.7190824


the masses need to be "un-trained" to listen to the media

we do not need the media for validation

37b4a2  No.7190825


Than ignore Hannity and watch POTUS

0412af  No.7190826


I am staring to enjoy the disappointment,

Its like an ass whooping, but just in my head.

26b722  No.7190827

File: 1cbf49e8ca87a08⋯.jpg (66.76 KB, 980x490, 2:1, 1cbf49e8ca87a0884b935673d8….jpg)

i wonder if POTUS will steamroll Hannity tonight…kek

adcc15  No.7190828

Think POTUS will talk about Mueller's "Performance" tonight on Hannity.

4dfaa2  No.7190829

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

7cf895  No.7190830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Unrestricted warfare

Committee on the Present Danger: China’ Provides Threat Briefing on the Communist Party’s Unrestricted Warfare




73d54a  No.7190831

File: 13a2add6d1aa7f2⋯.png (283.64 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

b7416a  No.7190832

Still haven't found the "Keystone"….but I know that Hannity is the "KEKstone"…

5a84b9  No.7190833

File: 9ef611dfe4eb80a⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 600x321, 200:107, Capture.JPG)

Clapper Suggests Mueller Just a Figurehead Who Was Not Involved in Writing ‘His’ Report (VIDEO)

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper suggested during a Thursday appearance on CNN that Mueller was just a figurehead who was not involved in writing ‘his’ report.

Clapper, who was heavily involved in the attempted coup against President Trump and one of the originators of the Russia hoax, said Mueller’s role was more like a “CEO.”

“I think his role as a special prosecutor was a lot more like a CEO where he oversaw the operations but did not engage in interrogating witnesses or actually writing the report.”


James Clapper, one of the originators of the Collusion Hoax, suggests Mueller was just a figurehead, who was not involved in writing his report

Then who did?

Anti-Trump zealots who went to Hillary's Election wake, & represented the Clinton Foundation & Hillary's hammer man pic.twitter.com/Z3kCK0pKb1

— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) July 25, 2019

If Mueller didn’t write the report, that means the work was left to the anti-Trump zealots that filled Mueller’s team.

Nearly every single prosecutor on Mueller’s team was a Hillary/Obama donor.


81cc0c  No.7190834


Ah…the BCCI scandal has been found…

fe64fe  No.7190835

File: 5fcde105d478c2c⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 36ith3.jpg)

c27935  No.7190836

Q you might want to look at this thread. Seems the corrupt Dems have a infiltrator for another country in their ranks. Seems some communication is going on to set Trump, Trump Jr. and a few others up for yet ANOTHER collusion. Secret Service might want to look into it…. See Something Say Something


Imam Mohamad Tawhidi


This thread will be one of the most important threads I make on Twitter. The illegal case behind this will be exposed with full transparency, in full details. For now, I direct the following information to: @realDonaldTrump, @VP, @jaredkushner, @DonaldJTrumpJr, @seanhannity.


I have sources for what I will say, and they are solid rock authentic. Many officials will criticize me for making this public, but I have a duty to do so. The public needs to know. I understand the potential consequences of this thread, and I accept them.


I am willing to go to the fullest extent with this matter, even if I am required to testify in Congress. This is the beginning of the uncovering of what could be a giant scandal. The sensitive details of this matter will be shared in private, upon request.


A Congresswoman is communicating indirectly, through an individual, with Qatar. The people she is talking to are a group close to Emir @TamimBinHamad, and they involve: @A_AlAthbah, @saifaalthani, @ahjh_althani and co.


This Congresswoman, has confirmed to the above group of Qataris, that the recent investigations into her cases will not end well for her. They also fear that she’s in trouble. Now, they are coming after several people. I am one of those people, and their plan is as follows:


93ed66  No.7190837

File: 8fb14ad0b1da5a1⋯.png (4.55 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B2ABDE3D-CB3B-43E3-A3E7-8C….png)

File: a76f6f710c7ed29⋯.jpeg (349.74 KB, 1080x1037, 1080:1037, B88CC74F-0570-4CF0-8D15-C….jpeg)

File: c10958b868e9baa⋯.jpeg (200.4 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 90560869-A2B2-4CF3-AAC9-9….jpeg)

So we all can confirm those beds are covering a double door entrance built into the floor of the temple right ?

3f59b0  No.7190838


Welcome to clown world

Fact is what the media says it is

Believe wont believe anything that doesnt come froma talking head

I never realized how stupid people


Tbh i dont even consider most of my family human

88e210  No.7190839



ok maybe not and I'm just a ==dumbshit==

289194  No.7190840

File: 3b7bef1c041c2c4⋯.png (118.15 KB, 474x257, 474:257, ClipboardImage.png)

25abdf  No.7190841

File: 6a66fa6789750a2⋯.png (571.26 KB, 677x529, 677:529, 6a66fa6789750a201aa0bbadc0….png)

File: 7e0d4243b0eb094⋯.png (535.18 KB, 765x426, 255:142, 7e0d4243b0eb09433c9684cf92….png)

File: ee625cd31a36808⋯.jpg (4.61 KB, 500x500, 1:1, room-swatch_Blue-forest__p….jpg)

pretty sure Q told us about the Epstein Island

bunkers back on 4/3/2018.


Apr 3 2018


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c7ccb9 No.886265 📁

Apr 3 2018 21:17:28 (EST)




+ ++ +++



A forest-blue colored bunker

e75aab  No.7190842


They are but just one sect of many. Any sect that teaches duality in the form of an adversary belongs to the "Old Ways"

d54a38  No.7190843


Attorney General William Barr on Thursday issued a directive paving the way for the federal government to resume the use of the death penalty for the first time in nearly two decades, the Department of Justice announced.

According to the agency, Barr ordered the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to adopt a proposed addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol to allow for capital punishment to resume. The DOJ provided descriptions of five individuals it seeks to have executed in the months of December and January: Daniel Lewis Lee, a white supremacist, who murdered three people, including an eight-year-old girl; Lezmond Mitchell, who stabbed to death a 63-year-old grandmother and slit the throat of her nine-year-old granddaughter; Wesley Ira Purkey, who raped and killed a 16-year-old girl; Alfred Bourgeoism who molested, and beat to death his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter; Dustin Lee Honken, who shot dead five people.

“Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President,” Attorney General William Barr said in a statement. “Under Administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding. The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”

Additional executions will be announced at a later date, the DOJ stated.

President Barack Obama ordered a review of the death penalty in 2014 after a botched state execution in Oklahoma. The findings of the review are unclear and it is unknown whether the review will impact the way in which future executions will be carried out.

The move by Barr comes after former Vice President Joe Biden announced his support for eliminating of the federal death penalty, despite supporting it for decades. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) is the sole 2020 White House candidate to publically support preserving capital punishment in specific cases.

256275  No.7190844


Pool's open Fren!! Firepit is ready for toasting s'mores and a cooler full of bevies!

Make your way !!

3f59b0  No.7190845

Israel good

No wall good

Most illegals ever good

Trump good man even tho hes blatantly satanic

29b1a2  No.7190846


Go back to rally when she resigned that was POTUS showing her your my successor

b52768  No.7190847

File: a35790010397cdc⋯.jpeg (8 KB, 255x80, 51:16, 90e37731e98dabbf3d5d3ba09….jpeg)

918465  No.7190848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b41f98  No.7190849


She died in 2017 - still a good dig.



08ea44  No.7190850

File: 490771e023bbc5a⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, omar2.jpg)

d935b1  No.7190851


It's not about validation. It's about publicity. You really think that potus admitting to hannity that he knows of QAnon and approves of his message wouldn't have a massive impact?

0b0c48  No.7190852

File: 12023b0d1b8eff6⋯.png (159.41 KB, 474x366, 79:61, 12023b0d1b8eff647b4193c8f2….png)

258ab9  No.7190853

Kathy Zhu – position should be

Feminist have pushed for the rights that Kathy is standing up for is exactly what suffrage is about. STANK UP KATHY


a40736  No.7190854

File: 6cc89a00668d4b6⋯.gif (173.72 KB, 299x240, 299:240, 1561770014289.gif)

Think the dems hate boarder camps just wait till we start the Chinese detention camps….weeeee!

b3759d  No.7190855

Q is Christmas in July Hannity asking the Q tonight?

3bfc1a  No.7190856


10 min.

Power to the People.

d7dee1  No.7190857

File: 578e2159d2c9405⋯.png (514.83 KB, 835x558, 835:558, chinnna.png)

fucking kikes sold us out to the chinks, how bout dat.

14f92d  No.7190858


>be China

>ravaged by Maoism

>lost a lot of treasure

>have gigantic surplus of baby boys

>aha! have indpendent (non-Rothschild) Central Bank

>peg currency to USFRN

>own a lot of US foreign debt

>gots lotsa manufacturing

>deals with weak, spineless, greedy perverts in US

>along comes new sheriff


>try usual tactics

>Sheriff not buying it


>Sheriff starts talking touch

>no problem, panda been around a long time

>panda owns many weak US perverts

>ruh-roh, agents getting outed here and there


>damn you new sheriff

>panda try to play hardball


>we'll just wait him out

>re-establish ties with weak pervert D traitors


>poke negroids, stir hornet's nest

>chimping out here and there


>oh shit, what Sheriff not backing down?

>panda activates cell/s


>thick face, black heart



>weak US perverts still on board

>starting to realize Sheriff isn't going to lose


>wait, what?

>non-perv /goodguys/ stop cell/s

>panda must be patient

9ed8ef  No.7190859


Look at all the fags and shills rush to worship Hannity.

0412af  No.7190860

Trump will come out wearing a Qanon T-shirt holding Hillary's severed head

2aae35  No.7190861


We'll see.

171ce6  No.7190862

File: d727b39748f7945⋯.jpg (585.53 KB, 1096x913, 1096:913, c5af4bab9ac4434756eb09cf04….jpg)


this guy gets it

4dfaa2  No.7190863

File: 18e9ca5b792c293⋯.jpg (635.88 KB, 1159x1230, 1159:1230, SmartSelect_20190219-18264….jpg)

File: cb025074124cdb2⋯.jpg (805.55 KB, 1440x1038, 240:173, SmartSelect_20190617-19013….jpg)

File: 5fe491a1a4c081e⋯.jpg (828.7 KB, 1138x1269, 1138:1269, SmartSelect_20190620-11542….jpg)


2d8a20  No.7190864


don't tell me what to do, faggot

26b722  No.7190865

File: f84db95a723c3ba⋯.png (186.66 KB, 800x390, 80:39, michelleRelease2FGMAil-Hea….png)

7f5cbc  No.7190866

Request for POTUS to mention “oranges” in honor of everyone’s favorite Q News weather forecaster.

5d6da5  No.7190867


Damn that;s insane. They have to be connected. Working together. That's a whole can of worms.

81cc0c  No.7190868





Side Show Bob Chief BCCI prosecuter

6215c2  No.7190869


FFF, false flag Fridays, seems that way at times. Sum cray cray habenings for sure dis wic end!

86bc15  No.7190870


Are you @imamofpeace?

3e9468  No.7190871

Q can you Have POTUS say "MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP" on Hannity tonight.

