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File: 40053b422341860⋯.png (161.61 KB, 774x516, 3:2, Memes49.PNG)

d7366d  No.7077975

Self-Service Image Library

Protect and Comfort Those Around Us



Through tempest, storm,

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.


First time on 8ch? Newfag, you MUST read the intro


Leave name/email/subject BLANK when you post. Q Research is a cyberwar zone. Think safety.

Meme Ammo

• 48 >>6740853, >>47 >>6467693, 46''' >>6192694

• Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

• A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

• Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

• NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU


• Instant background removal: https://www.remove.bg/ Recommended! Excellent results, great time-saver

• Memegenerators: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

• Apps: gimp, MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, etc.

Meme Makers

Image Size We recommend

• 1200x1200 for Insta

• 1200x627 for Twitter + Facebook

• Top memeanons often make 2 images, one each size.

Filetype: Unless it's a transparent-background .png, scalable vector graphics drawing, or predominantly text, we prefer .jpg to minimize file size. How? After creating image, "Export As," select .jpg filetype. To shrink files even more, try 90% quality with no significant fidelity loss. Text MUST be readable. If you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.


Until fixed, ensure that .jpeg files are named .jpg

8ch's back-end shouldn't treat .jpg / .jpeg differently, but it does

Beware Twitter image truncation!

• Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1200 wide x 627 high

• Twitter shrinks larger images to 1024 x 512, and mangles wrong-shaped images

Download Tips

• Browser: Click thumbnail to open fullsize image

--Right click fullsize image and download to your device

--Download fullsize images, not thumbnails

--On social media, post your local copy of the image, not a link to 8ch

((( --Advanced tip to keep original filenames: Right-click 2nd image link. Pick downlink link. Browser applies OC original filename. Saves typing.)))

• Phonefag: Omnichan on App Store can download/rename all images in a thread with 1 command

Are All These Images OK for Social Media?

• NOPE! Our collections are not curated

• As a free-speech zone, we don't remove posts; expect to see some Trump-haters

• When picking images for social media, YOU'RE responsible

Scroll down for:

★ More Effective Memes ("Meme Psychology"). Learn to ID the best images for your audience. Does it present an idea from their point of view like marketers do, instead of insulting folks?

★ Twitter/FB/Youtube/Insta acct shadow-banned or locked? Visit current War Room for current campaigns, hashtags, tactics, help

BREAKING! Evade shadow-ban algos: Type pro-left, pro-dem crap in the text box while hiding your real message in graphics

★ Red Pill Tactics

★ Social Media Tips (Images need to be the right size + shape, or our impact could be greatly diminished)

Nothing Q has said supports hate-based narratives

<We're about love and unity, not hate or division

<Divisive posts may be paid troublemakers who post hateful content, then publish articles citing their own stuff -- attempting to frame Q anons

<We serve the Commander in Chief

<Remember: Q posted Bible verses on love and asked us to pray

All Q's posts

Available at qposts.online, qanon.app , qanon.pub , qmap.pub , qanon.news

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Post last edited at

d7366d  No.7078022

File: d57d07c8a91a315⋯.png (503.71 KB, 1718x1400, 859:700, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98511b08c373cee⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1009x934, 1009:934, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c54e4709049d6e⋯.png (908.2 KB, 1718x903, 1718:903, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7366d  No.7078087

You are the army. Militia Intelligence - Psyops Team. Your armaments are that you understand the enemy or should.

If you are behind enemy lines and are known then you have failed.

If you are behind enemy lines are are not known, but ready to guide, then you are in place to begin your mission.

If Trump arrested Hillary tomorrow, your goal isn't to jump up in the middle of the office and yell, "FUCK YEAH! I TOLD YOU FAGGOTS!"

Your job is to say, "Oh my god, this is horrible! What is Trump doing?" and then slowly present logical, emotional, social, and other pressures to these groups who perceive you as an insider to get them to accept what has happened.

As someone else here said, the end game is determined. Nothing the Militia Army does is going to change the big plays.

Our goal is to prevent chaos and destruction as a result of those big plays.

How many relationships have you cultivated with the "enemy" so that you may make amends with them when its most needed?

This is a risk of Civil War and failure of Civil Society. We do not want the "enemy" to die and suffer. They are our fellow countrymen. Their fate is tied to ours. Look into the great people who made amends after the Civil War. The statues they're trying to get torn down now.

If you're behind enemy lines you are exactly where you need to be for your mission.

Q is not going to ask us to pick up a rifle and fight the CIA in the streets. People would do well to get that notion of our their minds.

Our mission is critical but it is one of unity and truth.

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d7366d  No.7078112

Basics of Effective Red Pilling

• Know your biggest competitors

• Apathy (some people genuinely don’t give a shit about politics or even good vs. evil)

• Lazy Thinking (Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts")

• Short Attention Spans (Learn to ask great opening questions that ENGAGE the other person. For example: "I've been learning of late some rather interesting, but confusing, things about our President. Would you be kind enough to have a look at this with me and give me your perspective?")

• Cognitive Dissonance [It's important for you to understand that every living American has been brainwashed–completely–by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie. When people are faced with evidence (like buildings collapsing in perfect free-fall) that is counter-intuitive to our values and beliefs, we naturally reject them to protect our tenuous view of reality. It took me YEARS to accept the truth of 9/11 due to my military training and a lifetime of believing I was a patriot acting in the best interest of a good gubbermint. Factor in that 9/11 is only one piece of a much larger "jigsaw puzzle" and you will begin gaining empathy for the enormous "wakening" that Normies will soon be facing. It won't be easy for them, so be gentle and patient.]

• Learn how to "play dumb"

• Open the conversation by sincerely complimenting the other person (example: "Joe, you've forgotten more about the Middle East that I'll ever know. I'm really confused about Putin's stance on Syria and why Trump is not getting involved. What are your thoughts on this tricky situation?")

• Ask open-ended questions (they typically start with who, what and how)

• Let the other person be the expert

• Find a topic about which they're already skeptical, then tie that issue to something that's of interest today

• When you sense that they're starting to push back, quickly change the subject back to small talk and wait for a better time

• Embrace the concept that Red Pilling is a process and NOT an event

• No one will have an "Aha!" moment; it's a slow realization that EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER LEARNED OR BELIEVED IS A LIE

• Someone famous and wise (I think Mark Twain) once said, "It's easier to fool someone than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled." If you agree with this, as do I, then it's easier to accept the fact that when someone starts waking up, they will do it in solace, and NOT in the presence of another person. Plant the seeds and let them walk away to nurture them on their own.

• Another Anon suggested that, "Everyone is Red Pilled at least a wee bit about SOMETHING; vaccines, GMO's, lobbyists, insider trading, Building 7, etc.). Find their one area of skepticism first, then slowly work your way out."

I hope these thoughts help some of you salvage relationships with those near and dear to you. In closing, know this: The people closest to us are the last ones WE will be able to Red Pill. We tend to fall into old habits and roles with them (and vice versa), so plant the seeds and let other people take credit for your family and friends waking up.

Beer at the parade, fellow Patriots!

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d7366d  No.7078134

SalesTrainerandAuthorFag's method

Here’s the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist.”

First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS done over time. It requires patience and skill.

Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, Obama birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing $2.3 trillion, Halliburton, rigged primaries, biased MSM, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.)

Once common ground is discovered, let THEM tell YOU what they know about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.

Once the topic is fully explored, compliment their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).

If they agree, do NOT dump on them with information you’ve already learned. Instead, ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.

During the second conversation, let THEM be the expert and teach you. Keep playing dumb. Praise their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.

Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic. (This will seem counterintuitive but it’s a REALLY important part of the approach.)

Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).

Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.

Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.

Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the further they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.

If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “Help me see what you’re seeing”, or “Help me understand that better”. The more they try to explain something that has no basis, the higher chance they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU canNOT do for/to them).

Once they show a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (viewing themself as a mentor/teacher reinforces their new beliefs).

When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.

When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it could be possible that…”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that…” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.

As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, precede with softening statements.

Don’t let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations – not running for re-election – for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!

Finally: REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE 2nd-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!

SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas. Happy pilling!

Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow

People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot tend to tell it all, overwhelming. Just plant a seed and back away. Do this by asking a question that gets them thinking.

Go do something else, and give them a chance to process it and work it out in their mind.

Ask a different question about the topic (the seed you planted) and see how they answer.

This waters the seed so it grows downward into subconscious and upward towards the conscious.

Go away and do other things.

Plant the seed and come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.

Some people take a long time to process things. E.g. my family members are just now getting something I said years ago (they forgot that it was me who brought it up). They say, “Hey did you know about X?”

I just smile and nod.

It works.

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d7366d  No.7078172

Wrong Number idea

→1. Obtain burner phone. (For obvious reasons).

→2. Locate article, meme, video or recording with serious red pilling potential.

→3. In local area (likely best result with local area code), send red pill material with leading script something similar to:

Hey, did you see this yet?; Can you believe this?, etc…

→4. Follow immediately with a quick apology about wrong# such as: Wrong #, Sorry!

Why might this be an effective addition to normal social media attack?

a. It has potential to reach people who don’t use social media much – an untapped population.

b. It stokes curiosity; people are nosy by nature.

c. After you text “wrong #:, their defenses are lowered because they don’t feel the info is directed to them. Similar to how Q sidesteps cognitive dissonance by Socratic questioning.

Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step

Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.

Extreme truth will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons’ bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.

The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.

Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completely and it will be dismissed as conspiracy theory nonsense.

So go step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns about corruption in government.

Then add Republicans and Democrats as possible thieves.

Then name individuals and ask; don't make claims.

The next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the Nafia, but run by politicians.

Make it understandable by referencing organized crime (not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking…)

Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.

Step by step.

Ask, Don't Tell

When you tell something, you get cognitive dissonance.

When you ask something, you BYPASS cognitive dissonance.

Q gave us a Socratic questioning method that can BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!

Coax, don't push

Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.

More Tactics

Focus on things that aren’t scary to normies.

(Avoid: aliens, energy fields, hollow earth, metaphysics, religions, pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, chemtrails, crop circles, detoxing / cleansing pineal gland, chakras, reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.)

So what to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is better than a big one that's spat up.

The normie doesn’t need to see the entire picture. They just need to begin to trust and/or prefer our side. Our mission is to help mitigate an earth-shattering revolt by spoon-feeding normies in small amounts they can handle. Memes should focus on:

1) The elites are corrupt. They force new members to do perverse acts in order to show their loyalty. It can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity. This is used to blackmail or compel loyalty.

2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they believe harvesting blood and other things from children can extend their lifespans, or improve their health.

3) Elites already have everything. Where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?

4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children!

So in these examples, there’s no need to delve into Moloch worship or Satanism. The message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.

We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.

We can use persuasion — Words like "dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved". We don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon.

Use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.

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d7366d  No.7078213

Podesta art shock method

Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Podestas, etc. Then, as they become incredulous with disbelief, tell them to Google "Tony Podesta art". They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm. This was a simple and effective way I redpilled my mom.

Start small + plant seeds

Plant seeds and watch them grow… Don’t push them off a cliff. Just a seed… Tell them something backed by evidence… For example, “Isn’t it weird that…blah” and let them mull it over. If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.

Start small

He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourselves, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.

Don't lay it all out for the normies, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.

Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves

How to go viral

If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:

1. Humour

Comedy just sticks. Many anons came to the chans for funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street) or actual big events (like 911); and start combining shit.

2. Mystery

Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. Make them think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.

Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.

How she redpilled her sister

Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna redpill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing an orthopedic boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins. and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built-in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what anons have come to a consensus on.

Recipe for redpilling, especially women

1 cup something easy to swallow: I suggest “Did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more like a movie plot that is changing culture for the worse). Or “How are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?” Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?

1 cup personal: “Have you had anything like that in your life?” “Known anyone that had anything like that?”

1 cup proven history: “Reminds me of the…” Franklin scandal, British scandal, Belgium scandal – whatever you know better.

1 cup “Makes sense it’s probably happening here right now: Have you seen Podestas’ art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.

Leave them to think for a while.

Finish the job with a Q drop when they return to ask questions.

Read Q Spreadsheet


Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."

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d7366d  No.7078225

Communication tactics

In every type of communication, about 90% is about personal feelings/emotions/information, and only 10% is about external knowledge. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get inside their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".

1. Shut up and let others talk

–This way you will recognize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions, what the topic is about.

–The less you talk, the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said.

2. Choose which way you want to interact

2a - Only listen (to get information)

2b - Raise your voice (pass information)

3 Select a strategy of HOW to communicate

3a - "Know your enemy" / "know your opposition"

Depending on who you’re with, your communication approach will differ. It could be

- emotional

- controversial

- understanding

- helping

- distracting…

Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style").

3b Catch people from where they are at

3b It doesn’t help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their idol is an Illuminati slave. Try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (The emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behavior morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on.)

4 - Decide if you want to lead into another information part (from personal to outside stuff). You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.

Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay neutral.

As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.

Breaking Down Hardcore Normies

An aggressive method I used in some rare cases:

- Find out their core belief.

- Find out the weak spot.

- Use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weak spot.

- Use irrefutabe facts.

- Stick their nose in it (like a cat).

- Watch them get angry.

- Know the seed has been planted.

(They will try to disprove you, but won’t be able to.)

This is a strategy for hardcore normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way.

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d7366d  No.7078251

File: 5011135571fe8c6⋯.png (844.31 KB, 626x1112, 313:556, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eb4727f60b995a⋯.png (727.93 KB, 628x784, 157:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74a11d7e7e0f2b7⋯.png (1.35 MB, 640x2495, 128:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f88b24d497d5c59⋯.png (875.45 KB, 1208x680, 151:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b84fc04ac0ef6f⋯.png (263.05 KB, 690x1200, 23:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7366d  No.7078276

File: fd9445bb2a2abed⋯.png (341.23 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dec21ab542d501a⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1842x1416, 307:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a65f8c33249f8e⋯.png (906.18 KB, 1190x1417, 1190:1417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ce9d5833674e5e⋯.png (166.39 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Twitter Advice From War Room

1) pin great tweet with instructions to your profile

2) send a few GOOD tweets (have something to say, add hashtags, a meme, TY @potus and perhaps an URL to something)

3) search #ReleaseTheTexts

4) select RECENT

5) RT the first 10-15 you see.

Repeat every 30 minutes

War Room.

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d7366d  No.7078286

Memes Thread Dough


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5efc77  No.7078370

File: e35e2e2bc4b8afa⋯.gif (9.05 MB, 483x720, 161:240, 3968BAF3-C61B-4742-9352-68….gif)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5efc77  No.7078377

File: e3439a3a24e3698⋯.gif (10.82 MB, 720x372, 60:31, D9550390-AED2-44F0-B17F-21….gif)

File: 15b70988518c77b⋯.png (680.63 KB, 595x856, 595:856, 14EB9127-3063-422A-A37D-C3….png)

File: 85990129d8b552b⋯.png (618.83 KB, 637x641, 637:641, 3A3EC292-D107-4366-B0D8-B7….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5efc77  No.7078386

File: b15b88ab3469c24⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 354x720, 59:120, 277F04DA-5A90-4907-A015-61….gif)

File: 4c6807719ca9416⋯.gif (10.12 MB, 720x720, 1:1, C5B23BC5-7614-478D-B731-D2….gif)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5efc77  No.7078392

File: 672268a6aca728c⋯.gif (8.33 MB, 483x720, 161:240, 459CE6C3-E170-4BAE-A688-37….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078396

File: 7348a429d7f4f22⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 720x481, 720:481, BAC33907-061F-4B80-9AF7-F1….gif)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5efc77  No.7078401

File: 314a1a009f15342⋯.gif (6.58 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 6E8BEC2E-03C6-4706-B229-C6….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078406

File: 33398b96d6601a6⋯.gif (8.16 MB, 376x720, 47:90, 3223A66E-1C71-4574-9882-0C….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078412

File: b55a63d548f2fa4⋯.gif (5.87 MB, 505x720, 101:144, 31CE8443-2071-4D63-8360-AA….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078420

File: 62eb6e81cf15b5c⋯.gif (12.09 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 04D8D885-E07A-42B0-8AE6-35….gif)

File: 67efae452872dbb⋯.png (463 KB, 520x685, 104:137, 0FE39905-2ECE-4358-9CAB-E3….png)

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5efc77  No.7078425

File: c1e4876714f9bd6⋯.gif (9.06 MB, 472x720, 59:90, F0E803EA-38B1-4455-98F7-DE….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078433

File: babd00e7412ffea⋯.gif (5.97 MB, 720x446, 360:223, 9B2E1CB6-E42C-4365-B023-AE….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078438

File: 8f099cf0ac7e10d⋯.gif (13.98 MB, 483x720, 161:240, FD29BFBD-0B13-42DF-8E75-47….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078445

File: 3bb933582d40fb4⋯.gif (8.36 MB, 472x720, 59:90, B34A67C7-95BD-4952-B21E-04….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078449

File: 4c5977b30be6cd8⋯.gif (6.05 MB, 720x446, 360:223, BDF8D445-F0CE-4F83-83BD-07….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078452

File: 20d9e09bc88d334⋯.gif (9.01 MB, 720x434, 360:217, AC219772-2126-46B7-9ECA-09….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078466

File: 1930a74ec43e521⋯.gif (8.13 MB, 472x720, 59:90, 060311D0-1568-4B3A-8AFD-E3….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078472

File: a822d3cb60625a2⋯.gif (13.2 MB, 720x446, 360:223, E4BD48D4-2611-4289-A149-BE….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078484

File: 35cd2c8e58b0cb9⋯.gif (8.69 MB, 720x535, 144:107, 1008E789-EAD4-4119-A1BB-A8….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078490

File: 2461b1cc2ca25a0⋯.gif (5.83 MB, 420x640, 21:32, B1FBA9EE-E513-453A-A556-B6….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078512

File: b2d915116d3a513⋯.gif (8.57 MB, 640x549, 640:549, 0C427609-B9F2-4361-A482-5E….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078521

File: 961e50961fbc3c5⋯.gif (3.96 MB, 640x336, 40:21, 57C2EF85-9EC8-47CA-9850-5A….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078525

File: ef671c95b721cec⋯.gif (12.03 MB, 720x536, 90:67, E81491A0-4235-4048-BAF3-D9….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078528

File: 04a0fab3280c8a7⋯.gif (6.92 MB, 720x402, 120:67, 95AD8A85-50D1-4E24-A531-07….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078532

File: b38534cdadf137b⋯.gif (8.98 MB, 719x720, 719:720, 84847D4B-40C5-482B-AF90-53….gif)

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5efc77  No.7078536

File: 304a565c9fad842⋯.png (508.94 KB, 720x667, 720:667, D0AB38DB-AD78-4A7F-8262-75….png)

File: 3db1bf3cf990446⋯.png (604.9 KB, 960x530, 96:53, 3F0476FD-4481-470F-A32A-F6….png)

File: 03b2cd45c286aac⋯.png (2.59 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 79AF8C29-788E-469C-8E9A-A3….png)

File: 9daf4921b7f21bc⋯.png (522.02 KB, 640x462, 320:231, D57FD566-B4DC-48CD-8D5B-10….png)

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5efc77  No.7078543

File: 3ff3cfd49ccdd3a⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1280x1802, 640:901, 40CEA4B7-15C8-4779-8CBF-E8….png)

File: a47e2040e118dde⋯.png (890.12 KB, 640x976, 40:61, E570FC6A-7F99-4400-A33D-52….png)

File: 49facbadad50057⋯.png (350.8 KB, 640x366, 320:183, 74A25813-5D5D-4983-8C8E-89….png)

File: 7abc15d35c3246f⋯.png (673.62 KB, 666x575, 666:575, F77F94D3-5B3C-434A-A099-51….png)

File: cf6bfbeda7142ad⋯.png (700.57 KB, 608x853, 608:853, A3852DCB-1EDD-414A-A38C-AE….png)

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5efc77  No.7078554

File: a62d684c5400a42⋯.png (311.47 KB, 429x586, 429:586, 1323FC48-826F-4773-A3FA-B5….png)

File: 409c0ab7c5ca5bc⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1070x1902, 535:951, 56993574-3F50-437B-A70F-5C….png)

File: 82f9dbbdb5c8172⋯.jpeg (128.54 KB, 640x624, 40:39, 962D8501-751F-440E-AAA7-D….jpeg)

File: bfcb97b8ebce0c4⋯.png (818.69 KB, 640x745, 128:149, 1EB6E9E3-19D7-413E-8A3E-E2….png)

File: fc77313acf9dd52⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1280x1802, 640:901, AB4B526E-D5B5-44B4-ABB1-7D….png)

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5efc77  No.7078558

File: b773cddd657b4bb⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1000x917, 1000:917, E842E3F2-2874-43E3-B48F-66….png)

File: 68e78ab04a1990e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2048x1703, 2048:1703, 502872B1-29F3-4D4C-92B0-D6….png)

File: 7d917f173992a2a⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1437x1716, 479:572, 358380AF-A2AA-4600-A7AA-11….png)

File: 4099257c9074669⋯.png (262.23 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 903F042D-2A41-47CD-8511-8D….png)

File: 93afcd0a9bd36b2⋯.png (4.48 MB, 2009x2048, 2009:2048, 93ED64A0-4EE4-45A4-BB7A-4C….png)

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5efc77  No.7078571

File: 0771029af4c269e⋯.png (574.84 KB, 678x1024, 339:512, 52CBE082-6C86-4E2F-9F99-EB….png)

File: 18db2836b164648⋯.png (219.22 KB, 640x612, 160:153, D18FD1AB-30F5-4A13-BDA6-3C….png)

File: f30f78ea6acadbc⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1119x1868, 1119:1868, 46FE0DF7-3713-4106-A9B3-34….png)

File: e7961ca4bdd8627⋯.png (725.56 KB, 770x1010, 77:101, E016A4B0-3C26-42B8-A997-ED….png)

File: b694591d222700b⋯.png (533.54 KB, 750x563, 750:563, C6111B27-4F4A-483E-90FA-68….png)

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5efc77  No.7078577

File: aa0954b04a4657e⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1112x1079, 1112:1079, 1DB2B385-A9A2-4FC1-8796-B7….png)

File: f5545f5306e68f7⋯.png (1.19 MB, 742x1392, 371:696, E6CE5695-7BE7-4FC6-80CA-44….png)

File: 6e4305cb0f6343f⋯.png (415.61 KB, 416x656, 26:41, D25E6CD8-04CC-43AE-8852-9E….png)

File: 942ab562923aa13⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1123x2318, 1123:2318, E472585B-88B3-4D37-9DA4-83….png)

File: a409cedf41996cc⋯.png (346.16 KB, 451x697, 11:17, 57141CE6-0158-4FF5-A04A-0D….png)

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5efc77  No.7078592

File: 458241d041d5794⋯.png (778.41 KB, 975x662, 975:662, A97B23AD-5FC9-40DF-BD0A-69….png)

File: 4afdbd861a6b301⋯.png (1.29 MB, 736x1308, 184:327, 7E62E999-3D60-4C8A-B230-4B….png)

File: 1b9dc909de198bc⋯.png (574.33 KB, 500x868, 125:217, C118BB18-43C8-4BEC-A894-BF….png)

File: f0303dc03881c9f⋯.png (674.99 KB, 600x1122, 100:187, 0CDEEBF9-B91D-46EB-9D8B-6F….png)

File: f3a5ca7bac82d94⋯.png (786.9 KB, 640x976, 40:61, F546028B-95CE-462E-8672-60….png)

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5efc77  No.7078599

File: cd2eb43a3a882f9⋯.png (582.33 KB, 627x725, 627:725, 7D1AADFC-9D28-4D17-BE75-5A….png)

File: 1f8b8579b853a83⋯.png (653.21 KB, 493x750, 493:750, 290D92D2-0F6C-482C-BE67-F9….png)

File: dbbd1388cea6574⋯.png (410.32 KB, 511x694, 511:694, FA9D6A44-BECC-4BDE-B377-17….png)

File: 8f9d7c922b835ab⋯.png (785.55 KB, 640x784, 40:49, BCA93FCD-16B9-4C64-987F-24….png)

File: cd2a7511e96ad13⋯.png (223.47 KB, 640x421, 640:421, 3751F61C-A88A-4E3F-BC21-45….png)

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5efc77  No.7078620

File: e6921fd5cb4c3eb⋯.png (352.7 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 0E88D7D5-627C-4140-991D-54….png)

File: a97230872dc5e2e⋯.png (268.84 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 2BB6FF96-5CF4-4EBE-B97E-B7….png)

File: 9aa64144dcb6594⋯.png (313.49 KB, 640x694, 320:347, A293190C-963A-4960-B8A0-FC….png)

File: 31921e8c28d9284⋯.png (933.74 KB, 602x900, 301:450, F124453D-4A0F-4CE1-99FC-2B….png)

File: 12ffb4018f35d82⋯.png (207.33 KB, 529x694, 529:694, E464877B-14F7-4D39-8592-30….png)

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5efc77  No.7078631

File: eac0558fd1da02e⋯.png (316.99 KB, 363x521, 363:521, 9A24DC4E-6C62-4F9C-BC82-23….png)

File: 6b5af8083718197⋯.png (3.41 MB, 1600x1194, 800:597, 96E460F5-EAB5-495E-8466-AD….png)

File: 69207b40341706a⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1240x1602, 620:801, F76C7A72-56FA-4D6F-B558-63….png)

File: eeef3191d9fec38⋯.png (865.95 KB, 640x977, 640:977, D636424A-3A6D-4249-B055-AB….png)

File: 38220fc26a87782⋯.png (386.69 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 94D4445E-5C02-4FF4-B8DB-69….png)

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935a3b  No.7078744

File: a7fdce30804b440⋯.gif (7.62 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 4973B58A-C19C-4FF4-AB6D-AA….gif)

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935a3b  No.7078753

File: bf5de27d9012885⋯.gif (8.86 MB, 483x720, 161:240, F1F8977E-D37C-44A1-8C8A-7A….gif)

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935a3b  No.7078777

File: f654839195beb6b⋯.gif (12.48 MB, 581x720, 581:720, 66D3CC76-7FD7-43FE-9143-A0….gif)

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935a3b  No.7078863

File: 53a9a6070b53ef1⋯.gif (4.72 MB, 536x720, 67:90, BB593E03-5CE7-40EA-B457-56….gif)

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22f28b  No.7079693

File: e018bad1bc0a502⋯.jpeg (117.62 KB, 833x1200, 833:1200, CD0762A6-B931-4868-BFF3-A….jpeg)

File: 6247f41d72519ae⋯.png (781.22 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 8F4EDEFA-0664-4995-B589-69….png)

File: af3f17076ba1ccd⋯.jpeg (616.99 KB, 2620x1656, 655:414, 765F4BD5-D191-4DC8-A263-B….jpeg)

File: 5dccc3d3dbc2dd3⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB, 500x659, 500:659, C293C575-1F80-4BF5-AF2C-C….jpeg)

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ab67c7  No.7081067

File: 50bcbd3d91cffe2⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1600x827, 1600:827, STC.png)

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c6e06f  No.7081277

File: ee6e442b922c2c7⋯.jpg (412.37 KB, 720x405, 16:9, squad.jpg)

File: 83d25db609d1c3c⋯.jpg (258.96 KB, 720x405, 16:9, race.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081279

File: 8c2c3ae52b7ab2f⋯.jpg (99.67 KB, 504x288, 7:4, Desperate.jpg)

File: 8fd92452032a1b0⋯.jpg (127.6 KB, 360x360, 1:1, anti.jpg)

File: b76f978b21fa035⋯.jpg (110.37 KB, 728x289, 728:289, deal.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081288

File: 52202cd86f72c7d⋯.jpg (401.8 KB, 736x460, 8:5, had to 16.jpg)

File: 29cc86bdc105341⋯.jpg (152.89 KB, 540x373, 540:373, storm.jpg)

File: 5aa02e0d261e200⋯.jpg (307.07 KB, 720x360, 2:1, leak.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081292

File: c01db22f772a850⋯.jpg (208.7 KB, 600x388, 150:97, freestuff1.jpg)

File: a764429a6505135⋯.jpg (253.08 KB, 780x439, 780:439, investi.jpg)

File: 9c4e7f5cd5a1042⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 360x480, 3:4, one.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081296

File: 9719d8a6b0886f8⋯.jpg (204.34 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, already in motion.jpg)

File: 59c58ca5e73daf4⋯.jpg (207.31 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Proof check.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081300

File: 8b20a67a2a130bb⋯.jpg (94.53 KB, 540x450, 6:5, STAND 1.jpg)

File: d0f331fec022924⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 540x450, 6:5, STAND 5.jpg)