3f59b0  No.7190872

Fun fact i dont have sex with melania

My dick only goes in ivankas jew asshole

I bust 3 nuts a day in it with viagara

d821bb  No.7190873

File: 3a8cba27cf2f982⋯.png (136.79 KB, 500x368, 125:92, d213b575c20fc9f2dd21aa4b92….png)

File: d4680bbb56213cf⋯.png (848.6 KB, 794x594, 397:297, Screenshot_56.png)

File: a9f00387ded63cb⋯.png (721.35 KB, 603x606, 201:202, Screenshot_57.png)

466b66  No.7190874


>>7190833 Clapper suggests mueller just a figurehead who was not involved in writing ‘his’ report.

>>7190678 Ted Lieu thinks someone got to Mueller.

>>7190655, >>7190671 13 shocking Mueller.

>>7190606 New drone attack knocks airport in southern SA out of service.

>>7190592 Tulsi Gabbard suing Google for election interference.

0b0c48  No.7190875

File: f96331fb227c7b3⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 550x630, 55:63, fdc05a586b813a859d219af1f0….jpg)

16b725  No.7190876

File: 955952afa2d75dc⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Freedom on watch.jpg)

132f56  No.7190877



yes it would have an impact

not sure if it would be what you are hoping for

9481e1  No.7190878

File: e71d1568ba99c3d⋯.png (1010.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Biden.png)

Re: China.


They'll do anything for that piggy bank.

0b0c48  No.7190879

File: a69f2d18f8314e5⋯.png (589.41 KB, 1026x521, 1026:521, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at ….png)

bfc4fd  No.7190880

File: c2f21cde055c37d⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1815x1063, 1815:1063, Pasted_Image_7_25_19__5_49….png)

File: 106a04fb3eb9b22⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1420x978, 710:489, Pasted_Image_7_25_19__5_45….png)

Anyone else notice this from DroneAnon?

0b495b  No.7190881


Why don't they know whether it was as suicide or an attack? Why the mystery?

3f59b0  No.7190882

Request for me to come out on hannitys show and blow my brains out please

4445ad  No.7190883


So Clapper agrees with Q?

>>7163961 Q/pb

2aae35  No.7190884


AND St. James' Church is down the street.


37b4a2  No.7190885


>I'd rather eat a handful of dog dick

Then don't tell me what you'd rather do, Nigger.

5d6da5  No.7190886


I wonder if there are any tunnels.

a0eb24  No.7190887


Nice autism!

b7416a  No.7190888


Read it earlier on twitter…good read!!!

0f2801  No.7190889

File: 38dafc0c0bff037⋯.jpg (471.67 KB, 1028x1035, 1028:1035, Screenshot_20190619-193350….jpg)

bfc4fd  No.7190890



d935b1  No.7190891


I'm hoping for Q and the information he has posted to be forced into the public narrative. Q and trump can handle it.

d9b546  No.7190892

File: a461bef00605b7b⋯.jpg (247.28 KB, 1080x1188, 10:11, ted lieu ted lude.jpg)

d821bb  No.7190893

File: dc3d91725bf14c9⋯.png (718.21 KB, 799x601, 799:601, Tulsi2020.png)


This could be BIGGER than we think.

47e55a  No.7190894

File: f2212f4719ce2e8⋯.jpeg (13.16 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 29E59F5A-050C-4A36-81E3-5….jpeg)

File: 97959060a226fbd⋯.jpeg (900.06 KB, 2100x1574, 1050:787, E61B4A40-21B5-47F4-B5B4-1….jpeg)


Good evening Q & Team.

We are ready as we can get. Have fresh popcorn & big screen on.

Night Shift in the house!

93ed66  No.7190895

File: 851a71e6bc969a0⋯.jpeg (64.43 KB, 440x337, 440:337, 7BF7488F-8DB2-4787-8661-0….jpeg)

File: 562a2fe854fba5e⋯.jpeg (109.44 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 01A5CDBB-0BF8-442F-AB09-4….jpeg)

e28c8f  No.7190896


>I bust 3 nuts a day in it with viagara

You need Viagra for 3 times a day? pathetic.

fbe6ae  No.7190897


Text of a Speech to Conservative Future,

Given in The Old Star Public House, Westminster,

Monday the 16th February 2009

by Sean Gabb

Now, this is not advice to the Government that looks set to be formed within the next year or so my David Cameron. I may be wrong. It is possible that Mr Cameron is a much cleverer and more Machiavellian man that I have ever thought him, and that he plans to make radical changes once in office. But I do not think he is. I think what little he is promising to do is the very most that he will do. In any event, he is doing nothing to acquire the mandate without which radical change would lack legitimacy. And so this is advice that I offer to some future government of conservatives, rather than to any prospective Conservative Government. It may even be a government formed by the people in this room.

My first piece of advice is to understand the nature of your enemy. If you come into government, you will be in at least the same position as Ramsay MacDonald, when he formed the first Labour Government in the 1920s. He faced an Establishment that was broadly conservative. The administration, the media, the universities, big business – all were hostile to what it was believed he wanted to do. The first Labour Governments were in office, but not fully in power, as they were not accepted by the people with whom and through whom they had to rule the country. To a lesser degree, Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson faced the same constraints. A future Conservative Government will find much the same.

Over the past few generations, a new Establishment or ruling class has emerged in this country. It is a loose coalition of politicians, bureaucrats, educators, media people and associated business interests. These are people who derive income and status from an enlarged and activist state. They have been turning this country into a soft-totalitarian police state. They are not always friendly to a Labour Government. But their natural political home is the Labour Party. They will accept a Conservative Government on sufferance – but only so long as it works within a system that robs ordinary people of their wealth and their freedom. They will never consent to what should be the Conservative strategy of bringing about an irreversible transfer of power from the State back into the hands or ordinary people.

A Cameron Government, as I have said, seems willing to try coexistence with the Establishment. The Thatcher Government set out to fight and defeat an earlier and less confident version of the Establishment – but only on those fronts where its policies were most resisted. It won numerous battles, but, we can now see, it lost the war. For example, I well remember the battle over abolition of the Greater London Council. This appeared at the time a success. But I am not aware of one bureaucrat who lost his job at the GLC who was not at once re-employed by one of the London Boroughs or by some other agency of the State. And we know that Ken Livingstone was eventually restored to power in London.

If you want to win the battle for this country, you need to take advice from the Marxists. These are people whose ends were evil where not impossible. But they were experts in the means to their ends. They knew more than we have ever thought about the seizure and retention of power. I therefore say this to you. If you ever do come to power, and if you want to bring about the irreversible transfer of power to ordinary people, you should take to heart what Marx said in 1871, after the failure of the Paris Commune: “the next attempt of the French Revolution will be no longer, as before, to transfer the bureaucratic-military machine from one hand to another, but to smash it, and this is the precondition for every real people’s revolution….”

The meaning of this is that you should not try to work with the Establishment. You should not try to jolly it along. You should not try fighting it on narrow fronts. You must regard it as the enemy, and you must smash it.

96aaff  No.7190898

File: 86b880f952777fd⋯.png (58.46 KB, 320x235, 64:47, 86b880f952777fd7d2a9c28cdf….png)

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)

File: 37f812692361e38⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 670x525, 134:105, 37f812692361e38529ba506c8f….jpg)

File: 98694368e8ace0c⋯.png (339.02 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)



then why are "you" here?

3d163c  No.7190899


Without endorsement of the presentation at that link, the general idea is fitting with the series of poss had intended to make tonight re Q 133.

Q 133

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

There is something clicking among Anons these past few days on this matter.

Truth is a Force of Nature.

TY Anon.

6e5719  No.7190900

Possible China monitored [MUELLER] hearing?

Possible China analyzing likelihood of POTUS re_ELEC 2020?

Possible China taking steps [think propaganda] to harm POTUS re: 2020?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ D candidate(s) running for President re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China in sec_comms w/ former D_party senior officials re: re-institute US piggy-bank?

Possible China put extreme [threatening?] pressure on NK the day of the [MUELLER] hearing (coincidence?) should hearing swing to POTUS?

Possible acts were taken in effort to diminish (lessen) D_blow?

Possible acts were taken in effort to 'change the narrative'?

Define 'False Flag'.



I'mmm gonna go wiiiiith,


for 17 Bitcoins please.

a91330  No.7190901



256275  No.7190902


Aye… Thank you Fren

Hope you are well.

258ab9  No.7190903

MACH 2 posting disclaimer


2d8a20  No.7190904


Say that to my face you fat boomer pussy

4df26b  No.7190905

File: 72395d929916e35⋯.png (335.26 KB, 592x448, 37:28, ClipboardImage.png)

Who thinks she kind of resembles a "hot ghost"?

Attractive but scary at the same time?

1b4c4e  No.7190906

File: 5b2ae2e8430c322⋯.png (779.48 KB, 1286x857, 1286:857, ClipboardImage.png)


FBI agent brother to cop accused of murder-for-hire plot, dead by suicide: sources

The FBI agent brother of an NYPD cop accused in a murder-for-hire plot killed himself while out of town with other agents, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Wednesday.

Salvatore “Sal” Cincinelli, 41, was found with at least one gunshot wound inside the Container Bar in Austin, Texas, when cops arrived there shortly before midnight on July 16 in response to a report of gunfire, a spokeswoman for the Austin Police Department said.

The incident is being investigated as suicide, the spokeswoman said. She wouldn’t elaborate.

Cincinelli was a former Wall Street trader who joined the FBI in 2011 and led financial-crime investigations in New York City before being promoted to the bureau’s headquarters in Washington, DC, according to biographical information posted online.

His younger sister, NYPD cop Valerie Cincinelli, 35, was busted by the FBI in May for allegedly scheming to have her estranged husband killed amid a bitter divorce. She’s being held without bail.

“She is absolutely devastated by the passing of her brother and best friend, and this is certainly adding to the stress of her current situation,” defense lawyer James Kousouros told The Post.

A since-deleted obituary said that Cincinelli died on July 17, and was buried in the Holy Rood Cemetery in Westbury, LI, on Monday following a funeral at St. Anthony’s Church in Oceanside.

81cc0c  No.7190907

File: d66ef73dd1f936f⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB, 474x711, 2:3, a_096.jpeg)

3f59b0  No.7190908

File: 1dc5dd29f32adcc⋯.jpg (465.5 KB, 1219x1920, 1219:1920, Ivanka-Trump-see-thru-nipp….jpg)

Look at these jew titties anons

I love slapping them around

Incest is wincest

fe64fe  No.7190909

File: 0115c2a486b1ee0⋯.png (634.07 KB, 1167x1074, 389:358, 0115c2a486b1ee0bcf5e606a11….png)


notable . well done .

289194  No.7190910

File: b62fbc814a1d606⋯.png (182.41 KB, 446x249, 446:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b657ba27bfded89⋯.png (90.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

5 minutes to the next Narrative Shift portal…

Ima blaze one and rev the hope in the pineal once againg.

Love you faggots - no homo


86bc15  No.7190911


It's a good read, but I don't understand how he became involved.

0ea7be  No.7190912

File: 05b1be635b13267⋯.png (223.59 KB, 532x527, 532:527, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaders: Africa may have ended, but 200 inspiring #ObamaLeaders returned to their homes with the new connections and fresh perspectives that will help them change the future.