File: 86b6cbeb2e658aa⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 540x450, 6:5, STAND 2.jpg)

File: 122518359aef550⋯.jpg (59 KB, 630x450, 7:5, STAND 4.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081333

File: 73e9512081a3477⋯.jpg (352.32 KB, 889x900, 889:900, archive.jpg)

File: cca1912440e9921⋯.jpg (89.26 KB, 443x321, 443:321, archive2.jpg)

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c6e06f  No.7081357

File: ef541f75dc06847⋯.jpg (340.65 KB, 540x540, 1:1, kings.jpg)

File: 1a2b0b33e569f10⋯.jpg (225.98 KB, 630x360, 7:4, qinfo.jpg)

File: 63c6451e2236f3a⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 315x315, 1:1, SPIN.jpg)

File: 652c3d082e4d135⋯.jpg (238.69 KB, 550x363, 50:33, injust.jpg)

File: 9a85845394ce396⋯.jpg (57 KB, 380x285, 4:3, slime.jpg)

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4267be  No.7082298

File: fa66ebf8c3cf439⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 471x419, 471:419, firefox_GUBDqSrRhj.jpg)

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132099  No.7082755

File: 9e1fae4a64224ae⋯.jpg (391.68 KB, 800x563, 800:563, GREENBADDEAL4.jpg)

File: aef0f8a9002c558⋯.jpg (405.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MAGA1.jpg)

File: f313c30e2bdb3de⋯.jpg (388.5 KB, 800x600, 4:3, KAG1.jpg)

File: f89ffe4d0703a9b⋯.jpg (400.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WITCHHUNT4.jpg)

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132099  No.7082764

File: f89ffe4d0703a9b⋯.jpg (400.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WITCHHUNT4.jpg)

File: ab279018cb9a266⋯.jpg (361.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SQUAD3.jpg)

File: 3f22aa705f39398⋯.jpg (339.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SQUAD2.jpg)

File: 1bb4a3d14dd7bd4⋯.jpg (376.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SQUAD1.jpg)

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132099  No.7082841

File: c90504caba00907⋯.jpg (328.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, TOGTFO1.jpg)

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102684  No.7083208

File: 7e5f3d1cc9370ec⋯.jpg (150.98 KB, 989x600, 989:600, Q-baby.jpg)

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b90a9b  No.7084164

File: cb2bd267bb23111⋯.png (507.8 KB, 704x536, 88:67, QRBstompFastJackShillStill.png)

Big smiles today!

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cd2cb2  No.7084680

File: 7576d70091ee563⋯.jpg (155.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, index.jpg)

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cd2cb2  No.7084802

File: fe73e5a3f73d298⋯.jpg (144.08 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 35zehi.jpg)

For the grammar fags

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ab67c7  No.7087946

File: 4cc622a926654cf⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, TRGRTPGP.png)

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ab67c7  No.7088534

File: 394533840c96621⋯.png (1022.71 KB, 1600x813, 1600:813, WOS.png)

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80440c  No.7090544

File: 89747f6d580555a⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 1093x625, 1093:625, qnn-the-squad.gif)

File: 89747f6d580555a⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 1093x625, 1093:625, qnn-the-squad.gif)

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80440c  No.7090567

File: f5ed462a661cfc6⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 1093x625, 1093:625, qnn-the-squad-cont.gif)

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1867b5  No.7090841

File: 9cf58058b666be0⋯.jpg (103.94 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Q baby says Ask the Q.jpg)

Ready for the Answer? 🍀

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1867b5  No.7090894

File: 7a90cf7631ff53f⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 682x366, 341:183, DNC Jihad Squad.jpg)

DNC Self-Destruct Sequence: ACTIVATED

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1867b5  No.7091168

File: 5da1b58bac9f096⋯.jpg (105.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Q baby.jpg)

Q 🚼 🍀

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ab67c7  No.7092039

File: 5ba7449c1c92e05⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1600x859, 1600:859, WAUA.png)

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cdefcc  No.7093050

File: 3edc0b0b9744573⋯.png (796.55 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, BakerNotablesCreek.png)

File: 752087dd67a992b⋯.png (781.33 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, CaptchaHill.png)

File: d096d061ed8b39b⋯.png (782.21 KB, 1508x1507, 1508:1507, NotablesCreek.png)

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cdefcc  No.7093337

File: 3728aab8a4b143b⋯.png (733.37 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, BOcaptcha.png)

File: 10f8626498443fb⋯.png (734.18 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, BOnotables.png)

File: e6b7b15a221dc85⋯.png (732.82 KB, 1507x1508, 1507:1508, BVcaptcha.png)

File: 53155ebc41900b6⋯.png (734.08 KB, 1507x1507, 1:1, BVnotables.png)

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4497fe  No.7094373

File: 321120b3409c5b7⋯.jpg (25.22 KB, 640x478, 320:239, 67092466_1669026023231428_….jpg)

File: d74a18382a17a89⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 40407627_10211882316118873….jpg)

File: 5453a61d6b9cd48⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 40247065_10211882292558284….jpg)

File: 62db2978542488d⋯.jpg (128.84 KB, 576x384, 3:2, death penalty.jpg)

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4497fe  No.7094456

File: 2d1e9398c86afc9⋯.jpg (188.4 KB, 408x528, 17:22, prince andrew and rachel c….jpg)

File: d2bb314415489e3⋯.jpg (21.95 KB, 380x243, 380:243, 30709915_10211069042907551….jpg)

File: 428a3f01a8488bb⋯.jpeg (697.61 KB, 1617x1113, 77:53, 428a3f01a8488bb6fff16eb59….jpeg)

File: 1721e9f566a4c13⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 700x525, 4:3, pedo bowl.jpg)

File: fc0727828045d34⋯.jpg (123.09 KB, 596x400, 149:100, up in smoke.jpg)

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4497fe  No.7094541

File: 79f95111b131c56⋯.jpg (192.6 KB, 576x384, 3:2, The GITMO CHANNEL PRESENTS….JPG)

File: 8007ba875db7fca⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 35067649_10211387607671471….jpg)

File: 3710976b52decbb⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 37265705_10156381147104373….jpg)

File: c7a8cbad4a11ec4⋯.jpg (303.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, obama pervert and pedo med….JPG)

File: d226f5fa1589dc8⋯.png (14.68 KB, 178x178, 1:1, 2020-make-liberals-cry-aga….png)

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3b01f8  No.7094574

File: 8d2f5134a60e800⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 720x360, 2:1, everybody woke up.jpg)

File: cc307856791610d⋯.jpg (106.68 KB, 674x960, 337:480, Epsteins plane blank.jpg)

File: b00ce5b36d39be6⋯.jpg (143.97 KB, 674x960, 337:480, Epstein island 1 blank.jpg)

File: 975833ce70503d9⋯.jpg (170.48 KB, 674x960, 337:480, Epstein island busted.jpg)

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3b01f8  No.7094584

File: 8dc6f5ca375b325⋯.png (578.83 KB, 608x720, 38:45, meme Corps map div. (1).png)

File: d96a27bf80821be⋯.png (637.73 KB, 595x1000, 119:200, meme Corps prolific excell….png)

File: 4f55b7e124d601b⋯.jpg (146.59 KB, 900x900, 1:1, slick willy tock.jpg)

File: 82d32897a154245⋯.jpg (44.76 KB, 525x225, 7:3, and just like that twitter.jpg)

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3b01f8  No.7094591

File: f3b71f0461996a1⋯.gif (283.67 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 20190715_043655.gif)

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ab67c7  No.7095067

File: 9eaf957612fecbc⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1600x1923, 1600:1923, WATG.png)

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03a1a0  No.7095221

File: 76c6e11d4f6a311⋯.jpeg (80.29 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 6F95E6D2-6F1E-4C36-804A-8….jpeg)

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ab67c7  No.7095839

File: 077d19dabf8cdce⋯.png (3.79 MB, 1600x1104, 100:69, DTSDMM.png)

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ab67c7  No.7095922

File: 6a6c24ca53ba6c2⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1600x901, 1600:901, HWLOM.png)

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ab67c7  No.7096045

File: a7e79d32332fce9⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1600x897, 1600:897, THIPS.png)

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f35bf7  No.7096456

File: f454222abda6758⋯.jpeg (557.53 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190717_Strong_M….jpeg)

File: f10487b3e0d4e18⋯.jpeg (468.23 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190717_Strong_M….jpeg)

File: 4e9398c4bda0f8e⋯.pdf (2.4 MB, Kiddos’_20190717_Strong_Me….pdf)

File: eb7b6093da4bbdd⋯.jpeg (557.43 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190717_Starke_Männ….jpeg)

File: 646396498124134⋯.jpeg (468.23 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190717_Starke_Männ….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Strong Men Edition

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439737  No.7096489

File: 6d9fc2da0c63219⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2202x2208, 367:368, D0A2F574-2CF1-4C94-AD7B-0….jpeg)

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f04d41  No.7097774

File: 787db9ff4e4abdb⋯.jpg (141.11 KB, 500x592, 125:148, Epstein has Fiends in High….jpg)

File: 0696d387861e289⋯.jpg (129.38 KB, 1718x780, 859:390, Deep State Deep Shift GITM….jpg)

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9e61d3  No.7097940

File: e4536e15ec525b1⋯.png (728.45 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, D572D3E2-9119-456B-8EFD-EA….png)

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ab67c7  No.7104064

File: d722bd9d1fc5f5e⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1600x840, 40:21, WTNL.png)

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ab67c7  No.7104177

File: 852624e15076252⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1600x887, 1600:887, DTD.png)

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80440c  No.7104675

File: bc7202c579b914e⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1093x625, 1093:625, qnn-epstein-karma-panic-in….png)

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3b01f8  No.7106298

File: 8d3ae8cbead04ec⋯.jpg (34.98 KB, 580x314, 290:157, Donald Trump red pills for….jpg)

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a9f83e  No.7107385

File: c55a9ba38ef03e3⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Seeee.mp4)

Here fren - I painted you a picture


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dc2451  No.7107551

File: 6b17d7d8b641826⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 588x402, 98:67, gysmnasium.JPG)

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fe7557  No.7107832

File: 89897d78a76fc11⋯.jpg (143.61 KB, 943x627, 943:627, islandcare.jpg)

File: 4aa6c9faf3fe835⋯.jpg (152.03 KB, 943x627, 943:627, mcnugget.jpg)

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b8274b  No.7107943


Good to see Wilhelm Alexander the mentor to Bob Ross.

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96804d  No.7108400

File: 4ec98abf3ff3617⋯.png (5.09 MB, 2485x2612, 2485:2612, dam_those_pedos.png)

The weight of evidence is too great from too many sources, with too many to cover for. The dam will soon break.

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4497fe  No.7108435

File: be613a4c27519ac⋯.png (252.82 KB, 468x409, 468:409, feel the bern 2.png)

File: b673cd9e0faa070⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 616x960, 77:120, stupid on steroids.jpg)

File: 5b5e9de5e847c64⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 720x460, 36:23, 67526527_2216080775175199_….jpg)

File: f79668f0712aaf2⋯.png (261.89 KB, 493x658, 493:658, wrong again douchebag.png)

File: f33863318d618f8⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 758x800, 379:400, 67276404_2666668300019618_….jpg)

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4497fe  No.7108440

File: 1ff5ffa25283521⋯.jpg (65.71 KB, 733x833, 733:833, the imbecile squad.jpg)

File: 5b4f7c92899a5a8⋯.jpg (163.4 KB, 960x661, 960:661, Duh libatards.jpg)

File: b5d2e08502bd857⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 701x960, 701:960, 67278713_2663842936968821_….jpg)

File: d64783ae374ff26⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 960x813, 320:271, 67403890_111813103471565_3….jpg)

File: a39e0820c8f2552⋯.png (271.5 KB, 518x639, 518:639, Get her the hell out of he….png)

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4497fe  No.7108446

File: b4e55a07e81a5e2⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 635x960, 127:192, 66971113_2663842106968904_….jpg)

File: 29a0800fadec18e⋯.jpg (90.18 KB, 957x960, 319:320, hit tweet and every libera….jpg)

File: 7eaf8231f05c4d3⋯.jpg (13.28 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 49661468_10212701360474470….jpg)

File: 905338161990c23⋯.jpg (284.27 KB, 768x384, 2:1, dnc cringe and puke perfec….JPG)

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4497fe  No.7108452

File: eade56bbf36e2df⋯.png (341.49 KB, 490x495, 98:99, 67127478_1669515963182434_….png)

File: 07f4c38b06b547b⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 15879_10202916693743917_20….jpg)

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b0e13b  No.7108721

File: c7b62e936352897⋯.gif (10.46 MB, 483x720, 161:240, E8B5B0D5-5B79-43B0-BA55-CD….gif)

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f36086  No.7109099

File: e4184cad8cea8cd⋯.jpg (93.6 KB, 637x445, 637:445, didit.donejpg.jpg)

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476c00  No.7109326

File: 12e356c18db57b6⋯.png (809.12 KB, 921x518, 921:518, John1_5.PNG)

File: d4532e643bc3de3⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1148x611, 1148:611, USS_DonaldTrump.PNG)

File: 32e0aeca42ab744⋯.jpg (643.36 KB, 1440x1103, 1440:1103, BurdensOfKnowledge.jpg)

File: e79a23c1adf9d77⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1186x785, 1186:785, CHECDKMATED.PNG)

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27a0a4  No.7110474

File: 3af0d0f3cc752ee⋯.png (650.85 KB, 800x650, 16:13, Big Mike - Obama 2020.png)

File: 6d79e4c5ed9fad4⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 500x751, 500:751, Becoming Michelle - Obama ….jpg)

File: bfff64a8fb2abe4⋯.jpg (74.8 KB, 500x550, 10:11, What about Open Borders.jpg)

File: 6271f628a224349⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 500x538, 250:269, 2l4e7z.jpg)

File: 58ffa9e7af1b976⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 640x384, 5:3, 58ffa9e7af1b9762dcf967865b….jpg)

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27a0a4  No.7110492

File: c8a4bb62060420e⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2sls6l.jpg)

TRUMP 2020

TRUMP 4eva…

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f38141  No.7110552

File: b70cf3347517015⋯.jpg (299.82 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, eggshape.jpg)

File: 808eb5a9838ad66⋯.jpg (157.83 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, epsteinchosen.jpg)

File: 013fd06a44422ac⋯.jpg (257.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ladyjustice epstein.jpg)

File: f61d0d3e24cb91c⋯.jpg (337.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, pedophile club.jpg)

File: e913005ac8d2ef3⋯.jpg (311.54 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, earthfrommoon.jpg)

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27a0a4  No.7110624

File: b274a791123a4ea⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 761x499, 761:499, 24gq7f.jpg)

New World Order? TRUMP'd!