1:32 PM - 25 Jul 2019


c1efd0  No.7190913


i have to say is this to sue google or for cash infusion , its how they play the game

6215c2  No.7190914


Need a compilation of democrat's witness dumpings!

132f56  No.7190915


by my observance Q and the information is already in the public narrative

growing organically

not controlled by the lying media for profit and ratings

894501  No.7190916

File: c365cf528db18ae⋯.png (20.84 KB, 372x164, 93:41, keystonecrumb.png)

a47b86  No.7190917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

chn 11, 'alice in wonderland'?, hrc epstein island?

b50528  No.7190918


Hello Mossad

96aaff  No.7190919

File: dbab3352457e513⋯.jpeg (61.02 KB, 405x391, 405:391, dbab3352457e51322c983cd74….jpeg)

File: 08e385d172e6f68⋯.png (246.06 KB, 683x313, 683:313, DivShill2.png)

File: 73e3fd43e6ae494⋯.png (176.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 73e3fd43e6ae49412dae1b1268….png)


fuck off shill. KYS.

0b0c48  No.7190920

File: cf88a269efbc007⋯.png (255.66 KB, 838x646, 419:323, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: 787d36c845ab6df⋯.png (608.86 KB, 867x839, 867:839, Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at ….png)


Evening Anon!

aa03dc  No.7190921


Good evening Anon. Waiting on Hannity to interview Potus Geotus.


1b4c4e  No.7190922

File: d56a4c96cc9a35c⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1286x857, 1286:857, ClipboardImage.png)


Cincinelli’s sister is an NYPD cop who was recently busted for trying to organize a murder-for-hire plot against her husband.

In 2012, he was among several FBI agents interviewed by Reuters for a report on Wall Streeters who quit high-paying jobs to investigate financial crimes.

“Some of my friends said, ‘Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?’” he said.

Cincinelli also said his wife was initially furious with his decision because she was worried about his safety and unhappy with the FBI’s lengthy training programs.

The FBI declined to comment on his death.

3f59b0  No.7190923


More like a gremlin

Remember when an actual anon found a photo of her and epsteins pilot

Then it was immediately scrubbed

171ce6  No.7190924


you guys are all rushing for something to happen but you aren't getting that the happening will be swift and severe. all the dominos will fall at once. be patient

0412af  No.7190925

File: 5b0f41ce1f80224⋯.png (174.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, free-palestine-end-israeli….png)

File: 31a040f13790816⋯.jpg (282.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 7d56dde4d2754e3cb795c9c799….jpg)

e5ea99  No.7190926


Think it’s gonna be Pompeo

But I think Jordan and Gaetz are being groomed

Gaetz’ wife looks like she really enjoys the spotlight

24db19  No.7190927

I need that fox hannity livefeed.


37b4a2  No.7190928

File: ea77d5c99958fec⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 400x225, 16:9, gifidioa8Xrph.gif)


It would be my pleasure.

9ed8ef  No.7190929

File: 17176c466ebabaa⋯.jpg (93.99 KB, 880x495, 16:9, RebbeTerrorist.jpg)


To make sure shills like you don't get away with your shit unchallenged..

cbedc3  No.7190930


hype, stall, rinse, repeat

We're PHUCKED America

b31ad1  No.7190931


What is that in AO's mouth?

efa9c7  No.7190932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

08ea44  No.7190933

File: 706a3331697c653⋯.jpg (561.12 KB, 1932x1212, 161:101, mcf.jpg)

81b28d  No.7190934


I'm here to challenge your firmly held beliefs in hopes you break out of the hivemind and start thinking for yourself for once in your life

98f964  No.7190935

File: 76145c36b042586⋯.png (315.29 KB, 667x2187, 667:2187, ffp.png)

FFP denies 'Illuminati' links


16b725  No.7190936

File: 74370e5f3f35157⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 996x607, 996:607, BestPOTUS.jpg)

9b1ec5  No.7190937


soooo tempted. AC going until october. It's unusually humid, taht quits and it's ok.

one day my fren


b7416a  No.7190938

File: 283a89beb96c633⋯.jpg (46.95 KB, 565x730, 113:146, drinking scotch.JPG)

I know who got to him…Mr. Dalmore.

1b4c4e  No.7190939


looks like a glacier




adcc15  No.7190940

Hannity advert. on POTUS interview coming up.

"Watch the interview everyone will be talking about."

3a4170  No.7190941

df0982  No.7190942


Still way easier to foment a revolution in China than in the U.S.

Fringe benefit of being moar decadent.

4a09e1  No.7190943



466b66  No.7190944


Better than usual, ty.

d02508  No.7190945


FISA works both ways!

(insert grunting sounds here)

e7b91e  No.7190946

Jet wings on the board

d821bb  No.7190947



thinking notable?

d935b1  No.7190948


i agree, but i also recognize that Q told us that the question would be asked. He even said that if it didn't happen organically "we may have to force this on"

4c9fdb  No.7190949

DJT Jr on Tucker : “Thatd be like a builder, talking about not understanding what a foundation is”


a47b86  No.7190950

File: f54218703282013⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1474x949, 1474:949, chn 11.png)


sorry, wrong pic

16b725  No.7190951

File: fe2cb5615b69620⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x1346, 1024:673, Widow_with_Child.jpg)

3d163c  No.7190952


Multiple meanings, keystone.

This Q confirmation is long-established and not to be marginalized as other meanings are revealed along the way.

Thanks for the reminder, Anon.


256275  No.7190953


doubtful… definitely not time for that.

b04667  No.7190954



puhlease and thank yous

5c45ca  No.7190955


Hannity & Fox with the looooooong con to get people to tune in! Little do they know, that the more Hannity does his tick tok booms that turn out to be just a regular uneventful show, puppies die.

Naw, but if I'm being totally honest, and I cant believe im saying this out loud, but I cant fucking stand Hannity because of his interupting people, click baity shit.

HOWEVER, after reading those text messages between him & manafort, I see that he is just really passionate about justice & POTUS. So I dont hate him as much. OH! AND I was VERY impressed when I finally decided to try watching again a few weeks ago when Sara was on and, hand to God, HE DID NOT INTERUPT HER ONCE!

I might give him a 3rd chance

b52768  No.7190956

File: e037b785c9300a3⋯.png (309.78 KB, 572x547, 572:547, red eye pepe.png)


that is jersey girl syndrome…..huge long shot to be q….huge, i say…like how did she last so long? K+F=?

d38e49  No.7190957

cops get doused

marines get arrested

dc visitors get stomped

more kids get raped eaten tortured

patriots rot in jail with no help from a president who helps a shit talking drug slinging piece of shit promoted by West & Kardashian those who you could argue are total pieces of shit that helped bring our country under the spell of evil, look at what they have done to poison the minds of the young.

But hey in the name of politics, we can wait, right Q

No I swear it's for you, that all well be well, if you just stare at evil but let it be.


Q says they use blackmail >they are bad

Q now uses blackmail to destroy a national party

Q is on your side, has you pacified, tired of the evil don't know if you can wait for the promise of Q?

If you are suicidal?

Don't take yourself, without making it count.

Q doesn't care about you.

Q would take you out if you presented a big enough problem.

Q won't do anything for the people just the people of power.

Since the people of power won't do anything for you, it's time to take out the trash, people of power are certainly garbage.

b93001  No.7190958

File: 4949e3819b7240b⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 856x1390, 428:695, dana-carvey-the-master-of-….jpg)

96aaff  No.7190959

File: e323eb3aa8eeda3⋯.png (864.69 KB, 1556x2046, 778:1023, Punisher2994.png)

File: ae3e93d89247d91⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 0811ab1ea634dc339d49b709be….jpg)

File: 9d19de1796bf1e6⋯.png (18.14 KB, 580x221, 580:221, evil6.PNG)


I see all media matters ips are deployed.

up your game Brock.

e28c8f  No.7190960


>"Watch the interview everyone will be talking about."

What? Hannity interrupting POTUS? no thanks

3f59b0  No.7190961

File: 9e9012b9c219b6e⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 474x625, 474:625, th(2).jpg)

When im not fucking ivanka this is what i fuck

3aab69  No.7190962


“This means the military is an SS-like army that only serves the CCP rather than the country or the people.” Clearly true…most intense surveillance ever, with social scores, etc., to control the people, who are actually the greatest threat to the satanic CCP. Without funding from their satanic friends worldwide, Beijing would never have mounted to a hill of beans. Now overreaching wildly, attempting to expand world control, even as they fight to hold their own people down at home. When the commies fall, they will be shredded.

Most of the mentions are devoted to criticizing the United States for its massive military spending, “seeking an absolute superiority in military by technological and systematic innovations,” No, really? This is demanded by the situation, and what any rational leadership would seek to bring about. Meanwhile, the commies expand into the S. China Sea aggressively, hand wringing about those vile Americans. You know, those Americans that the reds have been murdering for years via drugs & propaganda & poisoned products & weak steel & you name it. All with the full support of the greatest traitors in the history of the world.

e03229  No.7190963

File: 823c1c801dded0f⋯.png (545.5 KB, 1157x627, 1157:627, ClipboardImage.png)


>I wonder if there are any tunnels.

Why do you think they called the Upper East side "the bankers colony"

b6086a  No.7190964

File: fdbdb0a3a1c7207⋯.png (470.27 KB, 982x2495, 982:2495, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this Rapenoe getting paid for being antipatriotic? with a book deal?

Megan Rapinoe Scores Again, but This Time It’s a Book Deal


Now, Ms. Rapinoe, a captain of the United States women’s soccer team, will transfer that message into a book. The untitled project, acquired by Penguin Press and expected to be out in fall 2020, will include anecdotes from Ms. Rapinoe’s life, said the Penguin Press president and editor in chief Ann Godoff, who made the deal, but its message will go beyond sports.

“A lot of women, great women soccer players, have written memoirs,” Ms. Godoff said. “Megan has a different platform.” While watching the World Cup, she said, “I thought, ‘Here’s a woman who is comfortable in her own skin,’” and noted her own children’s excitement about Ms. Rapinoe’s authenticity.

Ms. Rapinoe has spoken out on social justice issues and politics, particularly L.G.B.T.Q. rights and pay equity for women. These issues will also be addressed in the book, Ms. Godoff said.

“Coming from that very honest and authentic place and being able to find a way to put that on the page,” she said, “I think will make a very lasting book.” Ms. Godoff declined to say how much the publisher is paying Ms. Rapinoe.

The soccer star has also signed on to do a middle-grade book with Razorbill, a division of Penguin Young Readers, which will address “the power young people have within their own communities and the world at large,” according to a statement. Her overall message, she said, is that “we can change the world in one generation, and have one hell of a time doing it.”

b3759d  No.7190965


well we'd get bombarded.

1b127a  No.7190966


Lawsuits take years. Won’t be settled before the 2020 election.

894501  No.7190967


Until Q confirms another meaning to the keystone, I'll go with what Q confirmed.

But understood anon o7

ee8395  No.7190968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was it the same EVIL that did this in 1919?


Red Summer 1919

Associated Press

Published on Jul 25, 2019

0b0c48  No.7190969

File: 6e3fe567e8f0716⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2318x1047, 2318:1047, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

10 bewbages

9ed8ef  No.7190970


Dude, filterd.

2f134b  No.7190971

Trace Gallagher reports Epstein injury to his neck could be suicide or assault on Fox News

615d8c  No.7190972




8f08df  No.7190973

Non US fag here… anyone got a link to Hannity?

Thank you.

5b1621  No.7190974

File: c767ecdc7a1edfe⋯.jpg (140.84 KB, 831x500, 831:500, Q Research Bewbs Badge.jpg)

73d54a  No.7190975

File: 1e214ad8b1b5604⋯.png (442.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dfaa8e  No.7190976



96aaff  No.7190977

File: 5d21aa053e976fe⋯.png (910.39 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, Palestine.png)


Tell "general" qassem suleimani his asshole is faggot.

3f59b0  No.7190978


David brock is in charge of reddit

We sent the demons and actual spooks here

The real anons

Most of whom we broke or had offed

Were an actual threat

You all tho

Useful idiots

Youre our greatest supporters

a40736  No.7190979

File: f92d3b036a64a6a⋯.jpg (134.41 KB, 343x440, 343:440, 20181019_045612.jpg)

NK Ain't got shit…

08ea44  No.7190980

File: 98512e391c204ea⋯.jpg (59.12 KB, 461x560, 461:560, yikes.jpg)

9ed8ef  No.7190981


Because it's fucking JEW YORK

d821bb  No.7190982

File: 9b7e4d0ab298772⋯.png (53.32 KB, 922x396, 461:198, Screenshot_58.png)



6ad6c1  No.7190983

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

0412af  No.7190984



3f59b0  No.7190985


Pedos are gonna be the new social movement

Better accept it now goyim

0b495b  No.7190986


Everything has multiple meanings, newbie

fe64fe  No.7190987


noice .

73d54a  No.7190988


>Is this Rapenoe getting paid for being antipatriotic? with a book deal?

It is how the DS launders money to their operatives.

8a26a0  No.7190989


…fuck, those looked like arm tats at first glance!

5a84b9  No.7190990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pull a string, and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet

I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet

Snap your fingers, and I'll turn you some flips, I'm your puppet

Oh, your every wish is my command, all you gotta do is wiggle your

Little hand

I'm your puppet, ooh, ooh, I'm your puppet,

I'm just a toy, just a funny boy, makes you laugh when you feel blue

I'll be warm or cold, do just what I'm told, I'll do anything for you

I'm your puppet, ooh, ooh, I'm your puppet

James & Bobby Purify - I'm Your Puppet HQ

0f2801  No.7190991



265bd7  No.7190992


Hannity Link


86b363  No.7190993

Good evening, fam!

Anyone have a live link embed for Hannity?

Thank you in advance

0372ff  No.7190994

POTUS coming up on Hannity


7ea2ab  No.7190995

File: 09b9555ad01a03c⋯.jpeg (275.55 KB, 1125x963, 125:107, 969F89DE-E01A-411C-938F-2….jpeg)


efa9c7  No.7190996

894501  No.7190997

File: cbfa5ba2e1980cd⋯.png (69.24 KB, 288x211, 288:211, 1560911274560.png)


>uses "newbie"

72d93e  No.7190998

Elijah proposes a direct test of the powers of Baal and the Jewish God. The people of Israel, 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Asherah are summoned to Mount Carmel. An altar is built for Baal. Wood is laid on the altar. An ox is slaughtered and cut into pieces; the pieces are laid on the wood. Elijah then invites the priests of Baal to pray for fire to light the sacrifice. They pray from morning to noon without success. Elijah ridicules their efforts. "At noon Elijah mocked them, saying, 'Cry aloud! Surely he is a god; either he is meditating, or he has wandered away, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.'"[28] They respond by cutting themselves and adding their own blood to the sacrifice (such mutilation of the body was strictly forbidden in the Mosaic law). They continue praying until evening without success.

08ea44  No.7190999

File: fb9ef0787882c82⋯.png (52.61 KB, 474x396, 79:66, mueller.png)

0b0c48  No.7191000

File: bce785535002bf2⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1590x699, 530:233, Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at ….png)

File: ae40797b3a5b917⋯.png (692.53 KB, 1077x562, 1077:562, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)


Damn right, Anon.

3f59b0  No.7191001


We love to call patriots anti semetic

We never expected so many twitter morons to believe our psyop

4 chan is now no longer a threat thanks to you morons

b6e34d  No.7191002


im willing to bet

the only thing you have ever fucked

is yourself lol

(dont bother responding, anyone with a name gets an auto filter from me)

but you are still special, never forget that

fe64fe  No.7191003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

256275  No.7191004

469628  No.7191005


I think that was a refrigerator, Anon. At least, that's what it looked to me.

7b040d  No.7191006

File: f55d5a58a93a166⋯.png (276.55 KB, 1094x806, 547:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 901bbd58970159f⋯.png (127.93 KB, 671x607, 671:607, ClipboardImage.png)

Q - POTUS Minute Delta = 19

Standard Deviation of ALL D5 minute markers = 19

19 = D5 = Avalanche

faae81  No.7191007


I would fall out of my chair if Hannity asked Trump is Q was real and worked with him. Not holding my breath though

1b4c4e  No.7191008

File: 59486052c4891ee⋯.png (255.98 KB, 612x437, 612:437, ClipboardImage.png)

b6086a  No.7191009

File: e2cd23f756799ac⋯.jpg (159.41 KB, 979x1200, 979:1200, EAWi5AXWsAI5AAG.jpg)

File: c5c9cec8c667693⋯.jpg (212.59 KB, 1200x980, 60:49, EAW3wovWwAA997e.jpg)

3f59b0  No.7191010


We made up all the religions and their stories too

God is real btw

We dont know why he lets us do this

Oh well

cfad54  No.7191011


Well, you do a decode then.

8479ed  No.7191012

Fucking lay off Hannity…one of the few in our camp.

72d93e  No.7191013


Elijah builds an altar from twelve stones, he digs a huge trench around it, he lays the wood on it, slaughters the ox cuts it up and lays it on the wood, he now orders that the sacrifice and altar be drenched with water from "four large jars" poured three times, filling also the trench.[29] He asks God to accept the sacrifice. Fire falls from the sky, consuming the sacrifice, the stones of the altar itself, the earth and the water in the trench as well. Elijah then orders the deaths of the priests of Baal. Elijah prays earnestly for rain to fall again on the land. Then the rains begin, signaling the end of the famine.

e3e5fe  No.7191014

File: f90eb0152fb19c3⋯.jpeg (289.71 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, FB747354-ED66-4623-9AA4-3….jpeg)

c3f0ea  No.7191015



87be15  No.7191016

Q's reference to no poison pills maybe means JE doesn't have any?

Epstein tried killing himself today? One of Epstein's alters tried killing them-self today? Neck injuries? Just running into the wall or some dumb shit? An alter might choose that over more torture, especially if it was already trained to

894501  No.7191017

File: 13716be422ae036⋯.jpg (78.45 KB, 599x506, 599:506, 1560906257462.jpg)

How many times does POTUS get interrupted by Maximus Hannitus Interruptus?

I say over 5.

b7416a  No.7191018

File: 00bd66c240b2049⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 613x288, 613:288, Mad Max shares a secret.JPG)

e7621f  No.7191019



Laugh unloud?

3f59b0  No.7191020


Yeah when youre targeted by demons and the entire population is under mind control and they all hate you

You tend to not get any

Thats one of our favorite control methods tho

Shame anyone who doesnt fuck anything that moves

efa9c7  No.7191021



466b66  No.7191022


>>7190995 Smollett lawyers claim they are clear to practice law in Illinois.

>>7190943 Hannity livestream.

>>7190963 NY townhouse, with tunnels, sold for $41.5m.

>>7190752 Keystone word play.

>>7190833 Clapper suggests mueller just a figurehead who was not involved in writing ‘his’ report.

>>7190678 Ted Lieu thinks someone got to Mueller.

>>7190655, >>7190671 13 shocking Mueller.

>>7190606 New drone attack knocks airport in southern SA out of service.

>>7190592 Tulsi Gabbard suing Google for election interference.

4dfaa2  No.7191023

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)

(Wishful thinking) President Trump accidentally drops his pen….

e28c8f  No.7191024

File: 8ca923afc2ca3eb⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 608x400, 38:25, Leave Hannity Alone.jpg)



9c6d59  No.7191025

File: e515c4bb2b65a1b⋯.png (686.79 KB, 990x660, 3:2, 00NS.PNG)

File: 7006a62cf59d39a⋯.png (157.55 KB, 1187x688, 1187:688, kjhkj.png)

File: b0050f4375953b9⋯.png (696.41 KB, 683x382, 683:382, NStrumpskyf221.png)

08ea44  No.7191026

File: e99788ab67919e5⋯.jpg (439.77 KB, 1273x1600, 1273:1600, wwg1wga.jpg)

ae4170  No.7191027

File: a3235bc66b92282⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1918x1046, 959:523, ClipboardImage.png)

0b0c48  No.7191028

File: c0de6b2cc3deffd⋯.gif (279.66 KB, 300x200, 3:2, c0de6b2cc3deffd6b80dcd37bd….gif)

b6e34d  No.7191029

File: 464f663b047ce73⋯.jpg (74.83 KB, 610x500, 61:50, INTENT REVEALED.jpg)

the reveal too much

too easy

dems suck at war

which is good i suppose haha

Godspeed Patriots

b2c343  No.7191030

File: 2997003565a0860⋯.png (341.25 KB, 1437x1964, 1437:1964, Capture _2019-07-25-20-02-….png)


We will not let you lose POTUS.

You have never abandoned us, we will not abandon you.

256275  No.7191031


I think we need another Q & A server test before we can handle the masses.

Not sure we're quite ready for it - in many ways

b98b35  No.7191032


Q+ let Hannity know who was boss a month or two ago. It was an interesting exchange.

56848d  No.7191033

File: 0b3c29b1b20f84c⋯.png (505.71 KB, 581x427, 83:61, Freddy5.PNG)

cfad54  No.7191034


Thanks and godspeed.

3f59b0  No.7191035


Yeah pay no attention to how the one true god


Wants animal sacrifices which are literally demonic

258ab9  No.7191036



maybe you can make a drinkin game

you've nailed it anon

9ed8ef  No.7191037

File: 4b2b35c5de4e6d3⋯.png (651.17 KB, 674x486, 337:243, BurningTheChaff.PNG)


Run to the light…

8479ed  No.7191038


Go suck Don Lemon’s dick.

72d93e  No.7191039


God is true.

Religion is false.

All heroic tales are meant to teach simple men.

08ea44  No.7191040

File: 2b693cca1d80cd5⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 468x356, 117:89, 17.jpg)

f359c7  No.7191041


Anon, this is not a picture of Hannity.