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b8bb18  No.7112534

File: 8b61c4efc8a118e⋯.jpg (281.4 KB, 1511x1200, 1511:1200, Doom.on.you.dims.jpg)

File: 8a0b0325db27251⋯.jpg (223.81 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, 23andme.jpg)

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f38141  No.7113594

File: 5ed9c25cd0bae8e⋯.jpg (265.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, democraticpartyover.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113678

File: 30fb80e4d3de8df⋯.jpg (136.86 KB, 600x1200, 1:2, Allthings.jpg)

File: 0e8773127b6cbf3⋯.jpg (199.72 KB, 1872x808, 234:101, Amazon drop.jpg)

File: 3680ee3a588ca9a⋯.jpg (625.25 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, AnonSpace.jpg)

File: d1fe10cf71aafd7⋯.jpg (349.86 KB, 1208x934, 604:467, BecomeHunted.jpg)

File: 4d6579268577c88⋯.jpg (100.38 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, Blessthebaker.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113686

File: 10ca78512a72582⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 480x580, 24:29, camera.jpg)

File: 3573786db7d5e4a⋯.jpg (76.58 KB, 480x580, 24:29, camerablkwht.jpg)

File: 2d76a6db20d5782⋯.jpg (76.3 KB, 480x580, 24:29, cameraglam.jpg)

File: a616abfea7e4263⋯.jpg (184.61 KB, 492x761, 492:761, CONJOB.jpg)

File: 9e0b052cbf6bd6b⋯.jpg (205.5 KB, 492x761, 492:761, ConJOBori.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113690

File: dd814b43b5c00b9⋯.jpg (285.9 KB, 730x1008, 365:504, CutDS.jpg)

File: b09f6d56d5a5b2c⋯.jpg (285.07 KB, 730x1008, 365:504, CutDSt.jpg)

File: 223cdcb3644f08f⋯.jpg (283.25 KB, 730x1008, 365:504, CutDSta.jpg)

File: 6a8ee599aa634db⋯.jpg (224.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DoitQAnon.jpg)

File: 87c1569e9599bfd⋯.jpg (214.21 KB, 500x681, 500:681, DoItQAnon1.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113699

File: e3e978b54eadac3⋯.jpg (262.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DoItQAnon2.jpg)

File: f6cf70113d7720c⋯.jpg (138.77 KB, 520x693, 520:693, DoItQAnonJupiter.jpg)

File: c6d51522cbf158f⋯.jpg (243.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GArose.jpg)

File: 2e3b42cd760a3ad⋯.jpg (713.66 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, GreatAwakening.jpg)

File: 43163cad5d35a10⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 730x408, 365:204, GuardianOfTruth.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113701

File: 53e4cc8f1d5c9fc⋯.jpg (239.41 KB, 683x512, 683:512, Heros.jpg)

File: 1458243610b8562⋯.jpg (168.28 KB, 1055x593, 1055:593, JupiterQ.jpg)

File: fa774e0eb5f04d0⋯.jpg (406.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow.jpg)

File: c7ed66901592b86⋯.jpg (179.44 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow2.jpg)

File: 115ee4b765ee3b5⋯.jpg (241.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow3.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113708

File: 6edb8449c3fe138⋯.jpg (700.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow4.jpg)

File: 6674ee619c64e58⋯.jpg (407.69 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, JupiterShadow5.jpg)

File: ec8912e26b3f742⋯.jpg (50.2 KB, 473x468, 473:468, JupiterSpace.jpg)

File: f0761848e1939df⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 472x468, 118:117, JupiterSpace2.jpg)

File: 855cf0719a17d03⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 472x468, 118:117, JupiterSpace3.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113714

File: 4b36228f5a531f5⋯.jpg (144.15 KB, 724x336, 181:84, Key.jpg)

File: 4846511dfeca7fe⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 724x336, 181:84, Keysto.jpg)

File: 8d7db9148f2c99f⋯.jpg (146.44 KB, 724x336, 181:84, KeystoneB.jpg)

File: 83bcc19ec5c62c0⋯.jpg (99.5 KB, 728x900, 182:225, ManyDifferentForms.jpg)

File: 2ffe50bac1a7059⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 707x795, 707:795, MelaniaPepe.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113724

File: 7ce6427834428e9⋯.jpg (112.21 KB, 1198x506, 599:253, metal.jpg)

File: cd2cb9c33b90413⋯.jpg (117.36 KB, 1198x506, 599:253, metalchoice.jpg)

File: bfc962de326b227⋯.jpg (85.69 KB, 1198x506, 599:253, metaldark.jpg)

File: d50a672cca98cd9⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 728x900, 182:225, NowComesThePain.jpg)

File: 496cf872af93084⋯.jpg (209.37 KB, 728x900, 182:225, NowComesThePainRO.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113730

File: 5e5ae31a22da36b⋯.jpg (208 KB, 1006x681, 1006:681, ONEStepAnon.jpg)

File: fd0c1a6b79495e2⋯.jpg (118.84 KB, 726x803, 66:73, OPenBook.jpg)

File: b6d261ba7ebd9c9⋯.jpg (132.78 KB, 820x773, 820:773, OpenBook2.jpg)

File: e79002d3f37b23e⋯.jpg (54.99 KB, 700x380, 35:19, PainandPanic.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113736

File: d36f93d7e198030⋯.jpg (115.16 KB, 724x600, 181:150, Q242.jpg)

File: a6458633ec0f9f7⋯.jpg (145.24 KB, 754x1274, 29:49, Q415.jpg)

File: a410f478fac56f3⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 497x372, 497:372, Q981.jpg)

File: 6c32a604b76175c⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 611x486, 611:486, Q981A.jpg)

File: 01d904754f500af⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 497x372, 497:372, Q981B.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113739

File: 038dc6a9a166ab0⋯.jpg (256.23 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4Justice.jpg)

File: e7f26c8e157e062⋯.jpg (187.61 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4light.jpg)

File: 1a60c11cb64ee70⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 716x1108, 179:277, Ready4October.jpg)

File: f262f0cb870ef9d⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 709x1095, 709:1095, Ready4Pain.jpg)

File: d03bf182643ca5c⋯.jpg (167.01 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4Show.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113748

File: 159a1ae803f0daf⋯.jpg (147.89 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, Ready4ShowT.jpg)

File: 03ad031501755f0⋯.jpg (98.55 KB, 1130x598, 565:299, Sky.jpg)

File: da106fd41ad26fe⋯.jpg (97.66 KB, 654x954, 109:159, Symbolism.jpg)

File: b6148c77ec46ac0⋯.jpg (140.61 KB, 730x548, 365:274, TECH.jpg)

File: d104914eac57aff⋯.jpg (82.42 KB, 613x857, 613:857, WiW.jpg)

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a580e0  No.7113759

File: 67c73b3991bd924⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 588x691, 588:691, WizW.jpg)

File: e9a4fbc9b904675⋯.jpg (99.16 KB, 1500x997, 1500:997, WoodQ.jpg)

File: fc38c2a62778a92⋯.jpg (124.88 KB, 613x857, 613:857, WW.jpg)

File: d3aaf27ed17bc46⋯.png (210.17 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ALoneSM.png)

File: d048a1d098d1e08⋯.png (722.66 KB, 550x770, 5:7, DOitQSM.png)

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a580e0  No.7113770

File: 06ca9a036a66827⋯.png (263.27 KB, 533x299, 41:23, MedPodC.png)

File: 80272e9b6106d42⋯.png (253.05 KB, 533x299, 41:23, MedPodCu.png)

File: 97b83be0706c4ee⋯.png (139.22 KB, 533x299, 41:23, MedPodCur.png)

File: 1a44c872ec0685c⋯.png (253.65 KB, 533x299, 41:23, MedPodCure.png)

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a580e0  No.7113776

File: 4d2b609769358c5⋯.png (912.69 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate.png)

File: 9487e6c1f45b3a4⋯.png (897.75 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate1.png)

File: b782c3cf040bbf7⋯.png (579.06 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate2.png)

File: 891a30ee4241e27⋯.png (991.31 KB, 1226x675, 1226:675, NottooLate3.png)

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a580e0  No.7113783

File: 6314472f82034ed⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1050x656, 525:328, Q431.png)

File: 08213d319998286⋯.png (186.18 KB, 660x371, 660:371, Q695.png)

File: 797b93504b680e7⋯.png (758.73 KB, 1000x410, 100:41, Q1010.png)

File: 599d3ab140fc7d8⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1226x709, 1226:709, Q1069A.png)

File: 23528fd6f67a15a⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1226x709, 1226:709, Q1069B.png)

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a580e0  No.7113791

File: d29e3d62ff9e531⋯.png (225.3 KB, 730x285, 146:57, RedOctoberMoon.png)

File: bf69655e684bd09⋯.png (216.18 KB, 236x472, 1:2, SailorMoonMAGA.png)

File: a28b0dbb51557c4⋯.png (511.07 KB, 869x653, 869:653, Ship.png)

File: cbe176d8b8212aa⋯.png (945.82 KB, 772x556, 193:139, Shipblue.png)

File: 686c0ef910b6e32⋯.png (734.13 KB, 775x559, 775:559, ShipLight.png)

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a580e0  No.7113803

File: 97edefd724d6b97⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1367x769, 1367:769, The Calm.png)

File: f487542456b88b4⋯.png (200.77 KB, 236x472, 1:2, Unredacted.png)

File: 2e77bf449cca81e⋯.png (98.15 KB, 236x472, 1:2, UnredactedF.png)

File: d9592c014aff02a⋯.png (195.71 KB, 236x472, 1:2, UnredactedFI.png)

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aac58d  No.7113923

File: 047ebbc37ddaa38⋯.jpeg (458.53 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190718_The_Sign….jpeg)

File: 1e94df35ca1769a⋯.jpeg (506.98 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190718_The_Sign….jpeg)

File: 3ac0520a20d6f35⋯.pdf (2.4 MB, Kiddos’_20190718_The_Signi….pdf)

File: 9ac4f56ae319073⋯.jpeg (457.74 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190718_"Das_Zeichen….jpeg)

File: 185ff7c54dad0f0⋯.jpeg (506.21 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190718_"Das_Zeichen….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, The Signifier Edition

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b4c74d  No.7114667

File: 05ef46844a79ae9⋯.jpg (96.57 KB, 736x922, 368:461, BEHOLDPODESTA.jpg)

File: 0d6233bf19ffc41⋯.jpg (215.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FALSEFLAGS.jpg)

File: 7361fa9f88f21cd⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Isleepatthegym.jpg)

File: e8ba7cd7029abd6⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Iworkout.jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7115344

File: 41505a14b36e8ef⋯.png (3.81 MB, 1600x1560, 40:39, ETG.png)

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ab67c7  No.7115397

File: db81e3fe38c9b3d⋯.png (3.34 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, EHGTWYD.png)

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ab67c7  No.7115438

File: 2cef75440e0c555⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1600x898, 800:449, EWAU.png)

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5dadf9  No.7115589

File: 0d0d90947fd56f4⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 1510x1156, 755:578, _20190720_203926.JPG)

File: a09b39200d48098⋯.jpg (258.69 KB, 1937x1077, 1937:1077, _20190720_203944.JPG)

quotes from POTUS KAG rally Greenville, NC

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9c21ac  No.7115646

File: cdf4ca5bc4b7b15⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1420x1164, 355:291, ilhan omar fuck off ilhan.png)

File: 28880cbb1a94310⋯.png (466.79 KB, 603x778, 603:778, trump 500 percent approval….png)

File: e67a49c48a1f65c⋯.jpg (297.48 KB, 1017x1401, 339:467, amy klobuchar the drunk ne….jpg)

File: 9c1a06fdd74365a⋯.png (419.61 KB, 620x350, 62:35, jeffrey epstein 1800eggdic….png)

File: b48384c8faed4ab⋯.png (2.84 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, explore further q 8.png)

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901bcd  No.7118049

File: 7ec302f1c4b2ed7⋯.jpeg (256.76 KB, 1024x689, 1024:689, iu.jpeg)


MAR 23 1994












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901bcd  No.7118064

File: 01fc161e222cefd⋯.jpg (625.3 KB, 2266x3072, 1133:1536, AR-170329762.jpg)

File: d9312c3fb769ff5⋯.jpeg (50.08 KB, 474x474, 1:1, iu-2.jpeg)

File: 2aab316bd2e5648⋯.jpeg (20.77 KB, 474x271, 474:271, iu-1.jpeg)

File: 57c7b0ed0cf04be⋯.jpeg (332.29 KB, 1200x822, 200:137, iu.jpeg)


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901bcd  No.7118268

File: 13a429055e2b273⋯.jpeg (166.98 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, iu-3.jpeg)

File: 4312838d37afa60⋯.jpeg (59.78 KB, 612x408, 3:2, iu-4.jpeg)

File: a69f7c905a02960⋯.jpeg (94.22 KB, 594x396, 3:2, iu-5.jpeg)


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26a14c  No.7119382

File: ca9ea91245b7a7f⋯.jpg (96.08 KB, 524x635, 524:635, meme Corps gif div.jpg)

File: f3b71f0461996a1⋯.gif (283.67 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 20190715_043655.gif)

File: a4f6f1c8d127222⋯.gif (936.3 KB, 450x576, 25:32, 20190705_192147.gif)

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26a14c  No.7119385

File: cb855b925b16d30⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 628x360, 157:90, memed so hard.jpg)

File: f4b9257b1789959⋯.jpg (97.25 KB, 840x450, 28:15, and just like that.jpg)

File: 92ab7a6a95d349f⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 411x750, 137:250, independent news rocks mar….jpg)

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fe4279  No.7119661


Interesting bits Kappy dropped:

Who else was Epstein funding? Account in Cayman Islands. Paymaster.

And why is Epstein paying so many f'n people all across America? (Paying off politicians, judges, police???)