5b1621  No.7191042

File: eafb9dcac6e6248⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 634x703, 634:703, 4B54A93900000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: 6a497a68d7c45da⋯.png (496.26 KB, 607x809, 607:809, 6a497a68d7c45da2b3f101390d….png)

File: d6db65654182e3a⋯.jpg (192.79 KB, 646x752, 323:376, d6db65654182e3a113ea4eb977….jpg)

df0982  No.7191043


Before I make an over/under line I'll need to know how long the interview is.

bfdacc  No.7191044

Tune in each day as we watch raving lunatics go insane over a man whose only crime was committed by 62 M deplorable Americans who defied the MSM and dared to vote Trump.

b7416a  No.7191045

Look for the President's and Hannity's watch!!!

c985c2  No.7191046




4f7bf3  No.7191047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










ae4170  No.7191048

File: 4d2299a95044584⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1916x992, 479:248, ClipboardImage.png)

08ea44  No.7191049

File: 86cf518fc049d2d⋯.jpg (10 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 9af439674c72d3c8d0dccaf61e….jpg)

4c9fdb  No.7191050


280cd4  No.7191051

File: 7300ba1185ee3c1⋯.jpg (203.52 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, disneyresortskek.jpg)


354a41  No.7191052

File: 797e04a50839adf⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 150x120, 5:4, bakery with pepe.jpg)


Best wishes RGB, bakin' later these days? Trying to track both boards somewhat but bake at QRB. About 1/3 of a bred, ha-ha (last one was 20 hrs with a 2-page notables list). Good discussions, new bakers, home-like. Take care, o7.

3f59b0  No.7191053


See thats funny cuz i dedicated all my free time to this shit

And Q threw me to the wolves and abandoned me

0 explanation

0 help

A year of pure isolation and torture

And you have the nuts to say hes a good man

He would sell you out for 1 night with a 5 year old girl

08ea44  No.7191054

File: 5d95f9f343081ae⋯.png (356.79 KB, 476x420, 17:15, truth.png)

e28c8f  No.7191055


>Go suck Don Lemon’s dick.

What are you, five?

0f2801  No.7191056


No, but he will play Hannity in the upcoming Q movie

96aaff  No.7191057

File: 67eb667a9cac88a⋯.png (26.42 KB, 570x237, 190:79, eevil3.PNG)

d7dee1  No.7191058



net worth.

b9b4ff  No.7191059


>We need a brave volunteer to watch Hannity and write us up a summery.

>Please god I cannot watch.

Posobiec that you posting hate about Hannity again

Jealous no one watches you and in fact anons were boycotting OAN because of you

Don't you have some Fake MAGA Coalition event and planning meeting you need to get to…

You go run along and do that

The rest of us will be watching POTUS on Hannity!

>BTW genius, it is 'summary'

b847fb  No.7191060


agreed. But that is not the point of the story.

73d54a  No.7191061



Left that graphic up a while, too.

5a84b9  No.7191062

File: 8d4b858b980f278⋯.jpg (94.35 KB, 846x427, 846:427, Capture.JPG)


Exactly …..The CFR Control of Major Media Sources

The major media conglomerates are all members of the CFR, which precludes any of its media members from accurately or honestly reporting the news, since all of the CFR members have sworn their allegiance to the CFR and its New World Order agenda. The mainstream media rarely mentions the CFR, making it difficult to fully gauge its influence. When it is mentioned in the press in a controversial matter or incident, its role is likely whitewashed as trivial or irrelevant. Historically, the global elitists plans to acquire control of the media can be traced back to 1915. U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway provided a historical perspective of their plans in 1917:

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise andedit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

By gaining ownership of the “influential” print media nearly a century ago, the global elitists were able to assure that they would maintain control of the information flow to the masses, the “common people,” for decades to come. Today, they control the six or seven mass media conglomerates that in turn own or control all major TV and radio station syndicates; the print media, including newspapers, the educational books used in our schools and universities, and book and magazine publishers; the major internet service providers; music, video, and recording companies; and the Hollywood film industry, which accounts for the increase in obscenity, pornography, and violence in filmmaking.

86bc15  No.7191063



e5be80  No.7191064

File: 25b68c41fa12acb⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 541x960, 541:960, MaxineFeet.jpg)

File: 4235e5bb6571cbf⋯.jpg (84.41 KB, 480x665, 96:133, MaxineWig.jpg)


No one can possibly take Maxine Waters seriously.

1b4c4e  No.7191065

File: bfa0dc8bc27f09c⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

e3e5fe  No.7191066

File: 56ac9a68d80fdaf⋯.jpeg (58.59 KB, 423x750, 141:250, ED2CF2F2-D149-438B-A4FD-8….jpeg)

File: 0f55d9eeebf7909⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1981x2924, 1981:2924, 0AB0AB39-8946-4DAA-B641-8….jpeg)

File: 6b4b32658b094c7⋯.jpeg (252.47 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 2383F4AF-1AC6-4EE4-A07F-B….jpeg)

File: e6993e936c18c25⋯.png (662.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 059AEF25-8545-4884-87DD-A3….png)

File: c31c68a99a07266⋯.jpeg (204.95 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, F73552BE-CCF8-417B-BCED-5….jpeg)

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg

Pulled up looking picture perfect, baby

High price, but I'm worth it, baby

Can't play with ya, I've been busy workin', baby

Gettin' faded in a European swervin' ay

Look, describe Iggy, groundbreaking what the word is

Hit the stage, yeah, shake it like I'm nervous

When in New York got me parking right on Madison

This ain't no accident, I'm killing them on purpose

I-G-G-Y, did she just have to do it baby

Ride with me, fly livin', there ain't nothin' to it

Now my waist slim, ass fat you gotta have it

Get my bake on, cake long

That's automatic

I know you like the way I turn it on

I'm out here with my friends

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

If you don't do this right, you're going home alone

I guess you'll have to beg

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

P-p-pussy power, pay me by the hour

I need me a Braveheart, can't deal with a coward

I tell him if he ain't ballin', he should hit the showers

If I peek and you lucky, baby, there's money hours

All yellow gold on me, like I'm Trinidad, James

Sittin' drop top wonderin' where the ceiling's at

I know my old thang wanna bring the feeling back

But I got a new thang, baby, I ain't feeling that

Iggy Iggy Iggy, can't you see?

That everybody wanna put their hands on me

See I be on this money why your man on me?

And I need another hand with all these bandz on me

I know you like the way I turn it on

I'm out here with my friends

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

If you don't do this right, you're going home alone

I guess you'll have to beg

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

Get up out my face like who' you think you are

Talking all this trash like blah-de-blah-de-blah

(Oh eh oh) na ha (oh eh oh) na ha (oh eh oh)

Get up out my face like who'd you think you are

Make me wanna lay it like hi-di-hi-di-ha

(Oh eh oh) na ha (oh eh oh) na ha (oh eh oh)

I know you like the way I turn it on

I'm out here with my friends

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

If you don't do this right, you're going home alone

I guess you'll have to beg

I'ma make you beg, I'ma make you beg for it

Oh boy, I'm like a drug

If you want my love better smoke it up

(Make you beg for it, I'ma make you beg for it)

You can look, boy, but don't you touch

If you want my love make me give a fuck

(Make you beg for it, I'ma make you beg for it)

a74eba  No.7191067

File: d639a6c5233e2c1⋯.jpeg (6.83 KB, 196x257, 196:257, images.jpeg)


Watching Hannity is one of many sacrifices in this battle. If you drink tequila while he talks it's bearable.

81cc0c  No.7191068



I like my headline better.

3f59b0  No.7191069


Wishful thinking he dies while giving a speech and ivanka cries cuz shes not getting the d tonite

c985c2  No.7191070


We're already watching the Q movie

b41f98  No.7191071

File: 4468e9b52295e98⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 512x370, 256:185, 7b2ac766a9c47999e8dee1ba88….jpg)

File: d7fbcdbedc98d57⋯.png (760.17 KB, 1166x1068, 583:534, 7f5fedea8f6ad5a51f28308e73….png)

File: 7b9d437073e23ee⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1500x1168, 375:292, 8cbc15c52e79a5a6a3c509d612….png)

File: 82780c391376628⋯.png (324.5 KB, 428x490, 214:245, 20e49ada8e480d601c6192be74….png)

File: 88fc8b3c855632b⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 736x598, 16:13, 88fc8b3c855632bcbee5b5e333….jpg)


the musical is seeking new investors

This musical tells the story of how Dr, Sidney Gottlieb of CIA technical services ran a tippy top secret, multi-hundred million dollar, highly compartmentalized, covert, distributed research program on the scale of the Manhattan project -and got away as clean as Doc Benway.

Sid Gottlieb’s MK Ultra program and 100s of sub programs focused on human neurological control systems.

"We're training a brain, here!" ( dance number)

More than 200 universities engaged in this research, allegedly few knew they were working for CIA, Gottlieb C_A research - "Defense work" it was called.

No single institution or lab had more than a tiny part of the puzzle.

Doc Sid was looking for a hack, or a backdoor into the human operating system. He wanted to know was there lower level language perhaps? How far could human be programmed and what were the constraints on control.

Makin' a Zombie is Harder than it Looks!

Sid wanted control over what we individuals and We the People thought, felt, understood and were capable of doing. Ugly and evil thoughts pulsed in the Gottlieb head, deeds that "we were fighting the damn commies back then" will not excuse.

Doc Sid got his hands on the Mengele Matrix - the Nazi mind control technology developed by Josep Mengele at Auschwitz .


C_A gained total control individual and group information environments with nonlinear networking technology, and today the satanic pedovore cult controls mass communications entirely..

There are no records.

Doc Sid Gottlieb is usually portrayed as a sinister goofball with a pocket full of impractical lethal technological gizmos. A historical curiosity, part of the institutions troubled adolescence, an archaic relic of a polarized world where exploding cigars and beard depilatories were clutched as solutions to otherwise intractable problems.

Typical horseshit, or catnip for reporters.

Gottleib wanted more and better control, over individuals and groups. A full function zombie with limited autonomy and a happy, unquestioning disposition.

Sugar growers in Florida in the 50s used lurching brain damaged zombies created by Haitian bokors for labor in the cane fields, but the Bokors methods (described by Wade Davis’ in The Serpent and the Rainbow, BOOK not movie) - the Bokor's methods caused substantial brain damage and the zombie's functions were/are limited to brute repetitive labor.


Gottlieb wanted to create light stepping, autonomous, high functioning griffon and white zombies suitable for sex slaves and who could do complex creative work and who would offer up their own children for sex ritual and sacrifice without complaint.

Gottlieb succeeded. NPCs are his creation. That’s why Q is here, and we are.

0b0c48  No.7191072

File: 4ba1f10a488cbd3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 744x926, 372:463, Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at ….png)



c3f0ea  No.7191073

Q, if you really have the mind control tech, please geek this fucking guy: >>7191053

aa8387  No.7191074

File: 4ad6dc0f52ee6f4⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2540x1352, 635:338, force.png)

47e55a  No.7191075

File: cbcc3ab76cde99a⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2730x2048, 1365:1024, ADEBFAA3-6D83-4631-9351-A….jpeg)


Night Shift in the house!

4c9fdb  No.7191076




54e1c3  No.7191077

File: f3b9839f166f6f9⋯.png (276.55 KB, 257x396, 257:396, nwt.PNG)

Nature was my teacher….

16b725  No.7191078

>>7191055 Nah, a five year old would throw-in a reach-around!

7cf895  No.7191079


>>7190995 Smollett lawyers claim they are clear to practice law in Illinois.

Smollett is a DISTRACTION.