Scott Israel (sheriff of Broward County)

Big pharma (apparently this actor/musician knew what pharma has been doing)

Gabe Hoffman lives in West Palm Beach, FL & is an investor & had a documentary on Bryan Singer - make him the fall guy (we need to dig on Gabe Hoffman)

Mossadi-hadis (KEK - priceless. The Squad of Omar, Presley, Tlaib & Cortez certainly fit as Mossadi-hadis. Meme worthy)

Epstein had a ranch in New Mexico - "Mexico's really close" (any other celebs/elites with NM ranches? DIG)

Scientist busted for child porn in Portland is one degree away from Epstein

Called Pedo Island's temple the "Temple of Doom" (and Hollywood gave us Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)

"So think about the concept of a bagman, okay? A bagman who holds the bags for a bad man. Is it Epstein?"

"Get on the phone with your senators"

"Nike is Epstein's problems too. You see, Portland is Epstein's problems too. Hillary is Epstein's problems too. It's all Epstein, guys. All Epstein."


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15d2fb  No.7119665

File: 6c1cd3592ea23ef⋯.jpg (62.22 KB, 639x360, 71:40, msm creating hate.jpg)

File: 645e1728efbea2f⋯.jpg (118.59 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, qnn the walls are closing ….jpg)

File: b68a2405388a67a⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 559x367, 559:367, wm laws matter.jpg)

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7cf8b7  No.7120524

File: 14d590ca1025a1e⋯.jpg (186.79 KB, 339x295, 339:295, Blackmail.jpg)

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c43ecc  No.7120760

File: cda428f887fd14c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1397x593, 1397:593, OneRingyDingy.png)

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ab67c7  No.7121149

File: 9973f2c35d69708⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1600x897, 1600:897, hdigtb.png)

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ab67c7  No.7121875

File: 82a7b5aac32c147⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, PDLMBMUS.png)

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4497fe  No.7123676

File: 966a23f144bad21⋯.png (464.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 96.png)

File: 06b6003e32b79db⋯.jpg (195.08 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 06b6003e32b79db2da2e3925e8….jpg)

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81aeac  No.7124184

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB, 945x936, 105:104, WizLight778.jpg)


Visit the Memes Co-op #1 in the bunker for moar memes






Visit the Memes Co-op #1 in the bunker for moar memes

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90a39e  No.7124672

File: 4b8f23f43902e16⋯.jpg (206.91 KB, 1753x1440, 1753:1440, _20190721_180814.JPG)

File: 86fbfdeef5cd5f8⋯.jpg (188.71 KB, 1687x1440, 1687:1440, _20190721_180443.JPG)

File: 0c147b1fc61db09⋯.jpg (221.36 KB, 1919x1331, 1919:1331, _20190721_180742.JPG)

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bb206b  No.7124853

File: f751826172646b5⋯.jpeg (976.9 KB, 1656x2620, 414:655, AB349DF0-B66C-42D5-A2B6-2….jpeg)

Why are a lot of these accounts associated with John Podesta’s secret dinner meeting held April 9,2015 “hidden” ?!? Dig Anons…

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cd2cb2  No.7125939

File: ab2b4b64ade30dc⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 960x622, 480:311, 66852359_209955016650128_7….jpg)

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9c21ac  No.7126430

File: e5d30c218837252⋯.png (552.2 KB, 640x480, 4:3, don jr troll jr.png)

File: 23ba77ead32599a⋯.jpg (94.58 KB, 526x640, 263:320, stephen paddock aoc eyes.jpg)

File: fd8a74dbf427aae⋯.png (478.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepe on the beach trump st….png)

File: 628835c0f98a674⋯.png (36.17 KB, 800x270, 80:27, pg and e horrific gas and ….png)

File: 1a4ed8c5bf9e063⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 344x533, 344:533, joe biden for president ba….jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7128580

File: 4bd343a8afd3047⋯.png (966.52 KB, 1600x769, 1600:769, CIMSMWF.png)

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ab67c7  No.7128629

File: 921dc1373d21a41⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1600x1065, 320:213, ATDWI.png)

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7bbd05  No.7128632

File: 41f0a1e33df68f7⋯.png (1.5 MB, 829x845, 829:845, 96996ed.png)

File: a5eb6c808d810ba⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 728x647, 728:647, D_YznXAUwAA1fDZ.png large.jpg)

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7bbd05  No.7128636

File: 53196458b83894c⋯.jpeg (137.12 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D_Pe0GPUYAY3tD9.jpg large.jpeg)

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e22ad6  No.7128644

File: c2aa5ca9b07f01b⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 523x720, 523:720, 1B7D4C98-3561-4F65-BDFF-F9….gif)

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d0b4e6  No.7128917

File: 7bee8398273a1a2⋯.jpeg (454.22 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190719_Keystone….jpeg)

File: 0b89a82477b572e⋯.jpeg (523.01 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190719_Keystone….jpeg)

File: eb19a3a49a68e4b⋯.pdf (2.39 MB, Kiddos’_20190719_Keystone.pdf)

File: bb22cceab61d5eb⋯.jpeg (453.69 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190719_Schlußstein_….jpeg)

File: 53ae24420ae7fca⋯.jpeg (522.5 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190719_Schlußstein_….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Keystone Edition

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aac743  No.7129033

File: fda6384f3bf916a⋯.gif (5.46 MB, 483x720, 161:240, 74CF898C-D410-408C-ACA7-FD….gif)

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aac743  No.7129040

File: 9f2be71e7267c46⋯.gif (5.13 MB, 536x720, 67:90, 5B17DAE5-061E-49E6-AFA9-08….gif)

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aac743  No.7129049

File: 957832e69a99d40⋯.gif (13.44 MB, 720x609, 240:203, 61C91466-EABD-4797-9894-97….gif)

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7f99af  No.7129630

File: 158e92e1dbb0113⋯.gif (11.27 MB, 720x405, 16:9, ED16E49A-FF64-45CA-9B51-36….gif)

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7f99af  No.7129636

File: f9c7384177f51cc⋯.gif (9.81 MB, 579x720, 193:240, 06485E89-2CE8-4287-81F9-59….gif)

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ab67c7  No.7129664

File: 64cd0bcfd70482c⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ROTPWW.png)

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ab67c7  No.7129817

File: 5f336b478932c07⋯.png (725.97 KB, 1600x827, 1600:827, COWABTT.png)

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104f30  No.7130129

File: 719b5099dc605b6⋯.png (8.49 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, DA17212C-5624-48BB-9143-8E….png)

File: 7585ac5f258f766⋯.jpeg (319.9 KB, 1150x1637, 1150:1637, 68B01A2B-B117-43C8-AEB7-4….jpeg)

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d0b4e6  No.7131134

File: 715b74e443a9363⋯.jpeg (549.82 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190720_Heat_Wav….jpeg)

File: ad5ffd8ab86e4d4⋯.jpeg (489.48 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190720_Heat_Wav….jpeg)

File: 8ad1f81bb2949fa⋯.pdf (2.56 MB, Kiddos’_20190720_Heat_Wave….pdf)

File: e307b4969028c78⋯.jpeg (551.06 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190720_Hitzewellen_….jpeg)

File: 03e38f8588cb655⋯.jpeg (490.7 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190720_Hitzewellen_….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Heat Waves of Hot Air Edition

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86d63a  No.7132747

File: 97260ae78a910ed⋯.png (314.53 KB, 889x439, 889:439, PanicHelees.png)

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0b82d6  No.7133011

File: 3c7b8249eda9916⋯.jpg (144.95 KB, 348x260, 87:65, Outbreak.jpg)

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08694a  No.7136975

File: 152418766f93539⋯.jpg (644.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QTacticalNukeTraitors.jpg)

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42c92c  No.7137937

File: b3c613fb0bcdb30⋯.png (216.73 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, EPluribusUnity.png)

File: 0dec568d4142898⋯.png (224.76 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, EPluribusUnityB.png)

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2a35bb  No.7143432

File: 63904ce67f42f23⋯.jpg (64.51 KB, 478x566, 239:283, meme Corps info graphs div….jpg)

File: 3c18fc30ec504b0⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 622x264, 311:132, meme Corps private 2.jpg)

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f166a7  No.7143497

File: b2d81a82a662655⋯.jpeg (565.83 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190722_Secret_O….jpeg)

File: 1bf1af42a264e2d⋯.jpeg (541.47 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190722_Secret_O….jpeg)

File: c2b91a3462f07e8⋯.pdf (2.81 MB, Kiddos’_20190722_Secret_Op….pdf)

File: e81ea3b31afe236⋯.jpeg (565.43 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190722_Geheime_Auft….jpeg)

File: beb0663e3c078fa⋯.jpeg (541.16 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190722_Geheime_Auft….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Secret Operations Edition

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9a87df  No.7143514

File: 0a52f8a2cfa5fed⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Smollettette.jpg)

File: 6896dcae8d9ed32⋯.jpg (568.33 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BarrysPoppins.jpg)

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ce1172  No.7144006

File: 7a2355171efcfc7⋯.png (182.83 KB, 475x380, 5:4, kek1.png)

Deuteronomy 12:3

Tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, burn up their Asherah poles, cut down the idols of their gods, and wipe out their names from every place.

Exodus 23:24

You must not bow down to their gods or serve them or follow their practices. Instead, you are to demolish them and smash their sacred stones to pieces.

We need more of their logos to smash!!


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ab67c7  No.7144810

File: 130d5887446b88d⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, MKULTRAAIF.png)

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ab67c7  No.7144906

File: f6d5951bfb9576c⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1600x1049, 1600:1049, 2Q2QMAGA.png)

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ec18ca  No.7145321

File: 89a7e6b232f06b5⋯.png (61.3 KB, 900x473, 900:473, be-ready-AF.png)

File: c28b0e796e95b0b⋯.jpg (235.78 KB, 1500x896, 375:224, be-ready-Q.jpg)

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32d7a0  No.7146774

File: 9ec792310e2a3b5⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 420x240, 7:4, FOURresistors.jpg)

A vote for Cortez, Omar, Tlaib, and Pressley is a vote for a beautiful socialist America.

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814f66  No.7147394

File: 4c24c99b1f8f091⋯.jpeg (529.68 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190723_Deep Thi….jpeg)

File: fb376c7189ae319⋯.jpeg (550.85 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190723_Deep Thi….jpeg)

File: 59044f51d73d871⋯.pdf (2.56 MB, Kiddos’_20190723_Deep_Thin….pdf)

File: 18f67bfa35453d7⋯.jpeg (528.32 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190723_Die_Tiefen_S….jpeg)

File: 233dcf86835c3d2⋯.jpeg (549.41 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190723_Die_Tiefen_S….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Deep Things… of Satan! Edition

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814f66  No.7147588

File: 0ebe17df2567931⋯.jpeg (220.52 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190319_Last_Del….jpeg)

File: 3818fd3a97187bb⋯.jpeg (475.11 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190321_Great_Pr….jpeg)

File: f3709bba8ec2d20⋯.jpeg (271.46 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, Kiddos’_20190322_Dark_To_….jpeg)

File: da732d933a0b0c3⋯.jpeg (472.98 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190321_Große_Huren_….jpeg)

File: 31bc233434785fb⋯.jpeg (314.29 KB, 839x1190, 839:1190, KiZ_20190322_Dunkel_zum_L….jpeg)


Kiddos’ Daily, Editions of Old

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ab67c7  No.7148256

File: 38af833c7fc7dbe⋯.png (746.58 KB, 1600x1111, 1600:1111, TTMF.png)

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03a1a0  No.7149307

File: c6cfe2a57e67f51⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1089, 640:363, nodeal - Copy.png)

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e19305  No.7154070

File: 722b62906d2cef9⋯.jpg (382.94 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, we R all that kid standing….jpg)

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c2ece3  No.7154282

File: 59b503ed8881b46⋯.jpg (492.59 KB, 1200x769, 1200:769, Muerlin.jpg)

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2cc327  No.7155672

File: f27fb9c1fc12248⋯.jpg (755.4 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, B2 Inbound.jpg)

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2cc327  No.7155724

File: 927ba50a985cc65⋯.gif (23.34 KB, 442x646, 13:19, HOPE behind bars.gif)

File: 9e79180eed1e3b3⋯.jpg (551.27 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Bernin4.jpg)

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837059  No.7157662

File: 99afad3f1db8df5⋯.jpeg (74.98 KB, 540x960, 9:16, pepes-hillary-chair.jpeg)

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03a1a0  No.7158472

File: 38bcbbee795d16d⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1920x1089, 640:363, nodeal2 - Copy.png)

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ab67c7  No.7159361

File: 4fe69ad4a449996⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1600x998, 800:499, RWH.png)

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ab67c7  No.7159697

File: 2d6bad6deebde24⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, TFNS.png)

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20bd9a  No.7162039

File: 617876006dd63a1⋯.png (2.15 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, BACKFIRE.png)

File: dc715606654d7d7⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 550x365, 110:73, Mueller-Sez-Get-Popcorn.gif)


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afaf4a  No.7162044

File: 450d4595840d98b⋯.jpeg (57.59 KB, 423x412, 423:412, C9130C5F-D9DD-4954-AB69-9….jpeg)

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dbce52  No.7163404

So just to be clear, what exactly was your “purview” if it was not to do your job?


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ef05e4  No.7166257

File: 23a36fbcca13209⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 280x241, 280:241, thWAGXQ3S8.jpg)

File: 9f20c2d77338de6⋯.jpg (9.96 KB, 333x250, 333:250, th5YOCVH36.jpg)

File: 9c7b4f545bfa3fb⋯.gif (993.35 KB, 445x327, 445:327, shame85-oterr-b86d33.gif)

File: aaf061d086cf74a⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 372x245, 372:245, thHSM7GPYG.jpg)

File: 3eb82f92f3b06a7⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 375x250, 3:2, thN6Y0TR7S.jpg)

Here Guys! Enjoy!