Please explain how this is relevant? How does this apply to the grander scheme of things. He is a douche and puppet. Standard tabloid Hollywood type gossip.

It will never be relevant or notable. IMO

9f47be  No.7191080

File: f0092dfb82e2e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1170x878, 585:439, 8978652543438765.png)

File: e42520b37443f52⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1755x873, 195:97, -065478021089743.png)

File: 358688201448fb4⋯.png (57.03 KB, 1095x885, 73:59, 987890128907435.png)




Fueled by diesel/fuel oil.

289194  No.7191081




cc2d3c  No.7191082

any kind anon have a hannity link?

b52768  No.7191083

File: 1c6bf13d1b19ed1⋯.png (231.51 KB, 474x394, 237:197, come along baby Pepe.png)

2ecd88  No.7191084

File: 3a1f6c67e8f52da⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 320x320, 1:1, qbaby1.jpg)

File: 1827cc2cf24fee7⋯.jpg (293.78 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, qbaby2.jpg)

File: 280222bfe259bee⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 555x527, 555:527, qbaby3.jpg)

File: 909a9a726bfa233⋯.png (350.41 KB, 737x816, 737:816, qbaby signifier.png)

>>7190003 pb

Qbaby picture is the pacifier.

The pacifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG#1WG#2!000

Ask the Q..

Hannity to ask the Q tonight?

3f59b0  No.7191085

Oh boy are we larping about the mind control fungus again

Thats super fun convincing people of it

When in reality its just demons

e429d6  No.7191086


Just sitting their subconsciously for everyone. Not saying anything about it.

3e1ef2  No.7191087



1b4c4e  No.7191088



8479ed  No.7191089


Are you? Hannity consistently has the highest prime time

cable news ratings. Perhaps that annoys you.

ae4170  No.7191090

File: 031a1424a87a543⋯.png (1023.56 KB, 1082x755, 1082:755, ClipboardImage.png)

bfc4fd  No.7191091


I agree, it looks like a refrigerator, but its proximity to other heavy supports (green) makes ne wonder. That, and the wardrobe in Narnia.

289194  No.7191092



08ea44  No.7191093

File: 2761744fba46ed1⋯.png (1.01 MB, 894x1086, 149:181, ask.png)

c985c2  No.7191094


Maybe he's the result of the testing

b2c343  No.7191095



No one should be working here with an expectation of something to personally gain from the movement.

Loser mentality.

466b66  No.7191096


Good to see you baker. Had a busy past two days so I'm trying to get some loafs in.

You do same, o7.

81cc0c  No.7191097


I don't think Hannity does pay per view.

You should practive just in case.

3f59b0  No.7191098


They already do every single day why the fuck do you think im bitter

f32275  No.7191099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60dd97  No.7191100

>>7189952 pb

>>7189963 pb

Teacher, on field trip: "Kids, this is how the "anon" thing is done".

Children: (appreciative murmur).


80a1a9  No.7191101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0b0c48  No.7191102

File: ad219b92114b1c1⋯.jpg (4.82 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg)

16b725  No.7191103

>>7191064 I don't think her skin fits the alien inside of her!

2aae35  No.7191104



I'm guessing your parents were anti-vaxxers, huh?


466b66  No.7191105


kek, it was a damn good one.

2ecd88  No.7191106



a91330  No.7191107


What a baby!

df0982  No.7191108


>Q, if you really have the mind control tech, please geek this fucking guy

Please don't get Fake Q (ver. 13) started on the directed energy tech Q supposedly blasts him with daily.

Let's keep him to 1 LARP at a time.

e1247f  No.7191109


Read this as Hannity kink, kek.

0b0c48  No.7191110

File: 7400c5b568d0efa⋯.png (363.89 KB, 984x741, 328:247, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)

9ed8ef  No.7191111

File: 94f7a5e5440ca92⋯.png (56.92 KB, 851x500, 851:500, SenFeinsteinJew.PNG)

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 500x547, 500:547, SenNadler Jew.jpg)

File: 01da0356718eb55⋯.png (46.8 KB, 650x472, 325:236, SenSchiffJewish.PNG)

File: 63fa8470d4d0b01⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 691x361, 691:361, SenSchumerJew.jpg)

File: 79c26e2413af104⋯.png (80.46 KB, 811x500, 811:500, SherlockHolmes.PNG)


How many Jews are in the "ruling class" which is a put down to the rest of us in terminology alone..

We are the fucking ruling class, the sovereign citizens of the United States Of America.

4dfaa2  No.7191112


Go to hell.

cc2d3c  No.7191113




0b495b  No.7191114



I don't drink so I mute the tv, and turn on closed caption

3f59b0  No.7191115


I dont want anything anon

I want my life back

Dont,you dare accuse me of greed

I really wanted to help

And,what i got was life as a targeted individual

466b66  No.7191116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5161bd  No.7191117


>Watching Hannity is one of many sacrifices in this battle

Kek, agreed.

258ab9  No.7191118




5a84b9  No.7191119

File: d8146753ade17ef⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 723x305, 723:305, Capture.JPG)

As Q keeps reminding us over and over These people are STUPID

BBC Says We Only Have 18 Months To Save The Planet From Climate Change

Humanity has only 18 months left to take decisive political steps to avert the catastrophic effects of climate change, according to a report Wednesday by the BBC.

“Do you remember the good old days when we had ’12 years to save the planet’?” wrote BBC environment correspondent Matt McGrath. “Now it seems, there’s a growing consensus that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the global heating crisis, among other environmental challenges.”

McGrath referenced statements from Britain’s Prince Charles and Potsdam Climate Institute founder Hans Joachim Schellnhuber as evidence of the growing consensus that action must be taken to reduce carbon emissions before the end of 2020.


7e1617  No.7191120

File: 5f95749c1864b38⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 474x316, 3:2, satanwood2.jpg)

File: 97d005cba671792⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 474x316, 3:2, satanwood.jpg)


Muh woods.

The face of a burnt offering in the CA "fires"

894501  No.7191121






Depending on how long this intro is, POTUS might not even speak.

boooooooooooooooooooooo put on POTUS!

73b754  No.7191122


Don't forget about DeSantis. He's doing a hell of a job in FL. Our bench is very, very deep.

2aae35  No.7191123


Fuck the YT links.



8cb4e1  No.7191124


61,000 unaccompanied kids crossing Mexican border since Oct

c985c2  No.7191125


Walk-in refrigerator, or walk-in freezer? For storing kid meat?

72d93e  No.7191126

File: b09b44e080f7fda⋯.png (172.67 KB, 353x571, 353:571, ClipboardImage.png)

3f59b0  No.7191127


Im going to take baron,with me if i do

Or any children of the elite

I live near alot of them

All it takes is 1 bullet

0ea7be  No.7191128

File: a0c406f18d48ffe⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 590x350, 59:35, a0c406f18d48ffec8ba307b915….jpg)

694802  No.7191129

File: dde4ed2404c9547⋯.png (497.56 KB, 562x454, 281:227, epsteinFillDirt.png)


Any engineeringFags who can estimate the amount of fill-dirt necessary to put those buildings partially underground. And the landscaping above?

Digging around with this which shows the island while under construction.

2f134b  No.7191130

File: df87c6d2923868a⋯.png (6.56 KB, 250x223, 250:223, pepe - fren 5.png)

File: 6fc60caaac3fb0d⋯.png (504.01 KB, 635x673, 635:673, pepe - fren 1.png)


>>7189952 (You) pb


36b28a  No.7191131

File: 10286acd759c13f⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2000x1330, 200:133, QZ1.png)

File: fd6f259cebeead2⋯.png (106.31 KB, 455x428, 455:428, JARQ2.png)

The Witch Hunt is OVER!



I ACTUALLY DROVE SOMEONE TO FED @ TERRA HAUTE ONCE UPON A TIME :D for those who caught the headliner…

Wouldnt (you) rather be watching FOX instead of listening to me? :D



FUCK WEISSMAN just another muh joo huh muh joo shills? :D

probably a closet catholic muahahahah!








please oh please!

Perpetuating a bug fat MUH HOAX! @ALLMEDIA!


Muh Mueller time! apologies as the party was rained out…

just tears in the rain…

is that fag a catholic? I knew it!

muh catholics! :D



Dont you even try to go over the top elite on muh!

Super muhlite! kek

damn hannity was right about everything some how! :D

no neck!

Qzilla review over… go watch hannity!

7c55d1  No.7191132

File: 5225e02bf3ce839⋯.png (1.52 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

5c18a1  No.7191133

File: e77b36e41ddf8b4⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Bernie_is_Giorgio_three_do….jpg)


>I would imagine Bernie is worried about his own life and that of his family.

Moar like his bank account…

289194  No.7191134

File: 61634220ba18767⋯.png (149.39 KB, 360x242, 180:121, ClipboardImage.png)

9be8be  No.7191135

Watch out for China funding the Dem 2020 campaign.

9ed8ef  No.7191136


Not enough jager on the planet to watch this turd.

e28c8f  No.7191137


TBH I don't care. I don't watch TV. It was fun getting under your skin.

0b0c48  No.7191138

File: 9e64d1058c26622⋯.png (344.15 KB, 506x524, 253:262, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)

894501  No.7191139

File: 00ef2cdada8e294⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 361x342, 19:18, 00ef2cdada8e294212de2cbb8d….jpg)


To Q and Q+, two words:

Tucker Carlson.

- Anon

a7e82d  No.7191140

File: 6410928a3730e4e⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 1500x6525, 20:87, MCBF_13_91_Disneyland.jpg)

GenX (no webs back then, had to use typewriter and snail mail! remember?) 'Zinefag found this in the archives, related but not.

Murder Can Be Fun #13 Death at Disneyland, by John Marr, SF 2991

see pic:

b4fa56  No.7191141


Fuuuuuuuuuuck!! Oh, Goodie! More bad fucking news. FUUUUUUUUCCCCK

0c7970  No.7191142


Thank you!

b52768  No.7191143

File: ace6c4fa3e267fd⋯.jpeg (12.38 KB, 255x192, 85:64, toots ate bane.jpeg)


you insult archetype fredB like that?

2f134b  No.7191144

7 minutes to POTUS? kek.

202a01  No.7191145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hannity live:


b98b35  No.7191146

File: bac36c8682623a0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1367x827, 1367:827, zBABY_pic.PNG)

1b4c4e  No.7191147

File: 70972bb6bd6c738⋯.png (300.26 KB, 490x352, 245:176, ClipboardImage.png)

7e1617  No.7191148

File: f8a121c871a4153⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 680x328, 85:41, Wks1a9jo.jpg_small.jpg)

56848d  No.7191149


df0982  No.7191150



Tried to warn you but too late now.

73d54a  No.7191151

File: 05fad7a87f5d3b3⋯.png (901.36 KB, 2540x1352, 635:338, hannity.png)

3f59b0  No.7191152


If you and i ever meet i will make you watch as i rape your wife and child to death

You deserve everything i could possibly do to you you demonic son of a bitch

If youre not human ill put you in a human body then do it

258ab9  No.7191153


#trannyboy is that you

why did msnbc shut down dc

and move to ny?

why or why

drink bitch


ae4170  No.7191154

File: f6977bb3ca4534a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1057x599, 1057:599, ClipboardImage.png)

cfad54  No.7191155

d61128  No.7191156

File: 24ff942fc73e3d2⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, X2.jpg)

2aae35  No.7191157

File: c87aa5b1ae933f0⋯.png (18.89 KB, 607x262, 607:262, ClipboardImage.png)

56848d  No.7191158


b7416a  No.7191159

Hannity should say that the MSM should also apologize to Potus and his family…he left that part out…why???

298721  No.7191160

File: d392c895ce08f9c⋯.png (55.68 KB, 1171x786, 1171:786, Capture.PNG)

From the Deep Web, a joke?

023612  No.7191161

File: 14ef399a813a33c⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 1310x956, 655:478, slion.jpg)

4c9fdb  No.7191162

File: e0d79b2efbb9a0b⋯.jpeg (26.88 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5D7786A0-4C84-4643-B16F-B….jpeg)

4df26b  No.7191163

File: af8b0301817afd2⋯.png (98.67 KB, 826x914, 413:457, ClipboardImage.png)

Most of you know this, but fun for newfags…

POTUS age on the day he took office?

70 years, 7 months, 7 days old.


Barak Hussein Obama's age in months?


666'th month of his life.

What did Q say?

Satan has left the WhiteHouse

7cf895  No.7191164


Right. But why the focus to take him down when it's really about his puppet masters. Should I put my car in reverse? It's about his case, not him. He's a pawn in the evil game of corruption. I guess my point is, why the focus on him vs his handlers.

05a718  No.7191165


ever hear of (lb)?

54e1c3  No.7191166

File: 6b3ba9631f5964d⋯.png (655 B, 104x29, 104:29, YOU.PNG)

1341ee  No.7191167


Storm Pedo Island, They Can't Stop All of Us

894501  No.7191168


Why do you type like that?

3f59b0  No.7191169


Warn me of what ?

Nobody has ever given a shit about me

I dont even think,god cares about me based on whats happened

I have a right to be mad

And to be honest with you a right to hurt people

18f565  No.7191170

File: d6312f42324225d⋯.png (85.91 KB, 798x990, 133:165, DeputyDougan.png)

File: 9b272c4bdf4c4dc⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1381x906, 1381:906, Screenshot_2019-07-25 Brea….png)

File: f708f6b4d31daf6⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1537x868, 1537:868, Screenshot_2019-07-25 Brea….png)


Breaking Bad Wolf: One crazy journey from Palm Beach cop to Russian exile


**Embed won't work with this video

72d93e  No.7191171


No fucking way!

c4116c  No.7191172

File: 6ffe3fc33e756f1⋯.jpg (125.08 KB, 736x736, 1:1, Maxine Waters is a very lo….jpg)

File: 5084d1b25bd6548⋯.png (892.79 KB, 1440x714, 240:119, Low IQ Maxine.png)

File: 264d68af155a8fb⋯.png (561.03 KB, 1440x795, 96:53, Low IQ Maxine Waters QPos….png)

File: 3183ab2572e2295⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1262x700, 631:350, 1LowIq*ZoneMaxine.png)

File: c2bfc7cab985a1f⋯.png (117.02 KB, 456x555, 152:185, 4LowIQMad:Maxine:BlamedByQ.png)

e03229  No.7191173

File: ef1c93cf18c1ebf⋯.png (340.74 KB, 416x382, 208:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Think Phoenix.

81cc0c  No.7191174

File: 60f1706ecf99cdd⋯.jpg (397.38 KB, 3560x2225, 8:5, reaper31.jpg)



08ea44  No.7191175

File: bfa7750789665e3⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 500x635, 100:127, nighttrump.jpg)

f8c311  No.7191176


scrolled to this EXACTLY when Hannity said "Schiff is a coward" . love it

5161bd  No.7191177

File: ee8b1070bdb5793⋯.jpg (84.17 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, bio-medical-waste-incinera….jpg)

be894d  No.7191178

File: 51d4e209c335ee2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 772x770, 386:385, CatCorn.png)

Waiting for the big guy to give us a drop on SH!

2f134b  No.7191179

File: 3daeb6db1a5f91c⋯.png (107.89 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, pepe - fren 2.png)

File: 371a662dd835d8d⋯.png (11.24 KB, 672x225, 224:75, learn.PNG)



kek better idea.

50b231  No.7191180

File: b25fec308247fd4⋯.jpeg (48.96 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 914BB811-AC80-4F4E-B32E-C….jpeg)


Top Kek

894501  No.7191181

Hannity, bro, stfu and have POTUS on already.

354a41  No.7191182


Great post!

Is it yours or is there sauce?

Would you consider re-posting on resurrected Information Warfare thread? It's all about media manipulation and narrative control.

>>>/qrb/22979 Information Warfare II

(Would be great if you also posted on main QRB board, too. >>>/qrb/28382 QRB )

e5be80  No.7191183


If (and this is a big IF) the dates on "Rusty Shackleford's" videos are current and accurate, that is one disgusting algae bloom they've got going on the island.

Not like Jeff would care about fines for violating environmental regulations in the Caribbean, though. He pays the fines without blinking and keeps going.

56848d  No.7191184


26b722  No.7191185

geez sean, calm down.

2d8a20  No.7191186

Look at all the boomers trying to protect

"weapons of mass destruction" Hannity

God, I hate boomers

d61128  No.7191187

File: 6ecc9341270d8c5⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 379x387, 379:387, 6ecc9341270d8c5e44d8b5d28b….jpg)

0372ff  No.7191188


Hasidic jew. - they hate the zionists.

16b725  No.7191189

>>7191167 Rather invade with Drones in Mass!

632077  No.7191190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FF to 11:17 to see Faux hacks recite the same EXACT script as FNN & the others. It's ALL garbage. Probably why Hannity couldn't wait to publicly support 45, and was with him at CPAC in '15 before POTUS announced his candidacy. Hannity taking his HUGE radio following elsewhere may be a fear at Faux, which is probably why he can get away with dropping some actual info to his viewers.

81b28d  No.7191191


4c9fdb  No.7191192


0b0c48  No.7191193

File: 51506877f496485⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, cortez.jpg)

5161bd  No.7191194

No offense anons, but I really am America First. I can give a fuck about Israel and I don't know why we have to come to their aid every time they hear some shit they don't like.

81b28d  No.7191195



f8c311  No.7191196

Why doesn't POTUS do more addresses to the nation on live television? He has the platform to broadcast the proven lies of the Democrats , but doesn't do it.

08ea44  No.7191197

File: c9af52f79239788⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, omar3.jpg)

File: d2d3620cd9e87ca⋯.jpg (163.07 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, omar3.jpg)

c3f0ea  No.7191198


Kek, I heard it too. That's funny, coming from a suicide bomber.

5b1621  No.7191199

File: b111aea9da6cb60⋯.jpg (109.14 KB, 665x500, 133:100, 36ej4a.jpg)

File: 3e2f2ca14402c82⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 36ehp3.jpg)

File: 8ce4ad57006ec6a⋯.jpg (89.4 KB, 824x500, 206:125, 36ek7a.jpg)

File: 68ee845041f2ecd⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 36egrc.jpg)

File: ae190623147a92f⋯.jpg (104.82 KB, 500x775, 20:31, 36gvi7.jpg)

894501  No.7191200


You are so brave and woke.


d7dee1  No.7191201

hey hannity..the holohoax wuz fake bruh

how long you faggots gonna keep pushing the big lie?

887956  No.7191202


Fresh water trucks are a thing, too. Sure it's fuel?

e03229  No.7191203

File: 3d27dd22dde82d5⋯.png (102.04 KB, 760x562, 380:281, ClipboardImage.png)

9b1ec5  No.7191204

File: f4a40a4bee872e8⋯.png (514.8 KB, 583x460, 583:460, medical waste.PNG)


medical waste

a30543  No.7191205



Suicide by USSS?

b50528  No.7191206

ffs muh Israel first

43d971  No.7191207


Soooo, if this is true and Q team know about it... why the fuck are these people not locked up?

Fucking bullshit Q

2aae35  No.7191208





72d93e  No.7191209


I can see your perspective.

That's what the media does… Look here not [here]

81b28d  No.7191210


Israel first

024665  No.7191211

File: db39cc663190aa7⋯.gif (88.8 KB, 529x296, 529:296, sparrowhead.gif)

File: 85e230528ee6f9d⋯.png (7.13 MB, 2774x1592, 1387:796, Screen Shot 2019-07-20 at ….png)

File: 36f614d70bd4789⋯.gif (4.48 MB, 600x340, 30:17, frenlierangels.gif)

File: 05569f571c4e411⋯.png (776.26 KB, 1500x451, 1500:451, twitterbanner summer 2019.png)




Gimme a D

Gimme an E

Gimme a C

Gimme an L

Gimme an A

Gimme an S

What does that spell?


73d54a  No.7191212



>Africa may have ended


202a01  No.7191213

kill the whities…….kek

96b1f0  No.7191215

File: 172fe5374fa41c5⋯.png (170.16 KB, 606x404, 3:2, schiff-hell-of-a-drug.png)

56848d  No.7191216

Tilab Steal it and take it away

9b9eca  No.7191217

File: 96f0990c828bda2⋯.png (279.21 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ABC07026-1D8A-4866-AC2F-1C….png)

File: 404b7447dcdd352⋯.png (301.77 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A8A812C1-A2B4-41CD-ADF9-09….png)

More FUCKERY connected to FLYNN Who does that JoeM? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rusty%20Shackleford

2c0535  No.7191218

why the fuck is hannity spinning this shit?

talib compared boycotting israel to boycotting nazi germany

which makes perfect sense: we boycotted nazi germany of all countries, why can't we boycott israel? it's a sensible argument…

436723  No.7191219

Ilhan Omar sounds like a female Sebastian Gorka.

0b495b  No.7191220


Equal Time.

a7e82d  No.7191221


What were those scratches caused by?

08ea44  No.7191222

File: 576fe40a4858d82⋯.png (433.64 KB, 730x454, 365:227, fuckwhitey.png)

e3e5fe  No.7191223

File: 4d12eec0fa20147⋯.jpeg (459.16 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 67E02B9A-B163-40B3-9D2B-6….jpeg)

File: ca9ad396056e4db⋯.jpeg (286.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, C2801915-5B0E-49B5-B5E0-1….jpeg)

File: 724f04adc8176f9⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 2CDD0FA1-D871-475B-A59F-7….jpeg)

File: cd8cca2acb4b57f⋯.png (201.61 KB, 285x358, 285:358, 5C28FAC8-3AD5-4E64-AC37-CB….png)

File: 13eef9caede521c⋯.jpeg (507.61 KB, 1426x1102, 713:551, A81F5BF2-C961-482C-9B8E-1….jpeg)

7cf895  No.7191224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You hate the people that clearly made you. STOP THE DIVIDE.

Embrace the BOOM!

60f94e  No.7191225

File: 786a0c6933cd186⋯.png (715.22 KB, 826x560, 59:40, ClipboardImage.png)

894501  No.7191226

File: dfac03305404c0f⋯.png (304.81 KB, 463x524, 463:524, spellingnazi.png)

567339  No.7191227

File: 2b911f17894ea0d⋯.png (886.53 KB, 1284x720, 107:60, TG-TC-FN-PR-190719.png)


She will be running for president in 2024.