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2cc327  No.7166462

File: d34295f0ae1b593⋯.jpg (250.48 KB, 800x900, 8:9, GimpSuitPantifa.jpg)

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448e9d  No.7166472

File: 40317cc0da6ce95⋯.jpg (62.21 KB, 565x500, 113:100, mueller-purview.jpg)


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2cc327  No.7166488

File: 2d59c506478523a⋯.jpg (162.7 KB, 557x627, 557:627, GimpSuitPantifa2.jpg)


No truncate Twatter size

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c2ece3  No.7166843

File: 5d3efba374dcbee⋯.jpg (1019.92 KB, 1200x1244, 300:311, BOOMERang.jpg)

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6ec056  No.7166984

File: 7ece54573d18ed4⋯.jpg (242.87 KB, 642x708, 107:118, 7ece54573d18ed47971c6f8af0….jpg)

File: 27a82f3736dcac0⋯.png (15.97 KB, 245x255, 49:51, 2b770361448d79bde04b86c8e9….png)

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16c7c4  No.7167018

File: 05467c8321a1cb1⋯.jpeg (463.02 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190724_Mueller ….jpeg)

File: 1f392b5563cfab6⋯.jpeg (563.98 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190724_Mueller ….jpeg)

File: 29771fcdd550dac⋯.pdf (2.5 MB, Kiddos’_20190724_Mueller_T….pdf)

File: d761d30b4ca2e0f⋯.jpeg (464.53 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190724_Müllers_Stu….jpeg)

File: 6437449f5647851⋯.jpeg (565.43 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190724_Müllers_Stu….jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Mueller Time! Edition

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699329  No.7168722

File: 087a93a51cc3a0e⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 800x420, 40:21, peter strzok there is no t….jpg)

File: 30a18ec5d9a3f85⋯.png (1.13 MB, 960x720, 4:3, chelsea clinton pussy full….png)

File: b7facc9c6f3f7a1⋯.jpg (85.66 KB, 535x548, 535:548, whoopi goldberg lets make ….jpg)

File: a6e02e26ea6287c⋯.jpg (127.28 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, robert mueller silent bob.jpg)

File: 85ea5edfbe65976⋯.png (284.24 KB, 724x407, 724:407, don jr gtfo.png)

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9e61d3  No.7170273

File: 426df1b4835aa19⋯.png (649.07 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AD23218C-C0A1-49CA-A94B-81….png)

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ab67c7  No.7170656

File: 8ba0162d79c1915⋯.png (780.39 KB, 1600x1096, 200:137, IAFA.png)

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476c00  No.7170764

File: a1abaa961dcc0e3⋯.png (267.7 KB, 680x527, 40:31, a1abaa961dcc0e3270aef12014….png)

File: aab2cc20120180f⋯.png (246.66 KB, 602x401, 602:401, QR.PNG)

File: 75327d8aee1b083⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 720x523, 720:523, cnn.jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7170800

File: 6ee79450c8181a4⋯.png (780.48 KB, 1600x1096, 200:137, IAFA.png)

slow down and proof read ms. hyper !!!!!

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42c92c  No.7171034

File: ff8f2a032c891db⋯.png (571.9 KB, 1000x721, 1000:721, LetUsShowYou1.png)

File: d435d127c48ac51⋯.png (404.16 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, N1LBA.png)

File: 08ffbec01689086⋯.png (311.08 KB, 1021x701, 1021:701, WWG1WGA-A.png)

File: 194b3edf2add90c⋯.png (313.27 KB, 1021x701, 1021:701, WWG1WGA-B.png)

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9e61d3  No.7172674

File: 3261a94d8ae6f83⋯.png (442.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8F61AC3A-C1A2-4635-8251-D0….png)

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cd2cb2  No.7172694

File: c67ca575c660947⋯.jpg (567.66 KB, 560x840, 2:3, 321114_HERE COMES THE BOOM….jpg)

File: 93604c60390d539⋯.jpg (27.48 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 67287471_2330456117019945_….jpg)

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4497fe  No.7178500

File: 72c56f35b32d15f⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 600x600, 1:1, use this one.jpg)

File: 7faf17923e87440⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ewscripps.brightspotcdn.co….jpg)

File: 63fec09ff30d1de⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 744x1188, 62:99, 7zxbx59x71n11.jpg)

File: 43301b597a233be⋯.jpg (65.4 KB, 800x419, 800:419, 0b96f2a45771e5dcaceb733e44….jpg)

File: 64f34f5822157f2⋯.png (234.26 KB, 719x449, 719:449, emo-starter-kit.png)


Where are our rights to say “NO” to Bogus Emotional Support Animals in housing and on airline flights???

In addition to severe animal dander allergies & asthma, the most common diseases associated with dogs that can cause human illness & DEATH are:

(Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter spp.)

Campylobacter spreads through contaminated food (meat and eggs), water, or contact with stool of infected animals. Dogs infected with Campylobacter might show no signs of illness at all or might have diarrhea and a slight fever.

Most people who become sick with campylobacteriosis will have diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever within 2-5 days after exposure to the organism. Campylobacter can cause serious life-threatening infections in infants, older persons, and those with weakened immune systems.


Rabies, a fatal neurologic disease in animals and people, is caused by a virus. Animals and people are most commonly infected through bites from rabid animals. Infected dogs might have a variety of signs, but most often have a sudden behavioral change and progressive paralysis. Rabies is prevented by vaccination.

The first symptoms in people can start days to months after exposure and include generalized weakness, fever, and headache. Within a few days symptoms will progress to confusion, anxiety, behavioral changes, and delirium. If you have been bitten by a dog or other animal and feel that there is a risk for rabies, contact your health care provider right away. Once symptoms appear, it is almost always too late for treatment.

Brucellosis (Brucella spp.)

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that affects the ability of animals to reproduce. The disease can be transmitted to humans through contact with recently aborted tissue from infected animals or consumption of unpasteurized (raw) milk. Dogs that are infected might have decreased appetite, weight loss, behavioral changes, and lack of energy, but most dogs infected with brucellosis show no signs of illness. Brucellosis affects the reproductive organs and can cause early-term deaths of developing puppies.

People who are infected with brucellosis will usually become sick within 6-8 weeks of exposure. Sick people will have flu-like symptoms that last 2-4 weeks. Sometimes brucellosis can become a chronic illness that can be difficult to treat.

Capnocytophaga spp.

Many species of Capnocytophaga bacteria live in the mouths of dogs and cats. These bacteria do not make dogs or cats sick.

Rarely, Capnocytophaga can spread to people through bites, scratches, or close contact from a dog or cat and cause illness. Most people who have contact with a dog or cat do not become sick. People with weakened immune systems who have difficulty fighting off infections (for example, people with cancer or those taking certain medications such as steroids) are at greater risk of becoming ill.

Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium spp.)

Cryptosporidium is a parasitic disease that is transmitted through contaminated food or water from an infected person or animal.

Cryptosporidium illness in dogs is rarely seen, but they can carry the germ without showing any signs of illness.

Cryptosporidium can cause profuse, watery diarrhea with cramping, abdominal pain, and nausea in both animals and people. Illness in people is usually self-limiting and lasts only 2-4 days, but can become severe in people with weakened immune systems.

Echinococcosis (Echinococcus spp.)

Echinococcosis is a parasitic disease caused by eating or drinking food and water contaminated with a specific type of tapeworm eggs or through contact with an infected animal. Dogs become infected by eating tissue of an infected animal. Dogs rarely show any signs of disease, but if they are infected with a large number of worms, dogs can have diarrhea and enteritis.

Although Echinococcus invades many different organs of the body, most people who are infected with the disease will not have any signs of illness for years. Symptoms start when the slow-growing cysts become large enough to press on the organs they have invaded. The tapeworms grow slowly in several different organs of the body, most commonly the liver and lungs.

Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)

Lyme disease is a bacterial disease of people and animals transmitted by ticks. In dogs the most common signs of illness of Lyme disease are lameness, fever, reluctance to eat, lack of energy, and enlarged lymph nodes, with or without swollen, painful joints.

Infected people will typically have a red “bull’s eye” rash at the site of the tick bite that appears about 7 days after being bitten. Flu-like symptoms quickly follow the rash. If not treated, this disease can spread to other parts of the body and cause symptoms such as arthritis and loss of facial muscle tone (Bell’s palsy). Lyme disease can be fatal.



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4497fe  No.7178629



Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, which are both common pathogens of humans, are two of the major concerns in people without a functioning spleen. The most commonly discussed zoonotic disease threats in these individuals are the bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus and Salmonella. Capnocytophaga lives in the mouth of a large percentage of healthy dogs. Infection in immunocompromised people typically occurs as the result of a bite, but is very rare in other people. There is no indication to test dogs for Capnycytophaga, because it is difficult to identify and we do not know how confident we can be about a negative result (e.g. it may be in the dog’s mouth even though it doesn’t grow from a sample in the lab).

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

Staphylococcus aureus is a common type of bacteria that is normally found on the skin of people and animals. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is the same bacterium that has become resistant to some antibiotics. Dogs and other animals often can carry MRSA without being sick, but MRSA can cause a variety of infections, including of the skin, respiratory tract, and urinary tract.

MRSA can be transmitted back and forth between people and animals through direct contact. In people, MRSA most often causes skin infections that can range from mild to severe. If left untreated, MRSA can spread to the bloodstream or lungs and cause life-threatening infections.

I guess our rights don't matter when it comes to Emotional Support Animals that simply pets. Even the science doesn't back up claims that ESA have proven benefit.

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26a14c  No.7179388

File: be4608a5142ec45⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 800x564, 200:141, reasons for hating trump.jpg)

File: c9da6a66bae7716⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 647x1003, 647:1003, Mueller short order cook.jpg)

File: 0afe1edeff48aea⋯.jpg (157.93 KB, 647x1003, 647:1003, purview Mueller.jpg)

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26a14c  No.7179400

File: bf87d6a3a21e255⋯.jpg (99.76 KB, 640x428, 160:107, memes bread.jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7179521

File: 6578754f8822a91⋯.png (926.09 KB, 1600x635, 320:127, CPTN.png)

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ab67c7  No.7179983

File: c1e2bb30b2d04ec⋯.png (6.15 MB, 1600x2400, 2:3, WWG1WGAILUVU.png)

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5335db  No.7180340

File: ca4e08045aa10dd⋯.jpg (212.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Year of the boomerang.jpg)

File: 18c9bb59d104c67⋯.jpg (538.19 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, you loose.jpg)

File: 2817c2d54bc2046⋯.jpg (498.1 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, you're fooked.jpg)

File: fd5956a291674ff⋯.jpg (468.21 KB, 972x630, 54:35, FUdeepstate.jpg)

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5335db  No.7180403

File: 51d303d38b21447⋯.jpg (999.44 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Omar Bills.jpg)

File: 2d6fb4e9711a867⋯.jpg (823.12 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, hypocriteomarracism.jpg)

File: fe713d20d76fd4e⋯.jpg (937.81 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Hypocrite Alert Omar Divis….jpg)

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62b7a6  No.7181318

File: e0379501352bc04⋯.jpg (141.07 KB, 332x231, 332:231, Exoneration.jpg)

File: 0af1d2e73490cbe⋯.jpg (182.14 KB, 337x280, 337:280, Think for Ourselves.jpg)

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a13309  No.7181495



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83b777  No.7182014


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ab67c7  No.7183060

File: 587ab697f37d932⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1776x1122, 296:187, Screenshot_2019-07-25 FULL….png)

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ab67c7  No.7183490

File: 5084fef41f49779⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, TCKUDF.png)

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ab67c7  No.7185915

File: edb96e5ec7875d5⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1776x1427, 1776:1427, NSTB.png)

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ab67c7  No.7186231

File: bd9c81bb97de9d3⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1600x1261, 1600:1261, UBINNYC.png)

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ab67c7  No.7187851

File: 82a944bab2e35f4⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ATGREYN.png)

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ab67c7  No.7189922

File: ea216764c76634f⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 600x300, 2:1, AQAQ.jpg)

File: 216319b1d729d5f⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 646x350, 323:175, AQAQAQ1.jpg)

File: a3ae01ff6be85a0⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 720x497, 720:497, AQAQAQ2.jpg)

brilliant man

amazing musician

truth teller

no wonder he never got super stardom

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ab67c7  No.7190237

File: 495541aff1bcc40⋯.png (971.36 KB, 1600x953, 1600:953, Screenshot_2019-07-25 16 M….png)

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3a264f  No.7191214

File: 786a0c6933cd186⋯.png (715.22 KB, 826x560, 59:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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fba690  No.7191470

File: 1da7e49f656e681⋯.jpg (195.47 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, image0.jpg)

File: 2ac62f9a07ae4f1⋯.jpg (459.69 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Epsteinland.jpg)

File: fb1584392f0858a⋯.jpg (508.51 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Epsteinland1.jpg)

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699329  No.7192433

File: c841419225a3f33⋯.png (460.88 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ruth bader ginsburg tightr….png)

File: 6c1edd0a1a4ca9f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1085x741, 1085:741, trump and jeffrey epstein ….png)

File: a141cc68f4d3b1a⋯.jpg (139.25 KB, 716x790, 358:395, ted lieu ted lude 3.jpg)

File: 1f65804a4c1923f⋯.jpg (146.1 KB, 738x810, 41:45, ted lieu ted lieud 2.jpg)

File: e07fa8e9a3866c1⋯.png (96.46 KB, 248x254, 124:127, obama drinking from pepes ….png)

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af7f7b  No.7192826


shitty memes - spellcheck?

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ab67c7  No.7192839

File: 16f7324388064c5⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1776x1068, 148:89, KTGIP.png)

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ab67c7  No.7193236

File: c2a8a59019e53a7⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1600x1093, 1600:1093, TSFAT.png)

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5335db  No.7194036

File: 54128e3f9748074⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1423x1280, 1423:1280, Stand Firm.jpg)

File: ebfa0395c12e588⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1556x1280, 389:320, The Man Of Lawlessness.jpg)

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e8c532  No.7195020




Pass this on to proper people...