3f59b0  No.7191228

File: 44b7c77e8f92644⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 743x1024, 743:1024, gettyimages-578549066(2).jpg)


e5be80  No.7191229




>Why do you type like that?


Homie didn't think studying was cool

More likely, "homie" was too intellectually stunted to absorb any information.

Also, a genetic tendency toward impulsive and frequently violent behavior.

5a84b9  No.7191230

File: 79d884eaaa6db70⋯.jpg (32.77 KB, 499x375, 499:375, Capture.JPG)

WATCH: Google Places Whistleblower Who Talked To Project Veritas On Administrative Leave

Google has placed Greg Coppola, a senior software engineer, on administrative leave for telling the truth about Google’s far-left bias in its search engine results.

Coppola appeared in an on-camera interview with Project Veritas earlier this week.

WATCH video for full details:


63ee7b  No.7191231

How Omar emphasis "White" and jumps a little when she says it.

Projection from previous statements she has made

5d6da5  No.7191232


I wonder if all those guns were to arm ANTIFA

4c9fdb  No.7191233



3f59b0  No.7191234

File: 335aa2a6164eb93⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 780x520, 3:2, gettyimages-522830364(2).jpg)


694802  No.7191235

File: da5ee0c236ed0a7⋯.png (697.9 KB, 744x468, 62:39, wutDis1.png)


88e210  No.7191236


as long as necessary for optics.

how would it look if he said that on air? come on.

c73035  No.7191237


Aunt Kamala and her Chinese connections?

9ed8ef  No.7191238

File: 24fda832a9e7fe7⋯.png (72.29 KB, 886x500, 443:250, JewSuck.PNG)


Jews - Zionists.

There is no difference.

c4116c  No.7191239

File: 2f7e6b77cbb3c08⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, Adam Schiff and his daught….png)

File: dcb1f75e639de1b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, Liddle Adam Schitt Th….png)

File: fa26b65b2cf1f5f⋯.png (997.33 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, Q Proof! Adam Schiff 7….png)

File: b46e25c43e3d231⋯.png (466.46 KB, 635x770, 127:154, Symbolism downfall. Liddl….png)

File: 52b66818fa97a4f⋯.png (892.63 KB, 1440x789, 480:263, 1MAGA:ADAM:$7.8MM.png)

705946  No.7191240


because we're in a pickle, and they know it

they're terrible, and the others are somehow worse, so if we dont continuously fight all their battles for them, the me is completely lost, compared to mostly just a total shithole

they know this, intimately, and use it constantly

81b28d  No.7191241




ae4170  No.7191242

File: 9f06bc8ff21daf3⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1920x965, 384:193, ClipboardImage.png)

3f59b0  No.7191243

File: 951eb030b40ff47⋯.jpg (122.21 KB, 735x969, 245:323, b89acb95288872e4abdf9ad41e….jpg)


08ea44  No.7191244

File: d88e8fa3e0d9a02⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 640x588, 160:147, fatfuck.jpg)

0f2801  No.7191245

I feel guilty because I am eating everyday white bread right now [Wonder Bread].

bfc4fd  No.7191246

>>7190349 lb

Anyone have a link to a way to watch free? I don't do cable.

73d54a  No.7191247



"Incinerated Medical Waste" on Pedo Island

e28c8f  No.7191248


Jefferson said that one of the "Essential principles of our government" is that of "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."


289194  No.7191249

File: 55f4f098fa9829f⋯.png (698.59 KB, 835x557, 835:557, ClipboardImage.png)

May Kek and Christos bless us with a Mandela-effect portal into the new narrative.

Jah bliss this Earth

e5ea99  No.7191250

Hannity 15 minutes in

Opening monologue recapping info we all already know still going strong

No news to report as of yet

Natives getting restless

466b66  No.7191251


>>7191230 Google places whistleblower who talked to Project Veritas on administrative leave.

>>7190906, >>7190922 More info on FBI agent that 'committed suicide' and his crazy ass sister.

>>7191124 61K unaccompanied kids crossing Mexican border since Oct.

>>7190995 Smollett lawyers claim they are clear to practice law in Illinois.

>>7190943 Hannity livestream.

>>7190963 NY townhouse, with tunnels, sold for $41.5m.

>>7190752 Keystone word play.

>>7190833 Clapper suggests mueller just a figurehead who was not involved in writing ‘his’ report.

>>7190678 Ted Lieu thinks someone got to Mueller.

>>7190655, >>7190671 13 shocking Mueller.

>>7190606 New drone attack knocks airport in southern SA out of service.

>>7190592 Tulsi Gabbard suing Google for election interference.

894501  No.7191252

File: d0f6d2c600a7e10⋯.png (455.8 KB, 480x553, 480:553, wearekangz.png)



56848d  No.7191253

Bette Midler Racist

3057aa  No.7191254

File: d5da97c77e206f7⋯.png (143.95 KB, 609x356, 609:356, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at ….png)


Mad Hatter. You all know what that is, right?

3bfc1a  No.7191255


Carts possibly dragged rocks over the Concrete pad.

c68e8e  No.7191256

File: e0bef2bfc9099e4⋯.jpeg (175.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1539123756.jpeg)

c985c2  No.7191257

File: af8468f511e086e⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 340x500, 17:25, spelingg nazi kitteh duz n….jpg)

202a01  No.7191258

if hrc won…….we'd be in a civil war right now

54e1c3  No.7191259

File: b42e3a2f4c37deb⋯.png (512.21 KB, 642x541, 642:541, fuckery.PNG)


7ccc3c  No.7191260

File: a242ccd9c318b83⋯.jpg (156.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a242ccd9c318b83dfcadd3296f….jpg)


Hmmm what else habbens in roughly 18 months?

A very important election?

They got comms 2, "climate change" is one of 'em.

0ea7be  No.7191261

File: fbce7f034ba83ae⋯.png (171.42 KB, 532x481, 532:481, ClipboardImage.png)

A large pod of dolphins is spotted from a boat near Laguna Beach, California

Dolphins swim off California coast - Lifestyle


5:10 PM - 25 Jul 2019

It´s Time…

b04667  No.7191262


art and music after the GA is gonna be off the chain

ba dum

2aae35  No.7191263

File: 9800a8dc1f8c2ce⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1024x788, 256:197, hanginwithmydogs.png)

81b28d  No.7191264

Omar is based for speaking the truth about 9/11 and Israel/Jews

She's wrong about everything else but that is no coincidence either

81e473  No.7191265

What really bothers me is that these awful people Schiff, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Lieu etc know what they did and KNOW that we know. They have to be so f'd in the head to not think anything would ever happen and their treason revealed. Day after day they keep going, plotting, conniving, setting up dangerous situations that harm innocent people. I'm enraged! I just am to a point where I want someone to just get real and just SAY what it is. Every day it just pains me more when POTUS is busting to clean up the world.. I know, I know Its happening. I guess it is just awful to watch them keep up the delusion.

c4116c  No.7191266

File: ac40bd15f697395⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1440x796, 360:199, Bette Midler's racism i….png)

72d93e  No.7191267


how can you hate boomers? IDK how old you are but I would guess you parents or grandparents are boomers.

You wouldn't exist without them you ungrateful shit

5c18a1  No.7191268


>being groomed

Exactly why all these fuckers are NOT trying to restore power to the people. We keep "grooming" puppets instead of educating people…

Inner circle-jerks

3057aa  No.7191269


Oh Poop. Last bread. I'm so sorry.

171ce6  No.7191270


do you even read the bread. theres been no less than 15 links to it so far.

2c0535  No.7191271


ugh… i don't know how i didn't realize that.

9b1ec5  No.7191272

File: 230ae51a48a4281⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, POTUS disapproves.jpg)

5d6da5  No.7191273

258ab9  No.7191274


Fren jus hurd that

red rope is goin around the door knob

foodies and groupies

like the goold ole tate days


0372ff  No.7191275


Be a shame if we cut off food (grain, etc) shipments

81b28d  No.7191276

Also Omar is based as fuck for speaking the truth about AIPAC as well

2614d3  No.7191277

File: 0bd0b399cd35993⋯.png (271.34 KB, 745x577, 745:577, Capture.png)

b52768  No.7191278

File: f65ae5a986418d9⋯.jpeg (11.72 KB, 255x219, 85:73, laughing cig pep.jpeg)


Mark Levin said something about Omar and QAnon earlier today but I did not catch the sentence but as soon as I hear the term QAnon I kek in Pepe then go "holy shit" like when Rush The Lizard King Turtle Killer said it a few days ago in reference to Epstein and NY blackout.

b7416a  No.7191279

5b1621  No.7191280

File: 8e5dc7f7d67de60⋯.png (258.68 KB, 500x625, 4:5, WTF Checker.png)





possibly incinerated

a214a5  No.7191281


I think they are steps. There is a pic of them with cockatoo statues in front?

e5be80  No.7191283


Sick and tired of them.

If they're so great, let them stand up on their own against the rest of the Middle East and Africa.

We keep our money, and have popcorn while watching the ensuing fireworks.

37b4a2  No.7191284

technical dificulties

409330  No.7191285



894501  No.7191286


But they lost connection because Hannity wouldn't stop talking.

4dfaa2  No.7191287

POTUS not on the line.

adcc15  No.7191288

gotta be one of the longest introductions Hannity has done.

POTUS not there! Technical Diff.

7cf895  No.7191289



2f134b  No.7191291


bfc4fd  No.7191292


Source? Global location?

3aab69  No.7191293

>>7191093 Hannity ripping Bette Middler, that paragon of virtue, heh.

d821bb  No.7191295

Hannity Technical difficulties?

694802  No.7191296


All that fancy rock around the driveways surely wasn't imported to the island, was it? RockFags know what kind of rock that is? Island native? From the tunnels?

d7dee1  No.7191297


sometimes the bandaid just needs ripped off.

they (POTUS DJT/Q) have all the intel to expose everything now.

at some point we have to stop catering to the enemy for optics.

861be6  No.7191298

File: fc35ea127744746⋯.png (570.94 KB, 680x409, 680:409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8142f7c8d22352a⋯.png (69.24 KB, 1098x814, 549:407, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c375dd5344e0eab⋯.png (645.77 KB, 2162x866, 1081:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c375dd5344e0eab⋯.png (645.77 KB, 2162x866, 1081:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c375dd5344e0eab⋯.png (645.77 KB, 2162x866, 1081:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Civil/hvac engineer in the house? Ballpark on the tonnage/cfm? How large is the facility given the ventilation system size?

Those look like they could be two decent sized industrial blowers (see below) – from the guide below, that looks like it fits for a 20,000 sq ft location



3bfc1a  No.7191299

17 Total Keks.

3f59b0  No.7191301


Israel owns you

Until you realize that all at the top are dirty

Youre a useful idiot

I wish i could personally execute every member of the elite along with their families

But life isnt fair

Stacked entirely towards evil

8479ed  No.7191302

Who beat the fuck out of Epstein?

96aaff  No.7191303

File: 99ee5040d032e9d⋯.png (127.63 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Taxonomy.png)


the endless inner conflict of the muhjew retard.

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