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e8c532  No.7195453

File: 88ccbccf2e95a4c⋯.jpeg (943.3 KB, 3072x1854, 512:309, AEECE2F1-ED47-4820-912E-B….jpeg)

File: 4b0a978c377b5ba⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3072x2766, 512:461, 06FECF2B-9642-4B53-BBC4-C….jpeg)

File: 6bfd94bc6b366ab⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2160x3840, 9:16, 52C341ED-1A0A-43EE-8F89-A….jpeg)

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5335db  No.7196292

File: 3343e8f7f6495ab⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1343x1280, 1343:1280, QAnon pepe.jpg)

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5335db  No.7196365

File: dda42793253b036⋯.jpg (413.43 KB, 1343x1280, 1343:1280, QAnon light.jpg)

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5335db  No.7196533




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2cc327  No.7196692

File: 184024897caa3a0⋯.jpg (570.11 KB, 837x627, 279:209, pepenisher-twatter-size.jpg)

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699329  No.7196722

File: 760eef29fd3af90⋯.png (581.76 KB, 705x500, 141:100, island pedo party now with….png)

File: b92d2e6a5733042⋯.jpg (125.45 KB, 740x666, 10:9, antonio guterres back door….jpg)

File: b62b58f60a683a7⋯.png (736.66 KB, 753x683, 753:683, bill barr special package.png)

File: 6bcaa38d8f7fbc6⋯.jpg (159.39 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, walt disney child traffick….jpg)

File: e80c9b940ece677⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 610x898, 305:449, bette midler fat fuck.jpg)

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745e12  No.7198525

File: 9974576e9cb5ee4⋯.jpeg (476.87 KB, 2620x1656, 655:414, F18A2AD0-98BA-4CEF-AD70-8….jpeg)

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ab67c7  No.7200819

File: 23c633afd821abb⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1600x1662, 800:831, BBTG.png)

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c6ff14  No.7200938

File: efa467099a297d2⋯.jpg (284.72 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, EGGSTEINSisle.jpg)

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3d5026  No.7201199

File: 6d3569d75cf609e⋯.png (544.55 KB, 1137x657, 379:219, dont-look-at-me-look-at-ru….png)

File: 69252f391472023⋯.png (467.29 KB, 1137x657, 379:219, dont-look-at-me-look-at-ru….png)

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bb6239  No.7202126

File: 1a8f4e80298a3aa⋯.png (5.9 MB, 3000x1688, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d94b0  No.7202546

File: ef26d9df2b1bc72⋯.gif (693.6 KB, 320x166, 160:83, epgym.gif)

File: 3cfecd9b7f2165c⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 320x240, 4:3, epstein-piano.gif)

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ab67c7  No.7203155

File: ab56e7444e88e34⋯.png (848.28 KB, 1600x867, 1600:867, TTCS.png)

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2d94b0  No.7205450

File: 88e3e897408a75b⋯.jpg (438.18 KB, 837x485, 837:485, e81f62d27b697b9840acfe5d81….jpg)

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41eb16  No.7206241

File: 4605c5910cb861e⋯.jpeg (506.66 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190725_Boomeran….jpeg)

File: 24318a0f63a86c1⋯.jpeg (523.98 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190725_Boomeran….jpeg)

File: 11e3c6b05536f00⋯.pdf (2.54 MB, Kiddos’_20190725_Boomerang.pdf)

File: b4ad6060b63fb76⋯.jpeg (505.11 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190725_Bumerang_1.jpeg)

File: 86358967328fc06⋯.jpeg (522.42 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190725_Bumerang_2.jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Boomerang Edition

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5335db  No.7208933

File: ab99c6bd2e00e51⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1428x1280, 357:320, POTUS_G.jpg)

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ec0613  No.7209154

File: 4260324628c9b4c⋯.jpg (115.15 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, EAV9v0TWkAMBgdI.jpg)

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97f884  No.7209494

File: 87b1b350bcfa91b⋯.jpeg (372.68 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4F241950-E57A-43CF-AD3D-C….jpeg)

File: c6fa1ad10f15887⋯.jpeg (155.66 KB, 717x940, 717:940, 2FCFC79D-E99B-4E85-BDAB-B….jpeg)

File: eadbaf4a235ea96⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1456x1080, 182:135, E6CED6CD-2A38-47CC-BC18-A7….png)

File: e710179fa5242d5⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1496x1530, 44:45, B127990B-FBBE-4A34-B3E9-CD….png)

File: 76c7177aed812f3⋯.jpeg (475.37 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, CBA354B0-B71B-4DDB-AD0F-0….jpeg)

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97f884  No.7209509

File: e3a93bd0630831c⋯.jpeg (88.32 KB, 601x633, 601:633, 4146D494-AAFD-49DB-8348-9….jpeg)

File: e28699d61adeba8⋯.jpeg (171.84 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, C495B83B-2496-4F6F-8F6C-9….jpeg)

File: 2b4447391a73073⋯.jpeg (193.07 KB, 750x1153, 750:1153, A9150013-FA0F-482D-8DA3-9….jpeg)

File: 390252b62624e50⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, C9F8ADB0-6EAF-4621-A602-8D….png)

File: 4650518e2ffbd7f⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 0AD02FBB-884C-4CE1-B130-EB….png)

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ec0613  No.7209579


Remember - Peado's put it all in our faces, and only the blind don't comprehend it… Start with Disney…

If you all look at Hollywood powerful ones like Ellen, or ladies of The View, they know ALL THE HOLLYWOOD SECRETS, and "controllers".

Ask Whoopie how many children she gave birth to! Her bio only says 1, but given birth to 5-6. 1 in prison for 1st Degree Murder. Another was in Little Rascals redo, using a different last name. But 2-3 vanished off the face of earth and sacrified to give her stardom. Her Comedy Relief was a pedo tour with Robin Williams, who both did things to babies, and why Robin was found with a tie around a door knob to his neck. So WHoopie, when is it your time, as you should have done that decades ago… I will party once you do…


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4497fe  No.7211031

File: 910e663ca450ca7⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 533x358, 533:358, Fraud.jpg)

File: 167afc49b8bd902⋯.png (359.06 KB, 492x550, 246:275, main-qimg-d96c227ec6a2b50d….png)


More Memes for you BRO…RAMPANT Welfare fraud aka live ins rent paid by the tax payers and abuse of Emotional Support Dogs…aka pets. There is not one bit of scientific proof they alleviate a damn thing. Just abuse of property owner's rights and avoiding to pay pet damage fees & destroying rental property, jeopardizing their neighbors health & safety.

Let me know if you want more BRO! And you call that a meme??? (face palm)

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4497fe  No.7211048

File: 6079e8511f1eb56⋯.jpeg (83.71 KB, 1366x566, 683:283, 84724a.jpeg)

File: b0ecdb28192e57e⋯.png (440.89 KB, 500x616, 125:154, feafa93d-9b2a-45b9-a4da-e8….png)

File: 8e6611a3a3dcd1d⋯.png (476.11 KB, 640x839, 640:839, a68c9b9b-050f-4815-88f4-58….png)

File: dd221a3e8fc343d⋯.png (13.8 KB, 550x242, 25:11, 40f9ffe7-f15b-447e-bfa9-33….png)

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d6aef4  No.7212071

File: db3b6a5c57da431⋯.jpg (157.93 KB, 840x960, 7:8, hey you smartypants.jpg)

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68af00  No.7212213

File: 990ba5e307a27e4⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 938x1128, 469:564, letter for you.jpg)

File: 0e54c83cb9c21e9⋯.jpg (310.56 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, do you even meme dog.jpg)

File: 876bc7897b5939c⋯.jpg (177.39 KB, 1300x946, 650:473, are you a wizard dog.jpg)

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ba97a9  No.7212468

File: 3231e63ce73de5e⋯.jpg (184.18 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 59807158_10156106122571641….jpg)

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a1e260  No.7212674

File: 180755c1a05820b⋯.jpg (910.48 KB, 1656x2620, 414:655, obparty.jpg)

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4497fe  No.7212834

File: 536d90bcfb927f4⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 278x182, 139:91, stocks pl.jpg)

File: e53f1b00996a1db⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Bye bye gulag.JPG)

File: 1e2ed80fcf3ce40⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 816x528, 17:11, twits r us on life support.JPG)

File: 9fff9295447c055⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 816x528, 17:11, pedoflix down for the coun….JPG)

File: 602fc6ebd511468⋯.png (45.25 KB, 567x359, 567:359, netpedofix and chill shoul….png)

Do Not Resuscitate

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4497fe  No.7212849


Paul Gosar Introduces Bill to Stop Online Censorship

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has introduced a new bill to stop censorship by Big Tech, aimed at rolling back legal perks that allow Silicon Valley companies to suppress political speech with impunity.

The bill would amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which currently allows tech platforms to censor material they consider “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected.”

Rep. Gosar’s bill would strike this section of the legislation, replacing it with a legal protection that gives tech companies immunity for granting users the ability to block or filter lawful speech.

This would effectively prohibit tech platforms from blocking, prioritizing, or removing lawful content. Instead, they would be forced to give this power to their users, who would then get to decide what content they see and when they see it.

In a series of tweets, Rep. Gosar made the case for his bill.

“The Stop The Censorship Act revokes unprecedented immunities given to Big Tech for censorship of ‘objectionable’ material but retains immunities when acting in good faith to remove unlawful content or providing users the option to filter: i.e, Twitter’s Quality Filter” said Rep. Gosar. 

He continued, “Big Tech has demonstrated a clear bias against conservatives and censorship represents an existential threat to free speech, free markets and free elections.” 

“Big Tech has been given blanket immunity by section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. They claim a ‘platform’s discretion for removing content but claim ‘publishers’ aren’t liable when they monetize their users’ content”

“Despite their claims, Big Tech does not always foreclose on violent/obscene behavior; in fact, they often monetize it-but they do police political speech. Big Tech’s immunity should strictly be for good faith efforts to remove actual unlawful material.”

“Stop The Censorship Act facilitates the option for a self-imposed safe space, or unfettered free speech, whichever the user chooses. Currently, the only content moderation options are versions of whatever material Big Tech wants you to see.”

“[The Act] ensures that there is no use of presumed ‘public’ desire not to be exposed to ‘objectionable’ material to justify the suppression of supposedly ‘objectionable’ political speech.” 

There is growing bipartisan momentum for reining in big tech and curbing its ability to censor. Earlier today, Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) filed a lawsuit against Google for disabling her Google Ads account shortly after the first Democrat presidential debate, when she became the most-Googled Democrat candidate.


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4497fe  No.7212856


Too bad, so sad

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b0a22c  No.7213099

File: a48fdb27ae1f77c⋯.png (617.21 KB, 735x552, 245:184, WeShareYourValues.png)

File: 784f6f03a14f0e3⋯.png (138.52 KB, 708x1278, 118:213, ropehope.png)

File: 4bb760738cf89a7⋯.jpg (299.31 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, PowerMadness-Ocasio-Cortez….jpg)

File: 995c467823e1b7e⋯.jpg (78.52 KB, 509x395, 509:395, gotchafull.jpg)

It's been a while. Here's a few of my old memes

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b0a22c  No.7213113

File: 5e0db8fc857b035⋯.png (455.63 KB, 573x863, 573:863, deviancy-conchitabelial-co….png)

File: 6e49593a5a2c7fc⋯.png (922.48 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, deviancy-dragkid-lactatcia.png)

File: d08b51c1bd1907b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1300x1600, 13:16, deviancy-sodom_and_gomorra….png)

File: a8520b412470014⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1106x1400, 79:100, deviancy-this-is-political….png)

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b0a22c  No.7213179

File: ff9f0098efe6f48⋯.png (14.89 MB, 2348x3241, 2348:3241, deviancy-LGBTQPrideParadeS….png)

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ab67c7  No.7213798

File: 2f4e9b925b48deb⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1776x893, 1776:893, FRANKLINFF.png)

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ab67c7  No.7213984

File: f0bb5988b1f855e⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1776x1684, 444:421, crook.png)

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ab67c7  No.7214028

File: d911b9bcff40730⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, DCSWAMP.png)

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97f884  No.7214198

File: a97200993c39ccf⋯.png (622.39 KB, 750x1174, 375:587, 4366F6D0-4692-4916-9DC9-3D….png)

File: d5566e5c81560f0⋯.png (659.03 KB, 750x1174, 375:587, D1EBCD92-9016-4BC0-9D10-64….png)

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ab67c7  No.7214243

File: 56e933031fcb9d4⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1784x1128, 223:141, TWKCNSPLUSTARGETING.png)

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bb1c9e  No.7214456

File: e08bc0fab8ccd3c⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 332x182, 166:91, Above the Law.jpg)

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834e55  No.7216551

File: abe7ebb2ab295b3⋯.jpg (139.76 KB, 795x1088, 795:1088, popcorn-ready.jpg)

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8ec36b  No.7216905

File: 427a9994271acd2⋯.jpg (76 KB, 500x731, 500:731, Arbitrary Lines Destroy Li….jpg)

File: 8281b8bf6dc6cb0⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Break Up Google - Save the….jpg)

Charmed Border Crisis #LARP

#HeartBeatLaw 🚼 ❤



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8ec36b  No.7216978

File: dba2f9a25e70658⋯.jpg (71.96 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Backfire Hurricane.jpg)

File: 06386a2f74e0c12⋯.jpg (130.77 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Democrats Begging after Mu….jpg)

#BackfireHurricane #PanicInDC

#JusticeIsComing #GITMO 🌴

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dd7ff4  No.7217245

File: ed89a917c906d82⋯.png (296.25 KB, 735x944, 735:944, punisher-skull-pepe.png)

Pepe as the punisher skull!

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41eb16  No.7217777

File: e47a28ddc60659d⋯.jpeg (553.13 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190726_Not Funn….jpeg)

File: f42146cf5523acc⋯.jpeg (556.24 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190726_Not Funn….jpeg)

File: f433f33a30feb15⋯.pdf (2.82 MB, Kiddos’_20190726_Not_Funny.pdf)

File: fb6378815c68890⋯.jpeg (553.14 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190726_Kein_Spaß!_1.jpeg)

File: 1773479e7add3e3⋯.jpeg (556.24 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190726_Kein_Spaß!_2.jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Not Funny Edition

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4497fe  No.7218015

File: e18f61e7b712e96⋯.jpg (177.61 KB, 408x528, 17:22, facebook sucks like their ….JPG)

File: e563dddfda90af7⋯.jpg (12.82 KB, 480x332, 120:83, 201.jpg)

File: aa420fae43cf9f1⋯.jpg (372.28 KB, 816x528, 17:11, facebookfucktardsrus.JPG)

File: 1923479466edbd8⋯.png (30.37 KB, 500x340, 25:17, fuckislame.png)

File: a281496a6e75f83⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 408x528, 17:22, cesspool came from.JPG)

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4497fe  No.7218061

File: c62a935ea378c1f⋯.jpg (194.81 KB, 408x528, 17:22, YOUR Country.JPG)

File: 13ab856697224d2⋯.jpg (143.94 KB, 408x528, 17:22, welcome to fantasy island ….JPG)

File: 3d3421568ab6c6e⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 581x600, 581:600, trump-saving-statue-libert….jpg)

File: a19ed1dd72a15bf⋯.jpg (135.09 KB, 576x384, 3:2, death pen pedo.JPG)

File: 43744fa8931a01c⋯.png (677.25 KB, 960x838, 480:419, 33720339_1324362864364414_….png)

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4497fe  No.7218075

File: dd833091694b18f⋯.jpeg (130.82 KB, 879x801, 293:267, 5a5c1891ddc5c.jpeg)

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ba38e6  No.7218231

File: 7a7ee6c72649c2b⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1597x2233, 1597:2233, rainbow-judgment.jpg)

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ba38e6  No.7218248

File: 417a740383baa29⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1597x2125, 1597:2125, rainbow-judgment-2.jpg)

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ba38e6  No.7218260

File: 3dacb115e9cc340⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1597x2125, 1597:2125, rainbow-judgment-3.jpg)

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ba38e6  No.7218283

File: 178fe21fbaef6c6⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1597x2125, 1597:2125, rainbow-judgment-4.jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7220948

File: 8698a68c3feb828⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1776x999, 16:9, TMW.png)

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6a5a60  No.7221238

File: 5dcd2f9269a872b⋯.jpg (91.65 KB, 926x785, 926:785, Elijah and Pepe.jpg)

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745e12  No.7221312

File: da673cc914cab43⋯.jpeg (651.35 KB, 1656x1656, 1:1, 361004EF-F90F-4F36-8D83-9….jpeg)

File: 9954d1b9bc85810⋯.jpeg (327.46 KB, 1656x1656, 1:1, DE13B6CE-FFC7-4DCA-9666-5….jpeg)

File: 513e337c9f675e9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 828x621, 4:3, 1DDCC98F-B1FC-4D2B-B5D5-97….png)

File: fd020932b044feb⋯.jpeg (291.99 KB, 2484x1656, 3:2, 928E0FFE-EE6D-4DA7-B79F-E….jpeg)

File: 462cbc532553755⋯.jpeg (127.51 KB, 828x828, 1:1, 0688371A-228D-4DCE-8122-0….jpeg)

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745e12  No.7221318

File: c25678bb177870a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 82654F94-F45E-4ED5-A650-90….png)

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745e12  No.7221358

File: a5c9cf0b201e263⋯.jpeg (327.56 KB, 1656x1656, 1:1, 24BC89F3-38BA-4DBD-BE80-C….jpeg)


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6a5a60  No.7221590

File: 14bb7bc166dec71⋯.jpg (126.1 KB, 840x960, 7:8, hey wordfag.jpg)

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699329  No.7222675

File: 8ce056b995104ae⋯.png (1.68 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, jerry nadler the blob.png)

File: 942c59e926d10d0⋯.jpg (141.5 KB, 418x622, 209:311, giant pepe weaponized auti….jpg)

File: 803d8f83fac2a79⋯.jpg (452.34 KB, 1124x994, 562:497, matt whitaker shotgun the ….jpg)

File: 27295ec420d9bb1⋯.png (189.94 KB, 465x550, 93:110, devin nunes the great corn….png)

File: 6aab8d322ce0421⋯.jpg (308.22 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, trey gowdy elijah cummings….jpg)

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42c92c  No.7222892

File: 80a435430b31e8c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1152x648, 16:9, YinYangUnity.png)

File: dfeb8d32f3cad6c⋯.png (823.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, YinYangUnityRedAndBlue.png)

File: a186c18d80ef0fe⋯.png (754.27 KB, 1229x691, 1229:691, EarthUnity.png)

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745e12  No.7224006

File: ce22d52a5bc14ae⋯.png (2.41 MB, 828x1104, 3:4, CC4535DA-60F4-4BD1-B890-DE….png)

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016b9c  No.7224146

File: 87f319c91cdb4bb⋯.jpg (419 KB, 920x613, 920:613, Meme B2 Allahs AG Barr.jpg)

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745e12  No.7224494

File: 3ff9fc9ff65197e⋯.png (191.18 KB, 500x681, 500:681, 24444728-89D1-4EAB-821C-30….png)

File: b3be50faeb753d6⋯.jpeg (102.36 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 9B4FE5C2-FDE9-4538-AD8F-D….jpeg)

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4aea53  No.7225222

File: b2674533629fbc3⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 606x360, 101:60, msm feelins.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7226116

File: ddd15acb2a521b2⋯.png (976.35 KB, 984x634, 492:317, hangPedophiles.png)

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eef44d  No.7226146

File: 5457ab664e3b09a⋯.jpg (140.6 KB, 679x441, 97:63, trumptv.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7226157

File: fe6c2ef8f620d83⋯.gif (884.83 KB, 400x267, 400:267, FIREWKSTRUMP2020.gif)

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eef44d  No.7226168

File: 5d2e1a4c2423f5b⋯.jpg (325.27 KB, 846x698, 423:349, fakenewscure.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7226223

File: ac9c38eef9f90ee⋯.jpg (327.72 KB, 950x915, 190:183, neverthestairsl.jpg)

File: 85850ad056c3032⋯.jpg (330.56 KB, 950x915, 190:183, notmine.jpg)

File: 2b0b67d4663d151⋯.jpg (296.05 KB, 950x915, 190:183, godbubleBLANKl.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7226256

File: 8413a61156af56c⋯.jpg (196.18 KB, 468x456, 39:38, Podicksta.jpg)

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0838dc  No.7226941

File: 7bb637dacfecf34⋯.gif (7.4 MB, 720x481, 720:481, F2A09223-1787-49E4-AF18-7F….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226952

File: 0ab7d87bcac2203⋯.gif (6.93 MB, 720x635, 144:127, E18DA80F-7D41-4933-B8AE-BE….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226958

File: aa230bb2b791dd8⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 720x460, 36:23, 17938739-448C-4FE8-8D49-01….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226960

File: f06fe9f2fa5c5c8⋯.gif (15 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 2B914DDE-BEC5-4D73-95C5-D2….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226962

File: bcd68305e2dede6⋯.gif (9.74 MB, 505x720, 101:144, F59A2A1F-D94F-4676-9529-76….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226966

File: 2a49d62b86fe478⋯.gif (4.14 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 294C6197-28D5-4FBC-B153-AC….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226974

File: 1d1a4f03e21f95e⋯.gif (11.5 MB, 623x720, 623:720, E9B6A452-80BA-409E-B952-D6….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226978

File: 279488cf083412c⋯.gif (985.58 KB, 720x590, 72:59, B1C33DFB-53DB-428B-93BC-BE….gif)

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0838dc  No.7226981

File: ff5b4ce52dc9420⋯.gif (2.83 MB, 480x720, 2:3, 0C5E8CD6-6F4A-45F8-B089-0B….gif)

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f3902b  No.7227192

File: 2868c162304540e⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 720x432, 5:3, 6557942C-DE5B-48D5-90B1-6A….gif)

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ba97a9  No.7227275

File: 6885dc5423269ca⋯.png (381.38 KB, 2304x692, 576:173, TEST.png)


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a364e7  No.7227352

File: decba8b379efcc7⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Comey corn blank.jpg)

File: 6000fb10a015e5d⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Comey corn put me.jpg)

File: a53bd82589246c2⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Comey dont pick up.jpg)

File: 26586d825a7871e⋯.jpg (42.21 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Comey watch your.jpg)

Can someone help me with a caption for this? I am tired and can't come up with something suitable for youtube. Gold sticker+ will be rewarded!

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a364e7  No.7227376

File: 24f42c8b1addc89⋯.jpg (94.82 KB, 813x840, 271:280, gold sticker thumbs up.jpg)


Fugin dank

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eef44d  No.7227390

File: 4261f3c05e3f5e9⋯.gif (338.87 KB, 480x480, 1:1, qtrumpdance.gif)

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a364e7  No.7227397

File: d7292f2b83ff2f0⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 452x603, 452:603, HRC and all I got.jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7227428

File: d1e2896d6fa92af⋯.png (3.8 MB, 1776x964, 444:241, TT33.png)

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ab67c7  No.7227466

File: a73aacac72a7123⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1600x908, 400:227, TPAS1.png)

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ab67c7  No.7227525

File: 0784e042a8b204e⋯.png (1002 KB, 1600x837, 1600:837, TLETMSLVS.png)

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ab67c7  No.7227585

File: f352119dd5c4d1b⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1600x834, 800:417, SFALSH.png)

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bb6239  No.7227983

File: bae8babe3a3aca1⋯.png (123.47 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab67c7  No.7228601

File: e8ae5163fdcc114⋯.png (3.77 MB, 2600x1693, 2600:1693, WWG1WGA.png)

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41eb16  No.7229757

File: 06f730d8ffae526⋯.jpeg (525.27 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190727_Coming_A….jpeg)

File: 1b266e44624556c⋯.jpeg (471.48 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, Kiddos’_20190727_Coming_A….jpeg)

File: 88e46d967da4253⋯.pdf (2.45 MB, Kiddos’_20190727_Coming_A_….pdf)

File: b326d6d25edf704⋯.jpeg (522.17 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190727_Aus_Kenia_1.jpeg)

File: c66bb87b8ec597b⋯.jpeg (468.4 KB, 1165x1653, 1165:1653, KiZ_20190727_Aus_Kenia_2.jpeg)

Kiddos’ Daily, Coming A Long Way Edition

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745e12  No.7230076

File: 226ac654d56ace4⋯.jpeg (971.03 KB, 1656x2620, 414:655, 13C73BD9-F2DA-4E04-8FDF-1….jpeg)

File: 0d3eed377306614⋯.jpeg (717.16 KB, 1656x2620, 414:655, 4D4CE6FA-B113-4EE7-8C59-6….jpeg)

File: db4fa059a5bd018⋯.png (807.85 KB, 828x483, 12:7, BDA3D4E6-960B-4D71-9B23-C9….png)

File: 5cf1415345bd800⋯.png (1.79 MB, 828x1104, 3:4, FD52686F-32EC-43DE-871C-89….png)

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745e12  No.7230085

File: 754d2941590380d⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, DF4CB4E3-DBE2-405A-909B-1E….png)

File: 69d3c2786b0c67e⋯.png (3.53 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, B99BCD41-FC1C-4D78-BAD1-44….png)

File: 59f75d6c55d12de⋯.jpeg (152.04 KB, 1000x616, 125:77, 54EF6853-466B-4535-A14D-2….jpeg)

File: 331ce280d996934⋯.jpeg (499.87 KB, 2484x1656, 3:2, 17A4CEF8-A441-4AD3-BB13-5….jpeg)

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ab67c7  No.7231183

File: 40d3602faf2e299⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ELIHATESHISOWN.png)

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bb6239  No.7232337

File: 661d8118049d309⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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132099  No.7232495

File: d284dd9e3e29d42⋯.jpg (257.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, REVENGE1B.jpg)

File: fdbbf651c333e6e⋯.jpg (255.95 KB, 800x600, 4:3, REVENGE1A.jpg)

File: f84cd06ce2e4a50⋯.jpg (619.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, HRC31.jpg)

File: 0f353a75b3e6d0a⋯.jpg (469.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, COATS2.jpg)

File: 5a83800ab7e2e0f⋯.jpg (582.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, audit1.jpg)

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132099  No.7232500

File: fee0c060521d527⋯.jpg (285.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WEISSMANN1.jpg)

File: 35ceece80b1db69⋯.jpg (480.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, CUMMINGS1.jpg)

File: d12255aaf32a230⋯.jpg (361.25 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mueller39.jpg)

File: 80f1f226638d4b6⋯.jpg (227.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, muellerreport10.jpg)

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bb6239  No.7232558

File: 15ea98aa0729631⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc2f31  No.7233020

File: f7dd58afe386726⋯.jpg (275.88 KB, 899x450, 899:450, writing_on_the_wall.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7233191

File: 7a7a11415c62e95⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 363x257, 363:257, octavionadler.gif)

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eef44d  No.7233250

File: 0294e3d179eab01⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 960x544, 30:17, trump2020bfua.jpg)

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eef44d  No.7233989

File: df2ce8cd932e63d⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 580x330, 58:33, Qwwg1wga.gif)

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745e12  No.7234309

File: eadff6a0189943a⋯.jpeg (136.77 KB, 828x552, 3:2, BC9E49BA-8322-4093-BF26-0….jpeg)

File: 054576e82d7800e⋯.png (802.11 KB, 828x483, 12:7, F29C11F4-84D9-4636-98FE-9B….png)

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699329  No.7234324

File: 708f45a3f985c11⋯.jpg (140.64 KB, 1024x644, 256:161, elijah cummings baltimore ….jpg)

File: 5734d956b892157⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 483x480, 161:160, they thought you would fol….jpg)

File: 9f0d599cd1108a2⋯.jpg (118.7 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, walt disneys head bring me….jpg)

File: 43f2e849fb9ebf5⋯.png (871.74 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, elijah cummings horse legs….png)

File: d2505e2f914485e⋯.png (151.08 KB, 298x234, 149:117, the clintons mickey hats.png)

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745e12  No.7234662

File: d3d181d20afd90a⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 949A7C96-9227-454C-A6CE-49….png)

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745e12  No.7234911

File: afea4ff949b2c8c⋯.jpeg (542.44 KB, 1656x2620, 414:655, A9EB3C92-CADB-49F4-BF9A-4….jpeg)

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96e238  No.7235204

File: e25a9b681fa641d⋯.jpeg (70.15 KB, 503x373, 503:373, E994DE98-4AE4-45A0-B812-A….jpeg)

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4497fe  No.7235395

File: 207234c4f672d6e⋯.png (35.03 KB, 501x686, 501:686, time they are regulated.png)

File: d4223cc26cc4bad⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 720x590, 72:59, fuck facebook censorship.jpg)

File: 41bdd9331c72432⋯.jpg (97.86 KB, 960x640, 3:2, welfarefraudis rampant liv….jpg)

File: 1c682fc3be3ebf5⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 671ffb.jpg)

File: 171fae5c083bac1⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 629x768, 629:768, 671brainwashed.jpg)

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4497fe  No.7235414

File: 1f852d240576a24⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 960x960, 1:1, bring down facebook.jpg)

File: d86493b438f4555⋯.jpg (57.87 KB, 960x614, 480:307, facebook needs to go like ….jpg)

File: 98b9a47b21505fc⋯.png (140.38 KB, 499x303, 499:303, democraps r us.png)

File: 2e989b063cf4b0f⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 796x960, 199:240, 61426800_1509275889206898_….jpg)

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15a018  No.7239964

File: 14530037dbc3e4d⋯.jpg (142.93 KB, 772x975, 772:975, Elijah Cummings blank.jpg)

File: 5b89cdfb8639ce6⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 772x975, 772:975, e c muh feelins.jpg)

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7d9de7  No.7240077

File: 9f6c80f345100a7⋯.jpg (118.35 KB, 479x595, 479:595, INR Jamie dlux level up.jpg)

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7d9de7  No.7240146

File: de272c12a433ffb⋯.jpg (162.25 KB, 772x975, 772:975, rat rider e c with pepe an….jpg)

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ab67c7  No.7240738

File: a00a01397f34bae⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, LLADTLADIT.png)

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